Rounak's Article

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  • 8/10/2019 Rounak's Article


    THE WILD RIDE: SCHOOL TEACHERS CLASSMATES .. thoughts, musings and memories

    I like texting .. a lot actually and it was one of those lazy night when out of my shear boredomone

    of those boredom. which you feel just before a certain exam, which you are sure to fluke but you

    find the subject invariably unbearable and decide to text instead (I guess, you all have been in touch

    with that feeling). So during my texting spree suddenly my mom budged into my room and snatched

    my mobile and in her gentle but stern way said me to study for the English Language exam that was

    to be held the day next. Helpless in such a situation, I had to turn to my books. Trust me they had a

    sinister feel about them, as if they were mocking at my plight.

    As I was studying trying to study, actually, certain thoughts precipitated in my mind and as I began

    to pen down those thoughts, I felt the warm feeling of tears rolling down my cheek, my eyes

    blurred.Soon it will be time to leave the heart started beating faster and my

    throat dried up at the mere realization of the fact. I had been subconsciously aware of these

    thoughts. It was just now, that theychoose to make an appearance in my conscious awareness. I

    had just three months, soon it will be the time for farewell and here I was not being able to imagine

    my life without my school. These feeling and the emotions compelled me to look back at school in a

    new perspective.

    Looking back I realize, Don Bosco has played a major role in shaping my personality. It brought out

    the boy out of the child and in a way the man out the boy. As a child we learn mostly from our

    parents, though this teaching is quite foundational but in a way is limited. It is the School that

    actually helps in an overall development of ones personality, attitude, and ability to relate to people

    unknown to us. Don Bosco has done more, it has not only developed this aforementioned mind-set

    but has also laid a solid foundation of moral and intellectual qualities, which are sure to make one a

    holistically successful person. The regular discipline taught in school, which can never be learned in

    home, has certainly helped me a lot.

    Don Bosco is more than a school for me. I love it dearly. While I was a boy, I had a lot of health

    issues, which not only made me weak physically, but had a debilitating effect on my mind, I felt

    somehow I lacked something. During my periods of suffering, which could have forced me to stay

    indoors, it was the excitement of going to school, which I missed, that helped me overcome these

    entire shortcomings. The school gave me the required will power to overcome all odds day by day.

    The teachers had been quite pivotal in shaping me as a person, they inspired me to ideas like

    nothing is impossible to achieve and if one is sincere and hones in work, no matter what the

    difficulties one has to go through one will ultimately overcome all odds and sufferings. The mere

    presence and aura of Principals like Father K.V. Mathew, Father V.C. Jose and Father V.T. Jose and

    teachers like K. Rozario and Mam Christina Pradhan had an uplifting effect on my spirit and

    developing in me a rock-solid belief in my own abilities. I now completely belief what once Alexander

    had told I am indebted to my fatherfor giving me life, but to my teachers for teaching me how to

    live it well.

    Also with School, came classes and with classes came classmates ( ;) ). And what can I say about

    them, without them school couldnt had been a crazy ride, whichtrust me, it was. They had been a

    mischievous a good way (May be not, :p but lets be diplomatically correct). When I look

    backmanwe were killing time; we were young and restless and we needed to unwind. Those

    were the wannabe days. Although I think School could have been way more interesting if it were a

  • 8/10/2019 Rounak's Article
