Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I. Intro II. Later Rome A. Diocletian B. Constantine C. Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A. Background B. Justinian (527- 565) IV. Conc. Key Terms • Constantine Council of Nicea • Theodosius • Barbarian Invasions Bread & Circus Code of Justinian

Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc

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Page 1: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc

Rome’s Fall & Byzantines

I. IntroII. Later Rome

A. DiocletianB. ConstantineC. Why Fall? (476 AD)

III. ByzantinesA. BackgroundB. Justinian (527-565)

IV. Conc.

Key Terms• Constantine• Council of Nicea• Theodosius• Barbarian

Invasions• Bread & Circus• Code of Justinian

Page 2: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc


1. Political Reform: The Empire was divided into four geographic regions

284-305 AD

2. Social Reform: Christianity was outlawed

3. Economic Reform: The tax system was modified and taxes increased

Page 3: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc

Civil War

• Following Diocletian’s retirement in 305, Rome faced another Civil War. One man emerged as the victor…

Page 4: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc


1. He consolidated power and ruled by decree

2. The capital of the Roman empire was moved to the East—

324-337 AD


3. The practice of Christianity was legalized

Page 5: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc

They Might Be Giants

“Istanbul was Constantinople”


Page 6: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc


• Decreed Christianity was the official religion of Rome (380 AD).


Page 7: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc

Non-Christian Religions Prohibited

Temple & Statue of Zeus in Olympia

Temple of Zeus = Destroyed by Theodosius

Page 8: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc

Council of Nicea(326 AD)

• There were many views as to the nature of Jesus & Christian Doctrine.

• Constantine called all religious leaders (Bishops) together

• Nicene Creed:– Trinity: God, Jesus & Holy Spirit are one– Virgin birth of Jesus– He was crucified & rose from dead

Page 9: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc

Why Did Rome Fall?(476 AD)

2. Bread & Circus! • People wanted “games” and free food. They

were consumers; not producers

3. Administrative problems-the empire was simply too big to govern

1. Barbarian Invasions

a) Roman army wasn’t what it used to be

Page 10: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc

A Better Question:

How/why was it able to last so long?

Page 11: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc


• Name of the Roman Empire in the East; they saw themselves as Romans

• Constantinople = Capital (the city’s old name was Byzantium)

Page 12: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc

Justinian (527-565)

Byzantine Emperor

Motto- “One God, one Empire, one Religion.”

Page 13: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc

US Supreme Court Building(Stone Sculpture of 18 “Lawgivers)

Justinian & at US Supreme Court

Justinian Muhammad

Page 14: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc

Hagia Sophia: A Church (537 AD)

Page 15: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc


3. Established Code of Justinian.

1. He reunified most of the old Roman empire.

2. Christianity was the official religion; non-Christian worship was outlawed.

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Code Of Justinian

1. Established a single code of laws for all.

2. Its influence today:

a) Laws should be written.

b) Punishments for a crime should be the same for all.

Code of Justinian = JUSTICE

Page 17: Rome’s Fall & Byzantines I.Intro II.Later Rome A.Diocletian B.Constantine C.Why Fall? (476 AD) III.Byzantines A.Background B.Justinian (527-565) IV.Conc

Rome’s Fall & Byzantines

I. IntroII. Later Rome

A. ConstantineB. Why Fall? (476 AD)

III. ByzantinesA. BackgroundB. Justinian (527-565)

IV. Conc.

Key Terms• Constantine• Council of Nicea• Theodosius• Barbarian

Invasions• Bread & Circus• Code of Justinian