Maranatha Sisters and Brothers! When you look at the life of Christ on earth and the Gospel teachings of His ministry, it would be safe to say that Jesus was quite counter-cultural. In other words, He walked to a different beat and went against the flow of the popular culture. You can see that, particularly, in the Sermon on the Mount when He gives us the Beatitudes. If you were to look up the definition of a Beatitude you would find that it means “to be supremely blessed.” Yet, when one looks at the list of blessings, it can be a head-scratcher. Every one of these verses would seem to be the opposite of what the popular culture believes leads to blessings. 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:3-12 (NIV) Wow! Really? Being poor in spirit, persecuted, mourning, and being called names bring blessings? That for sure isn’t something you would hear from our mainstream culture. It is, however, the heart of God’s teachings through Jesus Christ to you and me for a blessed life. Before we had MP3 files, CD’s, and cassette tapes music albums were delivered on records or “vinyl”. If you wanted to purchase just the hit song from that album, you could buy that single on what is called a 45. Interestingly enough there was an A-side and a B- side to a 45. On the A-side was the popular tune of the day, which was on the Top 40 pop charts and one that everyone loved. It was the reason you bought the 45 to begin with. If you flipped it over to the B-side you were given an additional song that was considered a throw away – one in which no one was interested. You had to force yourself to listen to it. Interestingly, in some cases that song did become the popular tune, so if you have ever heard the term “flip side,” it originated with the 45. Going back to Christ’s teachings, suffice it to say, when it comes to our mainstream culture, we live in an A-side world that goes with the flow of the popular culture and walks to the popular tune of the day. However, Jesus teaches us from the Beatitudes to live with a B-side attitude, which goes against the flow of our mainstream pop culture. God calls us to walk to a different tune, one that is found on the flip side of our culture. Throughout Jesus’ ministry, all the way to the cross, you will see examples of Jesus walking, talking, and living on the flip side. He is our Flip Side Savior. During the month of March our sermon series, The Flip Side Savior, will help us gain a greater appreciation of what it means in Jesus to be supremely blessed. It will, in most cases, be completely counter to what we hear from our culture. We will look at the living example of Jesus as He interacts with and ministers to people in His 30-plus years on earth. Please prayerfully consider inviting your unchurched family and friends to experience Jesus’ refreshing approach to a life of blessings. I am looking forward to our time together. I will see you on the flip side, which is less popular, but more blessed. Come on God! Pastor John March, 2018 Rolling Plains Church 3350 Moxahala Park Rd Zanesville, OH 43701 rollingplainsumc.com NonProfit Organization US Postage PAID Zanesville OH 43701 Permit No. 447 March, 2018 On Our Way to the Cross ~ Following Where Jesus Leads 2018 Lenten Worship Services Date Place Preacher(s) Mar. 4 th Central Trinity UMC, 62 S. 7 th Street Rev. Dr. Dennis Miller ~ Superintendent, Foothills District Mar. 11 th First UMC, 857 Putnam Ave. Rev. John Alice ~ Rolling Plains UMC Mar. 18 th Faith UMC, 1616 Blue Ave. Rev. Justin Williams ~ Coburn UMC Rev. Steve Judson ~ CTUMC Mar. 25 th Rolling Plains UMC, Easter Cantata 3350 Moxahala Park Rd. We hope you enjoy this year’s messages given by a combination of special guest speakers and area elders. Some weeks will include dialogue style sermons. What will you encounter on your way to the cross? All services begin at 6:00 PM, with a time of fellowship to follow. Offerings will be directed to support TheLifeWell Community Center. You are also invited to bring socks and gloves/mittens to donate for TheLifeWell Free Store and Shelter at First UMC, Zanesville.

RollingPlainsChurch! NonDProfit!Organization! USPostagePAID! … · 2018. 2. 26. · 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst

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Page 1: RollingPlainsChurch! NonDProfit!Organization! USPostagePAID! … · 2018. 2. 26. · 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst

Maranatha Sisters and Brothers!

When you look at the life of Christ on earth and the Gospel teachings of His ministry, it would be safe to say that Jesus was quite counter-cultural. In other words, He walked to a different beat and went against the flow of the popular culture. You can see that, particularly, in the Sermon on the Mount when He gives us the Beatitudes. If you were to look up the definition of a Beatitude you would find that it means “to be supremely blessed.” Yet, when one looks at the list of blessings, it can be a head-scratcher. Every one of these verses would seem to be the opposite of what the popular culture believes leads to blessings. 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Matthew 5:3-12 (NIV) Wow! Really? Being poor in spirit, persecuted, mourning, and being called names bring blessings? That for sure isn’t something you would hear from our mainstream culture. It is, however, the heart of God’s teachings through Jesus Christ to you and me for a blessed life.




Before we had MP3 files, CD’s, and cassette tapes music albums were delivered on records or “vinyl”. If you wanted to purchase just the hit song from that album, you could buy that single on what is called a 45. Interestingly enough there was an A-side and a B-side to a 45. On the A-side was the popular tune of the day, which was on the Top 40 pop charts and one that everyone loved. It was the reason you bought the 45 to begin with. If you flipped it over to the B-side you were given an additional song that was considered a throw away – one in which no one was interested. You had to force yourself to listen to it. Interestingly, in some cases that song did become the popular tune, so if you have ever heard the term “flip side,” it originated with the 45. Going back to Christ’s teachings, suffice it to say, when it comes to our mainstream culture, we live in an A-side world that goes with the flow of the popular culture and walks to the popular tune of the day. However, Jesus teaches us from the Beatitudes to live with a B-side attitude, which goes against the flow of our mainstream pop culture. God calls us to walk to a different tune, one that is found on the flip side of our culture. Throughout Jesus’ ministry, all the way to the cross, you will see examples of Jesus walking, talking, and living on the flip side. He is our Flip Side Savior. During the month of March our sermon series, The Flip Side Savior, will help us gain a greater appreciation of what it means in Jesus to be supremely blessed. It will, in most cases, be completely counter to what we hear from our culture. We will look at the living example of Jesus as He interacts with and ministers to people in His 30-plus years on earth. Please prayerfully consider inviting your unchurched family and friends to experience Jesus’ refreshing approach to a life of blessings. I am looking forward to our time together. I will see you on the flip side, which is less popular, but more blessed. Come on God! Pastor John  

March, 2018

Rolling  Plains  Church  3350  Moxahala  Park  Rd  Zanesville,  OH  43701  rollingplainsumc.com    

Non-­‐‑Profit  Organization  US  Postage  PAID  Zanesville  OH  43701  Permit  No.  447  

March, 2018

On Our Way to the Cross ~ Following Where Jesus Leads  

2018 Lenten Worship Services  

 Date   Place   Preacher(s)    Mar.  4th       Central  Trinity  UMC,  62  S.  7th  Street   Rev.  Dr.  Dennis  Miller  ~  Superintendent,  Foothills  District            Mar.  11th         First  UMC,  857  Putnam  Ave.   Rev.  John  Alice  ~    Rolling  Plains  UMC    Mar.  18th          Faith  UMC,  1616  Blue  Ave.   Rev.  Justin  Williams  ~  Coburn  UMC           Rev.  Steve  Judson  ~  CTUMC    

Mar.  25th         Rolling  Plains  UMC,       Easter  Cantata     3350  Moxahala  Park  Rd.          We  hope  you  enjoy  this  year’s  messages  given  by  a  combination  of  special  guest  speakers  and  area  

elders.    Some  weeks  will  include  dialogue  style  sermons.      What  will  you  encounter  on  your  way  to  the  cross?  

 All  services  begin  at  6:00  PM,  with  a  time  of  fellowship  to  follow.  

 Offerings  will  be  directed  to  support  TheLifeWell  Community  Center.      

You  are  also  invited  to  bring  socks  and  gloves/mittens  to  donate  for  TheLifeWell  Free  Store  and  Shelter  at  First  UMC,  Zanesville.  


Page 2: RollingPlainsChurch! NonDProfit!Organization! USPostagePAID! … · 2018. 2. 26. · 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst

Greetings from the Rolling Plains UMC Prayer Team

I would like to share a word I received from God as I was listening to Pastor John preach, Rethink the Church:

New Beginnings

- Wake up my sleeping children Today is a new day

- A day to praise Me A day to start anew

- A familiar day for Me as I patiently wait for your awakening

What is the season of Lent as described by the United Methodist Church (umc.org)? “Lent  is  a  season  of  forty  days,  not  counting  Sundays,  which  begins  on  Ash  Wednesday  and  ends  on  Holy  Saturday.    Lent  comes  from  the  Anglo  Saxon  word  lencten,  which  means  spring.    The  forty  days  represents  the  time  Jesus  spent  in  the  wilderness,  enduring  the  temptation  of  Satan  and  preparing  to  begin  His  ministry.       Lent is a time of repentance, fasting, and preparation for the coming of Easter. It is a time of self-examination and reflection. In the early church, Lent was a time to prepare new converts for baptism. Today, Christians focus on their relationship with God, often choosing to give up something or to volunteer and give of themselves for others. Sundays in Lent are not counted in the forty days, because each Sunday represents a mini-Easter and the reverent spirit of Lent is tempered with joyful anticipation of the Resurrection.” What is God asking you to give up or add in order to change your life? How do you know what God is asking you to do? Many times for me, it is a thought or small voice that I feel, which is usually telling me something I know I should do, but am afraid to do or that my flesh does not want to do, because it is hard or will take time. When I listen, and walk through the fear or the lack of motivation, great things happen for me and others. As I have grown in my relationship with God, I hear Him more often. The prayer team continually prays for you to hear from God and to obey Him, so that you may:

•   Feel His peace •   Have healing •   Discover your “God talents” •   Find where God wants you to use the talents He has given you •   Know you are loved and appreciated •   Help heal this land for the Glory of God

Please join us on the 4th Monday of the month at 6:30 PM at Rolling Plains for prayer. Everyone is welcome. If you don’t know how to pray or you are afraid to pray, join us. Let a prayer team member know your concerns and we will help you. Thank you, God, for all that you are doing at Rolling Plains and in your body of believers. Please continue to guide us with your Holy Spirit. May we never forget the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Kelly Lee, Prayer Team member

I want to thank the members of our funeral dinner committee for their dedication and help in preparing food and working the dinners for the families of our church who had a loved one pass away. Your help and support is very much appreciated by our church families and helps them in their time of need. May God bless each of you as we continue to serve God through this important outreach.

Carol Wilson

If anyone is interested in becoming a part of our funeral dinner committee by being willing to prepare a food dish and to help serve this dinner when needed, please contact Carol Wilson (740-452-0604) or call Missy at the church (740-453-4192). This is an excellent way to be involved in an important ministry to our church family.

Greetings brothers! On Sunday, February 4th thirteen brothers braved the inclement weather to come to breakfast. We were called to order by our president, Tommy Botts, and our brother, Jeff Krouskoupf, gave an inspiring devotion. Chad Lawson gave a presentation about Cub Scout Pack 132, and what they are doing to help grow young men of God. Brother Dick Newlon reported that the plans for the Second Annual Fall Men's Retreat are progressing well. We are going to camp Otterbein again, and this year we will be staying for 2 nights. Dick gave us two dates in September when there are no In-Zone conflicts, 9/14 or 9/28. The group decided that the event will be on Friday, September 28; Saturday, September 29; and Sunday, September 30th, when we will return home after morning church services, so mark the dates on your calendar, save the date in your phone, and keep an eye on the newsletter for future updates about this event. Brothers, there is another monthly event being held right here in Zanesville, “Brothers in Christ”. This non-denominational group of men meets on the second Saturday of every month at the Golden Corral for breakfast, fellowship, and a devotional message. I went to this gathering for the first time in January and again Saturday, February 10, and both times were a very uplifting and enjoyable time. The food was good, too. If you can't make the Rolling Plains breakfast, give this group a try. I don't think you will be disappointed. I hope to see you at the next gathering on Saturday, March 10th at 9:00 AM at the Golden Corral, 3761 North Point Dr. here in Zanesville. Don't forget – mark your calendar and save the date in your phone for the next Rolling Plains United Methodist Men's meeting, at 7:00 AM on Sunday, March 4th. Hope to see you there! In His service, Tim Collins, Secretary RP United Methodist Men

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BIRTHDAYS 1 Chad Jerles 2 Shane Shipley 3 Tierney Ford, Maureen Vanscoy 4 Herb Chambers, Jane Foulk 5 Gary Stall 6 Jocelyn McFarland 10 Vickie Franklin 11 Austin Alice, Thomas Botts 12 Angela Arnold, Jayne Bowman 13 Janet Trout 14 JoAnn Chambers, Ross Huggins, Kay Miller 17 Forrest Dreier 18 Ashley Hina, Pat Kleinhoffer, Joy Smith 19 Haylie Boysee 20 Marian Valentine 21 Mary Mitchell

Let’s Take a Look at the Heart  

22 Darlene Baker, June M. Smith, Heather Yontz 23 Cheryl Martin 24 Vivien Johnson, Steven Neumann 25 Melisa James, Faith Weaver 26 Lin Baltzly 27 Carol Dreier, Heather Ferguson, Jen Shipley 28 Richard Morrison 29 Jill Crippen 30 Jen Dale, Jane Law, Ron Taylor 31 Tim Frazier, Michael Kerns  

ANNIVERSARIES 22 Larry & Kay Miller 27 Mark & Karisa Hann 30 Richard & Glenna Fleming  

The Journeyers are planning 4 exciting trips for 2018!

We have finalized the details and reservations for our trip to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in April, but we still have room on 3 exciting trips yet to come. On August 23rd, we will be leaving for an 11-night Alaska Cruise/Tour. The package includes: Round trip air-fare from Columbus, Ohio; a 4-night land tour, which includes an Alaska Railroad Adventure trip, and 1 night in Anchorage; 2 nights at Denali National Park; 1 night at the Alyeska Resort, which includes a Mt. Alyeska Tram Ride and tour of the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center; and a 7-night glacier cruise aboard the Norwegian Jewel, which includes all meals. We will have air conditioned cabins with private showers and bathroom facilities aboard the Norwegian Jewel, as well as many other amenities. The cost of this trip is $4,079 - $4,999 (based on double occupancy), depending on the location of the cabin. A $250.00 deposit will be due when you reserve a spot, and final payment will be due by April 16th. A valid passport will be required. We will return on September 3, 2018. On October 3 we will embark on a 10-day journey to iconic Israel. We will be visiting Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Caesarea, Tiberias, Nazareth, Galilee Boat Museum, Sea of Galilee, Jericho, Qumran, Dead Sea, Masada, Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity, Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Mt. Zion, and The Western Wall. If we book before the deposit deadline, which is March 28th, the cost will be $5,859.00 for single occupancy; $4,899.00 each for double occupancy; and $4,849.00 each for triple occupancy. These prices include 16 meals (8 breakfasts, 1 lunch, and 7 dinners), round-trip airfare to/from the Columbus airport, air taxes and fees, and hotel transfers. On November 28th we will taking a 3-day/2-night trip to Nashville for a Christmas tour which includes 2 nights at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, 2 breakfasts, a Country Christmas Dinner Show, the Brightest Star Fountain Show, two million Christmas lights, a performance at the Grand Ole Opry House or the Ryman Auditorium (based on availability), Treasure for the Holidays (Arts & Crafts), Ice Sculptures, Opry Mills VIP Package, a guided tour of Nashville, a souvenir gift, motor coach transportation, luggage handling, taxes, and meal gratuities. The cost will be $891.00 for single occupancy, $592.00 each for double occupancy, or $567 each for triple occupancy. A deposit of $50.00 is due upon registration, and final payment will be due by Monday, October 8th. As always, please contact Pat Wiseman/Jones (740/453-5849) for more information or to make a reservation.  

Hello to all who are reading this message. I just want to take a second to tell you, “You Are Loved”. I hope and pray that you will enjoy the thoughts and feelings that God has laid upon my heart. I am pulling Scripture from Ezekiel Chapter 36: 26And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will remove from you your heart of stone, and give you a heart of flesh. The heart is such a tender area in our life. We need to love like Christ loved us. Life is full of twists and turns in our lives, which help us to grow in our relationship with Jesus. Just look at what Jesus endured for us – the Cross. Wow! To think that God not only gave His only begotten Son so that we may live, but to top that off He gave us forgiveness and a comforter (the Holy Spirit) to be with us while on this earth! The Holy Spirit is the one who nudges us to come closer to God and to build an awesome relationship with Him. I think about it this way: I have a son and it is hard for me to even think about him sacrificing his life for the world. I mean, think about it – it really is a deep, heartfelt situation. This shows me how much LOVE the Father and the Son have for us. My heart yearns for the closeness of God. As I look at the beginning of my journey and where I am now, I witness the faith, the wisdom , the trust, and the love that I have found for my Father (Abba ) through it all. I am still a work in progress. I will continue to go through storms and trials until I go home to meet my Maker. The heart is all about Jesus. What does a stony heart mean to you? I took the liberty of asking several people of different ages what they felt a stony heart meant. Here are some of the answers different individuals have given: “Somebody who has a heart without any feelings.” “Somebody who has been hurt over and over and doesn’t forgive.” “Somebody who hasn’t accepted Jesus into their life.” “Somebody who’s heart is numb.” “Somebody who is hardhearted, unsympathetic, or unemotional.” “Somebody who cannot feel other people’s pain.” “Somebody who doesn’t feel compassion or empathy for other people and the struggles they are facing.” “Somebody who has been hurt and builds walls around their heart to keep from being hurt.” There are so many things in life that can cause us to have a heart of stone. Life has so many twists, curves, hills, and valleys that sometimes it is hard for us to be caring, kind, loving, trusting, faithful, and devoted to God and to one another.  

Heart of Flesh Ezekiel 36:25-27 tells us that we need to have a heart of flesh. This heart of flesh can only come from God. 25I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. 26I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. The Hebrew word for flesh (Bawsawr) refers to the body that we have. However, if we look at the root of the word Bawsawr, the Hebrew word Basar, which means, “to be fresh; to announce, preach, and show forth good tidings,” we can understand a little more clearly what God is talking about. God will take our heart of stone, and replace it with a heart that is soft and pliable and full of good things. The word heart comes from the Hebrew word lebab, which refers to our feelings, our will, and even our intellect. Thus it refers to the center of our very being or who we really are. Receive Your Heart of Flesh Allow God to change your heart of stone into a heart of flesh. Allow God to mold you into the very being of love that He wants you to be. Allow God to be able to use you in these last days. Let God work through you to win others to Christ. You will know if you have received this heart of flesh by your actions. The fruit that flows from you will show what is inside of you. If you are harsh, bitter, lose your temper easily, want to control others, etc., then you must realize that the one counseling you is not the Holy Spirit. Remember what God said in Galatians 5:22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.… If God has given you a heart of flesh, then this is the fruit that you will be presenting to others. The prayer team meets every Thursday at 7:00 AM and at 6:30 PM every 4th Monday of the month. We would love to have you join us. We pray about many different concerns and issues. We would feel so blessed to fill these meeting times with more of God’s children. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them. (Matthew 18:20) Come, connect, grow, and go with the Lord, our God. I am excited to see you there. Remember, you are a blessing and YOU are loved. Love, Your Sister in Christ, Renee Hammers, and the Prayer Team  

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Praises:    • Application  for  another  2-­year  Spanish  residency  has  been  approved.  • Our  “Vive”  community  outreach  center  is  now  in  the  process  of  becoming  an  official  church  plant.  Prayers  needed  for:  • Travel  and  attendance  at  the  European  Member  Care  Conference,  March  12-­15,  2018  in  Malaga,  Spain.  • Wisdom  and  direction  as  we  move  forward  with  a  new  organizational  structure  for  Member  Care  for  ECM  missionaries.        

                         DONATE:  ECMI-­‐USA,  PO  Box  2217  Monument,  CO  80132.    (Sharon  Graves  #  4060)  http://www.ecmi-­usa.org/get-­involved/give/  



 Caring Relationships are Foundational  

We  are  blessed  to  have  four  different  volunteer  teams  who  come  to  Bethel,  Monday-­‐‑Thursday,  so  that  we  can  offer  our  free  After  School  Program.    Because  these  volunteers  are  consistently  present,  they  have  formed  caring  and  supportive  relationships  with  our  kids.    You  know  that  has  happened  when  our  Kloe  yells  across  the  room,  “Miss  Karen,  I  need  you  over  here!!!”    Recently  one  of  our  teen  boys,  whose  mother  is  very  ill,  told  us  he  will  be  moving  soon.    He  said,  “I  hope  we  will  still  be  close  enough  for  me  to  come  here,  but  even  if  it’s  far  away,  I’ll  just  ride  my  bike  to  get  here.”    



Crossworks  Mission  in  Europe  

March  2018  


Meet  Our  New  Executive  Director  We   are   pleased   to   announce   that   Gail   Romine   is   our   new  Executive   Director.     Born   and   raised   in   Zanesville,   Gail   is   a  mother,  a  grandmother,  and  an  educator.      She  is  a  graduate  of  Zanesville   High   School   and   Ohio   University   Zanesville.     Her  experience   includes   being   a   Braille   instructor   and   working  with   a   local   community   center.     She   is   a   member   of   the  Greater   Apostolic   Church   where   she   has   served   on   the  Ministerial   Staff   and  Christian  Education   Staff   for  more   than  15  years.    We  look  forward  to  the  new  energy  and  vision  that  Gail  will  bring  to  Bethel.  Our  new  director,  Gail  Romine,  

helps  Emily  with  her  class  schedule  for  next  year.  

 Kay  Miller,  Bethel  Board  Member    

Spain Surpasses 4,000 Evangelical Churches! God  is  at  work  in  Spain,  with  87  new  places  of  worship  opening  within  the  last  6  months  of  2017.    According  to  the  recently  published  semi-­annual  report  of  the  Observatory  of  Religious  Pluralism  (of  the  Spanish  Justice  Ministry)  on  worship  places  in  Spain,  the  opening  of  places  of  worship  in  Spain  continues  to  grow  and  there  are  now  4,045  evangelical  places  of  worship  throughout  the  country.    It  is  the  first  time  in  history  that  this  figure  has  been  reached.    This  governmental  data  shows  that  there  has  been  a  sustained  growth  throughout  the  decade,  despite  the  economic  difficulties  of  the  crisis  and  the  obstacles  that  many  congregations  face  when  requesting  permits  for  the  construction  or  opening  of  places  of  worship.    Statistics  show  that  there  are  six  churches  per  month  being  planted  in  Spain.    That’s  a  church  and  a  half  per  week,  which  comes  to  82  churches  a  year,  and  the  figures  keep  growing  thanks  to  the  church-­planting  initiatives  that  are  being  carried  out  by  churches  and  denominations  all  across  Spain.    Friends,  this  is  exciting  news  for  church  planters,  pastors  in  Spain,  missionaries,  sending  churches,  and  supporters  like  you.    Decades  of  tireless  work  have  gone  into  these  initiatives  and  praise  God,  we  are  seeing  fruit.      For  more  information  go  to  this  link:  http://evangelicalfocus.com/europe/3206/Spain_surpasses_4000_evangelical_places_of_worship_for_the_first_time    

God  Blesses  Us  So  That  We  Might  Bless  Others    

ECM’s  Foundations  Training  Takes  Place  in  Camarma,  Spain.    

This  is  Allie,  a  lovely  young  lady  from  Chicago  who  is  currently  serving  in  Austria.  I  had  the  pleasure  of  getting  to  know  her  while  she  stayed  with  me  from   February   5-­10,   attending   ECM’s   Foundations   training   for   new  missionaries.  Her  smile  and  her  love  for  the  Lord  are  contagious.    Please  keep   her   in   your   prayers   as   she   adjusts   to   life   as   a   missionary,   the  Austrian  culture,  and  as  she  learns  to  speak  German.        

Along  with  hosting  Allie,   I  had  the  pleasure  of   looking  after   these   little  ones   for   4   days   while   their   parents   were   also   attending   the  Foundations  training  here  in  Camarma.    It’s  been  a  long  time  since  I’ve  looked   after   babies,   but   thanks   to   my   teammate   Julia,   we   had   a  delightful   time   together   without   much   trauma.   While   caring   for   these  children,   I  also   received   the   blessing   of  getting   to  know   their  parents.  To  me,  it’s  an  amazing  testimony  of  their  love  for  God  that  they  would  choose   to   leave   everything   behind   to   live,   learn   new   languages,   and  raise   a   family   in   an   unknown   land,   in   order   to   share   the  Gospel   and  God’s  love  for  His  people.  


Faithful   servant   volunteers,   Karen   Newlon  on   the   left   and   Paul   Law   on   the   right,  provide   one-­‐‑on-­‐‑one   support   as   Kloe   and  Skyler   work   on   iPads   using   the   Moby   Max  Math   program.     We   now   have   13   iPads,  some  of  which  were  funded  by  a  Muskingum  County  Community  Foundation  Grant.  

Coming  in  March  

4th UM Men @ 7:00 AM (Embers Room)

4th KidstuFX @ 9:45 AM (Children’s Chapel)

4th The Well @ 6:00 PM (Worship Center)

20th UM Women @ 4:00 PM (Embers Room)

25th RP Choir Easter Musical @ 6:00 PM

26th Monday Night Prayer @ 6:30 PM (Embers)

29th Maunday Thursday service @ 7:00 PM

30th Good Friday service @ 7:00 PM

31st KidStuf and Egg Hunt ~ 1:00 – 3:00 PM


In  one  of  last  month’s  sermons,  Pastor  John  reminded  us  that    “It’s  Our  Time!”  

Jesus  began  “the  church”  over  2,000  years  ago!  

Rolling  Plains  started  its  church  over  150  years  ago!  Are  you  “All  In?”  

If  you  would  like  to  find  out  how  you  may  become  more  involved,  please  write  

“I’m  All  In”  on  the  back  of  your  Connection  Card.  

Page 5: RollingPlainsChurch! NonDProfit!Organization! USPostagePAID! … · 2018. 2. 26. · 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst