Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance

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  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


    INTRODUCTIONy In todays overtly competitive world, one of

    concerns of managers is to get results and keachievers from leaving their organization.

    y The problem of dealing with performance-re that no two people or two situations are exacand therefore performance improvement solube the same.

  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


    CONTy In an article entitled WHAT GREAT MANA they say that how great managers manage thordinates. The article is about comparing a gwith a chess player and says that a great man

    to discover, develop, and celebrate what is dabout each employee who works for him.

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    THE CHANGING ROLE OMANAGERSy Traditionally, managers were hired to manag take care of the business on a day-to-day bas they were required to don the role of a leade to provide vision to the organization and leadorganization on the path of economic succes

  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


    y The managers of today are constantly challenged required to play multiple roles such as, recruit, tramotivate, correct and empower their subordinates extraordinary performance, which could be directmaking optimum use of their most critical resourcpeople.

    y The greatest challenge for the manager lies in creaenvironment that is supportive, instructive, and saextent that employees would want to work and gro

  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


    CLASSIFICATION OF PERFORMERSy Universal truth that people vary in their perf

    it is almost impossible to find a team or a grwith equally competent members.


    For example, the 80:20 principle, states that the output of a particular organization or a dor a team comes from 20% of its employees members.

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  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


    THE 3 PRONGED STRAy If we adopt the classification of employees into to

    or stars, solid citizens, and low performers or starscitizens, and the low performers, one of the ways performance problems of these three categories ofcould be handled by managers by playing the role


  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


    MANAGERS AS MENTy Mentors are those who have added number of yea

    experience and by virtue of which they would havpool of knowledge and wisdom and having done spresent role, are inclined towards giving support a

    job advice to those who are less experienced.y Mentoring as a performance enhancing and impro technique may ideally be suited to those who are a

    performers with the potential to excel.

  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


    y Mentors should guide these star performers to aligaspirations and personal goals with that of the org

    y T hey are not lacking in competence but that of diy Individual perspective, deals with providing subor

    broader outlook so that they can consider additionplanning their career.

    y Organizational perspective, mentoring tends to deissue of succession planning and retention.

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    y To make the mentoring process successful, itrequire both the mentor and the employee crenvironment for interaction. To create this enand for managers to succeed as mentors, truscommitment and emotional maturity is requimanagers side.

  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


    MANAGERS AS COACy The companys long term performance and t

    extent, even their existence in the market depmore on the unsung commitment and contribaverage or B players.


    For such b players, coaching as a performanstrategy may be ideally suited, as coaching m them move to the next higher level of perfor

  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


    y They are good in their job but find it difficulown to take their performance to higher leve

    y Managers can provide them suggestions a dencouragement; a combination of both the h

    component of work or technical and non-teccomponents of work.

  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


    y Coaching by definition implies motivating, inspipeople to greater heights, which the solid citizen

    it difficult to achieve on their own,y The manager can use coaching as a tool for trainorienting the employees to the realities of the woassisting them in removing the barriers for optim

    performance.y Organizational context form the managers pointcoaching deals with communicating the what, t

    then the subordinates with the how of a work.

  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


    MANAGERS AS COUNSy It is not easy for managers to deal with underperfo

    deal effectively with underperformers, managers n the role of a counselor.

    y Counseling is a supportive process used in organizdefining and correcting personal problems or skillaffect performance in the workplace.

    y Organizational context form the managers point ocoaching deals with communicating the what, th

    then the subordinates with the how of a work.

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    y The use of counseling method by suited for tin the below average category or the low per

    y For such much employees more than compe the attitude, which accounts for their low per


    To make the counseling more effective it sho the psychological therapy for changing the aperspectives of employees with low perform

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  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance


  • 8/8/2019 Role of Managers in Improving Employee Performance
