© 2009 RoCk SOLid KnOwledge 1 RoCk KnOwledge SOLiD http://www.rocksolidknowledge.com Designing UIs with the Composite Application Guidance David Wheeler

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Designing UIs with theComposite Application Guidance

David Wheeler

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Background to composite applications

Overview of Prism v2for WPF

Hopefully not too many slides

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Composite applications

Enterprise applications can get messy - fastlong-lived, new pieces being added all the time

multiple development teams

varied sources of data

poor separation of concerns / close coupling

difficulties in testing

Challenges for enterprise application developers

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Composite applicationsWhat is a composite application?





unified composite

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Composite applicationsComposition is also present in the UI

UI built using composition

Loosely coupled communication required between componentse.g. “Save All” command


Shared servicese.g. logging

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Composite applications

Published by MS Patterns & Practices Group

Guidance on how to create composite appsreference application

“how to” and documentation

Composite Application Library (CAL)

WPF/Silverlight replacement for CABstill consider CAB for mixed-mode apps

See microsoft.com/compositeWPF

Prism v2

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Prism v2

Utilises core features of WPFdata binding for view <-> viewmodel

ICommand implementation for commands

Lightweight inheritance footprintviews are just standard user controls

shell is just a normal WPF Window (typically)

Focus on WPF

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Prism v2

Dependency Injection container






Core parts

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Dependency Injection

DI (or IoC) used to create objectsregister types / instances with container

can be done using configuration or code

clients can query the container for objects

DI container can inject objects as neededlargely done using .ctor injection in Prism

Default container in Prism is Unityroll your own by implementing IUnityContainer

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Dependency Injection


Register ()



Resolve<TypeB>() B


public class TypeB {public TypeB( TypeA a ){ ... }


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Bootstrapper needed when DI is in usegets the application started

Prism provides a UnityBootstrapperprepares the default services used by Prism

e.g. logging, region management

Typically created in App’s OnStartup method

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BootstrapperApplication start-up sequence




Configure containerConfigure core servicesCreate shellConfigure region mappingsInitialise modules


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Shell provides the main window for the apptypically hosts one or more regions





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Regions are named placeholdersviews are activated within a region

controlled using a RegionManager

Regions are set with an attached propertyRegionManager.RegionName

Regions can becontent controls (notionally a single active view)

items controls (such as TabControl)

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<!-- Within the Shell.xaml file -->

<TabControlxmlns:cal= http://www.codeplex.com/CompositeWPFcal:RegionManager.RegionName=“MainRegion” />


<ContentControlxmlns:cal= http://www.codeplex.com/CompositeWPFcal:RegionManager.RegionName=“EditorRegion” />


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Composite applications

Ideally break applications into modulese.g. HR module, payroll module, sales module

Module can contain multiple views / services




Payroll Sales Logger


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Modules implement the IModule interfacesingle Initialize() method akin to entry point

Typically creates the services / views it needs

Uses .ctor injection for two key itemsIUnityContainer for registering services

IRegionManager for working with regions

Stick to one module per assembly

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public class HRModule : IModule{

IRegionManager regionManager;IUnityContainer unityContainer;public HRModule( IUnityContainer unityContainer,

IRegionManager regionManager ){

this.unityContainer = unityContainer;this.regionManager = regionManager;


public void Initialize(){

// register services// create views / view models


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Module loading

Modules are stored in a cataloguecreated by the Bootstrapper

Can locate modules a number of wayscode-driven catalog (easiest, least flexible)



directory-driven (ultimate in dynamism)


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Module loading

Modules can be loaded at startup

on demand

Modules can depend upon other modulesensures loading in the correct sequence

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Module catalogues

public class Bootstrapper : UnityBootstrapper{

protected override IModuleCatalog GetModuleCatalog(){

ModuleCatalog catalog = new ModuleCatalog();catalog.AddModule( typeof( MessagingModule ) );catalog.AddModule( typeof( HRModule ) );catalog.AddModule( typeof( PayrollModule ), “HRModule” );return catalog;


protected override DependencyObject CreateShell(){



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Views are placed in regionscomposite views themselves define more regions

Represent a portion of the UI for a module

Typically created through two approaches“View first” - views created by module

“Presenter first” - views injected into view model

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More often than not, a simple UserControlcan be a template, custom control, etc.

key is that there is no inheritance constraint

Organise your project to support viewsplace them in a Views folder in your module

Use binding to populate their dataalso use binding to set commands

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View <-> Model <-> ViewModel

Prism tends to use V-M-VM pattern




Data-bound UI

Data-bound propertiesCommands

Service callsData access

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Creating views

public class HRModule : IModule{

IRegionManager regionManager;...// regionManager injected using DI container

public void Initialize(){

HRMainView view = new HRMainView();IRegion region = regionManager.Regions[“MainRegion”];region.Add( view );region.Activate( view );


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Services != Web Services(well, not ALL the time, anyway)

Module registers service with DI containerconsumers can then resolve service as needed

Some services are common across modulescreate in an infrastructure module

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Prism provides a default logging mechanismvia the ILoggerFacade interface

can use any logging architecturee.g. log4net, Ent Lib logging block, etc.

Logging service

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Consuming services

public class HRModule : IModule{

IUnityContainer unityContainer;...// unityContainer injected using DI container

public void Initialize(){

...ILoggerFacade logger = unityContainer.Resolve<ILoggerFacade>();logger.Log("Hey, I've been logged", Category.Info, Priority.Low);


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WPF has a strong command mechanismrouted commands and ICommand

A couple of important limitationsfocus (logical) and otherwise is problematic

command bindings often have to be set at root

doesn’t do “Save All” functionality well


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Invoker ICommand



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Prism provides custom command typesDelegateCommand


Commands typically bound to view controlscommands are exposed by ViewModel

Prism commands

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CommandsA simple DelegateCommand

public class HRViewModel{

public DelegateCommand<string> Search { get; private set; }

public HRViewModel(){

Search = new DelegateCommand<string>( OnSearch, OnCanSearch );}

void OnSearch( string employeeName ) { ... }

bool OnCanSearch( string employeeName ) { ... }}

<Button Command=“{Binding Path=Search}”CommandParameter=“{Binding Path=EmployeeName, Mode=TwoWay}”Content=“Search” />

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“Save All”

“Save” “Save” “Save”

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CommandsA simple CompositeCommand

public class HRViewModel{

public DelegateCommand<string> Save { get; private set; }

public HRViewModel(){

Save = new DelegateCommand<string>( OnSave, OnCanSave );GlobalCommands.SaveAllCommand.RegisterCommand( Save );



public static class GlobalCommands{

public static CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand = new CompositeCommand();


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Code on previous slide a bit “icky”hard dependency on the GlobalCommands class

Prefer to proxy the global commandregister a service with the DI container

enables the command to be mocked out

Proxying composite commands

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Routed events not reliable for compositesonly bubble up the visual tree

Modules need a way to communicatecommands are “do it now”

events are “hey, you might be interested”

CAL contains a pub/sub event aggregator

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Sales Finance


Publisher Subscriber

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EventsA simple event

EventAggregator agg = unityContainer.Resolve<EventAggregator>();OrderPlacedEvent evt = agg.GetEvent<OrderPlacedEvent>();evt.Publish( new OrderInfo() { ... } );

public class OrderPlacedEvent : CompositePresentationEvent<OrderInfo>{}

public class OrderInfo{ ... }

EventAggregator agg = unityContainer.Resolve<EventAggregator>();OrderPlacedEvent evt = agg.GetEvent<OrderPlacedEvent>();evt.Subscribe( o => DataContext = o, ThreadOption.UIThread, false );

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Learning curve relatively shallow

However...you need to buy into DI

you need to be comfortable with binding in WPF

discipline is key to success

might still need CAB for mixed WPF/WinForms

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Prism v2 offers solid guidanceaddresses common architectural challenges

supports WPF and Silverlight


minimal inheritance enforcement

commands and events good in themselves

Get the bitshttp://microsoft.com/compositeWPF

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Q & AThanks for coming