1 Audio Series Guide Intro to HoloKompass Astrology-What’s a Soul Contract? -What’s HoloKompass Astrology? The Synchronicity of HoloKompass Astrology Essentially HoloKompass Astrology is the art and science of intuiting and interpreting the energetic archetypal cycles of life and your soul's schedule of unfolding into the world via those cycles. All those planets out there in the heavens are mirrors for what's happening in us and act as forces of synchronicity....as above, so below. Thus, any planetary cycle that we observe in the sky/Zodiac is also occurring within, because (as all mystics have said for ages) the ultimate reality is that there is no separation from what's out there and what's within. The gift of HoloKompass Astrology is born out of learning to work with the cosmic/archetypal cycles of life consciously, as a co-creative act if you will. Thus, if you can learn to understand the inherent function of a planetary astrological cycle, you can use that energy in a more consciously empowered manner, and bring your timing/efforts more in line with Universal Will and processes; which means more in line with your Soul. Said another way, you find your Destiny’s Kompass! That said, HoloKompass Astrology isn’t based on the idea that the Planets out there cause anything to happen via electromagnetic force fields or gravitational influences all which science has proven isn’t possible. Nor is it based in any New Age super stition. HoloKompass Astrology is centered in the truth that you have a Soul Agreement that connects you to the energetic creative evolutionary cycles of Planet Earth. And these cycles are archetypally woven into the fabric of time and space as experienced in our human lives. Furthermore, these cycles are trackable via the synchronicity of the planetary ohotto.com Robert Ohotto Intuitive | Teacher | Counselor | Coach Life Strategist | Author | Radio Show Host HoloKompass Astrologer™

Robert Ohotto Life Strategist | Author | Radio Show Host ... · Jupiter in Cancer (2014), Jupiter in Leo (2015), Jupiter in Virgo (2016) -Look back on past 6 years regarding what

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Page 1: Robert Ohotto Life Strategist | Author | Radio Show Host ... · Jupiter in Cancer (2014), Jupiter in Leo (2015), Jupiter in Virgo (2016) -Look back on past 6 years regarding what


Audio Series Guide Intro to HoloKompass Astrology™ -What’s a Soul Contract? -What’s HoloKompass Astrology? The Synchronicity of HoloKompass Astrology Essentially HoloKompass Astrology is the art and science of intuiting and interpreting the energetic archetypal cycles of life and your soul's schedule of unfolding into the world via those cycles. All those planets out there in the heavens are mirrors for what's happening in us and act as forces of synchronicity....as above, so below. Thus, any planetary cycle that we observe in the sky/Zodiac is also occurring within, because (as all mystics have said for ages) the ultimate reality is that there is no separation from what's out there and what's within. The gift of HoloKompass Astrology is born out of learning to work with the cosmic/archetypal cycles of life consciously, as a co-creative act if you will. Thus, if you can learn to understand the inherent function of a planetary astrological cycle, you can use that energy in a more consciously empowered manner, and bring your timing/efforts more in line with Universal Will and processes; which means more in line with your Soul. Said another way, you find your Destiny’s Kompass! That said, HoloKompass Astrology isn’t based on the idea that the Planets out there cause anything to happen via electromagnetic force fields or gravitational influences – all which science has proven isn’t possible. Nor is it based in any New Age superstition. HoloKompass Astrology is centered in the truth that you have a Soul Agreement that connects you to the energetic creative evolutionary cycles of Planet Earth. And these cycles are archetypally woven into the fabric of time and space as experienced in our human lives. Furthermore, these cycles are trackable via the synchronicity of the planetary


Robert Ohotto Intuitive | Teacher | Counselor | Coach Life Strategist | Author | Radio Show Host HoloKompass Astrologer™

Page 2: Robert Ohotto Life Strategist | Author | Radio Show Host ... · Jupiter in Cancer (2014), Jupiter in Leo (2015), Jupiter in Virgo (2016) -Look back on past 6 years regarding what


movements that the ancients identified by projecting their intuitive and psychic understanding of them onto the night sky. Thus, what makes HoloKompass Astrology work is the psycho-spiritual law Carl Jung discovered: SYNCHRONICITY! Enough said!

How to Use this Guide

-Guide to Exploring Dominant Activated Energies/Archetypes and Themes in Your Soul Contract

-Get a journal/make space in one -Astrological Language included, but not necessary to understand each Cycle -Do track dates and use them as a guide!

-Use Guide to help you follow the dominant Archetypal Themes explored during the Audio Series

-Follow coaching/engage the questions! -Future Cast – how to use it! -Don’t go hide under the bed and wait for this cycle to be over -Soul Contracts and Cycles/Braces come off when teeth are straight!

-Listen at least twice -- especially when the chaos and ‘Retrograde Blues’ hit! -All Retrograde Cycles bring up something that’s unconscious in you that you need to see now – this audio series is the midwife of that. -This Audio Series is meant to guide you in a Destined process of evolving a new level of your Life’s potential into manifestation. The Cycles themselves outline a certain kind of Fate that carries within it an Archetypal Code. If you decode these Cycles you can then use it to engage a process of alchemy that Transforms your Fate into Destiny, activating new potential for your life. This Audio Series is meant to catalyze and guide you into a process, and through said process render you transformed, empowered, and awakened. -There is Fate (how life happens to us) and Destiny (how we happen to life)! Both are outlined via this Audio Series and PDF Guide.

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Part I

The Archetypal-Astrological Jupiter Jupiter spends about one year in each zodiacal sign as it makes its sojourn through the heavens. During that time, Jupiter goes Retrograde once and spends about four months in Retrogression.

Jupiter truly is the planet that represents the function of intuitive perception in our consciousness. Whereas Mercury likes to process and gather data via the mind, Jupiter isn’t concerned about data per se, but with what it means. Jupiter symbolizes the capacity to perceive life as being symbolically imbued with meaning and purpose. Jupiter is also concerned with the expansion of our lives and of what we could ideally be. In our solar system, Jupiter is the largest planet, the bigger the better is Jupiter’s motto! To delve deeper into this, let’s look at the mythologies connected to the planet Jupiter.

Trough out mythological history Jupiter has been associated with the king, patriarch, and the chief god in various pantheons. The gods associated with the astrological planet Jupiter, such as Zeus, were known as gods of thunder, learning, wisdom, justice, and prophetic vision. As I just mentioned, Jupiter was the Roman god the Greeks knew as Zeus. Zeus was a benefic god of the heavens, ruling the expansive and limitless space above the earth. From his view on high, Zeus could see all, which illustrates the capacity of the astrological Jupiter to give us holographic intuitive glimpses at the bigger picture from a higher altitude. Zeus didn’t like limits, nor does our astrological Jupiter like limits and encourages us to explore everything ‘we could be’.

Jupiter wants to show us what is possible through a very optimistic perception of life. When Jupiter is going direct in the heavens and through our charts it brings expansion, holographic bigger picture insight, and optimism to the planets and houses it transits with an intuitive trust in future outcome.

Jupiter Themes -Confidence -Esteem -Faith -Belief -Risk -Expansion -Integrity -Holographic Nature of Potential

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The Archetype of Jupiter brings light, faith, and confidence, with a vision that is holographic in nature, meaning it perceives the interconnectedness of the Divine Plan and Bigger Picture. “This is what you could be if you only take a risk and have a little faith…” Jupiter whispers in our ear when it’s going forward in direct motion. In fact, for Jupiter, faith is a mode of learning – a way of exploring our lives energetically via the vehicle of intuition, which again differentiates Jupiter from Mercury. Learning for Jupiter involves participation with life in which wisdom is gained via the meaning of the experiences here in earth school. You will find Mercury reading a book in the corner learning lots of facts and figures, while Jupiter is in the other corner cracking his book open on HoloKompass Astrology & Soul Contracts! The philosopher Pascal summed this up succinctly when he said, “Earthly things must be known to be loved; Divine things must be loved to be known.” Jupiter simply intuits what is True. Not Right/Wrong, but True per your Authenticity, Potential and Soul Contract. What happens when Jupiter goes Retrograde? First, as Jupiter is concerned with meaning, when Jupiter goes retrograde inner gravity pulls you inside yourself to investigate deeply the current philosophies or paradigms that you use to perceive life symbolically. Of course, the outer world will help you out on your journey within by causing the growth and expansion that you had hoped for to withdraw in the area of your natal chart/life in which Jupiter is going Retrograde in Libra, which will leave you with the question, “Why?” This question ignites the impetus to take steps up into higher altitudes to see things more symbolically because the ‘Bigger Picture’ is activated and a holographic perspective is needed before you make one more decision! Here’s how this can often breakdown: During Jupiter Retrograde, something that seemed like it was growing or moving forward stops as external circumstances thwart or block the desired results of expansion and growth. As this happens the only place to go is inside for a consultation with your intuition, Guidance Team, Angels, and Higher Power – and the energy that motivates your desires and achieving goals goes into neutral, allowing your inner intuition and wisdom to deepen. You get called home to your Soul per this Jupiter Retrograde activation around the themes it’s animating (all Libra this time!) This allows you to see that what you thought was so meaningful before the retrograde – whether it was a cherished goal, ideal, career prospect, business venture, relationship, or future vision - perhaps wasn’t in alignment with your Soul Contract, needs further soulful development, and perhaps restrictive to the full expression of your potential here on earth. Remember Jupiter loves freedom and expansion to be sure, but Jupiter’s Retrograde is the annual opportunity we are all given to re-evaluate what has meaning in our life and how we build our morality, sense of purpose, guiding life philosophy, goals, and ethics around that. Said another way, something promising ‘appears’ to not live up to its promise – but what’s really going on is that it has gone ‘underground’ for soulful maturation. Things pull back into the unconscious for more growth in the Libra part of your life, Potential, and Soul Contract. Then when Jupiter Stations Direct June 9th, 2017 and begins its forward movement and archetypal

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activation, what’s in proper holographic alignment with your Potential and Destiny begins to unfold. Thus, everything that you thought mattered, that you wanted/needed/valued may no longer apply as new bigger picture intuitive downloads arrive bit by bit during the Retrograde. There’s a change in the wind setting your course for a new expansive relating, loving, esteem, and Soul Connections! This is Jupiter Libra baby! Understanding Your Rhythm of Opportunity and Self Expansion Indeed, whether you know it or not, you always are moving into a new field of potential! Jupiter Retrograde in Libra is the activation of a clause in your Soul Contract that says: ‘Hang out in the retrograde energy field for 4 months making no major conclusions about the ‘bigger Libra picture of your life!’ Action is taken as is felt necessary in the moment! I like to call this the ‘Ikea’ building of your life!

Jupiter Retrograde in Libra February 5th – June 9th, 2017

Future Scan - Jupiter Retrograde in Libra Stats: -Set up phase began November 10th, 2016 – Jupiter 13 Degrees Libra -Station Retrograde February 5th, 2017 – Jupiter 23 Degrees Libra -Midpoint Jupiter Libra Opposition to Sun in Aries April 7th, 2017: 18 Degrees Libra/Aries -Station Direct June 9th, 2017 – Jupiter 13 Degrees Libra -Leaves Retrograde Zone September 6th, 2017 – 23 Degrees Libra

Other Cycles of Note: -Venus will be Retrograde March 4th – April 15th, 2017 and begins its Retrograde at 13 Degrees Aries – exactly opposite of the Degree that Jupiter in Libra begins its Retrograde Zone (Cycle covered in this Series) -Saturn is in Sagittarius for the next year and goes Retrograde on April 5th, 2017 until August 25th, 2017 (Check out full Audio Series on that in Ohotto.com Webstore) -The next upcoming Mercury Retrograde is in Aries/Taurus begins on April 9thth – May 3rd, 2017 -Uranus in Aries and Pluto is in Capricorn activating various Archetypal Dynamics in this over all process

Specific Jupiter Retrograde in Libra Dynamics of Great Importance

Before we begin to look at Jupiter Retrograde in Libra, we must look at the bigger continuum of cycles, most notably the past 6 years and Jupiter’s activation of Aries-Virgo as this Retrograde in Libra offers a new beginning out of this 6-year process. What did you begin in January 2011?

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-Jupiter in Aries (2011), Jupiter in Taurus (2012), Jupiter in Gemini (2013),

Jupiter in Cancer (2014), Jupiter in Leo (2015), Jupiter in Virgo (2016) -Look back on past 6 years regarding what has been evolving in your life as far as your highest potential and what’s meaningful in your life -Connect this to themes regarding a new cycle of relationship potential, equality, esteem, loving, connecting, your relationship with ‘God’, what your past and current relationships mean to you now, etc.

Jupiter Cycles/Retrograde and Potential

Potential = something that has the inherent capacity for coming into being -NOT about ‘ok-ness’ -“People aren’t f**ked up, they’re just responding to their past again and again in their present via traumatic triggers” (Traumatic Response) -THIS shuts down potential – technical phenomenon!

-We’ll explore much around Esteem, Worthiness, and how we relate this time around!

Potential: Activation vs. Development -Something in you already -Something in a process of growth and evolution -When both are True!

Part II


Jupiter Retrograde in Libra Stats: (Find where this is happening in your Birth Chart)

-Set up phase began November 10th, 2016 – Jupiter 13 Degrees Libra -Station Retrograde February 5th, 2017 – Jupiter 23 Degrees Libra -Midpoint Jupiter Libra Opposition to Sun in Aries April 7th, 2017: 18 Degrees Libra/Aries -Station Direct June 9th, 2017 – Jupiter 13 Degrees Libra -Leaves Retrograde Zone September 6th, 2017

PRIMARY THEMES: Pause and track back to November 10th, 2016 (The Set Up Phase began then for this Cycle). What’s been going on in Your Life that feels like a Jupiter Retrograde in Libra theme? Write about it in your journal!

Remember… -Set up phase brings Bigger Picture Libra Life Themes -JR brings up something that’s unconscious per the Jupiter Archetype via Libra this time

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Jupiter Retrograde in Libra: Call to Expansion Through New Libran Potential

The Power of Relationship: Relationships can activate our psyche to new integration, healing, and awareness. They wound us, heal us, and open new dimensions of potential. They also show us our Shadow, our Power, and our Powerlessness. We need them to see our blind sides, our talents, our gifts, and to get our various needs met. Re-evaluation of the Relationship Dynamics that thwart Future Potential -What is needed now in Terms of: -Diplomacy -Reciprocal Exchange -Harmony -Fairness -Interdependence -Cooperation -Communion -Community -Love -Spirituality -Integrity -Honor Code -Self-Love -Esteem -Boundaries -Sexuality -Balance -Conscious Choice Evaluating Your Soul Contracts & Past Choices in Relationships

-Which choices/patterns have cost you time, energy, money, sanity, esteem, and power? -What does the current cycle of your Life need to change this? -What are your current Shadow default Archetypal Positions/Patterns in Relationships with Others and a Greater Power/God?

-Codependent, Victim, Child, Adult Child, Unrequited Lover -how do these collapse your power & potential? -How would you like to partner with Others and a Greater Power/God? -What Other Archetypal Positions/Patterns are currently available to you? -What else can you actually choose? -where have you freed up conscious choice or not?

“There are People Asking Why…there are People who believe in Life” -Seal

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Relationships and Your Power of Choice -Understanding how your Core Connection to Yourself works

-Whom we meet in Life reflects to us our quality of Self-Connection and often a need for new integration, balance, and approach to Self-Connection

-Look at who’s in your Life, what are they showing your about yourself? -How do they invite you to disconnect from yourself? -Identify how you disconnect and self-abandon: -addiction -codependency -perfectionism -blame others -denial -mismanage finances -self-sabotage… -Rejection is always an invitation to Self-Abandon -What extremes need balancing? -Idea that ‘Opposites Attract’ and Soul Contracts

-What Self-Connection actually means.. -Unconditional presence with YOURSELF -Holographic Presence = ALL of you gets to be here! -Your Greatest Archetypal Ally of Self-Connection… -Do you really want different relationship dynamics?

Part III

The Mystical Lover/Companion Archetype: Defines a certain pattern of relationship we can have with ourselves and others that is both personal & impersonal. It is activated and developed when we have to learn how to love what previously we found unlovable both in ourselves and the World. Seeks to bring the most love possible to the moment.

The Shadow Ego Lover vs. The Mystical Lover

Shadow Ego Lover: -I need you to be ______ so that I feel loved -I need to be issue free before I’m worthy of love

-Others don’t get to talk to me a certain way, this is the way I will be spoken too ________

-I can only love you if you _________ -All of my emotions are not ok -I will only engage others that feel these emotions _________

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-Has a list of ‘Cover Story Needs’ that becomes its reality and criteria in dating/relating/loving

-Loves from Projected Images and not Essence -Lives and loves in the Past or Promised Land Future, not Present Time via Memory and Projected Images -Doesn’t believe they are already Whole and quests to find holism in another -Loves Conditionally -Is confused about its power & powerlessness

Mystical Lover: -Chooses from the Truth that You are already Whole -this changes everything!!! -Can only be activated in your psyche through Soul-Esteem -Born of Both/And Perception of Life

-Is aware of its power & powerlessness -Brings you to honor your deepest healing needs in Relationships while confronting ‘Cover Story Needs’

-Cover Story Needs are often conditional positions we take with others and ourselves

-Knows you can’t activate new potential for someone, but you can affect them

Standards vs Shadow Conditions in Relationships -What are Authentic Needs? -our needs evolve and differ day to day, lifecycle to lifecycle -soul needs/longing -human needs/longing -How Standards help get those needs met! -Shadow Conditions arise out of a need to control via codependent power -Social Values vs. Personal Needs

Our Humanness is Going to Find the Mystical Lover a Strange Bedfellow -Negotiating how your human survival adaptions/archetypes meet the Mystical Lover

-Can be very jarring for an ego-system designed to create certainty in relationships

-Who put into your psyche that you are not already whole? -All is in Divine Order & The challenge of ‘Trusting God’ -Healing Out of Old Roles

Everyone you love will break your heart – Choose Standards that guide your

heartbreak for what matters most to you…

Homework: Watch the movie ‘The Arrival’ – available to rent or on purchase.

‘In a sky full of people, only some want to fly – isn’t that crazy?’ -Seal

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Creating a Holographic Honor Code in Your Relationship with Self and Others -Social Values/Meaning vs. Personal Integrity -What would the Mystical Lover do? -What would Love do? -Jupiter Retrograde in Libra is a call to go within and consult the Soul-Self

-get access to a bigger picture focus to assess what intuitively feels True for you

-Clean up all the ways you abandon yourself into confusion, low-esteem, Shadow Ego reactions, addictions, codependency, denial, blaming others, victimhood, etc… -Blocks and triggering are likely blessings in disguise -Does someone ‘take your power’ or are you now recognizing you’ve never possessed a certain quality of power? -How can you esteem yourself? -Midpoint of Retrograde is April 7th – up until then engage flexibility in your long term planning as the holographic picture isn’t quite in focus yet. -This requires patience and meaningful Libran exploration, for now…

Empower Yourself with the Accountability of Choice! -No longer say…’I have to, I need to, I should _____’ -Practice saying ‘I choose to ______’ The Most Powerful Act You Can Do is Bloom! -Mark Nepo’s powerful poem from The Book of Awakening -Take your bloom for a walk around the neighborhood!

-You can’t activate potential for someone, but if you bloom you just might change their life!

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Part IV

The Archetypal Venus Understanding Venus as an archetype is essential to intuiting what her cycles of retrogression mean for us. Furthermore, we must also look at her mythic origins, and to do this we must go back to her predecessor, the Greek Aphrodite, which gave rise to this Roman Goddess. In the Greek creation myths, Aphrodite was the last offspring of her archetypal parents Gaia (Earth – Divine Mother) and Ouranos (the starry heavens—Divine Father). She was mid-wifed into being when Chronos (Titan and last earthly child of Gaia and Ouranos), at the behest of Gaia, castrated his father Ouranos causing some of his semen to spill into the ocean (lovely image, I know!). Aphrodite rose full grown out of the foam this semen and ocean mixture produced (another nice visual!). She was immediately attended to by Eros (love) and Himeros (desire), and later personified both in the Greek myths. From this much of the myth we can already see that Aphrodite symbolizes what results out of earth and time (Gaia/Chronos) castrating that which is timeless (Ouranos-Heaven) by embodying it into form. We get Aphrodite/Venus, which represents the union of both heaven and earth through a reconciled relationship fostered by both love and desire. Aphrodite thus symbolizes that which is timeless expressing itself through the beauty of form and Time in a harmonious way. In a sense, she symbolizes the value found for a Soul in a human journey. Furthermore, Aphrodite/Venus represents the meeting of the sacred and profane, as well as the spiritual with the sexual and sensual/physical world. Venus shows us we must honor ourselves as being in relationship to not only both heaven and earth, but with each other as well, via love and desire for our own completeness in this life. What motivates us to want to be in relationship with each other most, if not a desire for our own awakening into value for ourselves through love? It is therefore through Venus that we discover the archetype of ‘relationship’ itself. And though relationships are within the domain of Venus, we must not forget that we are living in a patriarchal time that does not make room for Goddesses, and our Judeo-Christian culture has stripped away the earthy nature of Venus as a component of experiencing the Divine through an authentic embodiment of our sensuality/sexuality. And without this Goddess integrated holistically into our psyches, our models of relationship are in dire need of deeper investigation… If you study the Greek myths of Aphrodite, you will begin to discover that, as the Goddess of love, she was not interested in loving others through a victim or savior mentality. She wasn’t interested in mothering or rescuing anyone, rather she was most desirous of partners who

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allowed her to experience her own pleasure and beauty through them. (As opposed to a lunar relationship that seeks fusion of identity with another in a maternal way.) Yet, like the Moon, Venus is related to the feminine principle of life (anima) but they are very different urges within your psyche. Where the Moon archetype seeks emotional security and a sense of safety, Venus seeks the affirmation of having her reflection mirrored back to her by another--through relationships. Relationships are the means of self-discovery for Venus--in terms of her essential worth. So, there is a narcissistic element to our beloved Venus; after all, she was a vain Goddess, full of selfishness and self-indulgence. Aphrodite/Venus was also a competitive and jealous of other Goddesses and mortal women. In one mythological example, Psyche (a mortal) possesses such beauty that others compare her to Aphrodite; something Aphrodite can’t tolerate, which leads to Aphrodite's plotting Psyche’s end! This competitive killer instinct speaks to the darker aspects of this archetype, which manifest when it is blocked and are quite noticeable in our current culture ethos. If we can’t affirm ourselves and live congruent to an internalized sense of our true value, we are more prone to maneuvering in unethical, externalized, and immoral ways to attain more surface levels of affirmation; while clinging to surface values. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what do we do when the eyes of our beholder do not see our beauty? What if our own eyes do not see our beauty? How do we affirm ourselves? How do we define what beauty is? How do we know what our authentic values are and therefrom our needs? Beauty is itself an archetype, and is often found in what we value the most in life. Yet, Venus doesn’t necessarily operate in alignment to a social or religious ethic in terms of values and beauty, her ethics and aesthetic can only be truly grasped when one has found the lover within. Venus acts as a vessel for our life force that translates the raw power of our spirit into a fundamental life affirming value set that guides how we love others, aspects of life, and ourselves. Still, I have met many people who seem to align themselves with a false Venus, one that is not intrinsically connected to their authentic values, but is, instead, a religious and socio-culturally conditioned and adopted response to life masquerading as values. In that regard, we live in a cultural ethos bereft of an authentic feminine Goddess energy. Most notably, we have lost touch with Venus, this beautiful Goddess of self-affirmation through sensuality, embodiment, relationships, and pleasure. How many people do you know that can really articulate and own what turns them on? Can you? Why not? Venus is the archetypal force that urges us to discover and identify what we value and give form to that through personal choices, thus laying the foundation of our authenticity. Our choices in love and beauty are often the real evidence of what we value most and least in life--values are what we live, not necessarily what profess to believe.

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So, as we move into the activation of this Venus cycle I’d like you to ask: do you value yourself? Does it show in your choices every day? What do your choices reflect about what you really value though you may profess to value something else? With these questions, and some of archetypal principles outlined, we are now moving toward the themes of this Venus retrograde, and the profound questions that we should be asking ourselves during this time. Venus Retrograde and Your Soul Contract: Venus retrogrades do not occur with the same regularity of Mercury (a process I have greatly written about and created numerous audio series for (see my website for more info). In fact, Venus goes retrograde about every 564 days – which is about every year and a half, and then stays retrograde for approximately forty days, whereas Mercury stays retrograde for only twenty-one days and does so three times a year. What this means in terms of experiencing the Venus retrograde cycle is that we often feel it more intensely than other retrogrades, as its retrograde energy in less familiar to the usual collective and personal psychic rhythm we experience with other planetary archetypal cycles. That said, on January 30th, 2017 Venus began to set up its ‘retrograde zone’ at 27 degrees Pisces and then on March 4th, 2017 Venus appeared to stand still in the sky at 13 degrees Aries as the Evening Star. She then began to move backwards in the beginning her traversal of 13 degrees Aries to 27 degrees Pisces. First take a moment and think about what was going on in your life since January 30th that is relative to the archetypal energy of Venus that I’ve already mentioned. What issues surfaced that dealt with love/relationships, affirmation, money, emotional resources, values, sexuality, and expression of your creativity? More specific questions will come into view as we progress through this series relative to the Venus Retrograde activation of Aries/Pisces themes. For now, here’s a recap of the full stats of this Venus Retrograde.

Venus Retrograde in Aries/Pisces March 4th – April 15th, 2017

Future Scan - Venus Retrograde in Aries/Pisces Stats: (Find where this is happening in your Birth Chart) The Set Up Phase: Began January 30th, 2017 at 27 degrees Pisces and extends to 13 degrees Aries Venus Stations Retrograde: March 4th, 2017 at 13 degrees Aries The Midpoint of this cycle is March 25th, 2017: (Solar Conjunction) Reached at 5 degrees Aries Venus Stations Direct: April 15th, at 27 degrees Pisces Integration Phase: April 15th – May 18th, 2017 (covering 27 Degrees Pisces – 13 degrees Aries) (Venus will shift from Pisces to Aries on April 28th, 2017)

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To Begin:

-Venus Retrograde cycles activate something called the ‘Golden Section’ (Quintile) that connects each Venus Retrograde to a cycle of growth and its themes from 8 years ago. Look back at what was happening in your life 8 years ago and how that relates to now! Are you being called to evolve and perhaps ‘finish’ something in the Aries/Pisces themes? -All Cycles are connected in a Continuum – this particular Venus Retrograde is very connected to the current Jupiter and Uranus cycle

Cycles of Special Mention:

- Jupiter is Retrograde in Libra - Uranus is in Aries, Pluto is in Capricorn - The next Mercury Retrograde is in Taurus/Aries April 9th – May 3rd

Here’s the set-up leading to the mid-point on March 25th, 2017: - Life will direct you to take a dive into the unconscious half of yourself to become aware of new emerging values and needs This audio series is to serve that diving deep via the themes I’m going to address and coach you through. Mid-point occurs when Venus aligns to the Sun in the sky (conjuncts) and symbolizes a union with the core evolving mystery and Source of all Life. This is a Venusian revelation of the core of our purpose in relationship to the Aries/Pisces Archetypes. With this new awakening, Venus then emerges as the morning star, the newly awakened radiant Self. As the whole planet experiences the retrograde, I feel that this is also a time of global review of Venus’ themes. One can already see many issues of this Retro being explored! Personally, this means that you should be attentive to the Venus’ themes that are now more obvious to you in your life, as they will reach a crescendo by March 25th, 2017 when Venus then emerges from its alignment with the Sun to become the ‘morning star’ again.

Part V

-This cycle is happening in a World Evolutionary Context that demands a World Level of Archetypal Dis-Integration and Dis-Organization -You’re at a Crossroads and so is the World

-What I’ve been tracking the past couple months has led to this shift -Jupiter in Libra process transmutes its energy into a values shift for Venus Retrograde -Will you go to the next level? -What is the next level?

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-Requires a reorganization of your values in the Aries/Pisces area of your life -Reorganization first requires dis-organization/re-integration requires dis-integration

-The more challenges and drama you experience during this Venus Retrograde process (including set-up and integration phases) the more you are being shown how disconnected your choices have been from your core Aries/Pisces values. Drama and frustration can be intuitive guidance if you know how to perceive it archetypally and symbolically! -You are under Soul Contract to contemplate your deepest personal Aries/Pisces values – where do they come from? How is your willingness to fight the good fight connected to LOVE? Something will have to be ‘sacrificed’ for you to go to the next level of your potential…which means something of ‘lesser’ value must now be given up in favor of something of ‘greater value’. Throughout this entire series, I’m going to guide you to just what that ‘something’ is… -Retrograde cycles always bring up what’s ‘unconscious’ in you…you could consider this series to be like your own intuitive reading with me -- or me guiding you to clearly ‘read’ yourself!

-Your Values System -What is a ‘Values System’? Do you know yours? -Authentic Values vs. Adapted Values -The Power of a Values System -Your base of operation when it comes to Conscious Choice -Conscious choices (intended, considered, intuitive/archetypal)

-Shadow choices (compulsive, unconscious, reactive, adaptations)

-What are your ‘Family Values’, Social Values, and Cultural Values? -Your Aries/Pisces Intuitive Values System

-Themes/Archetypes of the Venus Retrograde in Aries/Pisces that need to integrate into personal values to then be executed into choices to serve your potential

-Aries: Rebel, Warrior, Knight, Pioneer, Leader, Ego, Fighter, Activist, Advocate, Victim – Rebellion, Independence, Individuation, War, Injustice, Victimization, Passion, Intuitive Knowing, Frustration, Anger, Rage, Enthusiasm, Abuse, Sexuality, Power, Eye for an Eye, Action, Violence -Pisces: God, Mystic, Savior, Messiah, Healer, Soul, Heart -- Surrender, Passion, Compassion, Duality, Spirituality, Jesus, Buddha, Forgiveness,

Whether Authentic or Adapted Values – we tend to build our lives around our

Value Systems. Values are meant to evolve and shift via Cycles of Life and circumstances.

Are you willing to build your Life around an Aries/Pisces Value System?

Questions to ask yourself at this crossroads: What Archetypes lead you into new potential? Do you place a value on Anger and Rebellion? Is Life presenting you with a ‘Test of War’ in some area of your Potential? What does Self-Advocacy mean to you? How do you relate to the Knight/Damsel Archetypal Axis? What’s valuable about your Passion? What’s valuable about

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your Fighter/Warrior? How do you relate to the word Compassion? What does forgiveness mean to you?

A Call to Personally Get Involved in Your Potential -Where are you not personally involved in your Potential? -You’re not personally involved if Others create your Value System -Value Systems translate into choice -Aries Archetypes lead us into new potential in this Life, but Pisces is the North Star

-Risk, Rebellion, Activism, Advocacy, Pioneering, Boredom, Injustice, Inspiration, Positively Quitting, Victimization, Abuse, Intuitive Pressure, & the Mystical Heart

What are Your Authentic Aries/Pisces Values Evolving into Now?

-A time of facing some deeply ethical dilemmas, now are these resolved? -Why do you value and like what you do, how do you know? -can this be ok?

The Mystical Lover becomes the Mystical Warrior! -What it means to ‘Fight the Good Fight’

-Injustice can be an intuitive trigger to deeper values if you feel your Mystical Heart! -The Mystical Heart beats within the paradox of impermanence and timelessness

-Sometimes the best way to help someone personally is to relate to them impersonally -this translates into actions, boundaries, and choices -Standards vs. Conditions revisited -Moving beyond the polarization of Wounded Ego vs. Soul -no more my way or the highway, there is our way -no one is an ally or adversary, there are just different levels of evolution -how to best use and value of your personal power and will is clarified -do you want to be right or understood? -Independence must now happen within Interdependence -I am not a me, I am a WE! -Transformation via non-resistance does not = no fight or effort -surrender comes after the effort -A new understanding of what Forgiveness gives you

-neutralizes reactivity and gives you back conscious choice in relationship to someone or something

Time for Soulutions! -What are your needs?

-False needs: Need to be right, superior, control others, special, and/or ‘enough’, etc.. -Authentic needs: need to be loved, taken care of, seen for who you are, see yourself for who you are, respected, valued, treated as an equal, physical-psychological-emotional-spiritual safety, honesty, honor, etc…

-How do you get your needs met? -Consult your inner Mystical Lover & Warrior -Usefulness of consulting your History to understand your wiring

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-From Unrequited Lover to Reciprocated Mystical Lover You are Your Own ‘Start-Up’! -What’s your new ‘Start-Up Life’ going to be and what will it take? -Look at belief systems that have generated values that position you as a Victim

-moving from Victim Archetype to Knight, Warrior, Activist, Rebel, Pioneer, Leader, Advocate…Adult!

-What are your Aries values, how do they manifest in your Life? -do you shame Aries energy and Archetypes? -culturally we put many Aries Archetypes in the Shadow -all Astrological Archetypes are essential to co-creation -What are your Aries values, how do they manifest in your Life? -do you shame Aries energy and Archetypes? -all Astrological Archetypes are essential to co-creation

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Part VI

The Integration Phase of both Cycles

New Values for Action, Risk, & Mystical Rebellion begins a New Cycle!!

Mayans believed that 7 days after the Venus Retrograde Midpoint

Political Structures would be challenged as Venus became the Morning Star and was reborn once again as a Goddess

Let your corrective action, rebellion, and activism be driven by a Mystical Heart.

The Man in the High Castle (Amazon Prime Video) Example of the Mystical Lover/Warrior in Julianna

What value is found in what you fight for?