Robert J Jonker Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

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  • 8/3/2019 Robert J Jonker Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    A n 1 o [ FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT R ~ p o , ~ R e q u i r e d b ) " t h e E t h i c sin Government Act of 1978Rev. 1/2010 ] FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 (s L~S.C a~,p. ~~" Jol-lt2)1, Person R eporting (last name, firsl, middle initia|) 2. Courl or Organization 3. Date of RepnrlJonker, Robert J. U.S. Dist. Court, Western Disl of MI 05,/! 4/2010

    4. Title (Article Ill judges indicate active or senior status: 5a. Report Type (check appropriate type 6. Reporting Periodmagistrale judges indicate full- or part-time)[] Nomirvadon, Dale 01/01/2009

    US District Judgc- Active ~ lnJtml [] Annual [] Final to,, , 12/31/2009i fib. [] Amended Repon

    7. Chambers or Office Address 8. On the basis ol the informalion contained in Ibis Reporl and an)modifications perl-~ining thereto, it is, in m y opinion in co mpliance685 Federal Building vd~h applicable taws and regulations.110 Michigan Street N.WGrand Rapids, MI 49503 Reviewing Officer Date

    I M P O R T A N T N O T E S : The instrucdon~ aceompan),ing this form must be followed. Complete alt parts,checking the NONE box for each par1 where you have no reportable informatiort Sign on lastpage.

    ~ ~ro reportable positions.)O NE~OSITION NAME OF ORGAN1ZAT]ON~NTtTY



    I 1 . A G R E E M E N T S . (Reordng individual on!y: seepp. 14-16 offiling i .......~ N O N E (No reportable agreements.)D A T E PARTIES AND TE~S


  • 8/3/2019 Robert J Jonker Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    N a m e o f P e r s o n R e p o r t i n g D a ~ e o f R e p o r ~FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT [ Jonker, Robert J .Page 2 of 8 05/14.,2o~

    I 11 . N O N - I N V E S T M E N T I N C O M E . (Report ing indi*.idual and sp .... ; s e e p p . 1 7 - 2 4 o / f i t in g i n s t r u c t i o n s . )A. Filers Non-lnveslmenl Income

    NONE (No reportable non-investment income.)

    D A T _ _ _ _ ~ E _SOURCE AND TYPE I N _ _ _ _ C O M E ~(yours, not spouses)

    B. Spouses Non-Investment ][llOme - i f you were married during an!, port ion of the report ing year , complete this secKo~(Dollar ~molt~I ~ol required ex~epl for ko~ororio.)

    ~ NONE (No reportable non-investment income.)DATE SOURCE AND TYPE

    1.2~9 Self-employed psychology practice2.



    I V . R E I M B U R S E M E N T S .... .~por ,~no. , Iod~ .g ,ood . . .. . .. . i .....fJnch~zJes tkoxa to s[~n~so and dependeo chilled, see pp 25-27 Ufiling instmwtion ~ )

    ~ NONE ()~ reportable reimbursements.)SOURCE DATE~ kOCATION PURPOSE ITEMS PAID OR PRQVIDED

    1. Federal Bar Association 0 7 / 2 3 1 2 1 ~ 9 t o ~ompsonvitle, MI Panel Member at Rcim bu~em cnt for Miicage and Meals,7/25/2009 Bankruptcy Section Hotel paid directly by FBASeminar


  • 8/3/2019 Robert J Jonker Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT r~ .. . . f ~ , ~ o , a ~ p o , - ~ . ~ o . 1 ~ o f ~ p o , ~Page 3 o f 8 Jonker , Robert J . 05 / 14 / 201

    ~ N O N E (No reportable g~s.)SOURCE ~pTION VAEUE


    5 .

    ~ N O N E (No repotable liabiliies.)CREDITOR DgSC~PTION VA~U~ CODg


  • 8/3/2019 Robert J Jonker Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Nam e o f Per son Rep or t i n g DateFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTJonker , R o b e r l J .age 4 o f 8

    V 1 I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - i . . . . . . .. J . . , tr ...... rions (lnclud, s those o/$p ..... d d,,oendertt children: see pp. 34-60 of filing inxtructions.)N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    Description of Assets Income during ! Gross value at end i Transactions during reporting peciod

    Placecxemp~ from

    !. Deposit Accoun ts at Fifth ~ird Ba~k A Imeres[ J T

    2. Fifth ~ird Bank - S[oek A Dividend J T

    3. Fifth Third Instirotiona] Money Market Fun~ A Interest Closed 04!29/09 M Transfer to Morgan(N) S~n]ey 4 Lehman Bins Hlds lnc ~hman Co~p Bond A Interest Sold 03/30/09 J Acusu~ ~ . Dreyfu~h Incm-B Nh~l Bud Fnds A Dividend S old 03/25A )9 J ACUSIP6, Alliance Bemstein Growth & Inc Fund CL None Sold 03!25i09 J A7. Alliance Bemstein Growlh & lnc Fund CL None Sold 03/25/09 K A8. American Amcap FD CL A CUSIP A Dividend K T

    ! 9 . Calamos lnvt Tr New Strategic Income FD A Dividend S old 03125!09 K ACL C CUSIP1 0 . American Cap Incm Buildc~C CUSIP A Dividend K T1 l. Columbia Fds Set TR Marsico Growth FD None S old 03/25,."09 J Ac , ~ c c u s ~ , ] 2. American Funds Europacific Grovah Fund A Dividend K TCUSIP13 American Fundamental ln\,cstors-A CUSIP A Dividend K T

    14. Goldman Sachs TR Mid Cap Va~uc FD CL A Dividend K T15. American Growth FD of America-A CUSIP A Dividend L T16. Jermison Natural Resources FD-C CUSIP A Dividend S old 03125!09

    17. Lord Abbea Mid-Cap Value FD-B CUSIP A Dividend Sold ~)3/26!09

    1 Income Gazn Codes: A

  • 8/3/2019 Robert J Jonker Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTPage 5 of 8 Jonk er , Rober l J . 0 5 / 1 4 / 2 0 1 0VlI. I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - i . . . . . . . . . t .e. , . . . .. . t io.~ a.ct .a, . , ,ho~, o r. , , . . . . . ,~ ~,~,.~,

    NONE. (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    De~ption of Asse~ ~ l~come d~ng G r o s s v a l u e a t e n d Tt~ctions dung re~ging(including tins, .... ) : reporting ~nod of r~onmg ~d~P l a c e " ( X ) " a ~ ~ c h a s s e t Amo~ Ty~(e.g., ~ V a l ~ i V a l ~ T 3 9 e ( e , g . , ~ D a t e ~ ] V z l u e ~ G a i n [ I d e n f i W o f

    e x e m p l ~ o m p r i o r d i s c l o s u r e , . C o d e i ~ d ~ v . r ~ t , C~e 2 Meth~ b u y ~ I I , mn~:d~:~ , Code 2 C~ e b u y s / s e l l e r :( A - H ) r o r i n t . ~ ~ (J-P) ~ Code 3 r e d [ m 0 t i o n ) ( J - P ); ~ I (Q-W) " t r a n s a c t i o n )..................... ~ .... ~ .......... ; .................. . ..........1 8 . MFS Mid Cap ~o~h FD-B CUSIP None Sold 03/25/O9 J A

    American Funds~, Perspective A D~vidend K T~d #07 CUSI]2 0 . ING Global Real Estate FD-C CUS I~ A Dividend Sold 03:25/09 J A2 1 . Iennison Health Sciences C None J T2 2 . Lord Abbet~ Small Cap Blend C None K T2 3 . Unit Van Kampen EAFE S elect 20 Portfo)io None Sold 03/23/09 J A2 0 0 8 - 12 4 . Unit Van Kampen EAFE S elect 20 Portfolio A Dividend Sold 0 9 . , " 0 8 1 0 9 J A2008-32 5 . BDP Morgan S~anley Bank A Interest J T2 6 . Van Kampen Comstock C A Dividend J

    .~ . Jennison Natl Resources C A Dividend Sold 0 3 / 2 5 1 0 9 J A2 8 . Goldman Sachs Mid Cap V al C A Dividend J T

    2 9 . Columbia Marsico Growth C None K3 ( I . Unit Van Kampcn ~nck Opporrunitv A I)ividcnd Sold 1 2 / 2 4 / 0 9 J BPortfolio 2008- I3 1 . Claymore 406 Strategic lncorn CUSIP - A Dividend Sold 03:27/09 J A

    3 2 . Unit Van Kampen Do,,, Jones Microcap A Di,,.idcnd Sold 0 7 / 2 9 , 0 9 J A2008-33 3 . Eaton Vance Ta,~ Mgd Div Equ Fd A Dividend J T34. C d B d Fd Sh Ben lnt # 31 CUSI~ A i n t e r e s t K T

  • 8/3/2019 Robert J Jonker Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    N a m e e l P e r s o n R e p o r t i n g D a t e o f R e p o r tFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTPage 6 of 8 0 5 / 1 4 / 2 0 1 0V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - i . ~ , m , . v a l . , , t . .. . .. , io . s a , ~ a , ~ t n o ~ , o y , ~ ...... d dependent children; se,pp. 34-aO of filing in~t~uct~n~)

    NONE ~o reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    Des~plion of A~e~ Income d~ng Gross val~ at end(~c!~mg ~sl as~ts) repomng p~ of r~oning periodPlace"(X)"afier~cha~el Amo~ ~5~(e.g., [ Va[~ [ Val~ T)~(e.g, Da~e [Value ~ Gain : Identilyof

    3 5 . American FDS Capitol World Growth & A Dividend J T3 6 . MFS Core EquiW Fund-B CUS IP None Sold 03725/09 K A3 7 . V~n~mpen N~C Growth Fund-B CUSIP A Dividend Sold O 3 1 2 5 / 0 9 J A

    ~ 3 8 . Van~mpcn Set 787 CUSIP A Dividend Sold 03/27/09 J A~ 3 9 . Unit VK EAFE Select 20 ~ 009..03 None J T B uy 09/08/09 J


    Unit VK DJ Micr~ap 20~-3 None J T B u y 1 0 7 n 9 [ 0 9 JUni~ VK E~E S elect 2009-I None J T B uy ~ 0 3 / 2 3 1 0 9 J

  • 8/3/2019 Robert J Jonker Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT r ~ , ~ o f r , r so ~ ~ o ~Page 7 of 8 [ Jonker, Ro~rt J" I 0 5 / 1 4 / 2 0 1 0\Till. ADDITIONAL INFO~ATION OR EXPLANATIONS.

  • 8/3/2019 Robert J Jonker Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ~ . . . . fP ..... R , p o m n ~ D ~ u o f n ~ p o ,~Page 8 o f 8 a o n k e r , R o ~ e r ~ J . 0 S / ~ 2 0 1 0

    IX. CERTIFICATION.I certify that all information given abov e {including information pertaining to my spouse and minor or de penden t children, if any) is

    accurate , true~ and complete to the bes t of my kn owledge and b e l ie f, and that any information no t reported w as vdthhe ld because i t met applicable s tatutory .provisions permitting non~tisclosure.| f~r ther cer ti fy that earned income from outs ide employment and ho noraria and the acceptance of gifts which h ave been reported are incompliance with the provisions of 5 U.S~C. app. 50) et. seq.~ 5 U.S.C. 7353, and Jud icial Conference regulations.



    FILING INSTRU CTIONSMail s igned or igir~al and 3 add it ional co pies to:

    Comm ittee on Financ ial Disc losureAdmin is trat ive Off ic e of the Un ited States Cou r tsSuite 2-301One Co lum bu s C ir c l e , N .E.W ashinglon , D.C. 2054 4