Old "Cushion" Tracks Were Much Safer but Not as Fast as Those Over Which 'Records Are Now Established ROAHER FAST AS SALYATOR AT ONE MILE So B.y Horsemen Who Saw Son of Prince Charlie Banff Up Eecord. NO HORSE BAB SPEED OF GREAT KINGSTON Don ilno, Commando, Colin mid Pennant Thorough- breds of "Class." Ther la .lwayo tfHHoultr tn arriving ta orflnlte cenolflflOB M to th quality of thoroughbred, of different periods, ond no person cmn with any degree of amir toy classify th champions of past nnil present. Th best we can hope for In to p:eo the best animals of the dlf-fri-- nl prlod and tell of some of the pcTu tniHiices which made them so highly regnrled by racegoers of their time. Clus tins been defined as a quality tlwt makes some animate eTCel Its fel lows In deeds of speed, strength, skill or cotirnge, or which combines nil of these attributes, and It Is a term which Is used more In connection with the racing of thoroughbreds than In any other sport, Two animals may have the sam conformation, may bo equally well bred and trained to the same degree of per fectlon. yet one will always excel the other when the test which calls for every Ian atom of effort Is applied. It Is then that "class" a really Indefinable qual- ity comes Into pliy. Perhaps the heart Is the seat of this most desirable quallfl. ration, nnd It Is tlio horse which strug- gles on and will not accept defeat whllo llfi? lasts which conquers In a majority of hard fought battles. At any rate, whatever It Is and from whnnre It comes we recognlxe It and m all those which possess It In the superlative degree, and when they pass It on to future generations the building of mere monuments Is pr.ilse all too feeble for these remarkable animals whose prepotency has excited the admi- ration of liorso breeders the world over. The comparison of the stars of th past with those of the present by the application of the time test would be ns tho courses of our day are not as deep as those over which the horses of, say, twenty-nv- o years .ago mere asked to race. If n track didn't hiive an abundance of "cushion" at that time It was regarded as unsafe, and the mile of Tin Hrocclt In l:33a; wa re. garded as the limit of speed at tltat distance when the record was made. Nowadays any maiden which cannot ne. gotlato the distance, In time equal to that of the ron of Phaeton stands a good chance of remaining a maiden for an In- definite period. Mark on Hot Day, When Salvator ran a mile over the straight course at Monmouth Park In 1:35 twenty-si- x years ago that great horse was at the zenith of his powers. He had only 110 pounds up, and Martin Bergen, who had the mount, let the big son of Prince Charlie run all the war, The day was perfect for fast time-w- arm and humid and the sap flowed from Salvator In rivulets of crystal while Matt liyrnes tightened the girths prepar- atory to putting the jockey up. It is true that theie was a bungle In the se- lection of u pacemaker, as the filly that was sent out to carry the big chestnut long the last half mile did not have nough to pick him up nnd he finished alone. Salvator, however, was a freo running horse and the exhibition, which was arranged by Mr. Withers himself, was a great attraction. There are many men alive y and In tho full possession of their faculties who saw Salvator's trial. Many of them would be willing to wager heavily that Roaioer, for example, with 110 pounds tip aeid over a straight course of the resiliency of Aqueduct, could beat Salva- tor's time considerably. Yet none of them with Salvator In the flesh and the dusky Isaac Murphy In the saddle would dream of backing the gelding to lower tho colors of Mr. Hagglns's champion at -- Ji mile and a quarter. Time ever has been regarded as n fiHacleus test. Tet It la the medium by which 'Americana In the preparation of their horses are guided. In England and Other Continental countries the tent of horse against horse la applied, and tha neophyto Is asked to try conclusions with a warrior that has won his spurs In actual contest. If a "morning glory," aa tha animal which can run fast when alone ta termed, develops abroad It doesn't cost hla atalble anything to learn tha facta, ICIaarstam Brata Dr. Haabroock. Mora than twenty-fiv- e years ago there was a sprinter racing at the Eastern courses known aa Dr. llasbrouck. He was a son of the Australian air Sir Kodred and could run six furlongs with i his weight up In 1 :14, In those days 'that was something few horses could ac- - compllah. At the same time the Dwyer brothers, then In the heyday of their career, had In their barn a mighty race- horse named Kingston. This horse, a auperb son of Spendthrift and the Stock-nre- ll dam Xapanga, was started In all manner of races from five furlongs up to g rnlla an'd three-quarter- s, and his flight of speed waa known to be remarkable. When Dr. Hasbrouck was winning race otter race turf followers were hoping :hat an artnt could be arranged that would bring tha fliers together. Huih ' D. Mclntyre, tha Brooklyn Jockey Club's able aeoretary, put a race on the tor Oraveaend and one bright September day thousand journeyed to the oourao to what they supposed would bo tho fastest six furlongs that aver waa run. Kingston carried Dr. Has- brouck a'dtaay first quarter of a mile and galloped home alone. It waa an admir- able object lesson In "class," and was so regarded at th time. Th time for the race waa much slower than 1 :le . King-'to- n was a mighty racehorse, and If kent for eprlntlng exclusively would have Been a phenomenon. Thero In no better Judge of a thorough- bred or hla speed than the veteran )tralner, John Hugglne, who raced qua- rter liorsos In his youth throughout the Bout ti and southwest. He afterward trained The Bard and many other Erent .Iiorses In this country, and wound up hi ior.Cirablo career In England by winning the Derby nnd other classics for Messrs. .lyirlllanl nnd Whitney, He saw tho fast- est sprinters In England when thev 'were nt their best. During one of his visits to the United States the question of the peed of English racehorses rame up, and the ntniM of Eager, Itoyal Flush and I others that were prominent at that time were mentioned. "Are nmy faster than Kingston was at 3"'!a hextT somebody asked, Without a moment's hesitation Hug- - clna replied! "No, and I never saw a bone that was faster than Kingston." Yet mighty as Kingston was he lived In the shadow of Hanover, a horse that oouM boat bub over a dlitanco of SOK,' SnNDAY 'APCUST GREATEST HORSES THAT EVER RACED IN AMERICA AND TRAINER WHO DEVELOPED SPEED OF THREE OF THEM S'iiIVMtfwfrSaBBaBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBuiaBBBBBBF!. HumB Oaa B&jaaTBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBB 'V naBTaveBVaBBSBBaBaBjaBBBBBBBBBBBKA-BBBBBBaBBjaaBBA avavaSVgA iHgmUfB L BBKaBBBBBBBBBBv. Jjbbbbbbbb. 1 bb jmr . ijBaaavaHaaH tTVHiBE5aKaaaaaaiaaaBaaavi bbbbTb. "f 4wKMIr7 BHaBBBBBBBBBw-etBBlBWylTeajM- d x' PISflHiHIIIBaw& IIIIMMfalBameSH J Am aBBWwBBBw'kwBSt. jkW sNB5MttBBBBBBHffn,BDri 1 iJHRHviat XmW. "jflBM aBBBHak- - bW j ground. Hanover waa great on the race course, but mightier still In the atud. Kingston and Hanover were wholty un- like. The former was a horse of such faultless action that he raced until nine years of age nnd then retired to the stud as sound as the day he waa born. He could be placed at any spot In a race, and McLaughlin, who rode him when he waa at hla best, haa said that he had the most perfect disposition of any horse the Dtvyer ever owned. Hanover, on t'he other hand, was an Impetuous rusher that the moment the flag fell took the lead and galloped his opponents groggy. A climbing-enlte- d horse, the son of Hindoo gave the appearance of laboring,, but no route was too long for him and hla speed was remarkable, though for one breathless effort It did not approach that of his soberer stable companion, Kingston. llannver'a nsaghten Fataoaa. Had this horse lived out the usua) span In the stud his family would have been greater than It Is, but with a lim- ited period at McOrathlana before h had to be destroyed he founded a clan that has made turf history here and abroad. His daughters ore exception ally famous. It was his granddaughter. It hod ft II., by The Commoner, which pro duced orhv. Richard croker'a Derby winner, and she continued to throw good performers, her daughter Hhodora be- ing n classic winner for the on time Tammany chieftain. If the average man who has followed racing for thirty years or mora would be asked to name a period whan the United State had the greatest number of good horses racing he would un- doubtedly favor the decade In which Salvator, Iongitreet, Tenny, J1rnse, Tea Tray, The Bard, Raceland, Sir Dixon. Emneror of Norfolk, Eurus, Hanover. Kingston. I3ella It.. Prince Royal, Fides. Riley, proctor Knott, Bash headed Futurity. miles France England, of A of these when of Leonards. of 'iLibER' llvSSSKr'ISSaSt the Keene Michael F. Dwyer V JKv9WlUCmS John Hunter i ahaPHHaikBv adding i 3laBlaaWifcaalalalalalalalalalalalalalalay flea. SImBKKmW XaflifllallalaWvV There wa a more desperate obbbbbbIbbbbbbbkbubbbbbbbbbbbbbbH AMA pair game- - HuHHH gEgaaHiaaM V on ran aBBBBHjHBBBrBBBMBBBBBBBBBHLBBBBB bBbbbbHbbH from BH HBLaB Jockeyehlp HaBBBBHlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBaBV bbbbbbH bbbBVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbW the th uii uutiiuiu other start he made sorts of Imposts. showing made was really phe- nomenal, It the trans- mitted progeny made him starts, this terrific a with we exception Darrlson, helped materially i In front. Domino thoroughly every Jockey's voice back , his attendant ! to hand the eye mounting. would be too extravagant praise Domino equal of raced United States. peerless Colin did not powerful when swept field some years a three-year-ol- d Domino began auspiciously, that many as finally of equal for special a 8heeprhead Henry Navarre, ,r,nt ,0 f Kn , of E,glle ford. Volante. Minister. I R OM of , mi)it Angeles, Terra Cotta Exile. Elkwood ( norieJ , t wa thournt hundred others lived. . tn,t Domlno could beat Around the first named there been UncB , d furlon(t. a glamour he always have the heat,4 thl) crack reputation of having been a very from KtfM Btab iUbMiqu,ntIy horse. H was beaten only once bo,h cllfrord vf noriei as n two year wnen rrocior d Domini a sound bstinr over the tn the Initial As rtcu all use .an Aa a e. Reallxa Ion 1 ! H'nry of Navarre a first class racehorse, In the colors of Byron can one best wa9 tor. she email a to to Is Is a spent latter In or would when eHard Is re to It Santa throat natch They W In iiiticiuiiic sea- son, which great. Taral doubt so heard It as later. a n Axra. a route. a representative. It a on THE ' 1918. 3BBBBBBkSaBBBBBBBBBBB 1 confederacy Doniltio-Dobblii- -- vammmy mWW determination thoroughbreds, i gCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCf Dan Patch Was in Class by Himself as Pacer of Dan pactn disposition the poetry Great Stallion Which Died Weeks Ago Earned i ' .r.'Z. afiv.t Niche Harness Racing Fame Travelling Unprecedented Time affectionately To-da- y Is the from C. of of ..1.. to Is an of In at In a Stakes week a In 2 horses, think a beaten to Snnr Is a a at stud In w nice tha the far the .lit the far ' a a of n i,,r- - t,.. too a Is before i t VS the best thoroughbreds v. governmental Cincinnati, Hlldrcth, Saratoga, ITaril h.V: ' mo fh(. Mr . . his , un , i .1.1.. net ' furlongs pound n .iha.nn.ntlv in tho.. c. ,... , n. still Is not Headvllle. Ixlng- - .. i ' niiJ which beaten a In the conceding lumps weight i, ' . '. . . or Memnhls. ..i . I'mi ' " ! rlo.lnir Saturday. Well Hold a Simon true have a of n b meet, J. nf t,,o .. Amerlrnn equal of I, flguro fo ,n beginning of In at as In of colts would date, Twin a I., a h a he at of ,nt,Pd am " a i. ' - ln 7 tad" "However, the old beer. ; . a youngster. ptBm(.. h, nn"," T 90 he razeed a mile piu'"'K of I a of , event "f "Pectuncy pervaded closed a yards .,h.T; gave carn, of exlcltement track In a ' o, demonstrate greatness sulk? I h rrow.l. "Paclmis JaIne.,, Dalmatian stretch , , whfn shouldered beat 5ran,'1 a.ml "lm", a greenly of hmZ , beaten second place Proctor cmmon.r Clifford. Belmar. Sir v?in a ! the journey. appear 5 contested a, thou.-- h , " whom giving Waer otn conning oppo- - ' ,oweR!l. Ibillot Dsl-- I the best Allies, 0o. ' j' KrM nents rt bo time matian , Parsons's good to a '"?I way that , ft00" ' performers, n fl f ' d b cause . K!1K j.(m,.s , f k poor of the " attendance ! n, ,rv . nm f0' de-,- .5 great for Henry of death " chl? T"1 fh'T Kr"l,' miles rat.0(, that he k . '. , Salvator's peen him , , to Tery "goo?, Juveniles. , 1891. when packed . lne property of kVpt "if lTu1 , oefor' . . 'roal. . Is I of the Work , beat Tenny, Irfingstreet, i the , sport others. t,lad of tree. I?. l for only, IT "1UIH fwlth horses In "The that the r. I I ' . lngstreet a good a " ","1, LT": l'an.,'a '""T" L East those on , 1, - starts a tlll greater V";Wv j om pacemaker "f for good nree-quart- whl". eighteen b I"' home. I for hrecd.ng period failure, George French , whllo of the , . ..." . . . notably Vhiionm attendance approach that of n forgotten, though 1 V'V V . -- ".TI Confldent of . "'.,:" r"T days when Spa was mecca of n h 11 she a comparative I , !,: . "'. " .".. ' ,h m Mr mrh,,. .t,e lover of a good the United whom producing only hors- e-, "h"- - ' , r " " o.ltive Dan ,0 a greater from I Mates Canada, nivalrles a county In, mated Mmtl.t,n , --"h. . i " " ' tlrst half n.s States, though nubile idol velop from such Pe or trotter cry y xes Hrenxe could shoulder ISO , h fl Dan Patch" ' MvM ,,r"wn ,'n""" ,,omo Introduced which ana distance of j Aftr many he matter a himself, good of breeding district. was great an a , "..7.. t.lL-- wi.tinei. n whi.b.l dustrv. wil not be bred, the ! .., prototype a ';, im, o I hen hy.nr. broom .t raho se before' w. Mtaln have champions , of ,"f.T ""'.' . l"rrv.m"5? 1? Hint... Kietmr.i i.rr m . of ero-- s n Municipal with 1S94 pounds This was a and hair, but IMInte was wont carry such weights three and a furlong. Advocate . Staying a quality which admired the world In If we to develop of the type of Flrenx we have races over Journey. Those known Welch nnd A. J. who year, abroad, former In the ooth on record as favoring methods by which those countries developed their horses, and Joyner's suggestion that there should be at least one a at mile a quarter over Is a good one. If the Jockey Club should set the seal of It. approval upon this programme trainers would speedily find that different methods training reveal presence nf stayer. In some their printing division. In period Salvator, Iong-atree- t, Th other great existed we any nf stayers with condition, those which obtained at that time when most the big prizes were at a mile nnd a wo could have them again. large number of day breeders favor placing tests once more upon our pro- grammes all to Westchester Racing Association viving Memorial, one of Ihe few remaining teats for three-yea- r- olds. Another good American horsea numerous best bs referred ns Henry era. whb the day of Clifford, Sir Walter. Ornament, FlorlBti. AInnro, Olenmoyne. nan- - ouet, Vorkvllle Tlelle, Correction, AJnx, Hornpipe, Itequltal, Hey El Anita, Tammany, nnd Dotnlno 11 phenomena! winning all of races with the exception his sensational heat with IVibhlna. greatest was perhaps winning the Futurity with pounds up. fact that was only beaten n. head (lat'.lee, which finished nt Domino's latch, Influenced Richard Croker, who owned Dobbins, tho ton Mr. Pickwick against V champion. UK- - half the Jockey Domino Dobbin in Vk than when this cocks V the II II were then the their careers, colts tottered line ever) that and up alt Tha he and through he had and when to his them equally rode In and finisher, who could whip more force than nny other Jo:key had with the of no In many tight finishes In keeping Domino's finally got hate him that time-h- the would go Finally had hold his over great horse's while Tartvl was not to charac- terise the any that In the His grandson have as opposition to over- come and gave no evidence his hard races had hurt him. He Navarre at weights 15,000 at one mile and furlong at Bay. of a Rn(, Lea MoM W)ll of bu, and him at any die- - has Na. and will vn now,ver, d,R reat the an(1 race oio. mto him mile and furlong was Unction, winning the and a 1 Knott bred ii honor try, "black whirlwind," miles averaging l.tm. 4f miles though his true color very aging 1 miles averaalng l.Sl'H cnestnut. rounaea a great family of fame bilng perpet- uated chiefly through hi. Commando Resemble. Dam, horse wa. doubt Domino's greatest that he good racehorse dispute. 1. ' ' ; , " : o , , ; a type oistin- - pan Patch went a wind bore a much resommance ,...ni.i.j daughter the Ammrlan mara! uiuh MWhn announrea Ouenn, did to was Flood noted stayer, and cross seemed to what Dom- ino needed. Commando wa. wilful that wanted hi. way, came having It. rough tumble customer post, on occasion savage Onllant Park, crossing entire width of course to get Hlldreth qualities whlrh made success Peter Pan, many other splendid performers came his loins. Colin was no doubt his best question country that his record, with list fifteen victories $180,912 never lccn equalled, though companion which fourteen times, Includ- ing dead bent with Ihe Handicap. nf three-year-ol- bis exceeded those Colin rew tlmusntid the figures HS4.43S, Had Sysonby Futurity of 19(,4, which started favorite odds coupled with Wild Mint, would have surpassed record winnings tins country. carried pounds finished third Artful Tradition. Sysonbv hml position Red-fer- n crossed course flrst In reach sighting course for the was worth great Whitney Ally. public will know how near 2 18,' BaV a in in in of Patch, 1.561. K'l t 1 ... .. 1 8 n. . i. . '" : - a a a n a a as a X as "SSe! possessing Few .1 Hall 1906 Mile :55. an purchased son Hernience a on pacemaker itrookdale, kowe champion es, averaging miles i. aver.tglng lowered ""J Am, "th ,if,t l,al", "0 mn"y 190, mile """''"j t up so pacemaker Joined began lrnu Mr mile 1,,l.c 'Rra.W where llrnt ,.,,, ,orm. .tS'i half mile mile track, .5SH half mile track 2.01, Xner Went Delilnd Shield. coarser nis behind he ,leld ,tchtd on n i. su ru- - n ,0 f tll lll-- i aam, ,.f ... .1.... Emma New Sl.l)tem)fr 1nnr1T 11' r. a ho Ouenn describes Morris Colin, Celt In races of a in Ah of half parell terrific front h,nin Stromboll conse.piencc paced somewhat slower time. onds. lhr;e-l'inr- - while effort right well he finishing strong of ,,am. TinrAhln (ii he ner he ritii'ij nun with "Saturday go down history .iimculty Dan could be taken a rea-ieu- annuls 01 racing., truck. driver carried Patch, all harness horses marvelous wnlch lived, Savage minds tnose Hamllue 'ortuiuito enough s,..in v who contend that hors,' termed, very t..m..t period. perfect and others. honored French stud, having passed Edmond lllanc, from Zelgler New Turk took abroad when racing weather, August fact ,.st ?,n. ln'n-- e pounds Koh-l-no- pound, fharllo "'."V. thrown wh...v Flrenx., niryser, Speefl. Honmer pounds August away, Consell Rapes. train-er- a abroad number similar period Henry nobody whether dollars, ouulrie by Dean Itegret marvel 3.n;i; :.flt4 world's records ,,l,lf nlr record, wlRht worked many .'.."'. mimw, record, gulshed double. 4netead "VJ"" lournev thlid record. half Horrnw. foriIU,r, horses, re- spond, stronger credit, Improving. performer n,'Plv" strides ltKUrated determined on shoulders several receni most I. enthusiastic admirers. wonderful, " shins n" one I to world's record made troduced. which wilt P'on of ni ny pacing in to-d- In 1.55. track witness he of hands of M. early owner, II. won unit .11.. n..in ton by to ; .. I U a , , , , , , l' II 'i vi has run wn, her gap run- - ,h0 first was nht llrrt yet run race was tnr and ora- - All and 'J1. th. was by our and year wbs won 1" ,.m was Tr one : " de- - i.,' con- - the ,n" will are ,m. this 680 was won the tip. race mile up over the the the Mr. one and the the nnd had over the and the for tho were may the St. St. wan Ilia feat 130 II over lofiiin, won put fire nil his ever nose ever he the met (hn Joe Mr. ,h( dee "r tha, or aver .on Ill Thl was was mucn .,. maa( oscr race own nnd near and race the the has were nnd won the nnd and the the race the the red and son, ever and was and and ,hiM, 1.11, me "!' and a,i pti- -t did true r.,-,,r,- t irai-K- . wjh by He for was by for ror wns His for was was btr the waa the out Ills was isn lv,'r na" ru" niii ay, :,ui .86 C., 111,11 was sec w)l nis """ he lie off tne Of "as anil As though he of of the of and In- - "lm Mr. his own l.f." was occa ity., live the wno wer The It." was any that mem the who him and who ,,, m:.u SS0 joaieu l.r.r. fnst wneei ,h' the ar. oesn con- - do go was ever Vi, last was J hi. RMsur a Great Roamer's recall fact thrv to match between nehlevemnnt helnr the ennturtne that Kentucklans have always regarded three-year-ol- Ilrlghton Oieat Eastern Handicap with 135 Old Hosebud superior of this Ueaeli the following The match pounds up, Domino, he too marknble of geldings. My was practically 15,000 a achieved distinction the atud, that the Woodford Clay would never association adding remarkable, for sold Honmer If been for amount was tho handsome conformation. that the Applegate wbh abandoned. went There were other good gallop away him. Old Oomlno died nent this among them bud by of Kentucky his skeleton now exhibition The Picket, Aecmintunt, Klnley that classic, must be ns of Museum of Natural Illfctory .Man-a-lMk- ', Africander, the best of latter Central Park. , Beldame, Wells, Delhi, Among th cur- - Colin meteor flask Irish Lad's race wltn for rent It difficult In- - across the turf sky the Brighton Handicap Hint was one outstanding quality. At one performances will re. ()f the greatest exhibitions bulldog Filar looked memlxrrd. Included Futurity courage ever neen any Chiclet took Into rintbush Stakes, the chief of Duryea's great carried 127 easily Aqueduct warrant Mr. autumn for and pounds 104 of which Belmont's being regarded as' nf Commando and I'nMorclta will wns then three-year-ol- though champion. down Into practically u- - .P broke quarter of from Chiclet nnd contingent call for more praise any of the others. It was thought the Travers at Saratoga a that Mr. Belmont colt was the master of the Butler champion, but Spur packed 129 pounds nnd Star Hawk nounds and nose ing :05 Sam who trains the nelmont said to a rrienn: "I don't there's three-year-o- America that could have Spur ." Hlldreth has every hold Spur hlph esteem. He and his sire. King James, years, and chin off the old block. James was marvellously courageous horse and he never gave up till the was passed. He very many great races for Hlldrcth, and now the head of Henry T. Oxnard's Virginia, where was bred. Mr. Oxnard came nil the PLAN MORE RACING DATES FOR LOCAL TRACKS 1917 Aqueduct Jnmnlcn Hclmont hun Moetinas. AMERICAN HORSES IMPORTED repeal thorouxhtirod. number Aqueduct, a'itv,r,i. Metropolitan llnrsps lirasi displayed warrant Uppervllle Travers excused they wen- - not acclimated. and the happ bulldog his lh.c' had plenty time the n"'1 Dodge, winner I.atonla and from Derby, Western form beaters. like being goofl as any tnrec vear-ol- d He will be and racegoers will have chance look over real colt the son Jim Gaffney goes the post, equally home on heavy educational vicinity concerning progressive his community movement yet Camp- - horses, be saw service. smr singularly the familiar done' talked ente-tt- lr suffered Jamaica and finished Saratoga behind he one na. action his Thomas 'OU"''.h.' states, the Schuttlnger MWniM the further mov,m,lt pr ;'urd8?:' -- mly,',,m,i;," IT. ,ln Sanford Memorial, he galloping. s.iv that the heat hilt ..i...... son or Ave Mpni.ii.n'd Hamllno n.i,i.,m Oo'ld. nose up and of ti.in Is Is Is Is Is Is as ns n as this it Ca. turned this That noted will Is the In of sport so for at,l of the it, t,, at Pork late he It on pool In horses th our r.iceri hren eonre nf In it tli rich or onlv on or the from to see PJ"- - the got h'lvc wh'h In wire. "'- - the world f slKht. at to at who Jockey nt his Twin or fast course. work It Is early make any and In en'!-- -, the most n- - ii. there good In t gone to post. better seem to the best to the and at very outset his career as i, with what the ..' to race- - an(i have under of actual tests. lie ne'v have defeat date. a nro when f.iiA.1 .. of sf of of O. fP. ti I ' .''"' ' w . (wl ,,v iirpnil ),it, - Hotel open- - ,n i.ree in l , Ing day "and start effort for ,u RV(,n fo form the follow- - field the won Tho. know whlt- - fntllnn nnrnmA wnn th Cash. mile with 122 nf.M w was to on 5. wait "'itjh bred such 1I1 i, . also farm Kn nrnrynfh.,S whnVnV "" remark had !Mr,e Is flrst ..p.,r them rBn we" aml lmprovlng"Vo fast ,,:,. day. great size and lnll 't. nnf:,tA..rc7,yJnB..loneP.n,? ?mll,. The 183 him an HamUni l.SB the Tho Klng'fast. as he aTll V to his Grid's J tilled the Fltxherbert. from the head the after lf (' had was he savap" nlng part fanner? nnd "".I11 elty. hiatus very by hi'rawn the uicki Several V?k" I,r!nr th" Is now In t'- - an(, hi a"haran assault upon and to be the and , 1.,'.JhVCale 'i-J- j! all to cou the course that were class Ally " nl M th, rnce- - an,Ch4ton"tr'et Navarre he" rt had courageously never1 undoubtedly tell the M nu.om the ded were rn, a. one nf , as the rich be feats, hrac:lInK.,d,08t:t.. wl. best the and Tn, .S"',:', and he In .11 1616 sv.rs had In Usee and ,i V mo. him ton ;e?.e.1. "Sl'lTilVL" --l .pacemakers, the one front "5 L""l , of the horse aa ...L cri Lean side, while r 'l trZ and West and ' l.lno Cre as ne the third at -- year-old. one Voter In of "f Z.l,,."e. 1.1 " Lin, from the ...hte. m.asure'meeUnS from day the Kept pn,es. marea that 7" --.- V . . should the :r "is .K, never be nV,.lZX n.n-- . : the the favor he . . "VI - '."' Kn..:1 !v,n .nim .1- ,- every horse "i to lioi.e SS " Instructions to drHe exten other and will straimer when with .,, "r." near limit. he is ns those to for in .however Dom- - held nnd ha" h,,'"' all things Into during mere many .rood win a ground ,nol as as no how consideration. In by for blood I,, ef as Idol her jr m a" fust elln. In with ,h and many years have been and a, r?,,nt,p",ll"rt of 19J in ,,u P'-- ". word great ," E.g. shall ,, thonV,..-mare- , which 1.. of those nt Long thoroughbred. mares must well Thomas and have recent race and to rf quarter due race Don Lamplighter of dead by to never to ears. tale. aa he was a 5S, 7.1 nark no and a He , man nnd never fh. no i.Mu.i c.jrrcnrontirni th time tn tho and be Just great big and nt tried to Ileau the had ne. sire, and son, nnd this colt and to It by bis King Metropolitan A few total exact at far any It to nt the and Injudiciously In furlong to the rail IiIh elbow. 142, to never rate. kept performances here way Pan Jimmy m wl,h 14 m ".W"1 he or to the half mile wagon non. on ,n than Dan of Is .1.. ..... .u. ,,, inriicu me mow, and good at ,,. nut ,n In 29 rarIn HIO ,,,IH- -i final And nnd amid r.r. ........ .n,.t1.. It will as that any in ine to the tms nm. n.i,.. won the wiw tho the Judges' nave on to smashed (I mud "llttl of It an slon or to return nunrter swvpt th these i as the year. In with time, on Is on on In In Mack. Imp, the day of lo Is to pick In In 1904 be of time Mr, at lo the tho iih mllo 1 nt gave II beat In In for wire Spur the on to which also we only won the ay of nf in as many of In to - In at on ,,ff xe. ,n hn hv Its r.i M of ,ur was upon !n s. of In In In- - It total nc In In saw wn In ,,ln the the the vinnii It ' is only one end In MISS ",lr i. n.-- r n r,. Welch, was on Ii - u France Mi I to Itnee Oold F- Cop. ; a.'ded In horses by glvlns tro- - v Detroit. Aug 15. for UaUrr , ,. water to ,,,,, hp , k, ., , ... be broken yhen the speediest power ,(,1i .. ,M. nnn.inl ,..l,t fl, let. f fim flinin. .... ' , ' t, Short whose ' " Ano'r",r feature I rm , he i De- -' a good a w"' '," the champion c"r. T" i 1""",, ' ' 1910. will have to measure evil ,,nl,,rr" 1,1 VVl""1 V' ' o1'' 1 Is t the East e. yiHr a f ' overcome Telesitlons of horiovers I hln "nme ' most character befor. e" r-'1- ' non- - stand victori.. and the The not ""'J' " nam- - Ifovoo. performance, cnmn seeing great at has pair They made for side, get late tho it like being great site It hadn't hitch and and the fact race Hut horses could Hose- - way nnd the chief and ranked Voter and the Broomstick seison any nnd his long Hock the best, but him camp nnd tests tho to the colt down Bui has gone will than after right owned King nose they when Mr, This none VI sich- - DETROIT DEFEND TITLE in Interviewed cont told how C'hallence the de... their races .,,, for fast ,OIli late Tour-- e !lLlrU.v a,my Vhiileng opposition Jja "untry "Kr"': boy, TO pected to be meet. 1904 the was put up for time by the American Power Association to speed In 40 foot class and under, the winner of each the rup until defeated In subsequent com- petition. races each year are held under th auspices of the Power Boat Association and only rSKX ITXaTl?, ; (LETTERS READERS eligible Th classic gold challenge one of the most the of solid gold of most de- sign. It stHiuls some twenty-fou- r Inches heyday of his powers ns a Irish I.ad, Water- - victory, he established a record for ! high, and base nre the j tho They the . country. and others too son n and history a a s rnced 1 ' . ... for for plaques upon engraved the races and names of the Probably greater In sports can be by a asso- ciation, city or than by win- ning this trophv. Miss Detroit, by the Miss Detroit Bout Association, rup at Manhaeart I., lust year iiidI Is groomed her backers to dupllcato the performance on her vincible. That he Is in the, stud In Ken- - Broomstick to a hardly seen this Th this September. artcr a sojourn l.ngiaiui ih a. at the distance In same Is true or ami Ilrnmn, The Detroit is one of the of congratulation, for beat lilm a few Inches. both fleet colts as two-- ! best In the country. The start and a of mllo was covered In 1 :H7 5 and the and Trainer to be between Isle nnd the American too successful a family to be full in 2:02 It little sympathized with he very few of Itetrolt and as a wonder the big son of horses In his stable. Thunderer up Into making a ttvo to and Byeonby's day, sired so good winners fur Mr, be a colt of the highest mile which must bo covered In decade, Hamburg, a Duryea to Frnnce, for ho but he loo Is on tho suspicious list. for a total distance of thirty relative to Domino on dam bad nil qualities for and racegoers will remember that Tug for each heat demonstrated the brilliancy of thn greatness whether on In Spn attention to the fact that The natural park of Hanover-MimM- e cross. This the stud. his hnd punch flred th Isle will serve a. a grand stand, phenomenal colt won with all of Hermls admittedly rival first time he went (o the Insuring th spectators a perfect view weight th tola crowning and are Judges and Eastern of the over It. E1 L' he IN and Park to BEAT ONES "In more fhni) racing popular In n win of IVrcy.Oray said Ilealey, the notf,i trainer, who has charge of string whll talking the crowds that out to the events de- cided. this trainer's prediction come of all wh0 watched game grow tt.e last few Bo has patrons of the grown that It question year or several fall meetings will held her Belmont already has arrange 1 for an autumn Philip Dwyer, president County Jockey hni,N meeting nt thn turf authorities for for a tneit.m the expiration Iielmcnt session, but his nmn and mint unt next year Is also reported that the Jockr. hold an autumn tneotlng 1!17. tlpst. That foreign bred are not homebred this year. are foreign this country, they have cut little on turf In hh winning ronreniM. Many them have selling races, but horse, the Irish hs to that they nr.- - fie class with our tlrst class thoroughbred At tm- - form on tha that grounds when " innT'Vf, U.7m American his l'rodnclnir llornea. P. Stryker, the Club sires Accountant and I'.ishion Creeks Farm, near Derby, Erie county, has done of to definite has succederd predictions ng some the are that hers have the produce fire stryker Mr. fortunate' Creeks nnd of breeder produce good descendants o son Olambala not da When ran Springs on his V wav " e (l,nla Inrir Healey. while the "nlted nns - Saratoga said Stryker. a if'Su-th- e and no ,,v He showed mvn r::r- - calloned .plcfkas' ,. rnre tor by our own one for hordes, each f r horses to be hv and a et.i for teim horses tip 1, ir ,ur member of the name of th8 B!om,on son of fo'ur In she Kmdee. cWss (1883). .p)en,,,i BO ,he c , hue Suburban of op- - hi,, nlr ,, ,.ra Bot. nfly e and Nov. of Pa was and ,,1,"n,"" after there the for year" "'k""f " from to ho two Fltzherbert. of X"'Und.l the from nineteen Although veterinarians and has th , ha. hors appeared Ab catt col of iT affection "athletic he him. , Saratoga will journey only great there ih. v.rv up ufra'- - hi, vlc The he 127 now Jf been making should be nt of at the the tlrr.m-n- t "reeding puriK.e by 7J fact bulk nv nnd one his "from one but at Vhhh n"m a stationed ,on when he sixteen out '" " W to day of r. powerful will ,'":'. K'i."V" "V, "l ,", of thoroimhl.red w.h the stud ':1 ....'.. r tin- - wis J" ' the hose llrle ,y Kessler. halva- - his was a contests .: over and a1 records iast went '"king class the Some '. the The mi,, ,11mm produce of five was 1.56 In ' the rinmn'mi enu.l old. sinndan bred Basse are more Joyner, are day or the present Lawrence Navarre his The Dobbins undoubtedly the was termed, his will the one at ut the and His of Ills the 127 the his 13; ",,r:- - orr- - wind never sire, wa, Domino, thl. pretty was from superior. unbeaten ap- proached winnings start The Th. peerless, of the miarter. ..... both "As not noamer'. dR hitll v... ...11,1 was year, lau i.exingion. long there next UK tt there Aine. n ;iear 1, Brine "and ernmetit p.." Mich.. records travcll MUI11,(, ,.,,,,. ,)avo form has which w been h real le and may wind of b J,"n,w r cVas'lc "nlfon with best both and 'J , mont nioxemen, West and the ',1,r" a 1,1 of v"y ""'A0'' tha a re- - I.Ike his their have n Sysonby proml- - from tho his Derby Ort of like aro was seen not Arnold "w.h'n from Groomed Stryker. ng expected I.anlh of Icturesoue la of here the In cup the first Boat be raced th keeping American bouts for cup noted of world It artistic Hermls, when Its thirteen gold dividual which whining boats, no honor water obtained club, raced Power the Bay, I.. being home home had lnng up be again season, course turky in world record order Hiver course source Colin was lo The made great scion Howe Helle on utter, distance has shore Illver extends stock horse. sound Ijike Tit. Clair, Prior many course, but same when taken time, the side, the which mnkn mil, the track or knees been Belle kinds was the chief post. In saddl, of Irish Lad, then food Spur Rock of th course entire length. An few years Stnto before tho law," Capt. salt's about season sea belief the years. large befnri Park dates (Jueen Club, which asked dates begin reo,ncit h.n Then- - horses are Short either speed M.imln belief ground front are looks Plate t,,t hore horse. should home Stake made dlxry roaia saddle one about women that i.u,,n individual which up 129 which which would three declared vi" lu- bring out rJ. Jl5i mare., ..riat K:r.- - people .that '"r!" work quite which give,, horses, iuteh'. stable being order which the for l.M.u I.e..,. kl..ii 1lf tn ago. for t'ie All try ,., are wnllM us,,fl" f"' off up f"r he heP enn.im.s crowd cheer when virtue wns wrong his his the He by boats The are by first tro the that would six the rnlled Oray ever Friar ns the shown stakes was men welsh driven fair, ll.'litv Orass. t icatijn iur 11 llicil ll eiioiuo ' purposeful when military fi f- ling has an added slgnlflcai.ee i I our to secure 'e Vet mounts and wou'd f.in i market for the surplus thoi ih't-e- of th race coulee h i weu.l have the qualifications for n ' ''. e,- -s mount." . FROM OUR competition. I Sfc J trophies racehorse Broomstick, performer. phenomenal two.year-old- , Broomstick, competition community raptured s Dominant remarkably a racehorse year-old- i. failure CandrlmaH Colln's quality, , dally, entire beautiful REST: classic oxemlcht Iletlrr Wilson establishing driven Belmont famous encourage ofllcers poFslble gelding, Sporting Edltpr Mnrnlng Hun' Allow me tn ronsriitu1".!" yflii UP"" ,r Improvement In .oir tMel I i"i ""'' since the consolidation of Tin; s - I'rcss. ery truly v .r . . , , j lit i l " 33 S Union ulrrei, l.win, Mf Ilesr Sir Your ail,l. In Sun It c' "' V.lnnt. of lH." . it" " ' ' " rardon menilon or a mi..K , fact no to IMol. Anson's " " " ns the While hinikiegs "r V Anson's rolls' oriKiin'-- ,.'i'i"i. bond .ir '.ir, 1M' Voir- - ',' I 11 11 II I ' lli.sioii r'hmiii" of i' ' e 1 thank you for the ..up, 'to", ' l,,lr a )ot of old timers enjoy "d Ui" ' " In i "l,nO' our article ref. IIumI... vur t'.ol t.urr to it. I, pitched it hull for Clio Inll.iM ' on haselull, hut kei-- in. illllte sure uftir the in,' " ' to ritirlniMtl. and "Hh ttu,' the ttl.lllIP IikioooiiI hull un" nd this wsa Hush h Ki,tnd ' I'Ii iihi- - mil le in" If I ni II"' ' olillri'. ours tn sirt, y You are correct about It" ' knoeked out In his onls game Red. 1 fOeS takV S hob's rr I il

ROAHER FAST GREATEST HORSES THAT EVER RACED IN …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030431/1916-08-13/ed-1/seq-18.pdfNO HORSE BAB SPEED OF GREAT KINGSTON Don ilno, Commando, Colin

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Old "Cushion" Tracks Were Much Safer but Not as Fast as Those Over Which 'Records Are Now Established




So B.y Horsemen Who Saw

Son of Prince Charlie

Banff Up Eecord.



Don ilno, Commando, Colinmid Pennant Thorough-

breds of "Class."

Ther la .lwayo tfHHoultr tn arrivingt a orflnlte cenolflflOB M to th quality

of thoroughbred, of different periods,ond no person cmn with any degree ofamir toy classify th champions of pastnnil present. Th best we can hope forIn to p:eo the best animals of the dlf-fri-- nl

prlod and tell of some of thepcTu tniHiices which made them so highlyregnrled by racegoers of their time.

Clus tins been defined as a qualitytlwt makes some animate eTCel Its fellows In deeds of speed, strength, skill orcotirnge, or which combines nil of theseattributes, and It Is a term which Isused more In connection with the racingof thoroughbreds than In any othersport, Two animals may have the samconformation, may bo equally well bredand trained to the same degree of perfectlon. yet one will always excel theother when the test which calls for everyIan atom of effort Is applied. It Is thenthat "class" a really Indefinable qual-ity comes Into pliy. Perhaps the heartIs the seat of this most desirable quallfl.ration, nnd It Is tlio horse which strug-gles on and will not accept defeat whllollfi? lasts which conquers In a majorityof hard fought battles.

At any rate, whatever It Is and fromwhnnre It comes we recognlxe It and m

all those which possess It In thesuperlative degree, and when they passIt on to future generations the buildingof mere monuments Is pr.ilse all toofeeble for these remarkable animalswhose prepotency has excited the admi-ration of liorso breeders the world over.

The comparison of the stars of thpast with those of the present by theapplication of the time test would be

ns tho courses of our day arenot as deep as those over which thehorses of, say, twenty-nv- o years .agomere asked to race. If n track didn'thiive an abundance of "cushion" at thattime It was regarded as unsafe, and themile of Tin Hrocclt In l:33a; wa re.garded as the limit of speed attltat distance when the record was made.Nowadays any maiden which cannot ne.gotlato the distance, In time equal to thatof the ron of Phaeton stands a goodchance of remaining a maiden for an In-

definite period.

Mark on Hot Day,When Salvator ran a mile over the

straight course at Monmouth Park In1:35 twenty-si- x years ago that greathorse was at the zenith of his powers.He had only 110 pounds up, and MartinBergen, who had the mount, let the bigson of Prince Charlie run all the war,The day was perfect for fast time-w- arm

and humid and the sap flowedfrom Salvator In rivulets of crystal whileMatt liyrnes tightened the girths prepar-atory to putting the jockey up. It istrue that theie was a bungle In the se-

lection of u pacemaker, as the filly thatwas sent out to carry the big chestnut

long the last half mile did not havenough to pick him up nnd he finished

alone. Salvator, however, was a freorunning horse and the exhibition, whichwas arranged by Mr. Withers himself,was a great attraction.

There are many men alive y andIn tho full possession of their facultieswho saw Salvator's trial. Many of themwould be willing to wager heavily thatRoaioer, for example, with 110 poundstip aeid over a straight course of theresiliency of Aqueduct, could beat Salva-tor's time considerably. Yet none ofthem with Salvator In the flesh and thedusky Isaac Murphy In the saddle woulddream of backing the gelding to lowertho colors of Mr. Hagglns's champion at

--Ji mile and a quarter.Time ever has been regarded as n

fiHacleus test. Tet It la the medium bywhich 'Americana In the preparation oftheir horses are guided. In England andOther Continental countries the tent ofhorse against horse la applied, and thaneophyto Is asked to try conclusionswith a warrior that has won his spurs Inactual contest. If a "morning glory,"aa tha animal which can run fast whenalone ta termed, develops abroad Itdoesn't cost hla atalble anything to learntha facta,

ICIaarstam Brata Dr. Haabroock.Mora than twenty-fiv- e years ago there

was a sprinter racing at the Easterncourses known aa Dr. llasbrouck. Hewas a son of the Australian air SirKodred and could run six furlongs with

i his weight up In 1 :14, In those days'that was something few horses could ac- -compllah. At the same time the Dwyerbrothers, then In the heyday of theircareer, had In their barn a mighty race-horse named Kingston. This horse, aauperb son of Spendthrift and the Stock-nre- ll

dam Xapanga, was started In allmanner of races from five furlongs up tog rnlla an'd three-quarter- s, and his flightof speed waa known to be remarkable.When Dr. Hasbrouck was winning raceotter race turf followers were hoping:hat an artnt could be arranged thatwould bring tha fliers together. Huih

' D. Mclntyre, tha Brooklyn Jockey Club'sable aeoretary, put a race on the

tor Oraveaend and one brightSeptember day thousand journeyed tothe oourao to what they supposedwould bo tho fastest six furlongs thataver waa run. Kingston carried Dr. Has-brouck a'dtaay first quarter of a mile andgalloped home alone. It waa an admir-able object lesson In "class," and was soregarded at th time. Th time for therace waa much slower than 1 :le . King-'to- n

was a mighty racehorse, and If kentfor eprlntlng exclusively would haveBeen a phenomenon.

Thero In no better Judge of a thorough-bred or hla speed than the veteran

)tralner, John Hugglne, who raced qua-rter liorsos In his youth throughout theBout ti and southwest. He afterwardtrained The Bard and many other Erent

.Iiorses In this country, and wound up hiior.Cirablo career In England by winningthe Derby nnd other classics for Messrs..lyirlllanl nnd Whitney, He saw tho fast-est sprinters In England when thev 'werent their best. During one of his visits tothe United States the question of the

peed of English racehorses rame up, andthe ntniM of Eager, Itoyal Flush and

I others that were prominent at that timewere mentioned.

"Are nmy faster than Kingston wasat 3"'!a hextT somebody asked,

Without a moment's hesitation Hug--clna replied! "No, and I never saw abone that was faster than Kingston."

Yet mighty as Kingston was he livedIn the shadow of Hanover, a horse thatoouM boat bub over a dlitanco of




PISflHiHIIIBaw& IIIIMMfalBameSH J Am aBBWwBBBw'kwBSt. jkW sNB5MttBBBBBBHffn,BDri 1 iJHRHviat XmW. "jflBM aBBBHak- - bW


ground. Hanover waa great on the racecourse, but mightier still In the atud.Kingston and Hanover were wholty un-like. The former was a horse of suchfaultless action that he raced until nineyears of age nnd then retired to thestud as sound as the day he waa born.He could be placed at any spot In arace, and McLaughlin, who rode himwhen he waa at hla best, haa said thathe had the most perfect disposition ofany horse the Dtvyer everowned. Hanover, on t'he other hand, wasan Impetuous rusher that the momentthe flag fell took the lead and gallopedhis opponents groggy. A climbing-enlte- d

horse, the son of Hindoo gave theappearance of laboring,, but no routewas too long for him and hla speed wasremarkable, though for one breathlesseffort It did not approach that of hissoberer stable companion, Kingston.

llannver'a nsaghten Fataoaa.Had this horse lived out the usua)

span In the stud his family would havebeen greater than It Is, but with a lim-ited period at McOrathlana before hhad to be destroyed he founded a clanthat has made turf history here andabroad. His daughters ore exceptionally famous. It was his granddaughter.It hod ft II., by The Commoner, which produced orhv. Richard croker'a Derbywinner, and she continued to throw goodperformers, her daughter Hhodora be-

ing n classic winner for the on timeTammany chieftain.

If the average man who has followedracing for thirty years or mora wouldbe asked to name a period whan theUnited State had the greatest numberof good horses racing he would un-doubtedly favor the decade In whichSalvator, Iongitreet, Tenny, J1rnse,Tea Tray, The Bard, Raceland, SirDixon. Emneror of Norfolk, Eurus,Hanover. Kingston. I3ella It.. PrinceRoyal, Fides. Riley, proctor Knott, Bash

headed Futurity.


France England,







of 'iLibER' llvSSSKr'ISSaStthe Keene Michael F. Dwyer V JKv9WlUCmSJohnHunter i ahaPHHaikBvadding i 3laBlaaWifcaalalalalalalalalalalalalalalay

flea. SImBKKmW XaflifllallalaWvVThere wa a more desperate obbbbbbIbbbbbbbkbubbbbbbbbbbbbbbH AMApair game- - HuHHH gEgaaHiaaM V

on ran aBBBBHjHBBBrBBBMBBBBBBBBBHLBBBBB bBbbbbHbbHfrom BH HBLaBJockeyehlp HaBBBBHlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBaBV bbbbbbHbbbBVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbWthe thuii uutiiuiu

other start he madesorts of Imposts.

showing made was really phe-nomenal, It the

trans-mitted progeny made

him starts,this terrific

a withwe exception

Darrlson, helped materiallyi

In front. Dominothoroughly everyJockey's voice back ,

his attendant !

to hand theeye mounting. would

be too extravagant praiseDomino equal of

raced UnitedStates. peerless Colin didnot powerful

when swept field some years

a three-year-ol- d Domino beganauspiciously, that

many asfinally of

equal forspecial a8heeprhead Henry Navarre,,r,nt ,0 f Kn , of E,glle

ford. Volante. Minister. I

R OM of , mi)itAngeles, Terra Cotta Exile. Elkwood ( norieJ , t wa thournthundred others lived. . tn,t Domlno could beatAround the first named there been UncB , d furlon(t.a glamour he always have the heat,4 thl) crackreputation of having been a very from KtfM Btab iUbMiqu,ntIyhorse. H was beaten only once bo,h cllfrord vf norieias n two year wnen rrocior d Domini a sound bstinr over the

tn the Initial As







Reallxa Ion 1!

H'nry of Navarre a first classracehorse, In the colors of Byron









Is Is


spentlatter In














great. Taral















THE ' 1918.










Dan Patch Was in Classby Himself as Pacer


Dan pactn

dispositionthe poetry

Great Stallion Which Died Weeks Ago Earned i ' .r.'Z. afiv.tNiche Harness Racing Fame

Travelling Unprecedented Time


To-da- y Isthe


C. of







In at



Stakes week

aIn 2

horses,think a



Snnr Is aa

atstud In







the far


a aof

ni,,r- - t,..



Is before i



the best thoroughbreds v.






h.V: 'mo


. .his


, i .1.1.. net


furlongs pound n .iha.nn.ntlv in tho.. c. ,... , n. still Is not Headvllle. Ixlng- - .. i ' niiJ which beaten a In theconceding lumps weight i, ' . '. . . or Memnhls. ..i . I'mi ' " ! rlo.lnir Saturday.





a of nb





equal of

I,flguro fo


beginning of





would date,Twina I.,a h

ahe at







ln 7 tad" "However, the old beer. ; . a youngster.ptBm(.. h, nn"," T 90 he razeed a mile piu'"'K of I a of ,

event"f "Pectuncy pervaded closed a yards.,h.T; gave carn, of exlcltementtrack In a ' o,demonstrate greatness sulk? I h rrow.l. "Paclmis JaIne.,, Dalmatian stretch , ,

whfn shouldered beat 5ran,'1 a.ml "lm", a greenly of hmZ ,beaten second place Proctor cmmon.r Clifford. Belmar. Sir v?in a ! the journey. appear5 contested a, thou.-- h ,"whom giving Waer otn conning oppo- - ' ,oweR!l. Ibillot Dsl-- I the best Allies, 0o. ' j'

KrM nents rt bo time matian , Parsons's good to a '"?Iway that , ft00" 'performers, n fl f'd b cause . K!1K j.(m,.s , f k poor of the " attendance ! n, ,rv .n m f0'de-,- .5

great for Henry of death " chl? T"1 fh'T Kr"l,'miles

rat.0(, that he k . '. ,Salvator's peenhim , , toTery "goo?, Juveniles. ,

1891. when packed . lne property of kVpt "if lTu1 , oefor'. . 'roal. .Is I of the Work ,

beat Tenny, Irfingstreet, i the , sportothers. t,lad of tree. I?. l for only, IT "1UIH fwlth horses In "The that the r.





lngstreet a good a " ","1, LT": l'an.,'a '""T" L East those on , 1, -


a tlll greater V";Wv j om pacemaker "f for good nree-quart- whl".eighteen b I"' home. I for hrecd.ng




, whllo of the , . ..." . . . notably Vhiionm attendance approach that of nforgotten, though 1 V'V V . --".TI Confldent of . "'.,:" r"T days when Spa was mecca of n h

11 she a comparative I , !,: . "'. " .".. ' ,h m Mr mrh,,. .t,e lover of a good the United whomproducing only hors- e-, "h"-

- ' ,r " " o.ltive Dan ,0 a greater from I Mates Canada, nivalrles a county In,mated Mmtl.t,n , --"h. . i " " ' tlrst half n.s States, though nubile idol velop from such Pe or trotter cry y xes

Hrenxe could shoulder ISO , h fl Dan Patch" ' MvM ,,r"wn ,'n""" ,,omo Introduced which anadistance of

j Aftrmany

he matter a himself, good of breeding district.was great an a , "..7.. t.lL-- wi.tinei. n whi.b.l dustrv. wil not be bred, the ! ..,

prototype a ';, im, o I hen hy.nr. broom .t raho se before' w. Mtaln have champions , of,"f.T ""'.' . l"rrv.m"5? 1? Hint... Kietmr.i i.rr m . of ero-- s n

Municipal with 1S94 poundsThis was a and

hair, but IMInte was wontcarry such weights three anda furlong.

Advocate .

Staying a quality which admiredthe world InIf we to develop of the typeof Flrenx we have racesover Journey. Those known

Welch nnd A. J.who year, abroad, former In

theooth on record as favoring methodsby which those countriesdeveloped their horses, and Joyner's

suggestion that there should beat least one a at milea quarter over Is a good one. If theJockey Club should set the seal of It.approval upon this programme trainerswould speedily find that differentmethods training revealpresence nf stayer. In some theirprinting division.In period Salvator, Iong-atree- t,

Th other greatexisted we any nf stayers

with condition, thosewhich obtained at that time when most

the big prizes were at a mile nnd awo could have them

again. large number ofday breeders favor placing

tests once more upon our pro-grammes all toWestchester Racing Associationviving Memorial, one ofIhe few remaining teats for three-yea- r-

olds.Another good American

horsea numerous bestbs referred nsHenry era. whb the dayof Clifford, Sir Walter. Ornament,FlorlBti. AInnro, Olenmoyne. nan- -ouet, Vorkvllle Tlelle, Correction, AJnx,Hornpipe, Itequltal, Hey ElAnita, Tammany, nnd

Dotnlno 11 phenomena!winning all of races

with the exception his sensationalheat with IVibhlna. greatest

was perhaps winning the Futuritywith pounds up. fact that

was only beaten n. head(lat'.lee, which finished nt Domino's

latch, InfluencedRichard Croker, who owned Dobbins,

tho ton Mr. Pickwick against V

champion. UK- -


the Jockey

Domino Dobbin inVk

than when thiscocks V

the IIII

were then thetheir careers, colts tottered

lineever) thatand up alt

Tha heand through he had

and whento his them equally

rode Inand finisher, who could

whip more force than nny otherJo:key had with the of

no Inmany tight finishes In keeping Domino's

finally gothate him that time-h-

the wouldgo Finally had

hold his over great horse'swhile Tartvl was

not to charac-terise the any

that In theHis grandson

have as opposition to over-come

and gave no evidencehis hard raceshad hurt him. HeNavarre at weights 15,000

at one mile and furlong atBay. of a

Rn(,Lea MoM W)ll

of bu,and him at any die- -

has Na.and will vn now,ver, d,Rreat the an(1race

oio. mtohim mile and furlong

wasUnction, winning the and







try, "black whirlwind," miles averaging l.tm. 4f milesthough his true color very aging 1 miles averaalng l.Sl'H

cnestnut. rounaea a great familyof fame bilng perpet-uated chiefly through hi.

Commando Resemble. Dam,horse wa. doubt Domino's

greatest that he goodracehorse dispute.

1.' '

; ,"

: o ,,


a type oistin- - pan Patch went a windbore a much

resommance ,...ni.i.jdaughter theAmmrlan mara! uiuh MWhn announreaOuenn, did to

was Flood noted stayer, andcross seemed to what Dom-

ino needed.Commando wa. wilful

that wanted hi. way,came having It.

rough tumble customer post,on occasion

savage Onllant Park,crossing entire width of courseto get Hlldreth

qualities whlrh made successPeter Pan,

many other splendid performers camehis loins.

Colin was no doubt his bestquestion country

that hisrecord, with list fifteen

victories $180,912never lccn equalled, though

companionwhich fourteen times, Includ-

ing dead bent with IheHandicap. nf


bis exceeded thoseColin rew tlmusntid the

figures HS4.43S,Had Sysonby Futurity of

19(,4, which started favoriteodds coupled with Wild Mint,would have surpassed record

winnings tins country.carried pounds finished thirdArtful Tradition. Sysonbv hml

position Red-fer- n

crossed courseflrst In reach

sighting course for thewas worth

great Whitney Ally.public will know how near

2 18,'



in inin of



K'l t

1 ... ..1

8n. . i. . '" :-







as a



possessingFew .1

Hall 1906Mile :55.




a onpacemaker itrookdale,



es, averaging miles i.aver.tglng lowered ""J Am, "th ,if,t l,al", "0 mn"y

190, mile """''"j t up sopacemaker Joined began lrnu Mr

mile 1,,l.c 'Rra.W where llrnt ,.,,, ,orm..tS'i half mile mile track, .5SHhalf mile track 2.01,

Xner Went Delilnd Shield.coarser nis behind

he ,leld ,tchtd

on n i.su ru- - n ,0

ftll lll-- i

aam, ,.f ... .1....Emma New Sl.l)tem)fr1nnr1T11' r. a

ho Ouenn describes


Colin, Celt



of a

in Ah




terrific front



paced somewhat slower time.onds. lhr;e-l'inr- -

whileeffort right well he

finishing strong

of ,,am.TinrAhln (ii




ritii'ij nun with"Saturday go down history .iimculty Dan could be taken

a rea-ieu- annuls 01 racing., truck. driver carriedPatch,

all harness horsesmarvelous wnlch lived, Savage

minds tnoseHamllue 'ortuiuito enough



who contend that hors,'termed,

very t..m..tperiod. perfect and

others. honoredFrench stud,

having passedEdmond lllanc, from

Zelgler NewTurk took

abroad when racingweather,


,.st?,n. ln'n-- e



fharllo "'."V.thrown

wh...vFlrenx., niryser,Speefl.

Honmerpounds Augustaway,



train-er- a










DeanItegret marvel

3.n;i;:.flt4 world's records ,,l,lf nlr

record, wlRht worked many.'.."'. mimw,


gulshed double.


"VJ"" lournev thlidrecord. half





Improving. performer n,'Plv"

strides ltKUrateddetermined

on shoulders several recenimost I.enthusiastic admirers. wonderful, " shins

n"one I toworld's record made troduced. which wilt P'on ofni ny pacing in

to-d- In 1.55. track witness


hands of M.

early owner, II.



n..in ton by


.. I


a, ,

, , , ,

l' II 'i



runwn, her gaprun- -

,h0 firstwasnht

llrrt yet runrace

was tnrand

ora- - Alland

'J1. th.was by our


year wbswon 1"


was Trone : " de- -

i.,' con- - the,n" will are ,m.

this680 was

won the

tip. race mile


over the




one and






and thefor


were maythe









nil his




he the














.,. maa( oscr


ownnnd near

and race




won the




the red




and was and

and ,hiM,

1.11, me "!'and


pti- -t


r.,-,,r,- t

irai-K-. wjh







ror wns






theout Ills was

isn lv,'rna" ru"

niii ay, :,ui.86



wassec w)l

nis """








though heof


the ofand

In- - "lmMr.his own l.f." was occa

ity., live the wno werThe It."




thewho him

and who





l.r.r. fnst




con- - do gowasever





RMsur a GreatRoamer's recall fact

thrv to match between nehlevemnnt helnr the ennturtne that Kentucklans have always regardedthree-year-ol- Ilrlghton Oieat Eastern Handicap with 135 Old Hosebud superior of this

Ueaeli the following The match pounds up, Domino, he too marknble of geldings. Mywas practically 15,000 a achieved distinction the atud, that the Woodford Clay would never

association adding remarkable, for sold Honmer If been foramount was tho handsome conformation. that the Applegate

wbh abandoned. went There were other good gallop away him. OldOomlno died nent this among them bud by of Kentucky

his skeleton now exhibition The Picket, Aecmintunt, Klnley that classic, must be ns ofMuseum of Natural Illfctory .Man-a-lMk- ', Africander, the best of latter

Central Park. , Beldame, Wells, Delhi, Among th cur- -Colin meteor flask Irish Lad's race wltn for rent It difficult In- -

across the turf sky the Brighton Handicap Hint was one outstanding quality. At oneperformances will re. ()f the greatest exhibitions bulldog Filar lookedmemlxrrd. Included Futurity courage ever neen any Chiclet took Into

rintbush Stakes, the chief of Duryea's great carried 127 easily Aqueduct warrant Mr.autumn for and pounds 104 of which Belmont's being regarded as'nf Commando and I'nMorclta will wns then three-year-ol- though champion.

down Into practically u- - .P broke quarter of from Chiclet nnd

contingent call for more praiseany of the others. It was thoughtthe Travers at Saratoga a

that Mr. Belmont colt wasthe master of the Butler champion, but

Spur packed 129 pounds nndStar Hawk nounds and noseing :05 Sam who trainsthe nelmont said to a rrienn:

"I don't there's three-year-o-

America that could have Spur."

Hlldreth has every holdSpur hlph esteem. He and

his sire. King James, years,and chin off the old block.

James was marvellouslycourageous horse and he never gave uptill the was passed. Hevery many great races for Hlldrcth,and now the head of Henry T.Oxnard's Virginia, wherewas bred. Mr. Oxnard came nil the




Aqueduct JnmnlcnHclmonthun Moetinas.









Uppervllle Travers excusedthey wen- - not acclimated.and the happ

bulldog his lh.c' had plenty timethe n"'1

Dodge, winner I.atonla and fromDerby, Western form beaters.

like being goofl as any tnrecvear-ol- d He will be

and racegoers will havechance look over real

colt the son Jim Gaffney goesthe post, equally home on heavy


concerning progressivehis community movement

yet Camp- - horses,be saw service. smrsingularly

the familiardone'

talked ente-tt- lrsuffered

Jamaica and finished Saratogabehind he

one na.



Thomas 'OU"''.h.'states,

theSchuttlnger MWniMthe further

mov,m,ltpr;'urd8?:' -- mly,',,m,i;," IT.

,ln Sanford Memorial,he galloping.

s.iv that theheat hilt ..i...... son or

Ave Mpni.ii.n'd Hamllno n.i,i.,m Oo'ld. noseup and of ti.in



IsIs Is

Is as


as this it



That notedwill Is the




for at,lof the



Porklate heIt on pool


horses thour r.iceri hren

eonre nfIn it


or onlv on


from to see PJ"--

the got h'lvc wh'hIn wire. "'- -

the world




who Jockey

nt his Twin

or fast course. workIt Is early make any and In en'!-- -,

the most n- - ii.there good In tgone to post. better

seem to the best to theandat very outset his career as i, with what the ..'

to race- - an(i have underof actual tests. lie ne'vhave defeat date. a nro when f.iiA.1 ..






fP. ti

I ' .''"' 'w . (wl ,,v iirpnil ),it,-Hotel open- - ,n i.ree in l ,Ing day "andstart effort for ,u RV(,n fo

form the follow- -

field thewon

Tho. know whlt- -

fntllnn nnrnmA wnn th Cash.mile with 122 nf.M w was

to on 5.





1I1 i,.



nrnrynfh.,S whnVnV "" remark had !Mr,e Is flrst ..p.,r themrBn we" aml lmprovlng"Vo fast ,,:,. day. great size and lnll 't.nnf:,tA..rc7,yJnB..loneP.n,? ?mll,. The 183 him an HamUni l.SB the Tho Klng'fast. as he

aTll V to his Grid's J tilled the Fltxherbert. from the head the after lf ('had was he savap" nlng part fanner?nnd "".I11 elty. hiatus very

by hi'rawn the uickiSeveral V?k" I,r!nr th" Is now In t'--an(, hi a"haran assault upon and to be the and ,

1.,'.JhVCale 'i-J-j! all to cou

the coursethat were class Ally " nl

M th, rnce- -

an,Ch4ton"tr'et Navarre he" rt had courageously never1 undoubtedly tell the M nu.omthe dedwere rn, a. one nf , as the rich befeats, hrac:lInK.,d,08t:t.. wl. best the

and Tn, .S"',:', and he In .11 1616sv.rs had InUsee and ,i V mo.him ton ;e?.e.1. "Sl'lTilVL"

--l .pacemakers, the one front "5 L""l , of thehorse aa ...L cri Lean side, while r 'l trZ and West and ' l.lno Cre

as ne the third at-- year-old. one Voter Inof "f Z.l,,."e. 1.1 " Lin, from the ...hte. m.asure'meeUnS from day the Kept pn,es.

marea that 7" --.- V . . should the :r "is .K,never be nV,.lZX n.n-- . : the the favor he .

. "VI - '."' Kn..:1 !v,n .nim .1- ,- every horse "i to lioi.eSS " Instructions to drHe exten other and will straimerwhen with .,, "r." near limit. he is ns those to for in

.however Dom- - held nnd ha" h,,'"' all things Into during mere many .roodwin a ground ,nol as as no how consideration. In by for blood I,, ef

as Idol her jr m a" fust elln. In with ,h and many years have been and a,r?,,nt,p",ll"rt of 19J in ,,u P'-- ". word great ," E.g. shall ,, thonV,..-mare- ,

which 1.. of those









and to













aa hewas a 5S, 7.1


noand a



mannnd never

fh.no i.Mu.i c.jrrcnrontirni th time tn


be Just

great big

and nttried to


hadne. sire, and

son, nndthis


and toIt

by bis

KingMetropolitan A few




far anyIt

tont the and

Injudiciously Infurlong to the rail

IiIhelbow. 142, to


rate. kept performances hereway Pan



14 m ".W"1 heor

to thehalf mile wagon non.on





Is .1.. ..... .u.,,,

inriicu me mow, and goodat ,,. nut ,n

In 29 rarIn

HIO ,,,IH- -i

final Andnnd amid


........ .n,.t1.. Itwill as that

any in ine tothe


nm. n.i,..





Judges' nave

on tosmashed (I mud


of It an slonor





ththese i as the




Is on onIn In Mack. Imp, the day

oflo Is to pick

InIn 1904 be of time

Mr,at lo

the tho

iih mllo



gaveII beat

















as many of




at on,,ff


hnhv Its



of ,ur


upon !n s.




In- -


total nc










It' is only one end In

MISS ",lr i. n.-- r n r,.Welch, was on Ii - u

France Mi

I to Itnee Oold F-

Cop. ; a.'ded Inhorses by glvlns tro- - vDetroit. Aug 15. for UaUrr , ,.

water to ,,,,, hp , k, ., , ...be broken yhen the speediest power ,(,1i ..

,M.nnn.inl ,..l,t fl, let. f fim flinin. ....





Short whose ' " Ano'r",r feature I rm, he i De- -'a good a w"' ',"the champion c"r. T"

i1""",, ' '

1910. will have to measure evil ,,nl,,rr" 1,1 VVl""1 V' 'o1'' 1 Is t

the East e. yiHr a f 'overcome Telesitlons of horiovers I hln "nme '

most character befor. e" r-'1-'

non- - stand victori..and the The not

""'J' " nam- -


performance,cnmn seeinggreat at

has pair Theymade for side, get late

tho it like being great site It hadn'thitch and and the fact

race Hut horses could Hose- -way nnd the chief

and ranked

Voter and theBroomstick seison any

nnd hislong Hock the best, but

him campnnd teststho to the colt

down Bui has gone will












sich- -


conttold how

C'hallence the de...their races.,,,

for fast


Tour-- e!lLlrU.v a,my


opposition Jja "untry "Kr"':



pected to be meet.1904 the was put up for

time by the American PowerAssociation to speed

In 40 foot class and under, thewinner of each therup until defeated In subsequent com-petition. races each year are heldunder th auspices of thePower Boat Association and only


Th classic gold challenge oneof the most the

of solid gold of most de-sign. It stHiuls some twenty-fou- r Inches

heyday of his powers ns a Irish I.ad, Water- - victory, he established a record for ! high, and base nre



They the . country. and otherstoo

son n andhistory a a









plaques upon engraved theraces and names of theProbably greater Insports can be by a asso-ciation, city or than by win-ning this trophv.

Miss Detroit, by the Miss DetroitBout Association,

rup at Manhaeart I., lust yeariiidI Is groomed her backers todupllcato the performance on her

vincible. That he Is in the, stud In Ken- - Broomstick to a hardly seen this Th this September.artcr a sojourn l.ngiaiui ih a. at the distance In same Is true or ami Ilrnmn, The Detroit is one of theof congratulation, for beat lilm a few Inches. both fleet colts as two-- ! best In the country. The start

and a of mllo was covered In 1 :H7 5 and the and Trainer to be between Isle nnd the Americantoo successful a family to be full in 2:02 It little sympathized with he very few of Itetrolt and

as a wonder the big son of horses In his stable. Thunderer up Into making a ttvoto and Byeonby's day, sired so good winners fur Mr, be a colt of the highest mile which must bo covered

In decade, Hamburg, a Duryea to Frnnce, for ho but he loo Is on tho suspicious list. for a total distance of thirtyrelative to Domino on dam bad nil qualities for and racegoers will remember that Tug for each heatdemonstrated the brilliancy of thn greatness whether on In Spn attention to the fact that The natural park ofHanover-MimM- e cross. This the stud. his hnd punch flred th Isle will serve a. a grand stand,phenomenal colt won with all of Hermls admittedly rival first time he went (o the Insuring th spectators a perfect viewweight th tola crowning and are Judges and Eastern of the over It.




andPark to


"In more fhni)racing popular In n win

of IVrcy.Oraysaid Ilealey, the notf,i

trainer, who has charge ofstring whll

talking the crowds that outto the events de-

cided.this trainer's prediction

come of all wh0watched game grow tt.e last

few Bo haspatrons of the grown that It

question year orseveral fall meetings will held herBelmont already has arrange 1

for an autumnPhilip Dwyer, presidentCounty Jockey hni,Nmeeting nt thn turfauthorities for for a tneit.m

the expiration Iielmcntsession, but his nmn

and mint unt next yearIs also reported

that the Jockr.hold an autumn tneotlng 1!17.

tlpst.That foreign bred are not

homebredthis year. are

foreign this country, theyhave cut little on turf In

hh winning ronreniM.Many them haveselling races, but

horse, the Irish hsto

that they nr.-- fieclass with our tlrst class thoroughbred

At tm- -

form ontha that

grounds when " innT'Vf, U.7m

American his

l'rodnclnir llornea.P. Stryker, the

Club sires Accountant and I'.ishionCreeks Farm, near

Derby, Erie county, has done of

to definite has succederdpredictions ng some the

are that hershave the producefire stryker

Mr. fortunate' Creeks nndofbreeder produce good descendants


son Olambalanot daWhen ran Springs on his Vwav

"e (l,nla InrirHealey. while the "nlted nns -Saratoga

said Stryker. a if'Su-th-e

and no ,,vHe showed mvn

r::r- -calloned


,. rnre

tor by our ownone for hordes, each f r

horses to be hvand a et.i for teim

horses tip 1, ir,ur member of the

name of th8 B!om,on son of fo'ur In she Kmdee. cWss(1883). .p)en,,,i BO ,he c , hueSuburban of op- - hi,, nlr ,, ,.ra Bot. nfly

eand Nov. ofPa wasand ,,1,"n,"" after there the

for year" "'k""f "fromto ho two Fltzherbert. ofX"'Und.l the from nineteen Although veterinarians and has

th , ha. hors appeared Ab catt col ofiT affection "athletic hehim. , Saratoga will journeyonly great thereih. v.rv up ufra'- -hi, vlc The

he 127 now Jf been making should bentof

at the the tlrr.m-n- t "reeding puriK.e by 7J fact bulk


nnd one his "from onebut at Vhhh n"m a stationed ,on

when he sixteen out '" " W to dayof r. powerful

will ,'":'. K'i."V" "V, "l ,", of thoroimhl.red w.hthe stud ':1 ....'.. r tin- - wisJ" ' the hose llrle ,y

Kessler. halva- - his was a contests .:

over and a1 records iast went'"king

class the Some '.the The mi,,

,11mm produce offive was1.56 In' the rinmn'mi enu.l old. sinndan bred






orthe present






the wastermed,













13; ",,r:- - orr- -


neversire, wa,



pretty was









the miarter. .....both

"As not noamer'.dR


v......11,1 was

year,lau i.exingion. long



UK ttthere


n ;iear 1,

Brine "andernmetit p.."

Mich.. recordstravcll MUI11,(,

,.,,,,. ,)avo

form has which w

been h real leand may wind of b J,"n,w r

cVas'lc "nlfonwith best both and 'J , mont nioxemen,

West and the ',1,r" a 1,1

of v"y ""'A0''


re- -I.Ike

histheir have

nSysonby proml- - from

tho his Derby









Groomed Stryker.

ng expected

I.anlhof Icturesoue



here theIn cup the

first Boatbe raced




noted of worldIt artistic

Hermls, when Its thirteen gold


whichwhining boats,

no honor waterobtained club,

racedPower the

Bay, I..being

homehome had lnng up be again season, course

turky in world record order Hiver coursesource Colin was lo The madegreat scion Howe Helle

on utter, distance has shore Illver extendsstock horse. sound Ijike Tit. Clair,Prior many course,

but same when taken time,the side, the which mnkn mil,

the track orknees been Belle

kinds was the chief post.In saddl, of Irish Lad, then food Spur Rock of th course entire length.


few yearsStnto

before tholaw,"


aboutseason sea


years. large



(JueenClub, which



h.nThen- -



Shorteither speed M.imln



front are



horehorse. should




dlxry roaiasaddle one


thati.u,,n individual

whichup 129 which

which would

three declared vi" lu-

bring outrJ.



..riat K:r.- -people

.that '"r!"work

quitewhich give,,








for l.M.u I.e..,. kl..ii 1lf


for t'ie

All try ,.,are


us,,fl" f"'offup f"r

he heP

















would sixthe














t icatijn iur 11 llicil ll eiioiuo '

purposeful when military fi f-

ling has an added slgnlflcai.ee i I

our to secure ' e Vetmounts and wou'd f.in i

market for the surplus thoi ih't-e-of th race coulee h i weu.l

have the qualifications for n ' ''. e,-- s


FROM OURcompetition. I Sfc J


racehorse Broomstick,



two.year-old- , Broomstick,




s Dominantremarkably

a racehorse year-old- i.

failure CandrlmaHColln's quality,

, dally,entire beautiful





Wilson establishing


Belmont famous

encourage ofllcerspoFslble


Sporting Edltpr Mnrnlng Hun'Allow me tn ronsriitu1".!" yflii UP"" ,r

Improvement In .oir tMel I i"i ""''since the consolidation of Tin; s -I'rcss. ery truly v .r . . , , jlit i l "

33 S Union ulrrei, l.win, MfIlesr Sir Your ail,l. In Sun It c' "'

V.lnnt. of lH." . it" " ' ' "

rardon menilon or a mi..K ,

fact no to IMol. Anson's " " "ns the While hinikiegs "r V

Anson's rolls' oriKiin'-- ,.'i'i"i.bond .ir '.ir, 1M' Voir- - ','I 11 11 I I I '

lli.sioii r'hmiii" of i' ' e

1 thank you for the ..up, 'to", ' l,,lra )ot of old timers enjoy "d Ui" ' "

In i"l,nO'our article ref.

IIumI... vur t'.ol

t.urr to it.

I,pitched it hull for Clio Inll.iM '

on haselull, hut kei-- in.illllte sure uftir the in,' " 'to ritirlniMtl. and "Hh ttu,'the ttl.lllIP IikioooiiI hull un"

nd this wsa Hush h Ki,tnd '

I'Ii iihi- - mil le in" If I ni II"' 'olillri'. ours tn sirt, y

You are correct about It" '

knoeked out In his onls gameRed. 1 fOeS takV S hob's rr

