DOI: 10.1126/science.1093686 , 672 (2004); 303 Science et al. André Verdel, RITS Complex RNAi-Mediated Targeting of Heterochromatin by the www.sciencemag.org (this information is current as of June 2, 2008 ): The following resources related to this article are available online at http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/303/5658/672 version of this article at: including high-resolution figures, can be found in the online Updated information and services, http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/1093686/DC1 can be found at: Supporting Online Material http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/303/5658/672#otherarticles , 15 of which can be accessed for free: cites 25 articles This article 321 article(s) on the ISI Web of Science. cited by This article has been http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/303/5658/672#otherarticles 86 articles hosted by HighWire Press; see: cited by This article has been http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/molec_biol Molecular Biology : subject collections This article appears in the following http://www.sciencemag.org/about/permissions.dtl in whole or in part can be found at: this article permission to reproduce of this article or about obtaining reprints Information about obtaining registered trademark of AAAS. is a Science 2004 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. The title Copyright American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the Science on June 2, 2008 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from

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References and Notes1. S. M. Hammond et al., Nature Rev. Genet. 2, 110 (2001).2. G. Hutvagner, P. D. Zamore, Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev.

12, 225 (2002).

3. J. C. Carrington, V. Ambros, Science 301, 336 (2003).4. M. F. Mette et al., EMBO J. 18, 241 (1999).5. M. Pal-Bhadra, U. Bhadra, J. A. Birchler, Mol. Cell 9,

315 (2002).

6. D. Zilberman et al., Science 299, 716 (2003).7. J. A. Birchler, M. Pal-Bhadra, U. Bhadra, in RNAi, A

Guide to Gene Silencing, G. J. Hannon, Ed. (ColdSpring Harbor Laboratory Press, Woodbury, NY,2003), pp. 23–42.

8. T. A. Volpe et al., Science 297, 1818 (2002).9. I. M. Hall et al., Science 297, 2232 (2002).10. G. J. Hannon, Nature 418, 244 (2002).11. A. A. Aravin et al., Curr. Biol. 11, 1017 (2001).12. W. Stapleton, S. Das, B. D. McKee, Chromosoma 110,

228 (2001).13. J. R. Kennerdell, S. Yamaguchi, R. W. Carthew, Genes

Dev. 16, 1884 (2002).14. D. R. Dorer, S. Henikoff, Cell 77, 993 (1994).15. Materials and Methods are available as supporting

material on Science Online.16. L. L. Wallrath et al., Genes Dev. 9, 1263 (1995).17. C. D. Shaffer et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99,

14332 (2002).18. T. C. James, S. C. R. Elgin, Mol. Cell. Biol. 6, 3862 (1986).19. L. Fanti, D. R. Dorer, M. Berloco, S. Henikoff, S. Pimp-

inelli, Chromosoma 107, 286 (1998).20. A. H. F. M. Peters et al., Mol. Cell 12, 1577 (2003).21. G. Schotta et al., EMBO J. 21, 1121 (2002).22. T. Zhao et al., J. Biol. Chem. 275, 28332 (2000).23. We thank T. Jenuwein for antibodies specific for

modified histones, H. Lin for alleles of piwi andaubergine, C. Berg for homeless alleles, D. Dorerand S. Ronsseray for mini-white arrays, and mem-bers of our research groups for critical review ofthe manuscript. N. Pavelka, P. Ghana, and C. Craigprovided excellent technical assistance. This workwas supported by grants from the NIH (HD23844and GM68388 to S.C.R.E.), the NSF (MCB 0211376to J.A.B.), the Human Frontier Science Program anda Wellcome Trust Senior Fellowship (RGY20/2003and Wt2001 to U.B).

Supporting Online Materialwww.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/303/5658/669/DC1Materials and MethodsFigs. S1 to S5References and Notes

16 October 2003; accepted 9 December 2003

RNAi-Mediated Targeting ofHeterochromatin by the RITS

ComplexAndre Verdel,1 Songtao Jia,2 Scott Gerber,1,3

Tomoyasu Sugiyama,2 Steven Gygi,1,3 Shiv I. S. Grewal,2*Danesh Moazed1*

RNA interference (RNAi) is a widespread silencing mechanism that acts at boththe posttranscriptional and transcriptional levels. Here, we describe the puri-fication of an RNAi effector complex termed RITS (RNA-induced initiation oftranscriptional gene silencing) that is required for heterochromatin assemblyin fission yeast. The RITS complex contains Ago1 (the fission yeast Argonautehomolog), Chp1 (a heterochromatin-associated chromodomain protein), andTas3 (a novel protein). In addition, the complex contains small RNAs thatrequire the Dicer ribonuclease for their production. These small RNAs arehomologous to centromeric repeats and are required for the localization of RITSto heterochromatic domains. The results suggest a mechanism for the role ofthe RNAi machinery and small RNAs in targeting of heterochromatin complexesand epigenetic gene silencing at specific chromosomal loci.

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombecontains large stretches of heterochromatin thatare associated with telomeres, repetitive DNA

elements surrounding centromeres, and withthe silent mating-type loci (1). Assembly ofheterochromatin at these loci involves an or-

chestrated array of chromatin modificationsthat lead to the recruitment of two chromo-domain histone-binding proteins Swi6, a ho-molog of the Drosophila and mammalianHP1 proteins, and Chp1 (2, 3). The RNAipathway has also been implicated in regula-tion at the DNA and chromatin level in Ara-bidopsis (4–6), Drosophila (7), and Tetrahy-mena (8), and in heterochromatin assembly inS. pombe (9, 10).

RNAi silencing is triggered by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), which is cleaved bythe ribonuclease III (RNase III)–like enzymeDicer to generate small RNA molecules of�22 nucleotides (nt) (11–13). These smallinterfering RNAs (siRNAs), load onto an ef-fector complex called RISC (RNA-inducedsilencing complex) that contains an Argo-

1Department of Cell Biology, 3Taplin Biological MassSpectrometry Facility, Harvard Medical School, Bos-ton, MA 02115, USA. 2Laboratory of Molecular CellBiology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutesof Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected].

Fig. 4. Mutations in components ofthe RNAi system result in a loss ofhistone H3-mK9, and a delocaliza-tion of heterochromatin proteinsHP1 and HP2. Polytene chromo-somes (prepared as in Fig. 3) weretreated with rabbit polyclonal pri-mary antibodies specific to HP1,HP2, or histone H3-mK9, as speci-fied, andwith antibodies against thefemale specific protein, Sex-lethal,used to distinguish mutant fromwild-type chromosomes. Antibodieswere applied to mixtures of Can-ton S wild type with piwi1/piwi2, aubQC42/�P-3a, or hlsE1/hlsE616 glands; piwi1/piwi1, hlsE1/hlsDE8, and hlsE1/ hls�125 showedsimilar results. In the supporting on-line material, adjacent nuclei on thesame slide, but of different geno-type, are presented for each com-parison (figs. S2 to S4). The level ofH3 methylated at Lys9 is progres-sively reduced, both at heterochro-matic and euchromatic sites, in thepiwi/piwi, aub/aub, and hls/hls lines,with a progressive delocalization ofHP1 and HP2. Scale bar, 10 �m.


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naute/PIWI family protein and targets cog-nate mRNAs for inactivation (12–15).

Factors involved in the RNAi pathway inother organisms are required for heterochro-matin formation in S. pombe. Deletion of anyof these factors, such as Dicer (dcr1�), Ar-

gonaute (ago1�), and RNA-dependent RNApolymerase (rdp1�), disrupts heterochroma-tin assembly (9, 10). In support of a role forRNAi in heterochromatin assembly, bothDNA strands of the S. pombe centromericrepeats are transcribed (9), and siRNAs have

been identified that match the S. pombe cen-tromeric repeats (16). Moreover, recent ex-periments suggest that artificial generation ofdsRNA from a hairpin construct can silencehomologous sequences by heterochromatinformation in an RNAi-dependent manner

Fig. 1. Purification of Chp1-TAP and identifica-tion of associated proteins. Extracts from aChp1-TAP strain and an untagged control strainwere purified by the TAP procedure and appliedto a 4 to 12% polyacrylamide gel, which wasstained with colloidal Coomassie blue (A). Thebands in the Chp1-TAP purification were ex-cised from the gel and sequenced by tandemmass spectrometry (22). The identity of eachband is based on multiple sequenced peptidesand is indicated on the right. *Residual GST-TEV, the protease used for elution from the firstaffinity column. (B) The Chp1-TAP protein wasfully functional for silencing of a centromericimr::ura4� reporter gene as indicated by wild-type levels of growth on 5-FOA medium, whichonly allows growth when ura4� is silenced.N/S, nonselective medium. (C) Schematic dia-gram showing the subunits of the RITS complexand their conserved motifs. The chromodomain(ChD) in Chp1, the PAZ and PIWI domains inAgo1, and a region of sequence similarity be-tween Tas3 and the mouse OTT (ovary testistranscribed) protein are indicated.

Fig. 2. Purification of theRITS complex by using aTas3-TAP strain and the re-quirement of tas3� in si-lencing and methylation ofH3-K9 and Swi6 localiza-tion. Western blot showingthat (A) the Tas3-TAP andChp1-TAP proteins are ex-pressed to similar levelsand (B) growth assaysshowing that Tas3-TAP dis-plays wild-type levels of si-lencing for a centromericimrIR::ura4� reporter gene.(C) Tas3-TAP was purified,and silver-stained proteinbands were sequenced bytandem mass spectrome-try. *GST-TEV. (D) In tas3� cells, silencing of a ura4� reporter geneinserted at the centromeric repeats (imr1R::ura4� and otr1R::ura4�) islost, but silencing of the same reporter gene at the silent mating-typeinterval (Kint2::ura4�) is unaffected. Loss of silencing in sir2�, chp1�,and ago1� is shown for comparison. Loss of silencing results in loss ofgrowth on counterselective 5-FOA medium. (E) ChIP experiments show-ing that in tas3� cells methylation of histone H3-K9 and localization of

Swi6 to a ura4� reporter gene inserted at otr1R and imr1R centromericrepeats is abolished. In contrast, deletion of tas3� has little or no effecton H3-K9 methylation and Swi6 localization (Kin2::ura4�). ChIP analysisand quantification were performed as described previously (26). Theratios of ura4� or cen signals to ura4DS/E-minigene signal present in theimmunoprecipitated DNA (ChIP) and whole-cell extracts (WCE) wereused to calculate fold enrichment shown underneath each lane.


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Page 4: RNAi-Mediated Targeting of Heterochromatin by the Science ......bands as Chp1, the 90-kD band as Ago1, and the 65-kD band as SPBC83.03c, a previously uncharacterized protein (Fig

(17). Here, we address the key question ofhow small RNAs generated by the RNAimachinery initiate heterochromatin assemblyin fission yeast.

To identify factors important for RNAi-mediated targeting of heterochromatin com-plexes, we reasoned that such factor(s) wouldact in early steps in heterochromatin assem-bly and would be required for the establish-ment of heterochromatin-specific histonemodification patterns. The Chp1 proteinbinds to centromeric repeats and is requiredfor methylation of histone H3-K9 and forlocalization of Swi6 (3, 18). Moreover, thephenotypes displayed by chp1� strains areidentical to RNAi mutants. To test whetherChp1 provides a physical and functional linkbetween RNAi and heterochromatin assem-bly, we used a tandem affinity purificationprocedure (TAP) and a TAP tag to identifyfactors that interact with Chp1 (Fig. 1). Sev-eral protein species of about 65, 90, 100, and120 kD were specifically purified from theChp1-TAP strain (Fig. 1A). Mass spectrom-etry of excised gel bands, as well as proteinmixtures, identified the 120- and 100-kDbands as Chp1, the 90-kD band as Ago1, andthe 65-kD band as SPBC83.03c, a previouslyuncharacterized protein (Fig. 1, A and C;table S1; figs. S1 and S2), which we namedTas3 (targeting complex subunit 3). The ratioof the 120- and 100-kD bands varies fromexperiment to experiment, which suggeststhat the 100-kD protein is a degradation prod-uct of Chp1.

To verify that Chp1, Ago1, and Tas3 areassociated together in a complex, we construct-ed an S. pombe strain that produced a fullyfunctional Tas3-TAP protein (Fig. 2, A and B).Affinity purification followed by mass spec-trometry sequencing identified Ago1 and Chp1as Tas3-associated proteins (Fig. 2C, table S1).N- or C-terminally tagged Ago1 proteins werenot functional in centromeric silencing andwere not used for purification experiments.However, identical purification profiles ofChp1-TAP and Tas3-TAP suggests that Chp1,Ago1, and Tas3 are associated together in acomplex, which we have named RITS.

Chp1, as well as Ago1 and other compo-nents of the RNAi pathway, have previouslybeen shown to be required for the assemblyof heterochromatin and silencing of reportergenes inserted within heterochromatic do-mains (9, 10, 19, 20). A tas3 deletion straincarrying the ura4� reporter gene inserted atinnermost (imr) or outermost (otr) centromer-ic repeats of chromosome 1 (imr1R::ura4�

and otr1R::ura4�, respectively) displayed aloss of silencing of both reporter genes (Fig.2D) to an extent similar to that of the deletionof sir2, chp1, or ago1 (Fig. 2D) (9, 10, 19,21). Further, chromatin immunoprecipitation(ChIP) showed that Tas3 was required forH3-K9 methylation and Swi6 localization of

a ura4� reporter gene inserted at each of theabove loci (Fig. 2E).

As is the case for RNAi mutants (10),deletion of tas3� had little or no effect onsilencing or localization of H3-K9 methyl-ation and Swi6 to the ura4� reporter geneinserted at the mat locus (Kint2::ura4�) (Fig.2, D and E). The similarity in phenotypesdisplayed by tas3�, chp1�, and RNAi mu-tants underscores the importance of Tas3interaction with Chp1 and the role of theRITS complex in RNAi-mediated hetero-chromatin assembly.

Members of the Argonaute family of pro-teins constitute the core subunit of RISC,which is associated with small RNA mole-cules that target it to specific mRNAs (12,13). To determine whether the RITS complexis associated with small RNA molecules, wesubjected Chp1-TAP or control purificationsto phenol-chloroform extraction and precipi-tated the aqueous phase of the extractioncontaining any nucleic acid. The precipitatedmaterial was then labeled with [5�-32P]pCpand T4 RNA ligase (22). As shown in Fig.3A, Chp1-TAP is specifically associated withsmall RNA molecules ranging in size from

�22 to 25 nt. In contrast, the predominantRNA species prepared from a whole-cell ex-tract (total RNA) are 70 to 100 nt in size,most likely representing transfer RNA(tRNA) and 5S RNA (Fig. 3A). RNA species,mainly in the size range of abundant tRNAs,as well as a small amount of an RNA speciesof �25 nt, were present in both the untaggedcontrol and Chp1-TAP purification and rep-resent nonspecific background binding (Fig.3A, lanes 2 to 4). Similar results were ob-tained when the RITS complex was purifiedfrom a strain producing Tas3-TAP (Fig. 3B).

siRNAs are produced by the ribonucle-ase Dicer (12, 13). We purified the RITScomplex from a strain that carried a dele-tion of dcr1�, the only S. pombe gene thatcodes for Dicer. Deletion of dcr1� resultedin a loss of small RNA species that specif-ically copurify with Chp1-TAP but had noeffect on the presence of nonspecific RNAspecies, which were also present in theuntagged control purification (Fig. 3C).These results indicated that the small RNAspecies specifically associated with RITSare siRNAs that are produced in a Dcr1-dependent manner.

Fig. 3. Dicer-dependent association of RITS with siRNAs. (A) Small RNAs of�22 to 25 nt copurify with Chp1-TAP. RNAs isolated from untaggedcontrol (–) and Chp1-TAP (�) strains were 3� end-labeled with [5�-32P]pCpand separated on 15% denaturing urea polyacrylamide gel. Lane 1,[�-32P]ATP–labeled RNA markers (Ambion); lanes 2 and 3, labeling of RNAfrom whole-cell extract (WCE) (�1/2500 of input); lanes 3 and 4, labeling of RNAs afterpurification. Bracket on the right side indicates the position of small RNAs specifically associatedwith Chp1-TAP. (B) Copurification of small RNAs with Tas3-TAP. (C) No small RNAs are associatedwith RITS purified from dcr1� cells. Parallel purifications were performed from an untagged(control, lane 1) strain as well as chp1-TAP, dcr1� (lane 2) and chp1-TAP, dcr1� (lane 3) cells, andthe associated RNAs were [5�-32P]pCp labeled (compare lanes 2 and 3, bracket). (D) Northern blotshowing that siRNAs associated with RITS hybridize to 32P-labeled probes corresponding tocentromeric repeat sequences. RNA from untagged control (lane1) and Chp1-TAP cells (lane 2),purified as described in (B), was separated on a denaturing gel and electrotransferred to a nylonmembrane (22). DNA oligonucleotides with sequence complementary to the 12 heterochromaticsiRNAs identified by Reinhart and Bartel (16) were 5� labeled with [�-32P]ATP and used as probesfor the Northern blot. (E) Southern blot showing that RITS contains siRNAs complementary to theouter centromeric repeats (otr). dg (lanes 2 and 4) and dh (lane 3) repeats, actin (lane 5), and LTRs(lane 6) were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from genomic DNA, separated on 1.1%agarose gel, and transferred to nylon membrane. 32P-labeled RITS siRNAs, obtained by labelingRNAs as described in (A), were separated on a denaturing urea gel, eluted, and used as probes forthe blot.


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Sequencing of small RNAs from S. pombehas identified a series of small RNA speciesthat are complementary to the centromericrepeat sequences (16). These small RNAshave been termed heterochromatic siRNAsand are clustered at two regions within thecentromeric repeats, the dh repeats and aregion immediately downstream of the dgrepeats. Centromeric siRNAs have beenproposed to function in sequence-specific tar-geting of homologous DNA regions (i.e.,centromeric repeats) for heterochromatin as-sembly. To determine whether siRNAs asso-

ciated with RITS originate from centromericrepeats, we first analyzed RITS-associatedRNAs on a Northern blot probed with amixture of oligonucleotides derived from thecentromeric repeats. These oligonucleotideswere specifically designed to hybridize tosiRNAs previously identified by Reinhart andBartel (16). The 32P-labeled oligonucleotideprobes specifically hybridized to RNA spe-cies of �22 to 25 nt in size present in theChp1-TAP purification but not with nonspe-cific RNAs present in the untagged controlpurification (Fig. 3D).

As a second test for the identities of thesiRNAs associated with RITS, we labeledRITS-associated siRNAs with [5�-32P]pCp,then gel purified and used them to probe aSouthern blot containing equal amounts ofDNA fragments (ranging in size from 300 to700 base pairs) corresponding to the dg anddh centromeric repeats, the region down-stream of dg repeats to which siRNAs map(designated dg-D), retrotransposon long ter-minal repeats (LTRs) that have been shownto mediate RNAi-dependent gene silencing(17), and DNA fragments corresponding toactin and molecular size markers. The labeledsiRNAs specifically hybridized to dg, dh, anddg-D centromeric sequences (Fig. 3E). Nohybridization was detected to LTR, actin, orDNA size markers (Fig. 3E). Our inability todetect hybridization of RITS-associatedsiRNAs with LTR sequences may be due to arelatively lower abundance of LTR siRNAscompared with siRNAs that originate fromthe centromeric repeats. Together, these ex-periments show that RITS is associated withsiRNAs that originate from processing ofcentromeric dsRNA transcripts.

We next used S. pombe strains that producedeither Tas3-TAP or Chp1-Flag to determine thein vivo chromatin localization of the RITS com-

plex and the requirement for the RNAi pathwayin its localization. It has previously been shownthat Chp1 localizes to the centromeric repeatregions and together with the Clr4 methyltrans-ferase is required for H3-K9 methylation andSwi6 localization (3). ChIP experiments showedthat Tas3-TAP is similarly localized to a ura4�

reporter gene inserted within in the otr centro-meric repeat region (otr1::ura4�) and centro-meric repeat sequences but not to the controlmini-ura4 (ura4DS/E) gene at the endogenouseuchromatic location (Fig. 4). Tas3-TAP, likeChp1 (18), is also localized to the imr centro-meric repeats (Fig. 4D). Furthermore, deletionof ago1�, dcr1�, or rdp1� abolished the asso-ciation of Chp1-Flag and Tas3-TAP withotr1::ura4�, as well as with centromeric repeatsequences (Fig. 4, A and B). These results indi-cated that the RNAi pathway is required forassociation of the Chp1 and Tas3 subunits ofRITS with heterochromatic DNA regions. Ourpurification of the RITS complex from dcr1�cells showed that the protein subunits of thecomplex remained associated together in theabsence of siRNAs (fig. S4). The purificationresults, together with the ChIP analysis, indicatethat the “empty” RITS complex is inactive andcan only associate with its chromosomal targetafter it is programmed by siRNAs.

We further tested whether Tas3 was re-quired for the localization of Chp1-Flag toeach of the above regions. Deletion of tas3�

abolished the association of Chp1-Flag withotr1::ura4�, as well as with native cen se-quences (Fig. 4C). These results support thebiochemical identification of Tas3 as an in-tegral subunit of RITS and indicate that itplays an essential role in localizing the com-plex to heterochromatin.

Our analysis suggests a remarkably directrole for the RNAi machinery in heterochro-matin assembly. By analogy to RISC com-

Fig. 4. The RNAi pathway isrequired for localization ofRITS to heterochromatin.(A) ChIP experiments show-ing that Tas3-TAP is local-ized to centromeric hetero-chromatin in an RNAi-de-pendent manner. Tas3-TAPis associated with ura4� in-serted at the otr centromer-ic repeats (otr1::ura4�, leftpanels) and with native cen-tromeric repeat sequences (cen, right panels) in wild-type (wt) but notago1�, dcr1�, or rdp1� cells. The ura4DS/E-minigene at the endogenouseuchromatic location is used as a control. (B) The RNAi pathway isrequired for the localization of Chp1-(Flag)3 to centromeric heterochro-matin. (C) Tas3 is required for the localization of Chp1-(Flag)3 to hetero-chromatin. Immunoprecipitations were carried out using a Flag-specificantibody from tas3� and tas3� cells. (D) Tas3 is associated with ura4�

inserted at the imr centromeric region (imr1::ura4�). WCE, whole-cellextract. Fold enrichment values are shown underneath each lane.

Fig. 5. A model for siRNA-dependent initiationof heterochromatin assembly by RITS. The RITScomplex is programmed by Dcr1-produced siR-NAs to target specific chromosome regions bysequence-specific interactions involving eithersiRNA-DNA or siRNA-nascent transcript (bluearrows) base pairing. Nuc, nucleosome; red tri-angle, K9-methylation on the amino terminusof histone H3. See text for further discussionand references.


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plexes, which use small RNAs as guides totarget specific mRNAs for degradation ortranslational repression, we propose thatRITS uses siRNAs to recognize and to bindto specific chromosome regions so as to ini-tiate heterochromatic gene silencing (Fig. 5).Four lines of evidence support this view.First, RITS contains Ago1, the S. pombehomolog of the Argonaute family of proteins,which form the common subunit of RISCcomplexes purified from different organismsand are thought to be directly responsible fortarget recognition (12). Second, RITS is as-sociated with siRNAs that require Dcr1 fortheir formation and originate from hetero-chromatin repeat regions. Thus, this complexcontains the expected specificity determi-nants, i.e., siRNAs, which in other systemshave been shown to direct target recognition(14, 15, 23, 24). Third, at least two subunitsof the RITS complex, Chp1 and Tas3, arespecifically associated with the expected het-erochromatic DNA regions, which suggeststhat the complex localizes directly to its tar-get DNA. Fourth, in addition to Ago1, RITScontains a chromodomain protein, Chp1,which is localized throughout heterochromat-ic DNA regions (18) (Fig. 4) and requires themethyltransferase Clr4 and histone H3-K9methylation for localization to chromatin (3,18). Thus, RITS contains both a subunit(Ago1) that binds to siRNAs and can functionin RNA or DNA targeting by sequence-spe-cific pairing interaction and a subunit (Chp1)that associates with specifically modified hi-stones and may be involved in further stabi-lizing its association with chromatin (Fig. 5).

Mechanisms analogous to the RITS-mediat-ed targeting of heterochromatin complexes arelikely to be conserved in other systems. Forexample, in Tetrahymena, genomewide DNAelimination during macronucleus developmentrequires an Argonaute family protein, Twi1, anda chromodomain protein, Pdd1, both of whichare also required for H3-K9 methylation andaccumulation of small RNAs corresponding totarget sequences (8, 25). Similarly, in Drosoph-ila repeat-induced transcriptional gene silencingrequires an Argonaute family protein, Piwi, anda chromodomain protein, Polycomb (7). Our re-sults support the hypothesis that Argonaute pro-teins form the core subunit of a number of differenteffector complexes that use sequence-specificrecognition to target either RNA or DNA.

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27. We thank M. Ohi, K. Gould, C. Hoffman, and D. Wolf forgifts of strains and plasmids; members of the Moazed,Grewal, and Reed laboratories for support and encour-agement; R Ohi and El C. Ibrahim for advice; El C.Ibrahim and M. Wahi for comments on the manuscript;and C. Centrella for technical help. A.V. was supportedby a postdoctoral fellowship from INSERM and is now afellow of the Human Frontier Science Programme. Thiswork was supported by grants from the NIH (S.I.S.G.and D.M.) and a Carolyn and Peter S. Lynch Award inCell Biology and Pathology (D.M.). D.M. is a scholar ofthe Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Supporting Online Materialwww.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/1093686/DC1Materials and MethodsFigs. S1 to S4Tables S1 and S2

14 November 2003; accepted 5 December 2003Published online 2 January 2004;10.1126/science.1093686Include this information when citing this paper.

Kinesin Walks Hand-Over-HandAhmet Yildiz,1 Michio Tomishige,3* Ronald D. Vale,3

Paul R. Selvin1,2†

Kinesin is a processive motor that takes 8.3-nm center-of-mass steps along mi-crotubules for each adenosine triphosphate hydrolyzed. Whether kinesin moves bya “hand-over-hand” or an “inchworm” model has been controversial. We havelabeled a single head of the kinesin dimer with a Cy3 fluorophore and localized theposition of the dye to within 2 nm before and after a step. We observed that singlekinesin heads take steps of 17.3 � 3.3 nm. A kinetic analysis of the dwell timesbetween steps shows that the 17-nm steps alternate with 0-nm steps. These resultsstrongly support a hand-over-hand mechanism, and not an inchworm mechanism.In addition, our results suggest that kinesin is bound by both heads to the micro-tubule while it waits for adenosine triphosphate in between steps.

Conventional kinesin (referred to simply askinesin) is a highly processive, dimeric motorthat takes 8.3-nm steps along microtubules(1–3). Kinesin transports a variety of cargo,including membranous organelles, mRNA,intermediate filaments, and signaling mole-cules (4). Mutations in a neuron-specific con-ventional kinesin have been linked to neuro-logical diseases in humans (5).

Kinesin is a homodimer with identical cata-lytic cores (heads) that bind to microtubules andadenosine triphosphate (ATP) (6). Each head isconnected to a “neck-linker,” a mechanical ele-ment that undergoes nucleotide-dependent con-formational changes that enable motor stepping(7). The neck linker is in turn connected to acoiled coil that then leads to the cargo-binding

domain (8). In order to take many consecutivesteps along the microtubule without dissociating,the two heads must operate in a coordinatedmanner, but the mechanism has been controver-sial. Two models have been postulated: thehand-over-hand “walking” model in which thetwo heads alternate in the lead (7), and an inch-worm model in which one head always leads (9).

The hand-over-hand model predicts that, foreach ATP hydrolyzed, the rear head moves twicethe center of mass, whereas the front head doesnot translate. For a single dye on one head ofkinesin, this leads to a prediction of alternating16.6-nm and 0-nm translation of the dye(Fig. 1A). In contrast, the inchworm modelpredicts a uniform translation of 8.3 nm forall parts of the motor, which is equal to thecenter-of-mass translation (Fig. 1A). In ad-dition, each model makes predictions aboutrotation of the stalk. The inchworm modelpredicts that the stalk does not rotate duringa step. A symmetric version of the hand-over-hand model, in which the kinesin-microtubule complex is structurally identi-cal at the beginning of each ATP cycle,predicts that the stalk rotates 180 degrees,whereas an asymmetric hand-over-hand

1Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology,2Physics Department, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, USA. 3Howard Hughes MedicalInstitute and the Department of Cellular and Molec-ular Pharmacology, University of California, San Fran-cisco, CA 94107, USA.

*Present address: Department of Applied Physics, TheUniversity of Tokyo, Tokyo 113–8656, Japan.†To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]


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