Contents: Ripley Music Fesval · Bands on the Park · Contact our Councillors · Ripley and Alfreton Tennis Club · News about Ripley Town Councils new offices · The faces behind Ripley Town Council · Ripley Town Council Mayor · Meeng dates · Waingroves Show · Future community events hosted by Ripley Town Council · Allotment and Garden Compeon · Cerficate of Merit Award · Ripley Town Council Big Day Out 2017 You are invited to the Ripley Big Day Out! Ripley Town Council are hosng a free event at Midland Railway – Buerley for the younger and older residents from Ripley, Heage, Nether Heage, Ambergate, Sawmills, Waingroves and Marehay. The Big Day Out was an enormous success last year and a wonderful day was had by all that aended. This year we are opening the morning acvies to pre-school age children and their carers. The aſternoon session will be for the older generaons to enjoy. There will be lots of acvies for everyone to join in with and you cant go to the fantasc Midland Railway with a free ride on the train. These will be running frequently between the main staon, right through to Swanwick and back. There will also be informaon stalls from local groups and organisaons. We hope to see you there! Newsleer - May / June 2018

Ripley Town Council · Ripley Town Council 2017 You are invited to the Ripley ig Day Out! Ripley Town ouncil are hosting a free event at Midland Railway – utterley for the younger

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Page 1: Ripley Town Council · Ripley Town Council 2017 You are invited to the Ripley ig Day Out! Ripley Town ouncil are hosting a free event at Midland Railway – utterley for the younger

Contents: Ripley Music Festival · Bands on the Park · Contact our Councillors · Ripley and Alfreton Tennis Club · News about Ripley

Town Councils new offices · The faces behind Ripley Town Council · Ripley Town Council Mayor · Meeting dates ·

Waingroves Show · Future community events hosted by Ripley Town Council · Allotment and Garden Competition ·

Certificate of Merit Award ·

Ripley Town Council B

ig Day O

ut 2



You are invited to the Ripley

Big Day Out! Ripley Town Council are hosting a free event at Midland

Railway – Butterley for the younger and older residents

from Ripley, Heage, Nether Heage, Ambergate, Sawmills,

Waingroves and Marehay.

The Big Day Out was an enormous success last year and a

wonderful day was had by all that attended. This year we

are opening the morning activities to pre-school age

children and their carers. The afternoon session will be for

the older generations to enjoy.

There will be lots of activities for everyone to join in with

and you can’t go to the fantastic Midland Railway with a free

ride on the train. These will be running frequently between

the main station, right through to Swanwick and back.

There will also be information stalls from local groups and


We hope to see you there!

Newsletter - May / June 2018

Page 2: Ripley Town Council · Ripley Town Council 2017 You are invited to the Ripley ig Day Out! Ripley Town ouncil are hosting a free event at Midland Railway – utterley for the younger

Best Kept Allotment and

Best Kept Garden Competition 2018

Do you have a garden or allotment that you are proud of

and would like to get recognition for all of your hard work

and dedication?

If so, we would love you to enter our

competition. All you have to do is fill in and cut out the

entry form below and return it back to us. Good luck!

Ripley and Alfreton Tennis Club has recently been renovated to provide four

hard courts, two of which are floodlit and a new Clubhouse.

The Club welcomes new members, regardless of ability. There are coaching

sessions for adults and juniors as well as social events.

For more details, visit www.ripleyalfretontennis.org.uk or telephone the

Secretary on 07986 149810 or the Membership Secretary on 07974 174499.

There is an open event from 10am to 1pm on Sunday 15th July 2018 for tennis

and fun activities for adults and juniors and you can still get back in time to watch

the Men’s Final at Wimbledon! Access to the Club is between numbers 167 and

169 Heage Road, Ripley.

Ripley and Alfreton

Tennis Club

Certificate of Merit Award 2018

To recognise the work done by many

unsung voluntary workers in the Ripley,

Ambergate and Heage areas, Ripley Town

Council award a Certificate of Merit Award

each year.

Nominations are now being invited for the

2018 Award. We would like to

encourage nominees for anybody of any

age who has made a notable contribution

to a service by volunteering their time to

their community.

Nominees must live or work with local

groups in the Ripley Town Council areas of

Ripley, Heage, Nether Heage, Marehay,

Waingroves, Bullbridge, Street Lane,

Sawmills or Ambergate. Councillors are

not eligible.

Nomination forms are available from the

Town Clerk and the closing date for

nominations is

31st August 2018.

Please email us:

[email protected]

Or call: 01773 832211 to request a form.

Page 3: Ripley Town Council · Ripley Town Council 2017 You are invited to the Ripley ig Day Out! Ripley Town ouncil are hosting a free event at Midland Railway – utterley for the younger

It’s been a very busy year for our outgoing Mayor

At our Annual Meeting on 15th May, Councillor Mrs. Sheila Emmas-Williams ends her year term as Mayor of

Ripley Town Council. During that time, she attended numerous events on behalf of the Council and has

raised a great amount of money for her two chosen charities, Derbyshire Autism Services and Amber Valley

Alliance for Learning Disabilities.

In February, the Mayor held a charity night at the

Seafish Restaurant on Cromford Road in Ripley. The

evening was a great success and fully supported by the management

at the restaurant.

Local artist, Mrs. Denise Tester kindly donated a bespoke painting of

choice and Outframed of Ripley donated a frame for when the

painting is completed. Many other gifts were donated to the raffle by

various local businesses and individuals.

The event raised £860.00 which was split evenly between the chosen

charities. Thank you to the team at Seafish for their generosity and for

being great hosts also to everyone that attended.

Pictured L-R: Jamie Staley (Manager), Ripley Mayor -

Cllr. Mrs. Sheila Emmas-Williams, Andy Andrea (Restaurant

Owner) and Mayor’s Consort Roland Emmas-Williams.

Bienvenue à Ripley

Councillor Mrs. Sheila Emmas-Williams gave two

new Twinning members from Chateau Renault a

warm welcome on behalf of Ripley & District

Twinning Association, on their recent visit to

Ripley at Easter.

Eugenie Portier-Neilz and her daughter Leonie

Neilz thoroughly enjoyed themselves on their first

visit to Derbyshire where they experienced the

friendly hospitality given by Members of the


If anyone is interested in joining the Twinning

ssociation and taking part in the bi-yearly visits,

please contact Roland Emmas-Williams on 01773

746543 for further information.

Pictured: French visitors Eugenie Portier-Neilz and

Leonie Neilz with Cllr. Mrs. Sheila Emmas-Williams

Keep up to date with the latest news and information from

Ripley Town Council by visiting www.ripleytowncouncil.gov.uk

‘Like’ us on Facebook ‘Ripley and Proud’

‘Follow’ us on Twitter @RipleyandProud

‘Follow’ us on Instagram, ‘RipleyTownCouncil’

Share your photos with us of Ripley and the surrounding so we can

post them on our social media platforms. Email them to: [email protected]

Page 4: Ripley Town Council · Ripley Town Council 2017 You are invited to the Ripley ig Day Out! Ripley Town ouncil are hosting a free event at Midland Railway – utterley for the younger
Page 5: Ripley Town Council · Ripley Town Council 2017 You are invited to the Ripley ig Day Out! Ripley Town ouncil are hosting a free event at Midland Railway – utterley for the younger

There’s lots going on in and around Ripley

this summer. Here is only a snippet of what’s

happening in our local community.

Wednesday 11th July 2018

Ripley’s Big Day Out

Midland Railway

10am until 4pm

Once again this summer, Crossley Park will be live with

the sound of music between 2.30pm - 4.30pm on:

Sunday 3rd June 2018 - Newhall Band

Sunday 24th June 2018 - Ibstock Brass Band

Sunday 8th July 2018 - Newton Park

Sunday 19th August 2018 - Derwent Valley Wind Band

Friday 30th November 2018

Ripley Christmas Lights Switch On

Ripley Market Place 6.30pm

Sunday 23rd September 2018

Ripley Harvest Food Festival

Ripley Market Place

10am until 4pm

Sunday 2nd December 2018

Ripley Family Christmas Market

Ripley Market Place and around the town

10am until 4pm

Page 6: Ripley Town Council · Ripley Town Council 2017 You are invited to the Ripley ig Day Out! Ripley Town ouncil are hosting a free event at Midland Railway – utterley for the younger

Ripley Town Council are moving...but not too far

The Town Hall in Ripley has been the home to the Council and its staff for many years. From

July 2018, Ripley Town Council will be located at 6, Grosvenor Road, Ripley (pictured below

when it was the Inspired Interiors shop). We feel that by moving there, we will have a

greater presence within the town and will be more accessible to residents who wish to speak with us. The monthly full

Council meetings will still take place in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall.

The new office will enable our various committees to meet on site with the support of

our Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk. We will also have the capacity to promote

local events and information in our front windows and within the building for local

organisations and charities.

Our new contact details from July will be:

Ripley Town Council, 6, Grosvenor Road, Ripley, Derbyshire, DE5 3JF

Tel: 01773 513456 email: [email protected]

We look forward to being even closer to the community.

Who we are and what we do Following the last Town Council newsletter where we

reported the slight increase in our part of the Council Tax,

we received a couple of enquiries asking just for more

information about what we do. Our part of the Council

Tax is the smallest by some distance, but here – in no par-

ticular order - is a brief summary of what we are about.

The biggest expenditure this year is a ‘one-off’ payment of

almost £200,000 towards the new pavilion and community

facilities at Nottingham Road Recreation Ground. Other

than paying the salaries of our two part-time staff, the

biggest ‘routine’ annual cost is for the Christmas lights

around the town (and some in the villages) at £34,000.

Over £20,000 is distributed amongst local community groups and sports clubs to help support them. This helps them develop and grow community-based activities in many areas, from Scouts and Guides to sports clubs, pensioner groups to village halls. We also support both

Ripley Music Festival and Amber Sound, our community radio station.

We are now in the fifth and final year of a 5 year

project – The Long Song – which commemorates the 100

year anniversary of the First World War. Costing £5,000 a

year, this funds Fleet Arts to work with local school chil-

dren to research the contribution of Ripley people to the

war effort. The children then write the words and com-

pose the music of songs performed at the Music Festival.

This year the Town Council is to spend almost £10,000

providing youth services over the summer term and

summer holidays for young people aged 11 and up.

The Citizens Advice Bureau is funded to provide its one day

a week free advice session for local people from Ripley

Library every Monday. Amongst other things, CAB has

helped local people recover 100’s of 1,000s of pounds in

benefits to which they were entitled. This has helped the

individuals and their families, as well as local businesses!

We supply the litter bins along Ripley Greenway and pay

for them to be emptied and the rubbish removed.

The Spring Fair in May, Ripley’s Big Day Out in July, the

Christmas Lights Switch On and the Christmas Market at

the start of the Christmas season are all organised and

funded by the Town Council. This year we are planning to

hold a new Harvest Food Festival – this will be on the

Market Place on September 23rd. These events will cost a

total of £12,000 this year.

But we do lots of other things as well, including Newsletters, which are delivered to 14,000 properties in the township. This is a statutory requirement for authori-ties such as Ripley Town Council.

A really important role is for the Town Council to monitor

the Planning Authority and how it implements – or tries

not to implement - the Ripley Neighbourhood Plan. We

have just established an Environmental Policy and devel-

oped a detailed Environmental Action Plan.

Please visit www.ripleytowncouncil.gov.uk for more


Page 7: Ripley Town Council · Ripley Town Council 2017 You are invited to the Ripley ig Day Out! Ripley Town ouncil are hosting a free event at Midland Railway – utterley for the younger

Ripley Town Council

aims to make Ripley a

better place.

We will try and help all

those who need it, by

building and strengthening

relationships with

individuals, groups and

communities. We aim to

create a more secure and

inclusive Ripley by helping

individuals, families and

communities to thrive. We

will work toward a more

fairly shared society seeking

to strengthen opportunities

for all in education, health,

housing, employment,

transport, leisure and


A free, action-packed

summer is in store for the

young people of the Ripley

Township, courtesy of Ripley

Town Council.

Extreme Wheels are once again

coming along to the town to hold

exciting skateboarding and BMX

sessions on Greenwich Skate Park

on Nottingham Road for young

people aged from 11 years.

Sessions will run weekly from

Wednesday 6th June 2018 for 15

weeks, where people can have a

go at skate boarding, scooters

and riding BMX bikes and learn

tricks like the professionals – and

it’s all free of charge. If you

already have a bike, scooter or

skateboard and safety wear, you

can use that if it is fit for purpose,

otherwise equipment and

helmets will be provided.

The sessions lead up to the finale

event on Wednesday 12th

September 2018 – the Skate Jam

show-stopping event. There will

be demonstrations from pro-

riders, mini competitions,

freeriding, MC shows and free

give-aways. The Show will be

great for spectators too as it will

showcase the exciting and

attention-grabbing displays that

the young people have put


Experienced staff will be present

throughout all the sessions to

ensure a safe but fun


Competitions will be organised

throughout the activities,

providing all participants with

new and challenging experiences.

If you know someone who would

like to come along and take part

at any of the sessions, please turn

up at the Skate Park on

Greenwich Recreation Ground,

near Sainsburys in Ripley

Wednesday evenings, 6-8pm

starting on 6th June 2018 through

to 12th September 2018.

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Ripley Town Council has adopted an Environmental

Policy and also developed a detailed Environmental

Action Plan.

To celebrate this, the Council has established a Spe-

cial Environmental Fund of £5,000. From this, awards

will be made to any community-based organisations

and groups within the wider Ripley Township for pro-

jects and/or schemes which will help improve our


There are no pre-determined ideas as to what the

funding could be used for – it is for the group making

an application to decide what it wants to do.

There are only 5 simple rules:

1. The application must be made by 30th June


2. The project to be funded must assist or comple-

ment the Council's Environmental Action Plan.

AWARDS FOR 2018 / 2019

3. The group/organisation making the application

must have a bank account in its own name, so that

the award can be paid to it.

4. The scheme must be carried out, and the grant

awarded spent by 4th February 2019 (unless agreed

with the Council).

5. Evidence of the cost of the scheme must be provid-

ed with the application as well as a description of the

benefits of the scheme.

There are no application forms. Simply email the

Clerk to the Council detailing what it is you want to

do and provide evidence of the costs.

[email protected]

NOTE: The Town Council will consider any awards

made under this initiative to be entirely separate

from the 'normal' annual grants made towards an

organisation's 'normal' activities and running costs.

Council meeting dates

Everyone is welcome to attend our

meetings which are held on the third

Tuesday of every month (except August

and December) in the Council Chamber at

the Town Hall, or check our website

regularly, or follow us on Facebook or

Twitter to stay in touch and informed.

Tuesday 19th June 2018 - 7.00pm

Tuesday 17th July 2018 - 7.00pm

Tuesday 18th September 2018 - 7.00pm

Tuesday 16th October 2018 - 7.00pm

Tuesday 20th November 2018 - 7.00pm


Ripley Town Council, Town Hall, Ripley, Derbyshire, DE5 3BT

From July 2018: 6, Grosvenor Road, Ripley, Derbyshire, DE5 3JF - 01773 513456

01773 841377 / [email protected]

Ambergate Ward

Councillor C. Worth | 01773 853571

Councillor N. Weaving | 01773 856375

Butterley Ward

Councillor S. Freeborn | 01773 749000

Councillor T. Holmes | 01773 742574

Central Ward

Councillor R. Ashton | 01773 745420

Councillor L. Cox | 01773 742574

East Ward

Councillor S. Carter | 01773 741600

Councillor M. Jones | 01773 742225

Councillor M. Missett | 01773 749968

Councillor R. Emmas-Williams | 01773


Councillor I. Fisher | 01773 745221

Elms Ward

Councillor A. Bridge | 01773 744119

Councillor J. Gregory | 01773 744477

Coucillor C. Cutting | 01773 747105

Heage Ward

Councillor L. Joyes | 01773 857320

Councillor D. Farrelly | 07541 692290

Councillor P. Lobley | 01773 856874

Marehay Ward

Councillor M. Wilson | 01773 749370

North Ward

Councillor P. Moss | 01773 748827

Councillor S. Emmas-Williams | 01773


Waingroves Ward

Councillor D. Williams | 01773 744754


The postal address and email address for

each Councillor can be found on the

Ripley Town Council website.

Ripley Town Councillor contact details