Ricoh Legal FORENSIC SOLUTIONS Real Experts. Real Answers.

Ricoh Legal Legal... · • Defensible forensic collection of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) • Filtering and searching for responsive documents and the de-duplication of

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Page 1: Ricoh Legal Legal... · • Defensible forensic collection of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) • Filtering and searching for responsive documents and the de-duplication of

Ricoh Legal

FoRensic soLutions

Real experts. Real Answers.

Page 2: Ricoh Legal Legal... · • Defensible forensic collection of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) • Filtering and searching for responsive documents and the de-duplication of

Ricoh Legal: Forensic solutions

Many companies rely on old forensic technologies that may not be the best solution. The rapid pace of today’s technology demands a team with the dedication and skills to keep up.

the experience of HssK Forensics. the innovation of Ricoh.Our Forensic Solutions combine HSSK Forensics’ (HSSK) 30 years of experience serving the corporate, legal and professional communities with Ricoh’s legacy of innovative technology and support.

Today, our combined team of forensic professionals provide expert, timely and comprehensive services for a variety of civil and criminal disputes, as well as corporate/employee investigations. We specialize in offering valuable consultation to attorneys through electronic discovery, litigation support and expert witness testimony.

Licensed & certified Forensic investigatorsThe computer forensic professionals of HSSK, a Ricoh company, are industry leaders, skilled in performing digital investigations and providing expert witness testimony. Examiners are licensed private investigators and also hold multiple certifications, including:

• EnCaseCertifiedExaminer(EnCE)

• CertifiedComputerExaminer(CCE)

• SeizedComputerEvidenceRecoverySpecialist(SCERS)

the nation’s First Private computer Forensics Lab Accredited by AscLD/LABHSSK operates the first private computer forensics lab in the nationtobeaccreditedbytheAmericanSocietyofCrimeLaboratoryDirectors/LaboratoryAccreditationBoard(ASCLD/LAB). To qualify, HSSK voluntarily submitted to stringent reviews ofourlaboperatingprocessesbyASCLD/LABinspectors—including audits of the physical laboratory, case files, evidence preservation procedures, operating manuals and biometric and electronic security systems.

Being the first private firm in the nation to receive this accreditation underscores HSSK’s commitment to consistently provide unparalleled expertise in forensics and electronic discovery.

With state-of-the-art technology and specialized software, HssK Forensics’ team of dedicated computer forensic specialists can be your trusted partner — providing the expertise you need and the support your schedule demands.

Page 3: Ricoh Legal Legal... · • Defensible forensic collection of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) • Filtering and searching for responsive documents and the de-duplication of

Full-service solutions

• ForensicAcquisitionofESI

• DeletedFileRecovery

• SpoliationExaminations

• RecreationofComputer andInternetUse

• EncryptionBypass

• eDiscoveryPlanning

• ESISearchandFiltering

• ExpertWitnessTestimony

• RemoteForensicImaging

• MobileLabServices

computer Forensics & eDiscovery servicesHSSK offers a range of computer forensics and eDiscovery services including:

• Computerforensicsinvestigations

• Detectionofintellectualpropertytheft

• Analysisofacomputeruser’sactionsoverspecific time periods

• Recoveryofdeletedfiles

• DefensibleforensiccollectionofElectronicallyStored Information(ESI)

• Filteringandsearchingforresponsivedocuments andthede-duplicationofmassESI

• ClientsiteassessmentofESI,assistancewithidentification of items potentially responsive to eDiscovery obligations

• ExtensiveexperienceastestifyingexpertsatFederal, StateandInternationallevels

• Remoteforensicimagingandanalysis

expert Witness testimonyHSSK offers extensive technical proficiency and a proven track record of testimony in high-profile cases. We pride ourselves on our “plain English” approach of conveying complicated information in lay terms so that judges, juries and other partners can easily understand it. We also offer visual aids—suchasdemonstrations,samplecomputers,digitalpresentationsandhandouts—aspartofourtestimony.Withyearsofexperienceinforensics,ITinfrastructure,software development, systems administration and digital investigations, we are well placed to provide the testimony your case needs.

Litigation support More than ever, today’s attorneys face matters and depositions that involve a significant amount of complex technical details. HSSK supports legal professionals by attending depositions, reviewing transcripts and providing expert opinions on content related to a variety of civil and criminal matters.

innovative technologies: Remlox and tRAinRemloxTM is our proprietary, patent-pending remote data collection tool which creates a complete, sector-by-sector forensic image of a computer’s physical hard drive. Rapidly deployable, Remlox uses encrypted hard drives to protect the acquireddatawhileintransit.Italsosavesthousandsofdollarsin travel and expert onsite fees. Because of our Safe Harbor Certification,RemloxcanevenbeusedinEuropetoforensicallycollectandtransportdatatotheU.S.

HSSKalsooffersourpatent-pendingTRAIN(TechnicalRemoteandIndependentNode).Aself-containedsystemthatuses the latest virtualization technologies to run multiple forensic environmentsononemachine,TRAINisinstalledataclient’ssite. We have configured it to be completely automatic. Once installed, the client connects the drive containing the evidence tothemarkedportontheTRAINsystem.AnHSSKexaminerthen securely and remotely connects to the system and completes the same investigation that would have previously required that the evidence be sent to a lab. Because of the fast turnaroundtimefortheprocessingofthedata,TRAINenablesclients to receive information more quickly than ever before.

Remlox is only available through Ricoh’s full suite of computer forensics and eDiscovery services, including forensic analysis, discovery consulting, early case assessment, processing and hosting and review. Our proven approach to eDiscovery balances the benefits of the latest technology with our people and processes—providingtoolstohelpyou quickly and efficiently identify critical information.

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RICNP-0034©2012RicohAmericasCorporation.Ricoh®andtheRicohlogoareregisteredtrademarksofRicohCompany,Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Ricoh believes that the key to transforming the way companies work starts with harnessing the collective imagination of people. This idea, paired with our award-winning technology and services, is how we are breathing new life into established forms of knowledge sharing—helpingcompaniestomovebeyond paper and beyond the office so they can collaborate like never before. Services-led, technology-enabled and people-driven, Ricoh is committed to helping companies leverage the powerful information and knowledge that already exists throughout their organizations —oftenuntamed,untappedandburied—tocreatethefuturetheywant. To learn more about Ricoh Legal and how we can help you identify and address opportunities to enhance your organization’s document management, visit www.ricoh-usa.com/legal.

Local Presence. Global experience.

sample HssK engagements

• corporate information theft—uncoveredevidenceshowingthat individuals stole proprietary company documents on their last days of employment before going to work for a competitor.

• Mass indexing & searching —completedtheforensicacquisition, indexing, de-duplication, complex searching and production of more than six terabytes of data in six days. This large dataset consisted of email, user files and network data. We responded quickly to client requests for revised search terms and provided reports in a matter of hours.

• Password override & Recovery—penetratedpassword-protected accounting records in a fraud examination.

• Deleted e-mail Recovery—recoveredandproducedthousands of deleted emails for a discovery request from a state investigating agency.

• Internet Activity & History search—foundevidenceofafalsesexualharassmentclaimbyreviewingInternetandmessaging activity, discovering claimant had researched and anticipated filing a claim two months before any alleged incident had occurred.

• eDiscovery collection & Production—managedoneofthelargest electronic productions in a civil case involving alleged theft of intellectual property.