r > li 10 ± 1Ti TtriSANTA J t i ri Salways stops at McKees for everything in the W j 1vay of Novelties Come down and leave your order for some of our F 1 Sterling Silver Uor we can show you the nicest line of Jewelry Novelties we have ever had Watch our windows and show cases just be fore Christmas i 1r OWEN McKEE DRY GOODS COMPANY jtheRichmond Climax mUSsED REEl WEOIESBJI BY llBE CLIMAX PRINTING CO Incorporated PAD res and Mgr Steve K Taught Editor Vmbtrf KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION ut r EIGHTH DISTRICT PUBLISHERS LEAGUE f ICE 100 PER YEAB IN ADVANCE WEDNESDAY DEC 14 1910 COXGUESSMAN O lie James who was tonoof tho Committee of Investigation says there aro no grounds for the im pcachment or Ballinger but ho thinks llhoro aro fair prospects that the Dem fpcrals and Insurgents combined will adopt in the House the minority report recommending Ballingcrs dismissal Another Washington dispatch says that the Democrats have not thought of un- seating Caleb Powers and that the sug- gestion comes only from a newspaper of Mr Towers own politics and in his own istricty WALTON in the Lexington Her aid says If Mr Ballinger will go with rout standing on the order of his going and Mr Powersbo permitted to die of ennui on account of being severely let alone by the press matters can assume Stholr former condition Publicity at present is Powers great card With rputit ho will pinG away and bo rem em solely for his connection with the C foulest crime of the century You farmbrs and growers who aro ro sponsible for the wrecking of the pool SnnTnow getting a big dose of tho mcdi jtcipe Be satisfied with 7 and 8 cents dont let your pool neighbor hear you kick for the laughs certainly on you Boyle county growers who were exceedingly obstreperous over the pool ingidoa aro flow getting 5 and G cents iortheir offerings at the Danville ware lionse and occasionally one goes to a Dime Animosity toward President Le- D hurt the growers more than anyone else It would have been easy to have gotten rid of this man later on and those who held out on account of being against LoBus have only torn their shirt that much more IT seems that tho people of Louisville Sad the state aro just beginning to real ¬ > ise what a farce the trial Judge made outof those instructions to the Wend 4ngjuryIn Louisville manslaughter ise a self defense clause etc He gig either guilty and should be hung e etee should be turned loose The State certainly failed in its case every fftreag point offered by the prosecution xjwas joet by the defense lie is no doubt evidences M XfxEX they put one oycr on the old wMJNne Coy McCreary you can just r uMtUboyre working night and day with wieboui sleep or food There is some I evpeettkm but it will amount to nil t Xp your eye on Ben Johnson and the ffiM teViH politicians theyre after an aMiflg to jump In and take tho place a cant be elected Governor of I ky neither can Head but they f Ijpra a trick if you dont watch them Pereey Haley was never as shrewd i two names just mentioned people sneer at the great teach c OIary Baker G Eddy the founder KHsUtui Scienc e but over a million wws attest the great love and fidel f lioio who believe in her teach rtrbare in Richmond a small r Scientists arc loyal many of s fcewe been cured of some great tlmwit by living a life such as c IbjT Mrs Eddy rMbpeeoas for witnesses sent from i W Jnekson for service on those testify in the Abner case >fcM stolen from tho Sheriffs office Its a shame that the state bear the cost of prosecuting such Turn em loose and let em kill rther until the country is rid of Democrat of the state should eye open and watch for crooked the part of those who disrupt trtif in the state and who are so get in power once more A lag Senator XcCretry but ckto friend > NAL5 T Ehefes K k Chicago pa sunvia w ialkfwt- t u4i lllf XeCrewjr fcIt U vjt bt 1P to a Auhkook WI t t JaOtIa lI X Bur in Cincinnati Dun P the live stock st Miss Hester Covington was in Lancas ¬ ter last week the guest of Miss Fannie TinderMrs A C Scanlan was called to Kan- sas ¬ City last week on account of tho ill- ness of her father Misses Dovio and Lelia White left last week to enter the SmlthsJJusiness Col- lege ¬ at Lexington- Mr John Ballard has returned from Martinsville where be has been to take the baths for rheumatism Mr Jesse Alverson and bride were hero Sunday to spend the day with his mother Mrs Mattie Alverson on High street The French Mission Circle will meet next Monday afternoon with Mrs D IL Scanlon at the Presbyterian manse Dont fail to attend the auction sale of handsome piano Saturday at 2 p m in front of court house A lovely Xmas present cheap Mr Malcolm Miller returned to Hick ¬ ory N C Thursday where he is in business after a visit to his mother Mrs M M Miller The ladies of the East End Christian church will hold their annual Xmas bazaar at the store of Tate Son on next Saturday 17th Mrs Ed Bybee who has been quite sick is able to be about and slowly re¬ covering which will be good news to her many friends Miss Russell Stouffer will come from RandoffMacon college in Virginia this week to spend the holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs J B Stouffer Rev Father ODwyer of St Marks Catholic church was in Lexington last week to hoar tho eminent Catholic Bishop Sutton deliver series of lectures Judge James Denton of Winchester was in the city last Thursday several hours enroute to his homo from Waco where ho had been to see his aged par entsDr J G Bosley has moved his offices over tho jewelry store of L E Lane formerly occupied by Dr C H Vaught Ho will fit up a handsome suite of rooms in his now quarters Messrs Thomas Baldwin and Joe P Chenault were in Lexington last even- ing to attend a big dance and reception given by the Kappa Alpha fraternity of State University Mr Stono Maupin the hustling solici- tor ¬ formerly with the Richmond Steam Laundry has accepted a similar posi ¬ tion with the Normal Laundry since the Irvine street concern closed its doors Mrs John Culbertsbn mother of the popular Chief Clerk to Supintendent Crabbe Mr J P Culbertson will ar- rive ¬ this week from Michigan to spend the remainder of tho winter with her souTho Christmas Cotillion of tho Rich- mond ¬ German Club is announced for tho 28th of this month Mr William Marstoller will lead On account of the holiday season there is expected to be a largo list of visitors Col A C Green of Cincinnati better known to his legion of friends as Cam ¬ my is in the city Ho was formerly of this county being a son of the late Silas Green who was tho first cashier of the Madison National Bank Mr and Mrs L Z Taylor of Payettc Idaho are here for a visit to relatives They left this county ten years ago Mr Taylor is a prosperous farmer and fruit grower of that state and speaks in glow¬ ing terms of Idaho and her possibilities Ho is a brother of Mrs A T Million The condition of young Howard Ncalo Thompson who was seriously injured last week by falling on tho icy pave ments is much improved Thoboysuf fered a deep gash in thoforohead which necessitated several stitches to close tho wound His many friends will be glad to know he is out of danger Mr Charles Powell who went west about two weeks ago with a view to lo¬ eating Is now in Los Angeles and is de ¬ lighted with that city lie will very likely decide to move to that place His son Mr Charles Powell isattending the thatI city Mr and Mrs Hubert Coraelisoa of Jacksonville Fla who haVe been the guests of Mr Coraelisons parents Mr ned Mrs Ed Cornelteon in tho coanty have returned to their home in the south They stopped over hero enroute from New York where they have been spend ¬ lag a goEKllyportioooftl1eirhoneymoon Lexington Herald Miss Mollie Fife of Richmond is visiting friends here Miss Katheriae WhUofleb mood isspad1ngafewdysbere with friea4sMrs G B Ttsrley and Mtes Msj retPbelps ef RkbraoiMl whoav teaded the wsrriage of their sister ICict Susan Phelps to Dr Knor in Lox iogton this week have returned home1 Lexington HeraM Miss WHheliuu Gpodk eai rUin < informally with IwMfeem WediMtfejr atjtoudoninbooor etXrs Paul CofliM of Bellingham Ifthiij Itftd MT KVM McOord of Seat ¬ the the caette of MM Lwi Boworth Tke bMUitifol borne WM decorated with plants iDd Id Ute Iah11 Wu mteied ia enlert iuiiif her notber Mrs William C Geodto The table bad for cttVPI great bois l whe J 0 oamatiMe the after tIPPOiiat l in artistic hari amiJMlB meeu- in wl several ooum Mr Deffner the new oat the- epera hewe delighted 4J e awdienoe Monday evening his first pefferaaace With Mr Alex Bowles tad Mw oWwr membersiof the orchestra a line musi ¬ cat program was rendered Mr Half ner is a Frankfort boy Quite a surprise was given to the friends in this city last week when the announcement of the weddingot Miss Susan Phelps to Dr David B Knox of Georgetown was received The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Samuel Phelps of Richmond and k a lovely young woman st rick Ingly handsome and aceosipllshed Tho nuptials took place Loxiogton at the home of the brides aunt Mrs P CKarr and Row Thos Knox a brother of the groom offlciated The Wedding was a quiet home affair Mrs G B Turley Jr and Miss Mar garet Phelps of this city sisters of the bride were present Aftor receiving congratulations Dr and Mrs Knox left for a short bridal trip after which they will bo at homo in Georgetown whore the groom is located The bride has made Lexington her home for sometime although a native of Richmond and has a host of trends here vho extend the warmestjof congratulations Our fruits candies and Christmas goodies aro fresh and not heldover stock Joe the caterer 2t Reception- At the store of D B Shackelford Co there will be open house from tho 10th to tho 24th Handsome invita tions have been sent out by the firm Nothing Nicer As a Christmas gift can you think of anything more appropriate than engraved cards and a subscription to the ICimax Every week in the year your name would bo mentioned in the household as a most thoughtful person Sold Property John Malloy sold this week to L N Whitaker of Boyle county his house and lot on Moberly avenue for 3000 Mr Whitaker will move to Richmond the first of the year Mr Malloy will not leave tho city as he thinks it is tho best place on earth Holly wreaths and loose holly for sale at the Richmond cemetery Pho o 384 d142t No Sales The Madison Tobacco Warehouse an ¬ nounces that there vill be no sales from tho 21st to the 27th on account of tho holidays Remember however that there will be sales on both these dates All are asked to bear this in mind and avoid any confusion Union Meeting At the Presbyterian church next Sun ¬ day there will be a union meeting of tho churches of Richmond in tho interest of the Pattio A Clay Infirmary Short addresses will be made by ministers of all the churches and members On ac ¬ count of the importance of this meeting it is hoped that a large crowd will bo out Get It Off Richmond is one of the few towns in the country without an ordinance making it compulsary for property owners to keep their sidewalks clean from snow and slush Some business houses will neg- lect ¬ this and will let tho snow and ice bank up around their store when it really injures their business moro than it does the other fellow Public side ¬ walks should bo kept clean at the ex- pense ¬ of tho property owners and it they refuse tho city can have it done at tho expense of the owner Woods There- In all parts of the world wherever a great event is celebrated a Richmond man is always there Ex Mayor Woods is just back from trip to Hew York Washington and other eastern points where he has been on business as well as pleasure Ho was one of the first to enter the big new Pennsylvania Railway station thrown open to the public in New York a few days ago and he also witnessed the opening of Congress in company with Er Governor Bob Tay- lor of Tennessee Sullivan to Talk Judge J A Sullivan will deliver at the Normal Chapel begihing next Fri ¬ day evening a series of talks on the counties visited in his trip abroad dur ¬ ing the past summer He will give the scope of his trip and impressions receiv- ed ¬ not only of the counties physically but their institutions and customs and laws Ho will deliver at an interval of one or two weeks an address oh Ire- land Scotland England and Franco and also of the other countries visited The later lectures will be publicly announced from time to time Save Disappointment Manager Jessup of the Express Co in conversation with the Climax said Tell everybody to ship their packages early The express Co will give them a big label with tho words >ont open until Christmas Day which can be pasted on the box or package Be sure and use wooden boxes they cost but little more but always insure safe delivery Write the address in lull and plainly Print it if you can do it in a legible hand Always put your own name on a package or box when sending itso in case of loss you can be notified Tie all packages securely Attention to these suggestions will insure all holiday packages or boxes a safe delivery Regents For Normal School Meet here Saturday Last for Year The Board of Regents of the Eastern Kentucky State Normal School held their test meeting for the year at the offices of that instkatkm Saturday There was nothing of special interest to come before the body more than the usual routine business such as auditing accounts and winding up the yearly buetaeK affairs of the school Prof T J Coates Superinte a n of the oily liikiuhooM was ileeted a HismWei the ftwmh fts Protestor of Kk nenUry Educatftft TIM dates for the rIirmetieg month eC the re gent for the coming yiere changed to January April llail September Heretofore the regenta Met la Deofen er February June aad September Members of the Board present rwere Chalimaa Supt Begeoeteiu rLbe State school Hon JA S lHvan Fred Vaan oft bitavillet sod P w Orbctead of Cold Spring Jetig CB maok of Owen oou wO to be prevent on aocewrt d tappitr ttoA new d L lv A Banner County sOn Makes a Subsiantiol Gaiin in Her Poputetipn During Past Ten Years While other eeuaties of Ceatral Ken ¬ tucky lost heavily ia their population the put tea years Madison has enjoyed a tantilgroth and aceerdiog to the census just given out at Washington she has 36961 people within her borders as residents Placing the population of Richmond at 6500 Valley View at 900 Bores at 2000 and College Hiil Kingston Red House Eirksvllle and a numbered other small places in the county at average of 250 each would make about 15000 pee ¬ plo residing in the city and small town of the county thus leaving a balance of nearly 12000 residing In the rural dis ¬ tricts The population of Richmond has as yet not been given out but it is expected by the most conservative to run between 0250 and 0500 Lincoln Clarke Estill and Jackson made good gains but Garrard fell down several thousand Even the little coun ¬ ty Jackson shows up with nearly 11000 people equal to many much larger in area Estill has nearly 12000 Clarke 17087 Lincoln 178 97 Garrard 11895 In 1000 Madison county had a popula ¬ tion of 25604 For Rent A convenient cottage of six rooms has electric lights and cistern water Apply to 214NThtrdStreet- BENNETT HIGGINS Have a fine line of holiday goods as well as furniture chairs new rugs etc Come early and make your purchase wo will put them aside and deliver when you want them d73t No advance in price on account of Santa Claus at Rice i Arnolds Only Ten A special from Covington says There is a possibility that Kentucky will elect only ten Congressmen from the Stateat large in 1912 The census returns make it almost certain that tho State will lose one member Congress is disposed to pass over the fixing the unit of appor ¬ tionment to the next Democratic Con- gress ¬ Unless tho Kentucky Legislature gets the unit in the time to redistrict the State before the election of 1912 the Kentucky Congressmen that year will run from the State at large Our fine candles in Christmas boxes will please your best girl Ricci sells them reasonable 2t Lexington Tobacco Sale To give the people of Madison and Garrard counties an idea as to prices on our market wo will say to this time we have only sold four or five crops from those counties on our floors Including crops for the following persons Bal ¬ lard and Gillard of Paint Lick which averaged 1335 Levy Pendleton of Tatervillo average 1401 and Oscar Hager of Teatersville average 1040 These we consider only average good crops of tobacco Strip your tobacco out carefully and place on tho Central Warehouse floors and we will insure you the highest market prices Central Ky Tobacco Warehouse Co Lexington Ky What beautiful cut glass is the word from everyone who visits the Racket Store The prices will astonish you Hurry for tho pick d73t Notice We take this method to thank our patrons and friends for their liberal pat ¬ ronago during the past year and we are going to round out the old year by mak- ing ¬ big reductions in all our line of mer ¬ chandise most especially Boots Shoes and clothing and we want our friends to come and get these bargains at once in order to give in a clean start for new year and further more we are going to ask that all persons owing us on accounts will come right away and make settle mfent of same and wo are going to insist that you dont delay this matter longer than the middle of January as we have more accounts especially old ones than we can see after and we are compelled to place them with a collecting agency Respt TOP Bros BENNETT HIGGINS Are headquarters for Xmas presents Take a look at our fine easy rockers in oak mahogany and rood Wo also have shirtwaist boxes screen book cases library tables doll beds book racks foot stools and lots of other things for the holidays d7 31 Full line of JhnD Stetsons hats for Xmas 300 to 5 Rico Arnold Mens plain pure linen handkerchiefs 25 to 50 cents Rice Arnold What could bo more appreciated as a Xmas present than a pair of nice shoes from Rice Arnold The Qty Schools The report of the Superintendent to tho Board of Education for November- s shitwsthat the enrollment In the white schools is 650 in the colored schools 421 a total of 1071 There were belonging at tho close of the month 014 white stu- dents ¬ and 380 colored a total of 1000 The general average for the month was for the whites 564 for the colored 314 total DOS The percentage of attend- ance was for the whitCs92 per cent for the colored 85 percent The same report hows that in the high school classes there are 22 white tuition students and 9 colored tuition students The tuitions for these stu¬ dents are paid by the county ad amount to itoo tot the year This will probably be increased at the middle of the year There are also white students in the grades whose tuitions amount to 870 and colored studeate whose tuitYloa Untt 90 a total of 913M 1M tuitions It may be well te r ote that the iMooie from toitleas bM beea Made poeeibte by the new building Thor has been BO increase at the teaching force The enrolbBeat by grades Is as follows WhiteHigh sehooi Seniors 18 Juniors le Ph4ilB4Ntlllft Preebraan W toUi nl Ghnade JBighth grade 39 seventh grade 50 SixUi jtrade 47 fIlth grade A DIIi fifth gwde B 88 fourth rae Aac fOurth jvade JJJthlrJ jmfrTA 4fly thJ l gruA B 38 eood gre A 41 second pads B 3 Jrt grade M irat grade BOO Co radSeoior 10 Soph- omores ¬ 8 Prajdmea II total 9Q Grades Eighth 17 isnii SS ijlJlftb 4 fourth 42 third L eooad A 13 wwood 105fint A 40 i J B4I1 e figures show that tte nat crowded The schools of BtSfcmoild are now well housed a fact oil which all citizen bould fel proud Silk mufiets 10 tents to tlfiO aU- shapet at Blqe ArtioWi w j l 4++ t +4 + + t ++ + f j i Gcxitf House I 1 Whats Betac bt The TemBp1e ef 3 sUec pt Week t t + + t + t In our rounds for Court House Hew we stepped into the County Judges o1ee aM found Judge Shackelford try ¬ lug to explain to a lady what her duties and liabilities were as guardian oC her children he did not seem to succeed very well After the lady left we asked bin what the trouble was about He said Very few people seem to understand or know any thing about the law in this state governing Fiduciaries suchas Administrators Executors Guardians and others and frequently this lack of knowledge produces great confusion and misunderstanding and difficulty when settlements are sought to be made Well what is the law touching such matters waasked the Judge replied In the first place overy executor when required so to do and every administra ¬ tor and executor with the will annexed upon receiving his appointment by the court is required by the statutes to ex¬ ecute a bond with good ecurity suffici ¬ cut to secure the whole valuj of tho estate of the decedent and to take an oath to faithfully discharge all the du ¬ ties of a trust The court then appoints three ap- praisers whose duty it is to appraise all the personal property of the deceased of every kind and character after hav ¬ ing been first sworn to discharge their duty the apprai5ment must be made out and signed by the appraisers and re ¬ turned to the Clerks office within three months after thoir appointment it is better however that this appraisment bo returned at once It is then the duty of the personal rep sentativo to convert the appraised prop- erty except that set apart for tho wi¬ dow if there be one into cash and im- mediately ¬ return an inventory and tho sale bill to the clerks office for failure to do thil within six months ho may be fined 1000 for each day ho fails to make tho return upon notice Tho law requires everypersonal representative to settle his accounts with the County Court within two years after ho qualifies and as often thereafter as the court may require but frequently it is better to make these settlements as soon as the estate is in proper shape and not wait the two years unless it is necessary These settlements when approved by the court shall be recorded and indexed by the Clerk and the original and vouchers carefully kept bX him in his officePersonal representatives should keep a caret nl record of all their acts pay out no money on claims against tho estato unless they are properly verified accord ¬ ing to law otherwise it would bo im- proper ¬ for them to have credit in their settlements for such payments What about guardians we asked There is no more stringent law on the statuto books than that governing guar ¬ dians for the protection of infant wards The law requires that a guardian shall within CO days after his appointment return to the court a true and perfect inventory of the real and personal estate of the ward signed by him and verified by his affidavit and an additional inven ¬ tory of any other estate that turns up later and for failure to make any such return the court may remove the guar- dian Nosuch inventory has been re ¬ turned to me since I have been Judge and it is frequently impossible to find any record evidence of how much money came into the guardians hands This inventory is required to be re ¬ corded and it is the duty of the clerks twice a year to present to tho court a list of the guardians who have failed to return the inventory or to settle their accounts tho law then requires the court to summon any delinquent coerce performance of his duty or remove him holding him personally for the cost of the proceeding Iquoto the language of the statute No disbursements shall be allowed a guardian for the maintenance and edu- cation of the ward beyond the income of the estate except where tho ward is of such tender years or infirm health that he cannot be bound as an appren- tice ¬ or no suitable person will take him as such or when it is best for the ward that the principal of his personal estate shall be applied for his board and tuition and the court upon settlement of the accounts shall deem such appli ¬ cation to have been judicious and prop- erly made Section 2035 A provides that guar ¬ dians shall be charged with the follow- ing ¬ rates of interest Where the amount received and held in trust does not exceed 8500000 S per cent whore the amount received and held in trUst exceeds 500000 4 per cent provided that nothing in this act shall prohibit or prevent such fiduciaries from accounting for or being chargeable with such sums in excess of tho rates herein fixed as may bo realized upon any investment of any such funds made J > y any such fidu ¬ ciary Section 2037 reads A guardian shall within 00 days after the expiratonof a year from his appointment settle his accountas guardian with the County Court and at least once every two years thereafter and at such times as the court may require The necessary vouchers shall accompany and remain with the guardians accounts presented for settlement which when properly made shall be prima fade evidence in his favor Noguardian is permitted by the law tQ act as such or to collect any moneys belonging to the ward until he lies qualified and executed the bond The section of the statute which most greatly concerts the County Judge is that one which holds him responsible for funds ia the hands of guardian and it is his duty under the awtoat least once in each year carefully inquire into the solvency of all the sureties upon the bod of each fiduciary mad if upon in ¬ quiry ttiereis reason to believe that any hoed k not amply suWeisnt to protect from all loss those Interested he hall at enee give notion to Mea fiduciary that a new bond or additional surety on the old ooe is required and upon failure of mali ftduekry to give said bond or surety within a reasonable time to be fixed by the eoort he shall be removed Section M45 provides that any fiducv ary JCaiRwg withaut good cause therefor vfeea iMiified to settle his aeoouwU i hall Ike ftwd by tiie Judge for sash day be so fete or reru after notice S10pt TheM ace 05 9C Uw principal raW which the fcw lay d wn for the govero iog of Ceenty Judge mad settieeaenta with Mmotarie 1 do aotraafc the Iff bull aia sworn to enforce it and if tfc6 enforcement nia Jnson veaicaC or disagreeable to anybody i knot The courts fault lam ready and take pleasure in giy qUI information in my power which Hjallilp fiduciaries to keep their ac owMiii they caD make proper settle Beau M proper times- oma flducii who are ignotaot of for Xmas Gift For Men I SuitsOvercoats f RaincoatsFancy sts Neckrear Shirts Hose Umbrellas Gloves Mufllers J J SuspendersHouse Hats CapsSuit I Trunks Cases I Pocket Books J1f1 For Boys Toys r SuitsOvercoats Hats Caps Gloves Hose Shoes Umbrellas For WomenS- et of Furs ShirtWaists Slippers Shoes Nullifiers Silk Petticoats Handkerchiefs Gloves Stationery Belts Jarge Purser Silk Hose Neckwoar Ribbons Sweater Coats Jewelry SuitCases Trimmed Hats and S 9 00 all 050 Blankets all wool 498 500 all wool 398 125 148 200 and 298 the law seem to think that a notice to make a settlement which may be ten years over duo an interference with their private business affairs which makes it very embarrassing for a Judge who is trying to do his duty us the law directs Others are negligent or have been badly advised by persons who dont know the law But I find that every body is anx- ious ¬ to comply with tho law when it is explained to them Those who have not settled should remember that they stand charged on tho countys books with tho estate in their hands together with tho surielies on their bonds It is to their interest to make settlements and get released Joe hasbeen hero for many years al ¬ ways with the best and the people know tt 2t Germs in Her Every Woman Should Read This Advice and the Gen ¬ erous Offer that With It The number of diseases peculiar to women is such that we believe this space would hardly contain a more mention of their names and it is a fact that most of these diseases are of a catarrhal nature A woman cannot be well if there is a trace of catarrh in her system Some women think there is no help for them We positively declare this to beamistaken idea Wo are so sure of this that we otfer to supply medicine absolutely free of all cost in every in ¬ stance whore it falls to give satisfaction or does not substantiate our claims With this understanding no woman should hesitate to believe our honesty of purpose hesitate to put our claims to a test There is only one way to overcome catarrh That way is through the blood You may use all the snuffs douches or like remedies for years without getting more than temporary relief at best Catarrh in general is a diseased condi lionof the system that shows locally most frequently in discharges from mu ¬ coos membranes Local treatment should be assisted by internal treatment for the general diseased condition if a complete euro is to be reached That internal treatment should be scientifi ¬ cally devised and faithfully administer cd Roxall MucuTono is prepared from the prescription ofan eminent physician who for thirty years made catarrh his specialty This me ¬ dy is admirably adapted to the treat mentoftho crtarrhal ailments of wo- men ¬ It purifies and enriches tho blood tends to stop mucous discharges aids in removing Impurities from the system soothes heals and strengthens the mu- cous tissues and brings about a fueling of health and strength Wo want you totry Rexall MucuToae on our guarantee If you are not bene ¬ fited or for any reason not satisfied simply tell us and wu will hand back your money In two sizes 50 cents ad 100 Remember YOU can obtain Rex all Remedies only at H L drug storeRed Cross Stamps Are NI Oa Sate Hera TMBed Cron CbrUtmav stamps av- eaoSsgsI here and every one should see thai all of their mail carries one of these Enlau every penny spent for them will greatly aid In stamping put tuberculos Th y tau be procured at many of itiebusinoss houses and a little later will te oifereii Jor sale in the cot ridor of the postal office These stamps or seals do not csrry mail but any kind of Mali will carry them Buy Uwaiaad be sure ia help in i caaIS I 1 JLf L iLLU J q Mens Presto Over coats > 10 1250 15 A nice assoHixVent of these Over coats with two collars one collar beneath the other but cannot be detected in either position They loo tike any bther Overcoat but when the collar is turned up it fits s ly under the chin It is the Overcoat of the moment and is very much in demand Mens Suits and- Overcoats 10125015 These Suits and Overcoats are made of pure worsted materials tailored excelently fit perfectly and are very patterns Shopping Suggestions Givers For Girls Toys Dolls Ribbons Gloves Hoso > > Shoes Coats Hats FurS ts JIanderchiefs Perfumery Stationery Jewelry Toilet Aarticles Xmas Blankets Comforts Blankets wooL048 Blankets Comforts I System Goes scientifically r Perrys i if desirable A dollar at tho Racket Store will go as far as five at other places If you doubt it step in and sec d73t The MarketsT- he following quotations are furnished by Mr Stono Norman the leading Com- mission ¬ merchant in this section Main street Richmond Ky Highest cash prices for all country produce Mr Norman quotes today on the following Eggs 30 cts Large springers 7 Smahlspringers101Iens Dux full feathered 8 Geese X 7 Roosters 5 Turkeys over 8 lbs 1- 5FeathersL40 Beef Hides = 7 Tallow i 5 Beeswax 25 J Ginseng J 500 Can You Go At Louisville on December 28th tho committee whose names appear in an ¬ other part of this paper under the head of State to Help will meet for the purpose of discussing plans which have been formulated in regard to introducing this Good Roads bill at the next General Assembly Each county in the state is to have a representation and Madison according to her size is alloted five del ¬ egates Judge Shackelford is anxioUs that five good citizens go and will issue the proper credentials to those who will call and signify their intention of at- tending ¬ Wealthy County Few people ever stop to think the amount of wealth that Madison county pays taxes on and even the enormous figures do not show anywhere riear the correct amount as the Assessor Board of Equalizationand oven the Auditors agents aro unable to get n line on all of the taxable property The aggregate amount of county taxes will run about 140000 According to the census rc port just made Madison has a popula- tion ¬ approximately 27000 By these statistics the remarkable fact is shown that 500 per capita is paid for every man woman and child both black and white in the county According to the census report and the total amount of the wealth of the county each person would haveabout 450 if it were equally divided HorSheeL Jimmy Sowers the cool but viva ¬ cious editor of Jhe Valley View Argent has started another paper this time it is the Galling Gun which will bo published in Nicholasvillo and having as its object tho upbuilding of that city as well as Jessamine county Mr Sowers will continue to edit the Argont which is one of the best papers in tho co HOibhots from the shoulder will appearI echjweek In the Galling Gun range of the brainy editor together with his eccentricities will be brought into pkyfai order to phce it in a class by itself Tho Big Pistol was launched in Kentucky journalistic circles last week at Campton Wolfe county and with thsoadlitionS the press of the state should movo up a notch in the Journairstio wo- rklPublic Sale I will offer at public sale on the pe- emieson West Main street at 11 oclock snibiiII WetIMHI1IeeeJAHr21 1111 The FineBrick Residence w u pieceThisie utlQoomlIi lrden1I on or aditlesM J U FRAZIER WbtteibuwK7 Terms made known on 5 Mens Neckwear j i Holiday Novelties in pure rich silks beautiful new Persian popular plain colors Christmas tints neatjv figured and striped effects tttI 25 35 and 50 cents N J t Areoplanes iToys Pianos Doll Trunks Dolls Dogs Horses Cows Lions Teddy Bears Birds Books Dishes GoCarts Buggies Tables all kinds of DollTTurniture Rag Dolls Bisque J Esquimo Dolls Trains Fire Engines Automobiles Flying Machines J v EV ELDER Main Street Richmond Ky For Sale A Waltham watch excellent time piece jeweled movement Will sell for 500 if taken at once Apply at this office Boilermakers The Panama Canal Commission are posting up bills around the city calling for boilermakers to come to the Zono and work on tho big ditch Experts only are wanted and the price is C5 cents per hour There will be few of this class go from hero In the L A shops a few of this line of mechanics are em ¬ ployed and > all our y to be as such As a good youll know it the minute you see and know it still bet ¬ ter when it on your one for Sunday We warrant there is not member of the fam- ily ¬ who will not ask for a second help ing I S a of 11 c 1 For Sale Our place of 8 acres has a six room house and good stream of ever lasting water Situated on Richmond and Lan- caster turn pike two miles from Silver Creek and two miles from Paint Lick Ky We prefer to sell privately Pos ¬ session given Jan 1st 1911 Call on or address HUME E or W EARL TATEM 3t Silver Creek Ky No such an array of holiday goods was over brought to the as is shown at the Racket Store dS3t The start a bank account at once It will him a better standing with those with whom ho de ls It will save him from tho start from as to payments It will save him consid crable in the of money If you have started or are about to start in business open an at the State Bank Trust Co Richmond Ky You will not be the only small depositor Few Reminders for Christmas Shoppers 1 Come as early as you can miss the crowds i When once hero dont leave until you have seen that interests you Whatever you do dont miss RING DISPLAY Takoadvantago of the privilege we offer of laying articles aside wanfed fAnd t1Dontforge And forget that we are able to match thevalues of larger cities i We Invite You L E0 LANE StreetI Our Prime Roast Rib doesnt have ticketed housekeeper it appears table Try dinner a single city should give account until dont C CCUL TON Successor to DougIas Culton 231 WEST MAIN STREET TELEP ONE 12i EVERYBODY EATS o Huylers Candy ne OWrw rlC efm Gift to her must be box QrI 1AK Young Business Man alldisputes transmission A Your sweetheart wilI think more 9f yotS I None has ever been tHuylers bra c tJ TLol4dayr f Box 22 O NQn else cnhf die thIs dlidi candy tn I F6d Joes Restaurantr Sole Agent and Mab l

Richmond climax (Richmond, Ky. : 1897). (Richmond, Ky ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt73n58cgq9t/data/0550.pdfennui on account of being severely let alone by the press matters can assume

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  • r > li10 ±1Ti

    TtriSANTAJ t

    i riSalways stops at McKees for everything in theW

    j 1vay of Novelties Come down and leave

    your order for some of ourF

    1 Sterling SilverUor we can show you the nicest line of Jewelry

    Novelties we have ever had

    Watch our windows and show cases just be

    fore Christmasi



    jtheRichmond ClimaxmUSsED REEl WEOIESBJI BY

    llBE CLIMAX PRINTING COIncorporated

    PADres and MgrSteve K Taught EditorVmbtrf




    WEDNESDAY DEC 14 1910

    COXGUESSMAN O lie James who was

    tonoof tho Committee of Investigationsays there aro no grounds for the impcachment or Ballinger but ho thinksllhoro aro fair prospects that the Demfpcrals and Insurgents combined willadopt in the House the minority reportrecommending Ballingcrs dismissalAnother Washington dispatch says thatthe Democrats have not thought of un-seating Caleb Powers and that the sug-gestion comes only from a newspaper ofMr Towers own politics and in his own

    istrictyWALTON in the Lexington Her

    aid says If Mr Ballinger will go withrout standing on the order of his goingand Mr Powersbo permitted to die ofennui on account of being severely letalone by the press matters can assume

    Stholr former condition Publicity atpresent is Powers great card Withrputit ho will pinG away and bo rem em

    solely for his connection with theC

    foulest crime of the century

    You farmbrs and growers who aro rosponsible for the wrecking of the pool

    SnnTnow getting a big dose of tho mcdijtcipe Be satisfied with 7 and 8 cents

    dont let your pool neighbor hearyou kick for the laughs certainly onyou Boyle county growers who wereexceedingly obstreperous over the poolingidoa aro flow getting 5 and G centsiortheir offerings at the Danville warelionse and occasionally one goes to aDime Animosity toward President Le-D hurt the growers more than anyoneelse It would have been easy to havegotten rid of this man later on and thosewho held out on account of being againstLoBus have only torn their shirt thatmuch more

    IT seems that tho people of LouisvilleSad the state aro just beginning to real¬


    ise what a farce the trial Judge madeoutof those instructions to the Wend4ngjuryIn Louisville manslaughterise a self defense clause etc Hegig either guilty and should be hunge etee should be turned loose TheState certainly failed in its case everyfftreag point offered by the prosecution

    xjwas joet by the defense lie is no doubt

    evidencesMXfxEX they put one oycr on the old

    wMJNne Coy McCreary you can justr uMtUboyre working night and day with

    wieboui sleep or food There is someI evpeettkm but it will amount to nilt Xp your eye on Ben Johnson and the

    ffiM teViH politicians theyre after anaMiflg to jump In and take tho place

    a cant be elected Governor ofI ky neither can Head but theyf Ijpra a trick if you dont watch them

    Pereey Haley was never as shrewdi two names just mentioned

    people sneer at the great teachc OIary Baker G Eddy the founder

    KHsUtui Scienc e but over a millionwws attest the great love and fidelf lioio who believe in her teach

    rtrbare in Richmond a smallr Scientists arc loyal many ofs fcewe been cured of some great

    tlmwit by living a life such asc IbjT Mrs Eddy

    rMbpeeoas for witnesses sent fromi W Jnekson for service on those

    testify in the Abner case>fcM stolen from tho Sheriffs office

    Its a shame that the statebear the cost of prosecuting such

    Turn em loose and let em killrther until the country is rid of

    Democrat of the state shouldeye open and watch for crookedthe part of those who disrupt

    trtif in the state and who areso get in power once moreA lag Senator XcCretry but

    ckto friend

    >NAL5T Ehefes K k Chicago pa

    sunvia w ialkfwt-t u4i lllf

    XeCrewjr fcItU vjt bt1P to aAuhkook WI t t

    JaOtIa lI X Burin Cincinnati DunP the live stock st

    Miss Hester Covington was in Lancas ¬ter last week the guest of Miss Fannie

    TinderMrsA C Scanlan was called to Kan-


    City last week on account of tho ill-ness of her father

    Misses Dovio and Lelia White left lastweek to enter the SmlthsJJusiness Col-lege


    at Lexington-Mr John Ballard has returned from

    Martinsville where be has been to takethe baths for rheumatism

    Mr Jesse Alverson and bride were heroSunday to spend the day with his motherMrs Mattie Alverson on High street

    The French Mission Circle will meetnext Monday afternoon with Mrs D ILScanlon at the Presbyterian manse

    Dont fail to attend the auction sale ofhandsome piano Saturday at 2 p m infront of court house A lovely Xmaspresent cheap

    Mr Malcolm Miller returned to Hick ¬ory N C Thursday where he is inbusiness after a visit to his motherMrs M M Miller

    The ladies of the East End Christianchurch will hold their annual Xmasbazaar at the store of Tate Son onnext Saturday 17th

    Mrs Ed Bybee who has been quitesick is able to be about and slowly re¬covering which will be good news toher many friends

    Miss Russell Stouffer will come fromRandoffMacon college in Virginia thisweek to spend the holidays with herparents Mr and Mrs J B Stouffer

    Rev Father ODwyer of St MarksCatholic church was in Lexington lastweek to hoar tho eminent CatholicBishop Sutton deliver series of lectures

    Judge James Denton of Winchesterwas in the city last Thursday severalhours enroute to his homo from Wacowhere ho had been to see his aged par

    entsDrJ G Bosley has moved his offices

    over tho jewelry store of L E Laneformerly occupied by Dr C H VaughtHo will fit up a handsome suite of roomsin his now quarters

    Messrs Thomas Baldwin and Joe PChenault were in Lexington last even-ing to attend a big dance and receptiongiven by the Kappa Alpha fraternity ofState University

    Mr Stono Maupin the hustling solici-tor


    formerly with the Richmond SteamLaundry has accepted a similar posi¬tion with the Normal Laundry since theIrvine street concern closed its doors

    Mrs John Culbertsbn mother of thepopular Chief Clerk to SupintendentCrabbe Mr J P Culbertson will ar-rive


    this week from Michigan to spendthe remainder of tho winter with her

    souThoChristmas Cotillion of tho Rich-


    German Club is announced fortho 28th of this month Mr WilliamMarstoller will lead On account of theholiday season there is expected to be alargo list of visitors

    Col A C Green of Cincinnati betterknown to his legion of friends as Cam¬my is in the city Ho was formerlyof this county being a son of the lateSilas Green who was tho first cashier ofthe Madison National Bank

    Mr and Mrs L Z Taylor of PayettcIdaho are here for a visit to relativesThey left this county ten years ago MrTaylor is a prosperous farmer and fruitgrower of that state and speaks in glow¬ing terms of Idaho and her possibilitiesHo is a brother of Mrs A T Million

    The condition of young Howard NcaloThompson who was seriously injuredlast week by falling on tho icy pavements is much improved Thoboysuffered a deep gash in thoforohead whichnecessitated several stitches to close thowound His many friends will be gladto know he is out of danger

    Mr Charles Powell who went westabout two weeks ago with a view to lo¬eating Is now in Los Angeles and is de ¬lighted with that city lie will verylikely decide to move to that place Hisson Mr Charles Powell isattending thethatIcityMr and Mrs Hubert Coraelisoa ofJacksonville Fla who haVe been theguests of Mr Coraelisons parents Mrned Mrs Ed Cornelteon in tho coantyhave returned to their home in the southThey stopped over hero enroute fromNew York where they have been spend ¬lag a goEKllyportioooftl1eirhoneymoon

    Lexington Herald Miss Mollie Fifeof Richmond is visiting friends here

    Miss Katheriae WhUoflebmood isspad1ngafewdysbere with

    friea4sMrs G B Ttsrley and MtesMsj retPbelps ef RkbraoiMl whoavteaded the wsrriage of their sisterICict Susan Phelps to Dr Knor in Loxiogton this week have returned home1

    Lexington HeraM Miss WHheliuuGpodk eai rUin < informally withIwMfeem WediMtfejr atjtoudoninboooretXrs Paul CofliM of BellinghamIfthiij Itftd MT KVM McOord of Seat ¬the the caette of MM Lwi BoworthTke bMUitifol borne WM decorated withplants iDd Id Ute Iah11 Wumteied ia enlert iuiiif her notberMrs William C Geodto The tablebad for cttVPI great bois



    J 0

    oamatiMe the after tIPPOiiatl in artistic hari amiJMlB meeu-inwl several ooum

    Mr Deffner the new oat the-epera hewe delighted 4J e awdienoeMonday evening his first pefferaaaceWith Mr Alex Bowles tad Mw oWwrmembersiof the orchestra a line musi ¬cat program was rendered Mr Half

    ner is a Frankfort boyQuite a surprise was given to the

    friends in this city last week when theannouncement of the weddingot MissSusan Phelps to Dr David B Knox ofGeorgetown was received The brideis a daughter of Mr and Mrs SamuelPhelps of Richmond and k a lovelyyoung woman st rick Ingly handsome andaceosipllshed Tho nuptials took place

    Loxiogton at the home of the bridesaunt Mrs P CKarr and Row ThosKnox a brother of the groom offlciatedThe Wedding was a quiet home affairMrs G B Turley Jr and Miss Margaret Phelps of this city sisters of thebride were present Aftor receivingcongratulations Dr and Mrs Knox leftfor a short bridal trip after which theywill bo at homo in Georgetown whorethe groom is located The bride hasmade Lexington her home for sometimealthough a native of Richmond and has

    a host of trends here vho extend thewarmestjof congratulations

    Our fruits candies and Christmasgoodies aro fresh and not heldoverstock Joe the caterer 2t


    At the store of D B ShackelfordCo there will be open house fromtho 10th to tho 24th Handsome invitations have been sent out by the firm

    Nothing NicerAs a Christmas gift can you think of

    anything more appropriate than engravedcards and a subscription to the ICimaxEvery week in the year your name wouldbo mentioned in the household as a mostthoughtful person

    Sold PropertyJohn Malloy sold this week to L N

    Whitaker of Boyle county his houseand lot on Moberly avenue for 3000

    Mr Whitaker will move to Richmondthe first of the year Mr Malloy willnot leave tho city as he thinks it is thobest place on earth

    Holly wreaths and loose holly for sale

    at the Richmond cemetery Pho o 384d142t

    No SalesThe Madison Tobacco Warehouse an¬

    nounces that there vill be no sales fromtho 21st to the 27th on account of thoholidays Remember however thatthere will be sales on both these datesAll are asked to bear this in mind andavoid any confusion

    Union MeetingAt the Presbyterian church next Sun¬

    day there will be a union meeting of thochurches of Richmond in tho interestof the Pattio A Clay Infirmary Shortaddresses will be made by ministers of

    all the churches and members On ac ¬

    count of the importance of this meeting

    it is hoped that a large crowd will boout

    Get It OffRichmond is one of the few towns in

    the country without an ordinance makingit compulsary for property owners tokeep their sidewalks clean from snow andslush Some business houses will neg-



    this and will let tho snow and icebank up around their store when itreally injures their business moro thanit does the other fellow Public side ¬

    walks should bo kept clean at the ex-pense


    of tho property owners and itthey refuse tho city can have it done attho expense of the owner

    Woods There-In all parts of the world wherever a

    great event is celebrated a Richmondman is always there Ex Mayor Woodsis just back from trip to Hew YorkWashington and other eastern pointswhere he has been on business as wellas pleasure Ho was one of the first toenter the big new Pennsylvania Railway

    station thrown open to the public inNew York a few days ago and he alsowitnessed the opening of Congress incompany with Er Governor Bob Tay-lor of Tennessee

    Sullivan to TalkJudge J A Sullivan will deliver at

    the Normal Chapel begihing next Fri¬day evening a series of talks on thecounties visited in his trip abroad dur¬ing the past summer He will give thescope of his trip and impressions receiv-ed


    not only of the counties physicallybut their institutions and customs andlaws Ho will deliver at an interval ofone or two weeks an address oh Ire-land Scotland England and Franco andalso of the other countries visited Thelater lectures will be publicly announcedfrom time to time

    Save DisappointmentManager Jessup of the Express Co

    in conversation with the Climax saidTell everybody to ship their packages

    early The express Co will give thema big label with tho words >ontopen until Christmas Day which canbe pasted on the box or package Besure and use wooden boxes they costbut little more but always insure safedelivery Write the address in lull andplainly Print it if you can do it in alegible hand Always put your ownname on a package or box when sendingitso in case of loss you can be notifiedTie all packages securely Attention tothese suggestions will insure all holidaypackages or boxes a safe delivery


    For Normal School Meet hereSaturday Last for Year

    The Board of Regents of the EasternKentucky State Normal School heldtheir test meeting for the year at theoffices of that instkatkm SaturdayThere was nothing of special interest tocome before the body more than theusual routine business such as auditingaccounts and winding up the yearlybuetaeK affairs of the school

    Prof T J Coates Superinte a n ofthe oily liikiuhooM was ileeted aHismWei the ftwmh fts Protestor ofKk nenUry Educatftft TIM dates forthe rIirmetieg month eC the regent for the coming yiere changedto January April llail SeptemberHeretofore the regenta Met la Deofener February June aad SeptemberMembers of the Board present rwere

    Chalimaa Supt Begeoeteiu rLbeState school Hon JA S lHvan FredVaan oftbitavillet sod P wOrbctead of Cold Spring Jetig CBmaok of Owen oou wO to beprevent on aocewrt d tappitr ttoAnew

    d Llv

    A Banner County

    sOn Makes a SubsiantiolGaiin in Her PoputetipnDuring Past Ten Years

    While other eeuaties of Ceatral Ken ¬tucky lost heavily ia their populationthe put tea years Madison has enjoyeda tantilgroth and aceerdiog tothe census just given out at Washingtonshe has 36961 people within her bordersas residents

    Placing the population of Richmondat 6500 Valley View at 900 Bores at2000 and College Hiil Kingston RedHouse Eirksvllle and a numbered othersmall places in the county at average of250 each would make about 15000 pee ¬plo residing in the city and small townof the county thus leaving a balance ofnearly 12000 residing In the rural dis¬tricts The population of Richmondhas as yet not been given out but it isexpected by the most conservative torun between 0250 and 0500

    Lincoln Clarke Estill and Jacksonmade good gains but Garrard fell downseveral thousand Even the little coun ¬ty Jackson shows up with nearly 11000people equal to many much larger inarea Estill has nearly 12000 Clarke17087 Lincoln 178 97 Garrard 11895In 1000 Madison county had a popula ¬tion of 25604

    For RentA convenient cottage of six rooms has

    electric lights and cistern water Applyto 214NThtrdStreet-

    BENNETT HIGGINSHave a fine line of holiday goods as wellas furniture chairs new rugs etc Comeearly and make your purchase wo willput them aside and deliver when youwant them d73t

    No advance in price on account ofSanta Claus at Rice i Arnolds

    Only TenA special from Covington says There

    is a possibility that Kentucky will electonly ten Congressmen from the Stateatlarge in 1912 The census returns makeit almost certain that tho State will loseone member Congress is disposed topass over the fixing the unit of appor ¬tionment to the next Democratic Con-gress


    Unless tho Kentucky Legislaturegets the unit in the time to redistrictthe State before the election of 1912 theKentucky Congressmen that year willrun from the State at large

    Our fine candles in Christmas boxeswill please your best girl Ricci sellsthem reasonable 2t

    Lexington Tobacco SaleTo give the people of Madison and

    Garrard counties an idea as to prices onour market wo will say to this time wehave only sold four or five crops fromthose counties on our floors Includingcrops for the following persons Bal¬lard and Gillard of Paint Lick whichaveraged 1335 Levy Pendleton ofTatervillo average 1401 and OscarHager of Teatersville average 1040These we consider only average goodcrops of tobacco Strip your tobaccoout carefully and place on tho CentralWarehouse floors and we will insure youthe highest market prices

    Central Ky Tobacco Warehouse CoLexington Ky

    What beautiful cut glass is theword from everyone who visits theRacket Store The prices will astonishyou Hurry for tho pick d73t

    NoticeWe take this method to thank our

    patrons and friends for their liberal pat¬ronago during the past year and we aregoing to round out the old year by mak-ing


    big reductions in all our line of mer ¬chandise most especially Boots Shoesand clothing and we want our friends tocome and get these bargains at once inorder to give in a clean start for newyear and further more we are going toask that all persons owing us on accountswill come right away and make settlemfent of same and wo are going to insistthat you dont delay this matter longerthan the middle of January as we havemore accounts especially old ones thanwe can see after and we are compelledto place them with a collecting agency

    ResptTOP Bros

    BENNETT HIGGINSAre headquarters for Xmas presentsTake a look at our fine easy rockers inoak mahogany and rood Wo also haveshirtwaist boxes screen book caseslibrary tables doll beds book racksfoot stools and lots of other things forthe holidays d7 31

    Full line of JhnD Stetsons hats forXmas 300 to 5 Rico Arnold

    Mens plain pure linen handkerchiefs25 to 50 cents Rice Arnold

    What could bo more appreciated as aXmas present than a pair of nice shoesfrom Rice Arnold

    The Qty SchoolsThe report of the Superintendent to

    tho Board of Education for November-sshitwsthat the enrollment In the whiteschools is 650 in the colored schools 421a total of 1071 There were belongingat tho close of the month 014 white stu-dents


    and 380 colored a total of 1000The general average for the month wasfor the whites 564 for the colored 314total DOS The percentage of attend-ance was for the whitCs92 per cent forthe colored 85 percent

    The same report hows that in thehigh school classes there are 22 whitetuition students and 9 colored tuitionstudents The tuitions for these stu¬dents are paid by the county ad amountto itoo tot the year This will probablybe increased at the middle of the yearThere are also white students in thegrades whose tuitions amount to 870and colored studeate whose tuitYloaUntt 90 a total of 913M 1M

    tuitions It may be well te rote thatthe iMooie from toitleas bM beea Madepoeeibte by the new building Thorhas been BO increase at the teachingforce

    The enrolbBeat by grades Is as followsWhiteHigh sehooi Seniors 18 Juniorsle Ph4ilB4Ntlllft Preebraan W toUinl Ghnade JBighth grade 39 seventhgrade 50 SixUi jtrade 47 fIlth grade ADIIi fifth gwde B 88 fourth rae AacfOurth jvade JJJthlrJ jmfrTA 4flythJ l gruA B 38 eood gre A 41second pads B 3 Jrt grade M iratgrade BOO Co radSeoior 10 Soph-omores


    8 Prajdmea II total 9Q GradesEighth 17 isnii SS ijlJlftb 4fourth 42 third L eooad A 13 wwood105fint A 40 i J B4I1 e figuresshow that tte nat crowdedThe schools of BtSfcmoild are now wellhoused a fact oil which all citizenbould fel proud

    Silk mufiets 10 tents to tlfiO aU-shapet at Blqe ArtioWi


    j l

    4++ t +4 ++t++ +f ji Gcxitf House I1 Whats Betac bt The TemBp1e

    ef 3 sUec pt Week tt+ +t +tIn our rounds for Court House Hewwe stepped into the County Judgeso1ee aM found Judge Shackelford try ¬lug to explain to a lady what her dutiesand liabilities were as guardian oC herchildren he did not seem to succeedvery well After the lady left we askedbin what the trouble was about

    He said Very few people seem tounderstand or know any thing about thelaw in this state governing Fiduciariessuchas Administrators ExecutorsGuardians and others and frequentlythis lack of knowledge produces greatconfusion and misunderstanding anddifficulty when settlements are soughtto be made

    Well what is the law touching suchmatters waasked the Judge replied

    In the first place overy executor whenrequired so to do and every administra ¬tor and executor with the will annexedupon receiving his appointment by thecourt is required by the statutes to ex¬ecute a bond with good ecurity suffici ¬cut to secure the whole valuj of thoestate of the decedent and to take anoath to faithfully discharge all the du ¬ties of a trust

    The court then appoints three ap-praisers whose duty it is to appraise allthe personal property of the deceasedof every kind and character after hav ¬ing been first sworn to discharge theirduty the apprai5ment must be made outand signed by the appraisers and re ¬turned to the Clerks office within threemonths after thoir appointment it isbetter however that this appraismentbo returned at once

    It is then the duty of the personal repsentativo to convert the appraised prop-erty except that set apart for tho wi¬dow if there be one into cash and im-mediately


    return an inventory and thosale bill to the clerks office for failureto do thil within six months ho may befined 1000 for each day ho fails tomake tho return upon notice Tho lawrequires everypersonal representative tosettle his accounts with the CountyCourt within two years after ho qualifiesand as often thereafter as the court mayrequire but frequently it is better tomake these settlements as soon as theestate is in proper shape and not waitthe two years unless it is necessary

    These settlements when approved bythe court shall be recorded and indexedby the Clerk and the original andvouchers carefully kept bX him in his

    officePersonalrepresentatives should keep

    a caret nl record of all their acts pay outno money on claims against tho estatounless they are properly verified accord ¬ing to law otherwise it would bo im-proper


    for them to have credit in theirsettlements for such payments

    What about guardians we askedThere is no more stringent law on the

    statuto books than that governing guar¬dians for the protection of infant wardsThe law requires that a guardian shallwithin CO days after his appointmentreturn to the court a true and perfectinventory of the real and personal estateof the ward signed by him and verifiedby his affidavit and an additional inven ¬

    tory of any other estate that turns uplater and for failure to make any suchreturn the court may remove the guar-dian Nosuch inventory has been re ¬turned to me since I have been Judgeand it is frequently impossible to findany record evidence of how much moneycame into the guardians hands

    This inventory is required to be re ¬

    corded and it is the duty of the clerkstwice a year to present to tho court alist of the guardians who have failed toreturn the inventory or to settle theiraccounts tho law then requires thecourt to summon any delinquent coerceperformance of his duty or remove himholding him personally for the cost ofthe proceeding

    Iquoto the language of the statuteNo disbursements shall be allowed a

    guardian for the maintenance and edu-cation of the ward beyond the incomeof the estate except where tho ward isof such tender years or infirm healththat he cannot be bound as an appren-tice


    or no suitable person will takehim as such or when it is best for theward that the principal of his personalestate shall be applied for his board andtuition and the court upon settlementof the accounts shall deem such appli ¬cation to have been judicious and prop-erly made

    Section 2035 A provides that guar ¬dians shall be charged with the follow-ing


    rates of interest Where theamount received and held in trust doesnot exceed 8500000 S per cent whorethe amount received and held in trUstexceeds 500000 4 per cent providedthat nothing in this act shall prohibit orprevent such fiduciaries from accountingfor or being chargeable with such sumsin excess of tho rates herein fixed asmay bo realized upon any investment ofany such funds made J>y any such fidu¬ciary

    Section 2037 reads A guardian shallwithin 00 days after the expiratonof ayear from his appointment settle hisaccountas guardian with the CountyCourt and at least once every two yearsthereafter and at such times as thecourt may require The necessaryvouchers shall accompany and remainwith the guardians accounts presentedfor settlement which when properlymade shall be prima fade evidence inhis favor Noguardian is permitted bythe law tQ act as such or to collect anymoneys belonging to the ward until helies qualified and executed the bond

    The section of the statute which mostgreatly concerts the County Judge isthat one which holds him responsiblefor funds ia the hands of guardian andit is his duty under the awtoat leastonce in each year carefully inquire intothe solvency of all the sureties upon thebod of each fiduciary mad if upon in ¬quiry ttiereis reason to believe that anyhoed k not amply suWeisnt to protectfrom all loss those Interested he hallat enee give notion to Mea fiduciarythat a new bond or additional suretyon the old ooe is required and uponfailure of mali ftduekry to give saidbond or surety within a reasonabletime to be fixed by the eoort he shallbe removed

    Section M45 provides that any fiducvary JCaiRwg withaut good cause thereforvfeea iMiified to settle his aeoouwU ihall Ike ftwd by tiie Judge for sash day

    be so fete or reru after notice S10ptTheM ace 05 9C Uw principal raW

    which the fcw lay d wn for the goveroiog of Ceenty Judge mad settieeaentawith Mmotarie 1 do aotraafc theIff bull aia sworn to enforce it and iftfc6 enforcement nia Jnson veaicaC ordisagreeable to anybody i knot Thecourts fault

    lam ready and take pleasure in giyqUI information in my power whichHjallilp fiduciaries to keep their ac

    owMiii they caD make proper settleBeau M proper times-

    oma flducii who are ignotaot of

    for Xmas Gift

    For Men

    I SuitsOvercoatsf RaincoatsFancy stsNeckrearShirtsHoseUmbrellasGlovesMufllers

    JJ SuspendersHouseHatsCapsSuitI TrunksCases

    I Pocket BooksJ1f1 For Boys

    Toys r



    For WomenS-et of FursShirtWaistsSlippersShoesNullifiersSilk PetticoatsHandkerchiefsGlovesStationeryBeltsJarge PurserSilk HoseNeckwoarRibbonsSweater CoatsJewelrySuitCasesTrimmed Hats

    andS9 00 all

    050 Blankets all wool 498

    500 all wool 398

    125 148 200 and 298

    the law seem to think that a notice tomake a settlement which may be tenyears over duo an interference with theirprivate business affairs which makes itvery embarrassing for a Judge who istrying to do his duty us the law directsOthers are negligent or have been badlyadvised by persons who dont know thelaw But I find that every body is anx-ious


    to comply with tho law when it isexplained to them Those who havenot settled should remember that theystand charged on tho countys bookswith tho estate in their hands togetherwith tho surielies on their bonds It isto their interest to make settlementsand get released

    Joe hasbeen hero for many years al ¬ways with the best and the people knowtt 2t

    Germs in Her

    Every Woman Should ReadThis Advice and the Gen ¬

    erous Offer thatWith It

    The number of diseases peculiar towomen is such that we believe this spacewould hardly contain a more mention oftheir names and it is a fact that most ofthese diseases are of a catarrhal natureA woman cannot be well if there is atrace of catarrh in her system

    Some women think there is no helpfor them We positively declare this tobeamistaken idea Wo are so sure ofthis that we otfer to supply medicineabsolutely free of all cost in every in ¬stance whore it falls to give satisfactionor does not substantiate our claimsWith this understanding no womanshould hesitate to believe our honestyof purpose hesitate to put our claims toa test

    There is only one way to overcomecatarrh That way is through the bloodYou may use all the snuffs douches orlike remedies for years without gettingmore than temporary relief at bestCatarrh in general is a diseased condilionof the system that shows locallymost frequently in discharges from mu ¬coos membranes Local treatmentshould be assisted by internal treatmentfor the general diseased condition if acomplete euro is to be reached Thatinternal treatment should be scientifi ¬cally devised and faithfully administercd

    Roxall MucuTono isprepared from the prescription ofaneminent physician who for thirty yearsmade catarrh his specialty This me¬dy is admirably adapted to the treatmentoftho crtarrhal ailments of wo-men


    It purifies and enriches tho bloodtends to stop mucous discharges aidsin removing Impurities from the systemsoothes heals and strengthens the mu-cous tissues and brings about a fuelingof health and strength

    Wo want you totry Rexall MucuToaeon our guarantee If you are not bene¬fited or for any reason not satisfiedsimply tell us and wu will hand backyour money In two sizes 50 cents ad

    100 Remember YOU can obtain Rexall Remedies only at H L drug


    Cross Stamps Are NIOa Sate Hera

    TMBed Cron CbrUtmav stamps av-eaoSsgsI here and every one shouldsee thai all of their mail carries one ofthese Enlau every penny spent forthem will greatly aid In stamping puttuberculos Th y tau be procured atmany of itiebusinoss houses and a littlelater will te oifereii Jor sale in the cotridor of the postal office These stampsor seals do not csrry mail but any kindof Mali will carry them Buy Uwaiaadbe sure ia help in i caaIS

    I 1 JLf L iLLUJ qMens Presto


    10 125015

    A nice assoHixVent of these Overcoats with two collars one collarbeneath the other but cannot bedetected in either position Theyloo tike any bther Overcoat butwhen the collar is turned up it fitss ly under the chin It is theOvercoat of the moment and isvery much in demand

    Mens Suits and-Overcoats

    10125015These Suits and Overcoats aremade of pure worsted materialstailored excelently fit perfectlyand are very patterns

    Shopping Suggestions GiversFor Girls

    ToysDollsRibbonsGlovesHoso > >

    ShoesCoatsHatsFurS tsJIanderchiefsPerfumeryStationeryJewelryToilet Aarticles

    Xmas Blankets ComfortsBlankets wooL048Blankets










    A dollar at tho Racket Store will go asfar as five at other places If you doubtit step in and sec d73t

    The MarketsT-he following quotations are furnished

    by Mr Stono Norman the leading Com-mission


    merchant in this section Mainstreet Richmond Ky Highest cashprices for all country produce MrNorman quotes today on the followingEggs 30 ctsLarge springers 7

    Smahlspringers101IensDux full feathered 8Geese X 7Roosters 5Turkeys over 8 lbs 1-

    5FeathersL40Beef Hides = 7Tallow i 5Beeswax 25JGinseng J 500

    Can You GoAt Louisville on December 28th tho

    committee whose names appear in an ¬other part of this paper under the headof State to Help will meet for thepurpose of discussing plans which havebeen formulated in regard to introducingthis Good Roads bill at the next GeneralAssembly Each county in the state isto have a representation and Madisonaccording to her size is alloted five del ¬egates Judge Shackelford is anxioUsthat five good citizens go and will issuethe proper credentials to those who willcall and signify their intention of at-tending


    Wealthy CountyFew people ever stop to think the

    amount of wealth that Madison countypays taxes on and even the enormousfigures do not show anywhere riear thecorrect amount as the Assessor Boardof Equalizationand oven the Auditorsagents aro unable to get n line on all ofthe taxable property The aggregateamount of county taxes will run about

    140000 According to the census rcport just made Madison has a popula-tion


    approximately 27000 By thesestatistics the remarkable fact is shownthat 500 per capita is paid for everyman woman and child both black andwhite in the county According to thecensus report and the total amount ofthe wealth of the county each personwould haveabout 450 if it were equallydivided

    HorSheeLJimmy Sowers the cool but viva ¬

    cious editor of Jhe Valley View Argenthas started another paper this time itis the Galling Gun which will bopublished in Nicholasvillo and having asits object tho upbuilding of that city aswell as Jessamine county Mr Sowerswill continue to edit the Argont whichis one of the best papers in tho coHOibhots from the shoulder will appearIechjweek In the Galling Gunrange of the brainy editor together withhis eccentricities will be brought intopkyfai order to phce it in a class byitself Tho Big Pistol was launchedin Kentucky journalistic circles lastweek at Campton Wolfe county andwith thsoadlitionS the press of thestate should movo up a notch in theJournairstio wo-

    rklPublic SaleI will offer at public sale on the pe-

    emieson West Main street at 11 oclocksnibiiIIWetIMHI1IeeeJAHr21 1111

    The FineBrickResidence wupieceThisieutlQoomlIi

    lrden1Ion or aditlesM

    J U FRAZIERWbtteibuwK7

    Terms made known on


    Mens Neckwear jiHoliday Novelties in pure rich silks beautiful newPersian popular plain colors Christmas tints neatjvfigured and striped effects tttI

    25 35 and 50 centsN

    J t

    Areoplanes iToys PianosDoll Trunks Dolls Dogs Horses Cows Lions TeddyBears Birds Books Dishes GoCarts BuggiesTables all kinds of DollTTurniture Rag Dolls Bisque JEsquimo Dolls Trains Fire Engines AutomobilesFlying Machines Jv

    EV ELDERMain Street Richmond Ky

    For SaleA Waltham watch excellent time

    piece jeweled movement Will sell for500 if taken at once Apply at this


    BoilermakersThe Panama Canal Commission are

    posting up bills around the city callingfor boilermakers to come to the Zono andwork on tho big ditch Experts onlyare wanted and the price is C5 cents perhour There will be few of this classgo from hero In the L A shops afew of this line of mechanics are em ¬ployed

    and >all



    to be as such Asa good youll know it theminute you see and know it still bet ¬ter when it on yourone for Sunday We warrantthere is not member of the fam-ily


    who will not ask for a second helping



    a of11



    For SaleOur place of 8 acres has a six room

    house and good stream of ever lastingwater Situated on Richmond and Lan-caster turn pike two miles from SilverCreek and two miles from Paint LickKy We prefer to sell privately Pos ¬session given Jan 1st 1911 Call on oraddress

    HUME E or W EARL TATEM3t Silver Creek Ky

    No such an array of holiday goodswas over brought to the as is shownat the Racket Store dS3t

    Thestart a bank account at once It

    will him a better standing withthose with whom ho de ls It will savehim from tho start from asto payments It will save him considcrable in the of money Ifyou have started or are about to start inbusiness open an at the

    State Bank Trust CoRichmond Ky

    You will not be the only small depositor

    Few Reminders forChristmas Shoppers 1

    Come as early as you can miss the crowds iWhen once hero dont leave until you have seen that interests youWhatever you do dont miss RING DISPLAY Takoadvantago

    of the privilege we offer of laying articles aside wanfedfAndt1DontforgeAnd forget that we are able to match thevalues of larger cities iWe Invite You

    L E0 LANEStreetIOur Prime RoastRib

    doesnt have ticketedhousekeeper

    itappears table Try

    dinnera single






    C CCULTONSuccessor to DougIas Culton



    Huylers Candy

    neOWrw rlC efm

    Gift to hermust be box

    QrI 1AK

    Young Business Man




    Your sweetheart wilIthink more 9f yotS INone has ever been

    tHuylersbra c tJ

    TLol4dayr fBox 22 O

    NQn else cnhfdie thIs dlidicandy tnI F6d

    Joes RestaurantrSole Agent and Mab
