K.G. Ananthraj Urs President H.S. Venkatesh Secretary Arun B.R. Editor th Issue: 48 13 June 2013 PRIP George C. Hager Rotary Club of Chicago “While Rotary International and each of its member clubs should carefully avoid any political entanglements, each individual Rotarian should strive at all times to cooperate with other individuals to every practical extent in support of peace objectives.” - 1939 RI Convention www.rotarymysore.org +91 821 4247823 In a joint meeting with Rotary Mysore North, Rotary Mysore has Richard Louis and his troupe to entertain Rotarians, Anns and Annettes at Rotary High School Auditorium on Thursday evening at 6:30 pm. Richard Louis, popularly known as Richy, is a story, screenplay and dialogue writer and a well known theater actor and personality. Known in the Kannada entertainment industry for more than 30 years he has been involved in many successful feature films and TV serials. Richy is one of the most sought after theater personalities and is a member of the KARNATAKA NATAKA ACADEMY. Some of his achievements are: Theatre / Drama: As a dramatist, Richard Louis has written a number of dramas which have been a tremendous success on stage all over India and abroad. He has successfully built a team of artists. Some of his stage dramas are as follows. SIKKU: It was staged in Vishwa Kannada Sammelana held in London/Manchester after which it was made as a feature film. Also got the best child award and other state awards. shows in Mumbai, Delhi and other major cities in India. Also was made as a feature film. GULLENARI: This drama was staged at more than 55 shows in Mumbai, Delhi and other major cities in India. MARICHINA BANDHUGALU: This drama was staged at more than 50 shows in Karnataka and other major cities in India. Television: “HARATE' & HASYOTSVA” programs in Udaya TV and E- TV channels. He has acted in more than 25 serials; well-known roles in the regional channels are: Crazy Colonel, Jenu Goodu, Putta Putti, Namma Nammali, Novu Nalivu Scripting and direction : Parampare', Ganesha I am sorry Feature Films: Richard Louis has acted in more than 25 films. He has written story, screenplay and dialogue for a number of feature films. Richy is known for his sharp wit and biting satire on daily happenings. Sri Richard Louis has entertained people across India and in Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Bahrain and Dubai with his Hasyotsava programs. Rotarians, here's Richard “Richy” Louis to entertain us for the evening! UDBHAVA: This drama was staged at more than 55 Richard LouisHaasya SanjeRtn. Anantharaj, As you prepare to enter the last month of your very meaningful & productive year as President, may I take this opportunity to complimenting and congratulating you for all that you have done for Rotary so far, in your club! I am deeply impressed with your club accomplishments in all the avenues as reported in your bulletins and district GMLs. I admire the way in which you have mobilized the total support of Rotary and have provided excellent leadership to your club. Through your dedication, devotion, commitment, leadership qualities, you have taken Rotary to newer heights of success, building upon your rich heritage of the past. I thank you for your club bulletin Chamundi excellently compiled and edited by your editor and it was an exhilarating experience for me to go thru each and every issue for which kindly convey my compliments to him/her for an excellent job! Looking forward to your similar success in the remaining 30 days in the year, -PDG Jagmohan Katakia. Next Thursday: Club Assembly – Rotary Mysore Officers for 2013-14 will present their plans and th projects; Rotary Center, 20 June 2013, 6:30 pm. Message from PDG Jagmohan Katakia RID 3040 st (dated 1 June 2013 - excerpts)

Richard Louis Haasya Sanje - Rotary Mysore - Indiarotarymysore.org/Uploads/CHAMUNDI - 48.pdf ·  · 2013-06-22Swami Vivekananda's message and his relevance to today's society. He

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K.G. Ananthraj UrsPresident

H.S. VenkateshSecretary

Arun B.R.Editor

thIssue: 48 13 June 2013

PRIP George C. Hager

Rotary Club of Chicago

“While Rotary International and each of its member clubs should carefully avoid any political entanglements, each individual Rotarian should strive at all times to cooperate with other individuals to every practical extent in support of peace objectives.”

- 1939 RI Convention


+91 821 4247823

In a joint meeting with Rotary Mysore North, Rotary Mysore has Richard Louis and his troupe to entertain Rotarians, Anns and Annettes at Rotary High School Auditorium on Thursday evening at 6:30 pm.

Richard Louis, popularly known as Richy, is a story, screenplay and dialogue writer and a well known t h e a t e r a c t o r a n d personality. Known in the

Kannada entertainment industry for more than 30 years he has been involved in many successful feature films and TV serials. Richy is one of the most sought after theater personalities and is a member of the KARNATAKA NATAKA ACADEMY.

Some of his achievements are:

Theatre / Drama:As a dramatist, Richard Louis has written a number of dramas which have been a tremendous success on stage all over India and abroad. He has successfully built a team of artists. Some of his stage dramas are as follows.

• SIKKU: It was staged in Vishwa Kannada Sammelana held in London/Manchester after which it was made as a feature film. Also got the best child award and other state awards.

•shows in Mumbai, Delhi and other major cities in India. Also was made as a feature film.

• GULLENARI: This drama was staged at more than 55 shows in Mumbai, Delhi and other major cities in India.

• MARICHINA BANDHUGALU: This drama was staged at more than 50 shows in Karnataka and other major cities in India.

Television:“HARATE' & HASYOTSVA” programs in Udaya TV and E-TV channels.He has acted in more than 25 serials; well-known roles in the regional channels are:Crazy Colonel, Jenu Goodu, Putta Putti, Namma Nammali, Novu Nalivu

Scripting and direction :Parampare', Ganesha I am sorry

Feature Films:Richard Louis has acted in more than 25 films. He has written story, screenplay and dialogue for a number of feature films. Richy is known for his sharp wit and biting satire on daily happenings. Sri Richard Louis has entertained people across India and in Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Bahrain and Dubai with his Hasyotsava programs.

Rotarians, here's Richard “Richy” Louis to entertain us for the evening!

UDBHAVA: This drama was staged at more than 55

Richard Louis’Haasya Sanje’

Rtn. Anantharaj,As you prepare to enter the last month of your very meaningful & productive year as President, may I take this opportunity to complimenting and congratulating you for all that you have done for Rotary so far, in your club!I am deeply impressed with your club accomplishments in all the avenues as reported in your bulletins and district GMLs. I admire the way in which you have mobilized the total support of Rotary and have provided excellent leadership to your club. Through your dedication, devotion, commitment, leadership qualities, you have taken Rotary to newer heights of success, building upon your rich heritage of the past. I thank you for your club bulletin Chamundi excellently compiled

and edited by your editor and it was an exhilarating experience for me to go thru each and every issue for which kindly convey my compliments to him/her for an excellent job!Looking forward to your similar success in the remaining 30 days in the year,

-PDG Jagmohan Katakia.

Next Thursday:Club Assembly – Rotary Mysore Officers

for 2013-14 will present their plans and thprojects; Rotary Center, 20 June 2013,

6:30 pm.

Message from PDG Jagmohan Katakia RID 3040st(dated 1 June 2013 - excerpts)

Prof. Prabhushankara, retired Kannada Professor at Mysore University, spoke on Swami Vivekananda's message and his relevance to today's society. He was introduced by Rtn. Raghavan with a quote by Swami Vivekananda.

Swami Vivekananda's flaming patriotism, conviction in universal brotherhood, worship of God in the weak and downtrodden, and dynamic, forward marching spirituality have made him one of the most towering icons of modern times. Best remembered for his Chicago speech that started with 'Sisters and Brothers of America', and which roused a standing ovation unprecedented in history, he still remains one of the most popular role models of our times.Known in his pre-monastic life as Narendra, he was born in an affluent family in Kolkata on January 12, 1863. His father, Vishwanath Datta, was a successful attorney with interests in a wide range of subjects, and his mother, Bhuvaneshwari Devi, was endowed with deep devotion, strong character and

Dear Rotarians,

T h e t a l k b y P r o f .

Prabhushankara on Swami

Vivekananda reminded us of his

knowledge, brilliance and

world-view of more than a

century old! His short life of 39 years has

inspired whole generations – Jamshedji Tata was

influenced to start the Indian Institute of Science;

the German educationist Max Muller, scientist

Nikola Tesla, Anna Hazare' were some of the

others. His birthday has been declared as

National Youth Day. It is time for us to get

inspired as well…- Arun B.R., [email protected], 98452 72343

From the Editor's Penother qualities. A precocious boy, Narendra excelled in music, gymnastics and studies. By the time he graduated from Calcutta University, he had acquired a vast knowledge of different subjects, especially Western philosophy and history. Born with a yogic temperament, he used to practise meditation from boyhood, and was associated with the Brahmo Movement.At the threshold of youth, Narendra passed through a spiritual crisis when he was assailed by doubts about the existence of God and about who he was. Prof. Prabhushankara mentioned that it was at that time that Narendra first heard about Sri Ramakrishna from one of his English professors at college. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa had realized God through meditation. One day in November 1881, Narendra went to meet Sri Ramakrishna who stayed at the Kal i Temple in Dakshineshwar. He straightaway asked the master, “Have you seen God?” Sri Ramakrishna replied: “Yes, I have. I see Him as clearly as I see you, only with more intensity.” Apart from removing doubts from the mind of Narendra, Sri Ramakrishna won him over through his pure, unselfish love. Thus began a guru-disciple relationship quite unique in the history of spirituality. Narendra was also inspired by the simplicity of Sri Ramakrishna's wife Sharada Devi. Prof. Prabhushankara mentioned an incident where Sharada Devi, an illiterate woman, provided deeksha (initiation) to the believers who came to meet her.

In the small hours of August 16, 1886, Sri Ramakrishna gave up his mortal body. After the master's passing, 16 of his young d i s c i p l e s f o r m e d a n e w m o n a s t i c brotherhood, and in 1887 they took the formal vows of sanyasa, thereby assuming

new names. Narendra now became Swami Vivekananda. He saw that the masses clung to religion, but had never been taught the life-giving principles of Vedanta and how to apply them in practical life.

Prof. Prabhushankara said that Vivekananda looked at money and sex as objects of distraction. While these ideas were taking shape in his mind in the course of his wanderings, Vivekananda heard about the World Parliament of Religions to be held in Chicago in 1893. His friends and admirers in India urged him to attend it. He too felt that the Parliament would provide the right forum to present Ramakrishna's life and message to the world. Vivekananda, however, wanted an inner certitude and an assurance that his mission was nothing less than a divine call. Both of these he got while he sat in deep meditation on the rock island at Kanyakumari. He set sail for America from Mumbai on May 31, 1893. His speech at the World Parliament of Religions held in September 1893 made him famous as an 'orator by divine right' and as the 'Messenger of Indian wisdom to the Western world.' After the Parliament, Vivekananda spent nearly three-and-a-half years spreading Vedanta as lived and taught by Sri Ramakrishna, mostly in the Eastern parts of USA and also in London. Vivekananda delivered a series of lectures in different parts of India, which created a great stir all over the country. Through these inspiring and profoundly significant l e c t u r e s , V i v e k a n a n d a r o u s e d t h e consciousness of the people and created in them, pride in their cultural heritage. Indian nationalism took birth at that time, Prof. Prabhushankara said. Swami brought about unification of Hinduism by pointing out the common basis of its sects and focused the

Swami Vivekananda at theWorld Parliament of Religions, Chicago

Swami Vivekananda at theWorld Parliament of Religions, Chicago


Swami Vivekananda's relevance to today's society

Swami Vivekananda Quotes:

Rabindranath Tagore: ““If you want to know India, study Vivekananda. In him everything is positive and nothing negative.”

Jawaharlal Nehru: ““Rooted in the past, full of pride in India's prestige, Vivekananda was yet modern in his approach to life's problems, and was a kind of bridge between the past of India and her present … he came as a tonic to the depressed and demoralised Hindu mind and gave it self-reliance and some roots in the past.”

Mahatma Gandhi: “My whole life is an effort t o b r i n g i n t o a c t i o n t h e i d e a s o f Vivekananda.”

Subhash Chandra Bose: “I cannot write about Vivekananda without going into raptures. Few indeed could comprehend or fathom him even among those who had the privilege of becoming intimate with him. His personality was rich, profound and complex... reckless in his sacrifice, unceasing in his activity, boundless in his love, profound and versatile in his wisdom, exuberant in his emotions, merciless in his attacks but yet simple as a child, he was a rare personality in this world of ours.”

attention of educated people on the plight of the downtrodden masses. He expounded his plan for their upliftment by the application of the principles of practical Vedanta. Swami Vivekananda worked for the revitalization of Indian culture – as a preacher, teacher and awakener of society.

Soon after his return to Kolkata, he founded the Ramakrishna Mission at Belur Math on May 1, 1897, with the urge to provide the greatest happiness for the largest number of people. The various missions soon became an avenue through which monks and lay

people would jointly undertake propagation of practical Vedanta, and various forms of social service, such as running hospitals, schools, colleges, hostels, and rural development centres. In addition, they conducted massive relief and rehabilitation work for victims of earthquakes, cyclones and other calamities, in different parts of India and other countries. His life was spent in inspiring and guiding people. Fired with zeal of holiness, incessant, untiring work of relentless guiding, speaking, motivating people took a toll on Swamiji's health and he passed away on July 4, 1902.Before Swami Vivekananda came, Hinduism was a loose confederation of many different sects. Prof. Prabhushankara mentioned that Hinduism was a “Touch-me-not” religion at that time. Vivekananda was the first religious leader to speak about the common basis of Hinduism and the common ground of all sects. He said Hinduism should have one caste – humanism, and that knowledge is not the

prerogative of any one group, but that it belongs to humanity. He was the first person, as guided by his Master Sri Ramakrishna, to accept all Hindu doctrines and views of all Hindu philosophers and sects as different aspects of one total view of Reality. Prof. Prabhushankara said that the Swami quoted in depth from the Bhagavad Gita. For a country which is the birthplace of Swami Vivekananda, we have an even bigger obligation to live up to those deathless ideals and move along the path to godliness that he pointed towards. His voice can be heard booming through the dense dark cloud of animalism, despair, waywardness and fearfulness... “Arise! Awake and stop not till the goal is reached.” Yes, India...arise and awake, Prof. Prabhushankara concluded. PDG Rtn. M. Lakshminarayan in his closing remarks, mentioned that the talk by Prof. Prabhushankara was apt on the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. We would like to hear more from him in future, he said.

The Belur Math Standing testimony to Vivekananda's commitment to human upliftment


France's decision to raise value-added tax and cut payroll taxes to counter the slowing economy derived from Gopinath's work.

Outlook India has listed its World's 25 Smartest Indians. Guess who has made it to this list! It is our Rtn. T.V.Gopinath's daughter Gita Gopinath. At this rate, Gopinath Sir, you will only be known as Gita Gopinath's father – and feel proud about it!

World's 25Smartest Indians(Outlook India dated June 17 2013)

ENGROSSED… ENGROSSED… in Chamundiin Chamundi

RI President's windowMy amazing year as your president concludes on 30 June. Please join me at the RI Convention -- a Harbor for Peace -- from 23 to 26 June as we put the finishing touches on my year and welcome Ron Burton as our new president.

- RI President in Facebook

Rotary Awareness Quiz(from RID 3180 District Level Quiz)

1. The RI Convention for the year 2012-13 will be held in Lisbon from __________ to _________ 2013.

2. The RI Convention for the year 2013-14 will be held in the city of _________.

3. The latest country to join RI is _________.4. _______ Global Peace Forums have been

organized by Rotary International this year.

5. The RID 3180 Interact Assembly for the year 2012-13 was held in _______.

rdthAnswers: (1. 23 June to 26 June, 2. Sydney,

th3. Bhutan (216), 4. Three, 5. Kaup.)

Rotary InformationRotary Information

The Four-Way Test“Of the things we think, say or do:

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?

3. Will it build GOODWILL and


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?”

Rtn. K.P. Shiva PrasadAushad Group of Pharmacies,

S&V Agencies, Mysore.

With Best Compliments from:

“For all your Medicine needsround the clock”

time to celebratetime to celebrate


WEDDING ANNIVERSARYth10 Juneth11 Juneth11 June

Shivaprasad K.P.

Arunachala S.B. & JayalakshmiRajesh A. Shah & KavithaMahesh Shenoy M. & Reena

thLokpal T. & Pushpa 13 June

• Shake hands firmly – not limp. Look the person in the eye and exchange goodwill.Listen to people – by attending to others, we stay in balance with them. Read people's gestures, as body language can speak volumes.Ask a direct question – within the bounds of courtesy. Directness is usually welcomed. Share memories – sharing strengthens bonds.With children – tell them things that might entertain them or amuse them.Take one full breath – before you respond to anyone; helps you from being reactive.Speak softly and warmly – this releases your mind and influences others to follow your example.

(from a 1001 ways to Relax by Mike George)

• Advise friends honestly – even if you say something unwelcome.

in a lighter veinin a lighter vein(Courtesy: http://www.rotary9790.org.au/clubs/Funnies9.asp)

Quote HangerGambling:

Gambling is the child of avarice, but the

father of prodigality.

– C.C. Colton

There is but one good throw upon the

dice, which is to throw them away.

– Chatfield

Nothing is sacred to the gambler.

– Jacques Saurin

The gambling known as business looks

with austere disfavor upon the business

known as gambling.

– Ambrose Bierce


Hand Painted Glass Decorative Plate From Orscelik Balkn, Gov. D 243, Turkey.

(From http://www.rotaryfirst100.org/historians/ziegler/rotary.htm)

Rock Carving from Norway Gift from District 231 in Oslo, January 1987. An explanation of the carving is given on the back.

Rotary MemorabiliaRotary Memorabilia

Olny srmat poelpe can raed this.I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a r scheea rch a t Cmabr igde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in what oredr the ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the first and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm.This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!


"Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money."(Jackie Mason)

"In God we trust. All others must pay cash."(American Saying)

"Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons."(Woody Allen)

"Sex is like money; only too much is enough."(John Updike)

"If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem"(JP Getty)

"It doesn't matter if you're black or white... the only color that really matters is green."(Family Guy)

"The only way not to think about money... is to have a great deal of it."(Edith Wharton)

"If you want to know what God thinks about money, just look at the people He gives it to."(Old Irish saying)

"Be rich to yourself... and poor to your friends."(Juvenal)

"If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some."(Benjamin Franklin)

"Bart , wi th $ 10 ,00 ,ooo we 'd be millionaires! We could buy all kinds of useful things like... love!"(Homer Simpson)

"The easiest way for your children to learn about money is for you not to have any."(Katharine Whitehorn)

TRY READING THIS!!!(from the Internet)