R2.00 incl Rhino survives series of shots Son rapes his 76-year old mother Man eaten by a crocodile How to prevent colds and flu RHINO SURVIVES SON RAPES MOTHER CROC EATS MAN COLDS AND FLU - page 2 - page 2 - page 2 - page 4 Friday May 29, 2015 Plaaswag jag kardief enduit ‘N Mens steel nie ‘n lid van die Hoedspruit Plaaswag se bakkie en kom skotvry daarvan af nie. ‘n Voortvlugtende voertuigdief van die Acornhoek-omegwing het Sondag chaos veroorsaak toe hy in ‘n winkelsentrum in Tzaneen se middedorp ingeploeg het. Twee winkeleienaars het Sondag in die vroeë oggendure ‘n onaangename verrassing gekry toe ‘n voortvlugtende verdagte in ‘n gesteelde bakkie teen Discount Furnishers en SpotOn Cartriges in Morganstraat in Tzaneen, vasgejaag en groot skade aangerig het. Dit lyk of die verdagte voor die ongeluk, beheer oor die bakkie verloor het terwyl hy teen ‘n hoë spoed gery het. Die bakkie, wat tydens ‘n voorval in Hoedspruit by een van die Plaaswaglede, Wynand Roos, gesteel is, is ‘n totale wrak. Dit is sy persoonlike bakkie wat hy vir werksdoeleindes gebruik. Die hele drama het vroeër die nag in Hoedspruit begin. Die verdagte het volgens Pieter Papsdorf van Hoedspruit Medical Rescue, ‘n voertuig van sy familie op Acornhoek, sonder hulle toestemming geneem. Hulle het blykbaar vulstasies in die omgewing gewaarsku om nie vir hom brandstof te gee nie, aangesien hy nie met die voertuig mag ry nie.Hy het gery tot by die Blydesentrum en daar die voertuig dwars oor die pad getrek met die doel dat daar ‘n voertuig sou stop. Hy het ook verskeie kere na die winkel gegaan om vuurhoutjies, ens te koop en het die voertuig daarna aan die brand gesteek. ‘n Jong paartjie wat agter die sentrum bly, het iets soos geweerskote gehoor en gaan ondersoek instel in hulle bakkie. Terwyl die man probeer vasstel wat aangaan by die brandende voertuig, wou die verdagte sy bakkie met die vrou steeds daarin, steel. Sy het gegil en hulle kon daarin slaag om weg te kom. Wynand Roos wat by die Hardings op Hoedspruit werksaam is en ook lid van die Plaaswag, was besig met patrollie toe hy op die toneel afkom. Hy het uitgeklim om vas te stel of daar ander mense in die brandende voertuig is. Die verdagte het in sy bakkie geklim en weggejaag. Intussen het Dawie van der Merwe, ook lid van die Plaaswag gehoor dat die brandstofdepot aan die brand is en gaan ondersoek instel. Hy het op die toneel afgekom en die verdagte in die bakkie onmiddellik agterna gesit en sê dat hulle met tye tot 180km per uur gejaag het. Mario van Rooyen, Rujaan Stolp en Heinrich Bredenkamp, ook lede van die Plaaswag is ook in twee aparte voertuie agterna. Papsdorf was deurgaans per radio en telefoon in verbinding met die Plaaswaglede wat die verdagte agtervolg het. Jane de Pradines, sekretaresse van die Hoedspruit Plaaswag was deurentyd in verbinding met die polisie. Lede van Northern Sekuriteit en Watchdog het ook bystand op die toneel in Tzaneen verleen. Die verdagte is na die ongeluk in Tzaneen na Van Velden hospitaal geneem waar hy onder polisiebewaking is. DRAMATIESE EINDE: Die ongelukstoneel in Morganstraat vroeg Sondagoggend, links bo. (Foto: Facebook.) ‘n Lid van die Hoedspruit Plaaswag, Wynand Roos, is nou sy bakkie kwyt nadat ‘n verdagte in Morganstraat in Tzaneen teen twee winkels vas geploeg het en dit afgeskryf het. (Foto’s bo en links.) 015 793 0560

rhino survives son rapes mother croc eats man colds and flu

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Page 1: rhino survives son rapes mother croc eats man colds and flu

R2.00 incl

Rhino survives series of shots

Son rapes his 76-year old mother

Man eaten by a crocodile

How to prevent colds and flu





- page 2 - page 2 - page 2 - page 4

Friday May 29, 2015

Plaaswag jag kardief enduit‘N Mens steel nie ‘n lid van die Hoedspruit Plaaswag se bakkie en kom skotvry daarvan af nie.

‘n Voortvlugtende voertuigdief van die Acornhoek-omegwing het Sondag chaos veroorsaak toe hy in ‘n winkelsentrum in Tzaneen se middedorp ingeploeg het.

Twee winkeleienaars het Sondag in die vroeë oggendure ‘n onaangename verrassing gekry toe ‘n voortvlugtende verdagte in ‘n gesteelde bakkie teen Discount Furnishers en SpotOn Cartriges in Morganstraat in Tzaneen, vasgejaag en groot skade aangerig het.

Dit lyk of die verdagte voor die ongeluk, beheer oor die bakkie verloor het terwyl hy teen ‘n hoë spoed gery het.

Die bakkie, wat tydens ‘n voorval in Hoedspruit by een van die Plaaswaglede, Wynand Roos, gesteel is, is ‘n totale wrak. Dit is sy persoonlike bakkie wat hy vir werksdoeleindes gebruik.

Die hele drama het vroeër die nag in Hoedspruit begin.

Die verdagte het volgens Pieter Papsdorf van Hoedspruit Medical Rescue, ‘n voertuig van sy familie op Acornhoek, sonder hulle toestemming geneem. Hulle het blykbaar vulstasies in die omgewing gewaarsku om nie vir hom brandstof te gee nie, aangesien hy nie met die voertuig mag ry nie.Hy het gery tot by die Blydesentrum en daar die voertuig dwars oor die pad getrek met die doel dat daar ‘n voertuig sou stop. Hy het ook verskeie kere na die winkel gegaan om vuurhoutjies, ens te koop en het die voertuig daarna aan die brand gesteek.

‘n Jong paartjie wat agter die sentrum bly, het iets soos geweerskote gehoor en gaan ondersoek instel in hulle bakkie. Terwyl die man probeer vasstel wat aangaan by die brandende voertuig, wou die verdagte sy bakkie met die vrou steeds daarin, steel. Sy het gegil en hulle kon daarin slaag om weg te kom.

Wynand Roos wat by die Hardings op Hoedspruit werksaam is en ook lid van die Plaaswag, was besig met patrollie toe hy op die toneel afkom. Hy het uitgeklim om vas te stel of daar ander mense in die brandende voertuig is. Die verdagte het in sy bakkie geklim en weggejaag. Intussen het Dawie van der Merwe, ook lid van die Plaaswag gehoor dat die brandstofdepot aan die brand is en gaan ondersoek instel.

Hy het op die toneel afgekom en die verdagte in die bakkie onmiddellik agterna gesit en sê dat hulle met tye tot 180km per uur gejaag het.

Mario van Rooyen, Rujaan Stolp en Heinrich Bredenkamp, ook lede van die Plaaswag is ook in twee aparte voertuie agterna. Papsdorf was deurgaans per radio en telefoon in verbinding met die Plaaswaglede wat die verdagte agtervolg het.

Jane de Pradines, sekretaresse van die Hoedspruit Plaaswag was deurentyd in verbinding met die polisie.

Lede van Northern Sekuriteit en Watchdog het ook bystand op die toneel in Tzaneen verleen.

Die verdagte is na die ongeluk in Tzaneen na Van Velden hospitaal geneem waar hy onder polisiebewaking is.

DRAMATIESE EINDE: Die ongelukstoneel in Morganstraat vroeg Sondagoggend, links bo. (Foto: Facebook.) ‘n Lid van die Hoedspruit Plaaswag, Wynand Roos, is nou sy bakkie kwyt nadat ‘n verdagte in Morganstraat in Tzaneen teen twee winkels vas geploeg het en dit afgeskryf het. (Foto’s bo en links.)

015 793 0560

Page 2: rhino survives son rapes mother croc eats man colds and flu


Men found with buffalo carcassTWO men who were found with a carcass of a buffalo appeared in Hoedspruit Magistrate Court for suspected stolen property on Monday and Thursday respectively.

According to Hoedspruit police spokesperson, Constable Livhuwani Mulaudzi, the suspects were found near a farm in Hoedspruit and one of the suspects tried to run away

but he fell and hurt his arm. ‘Police

arrested one of them and took the other one to Tintswalo Hospital for treatment,’ said Mulaudzi.

While he was admitted at the hospital his accomplice appeared in court last Monday and when he was realised he also appeared in court on Thursday.

The suspects Phineas Mnis (58) and Tshepo Nyathi (26) were both given R1000 bail and their case was postponed for further investigations.

Man eaten by crocodileA 33-year old man was killed and eaten by a crocodile in Unifrutti Farm near Hoedspruit after he went fishing in the dam around midnight last Monday with his friends.

According to Hoedspruit police spokesperson, Constable Livhuwani Mulaudzi, the deceased’s friends notice that he was grabbed by a crocodile when he screamed for help.

‘It is alleged that his friends saw him being dragged but they failed to rescue him as the crocodile dived deep into the water with him,’ said Mulaudzi.

On Tuesday morning the police were

dispatched to the dam but they failed to find him or his remains. On Thursday some workers at the farm saw a crocodile feeding on something and they realised that it was the missing man who the crocodile was feeding on. The farm workers then grabbed a long log and scare the crocodile and they also managed to pull out what was left of the man’s body.

‘Only the part from his waist was found and one leg was missing,’ Mulaudzi said. Mulaudzi said that people must stop going fishing on the infested crocodile dams as they might get eaten.SURVIVOR: Dr Peter Rogers, HESC Curator Christo Scheiber and Janelle Goodrich busy preparing

#72 for a small procedure on his wounds.

Rhino survive series of shootingLAST Friday Dr Peter Rogers arrived with his team to perform a small procedure on the rhino bull know as #72 in Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre (HESC).

The rhino bull was admitted at HESC on May 15 after he had survived three gunshot wounds over a series of poaching attempts. Dr. Rogers initially treated the rhino at a reserve near Hoedspruit in February after it had been shot for the first time. The decision to relocate him became a priority.

Shortly before the big move day arrived, Dr. Rogers noticed that the rhino had sustained two more gunshot wounds. ‘Had other rhinos not killed him, poachers certainly would have. Organising the move to HESC took two days. A big game relocation trailer and a large team were required to ensure a safe trip. By the time the animal eventually arrived at HESC, he was very weak,’ said HESC Public Relation Laura Smith. Dr. Rogers was not certain whether he would survive, stating a 50/50 chance. After two days the injured rhino was seen down by the waterhole via the camera sponsored by

G&H Transport. He was grazing and feeding on the teff and lucerne which the curators had provided to improve his condition, in order to fight the infection.

Last week after being sedated, Janelle Goodrich assistant veterinarian took blood samples. Dr. Rogers then disinfected the rhino’s wounds with a dilution of Chlorhexidine and Peroxide mix and administered Meticam for pain. Vital signs including heart rate and oxygen levels were monitored throughout.

#72’s wounds are quite deep, and Dr. Rogers had to remove two bone fragments. The cavity was plugged with a bandage dipped in antiseptic to prevent an infestation of harmful bacteria. Finally, antibiotics and vitamins were administered. The rhino was washed with water and dipped with insecticide before being pushed onto his side in order to assist him to stand up, and later he was given the reversal drug to bring him back to a state of consciousness. He was back on his feet in a few minutes.

Would- be rhino poachers in courtONE of the four suspected would-be poachers’ was given R3000 bail while his accomplice failed to get bail as they are from Mozambique.

The suspect was given bail when he and the other suspects appeared in Hoedspruit Magistrate Court last Thursday for conspiracy to commit rhino poaching. According to Hoedspruit police spokesperson, Constable Livhuwani Mulaudzi, the suspects were arrested after rangers in a reserve near Guernsey found them in possession of rhino poaching equipment.

‘ It is alleged that there were five suspects travelling in a Corsa bakkie when

they were spotted by the rangers one of the suspects ran away when they were stopped,’ said Mulaudzi.

The rangers searched the vehicle and they found a rifle, an axe, silencer sew and ammunitions.

The rangers called Hoedspruit police and the suspects were arrested. Police are still searching for the fifth suspect who ran away. The suspect Godrick Mthethwa (52) was the only one given bail.

The suspects, Amos Mthebu (40), Thomas Mandlazi (33) and Vernado Matavela (38) were remanded in custody and their case postponed until June 4 for further investigations.

Son rapes his motherA 42-year-old man suspected of raping his elderly mother appeared in Acornhoek Magistrate Court on Tuesday.

According to Acornhoek police spokesperson, Lieutenant Mpho Nonyane, the victim was woken up by a noise of her door being chopped last Saturday night. ‘When the door final open the victim realised that it was her son who was holding an axe.

He threatened to chop her with the axe if she makes any noise,’ said Nonayne.

The suspect then raped his 76 year-old mother.

The victim told the police that the incident was not happening for the first time and each time when he want to do his evil deed he chase his sisters children who also stay with them.


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Page 3: rhino survives son rapes mother croc eats man colds and flu


Send us your special moments, a birthday celebration, a cute photo at a social event anything worth sharing with the community. Send it to: [email protected] or [email protected] with the subject line pic of the week.

PHOTOof the week

OU LANGNEK: Magda de Jager het onlangs vir haar skoonouers op Hoedspruit gaan kuier op Blyderiver Wildlife Estate. Sy het die kameelperd daar afgeneem.

Uit die hoogte uit...

CONTACT US • KONTAK ONSBestuurder/Manager: Lukas Groenewald [email protected] Redakteur/Group Editor: Minke Slabber [email protected] redakteur/News Editor: Bertus de Bruyn [email protected]

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GERT Nel van Hoedspruit skryf:

DIT was met groot trots dat ek op Letaba Herald se webtuiste gelees het van die voortvlugtende motordief wat vasgetrek is in Tzaneen in die vroeë oggendure van Sondag.

Nie net kan mens die Plaaswag van Hoedspruit salueer nie, maar ook Northern Sekuriteit.

Mens kan regtig met ‘n geruste hart weet dat daar nog regtig

mense in ons samelewing is wat sal sorg dat geregtigheid sal seëvier.

Om te dink dat die Plaaswag van Hoedspruit selfs hulle lewe op die spel geplaas het om die verdagte in ‘n jaagtog al die pad van Hoedspruit af agterna te sit om hom vas te trek.

Mense soos lede van Northern Sekuriteit en die Plaaswag van Hoedspuit kan gerus ‘n veer in hulle hoede steek. Ek salueer julle!

Pluimpies in die hoedvir ons bewakers

Please note: The views and opinions on this page does not represent that of Lumedia. Let wel: Die opinies en menings op hierdie blad is van die skrywers nie die van Lumedia nie.

KAARTJIES vir Saterdag se Snotkop en Juba vertoning op Hoedspruit moet verkieslik vooraf gekoop word en nie eers by die ingangshekke nie.

Dis die beroep wat die organiseerders van die vertoning, Plaaswag, op alle konsertgangers doen.

Daar sal kaartjies by die hekke beskikbaar wees, maar indien te veel mense daar eers kaartjies koop kan dit ‘n opennhoping en vertragings veroorsaak.

Jane de Pradines van Plaaswag het ook ‘n beroep op mense gedoen wat kaartjies by die hekke gaan koop om die regte bedrag gereed te hê wat ook sal help dat daar nie vertragings by die ingang voorkom nie.

Kaarjies kos R100 per volwassene en R60 per laerskoolkind.

Personeel van die Lugmag

wat in Drakensig woon kan hulle kaartjies by die skool se ingangshek koop.

Kaartjies is by die volgende plekke beskikbaar:

Postnet Hoedspruit, Hengelklub, Melodies – Olga.

Africa Café – Christelle, Gold of Africa – Neels, Corra Tremper.

Ludie Erasmus – Laaipunt, Hornbill – Jane, Agribox – Janey.

Hair Elements, Pam Golding – Engela v Staden, Zandspruit – Tanja.

Desperate Housewifes – Carien, Parma Kwekery – Yvonne.

Driehoek Drankwinkel, Blyde Drankwinkel, Hobby Box, Unifrutti – Utte, Laerskool Drakensig – Tinike.

Susan Pienaar en Stolp Upholstry – Anria.

Koop kaartjies virSnotkop vooraf

VERTONING: Snotkop sal ‘n verhoog deel met Juba op Laerskool Drakensig in Hoedspruit, se sportveld.

Snotkop, Juba deel verhoogSNOTKOP en Juba op een verhoog!

Dis wat volgende Saterdag (30 Mei) op Hoedspruiters wag wanneer die baie gewilde Snotkop en Juba ‘n vertoning op Laerskool Drakensig se sportveld gaan aanbied.

Dit word gereël ten bate van Hoedspruit Plaaswag en die hele gemeenskap se steun word gevra ten einde Plaaswag by te staan om met hulle goeie werk aan te gaan.

Die vertoning begin om 18:00, maar die hekke maak

reeds om 17:00 oop. Juba sal die eerste gedeelte optree terwyl Snotkop daarna gaste sal vermaak met Juba wat weer die aand afsluit.

Mense word versoek om hulle eie stoele te neem en geen koelbokse word toegelaat nie.

Daar sal twee kroeë en verskeie kosstalletjies op die terrein wees.

Kaartjies kos R100 per volwassene en R60 per kind en is beskikbaar by Postnet en Steers.

Vir meer inligting kan 082 923 7689 geskakel word.

Page 4: rhino survives son rapes mother croc eats man colds and flu


How to prevent colds and fluIt’s change of season and winter seems to

be creeping in much earlier than expected this year! It’s time to prepare yourself for the dreaded cold and flu. When it comes to this, prevention is definitely better than cure.

“A tickle in your throat, a fuzzy head or aches and pains are the first signs of getting a cold or flu and it is essential to act quickly when you feel any of these symptoms,” says Peter Jordan, Principal Officer of Fedhealth. Flu symptoms that aren’t treated can quickly develop into pneumonia or result in hospitalisation. One of the best ways to protect against flu and the complications is to get a flu vaccine. Check your health plan, most medical aids will cover one free flu vaccine per member per year,” says Jordan.

Jordan suggests drinking water as soon as you start experiencing symptoms. “Staying hydrated cuts down on symptoms like a sore throat and a stuffy nose,” he says, adding that is also a good idea to gargle with salt water. “Add half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and gargle. The salt draws out the excess water in your throat’s tissues, reducing the inflammation, clearing the mucous and irritants from the back of the throat.”

Another good suggestion is to use a saline nasal spray to keep your nose clean as this will reduce the impact of the symptoms.

“One or two tablespoons of raw honey also makes for a great alternative to cough medicine,” says Jordan. “And, if you can stay at home, rather skip work for a day. Your body can fight off the virus better if you are rested and your colleagues will thank you for not making them sick too.”

Fluids are very important when you have a cold so make sure you drink lots of water. Also

try to eat plenty of protein-packed foods and antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetables.

“Get more sleep, a hot shower before bed will help you to get a good night’s rest. You need more sleep when you are feeling under the weather, when you’re tired your body isn’t fighting as hard.

If you start feeling a fever coming on, start vomiting or have a bad headache, call your doctor. Otherwise keep up the routine for the next few days to make sure that you kick that cold for good,” says Jordan.

Tips to prevent the common cold: Wash your hands often and use disposable items if someone in your family is infected; Keep household surfaces clean and wipe them down with disinfectant; Dispose of tissues properly;

Maintain a healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep, good nutrition and physical exercise; Control stress.-People experiencing emotional stress have weakened immune systems; Keep warm. Shivering depresses the immune system and makes you more likely to catch colds and Don’t smoke.

Tips to boost your Immune system:* Increase your intake of Antioxidants such as Vitamin C, A and E, beta and mixed carotenes and selenium.

* Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice every day.

*Drink lots of tea. Research shows that people who drink five to six cups of tea each day seemed

to get a boost in that part of the immune system that acts as a first line of defence against

infection.*Eat cereals rich in polyphenols to restore the

immune system; eating soya will also boost the immune system.

*Take Pre- and Probiotics to help the gastrointestinal tract and the uptake of important minerals.

Staying hydrated cuts down on symptoms like

a sore throat and a stuffy nose

Verify the legitimacy of initiation schools, parents urged

In an effort to prevent the unnecessary loss of lives, the Department of Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs is urging parents to send their children to the initiation schools that will be approved for this year.

According to the Chairperson of the Working Committee on Initiation Schools, Chief Eric Chauke the approved initiation schools in the province are scheduled to commence on June 19 and end on July 20. Chauke said the closing date for submission of applications to conduct initiation schools for this winter closed on March 13.

“The House of Traditional leaders will conduct a workshop this Friday for all Senior Traditional Leaders who qualify for initiation schools permits. The purpose of the workshop is to brief and prepare the initiation schools stakeholders on precautionary measures to be followed in order to have a smooth process during the initiation period,” said Chauke.

He said the MEC for CoGHSTA, Makoma Makhurupetji and Limpopo House of Traditional Leaders call upon parents to verify the legitimacy of initiation schools they intend to send their children with their respective Traditional Authorities.

He added that there will be zero tolerance to people who want to take chances by running initiation schools without permits, with the following measures in place:

*No person shall hold an initiation school without a valid permit issued to him/her in terms of Section 2 (1) of the Northern Province Circumcision Schools Act No. 6 of 1996.

*No traditional surgeon or any other unauthorized person is allowed to perform rituals in an initiation school without a certificate of fitness issued for that purpose, by a registered medical practitioner authorized by the Premier in terms of Section 3 (1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003.

*No traditional nurse or any other person is allowed to look after initiates in an initiation school without a certificate of attendance of training referred to in regulation 5, provided that the prohibition shall become effective on the day immediately after the conclusion of the training concerned in terms on Section 4(1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003.

*No person below the age of twelve can be admitted to an initiation school in terms of Section 7(1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003.

*No initiate shall be admitted to an initiation school more than five days after the commencement of the school in terms of Section 7(3) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003.

*No person is allowed to abduct another for the purpose of taking the abducted person to an initiation school in terms of Section 9(1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003.

Page 5: rhino survives son rapes mother croc eats man colds and flu


Drakie rugby seuns gaan groot teen SteelpoortDIE Drakies se rugby seuns het op 19 Mei teen Laerskool Steelpoort gespeel waar hulle sowaar gewys het hoe rugby gespeel word.

Die 0/9, 0/10 en 1ste span het

gewen en die 0/10 en 2de span het ongelukkig vasgeval.

Die skool is baie trots op hierdie rugby seuns en wens hul sterkte toe met die volgende wedstryde wat ook

hul eerste liga wedstryde sal wees teen Curro Heuwelkruin.

Baie sterkte aan al die spanne asook hul afrigters.

Drakies sluit die netbalseisoen op ‘n hoë noot afDIE Drakies se 0/12- en 0/13A meisies het op 21 Mei aan die Mopanie kampioenskap deelgeneem toe hulle as liga-naaswenners na die kampioenskap deurgedring het.

Hulle het ongelukkig vasgeval teen Tzaneen en is so uitgeskakel. Die skool is baie trots op hierdie twee spanne wat so ver gevorder het. Baie geluk aan elke speler en afrigter wat die seisoen hard gewerk het en so die netbal op ‘n hoë noot afgesluit het. MOPANI KAMPIOENSKAP: 0/12 netbalspelers deur na kampioenskap.

MOPANIE KAMPIOENSKAP: 0/13 netbalspelers deur na kampioenskap.

Page 6: rhino survives son rapes mother croc eats man colds and flu


NETBAL: Netbal spelers van Laerskool

Drakensig geniet ‘n warm dag vol netbal.

AKSIE: Die 0/6 rugbyseuns van Laerskool Drakensig in aksie.

Drakies bied sportdag aanDIT was Laerskool Drakensig se voorreg om die laaste bulletjie rugby en mini netbal dag aan te bied vir die seisoen.

Soos altyd was dit ‘n spoggerige dag en ‘n groot sukses.

Die bulletjies en netbal blommetjies het hul laaste wedstryde vir die seisoen gespeel en dit ook baie geniet.

Die volgende afrigters word bedank: Kerneels Claasen, Anton Bredenkamp, Herman Mostert en Christiaan Willemse

wat die bulletjies afgerig het, asook Illonka Croucamp, Nancy Hoffman, Sharron Ngobeni, Sherall Drude, wat as mammas gehelp het, en die mini netball juffrouens, Melissa Chomse, Leana Oberholzer, Thea Lombaart, Maryna Bosman en Ingrid Pelzer. Baie dankie vir jul harde werk en toewyding aan ons skool.

Die borge word bedank: Dr J Blignaut en Exquisite African Gifts and Curios. Sonder julle sal ons dit nie kan doen nie.


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Heerlikevakansiewoonstelte huur op Xai-Xai

se hoofstrand.4 Slaapkamer, 2Badkamer. Teenaandie see.Skakel082-804-0444.




SALEGrafted at R25 andPalms from R10 5Lbag.QUADS FORHIRE R300per hourplus R150 lifting.Doug 083-453-2228.Sunland Nursery.ACCOMMODATIONa v a i l a b l e A TWORLDS BIGGESTBAOBAB. 5 Chaletsensuite. R300 p/p.Contractors Wendyhouses/caravansetc. R100 p/p.Heather082-413-2228


NkowankowaPrayer Meetings.

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Car Dashboard andAirbag repairs tooriginal standard.

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KRAAL GARDENMANURE SIFTEDAND SWEATEDWe supply qualityorganic manure forlawns, gardens, pot

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Page 7: rhino survives son rapes mother croc eats man colds and flu



Page 8: rhino survives son rapes mother croc eats man colds and flu

DIE JAARLIKSE gholfdag van die Laeveld Lugruim Beheersektor (LASS) en Lugmag Beheer- en Bevelskool (AFC&CS) van die Lugmagbasis van

Hoedspruit is Saterdag op Drakensig aangebied en was weer eens ‘n baie groot sukses. Die HOEDSPRUIT HERALD en Forms Media het saam

‘n gasvryheids-punt op die baan beman wat vir heelwat pret en vermaak gesorg het. Hier is ‘n samestelling van foto’s wat by die gholfdag

geneem is.

Meer fotos op Bl7...