RHIND PAPYRUS and BASE 7 Author Paolo Di Pasquale Lighting Designer Copyright © 1988 – 2013 www.baseseven.com Page 1

Rhind Papyrus and Base 7

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Ancient Egypt

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Paolo Di Pasquale

Lighting Designer

Copyright © 1988 – 2013


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Page 2: Rhind Papyrus and Base 7


In 1858 , in the Valley of Nile, A. Henry Rhind [1833-1863] buy a papyrus found at Thebes in Upper Egypt .

The document is a collection of 84 math problems in arithmetic , primitive algebra and geometry .

The papyrus is written from right to left in hieratic [cursive].

The text is in two colors, black and red, and is accompanied by drawings of geometric shapes.

It 's written by a scribe named A'H-Mose , now known by the name of Ahmes .

The author of the papyrus is not the scribe A'H-Mose, but it was by him copied from an old manuscript in his


We can fix the dates of both the original work and its copy with remarkable precision.

It was written almost four thousand years ago and is one of the first , and by far the largest ancient mathematical

document known to us .

The document contains a complete and detailed description of the mathematical sciences of the time.

The scribe Ahmes to copy it says that the document was considered useful for the knowledge of all secrets .

The Rhind Papyrus is deposited at " British Museum " – [ref. 10057 and 10058].

The official translation of the Rhind Papyrus is made by Eric Peet in 1928.

By Prof. Peet the Papyrus is first translated from Hieratic into Hieroglyphics and subsequently translated in English

using mathematics in Base 10 , and numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

From 1928 onwards there are no subsequent translations recognized by the British Museum.


The main point is that when one takes into account what we know about ancient Egyptian mathematics (based

primarily on the Rhind Papyrus) and what we know about the system of measuring lengths in terms of "cubits,"

"palms," and "fingers" , all involve the number 7 and its multiple. For this I want submit a question for ponder the

necessity of a new study to going over the translation of the papyrus written by Eric Peet.

We should try to translate again the Papyrus and proceed, taking into account also the Base 7 and its multiples

which correspond quantitatively to the signs of the Egyptian numbers.


for any suggestion or topics regarding this matter, please contact

[email protected]

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Page 3: Rhind Papyrus and Base 7

^ BASE 7 [see also www.baseseven.com ]

Base 7 system is composed by numbers

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10

Base 7 multiplication Table Base 7 division Table

^^ Base 7 system and Hieroglyphic Symbols

^^^ Example of translation regarding RMP n° 79 in Base 7

RMP n° 79

In a property there are 7 homes.

In each house there are 7 cats.

Each cat catch 7 mice.

Each mouse eats 7 ears.

Each ear contains 7 hekats of barley

How many things are there in this story?

Solution in BASE 7 in BASE 10 by Eric Peet

HOMES 10 7

CATS 100 49

MICE 1000 1 11111 343 1 2801

EATS 10000 2 22222 2401 2 5602

HEKATS 100000 4 44444 16807 4 11204

TOTAL 111110 111110 19607 19607

Paolo Di Pasquale

lighting and painting designer

Copyright © 1988 – 2013 Page 3