'. , ' V I " . . 1- - - s j.-'-- ' rf. :if if a In fi v i 1 I - I f VOL. V.-- NO. 261. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 3, LSSG. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY dvfrtt.scmcnt.s. Advertisements, as Advertisements. --Advertisements. immistmrnts. mm MEAL!! The undersigned are now prepared to re ceive order, for this Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Duck A Ohlandt San Francisco. The following is a report of the eorupo neut parts, as obtained by Chemical analy- sis: Water 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 2U.1H " " Silicious Matter.... 4.65 " " Lime 31.70 " " Phosphoric Acid 23.11 Oxide of Iron . .t5 ' Carbonic Acid l.rtO " Alk Salts .52 100.00 Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Orders Received will have lrompi and Careful Attention. W. (j. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands 85 tf GRAHAM PAPEIi COMPANY, 4t. (, lU. Tf . Manufacture and Supply all kliuls of linok. Xew. Flat anil I,alcl Papers, Hinders Hoards, Tuines, Et?. W. G. RICHARDSON. KKSIDKNT AGKNT 203 L,eldes4lortr street. lelephone No. 47. NAN FRANCISCO. ' U. Speeial Atteutiou jriven to Liiree t'on tracts. 'is if .few The Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Beale and Howard streets, SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA W. H. TAYLOR President JOS. MOOKK Superintendent OF RTF. AM MACHINERY, IN 1UILDK! branches; steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines and lioiltrs, Hit?h Pressure or Compound. STEAM VKNSKl.s. f Rn kinds, built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tuks constructed with reference to the trade in which they aire to be employed, speed, ton- nage and draft of water guaranteed. SUGAR II ILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA- CHINERY made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitable ltngths for connecting together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. n YDRAULTC RIVETING. Boiler Work and Water lipe made by this establishment, Riveted hy Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, that quality of work being far superior to hand work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-- c lie Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Puu-.ps- , for Irrigation or City Works' purposes, built with the cele- brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pomp. J. N. S WILLIAMS Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, spreckeis Block. (Agent for Hawaiian Islands ) 2'tseTO-lyd-- w Jj. G. SRESOYICH & CO., Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fruits, green and dried; m.tnufacinrersof Desiccated Cocoanut. Bananas, Limes. Pine Apples. Sicily Lemons, Tahiti Oranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Dates and Smyrna Figs, Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex- perience in, shipping to China, Australia, Mexico, Central America, E:ustern States, etc. Tropical Fruits Imported direct hy every steamer. Branch House, San Francisco, P. O. box 1388. Honolulu, H. I., P.O. box 1J0. 413, 4U and 417 Washington jtreet, opposite Post Olhcc; 412, 414 and 41G Merchant street 479 feh'JB ST SAN FRANCISCO. BEAVEB SALOON. NO. ' PORT STKKRT. 'Opposite Wilder fe Co.'sj H. J". Wolte, Propr. OPKX FOM 3 a. M. TILL 1.) P. M FIRST-CLAS- S Ll'X CUES', COFFEE, tea, son.i water, tiAUFJi in . Cigrir'sj unci TobftCC(K OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected Iron; the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Loverso BJ I. LI A RDS will lind an Elegant 5MKWICK i CO, illllAF.B IA2LE on the Premises. The i'loprietor would be pleased to receive a cali from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a I. rXrH. A SMOKE, OR A (JAJtK OF MILLIARDS. 1 DTANLKY. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS 410 Front St., Sau l'rnrlc. 57 If A w ISAAC K. DAV1H. HtNHT tHWlI.L DAVIS & C0WELL, MANrfACTCB KHB Or Santa Cruz Lime, OF KNGLtslI I'OH TLA ND IMIimTKIts KU, F1HK itftlCkS, Fl KK CLAY, KU 211-31- 3 DHUMM street, b. t. (lay mid Wash log tou, P. O. Hox 2,293. SAN FKANCISCX. 6;S-f-23-- 7 J. C. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, HARNESS, .SADDLERY, FIRF.MENH EQUIPMENT. 12 aud H I'ine street, Nan Franclaco, Cat Agents fur Klrby's Mania C'rut Tannrls. Sol Harness aud all other kinds of leather. lSVse lr .. . .ni I,,.,, ii. ,ini .i iii. n.i hi. ii m H. H. ELLIS. J. W. MiLLUt. ELLIS&MILLEH Wholesale and Commission Dealers Ui Hay, Grain and Feed 25 aud 27 KPKAll 8TRE.ET, Between Market and M (union, HAN FRANCISCO mT Orerw SollcMet. 423dec2-l- r Whittier, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers of PIOXEER WHITE LEAD, PACIHC RUDDEH PAINT, PA I NTH, OILS, WINDOW OLA HS and AR TISTS' MATKRIAIM. 8133 Front St., t f Knii Frsuihru C. MAIN. E. II. WINCHESTER Main & Winchester, Manufacturers and Importsrs of Haruet. Saddle, Itrlilles, Wtilp. COLLARS, SADDLEEY WARE, ETC. Nos. 214, 216, 218 and 220 Battery Street, Su cranciaco. lllustratsd catalogue ssut n application. Idl aacl2V PROVIDENCE RIVEIt BRAND OF Cove Oys t ers Are guaranteed to be of tba BEST quality. Our POPULAR" brand of PIN'EAPrLiyi are not excelled. FAIT & WINEBRENNER, Packer, Baltimore, Md. C. O. YOUNG, Agent, 23 IavlM Street. 8a Francisco, Cal. 102 oW MANH000 RESTORED Thereusm that Thousand eannol jf rarerf of SEMINAL WEAKNESS, LOSS .OF MAN- HOOD, and thf result (J abate, dirar orirrrstet, ' owing to a complication called PfiOSTA TOR' RUE A. DR. LIEDIO'S INVIOOtlATOR i the ONL Ycure for PROS TA TORRl'SA. Price, $ iOO per package, 6 package. fUO.Ow Omde to Health and Self. Analytt sent free. LIE' BIO DISPENSAItrforDiea$cfof Men, 400 'Jeary St., San francisco. Cal. io:-- tf Doilge, Sweeney & Co., San I'ranclMeo, al. Wholesale dealers in Butter, Cbeeue, Lard, aud all kinds of provisions. SOLE AGENTS FOR I. lbby, McNeill A I.lbbs'a fanned 9Ieat. II. 51. Dnpee'M (Eagle Ilrand) 'bl-K- ' Ilainnt. Henry Verbajre Canned Vienna and Ham Sanafe, And . X. IIuine'M "I lajf" Ilraud of Canned Salmon. lt tuCb29 87 G. M. Josselyn & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Ship Chandlery, 38 and 40 Market St.. San Frei- - Ufitiseo, Agents fer Taunton Hheatbli'r'. lne Corr- - i Metal Manufiictur- - -- j.any. S2Sfe2:-I- y WATERHCt7SE & LESTER. Importers of Wagon Lumber And CARRIAGE MATERIAL. 16 to 22 Deale Street. Sau FranrJfcco- - 277-lyH- 7 Employment Office. rpHE UNDEUHKLNED If AH MOVED INTO J the oflice of Mr. J. E. Wiseman, where be will be prepared to furnish household servhnta, collect blilH, do Aufflo-Chlnes- e luterprellna?, and a general business. HOYUKO. LEVI STRAUSS & CO., H and l liattery street, Sj,n Francisco Cal. SUN FIRE OFFICE OF 1. OXI O 3i K .S TULISHKI I 7 1 0. KFFEtTKU UPON KVKKY INUKANCKN property at the current rates ol premium. Total gum Imured in 1885 - - 3 7,333,700 Claims rraned by the locul aui3, and pad with promptitude and liberality. The turisdietion of the Local Tribm.-- is recogniz". G. W. Macfarlane & Co., lud&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. I A PtT A I. ft I O.tKMI (Mill V N LI M ITK1 LIABILITY re lusurniire oi nil leeript lou . will be eirected at Moderate Hates of I'rein am, by the undersigned. VM. . IRWIX & CO Managers for Haw. Islands XT TT X r 3N3" Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of Xeu Zealand. CAPITA. I.. : i U.OUU.OOO. Kslatliliet an Asetiey at UavltiK for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepaml to accept risks against Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorahle terms. Marine risks on cargo freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. Losses promptly adjusted A payable. WM. G. I It WIN 4 CO. THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, Xo. tiO Xmiaiiii Street, Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22U JOHN COOK, House Carpenter & Builder, :ll Alakea Street, Will furnish estimates and make contracts for any description of wood buildings. Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfaction guaranteed. Charges as low as the lowest. 2tr. tf Ivolinla, Saloon. Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors ALWAYS ON II AND. Fancy drinks ol' every description a speel Ity. Li. H. Webb, dfcwly lroprietor. Tahiti Lemonade Works. .Krated Table Maters. GINGER ALE. LEMONADE. GUENADINE. PLAIN SODA Absolutely Pure. As supplied to the principal families i u Hono- lulu, and exclusively to Her Britannic Majesty's vessels of war. :wftt' W S. LUCE, WINE and SPIRIT -- MERCHANT, Campbell llloeii. Merchant St., Ha Just received tnese celebrated brands oi Whiskies in case: O. (). S. S. KENTUCKY WHISKY, C. W. STTAliT KENTUCKY WHISKY, McKENNA'S KENTUCKY WHISKY, MALTED RYE WHISKY. And In Bulk, 44 OLD CROW " WHISKY, " HERMITAGE" WHISKY, "NEW HOPE" WHISKY, "BEL AIR " WHISKY. Special attention drawn to ' NAGLEE FINEST OLD PURE CALIFORNIA BRANDY. ATTORXEYti.AT.UM. CURK.NCK w. Asuroau. ASHTOKD A ah f o rtl A AmH ford. ATTOUNKVS. CX)CNSKLX.ORS, SOLICITORS, ADVOCATES, KTC. O h ?e Ilo.iol-Jl- Hale, adjoining tho Post Offlce. Ji7d&wt JOHN T. DARE, Attorney and Counwellor at Law. Office No. la, Spreckeis Block, Honolulu 176 oct21tf f lECIL BROWN. ATTOV NEV-AT-LA- AND j notary Puhiie, campion's Block. Merchant street M, THOMPSON. ATTORNE W, And Solicitor in Chancery Office, Campbell's Block, second story, rooms 9 and V. Entrance on Merchant street, Honolulu, II. I. 405 tf J. ftl. MONSARRAT. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Keal Estate In any uart of the Kttjjr Bought, Hold and LuaaeJ on Co ni in Union Loans Isegotluied and Legal Documenta Drawn So. 27 MERCHANT STKEET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. lfl-- WENNER & CO. 92 Port Street. Have oil hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. 'Watches, Urocele ts, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, Aud oroametiU of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate Elegant SollU Silver Tea Seta. Suitable for Presentation. KNGRAVINO AND NATIVK JEWKLRY A Specialty. Repairing lu all Its braucbet. f Hole AKeaits for King's Eye Preset vers. Metropolitan Market U IKU STB RET, G, J. WALLF.it, FROPRIKTOR ChoJcewt SleatM from t'liient Herd, Faml les and shlpplug supplied on SIIOHT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this market are thor ougly ehllled Immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties, and '4 GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FREHHLY-KILLK- D MEAT. H:t-- tt Quoiiff Sam Kee Co., Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, WINES, SPIRITS, DRUGS. TU i7 King- - street t t Honolulu. tf.ABiin ivnil C'TOOCC t .. l'aauilo, Kukaiau, Nawiliwili, Kapaa, Rice Flantation at Kapaa. 212deC8 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. AH accounts for Advertising and Job Prlntlog at tbe Pacifie Commercial Aitiertlaer Pacific Commercial Advertiser H FUBLISiHKI Every Morning Except Sundays, NUIISCRIPTIONH : IAILY P. C. ADVKRTI8KK, One ';ar f 8 00 IAii.y P. C. Advkktiskr, nix months- - 3 00 Daily P. C. Auvkrtihkr, three months 1 50 Daily P. C. Advkktiskr, per month SO Wkkkly P. V. A DVKRTittKK, onp yer 5 00 P tflna Subscription, W. P. V. A. (Including postage) 6 50 Pajable Invariably in Advance SMmttjsrmcntjs. Birthday Jubilee -- OF- His Majesty the King To all Hawaiian Mibjt-of- n and friends of the Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, His Majt sty'8 loyal subjects, contemplating with grateful hearts the con tinned reign in good health of our beloved Sovereign, which has been vouchsafed ns under the blessings of the Almighty, and hailing with joy the ap- proach of the anniversary which marks the fiftieth yt"ar of His life an era in tho life of a Ruler which in any land is to be recog- nized among the people as a fiitinfr occasion for narked rejoicing and festive jubilee do invite you all, Hawaiian subjects and friends of the Nation, to join with us in a loyal and loving celebration of the Iiftietli iBirtlidav OF HIS MAJESTY THE KING, TIIE- - lGth Day of November Next, in the City of Honolulu, when, Ood willing, we may all unite in demonstrations of love and fealty to our Beloved King, PAUL P. KANOA. JNO. M. KAPENA, J j. AHOLO, JOHN A. CUMMINS, JNO. E. BUSH. JNO. L. KAULUKOU. PAINTING ! ! SECURED THE SERVICES OF THE HAVING California Sign "Writer and Grainer, IT. GAEIOT, I am now prepared to do all kinds of Sixa, IIoiihp nn.l Ship laintlnir Paper Hanging, Glazing, Etc., In all the LatestCalifornia Designs and Styles, at California Trices. BANNERS AND TRANSPARENCIES Made and painted. Illuminating and Decorat- ing for the 5Cth birthday of His Majesty solicited. C. B. PATTERSON, PAINTER. No. 77 King St. Mutnal Telephone 462. 182 jan 22 DE. 1. GOTO AND SURGEON. LEPROSV A 1HYSICIAN Office hours at Kakaako. from i to 11 a. xn. every day except Sunday. Will visit j.atients at their residence by request. All other diseases treated at his olBce, corner of Punch- bowl and Beretania streets. Oflice hours from 1 to 5 p. in.; Sunday's, from 8 to 12 a. ni. 112apr'2 THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV- IGATION COMPANY, (Lllliitel,. Keep constantly on hand, for sale, STEAM, FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a general assortment of BAR IRON. S26 ly A'ew Photograph Kooms. NICHOLAS .STOKE. FORT STREET, OVER the Shooticg Gallery. Picture.?, Port- raits and Views. Ffrst-clas- s work. Satisfaction guaranteed. lltap'2 '. A. GONSALM.S. TO riL3i:T. 4 T PAL A MA TWtr, JiCE COTTAGES IN RO- - . bello Lane, for and 820 per month r- - pectlvely. Inquireisbt Hyman Bros., Queen i Street. 3s J tf DS1DS TIES CO,, (Jueen ,f Edinburgh Streets, VHOLKSALK A H KT AIL Dealers lu II A V A X I 41 It A I X , Telephone No. 175. tioods delivered promptly. Ilaud Order Solieiied. Sl'.f EUREIvA ! We have reeelv'i a consignment o the moat Economical ai.J Vuhmhle Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz. COOKED LLWSEEI) MEAL. It Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk atnd Butter producer In use. Oil Cake Meal shows aoout 27 per cent, of uu rliive matter; this nearly :J9 per cent. 100 lbs. o this meal is ecji.al to 300 lbs. of oats, or 31H Bs. of corn, or to 7ti7 lbs. of wheat btan. For Sale in Lots to Suit. Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as our usual supply of the best kinds o Hay, Oat. Wlieat, torn. Etc., Etc. LAINK 4fc OH). IS tf John P. Col burn, Importer and Dealer in Hay and G-raii- i, Corner King and Maunakua Streets. atGoods delivered promptly. Mutual telephone 3S7. IIS tf TELEPHONJG 55 jNTEEPEIS r ? PLANING MILL. i.n Alakea. near Queen St. 2I-t- f To the Public. The Pacific Transfer Co., Office with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street. Hell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391. I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayatfe, hauling or moving work, al' of wnioh I will guai-arat- ee to execute faithfully. 36 ly s. F. GRA HAM, Proprietor. J. LYONS, -V nctioiieer AND Genera! Commission Merchant Masonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu Sate of Furniture. Stock, Keal Estate General Merchandise properly attended to. Sole A e nt for American & European Mercbaniise. 191-t- f J. H . SOPEE, Successor to J. 3L Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gaapiie Block, it Merchant St.. Honolulu. II. I. ? f , a. wu. WillAtt. - - knowel ye An' darrs yo' mudder, too. i Lawd.' LawJ: 'stoni-hi- n' how smart she looks. I ain't gwine tc-- say at you look s'old 's yo' mudder. but I clar it am a sar- - t tin fack yo' mudder looks ' young as you." 5 And the courtly old coon chuckled softly as he resumed his shoveling. .Detroit Fre Press. i It is ascertained that the cinchona tree grown in hothouses in Europe develops ro quinine in its bark. It is tT."sIy unfair for a man to sneer at a woman's inability to understand a base- ball game until he has proven his own ability to grapple with tae mysteries of a crazy qui.t social. Fall River Advance. Contributor Here is a manuscript I wish to submi Editor (waving his hand) I'm sorry. We are all fall just now. Con tributor (blandly) Very well; I will callj again when some of you are sober. -- Boston fi Courier. 0 ClttUH Spree Itels NVm. O. Irwin. CLAUS SPKECKELS & CO., HOXoMLl, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, Draw Kxchnnga on the principal parts of tho world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and ex chung e business. Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav Iiiks Department subject to published rules and rcstnlatlo.ia. 77oc:Uf MACFARLANE & C0-- , IIOI.rAI.K DEALEKM AXf JK.. eral Jobbers in WINKS and LIQUOKi No. VZ Uaahiimanii Street. HONOLTJLir. is-t- f M. PHILLIPS & Co., Mint WlioleNale Dealers in Importer Boots, Hhoes, Hats, Men's Furnish ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaabumanu street. Honolulu, II. I. luf-wt- f olacb spuaoaaLS rit. a. irwi. WM. G. IRWIN & Co.. Sl'UAK FACTOBS nod Comiiilfliiu Honolulu H. I. 12-tf- w tf H. HACKFELD & CO.. i:ciul rojiMissiox auexts. G II tf Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. r. bans ma. W. MAKKTKNS. P OPriuBAKLT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., A CotumiHsioii 9f ercliantw. IiuMrterM Honolulu, U. I. li-t- f WM. McCANDLESS, No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEAL MUTTON, FIUH.etc. Family and .shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live StocW furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 1"2 tf NOTICE HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT FROM AND J after this date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted without the written order of myself or wife. SAMUEL PARKER Honolulu, September 10, 186. 378 decll W. H. ALDRICH, General IIuluei Agreut, Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store, Queen st., where he will attend to any business entrusted to his care. DEPOT OF UNION DAIRY. Orders for milk respectfully solicited, atid prompt attention given to the delivery of the same. E. E- - jVTayliew, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, 86 Hotel Street. IIouolulu. II I., . (Opposite Fashion Stables). P. O. BOX 315. BELL TELEPHONE 53. Ail work In my line fultbtully done. Plains and spccLilcations made. Jobbing in all details done at short notice. Good work and haw charges Is my motto. TO PLANTERS. We have Just received, by the steamer ALA-- M EDA , a consignment of Automatic Trash Foedins: Furnaces. Fo. four and live toot furnaces, romplete with gr bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines of trls make are now ii, successful operation at Sp,w kelsvllle, Makee Suifar I'ompany and other plan atious. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine the above. For prices and further particulars up ply to ffm. G. Irwin & Co., :p6t Agents. 1 H - . i i : - I i : ; i i . . i ? ', , J.: v I'l ; ? i t' mi . ? f ? I : . I ! 1 V H. J. N0LTE. ia-- U Importers of Foreign and Domestic try goods, Hosiery, Ladles and dent's Fumlalrfng tXods. ole Proprietors 'id Manufuoturers of thecele-barte- d PATENT KIVETtfiD CLOTHING. 47Jan28 87 a" Full line of the best brands of Cbsmpasrne, Brandies, Whiskies etc., always on band. 133-aug- 6 Office will from this date be presented tor pay. ment monthly. 1 Honolulu, Match 2, U85. i rWK-aa- f Sv

rf. In fi · and '4 GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FREHHLY-KILLK-D MEAT. H:t--tt Quoiiff Sam Kee Co., Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, WINES, SPIRITS, DRUGS

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Page 1: rf. In fi · and '4 GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FREHHLY-KILLK-D MEAT. H:t--tt Quoiiff Sam Kee Co., Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, WINES, SPIRITS, DRUGS

'. , '


". . 1- - - s j.-'-- '

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In fiv




-I f


THE DAILY dvfrtt.scmcnt.s. Advertisements, asAdvertisements. --Advertisements.immistmrnts.

mm MEAL!!The undersigned are now prepared to re

ceive order, for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Duck A OhlandtSan Francisco.

The following is a report of the eoruponeut parts, as obtained by Chemical analy-sis:

Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 2U.1H " "Silicious Matter.... 4.65 " "Lime 31.70 " "Phosphoric Acid 23.11Oxide of Iron . .t5 'Carbonic Acid l.rtO "Alk Salts .52

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received will have lrompi

and Careful Attention.

W. (j. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands

85 tf


4t. (, lU. Tf .

Manufacture and Supply all kliuls of

linok. Xew.Flat anil I,alcl Papers,Hinders Hoards,

Tuines, Et?.


203 L,eldes4lortr street.lelephone No. 47. NAN FRANCISCO.

' U. Speeial Atteutiou jriven toLiiree t'on tracts. 'is if .few

The RisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beale and Howard streets,


W. H. TAYLOR PresidentJOS. MOOKK Superintendent

OF RTF. AM MACHINERY, IN1UILDK! branches; steamboat, Steamship,Land Engines and lioiltrs, Hit?h Pressure orCompound.STEAM VKNSKl.s. f Rn kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tuks

constructed with reference to the trade inwhich they aire to be employed, speed, ton-nage and draft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR II ILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA-CHINERY made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable ltngths for connectingtogether, or Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

n YDRAULTC RIVETING. Boiler Work andWater lipe made by this establishment,Riveted hy Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality of work being far superior tohand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-- c

lie Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler.PUMPS Direct Acting Puu-.ps- , for Irrigation or

City Works' purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pomp.

J. N. S WILLIAMS HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, spreckeis Block.

(Agent for Hawaiian Islands )2'tseTO-lyd-- w

Jj. G. SRESOYICH & CO.,Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers inForeign and Domestic Fruits, green and dried;m.tnufacinrersof Desiccated Cocoanut. Bananas,Limes. Pine Apples. Sicily Lemons, TahitiOranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Datesand Smyrna Figs,

Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex-perience in, shipping to China, Australia, Mexico,Central America, E:ustern States, etc. TropicalFruits Imported direct hy every steamer.

Branch House, San Francisco, P. O. box 1388.Honolulu, H. I., P.O. box 1J0.

413, 4U and 417 Washington jtreet, opposite PostOlhcc; 412, 414 and 41G Merchant street



'Opposite Wilder fe Co.'sj

H. J". Wolte, Propr.OPKX FOM 3 a. M. TILL 1.) P. M


tea, son.i water, tiAUFJi in .

Cigrir'sj unci TobftCC(KOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected Iron;

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Loverso BJ I. LI A RDS will lind an Elegant


on the Premises.

The i'loprietor would be pleased to receive a cali

from his Friends and the Public generallywho may desire a



Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine


410 Front St., Sau l'rnrlc.57 If A w



Santa Cruz Lime,OF KNGLtslI I'OH TLA N DIMIimTKIts KU, F1HK itftlCkS, Fl KK

CLAY, KU211-31- 3 DHUMM street, b. t. (lay mid Wash log tou,

P. O. Hox 2,293. SAN FKANCISCX.6;S-f-23-- 7


FIRF.MENH EQUIPMENT.12 aud H I'ine street, Nan Franclaco, Cat

Agents fur Klrby's Mania C'rut Tannrls. SolHarness aud all other kinds of leather.

lSVse lr.. ..ni I,,.,, ii. ,ini .i iii. n.i hi. ii m

H. H. ELLIS. J. W. MiLLUt.

ELLIS&MILLEHWholesale and Commission Dealers Ui

Hay, Grain and Feed25 aud 27 KPKAll 8TRE.ET,

Between Market and M (union, HAN FRANCISCOmT Orerw SollcMet. 423dec2-l- r

Whittier, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



8133 Front St., t f Knii Frsuihru


Main & Winchester,Manufacturers and Importsrs of

Haruet. Saddle, Itrlilles, Wtilp.COLLARS, SADDLEEY WARE, ETC.

Nos. 214, 216, 218 and 220 Battery Street, Sucranciaco. lllustratsd catalogue ssut

n application. Idl aacl2V


Cove Oys t ersAre guaranteed to be of tba BEST quality.

Our POPULAR" brand of PIN'EAPrLiyiare not excelled.

FAIT & WINEBRENNER, Packer,Baltimore, Md.

C. O. YOUNG, Agent, 23 IavlM Street. 8aFrancisco, Cal. 102 oW


Thereusm that Thousand eannol jf rarerf ofSEMINAL WEAKNESS, LOSS .OF MAN-HOOD, and thf result (J abate, dirar orirrrstet,' owing to a complication called PfiOSTA TOR'RUE A. DR. LIEDIO'S INVIOOtlATOR ithe ONL Ycure for PROS TA TORRl'SA. Price,$ iOO per package, 6 package. fUO.Ow Omde toHealth and Self. Analytt sent free. LIE'BIO DISPENSAItrforDiea$cfof Men,

400 'Jeary St., San francisco. Cal.io:-- tf

Doilge, Sweeney & Co.,San I'ranclMeo, al.

Wholesale dealers in Butter, Cbeeue, Lard, audall kinds of provisions.


I. lbby, McNeill A I.lbbs'a fanned9Ieat.

II. 51. Dnpee'M (Eagle Ilrand) 'bl-K- 'Ilainnt.

Henry Verbajre Canned Vienna andHam Sanafe,

And . X. IIuine'M "I lajf" Ilraud ofCanned Salmon. lt tuCb29 87

G. M. Josselyn & Co.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers in

Ship Chandlery,38 and 40 Market St.. San Frei- -

Ufitiseo,Agents fer Taunton Hheatbli'r'.

lne Corr- - i Metal Manufiictur- --- j.any. S2Sfe2:-I- y

WATERHCt7SE & LESTER.Importers of


16 to 22 Deale Street. Sau FranrJfcco- -277-lyH- 7

Employment Office.rpHE UNDEUHKLNED If AH MOVED INTOJ the oflice of Mr. J. E. Wiseman, where be

will be prepared to furnish household servhnta,collect blilH, do Aufflo-Chlnes- e luterprellna?, and ageneral business. HOYUKO.

LEVI STRAUSS & CO.,H and l liattery street, Sj,n Francisco Cal.


K .S TULISHKI I 7 1 0 .

KFFEtTKU UPON KVKKYINUKANCKN property at the current ratesol premium.

Total gum Imured in 1885 - - 3 7,333,700

Claims rraned by the locul aui3, and padwith promptitude and liberality.

The turisdietion of the Local Tribm.-- is recogniz".

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

lud&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.



I A PtT A I. ft I O.tKMI (Mill


re lusurniire oi nil leeript lou. will be eirected at Moderate Hates of I'rein

am, by the undersigned.VM. . IRWIX & CO

Managers for Haw. Islands

XT TT X r 3N3"

Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of Xeu Zealand.CAPITA. I.. : i U.OUU.OOO.

Kslatliliet an Asetiey atUavltiK for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-dersigned are prepaml to accept risks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorahle terms. Marine risks on cargofreights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

Losses promptly adjusted A payable.WM. G. I It WIN 4 CO.


Manufacturing Jeweler,Xo. tiO Xmiaiiii Street,

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22U


House Carpenter & Builder,:ll Alakea Street,

Will furnish estimates and make contracts forany description of wood buildings.

Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfactionguaranteed.

Charges as low as the lowest. 2tr. tf

Ivolinla, Saloon.

Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors


Fancy drinks ol' every descriptiona speel Ity.

Li. H. Webb,dfcwly lroprietor.

Tahiti Lemonade Works.

.Krated Table Maters.GINGER ALE. LEMONADE.


Absolutely Pure.

As supplied to the principal families i u Hono-lulu, and exclusively to Her Britannic Majesty'svessels of war. :wftt'



Campbell llloeii. Merchant St.,Ha Just received tnese celebrated brands oi

Whiskies in case:




And In Bulk,44 OLD CROW " WHISKY,









O h ?e Ilo.iol-Jl- Hale, adjoining tho PostOfflce. Ji7d&wt


Attorney and Counwellor at Law.Office No. la, Spreckeis Block, Honolulu

176 oct21tf

f lECIL BROWN. ATTOV NEV-AT-LA- ANDj notary Puhiie, campion's Block. Merchantstreet



And Solicitor in Chancery Office, Campbell'sBlock, second story, rooms 9 and V. Entrance onMerchant street, Honolulu, II. I. 405 tf




Keal Estate In any uart of the KttjjrBought, Hold and LuaaeJ on Co ni in Union

Loans Isegotluied and Legal Documenta Drawn

So. 27 MERCHANT STKEET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. lfl--

WENNER & CO.92 Port Street.

Have oil hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

'Watches, Urocele ts, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

Aud oroametiU of all kinds.

Silver and Gold PlateElegant SollU Silver Tea Seta.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing lu all Its braucbet.f Hole AKeaits for King's Eye Preset vers.

Metropolitan Market



ChoJcewt SleatM from t'liient Herd,

Faml les and shlpplug supplied on SIIOHT

NOTICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

All meats delivered from this market are thorougly ehllled Immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air RefrigeratorMeat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties,and '4 GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FREHHLY-KILLK- D

MEAT. H:t-- tt

Quoiiff Sam Kee Co.,

Importer and Dealer in

General Merchandise,WINES,


DRUGS.TU i7 King- - street t t Honolulu.

tf.ABiin ivnil C'TOOCC t ..

l'aauilo, Kukaiau, Nawiliwili, Kapaa,Rice Flantation at Kapaa.



AH accounts for Advertising and Job Prlntlogat tbe

Pacifie Commercial Aitiertlaer

Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every Morning Except Sundays,


IAILY P. C. ADVKRTI8KK, One ';ar f 8 00IAii.y P. C. Advkktiskr, nix months-- 3 00Daily P. C. Auvkrtihkr, three months 1 50Daily P. C. Advkktiskr, per month SOWkkkly P. V. A DVKRTittKK, onp yer 5 00P tflna Subscription, W. P. V. A. (Including

postage) 6 50

Pajable Invariably in Advance


Birthday Jubilee-- OF-

His Majesty the King

To all Hawaiian Mibjt-of- n and friends ofthe Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, HisMajt sty'8 loyal subjects, contemplating withgrateful hearts the con tinned reign in goodhealth of our beloved Sovereign, which hasbeen vouchsafed ns under the blessings ofthe Almighty, and hailing with joy the ap-

proach of the anniversary which marks thefiftieth yt"ar of His life an era in tho life ofa Ruler which in any land is to be recog-nized among the people as a fiitinfr occasionfor narked rejoicing and festive jubilee doinvite you all, Hawaiian subjects and friendsof the Nation, to join with us in a loyal andloving celebration of the

Iiftietli iBirtlidavOF



lGth Day of NovemberNext, in the City of Honolulu, when, Oodwilling, we may all unite in demonstrationsof love and fealty to our Beloved King,



SECURED THE SERVICES OF THEHAVING California Sign "Writer andGrainer,

IT. GAEIOT,I am now prepared to do all kinds of

Sixa, IIoiihp nn.l Ship laintlnirPaper Hanging, Glazing, Etc.,

In all the LatestCalifornia Designs and Styles, atCalifornia Trices.


Made and painted. Illuminating and Decorat-ing for the 5Cth birthday of His

Majesty solicited.


No. 77 King St. Mutnal Telephone 462.

182 jan 22

DE. 1. GOTOAND SURGEON. LEPROSV A1HYSICIAN Office hours at Kakaako. from

i to 11 a. xn. every day except Sunday. Will visitj.atients at their residence by request. All otherdiseases treated at his olBce, corner of Punch-bowl and Beretania streets. Oflice hours from 1

to 5 p. in.; Sunday's, from 8 to 12 a. ni. 112apr'2



(Lllliitel,.Keep constantly on hand, for sale, STEAM,FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a generalassortment of BAR IRON. S26 ly

A'ew Photograph Kooms.

NICHOLAS .STOKE. FORT STREET,OVER the Shooticg Gallery. Picture.?, Port-raits and Views. Ffrst-clas- s work. Satisfactionguaranteed. lltap'2 '. A. GONSALM.S.


. bello Lane, for and 820 per month r- -pectlvely. Inquireisbt Hyman Bros., Queen i

Street. 3s J tf


(Jueen ,f Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers lu

II A V A X I 41 It A I X ,

Telephone No. 175.

tioods delivered promptly.

Ilaud Order Solieiied.



We have reeelv'i a consignment o the moatEconomical ai.J Vuhmhle Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.

COOKED LLWSEEI) MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk atnd

Butter producer In use.

Oil Cake Meal shows aoout 27 per cent, of uurliive matter; this nearly :J9 per cent.

100 lbs. o this meal is ecji.al to 300 lbs. of oats,or 31H Bs. of corn, or to 7ti7 lbs. of wheat btan.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual supply of the best kinds o

Hay, Oat. Wlieat, torn. Etc., Etc.

LAINK 4fc OH).IS tf

John P. Col burn,Importer and Dealer in

Hay and G-raii- i,

Corner King and Maunakua Streets.

atGoods delivered promptly.Mutual telephone 3S7. IIS tf


jNTEEPEIS r? PLANING MILL.i.n Alakea. near Queen St.

2I-t- f

To the Public.

The Pacific Transfer Co.,Office with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street.

Hell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391.

I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayatfe,hauling or moving work, al' of wnioh I will guai-arat- ee

to execute faithfully.36 ly s. F. GRA HAM, Proprietor.


-V nctioiieerAND

Genera! Commission MerchantMasonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu

Sate of Furniture. Stock, Keal EstateGeneral Merchandise properly attended to.

Sole A e nt for

American & European Mercbaniise.191-t- f

J. H . SOPEE,Successor to

J. 3L Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gaapiie Block,

it Merchant St.. Honolulu. II. I.

? f

,a. wu. WillAtt. - -

knowel ye An' darrs yo' mudder, too. iLawd.' LawJ: 'stoni-hi- n' how smart shelooks. I ain't gwine tc-- say at you looks'old 's yo' mudder. but I clar it am a sar- - t

tin fack yo' mudder looks ' young as you." 5

And the courtly old coon chuckled softlyas he resumed his shoveling. .Detroit FrePress. i

It is ascertained that the cinchona treegrown in hothouses in Europe develops roquinine in its bark.

It is tT."sIy unfair for a man to sneer ata woman's inability to understand a base-ball game until he has proven his ownability to grapple with tae mysteries of acrazy qui.t social. Fall River Advance.

Contributor Here is a manuscript I wishto submi Editor (waving his hand)I'm sorry. We are all fall just now. Contributor (blandly) Very well; I will calljagain when some of you are sober. -- Boston fiCourier. 0

ClttUH Spree Itels NVm. O. Irwin.



Draw Kxchnnga on the principal parts of thoworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andex chung e business.

Deposits bearing Interest received In their SavIiiks Department subject to published rules andrcstnlatlo.ia. 77oc:Uf


IIOI.rAI.K DEALEKM AXf JK..eral Jobbers in WINKS and LIQUOKi

No. VZ Uaahiimanii Street.HONOLTJLir. is-t- f

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,Mint WlioleNale Dealers inImporter Boots, Hhoes, Hats, Men's Furnish

ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaabumanu street.Honolulu, II. I. luf-wt- f

olacb spuaoaaLS rit. a. irwi.WM. G. IRWIN & Co..

Sl'UAK FACTOBS nod ComiiilfliiuHonolulu H. I. 12-tf- w tf


i:ciul rojiMissiox auexts.G II tf Queen St., Honolulu, H.I.

r. bans ma. W. MAKKTKNS. P OPriuBAKLT

ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,A CotumiHsioii 9fercliantw.IiuMrterM Honolulu, U. I. li-t- f

WM. McCANDLESS,No. 6 Queen Street,

Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEALMUTTON, FIUH.etc.

Family and .shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live StocW furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 1"2 tf

NOTICEHEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT FROM ANDJ after this date I will not be responsible for

any debts contracted without the written orderof myself or wife. SAMUEL PARKER

Honolulu, September 10, 186. 378 decll

W. H. ALDRICH,General IIuluei Agreut,

Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store, Queen st.,where he will attend to any business entrustedto his care.


Orders for milk respectfully solicited, atidprompt attention given to the delivery of thesame.

E. E- - jVTayliew,


86 Hotel Street. IIouolulu. II I.,

. (Opposite Fashion Stables).


Ail work In my line fultbtully done. Plains andspccLilcations made. Jobbing in all details doneat short notice. Good work and haw charges Ismy motto.


We have Just received, by the steamer ALA-- MEDA , a consignment of

Automatic Trash Foedins:Furnaces.

Fo. four and live toot furnaces, romplete withgr bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof trls make are now ii, successful operation atSp,w kelsvllle, Makee Suifar I'ompany and otherplan atious.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prices and further particulars upply to

ffm. G. Irwin & Co.,:p6t Agents.

1 H


.i i

: - I

i : ;


. .


? ',, J.: v

I'l ; ?i t'

mi .? f ? I

: . I! 1 V

H. J. N0LTE.ia-- U

Importers of Foreign and Domestic trygoods,Hosiery, Ladles and dent's Fumlalrfng tXods.

ole Proprietors 'id Manufuoturers of thecele-barte- d


a" Full line of the best brands of Cbsmpasrne,Brandies, Whiskies etc., always on band.

133-aug- 6

Office will from this date be presented tor pay.ment monthly.

1 Honolulu, Match 2, U85.

i rWK-aa- f Sv

Page 2: rf. In fi · and '4 GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FREHHLY-KILLK-D MEAT. H:t--tt Quoiiff Sam Kee Co., Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, WINES, SPIRITS, DRUGS

- '. .


, TaoirtistiKtrtfs.! tartisements.LOCAL AND GENERAL.



the opposition is futile must be appa- - t

rent to every person who reflects as tothe causes that have led up to the pres- - j

ent order of things. These phenomena, j

13Tbe hearing of the admiralty case

Pacific Commercial Advertiser EXGELBBECBTSconcluded and judgment reserved.

Mr. ft. S. Gay has been appointed D'ntrict Justice for the island of Niihau. CALIFORNIA "WI3ST.


IS PUBLISHED The undersigned offer for saltt, at lowect market rt?s,WHITE WINES, ANGELICA,

A mail will be forwarded to San Fran-cisco this afternoon by the bark Caibarien.

The steamer James Makee brought thenews of plenty of rain on the Island ofKauai.

It iNCK,

though new in detail, are not so inprinciple. They form but one more ex-

ample of the inevitable ojeration of afundamental law of social science oneof which it behoove the controlling pow-

ers of every state to diligently take cog-

nizance, if they would preserve theequilibrium of society.

That rebellion of one kind or another

EVERY MORNING. CLAKET, MADEKIA,i SHERRIES,The 53 Chinese passengers by the Ala







meda were released from quarantine yes-

terday.lokepa Kekuku has been appointed an

agent to grant marriage licenses for thedistrict of Koolauloa, island of Oahu.

Last evening special officer Hopkins ar-

reted two Chinamen for gaming. Theywere playing the game of "che fa."

The schooner Clara Light, tender to thesteam whaler Alliance, has been lost in

is the outcome of injustice or oppressionis as certain as that effect ever followedcause, and the education of the massesis the most effectual stimulant where-

with to hasten that result. "In the lightof knowledge men read their rights, andknowledge gives nerve to act." The re-

volt of Ireland against centuries of mis-

rule, the uprising of class against class



Per annum ?5 00

Bti moatljK . S Oft

Per month SOc

dTMubkcrlptioim I'ayaltle Always InAtlvauce.

Communications from nil parts of the Kingdom

s.FItEKTII & PEACOCK.573 Telephone Xo. 49.H. O. Box 501.

in England consequent upon the unequallistribution of wealth, the excesses ofthe Commune in Paris during the revolu- -

ion of 1708, as a reaction from the in

Just received, ex Lapwing, a large consignment ol

Genuine German Cologne

will always be very acceptable.Perseus residing lu any part of the United states

can remit the amount of subscription due by PostOffice money order.

Matter in Utit Jed for publication In the editorialcolumns should be addressed to

Kditob Pacific C'ommkrc-iai- . advkrtiwek.'BuslQeM communications and advertisements

nould be addressed simplyP. C. ArVKKTWKR,"

And not to Individuals

tolerable social oppression of that day,and the terrorism inflicted by the Nihi


Buy Them! Smoke Them! Enjoy Them!Tbey are a perfect luxury and a preventative of sic'uuess. Buy them as yon can afl'ovd a

dollar's worth, by the box. or'eveu a tbousaud at a time. It is savins rooner.

the Arctic. She was valued at $15,000 andinsured for f 10,000.

W. C. Sproull has just opened up in hisnew store on Fort street a very fine as-

sortment of goods, which he has importedspecially for the coming holiday season.""l)r. Hyde has just presented a numberof books to the Honolulu Library, andMr. H. G. Crabbe has contributed threevolumes of the Cyclopedia of UniversalHistory.

An insane Chinaman was locked up atthe Station House yesterday, and willprobably have to be committed to the In-

sane Asylum. He has a mania for quot

lists of Kussia upon the imperial mo--

nojHjly of jvower are all phases of the Prepared by Johann Maria Farina,name thinir. Although in either casethe demands made are excessive theycontain a certain element of justice Gefitenuber k Julichs-Plat-z Cologne, Gciniany.which it is tin wise to pass by unheeded,THE

Pacific Commercial Advertiserfor the numbers enrolled under the :o:EiNGELMECHT, SON & CO.,banner of democracy are now sufficientlv stronir to become a factor ing Scripture.

There will be a missionary concert at the Mriiu I a- - tu rer.in all social problems. The true HOLLISTER & CO.,

lOO Iort Street.I now for sale .daily at the Following I'larrs ; vestry of the Fort-stre- et Church this even-

ing at 7:40 o'clock. Chief Justice Juddremedy lies, not in repression but inStreet, San Francisco, Cal.J. H. SOPKR Merchant street judiciously ameliorating the condition of I 21 First


will read a paper on "The present condi-

tion of the Hawaiian." 105 mch'J'.)CRYSTAL, SODA WORKS Hotel streetT. fl. THRUM Fort street

There will be the usual service at St.Five Cent per c:opy. Andrew's Cathedral this evening at t The undersigned has just

onened un a new assortmento'clock, when the Rev. George Wallacewill deliver a brief address. Choir prac-

tice immediately after the service.



of Goods, suitable for the

the millions who have hitherto beenslaves of the few. This is the great taskof the age which is now presented "to thestatesmen of older communities, and thestability of the nations of the earth willdepend upon the degree of effectivenesswith which it is performed. The ques-

tion is not a pressing one in the King-

dom of Hawaii. It is true that a feudalsystem existed here in days gone by, butthe knowledge which ushered in abrighter regime was availed of by thosein power, not only to add to their ownadvantages, but also to improve thesocial status of their subjects. As long


A white expressman used the whiprather too freely on his horse in NuuanuValley Monday afternoon. It almostamounted to brutality, and should he re-

peat it he will get himself into trouble.

(C TRADE ))v FilARKThe New York "Shipping List" has -- OF-

an article of considerable interest to

season.AY. C. SPItOULL,


sugar producers on these Islands. It

MIL LI FEE Y GOODSannounceH the "provisional reduction"of the drawback on rehneu suar exported to $2 60 ier 100 pounds, from

as a policy such as this prevails, as long$2 80. The last mentioned tijrnre was--wii.i, r.K ni'.i.u ON

as the people of this Kingdom are govfixed as far back as 1 875, but it is onlyin the past three or four years that erned on truly constitutional principles,

so lonz will socialism and its kindredAmerican sugar refiners took advantage INVITEDALL AEEevils be unknown within her shores.Tuesday,

arid. 7th.of the drawback to any considerable

Hon. Paul Neumanu took occasion atthe Admiralty Court yesterday to thank theChief Justice for the close attention HisHonor had bestowed upon the importantcase which has just been presented to him.

The following are the officers of the TaiaPlantation for the ensuing year: Presi-

dent, 11. P. Baldwin; Vice President, S.M. Damon; Treasurer, E. M. Walsh; Sec-

retary, H. Laws; Auditor, J. B. Atherton.Sachs' grand opening of millinery goods

takes place this morning, and will be quitean event. One of the attractions will be abeautiful silk crazy quilt, with plushborder, said to be as handsome a one asever made.

At the Lyceum this evening at 7:30o'clock there will be a preparatory addressThe Standing Committee of the BethelUnion Church wilFbe there at 7 o'clock for

Saturday, Monday and

IS3"oyem"bex 4rth9 6th.extent. This decision of the UnitetEx- -lreentatiou of Testimonial to

Cliif r John Xutt.States Treasury was arrived at in consequence of investigations by experts

A short time since a complimentarybanquet was tendered to Mr. J. Nott,into the profits of refiners. These ex

nerts reported that a reduction of 20lately Chief Engineer of the Fire De


TH b". G-1- 1 AND OPI'ININGcents ier 100 pounds was more than

partment, on the occasion of his resignacovered by the better results obtained o;

tion of that position, at which it was inlate by the use of improved machiner.

tended to present him with a testimonialin recognition of the efficient manner in

-- OF-which he discharged the duties pertain-ing thereto. It will be remembered thatMr. Nott was forced to be absent owing

Millinery and Fancy Goods,to domestic allliction, and that MessrsC. E. Williams, George Lucas and MD. Monsarrat were apiointed his depu

THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE.tics to receive the same. On Monday

those who desire to unite with the churchon profession of faith or by letter.

The Royal Hawaiian Band will play atthe residence of the Japanese Consul thismorning and at the Branch Hospital, Ka-kaak- o,

at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. OnThursday it will play at the Princess Liltu-okalani- 's

monthly reception, on Fridayafternoon at the Queen's Hospital, andEmma Square Saturday afternoon.

Outside of the store of J. II. Soper, Merchant street, may be seen specimen pic-

tures to be given away with the Christmasnumbers of the "Illustrated LondonNews," "Graphic," "Yuletide" and "Illus-trated Sporting and Dramatic Times."

-- TO BEGIN- -

evening these gentlemen repaired to MrNott's residence to convey to him thetestimonial, which was accompanied by W. C. FEACOCK.O. D. FREKTH.WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 188(3,

.., VSi 1

1 .





- '

) I ,

4 H1!



f .4





i .

the expression of many pleasing sentiments. Mr. Nott stated his appreciation of the kindly spirit of the donors

PREETH & PEACOCK,WlioleHle Wlue and Xplrit Merchant.

23 Nivuarru street - - " Honolulu, EE. I.AT--and as the day happened to be the 31st

and scientific methods in refining. Inother words, the United States Govern-ment regards the drawback on refinedsugar exported as an equivalent to theimport duty paid upon raws, and do notintend that the refiners should profit bythe - bounty of the State. Should fur-

ther investigation lead to the conclusionthat a greater reduction would not in-

volve loss to the refiners, the Treasuryis prepared to enforce it.

This may be very well in theory, butin practice it will restrict production andtherefore lessen the demand for raws inthe United States. During 1885 theaggregate export of refined sugar fromAmerican ports was 124,000 tons. Thisexport would have been impossiblewithout the drawback which enabledAmerican refiner's to pay higher rates

- and extra freight, and comiete with i heBritish refiners in their home market.There has been a falling off in the present season, the export for the first ei.htmouths standing at ,56,224 tons against99,149 for the corresponding period of1835. The "Shipping List," comment-ing upon these facts, says : "The prob-

able results of this reduction upon theexport demand for refined sugar are dif

annhersary of his wedding he invited Orders should be sent in before the de-

parture of the next mail to the Coast.--:o:-The Popular Millinery House,

the gentlemen named, together withsuch other members of the Departmentas were present, to partake of refresh-

ments. Toasts were honored and apleasant social evening passed, in thecourse of which Mr. Nott presented tothe Foremen of each company a nicelyframed photograph of himself.

Honolulu.104: Tort Street

Sole agents for J. J. Meleher's " ELEPHANT " (JIN, IVllisson'n uncolored,unsweetened, pure old BRANDY only two qualities shiped, 7 and 10 years old.Hy. W. Smith & Co.'s

THISTLEDEW WHISKY,We ofler for sale at reduced figures, a lare and well assorted ntoek of

ALES, BEERS, STOUTS, WINES, SPIRITS, LIQUEURS, etc., either in bondor duty paid.

Arrest for L.arceny.Yesterday morning Officer Kauhane

arrested a half-whi- te named FrankDavis, who has latterly assumed thename of James Smith, a well knowntransgressor of the law, on a charge of

larceny on a somewhat extensive sale.The property he is alleged to havestolen consists of $115 in gold, $90 in Telephone o. 210.373H. O. Rox 504.

3ST. S. SVCIrlS, Proprietor.The largest assortment of imorted pattern HATS and BONNETS ever before

exhibited. Also, the latest novelties in TRIMMINGS.

U-MII- MKM.IS rtrssiuiikiiiK on ti,. prenrsp.H.ficult to foreshadow, but there seems tobe no probability however, that it will

Jubilee t'omuieiiioratiou Medal.Mr. Joseph Hubash, a well known

and skillful jeweler, has manufactured avery pretty souvenir to commemoratethe fiftieth anniversary of the birth ofHis Majesty the King. It is a smallmedal, on one side of which is a profileof His Majesty and November 10,1830-188- 0, while on the reverse side isthe inscription, "I ka piha ana o na ma-kahi- ki

he kanalima o ka Moi Kala-kaua- ."

They are made in both goldand silver, and are for sale in all theprincipal jewelry stores in the city.They can be used for bangles and scarfDins. Mr. Hubash has already sent


Importers and Dealers inStaple anil Fancy Groceries, lroiluee, Pro iont ami l eeil.

ISTo. 52 Fort street.- -

Particular attention is called to the fact that all nouda in our line are WARRANTED frltF.BHand of choice quality. All importations are bo regulated as to avoid accumulations of old stok.


entirely close foreign markets to our re-

finers, who .possess other advantagescalculated to give them a decided ad-

vantage in competition with British re-

finers.. The question of a reduction haslong been a subject of diplomatic corre-spondence between this and the BritishGovernment, and during the past yeara commission of English refiners visitedWashington for the purpose of present-ing their protest. This fact, togetherwith the heavy amounts refunded theGovernment on account of drawback,has led to investigations with the aboveresult, which was not altogether

1.2. WISEMAN,(riieral ltiHfiieMN Ayreiif.

Block, Merchant Street, Honolulu.

J- -


silver and three $10 bills, in addition toa lady's watch and chain, two pairs of

earrings, a gold locket and a silverwatch, the articles having been takenfrom the Sea View residence of Mr.William Miller, where they were placedby that gentleman's wife last Tuesdayweek. On the following Thursday Mrs.Miller discovered the loss. It appears itwas her custom on leaving the house tolock all the doors and windows, deposit-

ing the key outside. As there had beenno breakage of the fastenings it is sup-

posed that the thief watched this opera-

tion. Officer Hopkins diligently searchedfor the man, whom he believed to beSmith, the silver watch having beensold to Mr. Lindsay, watchmaker, Nuu-

anu street, in that name, but it after-

wards transpired that he was identicalwith Davis, and a close supervision wasset over his house in Honolulu on

Monday night, but without avail. Y'es-terd-ay

morning he was met by Officer

Kauhane whilst coming in froui Waiki-ki- ,

where he had been spending moneyvery freely. The accused was broughtup at the Police Court yesterday and re-

manded until Monday.


Books and accounts and coll;oUons attended to promptly,

nell Telephone 172. P. O. JJox 315. Mutual Telephone 372. Ice House IDelicaciesReceived by every steamer from San Francisco, embracing all varieties the market affords

WOODLAWN DAIRY bricks , anvl ottir choice Inland Uxittr, silw&ys on Latud.vK.lnl-t- tcityTWaJlDaily deliveries ueTHE ADVANCE OF SOCIALISM.

noth Telephone, o.3(2tfLEWIS &

a. -

quite a number to San Francisco, andorders are coming in fast for thesemedals, which are handsomely gott i up,the workmanship reflecting much crediton his skill. Mr. Hubash's workshopis in rear of Mr. Mclnerny's store. Thegold medals are sold at $2 o each amithe silver ones at 50 cents.

.Coyal Birthday.To-da- y is the thirty-fourt- h annivers-

ary of the birth of His Imperial MajestyMutso Hito, Emperor of Japan. Bornin 1852, he succeeded his father, KomeiTenno, to the throne in 1807, and onDecember 28, 1808, was married to thePrincess Haru-ko- . The Royal HawaiianBand will play at the residence of Mr.Taro Ando. H. I. J. M., Diplomatic

Consul General. Nuuanu

Among the items to hand by the lastmail is one which forms a striking illus 111 Fort Street. Importer WeHEEE WE COME TO EEONTStaple Pancv Groceries. V

tration of the manner in which social-

istic principles are gaining ground inEngland as elsewhere. We are told that

- "x;nly avowed intention of the- Democratic Alliance to

-- With tbe finest custom-mad- e

-- :o:- Clothing and EurnishHjg Goods,ollee Court.POLICK JCSTICE BICKKRTOS. FBESH GOODS

- r 11 .1 lino rfBEFOKEBy hand, a iuu anu wu.,..Rvavs on

it is ttifcirsfcw ual procession of theleaders of thev tujs vear w 1 1 1 1 oneaccompany the aim. M'ie jen;zens Qf

Lord Mayor's show - u n ...Ail AAA

"k f ..,,,, fVilifnrnia. ami aTtesday, November 2d.Charles Samon, Bila, John Campbell reTV SlcaiiH'i n vi" '

Etc Etc.and Keoki were each mulcted ?o l.'or Provisions,

o..:,..,.,; .maranteed. Telephone

and which we will sell at theIslands,Ever brought to thee ,wllJg L(JW pmcES;'

100 dozon Bova Wool Suits, per suit $2 50 upward-- .100 dozen Bo'vb' Jersey Suits, per suit 2 oO upward-- . j

75 dozen Men's Fine Bunir.ess Suits, per wuit $5 upward-- . ,

75 dozen Men's Fine All-Wo- ol Suit-- , per unit $9 npward-- . :

50 dozen Men's Fine Illack Drew Suit-- , extra value per unit M8 a,)War,Pint. ner rair. SI upward-- . .y

2No. 240. P. O. Box NoAvenue, this, inorni? rl irirtv cment and Consular flae

consisting ot iuo,uwtoiling and outcast London, witii--ie- w

to presenting their deplorable condition

side by side with the wealth and opu-

lence of the Empire. The significance of

this would le less marked were it not foroUHpnite defiance breathed forth

out the day in honor of the evenmi hx i.ri 1 14 it. u c n ' - -Altio, OV8

re-- y.

rv SHOES.lin' Pool JIatch.On Thursday evening a match gai

of pin pool, thirty games up, will

plaved at the Commercial Billia

Room between Alonzo H. Morris and OPENING OF 8W GOODS, sr.

100 d,.zen t nlanndried Shirt-- , per piece 50c "Prd.. 4.Fine TJndersh rts, per piece oOc npwaniH.

So S Men. Fine White lre Shirts, per pu-c- 1 upwardMcCleerv, for $250 aside. BtF. B. 1 50 upward

--AND AT- -





in- -

100 dozen Men's Ali-o- oi im"b50 dozen Men's Straw Hat-- , per piece ioc nPd-- r

, t,.q' Cfraw Hat-- , ner Piece oOc to $1 oU.at this beautuui aThey have plaj

matches in San Fn

men are expertsscientific game,together in many

tO UOeu u'ij a un." ... .' . 1 AVERY LOAV PRICKS. We are confident these price- - u Hau-i- y - vr

bUC v- -

against the warnings of the police.Coming, as it does, a few months afteranother popular outburst of the forces of

democracy, which the London police

failed to suppress, in a country above all

others where law and order are sui-pos- ed

to prevail, it is impossible to

ignore the fact that the hitherto down-

trodden masses have gained ancendency in the social economy of the

various nations of the earth such as has

never been equalled at any previous

period of the world's history. It may

nrPAte alarm, it may provoke opposition,

We only adverli-- e. . . .1 T 1 . T M . ' T I I T V .11 lit I V III J ...v.j...- - Iwhat we mean ue. .i . it T- k'irf iv l' .nriipr rvi p money will ,uIf r.m AT 1.(1 I il 111.,. L J XX,V1,i..- - - i - --"llCUICUJl' i " ' 4. J I jcheerfully refunded.AT- - and EortatreetH.

cisco. McCleerv has the record of t

largest winning ever made in a sin

handed match, t,300. The game co

mences at 7 :30 sharp. EA.G-A.1S- " & rfO.'S& COEHLEESB. t 353 ittheslyUndressed kid gloves, ladies' underw

pink, white, cream and blue cashmere j

received bv last steamef. at C. J. Fishelbut that the alarm will be as useless as

Page 3: rf. In fi · and '4 GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FREHHLY-KILLK-D MEAT. H:t--tt Quoiiff Sam Kee Co., Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, WINES, SPIRITS, DRUGS


ri r


--AiibcrUsMuius.A DRAMATIC WORKSHOP.Mail lor Nan Francisco.

The bark CaiKtrien sails at 4 o'c'uxkVUTHOIIITI.Brit bark W H Watson, from Liverpool, due '

October 1--

Am bk Martha Davis. F M Bsnson. sailed from jBoston August 7tb, due December 0 ,

Haw schr General Sieel. K.inrtr tm-.- n '

Frctn a Dakota Philosopher. !

A man who starts a newspaper with tbrexpectation that hi$ relatives will eu Inscribefor it is well qualified for a position some-where as a rusher in where angel fear totreiuL

An exchange thitika that the Chine wav t

removing dandrufl ith sandpaper is tlu--j

Bfct elTeoruaL Perhajw it li, tut the com (

mon North American Indian has a plan j

which, though quite ibrupt. Is sail to b ;

reasonably sure. The sysUm is too wal? I

known to need mentioning. EcUUln (D. !

w i nrnivni i m

supreme Court.IN ADM IK A. LTV BEFORE JL'DD. t. J.

TrtsDAV, NuvemU--r 21.Vdi'it'u: Navigation Company vs. S. C.

Allen. Turtlu r 1, earing of an action to ;

recowr fJ-,!))- ) i.r th-- los- - of th-- j'

steamer J.uncs I. Hon.Paul Neumann, Mr. L. A. Thurs-

ton an-- Messrs. Whiting & Creihtoti i

the Iirf-Urit.- J ; Mr. S. B. lole and;Messrs. Kinney i Peterson ani Mr. H.

Bickerton for th respondent. j

Mr. Kinney citel two cases of collision

thi.-- aft.'riin f.jr ran TraiH' i. ill I,,ru- - iritil .nv hr--r whli'huiaii ,.1.4 i'v

closes at the Post Ollice at ; o'clock.This will be a p-- xl opportunity toanswer cirrep-- n leiue received by thoAlameda.






Wandering from Ticture to Picture a

Buyers Day Tlie Superb Kepose oi

the Man Who Is lllch Knough to Buj j

Costly Picture j

Varnishing day is perhaps the most inter- -;

esting day of Ihi spring exhibition. Youare bidden by a small piece ot pasteDoara. her skirts. Shehaitog.-- i xn-.s- e L1U,H ouaThe day U stormy -- it always storms th Ret8 bhakespeare a. vl ur lessons arefirst week, in ApriL Instead of goin- -

j taken in costuma She ha to manage her. . j stns of the academy, vou slide Urnin wiliifi th teacher manages the train- -

through the melancholy basement where the , ins iJtS may be mi id to t h.oiin.j on theSchool of Design abides, and steal up a j tnt) skj; t of the dra:na. ! re --s f.rst, addressdar stairway like a thief in the night, or ; afterwards. Tragedy b in with the monu-- o

viicV.nr! rnminu home from lodze. i ,ntoi on i an i witu t.ie



ofUerelopiDS Crare in t l.tlr Skin lu-tilli- iie

KliiticiSy lb. ch Hie Aoacyof Fenrii ri;-- A iirtbie ilii:uiiWorkshop- - Fit; u: i v Wile.

The first tLinj t h it'.i the young. in aid tor Lerta.lv but, by U." m;. l

,ha .o youcg xady,course, i. . . .1. r W.

4he is an "Asp.rani i i'btang Tu-- y nvtr do m ral ate. In real

s.otial life tLeylalife women orrs. prole,drape. A la !v bs pi .u a.-- u mac:ress has folds jf s'a h s embarked onth of hib i oiuo .v fle tnigbt as well be- -

giu fcy gettin4 h-- r sbcots in t..e wind. Sheruuat look like Juliet Ih?:v: .-

- h- - can talk Useher.

Here she is, learnin: eep, -- poe, re-lin- es

.. lirt are inrno e an l ' impos r


fter the t hs le tined bow to navthings hang right she nm-- t learn to havethem move right !he a ot to loosen ourher oints, and it is p;oei Lial that everysocial young lady who Lus' not become anaspirant us--s her arm from the elbow andher elbow from the wrist an.l her wrist fromthe finger-tips- . SL:e caunt :trika out norstrida She is a charudag combinution ofBiUle, slope aud s:um bLe melt from oneaction to anotn.r in Miow-i- ke fashion

musculai "e has a ulwithout pu.-p"-e-

inclination to gaae when she oughtto step out aggressively.


So she has the foils put ia'o her hands to

imi i or un aud astouiau tome of the girlmuscles that have been lying dormant lorthis exercise she disposes with her skirts

of sort trousers aud blousea:.d dons a pairjacket the looks veiy p:etty in it if sh

has a trim iguic, " j 7note how rapidly he supple body adapts -

itself to the rules of tua ai t At ursn -

is a little timid. &he is afraid of havingher eyes put out, and w in. s with her headaverted, and reminds you of a girl on a

musuito.-s- . But as soonwashstan l killingas she finds out that she has 1 exors there is

into her limbs, and afine vita! grace getsfine glow comes into her checks-t- wo shadesexcitement and one shade muscular exercise.Uf iate, boxing ksions have become quite

urauiatic schools, most offashionable at luethe aspirants pre.eru g the gloves to thefoils though as a rule they do not take tothem so wall, and certainly do not appearto the same picturesque advantage as withthe duellit-t'-s weapons.

Having learned how to stand and how tomove, the next thing is to learn how tospeak. Here comes in the whole elocution-ary business. Most of the theatrical coachesnave cut the old recitation nonsense. "AuxItalien" and the "Maniac" hive no place intheir textbooks. They put the 'spirantinto an acting role at once, ana n ah.e nergo through it with a.l the stage business, as

if she were belore an auuience. 'i he pro-

fessor always lets her do it her own wayke her think itill a b, U All CUvlVi i v

out with her own intelligence, thus preserv-

ing, if possible, her individuality and or-

iginality.It is a very pretty sight to watch some of

these girls developing into stage pi turesfrom neophytes to nymphs. A natuialnvniih is of no account, it seems, lor thestage. Sho has to bo reconstructed, haveher feet turned out, her knees strengthened,her toes pointed, her a: n bent into curves.But it all con es about by degrees. Shegets structural ea-- e and pcise after awhile;finds out that she has U gs instead of limbsand begins to

.have a pictorial sense of

- A- V ahathings. And it is tne a, movement wtechnical graces that marks the aplomb ofthe professional actrcs i.


This human workshop deals with twokinds of material. Cf late a new order of'spirant has crowded into the field. She isthe so.ial decliimer-th- e amateur-profession- al

who doesn't want to go on the stage,only to make a sousation in the talon with- 'Ostler Joe" and similar sentiment Butshe wants to do it with the air o an actresswho knows all about it This order of'spirant is distinct from the girls who meanhu iness. But it is interesting to know that-- ;: ' e ins with the tame methods and puts

doves belore she puts on the sock andbuskin.

a . ould drop in tome morning on thepu..u. you would s-- e uiiet in all stages ofconstruction. Kate, ethe.eaL voluble, quiv-ering with inteliig.'ii.-e- , would have climbedcast the bahony aud arrived at the "potionscene." Kuth, tri.n and graceful as a sprayof golden rod, would be 1 anging at Romeo s"bread-basktt,- " and Cora would be har-

anguing tue nurse or asking the wa'd-papv-

"wherefore art thou?" -- titer which shewould throw herself into a cushioned chairand present to us the pu ture of elegant re-

pose out of wh;ch stuck a little foot thathad more elocution in it than you can findin some people's whole bodies.

Doubtless there is an enormous advantage inthese lessons, even if the 'spirants neverreach the Parnassus of the btage door, andonly fall by the way into some matrimonialpitfalL They become at least picturesquewives, and it is generally understood thatthat is what men want There is a certaincharm in having a wi.e who t an "receive" likeMedea and entertain li Lady Macbeth, whocan play the piano as if she were playingLucrezia Borgia, and read the morningpaper as if shj were reading Dante's "In-

ferno" To be able to make soup with a"What ho!" and order tue milk with a"Prithee come up," and discharge the red-

headed ccok with a grand "Me thinks thisis too much," and wave away the gas manwith an ai superb, are attainmentsthat do not come by natura ew iuWorld.

Old Unele l ompey's Gallantry.Old Unc'e Pompey Camden lives in De-

troit, lie is past .0 years of ae, black as

the absence of all li'ht and endowed withthe qualities that u ake the natural courtier.It is true that his occupation is menial, buthe dignities even his old ash cart He watidy in" up an alley lor a Cass farm patronthe other day when the lady of the houseand one of her daughters, standing on taegrass plot in the back-yard- , caught his eyaHe had known them many years, andevidently thought it incumbent on him toH-- v iho oolinnt act.

" 'Deed, miss,'' said he, ' addressing tkedaughter, ' you se lootin migmy F" jis and growed a 'ooman, too, since I fustknowel ye. An" dar's yo' mudder, too.Lawd! Lawi: stonishin' how smart shelooks. I ain't gwine ter say 'at you looka old ' yo" mudder. but I clar it am a Bar-ti- n

fack yo' mudder looks 's young as you."And the courtly old coon chuckled softly

as he resumed his shoveling. Detroit FrePre&a

It is ascertained that the cinchona treegrown in hothouses in Europe develops roquinine in its bark.

it is rRtTily unfair for a man to sneer ata woman's inability to understand a base-

ball game uniil he has proven his ownability to grapple with tae mysteries of acrazy qui;t social. Fall River Advance.

Contributor Here is a manuscript I wishto submi Editor (waving his hand)I'm sorry. We are ah full just now. Con-trib- u

or (blandly) Very well; I will callagain when some of you are sober. BostonCourier.

French 1 ri?ate Skoals, due Nov -;

Brit bark t J Spence, from Hongkong, dueOctober 1H-2- 5

Oer bark Hydra, from Hongkong, due Decem-ber 1 15

Ara brittle W (i Irwin, J E McCulloch. fromSan Francisco, due Oct 26-3-1

Am bktne Mary Winkelman, Cba Backus,from San Francisco, due Nov 10-1- 4

Am brstne John D 3prckeL, C 9 Friis-- . fromSan Francisco, due Nov 11-1- 5 for

Haw S 3 Zealandla, R Tan Oterendorf, from S.mFrancisco, due November 17

German bark Hercules. Schaefer, sailed from F.Liverpool October 9th, due February 2-- 2

Am bktne Amelia, Wm Newball, from PortTownstnd, W T, due November 18--26 atAm brgtne Consuelo, F. B Cousins, from SanFrancisco, due November 10-1- 8

Am bark Forest Queen, J C M Winding, fromrancisco, due November 20-2-8

Haw brig Hazard, W G Goodman, from !4nFrancisco, due at Htlo, Hawaii, November 24-- i

Haw bark Star of Devon, A Lovell, from Fan-nlng- 's

Island, due December 8 14


From Maul and Hawaii, per steamer Iwalani,November 2d Wra E P.owell, Captain W F Batfs.Allen C Simerson, Mrs G W O Jones and twochildren, A K Jones, J Thompson, A KSteiner,

L Walia, Wong Wa Foy and 164 deck passen-gers.


For Maul, per steamer Likelike, November 2dSister Bonaventura, Sister Kosalia, Mrs Wm

Sheldon, Mr J T Aluli and wife, K T Wilder, JNeill, N McDermott and about 100 deck passen-gers.


The uteamer Iwalani arrived November 2d

from windward porta, and reports very flueweather. Sh leaves aaln at 6 o'clock this after-

noon for her regular Kauai route.The barkentlne George C. Perking waa lowered

from the Marine Railway November 2d, whereshe haa been cleaned and repainted with copperpaint.

The schooner Jennie Walker was hauled onthe Marine Railway November 2d to be cleaned,repaired and repainted.

The schooner Ileeia brought 340 bags rice fromKoolau, Oahu, November 2d. She sails a?ain to-

day.The steamer Lehua will leave for Haruakua,

Hawaii, at 10 o'clock this morning. She willtake a double-effec- t complete for a macerationmill for the Wainaku Sugar Mill, consisting of 2

seven-to- n rollers, I seven-to- n boiler, 1 vacuumpan and 2 spur-wheel- s. The machinery wasmade by the Honolulu Iron Works.

The weather in the channel being very calm,

the schooners Waioli and Maua were towed tosea by the steam lauuch Montague.

The American schooner Anna was to leave inballast for Rau Francisco from the port of Kahu-lu- i,

Maui, November 2d.

The American bark Caibarieu, Captain Geo. A.

Perkius, sails at o'clock this afternoon with

about 3,100 bags sugar and 100 barrels molasses.U. M. Sheppard and Mr. Jones will take passage

by her to San Fiancisco.The steamer Iwalani brought 2,109 bags susfar,

157 bags awa, 71 bags coffee, 6 pis. 27 head cat-

tle and 120 packages miscellaneous merchandisefrom various ports on Maui and Hawaii. Thesugar will be transferred to the bark Caibarien.

The stenmer Waialeale sails at 5 o'clock thisafternoon for Hainakua, Hawaii, via Lahaiua.

The schooner Mokuola brought 2fl0 bags ricefrom Ewa, Oahu, November 2d.

The schooner Emma sails to-da- y for Kauai.She will take the revolving boats to Wnimea.


Mortuary Keport lor Jlonlli KutlluxOctober 31st.

The total number of deaths reported for the,Mi, ,,r f i t itmr whs 45. distributed us lol

lows :

ITnder 1 vettr 8 From 40 to 50 7

Fro in 1 to 5. 5;t rom m to .--From 10 to 0 1 From U0 to 70 -From U0 to SO U- Over 70 - 5

From 30 to 40

Males 2(i Females l'

tluwtiii.ins lb I (ireut iirituiuChinese 13 j United StatesPortuguese ... 1 I Othet nationalities...


Asthma Dropsy 3

Beriberi Exhaustion .. I

Consumption Fever 4

Convulsions Hemorrhage . 3

DiSfiise of heart - Old ageLiaeuMe of brain Opium I

Disease of kidney uuiiide. ........ 2

Disease of lungsDysentery Total 4



October, 1S82 54 I October, 4X

October, 1S33 51 1 October, 4."

October, 14S4 39


Wards t 2 3 4 5 a j 7 a io ii f--i I 13

Deattis 2973fio2o624!o o

Outside -Nou-residen- ts

UnattendedAnnual death rate per 1,000 for month, 24.51.

John II. Brown,Agent Board of Health

Sicklies In School,BUH1XU MONTH OK OCTOBER, liSt.


Fort St 155Hoy Hi 319Fohukaina 93JSt. Louis... No KeportPreparat'y No K. port

Scholars absent three or more consecutive daysen account of sickness, or alleged sickness, are re-

ported sick.


Martinelli's cider is absolutely pure.

Martinelli's cider is the best and purestmade.

Head advertisement of Martinelli'scider.

The first grand opening of millinery andfancy goods of the season takes place at

the Vopular Millinery House, beginningNovember 3, 1880. S. Sachs. 104 Fortstreet.

French pattern hats and bonnets will be

exhibited at the grand opening of thePonular Millinery House, beginningWednesday, November 3, 1SSG N. S.

Sachs, proprietor.No book ever published contains so much

reliable and valuable information regard-

ing the Hawaiian Islands in such smallcompass us the Honolulu Almanac ashDirectory, 1SS. rri:e. 50 cents.

The Duffy Malt Whisky Company sub-

mit their Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky to theanalysis of any intelligent chemist, andchallenge the discovery of fusel oil or othernoxious ingredients or adulterations.

Messrs. Wing On Wo tfc Co., of Miiuna-ke- a

street, beg leave to notify the publicthat they have just received a large quan-

tity of XXX and other choice brands oiManila cigars, of the best quality, for saieat moderate prices.

Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky is not a medi-

cated liquor, but a pure, unadulteratedwhisky for medicinal use, free from fusel

oil and all noxious impurities, and is pre-

scribed bv phvsiciana. It Is a medicine

for the sick and feeble, and a beverage for

million because it is absolutely pure

T.) BelL .Definition.

High toned A fife.A joint affair A fish in rod,A lone society A bachelors' elubt Lifa.


y TROYALISi.'lJ Jk si

, Igp


Absolutely Pure.Tnispow.tor never varies. A msrvel of punty.

6trennh orA v holcsoaicnes?. More eeonaraicWtluvn The ovWr.cr; find i, and cannot bescld In convpctitio i vit.l tiO TMiiltitu.lo ot lo.Vfcwt, horfwelffht, alu:u or i .hosphate powders. Km D



-- OF-

PINPOOL,3;)xmii('H up, between



For $J5i a Hide, will be played at the COMMER-CIAL liILLIUD ROOM on

Thursday Evening,Xoveiti I er 41h. Play begins at 7 ;30 o'clock sharp.Adui s 1 n 236 nov

The Empire llcdivivus.

The undersigned respectfully Informs hispatrono and the public generally tbat tbe busi-ness of tbe

EMPIRE SALOONAVill be resumed in Ihe new and commodiousbuilding erected for tbat purpose, corner of Ho-

tel aud Nuuanu streets, on

Saturday Evening,The Cth intdant, upon which occsion a finelunch will be served to all wl o wish to partake.

In this establishment will always be found thechoicest brands of ALES. WINES and LiyLORSthat can be procured In the Aineiicui aud Euro-pean markets.

The public are cordially invited to call andjudge for themselves.

JAS. OLDS,229 nov6 Proprietor.



dtirsforthe Clirlatmu Pictorial Pa-per be sent in before the departure of the nextmail ferthe Coast, to avoid disappointment,

233 tf

Furnished or Unfurnished,


l furnished complete for housekeeping. Useof horse and carriage; large garden. Ari,lr to

CHAS. J. FISHEL,127-oct- Cor. Fort and Hotel Hts.

HORSE 0L-- IXGDone Willi llpRl-l- i


Lightning ClippinMachine-- AT TIIE- -


Apply to




Jut received, exlrig CONSUELO,

i 8 Roe Young Mu

Which are offered for Bale on reasonable terms.Apply tr

WM. G. IRWIN & CO106 sap29 tf

This absolutely pureCIDER is manufac-

tured in the orchardoneyear before plac-

ing it on the market,and generates its own

gas by natural fer-


A small invoice justreceived and for saleby


Australian Mail Service.



The new nd flan Al steel t!tuaahlp


Of tu Oceanic Hieamship Cooipitny. will duat Honolulu from Hydney and Auckland

ou or aiuut

November QOthA4 will leave for the above port with mall addpoMenRers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, bavin HUJ'KltJOKACCOMMODATIONS, auljr to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,AOKNTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and fine A I stoH

"MARIPOSA,"Of the Oceanic HteHiiiMhip Company, will b

due at Honolulu from tsan tiHcirisvuor or about

jSToveiribex ,27A'ld will have prompt disputes "Sib mails andpamengers for the above ports.

For height or passage, bavlny 8CPKRIOH AC-COMMODATIONS, apply to

Win. G. Irwin & Co.,AUENTS


Pure Mat Whisky

FOH- -

Medicinal TJse.NO FUSEL OIL.

Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated


Iloftpital.C'ni-Htlv- Institution,


ProsrrilMid by Physician! Everywhere.


Pure Stimulantlor the SlcV, Invalid, Couvtlesclng l'tlen 1,

Aged People,


Awarded HEKT PRIZE OOLD MEDALWorld" EipoBltlon, New Orleaus, L.. Irs8r.

For f:xretlure ami 1'nrlty.

Macfarlane & Co.,Hole Afut



3. M. OAT L CO. HEREBY GIVEMESSRS. that they hav disponed of theirbusiness to Mr. J H. Soper, for whom they

a continuance of the patronage heretoforbestowed on them. All accouuts due J. M. Oat.Jr. & Co. on the 1st of October, 188C, will be col-le- ot

d by Mr. J. M. Oat.Honolulu. October 1. 1S86. 8dotS


IMPORTERS and Pistols Colt Winchester,Kennedy and Martin Magazine KIMe. Itemington Shnrps and Ballard Hporiln Itlflea. Agentf r V. W. ureener. Colt, Parker and RemingtonRreech-loadln- g Double Guns. Colt and MiiltliAWesson Plflb.ls. '. Cl URY A BKO., 1 San.some street, Kan Francisco Cal. . 38 ly

1 or Interior.I., has this da) been aj-ra- nt

Marriage Licenses forUoa, island of Oahu.

L. AHOLO,Minister of Interior,

Sanember 2, 1886. 234.Jw3t

sq., has this day been appointeddtlce for the Island of Nilbau, Kauai.

A. LANIHAU.GoTrns of Kauai,

office of the GoveruetiH of Kauai, October 14,

i88G. 231 w3t

lepartment of Interior.It has pleased His Majesty the King to ap-


HON. JUNIUS KAAE,Registrar of Conveyances, vice ThomaM Brown,deceased.

Iolani Palace, November 1, 1886.

Dfpartment of Interior.TUESDAY, the ICth of November, 1886, belns

the anniversary of the birth of Ills Majesty theKing, will be observed as a national holiday,and all public offices throughout the Kingdomwill be closed on that day.

L. AHOLO.Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, October 28, 1886.

227 dnov3 wnovlS

Notice to IMifolic KelioolM.In commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary

of the birth of Ilia Majesty the King, all publicschools throughout the Kingdom will be closedfor a vacation of one week, extending fromMonday, the 15th inst., to Monday, the 22d, andwill reopen on the day last named.

By order of the Board of Education.W. J AS. SMITH, Secretary.

Department of Education, November 1, 1886.231-dno-


District of Honolulu, Inland or Oahu.

Tax payers In this district are hereby notified

that the undersigned has commenced collectingtaxes for the current year at his office in Kapua-Iw- a

Hale. All amounts remaining unpaid afterthe fifteenth day of December will be liable to

an additional ten per cent and costs of collec

tion. OEO- - H. LUCE,Tax Collector, Honolulu.

Tax Collector's Office, November 1, 1886.228 nov4

Ueneral Iost Oflice.David Manaku has been appointed Assistant

Postmaster General of the Kingdom.F. WL'NDENBEKO.

Postmaster General.Approved:

L. AHOLO,Minister of the Interior.

Honolulu, October 2J. 1888. 22t-oc- 30tf

All water rates due on or before term endingDecember 31. 1B86. must be paid at the office of

the Honolulu Water Works before the 13th day of

November, lbb(.Parties paying rates will present thir last re-

ceipt.CHAS. B. WILSON,

Superintendent Honolulu Water Works.


Minister of Interior.Honolulu . October 11. 13SG. 133nol5dw

The following is the list of Tax Collectors ap-

pointed for the year 1H86;

Hawaii.F. PahiaHtlo HaalilioITainaku

D. H. NahlnuNorth Kobala.George BellSouth Kohala...

. . ElemakuleWorth Kona".'.' ,... NahlnuSouth Kona

H. S. MartinKauPuaalohaPuna

Mnui.Kia NabaoleluaLahainaJohn W. KaluaWalluku

.Geo. E. RichardsonMakawao JosepaHimMolokai and Lanai Keaweolu Kaina

Oalin...Geo. H. LuceHonolulu.Lot. H.LalneWaiauae.Ewa and

. .U. KauaihiloKoolauloaKauwaluWaialua J. RaaeKoolaupoko

Itmint.Jno. Katlna

. .S- - Kftiu

Kawaihan. OhekaKoloa

S. XaanaoLthueJ- - KaIa

Waimea. . .J- - Keale

NiihauPAUL P. KAN-O-

Minister of Finance.

finance Office, October 9, 1880.


Tuesday, November 2.

Stmr Iwalani. Freeman, from Maul aud HawaiiSchr Mokuola, from Ewa

EIAKTlKtS.Tuesday, November 2.

for Kapaa andStmr James Makee. Campbell,Ilaualei. Kauai, via Waiauae, at 12 m

stmr Likelike, for Maui, at 5 p mHtml WaimaaaU. Underwood, for T aimaualo.

Schr Mol Wahine. Staples, for Hamakua Ua- -

WHc1hr Kaulilua. for Koloa and Waimea, KauaiSchr Waioli, for KuauSchr Mana, for llonomu

Vessel i.iv1mk To-In- y.

Stmr Waialeale. Weir, for Hamakua, Hawaii,

via Lahaina. Maui, at 4 p mStmr Iwalani, Freeman, for Nawiliwlli, ai-m- f.

. U(i Koloa. Kauai, at 6 p mLehua, Davit, for Hamakua. via Wainaku,

fttA?ub?rk Caibarien, Perkiu., for San Francisco,at 4 p m

Schr Kawallani, for KoolauSchr Caterlua. for HanalelSchr Kiuma. for KauaiSchr Mile Morris, for V.okalSchr Mokuola, for EwaSchr Heela, for Koolau

VielH in rrt from ForeiKii lorl.Am bktne George C Perkius, II Ackerman

from San Franciscotier bark Pacific. C Altiuann. from BremenAm bark Caibarien, O A Per kin- -. Horn San

Francisco, via MahukonaHaw Khr Jennie Walker. B Anderson, from

Fanning' Island.Am bit Hope, V AV P Penballow. from Port

TOBrit9bark Iron Crag, Wm Jones, from Liverpool

YevelN i:.uieelel Trtmi Foreign Fori.Brit ship Hosyoda, J Babcock, from Newcastle,

N 9 W, due Ocober 10--30

Brit bark liiengaoer, xoiiesiou, num ...c.- -

l A,o Jan lS--

Martha Fisher, from Glasgow, dxxejAmbwk

nea, one of which went to show that a

wronjj manu.uvre on the part of a sailingvessel at the last moment did not ab-

solve the from responsibility. Itwas held to bo the hitter's duty t keepclear. The other was a collision bvtweentwo steamers, one of which had mani-fostl- v

bn.utrht the other into a dangerousposition, while a wron mameuvre turn j

sibseouentlv W--n executed bv the!Other. In this ease damages wert.,ordered to le divided.

Mr. Neumann said it was at first in-

tended that the arguments should be al-

ternate. In the absence of Mr. Thurs-

ton it would therefore devolve uon him-

self to make two arguments. That heound impracticable, and proposed tostate to Mr. Dole the joints of his argu-

ment, so that Mr. Dole could argue first.Mr. Dole agreed.Mr. Neumann said he claimed judg-

ment by reason of the want of lights on

the schooner, which he proposed to

prove. He also claimed that if therewere any lamps they were not in accord-

ance with the statute, and they were notburning at the time of the collision ; thatthe collision was caused by ignorance orwant of reasonable skill on the part of

Captain Staples; and that therefore if

these points be established it is entirelyfault of the schooner. The learned

counsel went on to propound the pointsof law w hich he maintained.

Mr. Dole held the main point to bethe question of lights on the schooner.He held that the lights were in theirproper place and were burning at thetime of the collision. He went on toargue that the action of Captain Staplesat the critical moment was justifiableand that it was useless to try to rebutthat by the evidence of a thousand ex-

perts who were not on the spot. Hemaintained that the evidence showedan exceptionally high state of disciplineprevailed on board the Moi Wahine,iu.id that it was therefore exceedinglyimprobable in view of that fact that theCaptain would be guilty of bad seaman-

ship at this particular juncture. He ex-

plained the alleged presence of a greenlight on the wrong side of the schoonerby her having tacked, without those onboard the Dowsett being aware of it.The trifling discrepancies in tho evi-

dence for the respondent went to show- -

there had been no collusion, and weredue to the excitement at the time. Hetraversed at considerable length thepujnts raised by Mr. Neumann and gavea detailed argument as to the positionsthe two vessels must have occupied,claiming that the accident was entirelydue to a defective look-ou- t on the Dow-

sett, whose duty it was to keep clear.Mr. Neumann then spoke for between

two or three hours, exhaustively cover-ing the ground he had previously men-

tioned, and asserting that in his opinionthe whole of the witnesses on board theschooner, w ith the exception of Friday,were unreliable.

The Court rose shortly before 4 o'clock,judgment being reserved.

Lou Morris, the SlllliarUlst.Alonzo II. Morris was born in Boston,

U. S., and first came to the notice of thepublic as a first-clas- s billiardist in 1870

in the preliminary tournament for thechampionship of the United Mates, in

xcx XQ carried otf the first prize, defeating Eugene Carter, the champion of

Ohio; Tho. J.Gallagher, champion of

.Missouri; and Tho.s. Wallace, championof Maryland. This preliminary tourna-

ment was for the purpose of decidingwho should play in the main tourna-

ment, which was limited to ten players.In the main tournament Joseph lionwon first prize, Jacob Schaelfer second,and Morris and Geo. F. Slosson tied for

third. In the play olf Slosson won,although Morris defeated him in thetournament game. This gave Morrisfourth prize. He finished ahead of Wm

Sexton, Maurice Daly, Rudolph Ileiser,Wallace and Carter. In the same yearhe won the championship of the United

States at fifteen ball jool by defeatingthe champion, Saml. F. Knight. As a

man cannot hold his own at billiards andpool at the same time, Morris concluded

to continue on as a billiardist, and for-

feited the emblem to G. E. Wahlstrom,who was the first challenger. In 1SS:

he played in the balk line pre-

liminary tournament in Chicago, andagain won first prize, defeating Carter,Ileiser, Wallace, Gallagher and Mag- -

gioli, champion of Louisiana, and se-

cured fifth place in the main tourney,which was won by Jacob SchaefFer,

Vigneaux, champion of Europe, 2d, Daly3drexton 4th, Dion bth, Wallace 7th.Morris was in bad health throughout thistournament. Ue is notorious in theStates as an all round billiardist that is

he plays all styles of billiards without

having a favorite game. He has been in

California for the past three years, andhas plavel several games there withKenj. F. Saylorand J. F. B. McCleery. He

was handicailed in all of them, but won

them all except when he attempted to

discount Savior. He played HarveyMcKenna, of Detroit, in San Francisco1 ist February 0,000 points straight bill

iards, and defeated him, McKenna only

making 3,o00. Morris has played J. F.

B. McCleery four pin ix1 matches even

up, and won two and lost two. A

match has been arranged letween themfor Thursday evening at the CommercialBilliard Room.

"Member of the rres;" asks a wise-lookin- g i

nm!n takine- - Tour measure. "Here'syour catalogue " What is there to do butto take it and go marking away with apencil, as do the others? only, as I couldnever make anything out of ideas held ona margin. I simply scrawl away in an un-

professional fashion, making notes pictorialand generally too brief to be available, ofwhat goes on as tha afternoon waxes audwanes.WANDERING FROM PICT I "RE TO PICTURE.

Ou varnishing day there is no crowd.You can wander from picture to picturewith nothing but an occasional ladder to in-t- e.

cept the view. As a rule the best artistshave finished with their pictures and thepoorer ones are varnishing ostentatiously.Conversation is brisk and general. Peoplemeet in knots and then diverge to meetagain. Almost as many women as men-- all

of the former business like an 1 thelarger percentage young and pretty theyare pegging away, taking notes, the one-ha- lf

artists and the other correspondentaMost of the men are smoking. Dude artistwith silk hats, stitched gloves and var--

nished boots wave their Havanas conde-scendingly, shedding ashes and tendersmiles on the more attractive women present

On varnishing da3' the night fell the suncouldn't go down, because they have no sunin New York just now on 843 works of art.the largest number the academy has ye:htld. It is the correct thing to be sarcastic,it not abusive, when referring to the acad-emicians and the hanging committee. Ifyou don't feel any moral responsibility forwhat you say, it is both popular and easyto be amusing at their expense. But to anunpreiudiced observer it seems that theacademicians are unduly sensitive to thisabsurd vituperation. They Own the wholething building, exhibition and all butthat seems to be a negative advantage. Byvirtue of their position, academicians, cutoh from all prii.es, have reached the end ofall preferment They are so afraid of notdoing justice to art and the public that, byactual measurement, two thirds of the spaceson the line is given over to outsiders in thepresent exhibition. What is the use of be-

ing an academician? No advantage that Ican see.

Varnishing day over, the critics havingdeparted staggering un !er accumulated in-

formation, the artists being dispersed someto swear and some to smile the next turnof the clock brought round buyers' day. Acrowded day it proved, albeit the weatherwas vile, a day of portly paunches, grizzledhair, gold headed canes, private carriagesand stylish suits; a day that did not belleits name, but left the exchequer somethingover f 10,000 ahead.


Buyers' day takes place the afternoonfollowing varnishing day. The evening ofbuyers' day it fell on a Saturday thisyear; perhaps it always does is given overto the artists, their patrons and friends.This latter is supposed to be a full-dres- s af-

fairstring band under the stairs, maids inattendance in the cloak-room- , light anlbustle everywhere. It is called a "recep-tion and private view," and only those bid-

den by card may come. The women wearbonnets and pretty walking dresses; themen, except in isolated and conspicuous

evening dress. The crush is some-

thing past belief. Every one who has everbeen interested in art or ever expects to bemust be there, and invitations are wrungfrom the academicians right and left Onceup the grand stairway, you find yourselfsandwiched into a dense mass of polite,well-dresse-d humanity. For three hours itis impossible to move faster than an inch ata time. By Herculean efforts you maywork your way from one room to another,only to find each more c rowded than thelast It is a good change to drift aboutwith inconceivable slowness and study onekind of a New York crowd. The richestpeople go on buyers' day, and avoid thecrowd of the reception and private view.Still there are some you can tell them by acertain air of possible ownership tney assume when looking at an attractive pictuiu.Again, there is no mistaking the superb re-

pose which a man who is rich enough to buypictures possesses.

Certain men there are who like to lingerin a crowd and hear what is said about thepictures they think of buying. They liketo get unbiased opinions to prop a falteringjudgment There are the people of culture,the genuine kind quiet men and womenwho understand the world and themselvesand take in all they see with tranquil, easyenjoyment There are the old academ-icianscourtly old fellows some gray,some bald, many of them handsome, andthree or four who look like Papa Brooks,tha Rtill-lif- e Dainter of San Francisco.There are certain young artists and theirwives. The men incline to pointed beardsand disheveled hair. Some of them seemto have married models pretty girls wholook like fury with their clothes on and arepainfully embarrassed at being, as they in-

nocently suppose, in society. These girlsare given to big masses of curls on theforehead, no eorsets, a queerness in thematter of collars, and depressing depres-

sions where the bustle ought to be. Butthey make, I have heard, the best of wivsand mothers and save their husbands un-

told money for models. There alsomay be seen the young unmarried artist ofthe prosperous kind a dude of the most at-

tractive type; skin shining as if from aTurkish bath, mustache curled, trousers ofth latest cut, dazimg shirt front, big knotof violets in button-hol- e and a generallyblisk, breezy, man-o- f the-wor- ld style.There are artv ts an 1 artists, as you mayjudge. And a man who can paint is theman we want to see, no matter what classne belongs to Minnie Buchanan in SanFrancisco L hi onicle.

H:G'.s Found In Swiss Lakes.which had been rolledLea vi s of larch

into halls the largest more than a fojt indiameter bv the whirling motion of waterhave u-- t been exhibited bel'i re tha BerneVaturali-ts- s iety. Such halls, free fromementin.; mud, a:e fonue l in certain

lake, and in other places are produce 1 fromvarious plants. Arkan.-a- Traveler.

A !:i.nU sixty Feet Luiic.A shark has been captured on the New

Engianiioast measuring thirty-fou- r feetin length. It is reported that in the Southera seas they are still found sixty feet in

lsuitn. Boston Budget

- t

-- 1


3bit 4

--- s r I i

r i: :

1 tiW'j

1 ; !;r; i fi

-r Vi

x h

.t v



Page 4: rf. In fi · and '4 GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FREHHLY-KILLK-D MEAT. H:t--tt Quoiiff Sam Kee Co., Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, WINES, SPIRITS, DRUGS


THE MEASURE.! 3fc!itrtismntf5.THE BAHAMA ISLANDS.How much I love thee, dost thou ask? Then :

go. I

H. 1. JMelntyrxi Sz Bro.,js"A REGION WHERE EARTHLY EX j



A People Who May Bo Likened to La Grioceiies Provisions aridocThird 1 car of Publication.HIU. U. 11 Will 3b VjU I


EAST IUKNER KoKT AND KINo STKEETS.zaroul Unconsciously Possessing Heaven '

Nature's Hand Forever AVIde Open j

Luxuriance of Land and Saw i New Ootvds nvrtved by every piM-k- frotu the Evttrrn StV and Enro.i- -ProJuc bj- evrr 8ifmr. All ordrr l'ihful!y ttt-r;J- to. and Goxls l'iiv-r- .

city trre of charsc. IUod ordrr lii-tt- d. S.iU-if..rtio- cuarHntd. PontoJtoo, C!THE HONOLULI

Bring me the scale in which DivinityDid cast the earth, sun, moon and stars,

while heCreation s nirn the beam adjusted soThat, since, all things hang balanced here


One 'side the scale place all my love for thee,And weight the o. her with infinityThen gaze on them in equipoise, and know.

Looking far out fro:n shore the sky dothse in

To kiss the sea and bring infinityTo end i;xm its bosom; I did dreamOnce love was bounded so, till taught by

heeEach confine reached doth ope a wider

view,Eaf b joy attained but leadeth to a new.

. Flora McDonald.

Tplion' No. 9S.

Sugars.uuuiJd jus!DRV ORAXCUTE- H-



For the Year of Our Lord 1SSG, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil Jt Ecclesiastic'l Calend'r

VI:o:-Half UarriU.A.'iJ Buif.

cub- e-id Half Burrfia

AUii d Boxen.

I OWI'KH K. I)Xu ul ilitxt.




Eddy's & Jewett's JJetrio-erators- ,

V(cr Filters ami C oolers. Ice Clirsts, V!iit Mountain Ie- - t'tntm Fr'rrs, nw tattern, Eaty LawnMowrn, Ikor Mats, Ur!-- iird ikphI Iurrs, A.xr. It lick nud Ftufc lluttdjiN. tx'tjet andPlanters' Ho-s- , a 5uirur art:-l- . cut down Muskt'ts. l'owdvr, shut and 1'mn.


Act Buxea. Official and Business Directory of Honolulu

The Bahamas are said to have been settledas early as 1GJ, and their population is es-

timated to be about forty thousand bouliBut they are a liatle!, indolent lot, to w homsimple existence i the highest aspiration.For the moat part the language is a curiousmixture of the English, Spanih, and negrotongues. Sponge gathering, hshlng, conch-gatherin- g,

fruit-pickin- and wrecking con-

stitute about all the latxr done, 'i he isl-

ands swarm with tbtwe wreckers, who arenearly all good-nature- d souls, that regardeverything cast uion the chores, everyvessel that grounds upon the dangerouswrecks and cays, and every craft that canbe even lured upon the rocks, as their rigut-fu- l

gain, and receive all such ocean salvageas If the bleing of heaven accompanied it;though for that matt r our own governmentpermits juite as bad a state of things atKey West and along the 1 iue islands, off thesouth coast of Florida- - In the capital,Nassau, there is some wealth, some reline-men- t,

and some regard for the fitness ofthings, but even here the enervating blightof a so.K-t- y largely impregnated withpolitical and novel castaways has fallen.


lor the traveler, the scientist, the inva-

lid, the dreamer, the outcast, or the outlaw,these islands are the ultimi Thule. Life issustained with scarcely an effort It is aregion of prodigal provision, of thyme, andbalm, of life in endless lullaby. All this isthe vision of toilers Its realization to anypeople begets squalor. The population ofthe entire islands, whose capital an 1 govern-

or-general are at Nassau, New Provi-dence, is nondescript, with English, Spanish, and negro commingling, and comprisesuch a people as might bo likened to Laza-ron- i

unconsciously possessing heaven; and,in coming to know and think of it all, it isone of tbose intellectual evidences that at



Making the Koundx of the Plebeian Dls--trict Poverty and

Modern Home is a very large subject Itis not embraced in a few broad streets or inthe clean swept corners where the fragmentsof the past have collected. It can be studiedbet in quarters where there is uo dividingline of pa. and pre.-ent-, among the homes ofthe people. It is the Jews' quarter theGhetto that is chiefly visited by the curiousand compassionate stranger; but if he willmake the rounds of the plebeian district, hewill see that iilth and dirt heaps are not con-fined to the streets of the Israelites. Romanmen who preserve the wide-space- d eyes andaquiline nose, and women of noble stature,well-turne- d shoulders and bright black eyes

are ground about corners as squalid andfilthy, and seated on stones in front of densas hideous, for a living proof of what isdenied by the elegant modern Via Nazionaleand the v'enti Settembre.

Ko.ne is a city of allies. The people, thedwellers on the ash-heap- live alcng theTiber, on either bank, between the piazza ofSt Peter and the Protestant cemetery. Theycan not support life away from its yellowwaters any more than the Neapolitans canlose sight of their gulf. The other Sunday1 walked along the river until I came to the



Fence Win4 and Staples.Manila and Sisal Hope. The lalrM Nove.'tW'S in lump (;h1. Tlie very ltst aiul stvund grade

Iveiosene Oils.Iterry Bros. Furniture Vartusdi. For s!e at Use U.wKt market rates by tlie


Kiicctr4Hort to ItllliitgliHiii A' Co. huI Nmiiiiel Noll.


Full Statistical and General InformationRELATING TO THE HAW'N ISLANDS,

Great pains and expei se have been gone to hy the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men oi business, travelers and tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-

tries.Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the lates

moment.Articles of special value to the Islands have ueen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Elegantly 1 lliatrateci.

4'aseM Corurd BeefAND

Jrl onoluluFort StreetI.iiiifIi TouKiien.

Flour.FAMfLV '.'.a qimrtt-- r sucks).

BAKER'S KXTKA ha'f sacks).

Cs Medium Bread.


Have eompletetl ami ctflTer for miI lite IoIIom 'nit ICttilerM. !.:


1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. (J in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also

1 Secowl-Ham- i Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.los jeJT-8- 6 Apply to Tlie Honolulu Iron "Works Co.

H. S. CROCKER & CO.,Lubricating Oils.

Lime and Cement,215, 217, 219, Bush street, San Franciso.

Stationers, Printers, Iithogrraijli ersAND

Blank Book: iVl annfac tiix'ei.Jy23 3

most comiels the rejection of any sort orfuture state in which activity and progres-

sion are Dot possible.There is actually a sense of rest in theso

latitudes so intense as to be oppressivaSomething in the very air compels 6leop

that can be likened only to a rest whichbrings no renewal of that elation and vigorwe in the colder climates know, and I doubtnot that this carries ou from physical tomental effects, and dims intellectual andspiritual alertness sadly. But to know itand experience it and to leave it are de-

licious ; though it all leaves with it an un-

dertone of sadness, because one so muchlongs to change the unchangeable law ofcompensation and give ti e sweet clime tothe driven, jaded men and women of ourhardier, more rerile peoples, and compelthese half-awak- e existences to live and laborwhere the awful friction of things wouldstraighten the form, put light behind theeyes, and polish the perception until recog-nizable.

But all about you it is weird, charming,sensuous, rarcotic, dreamful. It is to youlike old wine that lulls and soothes, but doesnot fire the blood and brain. The sea haschanged from its hard, cold, steely blue, andis now opaline, almost milkly white, buttranslucent. The horion that, abreast ofthe dreary, dangerous headlands of thenorth, seemed 6hut down upon near andquick and hard by as dreary a sky, is nowfar and far away, and the waters end skymeet lovingly. The sky, too, that was soclose and forbidding 500 leagues behind nowseems infinitely far above you, and ha. afleeciness and softness whk h opens to theimagination undreamed-o- f flights towardheaven.

nature's hand is foreveb ope.v.- . .

M. W. McCHESEEY & SOiN(iul vanized t'orrujfHltl Iron Hoofing.

6, 7 and lengths.



An-- i


square of Con olation. It was so full of menas to be well-nig- h impassable men in allstages of overty, to judge by their dress,but all in one stare of laziness. The major-ity of them were provided with tobacco, andall were full of words and gesture, talk ofthe) last lottery ticket, gossip, political criti-

cism, the new bridge, with shou s andlaughs accompanying every subject.

A liberal government has cleared the torsoof billets, but the spirit of Pasquino lingersamong the people, and no one is wittierthan the citi.en who cracked the last jokeon ki,:g or popj. They are sail tobi adegenerate and submissive raie, and I sup-pose it is true that the worthy inhabitantsof the Eternal Cily are cast in bronze orchiseled in inarbl , but thes? men, happyand careles (they had been to mass, a:idit lacked two hours of vesers), impress oneas possessing by 1 ature & polite acceptanceof destiny, which is better thansneers and complaining. Their jestsare eood-hu- red mostly. If th?ytalk of King Humbert and the bad weight1of bread, it is with a "I wish he may dobetter" a' cent It is true their politics areonly supported by illusions and are notworth very much, but at all events it is in-

teresting to hear what the governed haveto say of the authoritiea Rome Cor. Chi-cago Journal.

lturnc on the Face and "e-k- .

In and superficial burns on theface and neck of young children, the appli-cation of molasses, directly over the sur-face, as a continuous dressing to the scald orburn, until complete cicatrization is effected,is an admirable remedy, alway handy.The best mode of applying it in scalds andburns on the face and neck is to take blot-ting paper, or soft white-brow- n paper, torninto pieces, each about half an inch by aninch and a half, and these will have theedges more ftuTy and absorbent than if thepaper be cut with scissors. Then dip thepieces of paper into the molasses, and solay them on the part, one by one, as tocross in every possible direction, that bymutual over lapping and entanglement theymay unite and form a closely fitting maskor shield to the part. If the scald or burnbe on the face, molasses has this advantagein children that, if a little of it run downinto the angles of the mouth, it is not dis-

tasteful, but rather agreeable to the littlepatient; and if it is applied immediatelyafter the injury, the air and its constituentswill not have access to the wound 60 as to6et up septij action in the secretions of thepart If the molasses be in excess of the.iritv round the edire3. it may be re

To allHAWAIIANSand FRIENDS OF- -Heed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering:. --OF- FESTIVITIESIIAWA 1,1 3f K I !

May 8til Pex Mariposa. 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages :

To Arrive Per Consuelo. 332 Packages,


Will bo Sold at the J owest Market Katos.

To be held in honor of the23 "A TENTS, (suitable for camp-

ing and surveying partlwi.)113 J

50tli AnniversaryThe undersigned gives notice tLat lie will le

in attendance at the Palace grounda from tinsdate to the 15th day of November, to receive thegifts of all who wiah to express their loyalty andaloha for Hia Majesty King KaluUaua, on theoccasion of the


In these islands nature's nana is ioreverwide open. Here the pineapple, citron,melon, guaya, custard apple, yam, bread-

fruit, sweet potato, pomegranate, banana,orange, lemon, cocoanut, and a hundred.tv..., ..f.1.Ua anH frui a snrini' linnskftd

Of His Majesty the King'd Birlhday.

PACIFIC -- OF-Tuesday, November lCth.

10 to 4 M. AV. LrcChesney & Son,His Majesty's 50ih liii'tlulay. ; .l5;E?f v. i? s.1 or

olulu Fire lepartinent's Torchlight 1

s and HonCommercial Advertiser Proceufliou

42 anl I I Queen St n et. Honolulu.

9"EUREKA," " PARAGON 99 AND "RED CROSSWednesday, November 17th.

Regatta, from 9 o'clock a. in.

Thursday, November 18th.

The articles presented will be duly registeredand carea lor as the free-wi- ll gift a of a lovingpeople to their King, In accordance with thecustom of our country; and it Is requested thaithey may be given in charge of the undersignedlit as early a date aa possible.

JOHN A. CUMMINS,Marshal of IJirthday Ceremonies.

Il0oct2tfw ;


PRINTING OFFICEmoved bv wioinz with a dry cloth; and the

Viuri vccvauiM ca j- - rfrom a surpassing and prodigal producti-veness. The forests teeai with the coca-nu- t

tree, a hundred feet to its strangepinnate leaves, the ceiba or silk-cotto- n tree,the black mangrove, almond, mahogany,ebony, lignum vitae, lance, and the royalpalm, while the swinging cactis, oleandersas tall as our trees and flowering everymonth in the year, the glowing coral vine,the tuberose, the Cherokee rose, and roses ofevery hue and size, the alligator pear, thenight-bloomin- g cereus, and a myriad ofshruls, ferus, and flowers delight the eyeand gladden with perennial color and odor,and that forever without the bidding ofwish or touch of labor.

The .luxurance of land is also equaled bytbo ' prodigality of sea life and form, sovaried, beautiful, and wonderful. No shoresare eo enchanting, no waters so winsome,and no depths oi ocean hold such mazes ofmystery and delight. The fish alone are re-

markable in variety. Among them are theblackflsh, the porpoise, which seems totumble about in all waters; the shark, ttmtdeadly foe of the sailor, thi dolphin, whichis in endless pursuit oi tlie delicate flying-fis-h

which scuds through the air because itis chased and not because it enjoys it, whichsame dolphin is never cooked aboard a vessel

FIRE UOSTH,KuOtter Hose, Hose (.'tirtn, II. and I.. TriickR nud Fire Department supplies generftlly. Square Flaxt'wking, Kubber racking, etc., etc. Send for oirculitrs and prices.

edges may then i e u ted with Cower, pow-

dered oxide of zinc, l or other dry-ing mateiiaL Proi. Lund in English W1LDE1VS STEAMSHIP CO.,

W. T. Y. SCHENCK,San FranoiHCO, Ckl3f. California street. S2'ifeb23 H7;!. 1 Drinks in Iysjeisia.

An 1 now a ew words as to the beverages

Is prepared to do a'.t kinds o'

Commercial & Legal Work'laving just Received a Complete and NewVssortment of

Job Types noil Ornaments

to be taken. Air.e icans are a dyspepticpeople; they diink much iced water atinaals: i rtro. ic d drinks at meal times are


STEAMEK KINAU,(King, Coiuman.-.ei;- .

Leaves Honolulu as per followingtouchiuK at lAhaina, Mualaeu, Makeim. Mahu-Wou- a

KawaihaeLanpnhoehoe. Hilo and Keauhou:nt MONDAY. Julv 2d. lSrt. and

bad. I hey may bo, when carried to excess;thi s 1 rnt denied. But iced drinks are not

1ST6. GEO. W. LINCOLN, 1886.

BUILDER.the causa of the widesprea I dyspepsia inthe United States. There are ott er potent

Historical Procession, from 9 o'clock a. m.Baseball Tournament, from 1 o'clock p. ui.Historical Tableaux, from 7 o'clock p, tu.

Friday, November 19th.

Grand Ball, evening.

Tuesday, November 23d.

G mud Luau.

Saturday, November 27th.

Horse Race.

Monday, November 29th.

Military Parade.

Thursday, December 2d.

factors in action. Iced dnnxs are verycrate! ul to the thirsty, tut too much IndulgunW n. silver half-dolla- r is nut in

Of th Latest Stvlen. from tLe mi.bt Celebra ted Foundries of the United Statt-8- .

and employing only Experiencedon every alteriiate Mondtiy at 4 p. m., the Kinau

ence therein produce a torturing thrist, asthe same pot, for if the half-doll- ar

blackens then the dolphin is full oi 75 and 77 Kin Street,wtll malic tne ua'Au innii-uui- s n...-ho- u

on Wednesday morniiiK. where horses andcarriages are in wuitins to convey passengers tothnVdl-CAN- IIOUS?K(Hve miles in the saddle

the person who iudu'.ses in eating snow in - Honolulu,rvsnn from having sucked corner fromship bottoms; the whipray, like the flounder Hell Telelioue X. -- T5. Mutual Telephone No. 3.and nine miles hy carriage).

l'HMseiiKeis hy this route will have two daysthe arctic regions discovers quickly. Just assnowballing causes the hands first to feelcold and then to glow with heat if continued,o the constant ar plication of an iced fluid

and witn a tail lite a coaenman s wnip,snmatimes ten feet lone: the iew-fis- whiehis to these waters as the halibut of our north - to tha fauces, at first erateful. becomes aAAofc roust: the vellosv-taile- d snapper source of intense discomfort; for the bloodgigantic turtles, the cat-fis- the groupa. vessels are first contrac ted and ultimately

nnmlvzed. and then the fauces glow witk

198 tfState Dinner.


Lumber ;and Coal,DoorR. SaRh and Blinds. Allklndsof BUII.DKKS' HA KDWAI'.F., PaintR, Oils, Olasa, MatllrgCorrugated Iron, Portland Cement : STKFf, NAII, much superior to Iron, and t out but lit tlmnr- -

warm blood, like the skin of the snowballer'shands, lend fluids are not desirable fordyspeptLs, to say the least of it. Ordin-arily at dinner the ice pudding is followedby a glass of li pjor "to correct it" Acertain temperature is requisite for dige-tion- ,

and too much cold is undesirable.Fothergill's "Indigestion and Biliousness.

and two nuihts at the vou:a.u iiuL-r- .


CHARGES.The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sunday

mornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKinau at Mahukona

The Kinau WILX. TOUCH at Honokaia andPaauhau on down trips from Hilo for Passengersif a signal is made from the shore.

STEAMER LIKE LIKE.(Lorenzen, Commauderj,

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 t. if. lorKtnnakakai. Kabul, uiHuelo. Hana aud

Kipahulu, every week: Keanae, Mokulau nnd Nuuevery other week. Returning, will stop at theabove porta; arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.


Steam Navigation Co.

and Tasty Workmen, we areprepared to turn out

Letter Ifend.Bill Head.

Ci reman.Xte Heads.

Stateiueut.UlllMOf IMllHir,

t'outrnrtM.MorlKttee Blanks,

I.eanes.Sttippiiie Coutraelt,(In H.ralian &. Fng'.lf hj

Calendars.Rlauk t'ltseUs.

Ntock CertitleateM.BiiMlnes! Canls.

neal riieJi.Slllk Tickets.

lianli (lirrkOrders,

Iteeelpts..Uurrlaife Cert 1 Ifeates.

IkiploniHN.Cat alojf lies,

lllottlntf ladsnd in fact everything which a flrst-cla- ps

oifjee can do"



striped snapper, I onito, Spanish mackerel,angel-fis- h, pork-fis- h, hound-iis- h, and sucking-fish- .

Then there is that dread mystery toseamen, the Portuguese man-of-wa- thatstrange formation of marine life like a ma.--s

of jelly with its ventral fins extended inevery direction, riding the heaviest seas likea bird, and which sea-fol- k say is a deadlypolsion to the tout h. Edgar Wakeman inChicago News.

Tlie Historical Table of Appomattox.There has been an in ,uiry made recently

for the table upon which the articles of sur-

render were written and signed by Grantand Lae at Appomattox. This table is nowon exhibition at the rooms of the Woman'sDecorative Art soti-t- y in New York, andbelongs to Mrs. lien Custer, to whom itwas presented by Gen. Sheridan a fewhours after the surrender of the Confe 'er-at- o

army. Mrs. Custer has been offeredlare sums of money for it by would-b- e

purchasers, and tircus and museum menhave made repeated e.l'orts to secure is forexhibition, but she will not part with it un-

der any circumstances or for any price,nor will she permit it to go out of her pos-

session It wou.d not be on exhibitionwhere it is now, but for the fact that Mr?.

Custer is superint intent of the TecorativeArt iOjiety, and ran keep the table underher cy o. 5e has in ide a will in which shebe uealh- - this historical piece of furnituroto the mn eirn of the West Point Militaryacademy. Ciutis in liter Ocean.

";ath'!" Ability as an Interviewer.'I have never allowed myself to fall into

Mr. Townsend's hands," said Secretary La-mar, "although 1 have great admiration forhis ability and for his work. He is a seer,and has a way of writing that may makethings mighty uncomfortable for you. Hewill write an intro iuction to his interviewwhich will give the public an idea that youwant to appear in a certain light Then hewill quote you as saying certain things tosustain this view uic. then he will go on andwrit his own '.jMtj ftnd deductions to showthat you ought .o aprear in quite anotherlight Well, that isn't just comfortable,"said the secretary, laughing. New YorkTribune.



(Cameron. Commander).BATKS

Ti. 7" - IT ...iWill run regular:- - to Maulaea, Maul, and Kona

and Kau, Hawaii.Will leave regularly for Lahaina, Paanbau,Ookaia. Kukniau, Honohina, Ijiupahoe- - I t .3


..CommandeFKEKMAN. ...

Will mn retrulurly to rawiliwlli. Koloa. Kleeleand Wniniea, Kauai.

hoe. Hakalau and Onomea

steamerTiokolii,j tMcOregor, Commander).

Leaves for the followli.g ports every alternateMonday at 5 p. m.:

Commencing A pjhm 1 '1 o 1 ut-p.'- , Kamalo. W-- I

koo, Lahaina. Olowalu. Returning to Lahaina,' Pukoo, Knnialo. Lanal, arriving at Honolulu sat- -

nrday morning.Corii.neiicing August 9 To Kannakakai. KHina-- ,

lo, Pukoo. Halawa. htlau. Pelekunu, Kalaupapa.Returning to Pukoo. Lahaina. Olowalu. Lahaina.

i Vnkoo. Kamalo, Kaunakakal, arriving at Hono-

lulu Saturday morning.


Will run regularly to Haraoa, Maui, and Knkul- -

haele. Honokaa and Paauliati. Hawaii.

CrojH of the Odoriferous Itulb.The onions of WestrSeld, Conn., havt

long been famous I dt Sunderland township,in western Massachusetts, devoted sixty-thre- e

arr.s to that odoriferous bulb lastyear, which yielded 5"24 bushels to the acretach, worth or about $317 to theacre. New York tun.

VecullaritT of Japanese Advertising.Advertising in Japan sometimes attains a

height of originality and force unsurpassedin the most progressive couutry. A book-

seller of Tokio advertises: "Books elegant aia singing girl. Print clear as crystal. Papertough as elephants'1 hide. Parcels done upwith as much care as that bestowed on herhusband by a loving wife," and other advan-tages which, it is strange to say, the adver-tiser finds "too many for language to ex-press. --Yreiitn. Letter.


PQjtajorter ana Mannfactnrer J The Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages unless roceipted for, norfor personal baggage nniess plainly marked. Not Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.Of all Descriptions of STEAMER JAMES JIAKEE, ;

WEIR - Commander

"ot One or Tlielr dumber."Are we all here:" inquired Mr. Brutal

Joues of hta landlady the other morning atthe break fa3 table.

UI think so one two three four yes,you are all here, I believe," and she smiledsweetly. "Why"

"Nothing much, Jy I see by the morningpaper that a human skeleton was picked upjust outside the city limits. The smile van-ished. Merchant Traveler.

Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

responsible ror money or jeweir muirw jwrumcharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

SAM'L O. WILDER. President-S- .B. ROSE, secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen atreeu.68--ly Mar iO

BOOTS & SHOESCOrders from the other Islands tolicited.

So, 114 Fort Kt.t llouolula.Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron VorkT. R. FOSTER, President.

J. S4 Secretary. n
