Topic 1.8 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns By the end of this topic you will have studied: How to investigate and discuss Computer Science technologies. How key stakeholders are affected by technologies. Environmental impact of Computer Science. Cultural implications of Computer Science. Open source vs proprietary software. Legislation relevant to Computer Science.

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Topic 1.8Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns

By the end of this topic you will have studied:

• How to investigate and discuss Computer Science technologies.• How key stakeholders are affected by technologies.• Environmental impact of Computer Science.• Cultural implications of Computer Science.• Open source vs proprietary software.• Legislation relevant to Computer Science.

Teacher Comment /

Student Comment

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Revision Checklist

Statements More revision needed

Revisit needed Confident

I can explain various ethical issues surrounding computer science technologies.

I can explain various legal issues surrounding computer science technologies.

I can explain various cultural issues surrounding computer science technologies.

I can explain various environmental issues surrounding computer science technologies.

I can explain various privacy issues surrounding computer science technologies.

I can explain how key stakeholders are affected by technology.I can explain the difference between open source and proprietary software.

I can explain the following piece of legislation in the context of computer science: The data protection act 1998I can explain the following piece of legislation in the context of computer science: Computer misuse act 1990I can explain the following piece of legislation in the context of computer science: Copyright designs and patents act 1988I can explain the following piece of legislation in the context of computer science: Creative commons licensingI can explain the following piece of legislation in the context of computer science: Freedom of information act 2000

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Page 4: Revision Checklist - content.cyberhub.uk€¦  · Web viewThousands of old computer devices are thrown away each day, many ending up in landfills where hazardous elements leak out

Video Notes

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Moral & Ethical IssuesDefine moral and ethical and then decide whether each of these questions would be Ethical or Moral issues, or neither:

Define Moral: Define Ethical:

A company decides to install a range of computer software and hardware that would make most of its workforce unemployedDigging for shale gas (Fracking) to release more energy supplies

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence

The use of live animals for testing

Cultural Languages/Character Sets

What are character sets and how do they affect communication?


Are certain colours used differently across different countries?Use of social media

Does every country allow access to social media in the same way?

Globalisation of Computers

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Do privacy and computer legislations apply in every country?

LegislationThe Data Protection Act 1998

Computer Misuse Act 1990

Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988

Creative Commons Licensing

Freedom of Information Act 2000

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Environmental Issues

In the past 30 years the number of technological devices have increased astronomically. With the rise of personal computers in the 1990's, laptops at the turn of the century, smartphones from the late 00's and tablets since the 10's, there are more and more devices in the world every minute. These devices need to be manufactured using a range of materials, including some rarer elements and need a considerable amount of electrical power to run.


Thousands of old computer devices are thrown away each day, many ending up in landfills where hazardous elements leak out and cause harmful pollution. Many parts of a computer are non-biodegradable and can leak into the environment, damaging nearby animals, vegetation and rivers. Some countries have banned computers from ending up at up landfills and have asked for them to be recycled or disposed of at specific electronics centres.

Increased Population

With the global population rising by millions every week there are more and more people in the world. Coinciding with this population rise is the increase of technological advancement. More people using more devices has resulted in environmental pollution and the depletion of rare minerals required for these devices. However technology has allowed scientists to process data more efficiently and in larger quantities, with improved health research comes the fact that people are living longer, this in turn means the population continues to rise and rise.

Positive Environmental Impacts

Communication advancements (such as video messengers) reduces pollution as people do not have to travel to speak to each other. This is especially beneficial in business - workers can talk from the office and do not need to catch a plane to speak.

Smart devices can monitor usage and reduce energy waste - such as smart air conditioners and home security systems.

Collaboration software (such as cloud-based technology and Google Docs) allows experts to work together and share data.

The internet and research databases allows scientists to study the environment more efficiently.

Documents can be viewed on a screen rather than printed out - magazines, comics, books and newspapers are more commonly viewed on a device these days.

New materials and more environmentally-friendly processes have been developed thanks to increased technology and research.

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Privacy Issues

Proprietary vs Open Source SoftwareDefine Proprietary Software Pros Cons

Define Proprietary Software Pros Cons

How can what you put online affect you in later life? What sort of personal information do we share on a daily basis?

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Practice Questions

1. A law firm currently use a Local Area Network (LAN) linked to a Wide Area Network (WAN).

Fig. 3 lists some actions that may take place in the law firm's office. Tick (✓) one box in each row to show which legislation applies to each action. [6]

2. Explain the legal issues that a school should consider when choosing the software for managing pupils' attendance and examinations.

The quality of written communication will be assessed in your answer to this question. [6]





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3. A small island has 100 people living on it. The island has just been connected to the Internet, after previously having no Internet or mobile phone signal.

Discuss the impact on the island’s inhabitants and businesses of getting access to the Internet.

In your answer you might consider the impact on:

• inhabitants

• businesses

• ethical issues

• privacy issues














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4. The accident and emergency department of a hospital uses a computer system to decide the order in which patients are treated.

Describe advantages of using a computer system instead of a person to decide the order, and the need for this system to be reliable.

The quality of written communication will be assessed in your answer to this question. [6]










5. William is creating a film for a school project using a digital video camera.

William wants to upload his videos on the Internet and is considering releasing them under a Creative Commons license.

Explain how a Creative Commons license will impact the use of William’s videos by other people. [3]




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6. Apu has a handheld e-book reader that allows him to store and read electronic books.

The manufacturer of the e-book reader provides proprietary software, which Apu can use to transfer the e-book from the CD-ROM to the e-book reader.

i. Describe what is meant by proprietary software. [2]




ii. Explain one advantage to the manufacturer of providing proprietary software instead of open source software. [2]




7. Even though the computer devices they own still work, people often want to buy the most up-to-date models, such as the latest smartphone.

Discuss the impact of people wanting to upgrade to the latest smartphone.

In your answer you might consider the impact on:

• stakeholders

• technology

• ethical issues

• environmental issues






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8. Lauren is a Computing teacher. She is building a website for her Computing class where they can share ideas, send each other programs and discuss computing concepts. The students will have individual accounts that they can log into.

Discuss the ethical and legal issues Lauren will have to consider when setting up the website.

The quality of your written communication will be assessed in your answer. [6]










