1 REVISED SYLLABUS 2021—2022(w.e.f JULY 24 th 2021) CLASS: IX SUBJECT: SOCIAL SCIENCE (CODE: 087) Social Science is a compulsory subject up to secondary stage of school education. It is an integral component of general education because it helps the learners to understand the environment in its totality and developing a broader perspective and an empirical, reasonable and humane outlook. This is of crucial importance because it helps them grow into well-informed and responsible citizens with necessary attributes and skills for being able to participate and contribute effectively in the process of development and nation- building. The Social Science curriculum draws its content mainly from History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. Some elements of Sociology and Commerce are also included. Together they provide a comprehensive view of society over space and time, and in relation to each other. Each subject’s distinct methods of enquiry help the learners to understand society from different angles and form a holistic view. OBJECTIVES: The main objectives of this syllabus are to: develop an understanding of the processes of change and development-both in terms of time and space, through which human societies have evolved make learners realise that the process of change is continuous and any event or phenomenon or issue cannot be viewed in isolation but in a wider context of time and space develop an understanding of contemporary India with its historical perspective, of the basic framework of the goals and policies of national development in independent India, and of the process of change with appropriate connections to world development deepen knowledge about and understanding of India’s freedom struggle and of the values and ideals that it represented, and to develop an appreciation of the contributions made by people of all sections and regions of the country

REVISED SYLLABUS 2021 2022(w.e.f JULY 24th CLASS: IX

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REVISED SYLLABUS 2021—2022(w.e.f JULY 24th 2021) CLASS: IX


Social Science is a compulsory subject up to secondary stage of school education. It is an

integral component of general education because it helps the learners to understand the

environment in its totality and developing a broader perspective and an empirical,

reasonable and humane outlook. This is of crucial importance because it helps them grow

into well-informed and responsible citizens with necessary attributes and skills for being

able to participate and contribute effectively in the process of development and nation-


The Social Science curriculum draws its content mainly from History, Geography, Political

Science and Economics. Some elements of Sociology and Commerce are also included.

Together they provide a comprehensive view of society over space and time, and in

relation to each other. Each subject’s distinct methods of enquiry help the learners to

understand society from different angles and form a holistic view.


The main objectives of this syllabus are to:

develop an understanding of the processes of change and development-both in

terms of time and space, through which human societies have evolved

make learners realise that the process of change is continuous and any event or

phenomenon or issue cannot be viewed in isolation but in a wider context of time

and space

develop an understanding of contemporary India with its historical perspective, of

the basic framework of the goals and policies of national development in

independent India, and of the process of change with appropriate connections to

world development

deepen knowledge about and understanding of India’s freedom struggle and of the

values and ideals that it represented, and to develop an appreciation of the

contributions made by people of all sections and regions of the country

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help learners understand and cherish the values enshrined in the Indian

Constitution and to prepare them for their roles and responsibilities as effective

citizens of a democratic society

deepen the knowledge and understanding of India’s environment in its totality, their

interactive processes and effects on the future quality of people’s lives

facilitate the learners to understand and appreciate the diversity in the land and

people of the country with its underlying unity

develop an appreciation of the richness and variety of India’s heritage-both natural

and cultural and the need for its preservation

promote an understanding of the issues and challenges of contemporary India-

environmental, economic and social, as part of the development process

help pupils acquire knowledge, skills and understanding to face the challenges of

contemporary society as individuals and groups and learn the art of living a

confident and stress-free life as well as participating effectively in the community

develop scientific temperament by promoting the spirit of enquiry and following a

rational and objective approach in analyzing and evaluating data and information as

well as views and interpretations

develop academic and social skills such as critical thinking, communicating

effectively both in visual and verbal forms - cooperating with others, taking

initiatives and providing leadership in solving others’ problems

develop qualities clustered around the personal, social, moral, national and spiritual

values that make a person humane and socially effective.

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CLASS IX (2021-22)


M. MARKS: 40

No. Units No. of Periods Marks

I India and the Contemporary World -1 (History) 17 10

II Contemporary India – I (Geography) 14 10

III Democratic Politics – I (Political Science) 20 10

IV Economics 20 10

Total 71 40


M. MARKS: 40

No. Units No. of Periods Marks

I India and the Contemporary World -1(History) 34 10

II Contemporary India – I (Geography) 24 10

III Democratic Politics – I (Political Science) 18 10

IV Economics 10 10

Total 86 40


Book Unit 1 Chapter No.

Geography India - Size and location 1

KEYWOEDS-Latitudes, Longitudes, Tropic of Cancer, Coastline, Standard Meridian,

Indian Standard Time(IST)

Economics The Story of village Palampur 1

KEYWORDS-Resources, Irrigation, Kharif, Rabi, Yield, Green Revolution, Chemical

Fertilizers, Surplus

Activity--- (i)-Map Work

(ii) : FROG RACE


Integrating Geography with Games and Mathematics

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Purpose: To make the students understand the last point of India and last point of the

mainland of India.

Two frogs A and B start a race from the equator. In their first jump they reach up to 1° 4′ N Latitude, Second jump 2° 4′ N Latitude, Third jump 3° 4′ N Latitude and so on. Finally in their tenth jump they reach up to 10° 4′ N Latitude. Now, answer the following questions.

i) Out of all the ten jumps, which jump was the longest?

ii) Which frog will touch the southernmost part of the mainland of India and in how many jumps?

iii) Will both the frogs be in water after their sixth jump? Where will they be?

IV) Which frog will reach Indira Point and in how many jumps?

V) If the finishing point is at 8° 4′ N Latitude. Which frog will reach there first.

Book Unit 2 Chapter No.

Democratic Politics What is Democracy ? Why Democracy? 1

KEYWOEDS-Referendum, Cabinet, Morality,

History The French Revolution 1

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KEYWORDS-Livres, Feudal, Old Regime, Taille, Subsistence crisis, Estates General,

Manor, Chateau, Tithes, Convent, Treason, Guillotine, Negroes

Activity---(i)-Map Work


Most newspapers have an editorial page. On that page the newspaper publishes its own

opinions about current affairs. The paper also publishes the views of other writers and

intellectuals and letters written by the readers. Follow any one newspaper for one month

and collect editorials, articles and letters on that page that have anything to do with

democracy. Classify these into the following categories:

Constitutional and legal aspects of democracy

Citizens’ rights

Electoral and party politics

Criticism of democracy

Book Unit 3 Chapter No.

Economics People as a resource 2

KEYWORDS-Gross National Product, Virtuous cycle, Literacy rate, Vocational education,

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Life Expectancy, Infant Mortality Rate(IMR), Birth Rate, Death

Rate, Economic overload.

Activity- Study the graph and answer the following questions:

Trends in Literacy Rates In Post-Independent India

1. Has the literacy rates of the population increased since 1951?

2. In which year India has the highest literacy rates?

3. Why literacy rate is high among the males of India?

4. Why are women less educated than men?

5. How would you calculate literacy rate in India?

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6. What is your projection about India’s literacy rate in 2025?

Book Unit 4 Chapter No.

Geography Physical Features of India 2

KEYWORDS- Igneous rocks, Fold mountains, Gorge, Riverine Islands, Inhabited,

Deposition, Doabs, Gondwana Land, Crescent, Longitudinal dunes, Corals, Submarine


Activity: (i)Map Work

(ii) Locate the peaks, passes, ranges, plateaus, hills, and duns hidden in the

puzzle. Try to find where these features are located. You may start your search

horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Book Unit 5 Chapter No. Democratic Politics Constitutional Design (Following topics to be done only) 2

(a) Why do we need a Constitution?

(b) Making of the Indian Constitution (c) Guiding Values of the Indian Constitution

KEYWORDS-Constitution, Apartheid, Republic, Preamble, Democracy, Consensus, Pivotal, Provincial Legislature, Draft, Clause, Constitutional Amendment, Tryst,

Philosophy Activity-Prepare a project to show a comparison between Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi based on the following points:

Method of struggle

Lifestyle of both the leaders

Outcome of the struggle

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CLASS IX (2021-22)



Chapter-1: The French Revolution

Outline Political Map of France

• Bordeaux

• Nantes

• Paris

• Marseilles


Chapter -1: India-Size and Location

India-States with Capitals, Tropic of Cancer, Standard Meridian

Chapter -2: Physical Features of India

Mountain Ranges: The Karakoram, The Zasker, The Shivalik, The Aravali,

The Vindhya, The Satpura, Western & Eastern Ghats

Mountain Peaks – K2, Kanchan Junga, Anai Mudi

Plateau - Deccan Plateau, Chotta Nagpur Plateau, Malwa Plateau

Coastal Plains - Konkan, Malabar, Coromandel & Northern Circar

TERM-II Book Unit 6 Chapter No.

History Socialism in Europe and Russian revolution 2

KEYWORDS-Suffragette movements, Tsar, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Autocracy,

Jadidists, Real Wages, Cossacks, Duma, Political Autonomy, Nomadism, Kulaks,

Deported, Exiled

Geography Drainage 3

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(Note: Only Map Items as given in the Map List from this chapter to be evaluated in Examination.)

Activity – (i) Map work

(ii) Poster Making : Topic River pollution (iii) Slogan Writing : Topic- February Revolution 1917/ Bloody Sunday

Book Unit 7 Chapter No. History Nazism and the Rise of Hitler 3 KEYWORDS-Genocidal War, Allies, Imperial, Trench, Propaganda, Reparations, German Mark, Wall Street Exchange, Placards, jungvolk ,Usurers, Ghettos Economics Poverty as a challenge 3 KEYWORDS-Calorie Requirement, Head Count Ratio, Public Distribution System, World Bank, Economic Growth, Millennium Development Goals, Gender Discrimination Activity: (i) Map Work

(ii) . Imagine that you are Helmuth. You have had many Jewish friends in school and do not believe that Jews are bad. Write a paragraph on what you would say to your father.

Book Unit 8 Chapter No. Geography Climate 4 KEYWORDS- Precipitation, Latitude, Curvature, Altitude, Continentality, Leeward Side, Equatorial Trough, Trade winds, Hail, Windward Side Democratic Politics Electoral Politics 3 KEYWORDS-Factionalism, Booth Capturing, Constituency, By- election, Electoral Roll, Universal Adult Franchise, Electorate, Code of Conduct, Polling Booth, Voter Turnout, Rigged Election, Incumbent Activity: (i) Map Work

(ii) See the map and answer the following questions

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1. What is the number of Lok Sabha constituencies in your state and the neighbouring two states? 2. Which states have more than 30 Lok Sabha constituencies?

3. Why do some states have such a large number of constituencies?

4. Why are some constituencies small in area while others are very big?

5. Are the constituencies reserved for the SCs and STs evenly spread all over the entire country or

are there more in some areas?

Book Unit 9 Chapter No. Geography Natural vegetation and Wildlife 5 KEYWORDS-Marusthali, Evaporation, Biosphere Reserves, National Park, Flora, Fauna Activity: (i)Map Work

(ii) Poster Making : Making a poster on a regional study of the relationship between forests, wildlife and climate.

Book Unit 10 Chapter No. Democratic Politics Working of the Institutions 4 KEYWORDS-Government, Office Memorandum, Reservation, Political Institution, Legislature, Money Bill, Executive, Electoral College, President’s Rule, Ordinance, Subordinate Courts, Unified Judiciary, Impeachment Activity: When the Parliament is in session, there is a special programme everyday on Doordarshan about the proceedings in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Watch the proceedings or read about it in the newspapers and note the following: 1 Powers of the two Houses of Parliament. 2 Role of the Speaker. 3 Role of the Opposition.

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CLASS IX (2021-22)



Chapter-2: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

Outline Political Map of World (For locating and labeling / Identification)

Major countries of First World War

(Central Powers and Allied Powers)

Central Powers - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (Ottoman Empire)

Allied Powers - France, England, Russia, U.S.A.

Chapter-3: Nazism and Rise of Hitler

Outline Political Map of World (For locating and labeling / Identification)

Major countries of Second World War

Axis Powers – Germany, Italy, Japan

Allied Powers – UK, France, Former USSR, USA

Territories under German expansion (Nazi Power)

Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia (only Slovakia shown in the map), Denmark,

Lithuania, France, Belgium

SUBJECT – GEOGRAPHY (Outline Political Map of India)

Chapter -3: Drainage

Rivers: (Identification only)

o The Himalayan River Systems-The Indus, The Ganges, and The


o The Peninsular rivers-The Narmada, The Tapi, The Kaveri, The

Krishna, The Godavari, The Mahanadi

o Lakes: Wular, Pulicat, Sambhar, Chilika

Chapter - 4: Climate

Areas receiving rainfall less than 20 cm and over 400 cm (Identification only)

Chapter - 5: Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Vegetation Type: Tropical Evergreen Forest, Tropical Deciduous

Forest, Thorn Forest, Montane Forests and Mangrove- For

identification only

National Parks: Corbett, Kaziranga, Ranthambor, Shivpuri, Kanha,

Simlipal & Manas

Bird Sanctuaries: Bharatpur and Ranganthitto

Wild Life Sanctuaries: Sariska, Mudumalai, Rajaji, Dachigam

(Location and Labelling)

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Marks Description

Periodic Assessment 10


Portfolio 5 Marks Classwork and Assignments

Any exemplary work done by the student

Reflections, Narrations, Journals, etc.

Achievements of the student in the subject

throughout the year

Participation of the student in different activities

like Heritage India Quiz

Subject Enrichment


5 Marks Project Work

TOTAL 20 MARKS (10M for Term I & 10 M for Term II)

Pen Paper Test 5


Assessment using multiple strategies

For example, Quiz, Debate, Role Play,

Viva, Group Discussion, Visual

Expression, Interactive Bulletin Boards,

Gallery Walks, Exit Cards, Concept

Maps, Peer Assessment, Self-

Assessment, etc.



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CLASS IX (2021-22)

5. In order to realize the expected objectives completely, it would be

required of the Principals / Teachers to muster support from various

local authorities and organizations like the Disaster Management

Authorities, Relief, Rehabilitation and the Disaster Management

Departments of the States, Office of the District Magistrate/ Deputy

Commissioners, Fire Service, Police, Civil Defense etc. in the area

where the schools are located.

6. The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is as follows:

S. No. Aspects Marks a. Content accuracy, originality and

analysis 2

b. Presentation and creativity 2

c. Viva Voce 1

7. The project carried out by the students should subsequently be shared

among themselves through interactive sessions such as exhibitions, panel

discussions, etc.

8. All documents pertaining to assessment under this activity should be

meticulously maintained by the schools.

9. A Summary Report should be prepared highlighting:

a. objectives realized through individual work and group interactions

b. calendar of activities

c. innovative ideas generated in the process (like comic strips,

drawings, illustrations, script play etc.);

d. list of questions asked in viva voce.

10. It is to be noted here by all the teachers and students that the projects

and models prepared should be made from eco-friendly products without

incurring too much expenditure.

11. The Project Report should be handwritten by the students themselves.

12. The record of the project work (internal assessment) should be kept for a

1. Every student has to compulsorily undertake one project on Disaster


2. Objectives: The main objectives of giving project work on Disaster

Management to the students are to:

a. create awareness in them about different disasters, their

consequences and management b. prepare them in advance to face such situations c. ensure their participation in disaster mitigation plans d. enable them to create awareness and preparedness among the

community. 3. The project work should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the


4. If possible, different forms of art may be integrated in the project


05 Marks

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period of three months for verification, if any.