World Belief Systems Review

Review. The oldest known type of belief system Still practiced in some societies Practice nature worship Everything in nature has a spirit Believe

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World Belief Systems

World Belief SystemsReview

ANIMISMThe oldest known type of belief systemStill practiced in some societiesPractice nature worshipEverything in nature has a spiritBelieve ancestors watch over the living from the spirit world Ancestor Worship: communicating with and showing respect to ancestors ANIMISMFOUNDER: no one personGEOGRAPHIC ORIGIN: developed simultaneously in different parts of the worldCURRENTLY PRACTICED: Africa/AmericasPLACES OF WORSHIP: outdoors in nature SHINTOWay of the GodsReligion that focuses on natureSimilar to animism Teaches that there is sacredness of the whole universe and humans can be in tune with itMountains, rivers, plants, animals have spirits called kami that inhabit themAlso practice ancestor worshipSHINTOESTABLISHED: 500 BCEFOUNDER: Mixture of tribal religionsGEOGRAPHIC ORIGIN: JapanCURRENTLY PRACTICED: JapanPLACES OF WORSHIP: Shrines located near places of impressive natural beautySIGNIFICANT PEOPLE: Emperor of Japan- direct descendent of the sun goddess who created the islands of Japan Torii- Red Gateway

HINDUISMPolytheistic Formed from a variety of different religious practicesSalvation is achieved through the spiritual oneness of the soul Soul must achieve liberation from the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirthAll life is sacred and should not be harmed

HINDUISMReincarnation: process by which a soul is reborn continuously until it achieves perfect understanding Influenced by Karma and DharmaKarma: actions resulting in consequences of previous actionsDharma: Fulfilling ones duty in life HINDUISMCaste System: rigid class structure with religious justificationIf one leads a good life through good Karma and Dharma, they are rewarded by being reincarnated as a person in the next highest level. If one leads a wicked life, they can be demoted or overall removed and therefore untouchable with no hopes of return.

1947- Indian constitution abolishes untouchability9Caste System

HINDUISMFOUNDER: result of cultural diffusion between Aryan invaders and native people of India (about 1500 BCE)GEOGRAPHIC ORIGIN: Indian subcontinentPLACES OF WORSHIP: Hindu temples, usually practiced at home with a shrine dedicated to a favorite deitySIGNIFICANT PEOPLE: Hindu priests JUDAISMOldest known monotheistic religion that it still practiced todayFundamentals have influenced Christianity and IslamOne god is the creator of all thingsAfter Hebrew exodus from Egypt, Jews begin to lose faithMoses goes atop Mt. Sinai and retrieves two tablets containing laws that all should followThe Ten Commandments1. You shall have no other gods before Me.2. You shall not make yourself any graven image3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy5. Honor your father and mother6. You shall not commit murder7. You shall not commit adultery8. You shall not steal9. You shall not witness falsely against your neighbor10. You shall not covet thy neighbors house JUDAISMFOUNDER: Abraham and Moses for his role in liberating the HebrewsGEOGRAPHIC ORIGIN: Middle East around present-day IsraelCURRENTLY PRACTICED: WorldwidePLACES OF WORSHIP: SynagoguesSIGNIFICANT PEOPLE: Rabbis are Jewish scholars who conduct religious services, serve as spiritual guide BUDDHISMDeveloped in India, some components of HinduismSiddhartha Gautama- born into Brahmin class but doesnt like the misery he seesSays desire is the root of all sufferingAlso believe in reincarnation- no caste system

BUDDHISMFOUNDER: Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha, enlightened oneGEOGRAPHIC ORIGIN: IndiaCURRENTLY PRACTICED: Southeast Asia, JapanPLACES OF WORSHIP: Individually or temples and monasteriesSIGNIFICANT PEOPLE: Buddhist monks

FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS1. Life is full of pain and suffering 2. Human desire causes this suffering3. By putting an end to desire, humans can put an end to suffering4. Humans can end desire by following the Eightfold PathEIGHTFOLD PATH1. Know that suffering is caused by desire2. Be selfless and love all life3. Do not lie, or speak without cause4. Do not steal, kill, or commit other unrighteous acts5. Do not things that promote evil6. Take effort to promote righteousness7. Be aware of your actions, physical state of mind, and emotions8. Learn to meditate

CONFUCIANISMConfucius lived in China during the Chou dynasty a time of mass confusion and disorderHe is appalled by what he sees in a fractured Chinese societyOnly cure is through social order and mutual respect Philosophy becomes known as Confucianism CONFUCIANISMFOUNDER: Kong Fu Zi (Confucius)GEOGRAPHIC ORIGIN: China 500 BCECURRENTLY PRACTICED: elements of the philosophy are practiced in Southeast Asia

Natural order to a society through five relationships:THE FIVE RELATIONSHIPSRuler to ruledFather to sonOlder brother to younger brotherHusband to wifeFriend to friend

If everyone knows their place in society, order will prevailFilial Piety?FILIEL PIETYOne should respect their eldersTAOISMChinese philosophy developed later in Chou Dynasty during a time when it is unclear is Chinese civilization will surviveNaturalistic ideal of how one should liveTao- the wayPeople should accept the way of nature Emphasis placed on link between people and natureThis link lessens the need for rule and order and better understanding of the world TAOISMFOUNDER: Lao TzeGEOGRAPHIC ORIGIN: China CURRENTLY PRACTICED: elements of the philosophy are still practiced in Southeast AsiaYin and Yang- Natural HarmonyYIN


DarkFemaleEarthlyPassiveEverything has an opposing force.

CHRISTIANITYCurrently most popular based on number of worshippersMonotheisticDeveloped from JudaismAlso subscribe to the Ten CommandmentsBelieve Jesus is the Son of God sent to redeem the world of sinTaught brotherhood, peace and charity, and importance of treating others with love and respect

CHRISTIANITYFOUNDER: Jesus and disciples GEOGRAPHIC ORIGIN: Middle East, present day Israel in 30CEPLACES OF WORSHIP: churchesSIGNIFICANT PEOPLE: priests and ministers are Christian holy men and women who conduct religious services and are spiritual guides for their community.

ISLAMto submit to the will of AllahYoungest of the major religionsMonotheistic Muslims Currently second most practiced religion in the world, though might overtake Christianity in the 21st century

ISLAMProphet Mohammed Received word of Allah through the angel Gabriel while in MeccaPeople in Mecca are afraid of him and he flees to Medina where people believe himMohammed and followers later return to Mecca and start a jihad. Capture the cityEstablished Five Pillars of IslamFIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM1. Confession of Faith- There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet2. Prayer: Muslims must pray five times a day facing Mecca3. Charity- Muslims must give alms to the poor4. Fasting- during Ramadan, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. Fast during daylight hours5. Pilgrimage- if possible financially, each Muslim must take a hajj or holy pilgrimage to Mecca