REVIEW SESSION # 2 Sovereignty, Authority & Power

Review session # 2

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Review session # 2. Sovereignty, Authority & Power. What is the difference between State, Nation, Country? What is the difference between governments and regimes?. Types of regimes. DEMOCRACIES AUTHORITARIAN TOTALITARIAN MILITARY. DEMOCRACIES. What are the indicators of a democracy? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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REVIEW SESSION # 2Sovereignty, Authority & Power

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What is the difference between State, Nation, Country?

What is the difference between governments and regimes?

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DEMOCRACIES What are the indicators of a democracy?

Free and Fair Elections Competitive elections that allow opposition parties to

form and participate Government-developed polices based upon

procedures that guarantee due process, transparency in decision-making, and accountability of elected officials

Political rights and civil rights that are possessed by all citizens

An independent judiciary that upholds the civil liberties of citizens and oversees the rule of law

Elected government officials who exercise supreme authority over the government (civilian authority exists over the military & private powerholders)

Agreement that conflicts will be resolved peacefully according to legal procedures and without violence (rule of law)

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Relative consistent adherence to the 7 principles over an extended period of time

Examples: Great Britain, France, Germany, India, Japan and the United


Meets the 7 criteria – it is set up to be a democracy and functions as one

Also known as a functioning democracy Not necessarily consolidated – depending mostly on length of time

it has been engaged in truly democratic processes Example:


Electoral process (but may be abused to keep someone in power) Only basic structures and institutions of democracy are in place May have regular, free, and fairly competitive elections but limit

other qualities found in democratic regimes such as civil liberties, rule of law, independent judiciary or civilian control of the military

Example: Russia under Vladimir Putin is often cited as a prime example

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AUTHORITARIANISM What are the characteristics of an authoritarian regime?

Rule by single leader (e.g. dictator or monarch), small group or a single political party

Citizens have little or no input into selection of leaders and government decisions

Limitations placed upon political opposition and dissident groups No constitutional responsibility of leaders to the public – very low transparency Restriction of civil rights and civil liberties

Some based on communism, others may practices corporatism and have large patron-client systems

Which of the AP 6 would you place here? Nigeria – military authoritarianism Iran – Theocratic grip China Russia Mexico under PRI rule

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TOTALITARIANISM How would you differentiate between

authoritarianism and totalitarianism? Particularly repressive, often detested regime –

seeks to control nearly every aspect of life Strong ideological goals Single mass political party Usually a single leader that has a monopoly on

political power Examples

Nazi Germany, Soviet Union under Stalin and China under Mao’s rule

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SEMI-AUTHORITARIAN/SEMIDEMOCRACY (HYBRID REGIME) Elements of democracy are integrated into

otherwise authoritarian regime Political authorities likely to engage in

corruption, control of the media & Use illegal means to undermine political opposition


Who in the AP 6? Russian, Nigeria & Mexico

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MILITARY REGIMES How are military regimes established and what are their


Usually begins with a coup d’etat – a forced takeover of the government May or may not have widespread support of the people

Once in control restrict civil liberties Keep political parties from forming and prevent elections

Usually lacks a specific ideology Leaders often have no charismatic or traditional source of authority Join forces with the bureaucracy to form authoritarian regime May precede democracy (S. Korea & Taiwan) or it may create

instability as one coup d’etat follows another

How has the military been involved in the 6 AP countries? Nigeria, Mexico, Iran, Russia, China


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POWER & AUTHORITY2 Types of Power: Coercive: Get what you want through rewards and

punishments Noncoercive: Results from a sense of legitimacy –

power relies on consent not coercion In Comparative politics – Power based on

legitimacy is called AUTHORITY…

WHAT IS LEGITIMACY? Right to rule as determined by the citizens Those obeying commands believe that

people who are making the rules have the right to command

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TRADITIONAL LEGITIMACY Legitimacy rests on the fact that it has

“always been that way” – Accepted because it has been accepted over long period of time

Power of leaders on family’s claim to throne and/or the belief that God has granted the leader the right to rule Incorporates the idea of the “divine right of

kings” Rituals and ceremonies all help to reinforce this

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CHARISMATIC AUTHORITY Legitimacy is based on the power of ideas Typically embodied in one individual who can move

move the public through these ideas & the manner they are presented

Not institutionalized… usually dies off with individual Can sometimes get transformed into traditional

legitimacy w/ the creation of rituals and values that are meant to capture the spirit and intent of the charismatic leader’s power Example?

Mao Ayatollah Khomeini

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Cult of Personality Hero –worship, extreme loyalty, propped up by media, propaganda Promotion of the image of a leader not merely as a political figure

– but as someone who embodies the spirit of the nation, possesses wisdom and strength far beyond the average individual & is thus portrayed in a quasi-religious manner

Attempts to generate charismatic form of authority from the top-down

Media & Culture play a vital role Successes are attributed to power of the leader Mistakes are blamed on mortal flaws of the public or external

enemies May function through terror – public may not believe praise, but no

one is willing to say so especially if it has faded and is only being held up by force Mao – Great Leap Forward when the grain production was not

what it appeared Possibly – Putin w/ theme song, consolidation of power and

apparent killings of journalists, etc.

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RATIONAL-LEGAL LEGITIMACY Based on system of laws and procedures that are

highly institutionalized Leaders or political officials – legitimate because of rules

followed to put them in office People follow decisions because they believe that the

rules enforced serve the public’s best interests The person is not as important as the office he or she

holds – OFFICE is legitimate Lasts beyond the individual person- people obey the

rules – not their individual personality

2000 Election prime example of Rational-legal Legitimacy Weeks of bitter dispute…but after decision was made accepted

that GW Bush was president whether they voted for him or not

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When were the constitutions of each of the AP 6 established?Comparison Chart - Crawford's World

Common Law or Code Law Common Law:

Based on tradition, past practices, legal precedents set by the courts through interpretation of statutes, legal legislation & past rulings

E.g. Plessy v Ferguson was law until overturned by Brown v. Board of Education

Code Law Based on comprehensive system of written rules (codes) – divided

into commercial, civil and criminal codes What systems do the AP 6 use?

Common: Great Britain, Nigeria*, Iran* Code: China, Mexico & Nigeria

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Authoritarian & totalitarian regimes often claim they are “scientific” or “technocratic” (meaning rule by expertise) & they alone possess the knowledge and skills to guide the country

Implies that democracy is emotional, inefficient and inferior means of rule

Does this sound familiar? Lenin – Vanguard Party Current CCP justification for being in power Power play between the politicos and tecnicos in


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Economic well-being – credit government w/ economic prosperity – blame for economic hardships

Historical tradition/longevity Charismatic leadership – matters even in

democracies Nationalism/Shared Political Culture – Strong identity

w/ nation, not just state – more accepting of legitimacy of gov’t

Satisfaction w/ government’s performance/responsiveness If citizens receive benefits from government Country wins war Citizens are protected from violence & crime

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LEGITIMACY OF AP 6: GREAT BRITAINTraditional until end of 17th century “Constitution of the Crown”

Magna Carta – nobles would be consulted before monarch made important decisions especially regarding taxes

Bill of Rights – Rights for parliament (NOT CITIZENS!) – gave important policymaking power to Parliament

Common Law – Legal system based on precedent

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LEGITIMACY OF AP 6: GREAT BRITAIN How have economic factors played a role in Great

Britain’s legitimacy? Industrial Revolution & Colonial Mercantilism Colonialism – forces of nationalism & industrialization

“The sun never sets on the British empire” World Power diminished by 2 World Wars

What kind of benefits do the citizens receive from the government?

Collective Consensus during WWII & continued well into 1960’s– both Labour & Conservative Parties supported modern welfare system

(Prior to end of WWII) Beveridge Report – Social Insurance Program - all citizens eligible for health, unemployment, pension & other benefits – Goal was a subsistence income for every citizen

1948 National Health Service Created by Labour Party Thatcherism (neoliberalism)…Austerity Measures under


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LEGITIMACY OF AP 6: GREAT BRITAIN Other aspects of political culture:

Noblesse oblige Duty of upper classes to take responsibility for lower classes

Multi-Nationalism Relative cultural homogeneity – but united under one government

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Historically on strong authoritarian rule by Tsars & then dictators Under communist rule – democratic centralism (rule by few for

benefit of many) Constitution of 1993, Referendum by People to endorse

constitution (Yeltsin) Tested by attempted coup & intense conflict between Yeltsin and Duma 2000 Presidential transition showed resilience Putin stepping down from President lends legitimacy What will happen in 2012?

Economic Issues and Legitimacy… Tacit Social Contract under Stalin – You pretend to pay us…we’ll pretend to

work… Shock therapy..2002 – 30,000 rubles to equal a dollar Economy strengthened until 2008…and then the global economic crisis hit

Stock market dropped 70% Rescue Plan of over $200 billion for financial sector Tax cut plan for $ 20 billion of rcitizens Ruble still fell in value, unemployment grew & production dropped…


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LEGITIMACY OF AP 6: RUSSIA History of centralized rule w/ tsars Eastern Orthodoxy and link to the

government – tsar was the head of the church Return to Eastern Orthodoxy since fall of USSR

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Dynastic rule – “mandate of heaven” Revolution of 1911 – legitimacy was supposed to be

based on democracy 1949 – Communist Party and Mao came to power

Democratic CentralismMass Line

Since Mao’s deathPolitburo & CCP remain legitimate source of power –

but criticism in recent years has become louderCCP maintains that they are the only party who have

the well-being of the citizens in mind…historic best interests

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LEGITIMACY OF AP 6China Economic basis for legitimacy

Measured in terms of PPP – 2nd largest economy next to United States Economic growth over egalitarianism as a support for legitimacy Stronger legitimacy in Urban areas than Rural Iron Rice Bowl

Broken to increase incentive to work Public Health System once model for 3rd World - now in shambles Less than 10% of those who live in rural areas have health insurance WHO – ranks China among the worst countries in terms of allocation

of medical resources

PLA – important source of power for the PRC Old Guards that Marched w/ Mao – became PLA – never contested

for power but became some of the powerful elite Head of Central Military Commission plays important role in

policymaking (Deng-Xiaoping’s highest role) Old Guard became the PLA

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Revolution of 1910 – 1911 Admiration for revolutionary leaders such as Michael Hidalgo,

Benito Juarez, Emilio Zapata, Pancho Villa & Lazaro Cardenas Revolutions accepted as path to change & charisma is highly

valued as leadership characteristic Formation of Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in

1929 Constitution produced during this time 2000 lost presidency & one house of Congress – but in 2009

captured a plurality of seats in the Chamber of Deputies Sources of public authority & political power appear to

be changing rapidly

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LEGITIMACY OF AP 6 Sense of National Identity

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Authoritarianism under the Pahlavi shahs (King of Kings) Charismatic leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini Revolution of 1979

Constitution of 1979 40 amendments written during last years of Khomeini’s life Anchored in Shiism Jurist’s Guardianship

Recent years crisis of legitimacy in Iran Sovereignty of the people vs. Divinely Inspired Clerical Rule(The whole tension between democratic and theocratic rule)Khatami – 1997-2005 – Reformers who support democratic ruleAhmedinejad 2005 – Present – Conservatives who support


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Legitimacy is at a low ebb Lack of constitutionalism Strong impulses toward fragmentation

Tendency to fall apart along ethnic, regional and religious lines

Economic exploitation by the elite Corruption especially evident in General Ibrahim Babangida

& General Sani Abacha Why should we pay taxes when it goes right to them?

Use of Military Force Irony is that the military is one of the few truly national

organizations in Nigeria….so despite problems also gives stability

This stability lends legitimacy to Military’s right to rule Sharia

In the north