Lectures 21 Review

Review Questions 21

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Page 1: Review Questions 21

Lectures 21 Review

Page 2: Review Questions 21

Approximately 90% of nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine.

1. True 2. False

Answer: True.

The majority of chemical digestion also occurs in the small intestine as well. What are released from the following organs to help aid in chemical digestion:


Bile Digestive enzymes

Page 3: Review Questions 21

Name the three regions of the small intestine as they move throughout the GI tract.

Approximately how long is each region?

1. Duodenum (10-12 inches)2. Jejunum (7.5-8 feet)3. Ileum (10.8-12 feet)

Which of these 3 regions receives the main pancreatic duct and bile duct which aid in digestion?

Answer: Duodenum

Page 4: Review Questions 21

What is the purpose of microvilli in the small intestine?

1. Decrease surface area of SI and therefore decreases friction between bolus and epithelium.

2. It’s sole purpose is to aid in the movement of food as it moves through the small intestine.

3. Increase the surface area of absorption and releases digestive enzymes in the final stages of digestion.

Answer: Number 3.

Page 5: Review Questions 21

Name the type of hernia based on the location it is occurring:

Type of Hernia Location of occurrence

Intestine push through inguinal canal.

Intestines push through the femoral triangle

Stomach pushes through esophageal hiatus

Intestines push through the rectus abdominis

Inguinal herniaFemoral herniaHiatal herniaUmbilical hernia

Bonus Question: Do hiatal and femoral hernias occur more in males or females?

Answer:Hiatal hernias = malesFemoral hernias = females

Page 6: Review Questions 21

What 2 things are primarily absorbed in the large intestine?

1. Nutrients and Electrolytes2. Water and Electrolytes3. Proteins and Electrolytes

Answer: Water and Electrolytes

Name the structure of the large intestine based on the description below:

_________________ are fat filled pouches of visceral peritoneum._________________ are three thin, longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle._________ are sacks or bulges that store food moving through the GI tract.

Epiploic appendagesTeniae coli


Page 7: Review Questions 21

Locate the following structures of the large intestine:

1. Ileocecal Valve

2. Cecum

3. Appendix

4. Ascending colon

5. Hepatic flexure

6. Transverse colon

7. Splenic flexure

8. Descending colon

9. Sigmoid colon

10. Rectum

11. Anal canal










Page 8: Review Questions 21

The internal sphincter is made up of (skeletal/smooth) muscle and is therefore


The external sphincter is made up of (skeletal/smooth) muscle and is therefore


Locate the internal anal sphincter, external anal sphincter, and anal sinuses on the animation to the right: 1



Page 9: Review Questions 21

Name the disorders of the lower GI tract based on the descriptions below:

When fecal matter obstructs the appendix it will swell and even burst if untreated.

This is the second most common form of cancer that arises from intestinal polyps.

This is periodic inflammation of the intestinal walls commonly associated with cramps, diarrhea, weight loss, and intestinal bleeding.

Any hindrance to movement of chyme or feces through the intestine is known as…


Colorectal Cancer

Inflammatory bowel disease

Intestinal obstruction

Page 10: Review Questions 21

The liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are all __________ organs, because they secrete

substances into the GI tract to facilitate digestion.

1. Accessory Digestive2. Gastrointestinal Tract3. Endocrine

Answer: Accessory Digestive

Page 11: Review Questions 21

The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes into the _______ region of the small intestine.

Is the pancreas part of the exocrine or endocrine system? Explain.


Answer: Duodenum

Answer: it belongs to both systems, because it releases digestive enzymes into the small intestine (exocrine) and also produces insulin and glucagon (hormones of the endocrine system).

Main pancreatic duct

Accessorypancreatic duct

Page 12: Review Questions 21

Name the 4 lobes of the liver:


Left lobe

Anterior view

Round ligament

Falciform ligament

Right lobe

Inferior view

Right lobe Left lobe

Quadrate lobe

Caudate lobe

Page 13: Review Questions 21

Which of the following is not a function of the liver?

1. Storage of excess blood nutrients.2. Detoxification of poisons and

drugs.3. Clean out debris and old RBC’s.4. Secrete amylase for the digestion

of proteins.5. Production of blood proteins.

Answer: Number 4.

What is the digestive function of the liver?

Answer: To produce bile.

Hepatic Artery

Hepatic Portal Vein

Hepatic Vein, then Inferior Vena Cava

Page 14: Review Questions 21

Locate the structures of a hepatic lobule:1. Hepatocyte 2. Branch of hepatic artery 3. Branch of hepatic portal vein 4. Hepatic sinusoid 5. Central Vein 6. Bile canaliculi 7. Branch of bile duct







Page 15: Review Questions 21

The gall bladder stores and concentrates bile. Name the structures that bile passes through as it moves from the liver to the small intestine:

Cystic duct 1



Left and right hepatic ducts (from the liver)

Common hepatic duct

Common bile duct


Major duodenal papilla

Main pancreatic duct

Bonus: What is the function of bile in the digestive process?

Answer: the emulsification of fat/lipids.

Page 16: Review Questions 21

Match the following disorders of the accessory organs with their description below:

Commonly caused by alcoholism, liver cells are destroyed and replaced by connective tissue that results in jaundice and toxin buildup in blood.

These are caused by crystallization of cholesterol or calcium and bile salts.

Inflammation of the liver that is usually associated with flu-like symptoms and jaundice.

Liver Cirrhosis

Viral Hepatitis


Page 17: Review Questions 21

Name the missing structures of the peritoneal cavity:

Peritoneal Cavity



Transverse colon


Urinary bladder





Peritoneal cavity

Lesser omentum


Greater omentum

Parietal peritoneum

Mesentery proper

Visceral peritoneum

Page 18: Review Questions 21

Peritoneal Cavity Questions. Fill in the blanks:

____________ organs lie directly against the body wall and are outside the parietal peritoneum, as where ____________ organs are found the peritoneal cavity.

Double layer folds that support intraperitoneal organs are known as______________.




Page 19: Review Questions 21

Name the 4 types of mesentery and which organs they support:

1. Greater Omentum – Stomach2. Lesser Omentum – Stomach3. Mesentery Proper – Small Intestine4. Mesocolon – Pancreas and Transverse Colon

Name as many retroperitoneal organs as you can:

Answers: Duodenum, Pancreas, Ascending and Descending Colon, Rectum, and Kidneys

Hint: AC/DC Kids PaRty Down

Page 20: Review Questions 21

Embryonic development of the digestive system questions:

Endoderm becomes a tube after what process of pregnancy?

What are the organs called that bud off of the primitive gut tube?

Name the three regions of the primitive gut tube:



Answers:1. Foregut2. Midgut3. Hindgut

Answer: Body Folding

Answer: Accessory Digestive Organs

Page 21: Review Questions 21

What do each region of the primitive gut become? Finish the table:

Primitive Gut Region Organs of GI tract it becomes




Pharynx to duodenumDuodenum to transverse colon

Transverse colon to anus