USI.7 The Articles of Confederation The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights Political Parties The First Five Presidents Template from BrainyBetty.com

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USI.7The Articles of Confederation

The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights

Political PartiesThe First Five Presidents

Template from BrainyBetty.com

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The Articles of Confederation• Provided for a weak national


• Gave Congress no power to tax or regulate commerce among the states

• Provided for no common currency

• Gave each state one vote, regardless of size

• Provided for no executive or judicial branch

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The Articles of Confederation

−Why do you think they wanted a weak national government

−How would these conditions cause problems?

−Does the Articles of Confederation make a good government? Why or Why not? How would you suggest changing it?

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Changes…to the government of the United States

• Separation of Power−Based on James Madison’s Virginia

Plan−Called for three separate branches

of government•Legislative, Executive and Judicial

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Legislative Branch (Congress)Makes Laws

• Congress is made up of two houses (bicameral)− House of

Representatives & Senate

• Senate: all states are represented equally (2 per state)

• House of Representatives: each state is represented based on population (Virginia has 11 members in the House)

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Judicial Branch (Supreme Court)• Determines if laws made by the Congress

are Constitutional

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Executive Branch• President

• Carries out laws made by Congress

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Checks and Balances

• Each branch can check the power of the other (vetoes, appointments)

• These checks can keep/prevent any one branch from gaining too much power.

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Bill of Rights (The First 10 Amendments)• James Madison was the author of the Bill of


• They provide a written guarantee of individual rights

• NOT a part of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights were added to the Constitution in 1789

• Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Assembly

• Most representatives to the Constitutional Convention would not agree to approve the Constitution until there were written guarantees of people’s rights

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The Federalists ~ Alexander Hamilton

• Favored a strong national government

• Favored development of industry on a national scale

• Favored a National Bank

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Democratic Republicans ~ Thomas Jefferson

• Favored a weak national bank

• Supported States’ Powers

• Favored Small businesses and farmers

• Opposed National Bank

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The First Five PresidentsGeorge Washington

• Federal Court System was established.• Political Parties grew out of the

disagreements between Hamilton and Jefferson over the proper role of the

national government. • Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution

of the United States.• Plans were initiated for development of the

national capital in Washington, D.C.• Benjamin Banneker, an African American astronomer and surveyor, helped complete

the design for the city.

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John Adams• A Two-Party system emerge during his


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Thomas Jefferson• He bought Louisiana from France (Louisiana

Purchase, 1803)

• Lewis and Clark explored this new land west of the Mississippi River

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James Madison• The War of 1812 caused European

nations to gain respect for the United States.

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James Monroe• He wrote the Monroe

Doctrine warning European nations not to interfere in the Western Hemisphere.

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All of the following were weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation EXCEPT

A. it provided for a weak national government

B. it gave Congress no power to tax or regulate commerce among the states

C. it provided for no common currency

D. it gave each state a vote according to its population


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The Articles of Confederation provided for no

F. legislative branch of government

G. executive branch of government

H. judicial branch of government

J. both G and H


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Upon what was the structure of the new government of the United States based?

A. The “Virginia Plan” of James Madison that called for three branches of government

B. all states were represented by one senator

C. all states were represented equally in the House of Representatives

D. each state had a Supreme Court which was the “law of the land ”


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The new government established a legislative branch which

F. carries out the laws

G. determines if laws have been broken

H. makes the laws

J. decides if the people are represented in the House of Representatives by the population of each state

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Each state is represented by

A. two senators

B. as many senators are needed to represent the population of the state

C. more senators if their population is larger

D. at least three senators

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Which branch of the government decides if laws have been broken or are constitutional?

F. executive branch

G. legislative branch

H. judicial branch

J. administrative branch

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What is the name of the system in our government that prevents one branch of government from becoming too powerful?

A. Senate review

B. the amendment process

C. checks and balances

D. the filibuster

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Who wrote the Bill of Rights?

F. George Washington

G. Thomas Jefferson

H. James Madison

J. Benjamin Franklin

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What is the guarantee of individual rights in the United States Constitution called?

A. the 13th Amendment

B. the 14th Amendment

C. the 15th Amendment

D. the Bill of Rights

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A strong national government, a limit on states’ rights, development of industry on a national scale, and a national bank were features of the

F. Democratic Republicans

G. Federalists

H. Anti-Federalists

J. Republicans

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All of the following were parts of the program of the Democratic Republicans EXCEPT

A. they favored a weak national government

B. they supported states’ rights

C. they favored small business and farmers

D. they favored a strong national bank

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What was NOT an accomplishment of President George Washington during his administration?

F. the federal court system was established

G. a two-party system developed

H. the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution

J. plans were developed to build the national capital in Washington, D.C.

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What was a feature of the administration of President John Adams?

A. France sold Louisiana to the U.S.

B. the Monroe Doctrine was written

C. the U.S. fought in the War of 1812

D. a two-party system developed

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What was the reason for writing the Monroe Doctrine?

F. President Madison did not want European nations to interfere in the Western Hemisphere

G. President Jefferson wanted to increase the size of the United States

H. President Washington did not want a king to rule the United States

J. President Monroe did not want European nations to interfere in the Western Hemisphere

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What was the relationship of Lewis and Clarke to the Louisiana Purchase?

A. President Adams wanted them to explore the land west of the Mississippi River

B. President Madison wanted them to explore the land west of the Mississippi so it could be given to England

C. President Jefferson wanted them to explore the land west of the Mississippi after he bought it from France

D. They formed the first political parties in the Louisiana Purchase

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The British invaded New York, burned the White House and the Capitol in 1814 during the administration of President

F. Washington

G. Adams

H. Jefferson

J. Madison