REVIEW Plot Genre Setting What I like about it? Negative thoughts? Whats it about? Does it link to horror? The way its edited Whose in it Sound The short film I picked is called “Lights out” its short, quick, and brilliant in a variety of ways. The genre of the film is Horror and the setting is a house and a woman’s bedroom. The main plot is how she is going to bed and is switching off her bedroom lights about to head to bet but then she see’s a black figure, because it’s the night the lady assumes she is just seeing things and switches the lights on and off to double check she therefore gets

Review for Short Horror Film

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PlotGenreSetting What I like about it?Negative thoughts?Whats it about?Does it link to horror?The way its editedWhose in itSound

The short film I picked is called “Lights out” its short, quick, and brilliant in a variety of ways. The genre of the film is Horror and the setting is a house and a woman’s bedroom. The main plot is how she is going to bed and is switching off her bedroom lights about to head to bet but then she see’s a black figure, because it’s the night the lady assumes she is just seeing things and switches the lights on and off to double check she therefore gets scared when she keeps seeing the dark figure which eventually gets her. One thing I liked about this movie was that is was realistic and jumpy so we did not know what would happen throughout the film creating tension and excitement towards the audience.


In the first scene the lady is walking out of her bathroom into a corridor towards her bedroom suggesting she is just about to go to bed. In this scene everything seems normal just a lady going to bed on a casual day.

In the second scene the lady switches off the lights of the corridor but see’s something standing so she switches the switch on and off to see whether she is just imagining things or if the “dark creepy figure” is really there. Tension increases slowly as she realises there might actually be something in her home.


Her facial expressions suggest she is scared and she switches the light back on at the figure disappears but appears when switching off the lights which scares her even more.


In the next scene she rushes into bed and closes her eyes wide shut as if trying to block everything out as she cuddles and hugs her blanket whilst scared. These actions show how shes trying to make herself believe that there is nothing there and that she is just imagining things which aren’t actually there which makes it worse as there is something. But what? The tension increases gradually through the scene in her bed.


She then hears something and hides under her blanket.

Slowly she peaks her head out of the blanket as she sees the light flickering and sees the plug pulled half way by this “creepy dark figure”.


She then plugs it back in and hurrys back into her bedafter looking around and seeing how everything looks back to normal she looks around the room slowly and as audience we are intrigued to see what will happen next although it seems everything is back to normal.


She then turns her head and the creepy figure is besides her and it makes the audience jump, as we do not expect the creepy face to pop out of nowhere. Overall the short horror movie was jumpy, as you did not expect what would happen as it would happen either quickly or slowly I think that’s one of the main positives of the film as it succeeds in creating the genre of horror. The sound increased the tension and made a good effect in inducing the creepy horror in the film.