Review for Quiz 10 mins

Review for Quiz 10 mins. Chapter 16 Transformations in Europe, 1500-1750

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Review for Quiz

10 mins

Chapter 16

Transformations in Europe, 1500-1750

I. Culture and IdeasA. Religious Reformation1. Causes for Discontent with Church• Secular interest of Pope- Elaborate court- Directly ruled lands in Italy• Abuses- Buying and selling of religious offices- Church officials holding many offices at once- Church positions became opportunities for wealth and power• Belief priest, monks and nuns were profiting from their positions- exploiting the people- offering little moral leadership• Mass and Bible in Latin- The majority of Europeans could not understand mass or read the


I. Culture and Ideas

2. Debt• In the 16th and 17th centuries Popes became

major patrons of the arts• St. Peter’s Basilica (Rome) - Intended to glorify God, the skill of

Renaissance artists, and the papacy- Size and scale of the church led to massive


Length 730 feet

Width 500 feet

Height (max) 452 feet

Warm Up:

• What problems were facing the Catholic Church during the late 15th and early 16th centuries?

I. Culture and Ideas

3. Indulgences • Forgiveness for punishment of past sins• The Church began to sell indulgences to raise

funds• Allowed the release deceased relatives from

purgatory and go to heaven

I. Culture and Ideas

4. Martin Luther• a German monk and

scholar• Believed that salvation

could only be achieved through faith

• Saw the sale of indulgences as a money making scam

I. Culture and Ideas

5. 95 Theses• Luther created a list of objections to the

practice of selling indulgences (1519) - Argued that the Pope did not have the

authority to forgive past sins• Luther was excommunicated from the Church

for his challenge to papal authority (1520)• Marks the beginnings of the Protestant


I. Culture and Ideas

6. Lutheranism• Supporters of Luther sought to reform the

Church• Salvation through faith, not good works• Christian belief based on the Bible, not the

teachings of the Church and Pope• “priesthood of all believers”

Warm Up:

What was the catalyst of the Reformation in Europe?

I. Culture and Ideas

7. Calvinism• Based on the teachings of John Calvin• Institutes of the Christian Religion 1535- Believed in “predestination” of the soul- Self governing congregations- Simplicity in dress, life and worship

I. Culture and Ideas

8. Spread• Protestant ideas spread quickly throughout

Europe- Printing Press • Luther encouraged the Bible to be translated

into vernacular language • Germany, Scandinavian countries, England

and Scotland

I. Culture and Ideas

9. Political and Social Motivations• Rulers saw Protestantism as opportunity for

political gain- Seize Church land- Deny authority of the pope, Holy Roman

Emperor• Peasants & urban laborers defied masters by

adopting different faith• Avoid paying tithes

I. Culture and Ideas

10. Catholic Reformation (Counter Reformation)• Response of the Catholic Church to Protestant

ReformationCouncil of Trent (1545-1563)• Reaffirmed traditional Catholic beliefs- Supremacy of Pope- Seven Sacraments- Good works- Special position of priests

I. Culture and Ideas

• Creation of new religious order, “Society of Jesus”

- Jesuits• Educated priests to be able to counter

Protestant teaching• Became important missionaries overseas

I. Culture and Ideas

11. Wars of Religion• Fought over a mixture of religious and secular

issues• Devastated Europe from 1524-1648

I. Culture and Ideas

B. Scientific Revolution1. Basis• Belief that the workings of the universe could

be explained through natural causes

I. Culture and Ideas

2. Copernicus• Polish monk and

mathematician (1473-1543)

Heliocentric Solar System• The sun, not the earth,

is the center of the solar system

• Planets rotated around the sun in a circular path

I. Culture and Ideas

3. Brahe and Kepler• Improved on

Copernicus’s model• Planets moved in

elliptical orbits

I. Culture and Ideas

4. Galileo • Built a telescope to observe the heavens• Observed heavenly bodies were not perfect- Moon had mountains & valleys- Sun spots- Planets had their own moons

I. Culture and Ideas

5. Critics• Copernican universe challenged accepted ideas- How could the earth move without producing

vibrations that would rip it apart? (Aristotle)- Is the Bible wrong? Book of Joshua claimed the

sun stood still for a day- Galileo’s books placed on Index of Forbidden

Books by Catholic Church

I. Culture and Ideas

6. Spread• Scientific ideas spread throughout Europe- Printing Press• Robert Boyle (1627-1691) used trial and error

approach to study chemistry• Royal Society in London (1662) founded to

promote knowledge of natural world

I. Culture and Ideas

7. Physics• Isaac Newton (1642-1727)• Developed mathematical laws that all physical

objects obey• Concept of gravity

Read: What is Enlightenment? Immanual Kant

• According to Kant, what is enlightenment?• After reading this text, how would you define


I. Culture and Ideas

C. The Enlightenment 1. Science and Human Behavior• If human reason could discover the laws of

nature• Then human reason could discover laws that

governed human behavior

Warm Up:

What triggered the Reformation in Europe?

Read: Tolerance by Voltaire

• According to Voltaire, why is tolerance important?

• According to Voltaire, why was there so much intolerance in Europe?


Place What is Enlightenment and Tolerance in a historical context.

How might they have been influenced by the events of there times?

I. Culture and Ideas

2. Basic Ideals of the Enlightenment• Religious Freedom• Society could be improved- Social progress