Revelation,William Newell, Appendices

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William Newell's discussion of Book of Revelation. (Introduction and Chapter 1 previously uploaded)

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Appendix I Submitted by William R Newell on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 15:53 Hymns of Christs singers through the night of the dark ages: For They Saw The Morning Star!

3rd CenturyClement of Alexandria: Shepherd of Tender Youth (earliest Christian hymn).

4th CenturyAmbrose of Milan:

The dawn is sprinkling in the east

Its golden shower, as day flows in;

Fast mount the pointed shafts of light;

Farewell to darkness and to sin.

5th CenturyClaudianus Mamertus:

Sing, my tongue, the Saviors triumph!

Anatolius of Constantinople:

(a) Fierce was the wild billow, (b) The day is past and over.

6th CenturyGregory the Great:

O Christ, our King, Creator, Lord!

St. Hilary of Aries:

Thou art the worlds true Morning Star!

Venantius Fortunatus:

The royal banners forward go!

7th CenturyAndrew of Crete:

Christian, dost thou see them?

8th CenturyStephen of St. Sabas:

Art thou weary?

9th CenturyRabanus Maurass:

Come, O Creator, Spirit Blest!

Joseph of the Studium:

Jesus, Lord of life eternal;

also, Safe home, safe home.

Theodistus of the Studium:

Jesus, Name all names above!

10th CenturyMetrophanes of Smyrna:

O Unity of three-fold light.

11th CenturyHermanus Contractus:

Come, Holy Ghost, in Love!

Peter Damiani:

There not waxing moon, nor waning,

Sun nor stars in courses bright;

For the Lamb, to that glad city

Shines an everlasting light.

12th CenturyUnknown Author:

The strife is oer, the battle done;

He closed the yawning gates of hell;

The bars from Heavens high portals fell;

Let hymns of praise His triumps tell! Hallelujah!

Adam of St. Victor:

Earth blooms afresh in glorious dyes;

In Christs arising all things rise;

A solemn joy oer nature lies;


Bernard of Cluny:

Jerusalem, the Golden.

Unknown Author:

Fairest Lord Jesus (The Crusaders Hymn).

13th CenturyThomas of Celano: (Dies irae, dies ilia!)

May I find grace, O Lord, with Thee?

So the thief upon the tree;

Hope, too, Thou hast breathed in me

14th CenturyUnknown Author:

Jesus is the Name we treasure.

Jacobus de Benedictus: (Stabat Mater)

Mechtilde of Helffde:

If the world were mine and all its store

And were it of crystal gold;

Could I reign on its throne forevermore, From the ancient days of old,

An empress noble and fair as day,

O gladly might it be;

That I might cast it all away:

Christ, only Christ for me!

For Christ, my Lord, my spirit longs,

For Christ, my Saviour dear:

The joy and sweetness of my songs

The whilst I wander here.

As the great truths of grace began to be recovered more fully, the Song of the Lord burst more and more fully forth; until the Reformers took down the Churchs harps from the willows of the Babylonian Captivity of over a thousand years.

Appendix II Submitted by William R Newell on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 15:54

Elders are mentioned twelve times in The Revelation. That they are individuals and not a symbolic company, is evident, it seems to me, for several reasons:

1. The Revelation is an unsealed book. When symbols or signs are shown they are plainly said to be such: e.g., chapter 12:1-3.

2. If the twenty-four elders are representative or symbolic, then the four living creatures must be also; but we all believe that four means four when applied to the living creatures; just as to the cherubim in Ezekiel 1.

3. The language used concerning the elders compels our belief that they are individuals. One of the elders saith unto me (chapter 5:5). One of the elders answered (7:13). The twenty-four elders sit before God upon their thrones (11:16).

4. Any one who takes the first mention of these elders (4:4) as anything other than twenty-four individuals, must have thorough proof for it, and that scriptural and not conjectural. I saw four and twenty elders sitting is a very definite statement indeed! We have found no Bible proof they are other than twenty-four individuals.

5. We know from 1 Chronicles 24:7-19 that the orders of the priests of Aarons house were divided into twenty-four courses. In the following chapter, moreover, those who prophesied with harps, psalteries and symbols according to their service by the hands of the king were also twenty-four (1 Chronicles 25:9-30). Furthermore, the military forces under King David were marshalled of every course twenty and four thousand. These changed month by monthtwenty-four thousand monthly (1 Chronicles 27:1-15). Even before this (1 Chronicles 23:4) we find twenty-four thousand of the Levites who were to oversee the work of the house of Jehovah (although in this case the twenty-four thousand were chosen out of thirty-eight thousandverse 3).

Darby says, The number 24 represents twice 12. One might perhaps see here the twelve patriarchs and the twelve apostlesthe saints in the two dispensations. (Coll. Writ. Proph. Vol. 11, page 22.) This is better than to make them represent the Church; but it leaves them symbolic rather than actual elders.

We can only assume, not prove, that the elders are of our race at all. The cherubim are not; nor the seraphim nor the chief princes (Daniel 10:13). Because the term elders is so often mentioned (over 200 times) in Scripture, both in connection with Israel and the Church, many are willing to assume that the elders are human beings. But the elders do not testify of their own salvation at all: although they celebrate that of others, as in 5:8, 9 (R. V.).

Inasmuch as God had elders over His people Israel, and elders were also to be appointed in each Church, (Titus 1:5); and inasmuch as twenty-four seems Gods governmental order, we do not see why it may not be that there are elders over Gods creation; that they were created so; and they are twenty-four in number; and that just as the four zoa express in heading up, the four genera of Gods creation,beast, cattle, man and eagle (Revelation 4:7; Genesis 1:20, 24, 26), so these elders were created and associated by God with His government. When Christ, with His Bride, the Church, comes to reign in power, in Revelation 19, we hear no more of these twenty-four elders: for God then subjects all to the Man: Psalm 8 is fulfilled. The elders, as all other heavenly beings, have their place, but under Christ and the Church.

Appendix III Submitted by William R Newell on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 15:55

Idolatry: Especially the Worship of a Man by His Fellows.

1. Definition: Idolatry is mans placing a visible object of worship before his eyes to protect him from God, thus silencing his conscience that he may indulge his lusts. Gods invisible things are clearly seen by all His responsible creatures. In idolatry, man deliberately changes the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of lower creatureseven to creeping things (Romans 1:23). Idolatry is mans deliberate, determined putting away from the thoughts of the concept of the holy God, and choosing and changing therefore a concept that will not judge his sin, and the setting up an image of that concept, a likeness, as an outward object with which the bodily senses may be occupied. This effectually excludes God.

2. History: Idolatry was unknown before the flood. The cherubim were placed at the gate of Eden, with the flame of a sword. Thus was man kept from the tree of life, that he might not live forever in his sinful state; and thus, perhaps, was he restrained from that hideous insult to God which idolatry ever is, just as in Israels case, Israel served Jehovah all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua, and had known all the work that he had wrought for Israel (Joshua 24:31). Not until after the apostasy that preceded the flood (and which the flood judged) do we find record of mans being permitted to throw off all knowledge by means of idolatry. Probably the earliest idolatry spoken of in Scripture is in the same chapter (Joshua 24:2, 14).

From beyond the river (Euphrates)that is, from Mesopotamia, more particularly from Babel (later Babylon), and still more definitely from the daring acts of Nimrod, the mighty destroyer whose wife, Semiramis, (one of the most able and wicked women of the human race) was, upon her death deified as queen of heaven, do we trace the beginnings of idolatry, which eventuates in Satan-worship by means of the image of the Beast, seen in Revelation 13. From Babylon, idolatry extended to every land, for Babylon became a land of graven images mad over idols. Babylon hath been a golden cup in Jehovahs hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunk of her wine; therefore the nations are mad (Jeremiah 50:38, 51:7). Idolatry spread thence to every nation, and God was blotted out from mans knowledge. Read Isaiah 44:12-20. Gods sad and awful irony concerning the idolator!

And see the obscene stories and idols of every mythology, to show that it has always been as in Exodus 32 and Numbers 25.

3. Why man gladly makes a god of a fellow-man (as in Revelation 13):

a. He can see, a man, and the invisible things of God (of whom he is afraid) are thus escaped. Especially is this escape from God easy if the man worshipped be possessed of overwhelming power, dazzling greatness, or mysterious wisdom.

b. Man has to do with the infinitehe must: God hath put eternity in mans heart; his everlasting power and divinity are clearly seen. Man wishes himself God. He hearkened to Satans ye shall be as gods, knowing, in Eden. Men therefore, in their weakness, are avidly ready to accept the claims of some other man in power and position, and with daring enough to assert himself a god. It is what every natural heart would like to be!

c. To worship man, thus gratifies and satisfies mans pride. Men unknowingly worship their imagined selves when they worship a fellow-man.

d. Conscience is thus escaped, for the blaspheming self-deifier relieves his mind and heart as to God; not, of course, in the way of priesthood (for God is hated and banished, and the desire is to escape Him!) but in the way of presumption, for if our mangod defies God and is suffered, other men also can cast fear awaynot independently, but leaning on their idol!

Thus is attained the first great end of idolatryrelease from the glory of the invisible God: that glory being now exchanged for the likeness of the god man has chosen. This likeness is held in the idolaters mind; he forms his images after that likeness.127

e. Those who thus deify man are set free to practice all human lusts. The wheel of nature may revolve without restraint. And this is the second great end of idolatry. The awful course of Romans 1:21-31 is repeated in all idolatry. The moment Israel could look on a calf, and say, These be thy gods, O Israel, they were set free to rise up and playwhich means obscenities that cannot be written! God being thus blotted from the mind by the likeness of an image, lusts were let loose. The unholiest

doings of the human race this moment are connected with religion without God.

4. It should be noted, solemnly, that God gives up idolaters to their idols. They that make them shall be like unto them. See Psalm 115a great lesson! The covetous man, who is an idolater, also: the likeness he holds in his mind is treasure; the image, gold coin, stocks, bonds. He becomes like a coinmetallic, hard, cruel, harsh. The likeness held in the Romish mind is the (imagined) queen of heaven; the image, pictures and statues of the Virgin; these Romanists also become like unto their Babylonian goddess. To say the very least, their inner hearts are feminized, and lose the sense of the all-holy God; to say the most, they become so vile that they are the scandal of history. But ah, what will Revelation 13 bring forth, when men take Satans Christ so deep into their hearts that they worship the dragon because he gives his authority unto their darling, the Man of Sin!

5. The story of the Gentile powers shows:

A. That authority in the hands of unregenerate man leads constantly to the assumption of divine prerogatives. For neither the consciences fear of God, nor regard for the welfare of man, can stem the flood of natures pride let loose by irresponsible power, when vested in man.

B. That self-deification is able to destroy all good qualities. See Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 3, or Darius in chapter 6 as examples of that constant exaltation of self to divine honors by Gentile kings, with which every reader of history is familiar; notably, in the Roman emperors, from Julius Caesar on. What streams of martyrblood have flowed from refusal to offer incense to the Emperor! (Read Foxes Book of Martyrsa book every Christian parent should early read to his children.)

C. That the spirit of self-deification can only eventuate, as in Revelation 13, in the open Antichrist of the last days. And you must be prepared, by Scripture study, for this, for it is already stealing on the world!

If you doubt this, see Lenin in Russia,already held a god! Or Mussolinis daring and growing claims in Italy, and Hitlers in Germany. Or, sad to admit, the rush to grasp power, exalt self, and compel subjection at any cost of abandoned promises, and political, moral and domestic safeguardswhen the opportunity is given, in the United States of America!

127 This is the claim of all idolaters, that they do not worship the idol, but the concept behind the idol. Paul tells us they sacrifice to demons, and not to God (1 Corinthians 10). And the awful hideousness of the idols they make reveals the true character of the demons they worship!

It should be remembered, however, that even the deepest idolaters, who have refused to have God in their knowledge, yet know the ordinance of God, that they that practice such things are worthy of death (See Romans 1:28-32). The state of the heathen is wilful and guilty. Do not lose sight of this for one moment! The terrible calamities, for example, upon China, and the horrible degredation of Indiawhat is it but the indignation of Jehovah, the true God, the living God, an everlasting King, pouring out upon idolaters His wrath (See, carefully, Jeremiah 10:1-10). It is like a flash of divine jealousyit is that. See the eleventh verse of this chapter, the one Aramaic (or earth-language) in a whole Hebrew book: Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, these shall perish from the earth, and from under the heavens.

Appendix IV: Bullingerism Submitted by William R Newell on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 15:56

This teaching has been so fully answered, both in England and America, and its deadly dangers so fully worked out, that a discussion of it is practically unnecessary here. See, for example, the brief, but able and clear tract by Mr. W. Hoste of England: Bullingerism (Light and Liberty Publishing Company, Fort Dodge, Iowa). He also combatted Dr. Bullinger in England when he was yet alive. Also the various comments made by the Editor D. M. Panton in the magazine The Dawn (C. J. Thynne & Company, London); and those by Dr. James M. Gray in The Moody Monthly (Chicago). The recent righteously firm and unanswerable booklet Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth (Loizeaux Bros., New York) by Dr. H. A. Ironside, is not being answered by Bullinger votaries,except by petitio principii,begging the question that their rejection of water baptism is correct, the final teaching of Paul; and that those who disagree with them are ignorant or cowards. They do not answer the arguments made against them; instead they accuse their objectors.

Consider, regarding Bullingerism:

1. It subjects Scripture to rigid rules of outline and interpretation invented by the human

mind. It does lean upon its own understanding, rather than upon the Holy Spirit.

2. It assumes, with unbelievable pride, that it knows truth, of which the whole Church has been ignorant since Paul. In other times, when men really recovered truth, as at the Reformation, or in Wesleys or in Darbys day, a mighty work of the Holy Spirit accompanied the Word, which resulted in the conversion of thousands, and the real edification in love of Gods Saints. Bullingerism causes divisions; ministers questionings and defeats unity. I have watched it for thirty-six years deceive, puff up, release from prayer and burden for souls, make men once zealous to reach the lost compass sea and land to make one proselyte to no water-baptism, only prison epistles, Gospels not for us, etc., etc.

3. Bullingerism is probably the most subtle of all the doctrines that lead, eventually, to that great denial of eternal judgment, which is sweeping the world. The soul-sleep that Bullinger taught lets down the bars; being direct trifling with Gods plainest of words regarding the disposition He makes of both the saved and the lost at death: that the believer departs to be with Christ, being absent from the body he is present with the Lord; and that the lost proceed, as did the rich man of Luke 16, at once to Hades. Bullinger says: Hades,we might call it Gravedom. There is not a place where the rendering grave would not be appropriate (for Hades). Now Matthew 16:18 at once proves this utterly false! Church saints bodies have been buried in graves constantly; but Hades, the region at the earths center (Matthew 12:40; Acts 2:27, R.V.), since our Lords resurrection, has not admitted one saint into its gates: The Gates of Hades shall not prevail against it (the Church). I am persuaded that all Bullingerites are candidates for some form of denial of eternal punishment. There are those of California who teach that even Satan will be restored: making God, in Revelation 20:10, a liar! Buy the truth and sell it not!

The more a man knows who teaches vital error, the more dangerous he is. Especially is he dangerous if he holds some,even a great deal, of truth; for, a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

When I was in England first, in 1899, it was my great blessing to be closely associated with the best Christians there. Mr. Bullinger was at that time writing very busily. But all those devoted Christians said, He seems to be a brainy man, but we do not trust him. How well his fruits have proved their discernment!

It is my firm belief that one of three paths will be followed by all Bullinger followers: a. They will be delivered from it by divine grace; or, b. They will become so occupied with

endless discussions about dispensational distinctions and divisions, that they will become fruitless for God, either at home or abroad; or, c. They will go on to the logical conclusion of setting aside this Scripture and that, in accordance with their dispensational claims, to the position of the Knoch (Concordant) faction of California: who have even printed their (per)version of the Scriptures, to gainsay the Words of God concerning eternal punishment.

Imagine Martin Luther being told that his beloved Galatians and Romans (by which, under God, he shook Europe), Those are not Church Epistles,they do not belong to us. I should not care personally to be the dispensationalist to tell Luther that! Or Rutherford imagine telling him that the Church is not the Bride of Christ! (Have you read his Letters?) Or content John Bunyan with words and questions such as these? Or tell Whitefield, weeping over 20,000 souls in his mighty sermon on Ye must be born again, that Johns Gospel, where he got his message, is not for us? God gave him thousands of souls by that message, and no peddler of soul-sleep teaching could stand before him!

George Whitefield read through Matthew Henrys Commentary twiceon his knees! What this shallow age needs is a long, steady acquaintance with such as Matthew Henry,128 and the Puritans, and Spurgeon, and Darbys Collected Writingsand even with John Calvins 51 volumes of commentaries! But they, conceiving themselves dispensationally beyond these really great men of God,will they read these works?

We trow not. They will, instead, be more and more occupied with the air-tightcompartments of the clever and heady Companion Bible,because it makes people think they are advancing, in their Scripture dividing, and dispensational distinctions, in divine things,whether the Holy Ghost unifies in love Gods saints or not; and whether revival showers come or not!

128 Matthew Henry was godly, as were the Puritans; though both are servants of a legal theology, alas!