May 2020 Vol. 20 No. 4 Messenger Immanuel Lutheran Church and School 154 Meadow Street Bristol, CT 06010 860-583-5649 [email protected] www.ilcs.org OUR MISSION The people of Immanuel Lutheran Church are living proof of the grace of God through salvation in Jesus Christ. Empowered by Christ, our mission is to reach out in love to those who have not yet responded to the Gospel that all may be united in Christ. School Mission The Mission of Immanuel Lutheran School is to pro- vide a loving atmosphere of academic excellence for children while developing in them and their families a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ. Rev. Kevin A. Karner Pastor Dr. Anne Stuhlman School Principal IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH AND SCHOOL, BRISTOL, CONNECTICUT DAY Thursday, May 21 As I sit at my desk at home and begin to pen this note to all our Immanuel family, I know we are in a time like we have never experienced in our life- time. Despite all the turmoil and life altering situations, I know that the Lord is with us and he is guiding and protecting us. We have just celebrated His glorious Resurrection which gives us great joy in knowing that our eternal home has been secured for us and we can confi- dently sing the hymn: I know that my Redeemer Lives! The Church Council has been meeting on a weekly basis by way of a virtual meeting using Internet technology and have been actively engaged to ensure that the work of our Lord is continuing. Our Divine Service is being livestreamed over the Internet and it is important to note that this was ac- complished within 24 hours of the government’s request to limit gatherings to no more than 5 people! We now are livestreaming both Pastor’s Bible Study and our weekly Sunday Divine Service. We gathered all the necessary information and applied for the Paycheck Protection Program, which was part of the Federal Legislation passed to as- sist small businesses and Non-Profit’s to maintain their workforce. We will be receiving 2½ months of our payroll and benefits costs from this program. In addition, we will be applying for reimbursements for utility expenses. We have implemented an electronic giving program called E-Offering, which will enable members and non-members to make contributions using either their checking or savings account as well as a credit card. More in- formation regarding this new Stewardship effort will be detailed in future communication. We have been working with the City of Bristol regarding the use of some of our property, if needed, to assist our community in meeting the needs of those impacted by the pandemic. We continue to ask the Lord’s Blessings on our Immanuel family and pray that this pandemic will soon be over. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me. In HIS Service, Howard T. Schmelder Congregational President Immanuel Lutheran Church & School 154 Meadow Street, Bristol, CT 06010 Church: 860-583-5649 School: 860-583-5631 www.ilcs.org Sunday, May 31

Rev. Kevin A. Karner Dr. Anne Stuhlman Pastor Immanuel ...€¦ · If you have a computer, tablet or phone with internet access you can join Pastor Karner’s Bible Class each Sunday

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  • Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger May 2020 1

    May 2020

    Vol. 20 No. 4 Messenger

    Imma n uel Lu ther an Chur c h a nd Sc ho o l

    154 Me ad ow Street Br is to l , C T 0 601 0

    860 -583 - 5649 dkra mp itz @ i lc s . org


    O U R M I S S I O N

    The people of Immanuel

    Lutheran Church are living

    proof of the grace of God

    through salvation in Jesus

    Christ. Empowered by Christ,

    our mission is to reach out in

    love to those who have not yet

    responded to the Gospel that

    all may be united in Christ.

    School Mission

    The Mission of Immanuel

    Lutheran School is to pro-

    vide a loving atmosphere of

    academic excellence for

    children while developing

    in them and their families a

    lasting relationship with

    Jesus Christ.

    Rev. Kevin A. Karner


    Dr. Anne Stuhlman

    School Principal

    I M M A N U E L L U T H E R A N C H U R C H A N D S C H O O L , B R I S T O L , C O N N E C T I C U T

    DAY Thursday, May 21

    As I sit at my desk at home and begin to pen this note to all our Immanuel

    family, I know we are in a time like we have never experienced in our life-

    time. Despite all the turmoil and life altering situations, I know that the

    Lord is with us and he is guiding and protecting us.

    We have just celebrated His glorious Resurrection which gives us great joy

    in knowing that our eternal home has been secured for us and we can confi-

    dently sing the hymn: I know that my Redeemer Lives!

    The Church Council has been meeting on a weekly basis by way of a virtual

    meeting using Internet technology and have been actively engaged to ensure

    that the work of our Lord is continuing. Our Divine Service is being

    livestreamed over the Internet and it is important to note that this was ac-

    complished within 24 hours of the government’s request to limit gatherings

    to no more than 5 people! We now are livestreaming both Pastor’s Bible

    Study and our weekly Sunday Divine Service.

    We gathered all the necessary information and applied for the Paycheck

    Protection Program, which was part of the Federal Legislation passed to as-

    sist small businesses and Non-Profit’s to maintain their workforce. We will

    be receiving 2½ months of our payroll and benefits costs from this program.

    In addition, we will be applying for reimbursements for utility expenses.

    We have implemented an electronic giving program called E-Offering,

    which will enable members and non-members to make contributions using

    either their checking or savings account as well as a credit card. More in-

    formation regarding this new Stewardship effort will be detailed in future


    We have been working with the City of Bristol regarding the use of some of

    our property, if needed, to assist our community in meeting the needs of

    those impacted by the pandemic.

    We continue to ask the Lord’s Blessings on our Immanuel family and pray

    that this pandemic will soon be over. If you have questions or concerns,

    please contact me.

    In HIS Service,

    Howard T. Schmelder Congregational President

    Immanuel Lutheran Church & School 154 Meadow Street, Bristol, CT 06010 Church: 860-583-5649 School: 860-583-5631 www.ilcs.org

    Sunday, May 31

  • Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger May 2020 2

    Messenger is published

    monthly except in August

    by Immanuel Lutheran

    Church and School for its

    members and friends.

    Immanuel is a member of

    the Lutheran Church

    Missouri Synod.

    Ed & Dee Krampitz Newsletter Editors

    Deadline for submissions

    is the 15th of the month.

    From the Pastor’s Desk

    May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at

    the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it. — 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

    “Pandemic Pastoral Potpourri”


    10:45 a.m. Live Streaming

    BIBLE STUDY 9:30 a.m.

    Live Streaming

    Go to our website and download the

    Sunday Bulletin and Bible Study.

    If you miss the live streaming, remember to

    go under the Worship Service on the website

    for the links to watch the Service and Bible Study.


    The above title refers to the fact that I

    don’t have any “cute” stories to share

    with you this month. Since much of our

    congregational communication has been

    limited for several weeks now, I thought

    I would bring you up to date with the

    “State of Immanuel Lutheran Church.”

    Despite the disruption to our normal

    way, the Lord’s work continues in our

    congregation, our school, and our com-

    munity. Day to day operations have been

    maintained by our wonderful office

    staff; Trina Theriault has kept the church

    office open for mail delivery, phone

    calls, and other important congregational

    needs, while Dee Krampitz has worked,

    at home and in the office, at providing

    our weekly bulletin, the monthly news-

    letter, and being a friendly voice to an-

    swer questions and concerns.

    On the “business” side of things George

    Rindfleisch (Accounts Payable) has been

    making sure that the bills are paid as he

    keeps track of our income and expenses.

    Dawn Milano and Andy Helming have

    done the math concerning our Sunday

    (weekly) offerings, and, as I mentioned

    before one of our Divine Services, How-

    ard Schmelder has gone “above and be-

    yond” what he normally does as our

    business manager; not the least of which

    was preparing all the paperwork in-

    volved with the federal government’s

    “Payroll Protection Program” that has

    allowed us to maintain compensation to

    all of our employees (both church and


    And speaking of our school, I’m so

    proud of our principal, Anne Stuhlman,

    and each of our teachers at Immanuel

    Lutheran! They didn’t “miss a beat” dur-

    ing the transition to online learning. In

    fact, our ILS teachers were preparing

    take-home packets BEFORE school was

    officially closed, and teaching our stu-

    dents online TWO WEEKS before the

    City of Bristol began its public school

    instruction! And the kids (and their par-

    ents) have responded equally as well.

    What a blessing our school is to the life

    and ministry of our beloved Immanuel

    Lutheran Church!

    I also want to give a “shout out” to all

    who serve on our church council.

    Through a lot of video meetings, emails,

    text messages, and phone calls, our con-

    gregational work has been virtually

    “seamless.” THANK YOU, council


    Three important items have taken a fair

    amount of effort on behalf of our con-

    gregation. #1 – Most should be aware by

    now that we are providing access to our

    Sunday morning schedule (both Bible

    study and Divine Service) on a variety

    of social media platforms: Facebook

    (Live), Twitter, YouTube, and Insta-

    gram, as well as our radio ministry.

    Thanks be to God for the efforts and

    abilities of Vern Koch, Rhoda Lange,

    Gladys Lagace, Paul Strawderman, and

    Marv Heidorn for making it all happen!

    #2 – We now have access to online,

    electronic giving. If you go to the church

    webpage (ilcs.org) you’ll find a

    “DONATE NOW myEoffering” button

    that makes giving to the Lord and His

    Church easy and convenient. Questions?

    Call the church office. #3 – Over the last

    several weeks I’ve spent a lot of time

    meeting with city officials regarding the

    use of Immanuel property in an effort to

    Worship Services are broadcast each Sunday

    at 1:00 p.m. on

    WNTY Radio 990 AM 96.1 FM

    and online at KoolOldiesRadio.net (Continued on Page 5)

  • Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger May 2020 3

    Dear Immanuel Lutheran Church Members and Friends,

    Teacher Appreciation Week is around the corner. The teachers of Immanuel Lutheran School are busy teach-

    ing through Zoom, videos, Google Classroom and packets mailed or dropped off at students’ homes. They are

    doing a fantastic job and I am so proud of them. They have grown professionally through the new necessity of

    teaching in a virtual environment. Every teacher has stepped up to meet this new challenge head-on.

    The students are keeping up with their daily assignments and are continuing the work through the curriculum.

    They get to see their classmates on Zoom, interact with their teachers, and submit pictures of their artwork for

    the virtual art gallery on the website. Each class has their own established routine, but all are using Google

    Classroom as a platform. Student Zoom meetings include whole

    class instructional Zooms, Noon Zooms at lunch, Moon Zooms in

    the evening, as well as one-on-one Zoom sessions with their

    teachers. Every email and google classroom communication is

    copied to me through email, and I get no less than 300 emails a

    day. There is a lot of communication, a lot of teaching, and a lot

    of learning happening every day!

    In March, teachers Jen Drechsler, Lorene Berrian, Chrissy Orie,

    and Talie White visited student homes (from afar) to see students

    in person. The students were excited to see their teachers. We

    added a Virtual Art Gallery on the website to showcase the stu-

    dents’ art work. Katja Evans, our art teacher, assigns weekly art

    activities. Our PE teacher, Hannah Baldino, gives weekly physi-

    cal activity assignments for each age group. Our students regu-

    larly submit video and pictures of their projects, work and prod-

    ucts. The learning is certainly personalized to challenge while

    meeting the needs of each student.

    Our weekly faculty meetings are on Zoom as well. We have

    started the discussion on what it will look like when we re-open.

    Currently, face masks are being made for the students and staff

    to wear when we return. Handwashing stations have been pur-

    chased for classrooms without sinks. New protocol is being es-

    tablished for hallways, drop-off, and pick up. Teachers are plan-

    ning classroom arrangements that allow desks and seating to be

    apart. We are all eager to get back to the building.

    We fully expect to return to in the fall stronger than ever. We

    plan to continue using many of the new technology strategies

    when we return. We have new families eager to enroll. We are

    encouraging our families to stay strong in their faith during this

    trying time.

    Blessings, and stay safe!

    Anne Stuhlman, Principal

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ School News ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  • Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger May 2020 4

    Spring greetings to all our members and friends,

    over age 50, who usually join us for spring lunches,

    socializing, and interesting programs. We are the

    ones who must socially distance ourselves from one

    another, wear a mask when we go out, and mainly

    stay in our homes so we can later see one another.

    We hope you are staying safe and remaining healthy

    through this most difficult time in our lives. Don’t

    you just Love the spring flowering trees, bushes and

    the lovely spring flowers you see outside.

    We had great programs planned for you this spring

    and summer but we cannot safely get together now.

    Hopefully we will get together later this year on the

    first Thursday of a month and enjoy a pizza party

    together and an interesting program.

    If you have a computer, tablet or phone with internet

    access you can join Pastor Karner’s Bible Class each

    Sunday morning at 9:30, followed by the Divine

    Service at 10:45, or just listen to your radio for the

    service at 1 pm.

    We ask you to phone two friends a week from our

    lunch group, just to say hello and chat and see how

    they are doing during this pandemic. Take a little

    ride in your car around town to see all the colors of

    spring; you don't want to miss the beautiful world

    God made for us to enjoy. Call the pastor or church

    office if you have a real need or concern that they

    could help you with. We are all in this together alt-

    hough apart. God bless you!

    Peace I will leave with you. My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let them be afraid., John 14:27

    What a comfort to here those words, especially in today's world with all the illness and problems surrounding us. We are thankful for our Faith knowing God is in control. Even though we have been separated and homebound, we still have the assurance that Jesus is with us always, no matter where we are.

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you and also to the families that have lost loved ones . May God Bless and Keep you safe and healthy till we are able to gather once again in Our Lord’s House.

    A quote from Oswald Chambers, Leave the broken, irreversible past in God's hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him.

    Blessings, Roberta

    Called Home to Heaven

    Joyce W. Raspanti

    June 18, 1928 — March 17, 2020

    Roald M. “Porky” Erling

    March 18, 1933 — April 19, 2020


    May 10th

  • Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger May 2020 5

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Scholarships ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Immanuel Lutheran



    Scholarship Applications are available in the

    church office:

    We are accepting applications for Immanuel

    Lutheran Church Scholarships.

    Scholarships are awarded to members of

    Immanuel Lutheran Church or graduates of

    Immanuel Lutheran School.

    Applications are due on Monday, June 15th,

    in the church office.

    Notice from Immanuel Lutheran

    Church Foundation – It’s Time! Westfall Scholarship Applications are

    available in the office.

    There are five individual scholarships

    that are available to graduates of Immanuel

    Lutheran School or members of Immanuel

    Lutheran Church that are seeking an under-

    graduate degree at an accredited college or


    Westfall I scholarship is a single scholar-

    ship awarded with preference given to a stu-

    dent pursuing a career as a church worker.

    Westfall II awards scholarships to four


    Applications are due on Monday, June 15th,

    in the church office.

    “Pandemic Pastoral Potpourri”

    meet the physical and emotional needs of our Bristol

    community. In consultation with Mayor Ellen Zoppo-

    Sassu, city councilman Dave Preleski, and representa-

    tives from St. Vincent De Paul Mission Shelter, our

    church council has agreed (in principal / agreement

    pending) to rent our parish center and school gymnasi-

    um for the months of May, June, and July to the shel-

    ter to provide additional resources in their outreach to

    the homeless among us. It seemed to me (and the

    council agreed) that, as we have a civic and moral du-

    ty to “love our neighbor as ourselves,” one way to

    honor that duty was to offer the use of our empty

    spaces during this time of community need. The city

    has assured us that Immanuel will not have any costs

    associated with this agreement.

    So, there you have it – The State of Immanuel Luther-

    an Church and School as we enter the month of May,


    A final word: as a personal matter, I am truly longing

    for the day when we will once again meet together in

    the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I had no idea

    when this all began of just how much I would miss the

    people of God here at Immanuel. I’m comforted in

    knowing that many of you are being fed (albeit tech-

    nologically) in Bible study and the Divine Service. In

    fact, I’m pleased that so many are joining us online for

    the study of God’s Word! Let’s try to keep that mo-

    mentum going, even AFTER the pandemic has


    God’s continued blessings to you and yours!

    Stay safe (in Christ)!

    Pastor Karner

    1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

    These scholarships

    will be awarded in August.

    (Continued from Page 2)

  • Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger May 2020 6

    Signing up is as simple as going to our church website www.ilcs.org and clicking

    on the “Donate Now myEoffering” button. You’ll register an account and within

    minutes you will be giving your first online donation. The steps are outlined on

    the next page.

  • Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger May 2020 7

  • Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger May 2020 8

    April Birthdays












    5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    19 20 21 22 23 24 25

    26 27 28 29 30

    Margaret Cassala

    Noreen Kirschner

    Timothy Sonstroem

    Kristy Wolfe

    David Grossmann Michael Triplett

    Judith Buonafede

    Mary Kuharski

    Kendall Raymond

    Benjamin Schuler Gabriella Buonafede Morgan Bielert

    William Palmisano, Jr.

    Ann Winters

    Maliki Matthews

    Brandon Kohl

    Danish Nazir

    Sylva Voisine

    Bill Emmert

    Jennifer Phillips

    Dawn Raymond

    Janet Hackett Jessica Divinere

    Dillon Kohl

    Aliza Redman

    Alyson Schaffrick

    Rick Simons

    Preston Fitzgerald

    Charles McIntyre

    Daniel Bielert, II

    Jacob Holcomb

    Janice Monzillo

    RoseMarie Pavlik

    David Ryskowski

    Julie Perry Randolf Jabs

    Amanda Neumann

    Joanne Tanasi

    Magda Jabs

    Gladys Lagace

    Ryan Hislop

    Becky Wells

    Jared Harrington

    Irene Kraus

    Barbara Nye

    Albert May

    Jacob Wolfe

    On April, 6, Volunteers for the Orphan Grain Train’s (OGT)

    New England Branch assisted Bristol Hospital employees in

    loading needed supplies for the Hospital’s use during the

    COVID-19 pandemic.

    The items included 36 Hospital Beds, 36 Bed Rails, 38 Mat-

    tresses, 21 Mattress toppers, 31 Hospital Style Patient Moni-

    tors, 10,000 gloves, and boxes of Isolation Gowns and disposa-

    ble Bed Pads.

    All these items have been received as donations and OGT vol-

    unteers have picked them up to store in the warehouse to assist

    those in need. After doing 35 shipments throughout the world

    and to hard hit areas in the United States, it is wonderful to be

    able to help an organization like the Bristol Hospital in a time

    of need. OGT has the use of a warehouse in Terryville that is

    owned by Mr. Bill Allread who has made space available for

    this charitable work.

    Other shipments have gone to missions in a number of coun-

    tries, e.g. Liberia, Nicaragua, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Moldova,

    Lithuania, Latvia, Liberia, Nepal, the Philippines, Ghana and

    the Republic of Georgia, as well as Appalachia and hurricane

    relief for Puerto Rico, Florida and North Carolina. The Branch

    also helps those locally in New England, giving medical items

    that have been donated to individuals in need and thru the visit-

    ing nurse and hospice care organizations of the area. It has also

    helped with a shipment to the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.

    The effort is an Outreach Ministry of the Lutheran Church Mis-

    souri Synod, and OGT is a 501(c)(3) charity affiliated with the

    church and supported locally by Holy Trinity Lutheran in Ter-

    ryville, Immanuel Lutheran in Bristol, St. John Lutheran in

    Waterbury, and is open to all who want to help others. For

    more information, please call Holy Trinity at 860-582-0723

    and/or check out the OGT.org website.

    Orphan Grain Train

    Assists Bristol Hospital During Pandemic

  • Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger May 2020 9

    May Birthdays










    3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    17 18 19 20 21 22 23

    24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Victoria Holcomb

    Mary Ann Kalwat

    Kaitlyn Thormahlen

    Pauline Blaschke

    Sue Lutz

    Aaron Boutin

    David Thormahlen

    Kenadee Boney

    Edna Kozikowski Morgan Boucher

    Cassandra Ewen

    Rudy Finger

    John Mora

    Matthew Raspanti

    Robert Boutin

    Marian Goodwin

    Morgan Moliengo

    Michael Rodgers

    James Christopher, III

    Kimberly Martin

    Elaine Blank

    Samuel Gahr

    Meadow Wells

    Kelly Lejeune Casey McIntyre

    Paul Strawderman

    Carol Young Adam Beaudet

    Roberta Kuhr

    Nancy Mitchell Nate Kisser

    Matthew Tonn

    Michael DeAngelo

    Annabelle Kirschner

    Lorraine Sonstrom

    Tyler Bodley

    Eva Zebrowski

    Savannah Duval Bryan Pavlik Donald Kalwat Christy Hislop

    Oscar Jobs

    Anne Stuhlman

    John Bohn

    Seth Foley

    Mark Brasche

    Sophia Reid

    Amelie Hutton

    Parker Synder

    Gregory Blaschke, Jr.

    Henry Darm

    Hedwig Maretzki

    Billee Wallace

    Do You Know?

    Are you aware of what the Christian Church considers to be the highest church

    festival after Easter (#1) and Christmas (#2)? Is it Pentecost? No. Is it Epipha-

    ny? No. What about any of the services of Holy Week – Palm Sunday, Maundy

    Thursday, or Good Friday? Nope.

    The answer is – Ascension Day! After His resurrection, Jesus appeared sev-

    eral times to His disciples and others. During this time, He spoke to them about

    the kingdom of God and the coming of the Holy Spirit, for whom they were to

    wait. After 40 days of these appearances, He was taken up to heaven for the last

    time. As the disciples watched Him go, two angels appeared and declared to

    them that, just as He ascended, Jesus would return in glory.

    According to one of the early church fathers, Augustine of Hippo, the Feast of

    Ascension originated with the Apostles. It may be one of the oldest feasts prac-

    ticed by the Church, possibly going as far back as AD 68. There is no written

    evidence, however, of the church honoring Ascension Day until Augustine’s

    time in the fourth century. Churches around the world have observed Ascension Day Feasts for centuries.


    Thursday, May 21, at 7 pm

    3rd Saturday in May


    Isla Kirschner

  • Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger May 2020 10




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