Rethinking Parallel Execution Guri Sohi (along with Matthew Allen, Srinath Sridharan, Gagan Gupta) University of Wisconsin- Madison

Rethinking Parallel Execution

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Rethinking Parallel Execution. Guri Sohi (along with Matthew Allen, Srinath Sridharan, Gagan Gupta) University of Wisconsin-Madison. Outline. From sequential to multicore Reminiscing: Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) Canonical parallel processing and execution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rethinking Parallel Execution

Guri Sohi(along with Matthew Allen, Srinath

Sridharan, Gagan Gupta)University of Wisconsin-Madison

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• From sequential to multicore• Reminiscing: Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP)• Canonical parallel processing and execution• Rethinking canonical parallel execution• Dynamic Serialization• Consequences of Dynamic Serialization• Wrap up

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Microprocessor Generations

• Generation 1: Serial• Generation 2: Pipelined• Generation 3: Instruction-level Parallel (ILP)• Generation 4: Multiple processing cores

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Microprocessor Generations

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Gen 1: Sequential (1970s) Gen 2: Pipelined (1980s)

Gen 3: ILP (1990s)

Gen 4: Multicore (2000s)

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From One Generation to Next

• Significant debate and research – New solutions proposed– Old solutions adapt in interesting ways to become

viable or even better than new solutions

• Solutions that involve changes “under the hood” end up winning over others

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From One Generation to Next

• From Sequential to Pipelined– RISC (MIPS, Sun SPARC, Motorola 88k, IBM PowerPC)

vs. CISC (Intel x86)– CISC architectures learned and employed RISC


• From Pipelined to Instruction-Level Parallel– Statically scheduled VLIW/EPIC– Dynamically scheduled superscalar

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From One Generation to Next

• From ILP to Multicore– Parallelism based upon canonical parallel execution

model– Overcome constraints to canonical parallelization• Thread-level speculation (TLS)• Transactional memory (TM)

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Reminiscing about ILP• Late 1980s to mid 1990s• Search for “post RISC” architecture– More accurately, instruction processing model

• Desire to do more than one instruction per cycle—exploit ILP

• Majority school of thought: VLIW/EPIC• Minority: out-of-order (OOO) superscalar


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VLIW/EPIC School• Parallel execution requires a parallel ISA• Parallel execution determined statically (by

compiler)• Parallel execution expressed in static program• Take program/algorithm parallelism and mold it to given

execution schedule for exploiting parallelism


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VLIW/EPIC School• Creating effective parallel representations

(statically) introduces several problems– Predication– Statically scheduling loads– Exception handling– Recovery code

• Lots of research addressing these problems• Intel and HP pushed it as their future (Itanium)


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OOO Superscalar• Create dynamic parallel execution from

sequential static representation– dynamic dependence information accurate– execution schedule flexible

• None of the problems associated with trying to create a parallel representation statically

• Natural growth path with no demands on software


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Lessons from ILP Generation• Significant consequences of trying to statically

detect and express parallelism• Techniques that make “under the hood” changes

are the winners– Even though they may have some



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The Multicore Generation• How to achieve parallel execution on multiple

processors?• Solution critical to the long-term health of the

computer and information technology industry• And thus the economy and society as we know it


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The Multicore Generation• How to achieve parallel execution on multiple

processors?• Over four decades of conventional wisdom in

parallel processing– Mostly in the scientific application/HPC arena– Use this as basis

Parallel Execution Requires a Parallel Representation


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Canonical Parallel Execution ModelA: Analyze program to identify independence in

program– independent portions executed in parallel

B: Create static representation of independence– synchronization to satisfy independence assumption

C: Dynamic parallel execution unwinds as per static representation– potential consequences due to static assumptions


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Canonical Parallel Execution Model• Like VLIW/EPIC, canonical model creates a variety

of problems that have lead to a vast body of research– identifying independence– creating static representation– dynamic unwinding


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Identifying Independence

• Static program analysis– Over four decades of work

• Hard to identify statically– Inherently dynamic properties– Must be conservative statically

• Need to identify dependence in order to identify independence

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Creating Static Representation

• Parallel representation for guaranteed independent work

• Insert synchronization for potential dependences– Conservative synchronization moves parallel

execution towards sequential execution

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Dynamic Unwinding

• Non-determinism– Changes to program state may not be repeatable

• Race conditions• Several startup companies to deal with this


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Conventional Wisdom

Parallel Execution Requires a Parallel Representation

Consequences:• Must create parallel representation• For correct execution, must statically identify:– Independence for parallel representation– Dependence for synchronization

• Source of enormous difficulty and complexity– Generally functions of input to program– Inherently dynamic properties

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Current Approaches

• Stick with canonical model and try to overcome limitations

• Thread Level Speculation (TLS) and Transactional Memory (TM)

• Techniques to allow programmer to program sequentially but automatically generate parallel representation

• Techniques to handle non-determinism and race conditions.

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TLS and TM

• Overcome major constraint to creating static parallel representation

• Likely in several upcoming microprocessors– Our work in mid 1990s will be key enabler• Already in Sun MAJC, NEC Merlot, Sun Rock

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Static Program RepresentationIssues Sequential ParallelBugs Yes Yes (more)

Data races No Yes

Locks/Synch No Yes

Deadlock No Yes

Nondeterminism No Yes

Parallel Execution ? Yes

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• Can we get parallel execution without a parallel representation? Yes

• Can dynamic parallelization extract parallelism that is inaccessible to static methods? Yes

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Serialization Sets: What?

• Sequential program representation and dynamic parallel execution– No static representation of independence– No locks and no explicit synchronization

• “Under the hood” run time system dynamically determines and orders dependent computations– Independence and thus parallelism falls out as a side

• Comparable or better performance than conventional parallel models

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How? Big Picture• Write program in well object-oriented style

– Method operates on data of associated object (ver. 1)• Identify parts of program for potential parallel

execution– Make suitable annotations as needed

• Dynamically determine data object touched by selected code– Identify dependence

• Program thread assigns selected code to bins

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How? Big Picture• Serialize computations to same object

– Enforce dependence– Assign them to same bin; delegate thread executes

computations in same bin sequentially• Do not look for/represent independence

– Falls out as an effect of enforcing dependence– Computations in different bins execute in parallel

• Updates to given state in same order as in sequential program– Determinism– No races– If sequential correct; parallel execution is correct (same input)

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Big Picture


Program Thread

Delegate Thread 0

Delegate Thread 2

Delegate Thread 1

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Serialization Sets: How?• Sequential program with annotations

– Identify potentially independent methods– Associate a serializers with objects to express dependence

• Serializer groups dependent method invocations into a serialization set– Runtime executes in order to honor dependences

• Independent method invocations in different sets– Runtime opportunistically parallelizes execution

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Example: Debit/Credit Transactions

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trans_t* trans;while ((trans = get_trans ()) != NULL) {

account_t* account = trans->account;

if (trans->type == DEPOSIT) account->deposit (trans->amount);

else if (trans->type == WITHDRAW) account->withdraw (trans->amount);}

Several static unknowns!

# of transactions?

Points to?

Loop-carried dependence?

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Multithreading Strategy

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trans_t* trans;while ((trans = get_trans ()) != NULL) {

account_t* account = trans[i]->account;

if (trans->type == DEPOSIT) account->deposit (trans->amount);

else if (trans->type == WITHDRAW) account->withdraw (trans->amount);}

1) Read all transactions into an array2) Divide chunks of array among multiple threads

Oblivious to what accounts each thread may access!→ Methods must lock account to→ ensure mutual exclusion

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private <account_t> private_account_t;

begin_nest ();trans_t* trans;while ((trans = get_trans ()) != NULL) { private_account_t* account = trans->account;

if (trans->type == DEPOSIT) account->delegate(deposit, trans->amount);

else if (trans->type == WITHDRAW) account->delegate(withdraw, trans->amount);}end_nest ();

End nesting level, implicit barrier

Example with Serialization Sets

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Declare wrapped account type

Initiate nesting level

Delegate indicates potentially-independent operations

At execution, delegate:1)Creates method invocation structure2)Gets serializer pointer from base class3)Enqueues invocation in serialization set

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SS #100 SS #200 SS #300











Program context

Delegate context

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Program thread

Delegate threadsProgram context

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SS #100 SS #200 SS #300











Delegate contextDelegate 0 Delegate 1depositacct=100$2000




















Race-free, determinate execution without synchronization!

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Prometheus: C++ Library for SS

• Template library– Compile-time instantiation of SS data structures– Metaprogramming for static type checking

• Runtime orchestrates parallel execution

• Portable– x86, x86_64, SPARC V9– Linux, Solaris

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Prometheus Runtime

• Version 1.0– Dynamically extracts parallelism– Statically scheduled– No nested parallelism

• Version 2.0– Dynamically extracts parallelism– Dynamically scheduled• Work-stealing scheduler

– Supports nested parallelism

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Network Packet Classification


packet_t* packet;classify_t* classifier;vector<int> ruleCount(num_rules);Vector<packet_queue_t> packet_queues;int packetCount = 0;


while ((packet = packet_queues[i].get_pkt()) != NULL){ruleID = classifier->softClassify (packet);ruleCount[ruleID]++;packetCount++;


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Example with Serialization Sets


Private <classify_t> private_classify_t;vector<private_classify_t> classifiers;int packetCount = 0;vector<int> ruleCount(numRules,0);int size = packet_queues.size();begin_nest ();for (i=0;i<size;i++){

classifiers[i].delegate (&classifier_t::softClassify,

packet_queues[i]);}end_nest ();

for(i=0;i<size;i++){ruleCount += classifier[i].getRuleCount();packetCount += classifier[i].getPacketCount();


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Packet Classification(No Locks!)


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Network Intrusion Detection• Very common networking application• Most common program used: Snort– Open source version (like Linux)– But also commercial versions (Sourcefire)

• Basic structure of computation also found in many other deep packet inspection applications– E.g., packet de-duplication (Riverbed)

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Other Applications• Benchmarks

– Lonestar, NU-MineBench, PARSEC, Phoenix

• Conventional Parallelization– pthreads, OpenMP

• Prometheus versions– Port program to sequential C++ program– Idiomatic C++: OO, inheritance, STL– Parallelize with serialization sets

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Statically Scheduled Results

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4 Socket AMD Barcelona (4-way multicore) = 16 total cores

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Statically Scheduled Results

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Summary• Sequential program with annotations– No explicit synchronization, no locks

• Programmers focus on keeping computation private to object state– Consistent with OO programming practices

• Dependence-based model– Determinate race-free parallel execution

• Do as well or better than incumbents but without their negatives

• Can do things that are very hard for incumbents

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