Resume of CBSWM C0-Benefits Project In Yogyakarta with Mr. Tonni Kurniawan from UNU-IAS Japan 6 & 8 December 2011 (Team Visit: Toni Kurniawan, Iswanto, Sabrina Putri, Dhimas Risang, and Hadziq Ahmad) Tuesday, 6 December 2011 First visit (11.00- 13.00) : Sukunan Village Sukunan Village, one of first pioneer Community-Based Solid Waste Management Activities in Yogyakarta Province. Sukunan is located in Sleman Regency, District Gamping, Sub-District Banyraden, part of Yogyakarta Municipal. This area is directly adjacent with Yogyakarta city and become one of district that include in Yogyakarta Urban Area (Greater Yogyakarta). Sukunan Village starts its own CBSWM in 2004, based on waste problem background. During that time, there was many conflicts shown up and cause some environmental effect inside Sukunan. One thing that considered become the major problem is waste didn’t collect by the local authority so people thread their waste by burning individually, thrown away in the river, or sometimes just dump in their ground or street. This condition forces Mr. Iswanto as a key person of Sukunan village to make up a way out of this waste problem. Then this idea of independent solid waste management created and spread around Sukunan, implemented in every household so can overcome the previous waste problem. Until 2011, Sukunan Village has developed some environment activities followed the CBSWM, such as Biopori, Absorption wells, Biogas (From cattle feces), communal waste water management, handcraft from plastic waste, Styrofoam concentrate block others tourism environmental activities. Mr. Iswanto as a leader of Sukunan Village said that to run the system in Sukunan, they build a tax system collected for each business unit so the village can

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Resume of CBSWM C0-Benefits Project In Yogyakarta with Mr. Tonni Kurniawan from UNU-IAS Japan

6 & 8 December 2011

(Team Visit: Toni Kurniawan, Iswanto, Sabrina Putri, Dhimas Risang, and Hadziq Ahmad)

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

First visit (11.00- 13.00) : Sukunan Village

Sukunan Village, one of first pioneer Community-Based Solid Waste Management Activities in Yogyakarta Province. Sukunan is located in Sleman Regency, District Gamping, Sub-District Banyraden, part of Yogyakarta Municipal. This area is directly adjacent with Yogyakarta city and become one of district that include in Yogyakarta Urban Area (Greater Yogyakarta). Sukunan Village starts its own CBSWM in 2004, based on waste problem background. During that time, there was many conflicts shown up and cause some environmental effect inside Sukunan. One thing that considered become the major problem is waste didn’t collect by the local authority so people thread their waste by burning individually, thrown away in the river, or sometimes just dump in their ground or street. This condition forces Mr. Iswanto as a key person of Sukunan village to make up a way out of this waste problem. Then this idea of independent solid waste management created and spread around Sukunan, implemented in every household so can overcome the previous waste problem. Until 2011, Sukunan Village has developed some environment activities followed the CBSWM, such as Biopori, Absorption wells, Biogas (From cattle feces), communal waste water management, handcraft from plastic waste, Styrofoam concentrate block others tourism environmental activities. Mr. Iswanto as a leader of Sukunan Village said that to run the system in Sukunan, they build a tax system collected for each business unit so the village can maintain all the activities to keep the sustainability. Sukunan has started CBSWM which overcome the waste collected and waste problem then become the entry point of economic growth inside the village, also job opportunities for the people (internal scale) in Sukunan.

Second Visit (13.00-14.30) : Tirtasani Residence

Tirtasani residence is one of residence or housing settlement in Sleman Regency directly adjacent with Yogyakarta city. Located in the border of 3 regency, Sleman, Yogyakarta, and Bantul, Tirtasani is one of middle-up residencial settlement that consists of 100 Households. Each household consists of average 4 number of people. Tirtasani built up their CBSWM in 2008, based on waste collected problem. Before started the CBSWM, Tirtasani collect their household and garden waste by using government collected service. The waste was picked up once a week, and considered too long period of waste picking time. The waste often neglected because the late of collecting service. Then

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Tirtasani disposed the waste in solid waste temporary disposal site near Tirtasani, but located in Bantul Regency. Bantul’s government charged Tirtasani Rp.600.000,- per month for the waste disposal. But the time after, Bantul give a protest and closed the temporary disposal site for Tirtasani. Because of this problem, Mr. Sardjito as person who lived in Tirtasani residence had initiative to start independent solid waste management, copied from Sukunan Village. First trouble come from Tirtasani community, who didn’t want to implement this kind waste management. They thought, buy paying some money to the hired operator the waste problem already done. But Mr. Sardjito try to convince community to do the waste management start from household scale by sorting the waste into organic and an organic waste. The system now have worked very good although some sorting activities in household scale were missing. Tirtasani built their on waste disposal site, and process the organic waste into compost. The an organic waste is sorted by the operator and sold to the scavenger. Tirtasani has 5 waste management operator, paid by routine contribution from Tirtasani community. These are some following data related to the waste production of Tirtasani Residence (100 Household).

Type of Waste VolumeGarden 28-30 m3/dayFood (Kitchen) 7-7,5 m2/dayPlastic 93 Kg/ monthPaper 410 Kg/monthCans < 3 kg/monthResidual 8 m3/month

From organic waste, Tirtasani produces compost 1,5- 2 Ton/month. This compost is distributed to some city garden in Yogyakarta. Average rate of compost sold price is about Rp 8000/20 Kg. Sometimes compost production from Tirtasani is not enough to supply the city demand. The sold from an organic waste, Tirtasani get 400-500 hundred thousand rupiah per month. And last, residual waste which can not be proceed is collected from Tirtasani residence by Sleman’ government service then dispose directly to the final disposal site in Piyungan (Bantul).

Thursday 8 December 2011

First visit (08.00-10.00): Among Siwi Pandes, Bantul

Among Siwi is kind of local playgroup exist in Dusun Pandes, Bangungharjo Village, District

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Sewon, Bantul Regency. The uniqueness of this playgroup is students who study have to pay the school fee with an organic waste. Among Siwi start class with 2-year-old children and other class with 3-4 year old children. Among Siwi playgroup is part of cultural community in Dusun Pandes called ‘”Pojok Budaya”. This community has vision to return soul of tradition in Dusun Pandes which is had been famous as Tradition Toy Maker such as (Kitiran, Wayang, Otok-otok, Gangsing, etc). Pojok Budaya is independent community which has self-funding, come from independent business. Among Siwi become one of community service from Pojok Budaya. Among Siwi has 43 students, start the class with 2-year-old children and other class with 3-4 year old children. Organic waste which collected from the students is used as their school fee per month. Teachers give sorting bag to the parents so they can sort their households waste the collected to school. There is no target volume per student from their collected waste. Waste is considered as a most economist and profitable for people from Dusun Pandes to collected. And also can give a good learning of environment to children. But in average, per month Among Siwi can sold the organic waste (consist of plastic, paper, and bottle) in about IDR 800.000 – 1 Million, so school fee for each student is about IDR 20.000. It used for school operational and traditional snack given to the students every day. But Among Siwi still can not pay the teacher’s fee. Pojok Budaya as a primary community organisation pay teacher’s fee by making up own business unit for support economic fund. There are at least 2 kind of business unit belong to Pojok Budaya, Sengon Farm and Bio diesel from “Nyamplung” ( kind of Jarak plant). Bio diesel from “Nyamplung” is bought by cellular provider

as fuel for BTS (base transceiver station) generator. Average price for bio diesel is about IDR 9.200 – 10.300/liter. Pojok Budaya often sold it 5 percent below the average price. Income from biodiesel can cover all Pojok Budaya activities, and maintain sustainability of Among Siwi playgroup. Among Siwi playgroup still run without any helping funds. And also Pojok Budaya has created new choice of renewable energy resources from “Nyamplung” biodiesel.

Second visit (10.00-11.00): Final Disposal Site, Piyungan Bantul

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Final disposal site located in District Piyungan, Bantul Regency, adjacent with Gunung Kidul Regency. This site is used for waste disposal from 3 regency; Sleman, Yogyakarta, and Bantul. Management of Piyungan Waste Disposal is under Sekber Kartamantul (cooperation 3 local governnment in managing infrastructure; Solid and Water waste). Piyungan disposal site is kind of sanitary landfills with Leached management use filtration technology from ITS Surabaya. Piyungan has 7 pools of leached process. Piyungan disposal site has active period until 2012, and planned to be expanded (size and period) to cover waste disposal in future.

Third visit (10.00-11.00): CBSWM in Potorono Banguntapan Bantul

CBSWM in Potorono Bantul (named “BMS”) is located near Piyungan disposal site. BMS has characteristic as type of sub urban area. There is still found paddy field and other farm plants. BMS produce compost from their organic waste that collected by BMS. Compost production reach 4 ton/ month and distribute to Magelang and other regency around Yogyakarta. BMS compost has good quality for fertilizing land faming. BMS has already used it for themselves as “Cabe Rawit” farming (small chilli from Indonesia). The chilli also get inside into vegetable market around Yogyakarta.

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Other location will be visited next times

- Gondolayu, Bumi Lestari Yogyakarta- Bener Sir Asih, Yogyakarta- Pandeyan Kampung Hijau Yogyakarta