Results Plot in ANSYS Mechanical Users Guide

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  • 8/20/2019 Results Plot in ANSYS Mechanical Users Guide


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    Results Plot in ANSYS MechanicalUsers Guide (V17)

    Page 1347 of ANSYS Mechanical Users Guide

     This eans ! should "e di#erent $or di#erent %oints "ecause di#erent %oints

    ha&e di#erent %rinci%le (Prin'S1 S S*) stress and di#erent S+,V-

    .ut i$ using the /les(%0 and l) in the anual ! &alue is constant 2hich is e3ual

    to 4onst'1 (5-67)-

    used hand8calculation to get the %lot o$ ! &alue

  • 8/20/2019 Results Plot in ANSYS Mechanical Users Guide


    P a g e  | 2

    s this an error in the anual or not9