Restoration Of The Messiah's Name Compiled by: Yeremyah – Yahweh's House Ministries www.Yahweh.House About Yeremyah Shalom, my name is Yeremyah, and at age of 33, I invited “Jesus” into my heart and became a Christian. Yet it was not until 20 years later, that I awoken out of spiritual sleep and realised that I had been lied to and deceived for so many decades, and that Christianity and the messiah “Jesus” is a lie and deception! I realised the Bible doesn't even teach to invite “Jesus” into my heart, I realised that the earliest most credible texts we have does not teach we should call ourselves “Christians”. I realised that learning the one and only true Name of the Messiah matters, especially seeing Acts 4:12 says there is only ONE NAME that saves us. I realised I needed to start challenging and questioning EVERYTHING Christianity had taught me. I have compiled the following from decades of seeking truth, growth and understanding, and what I have learned from speaking with some Scholars, Theologians, and people who study the Holy Scriptures, and from studying the Holy Scripture for myself. I humbly acknowledge that I am still growing in understanding, however these following conclusions are what I sincerely have arrived at at this stage of my life journey. I hope you enjoy what you learn and I pray it wakes you up, raises your awareness and helps you realise how the Pope’s, Rabbi’s, Priests, Christian Pastors, Judaism and Christianity have been feeding you lies in regard to the true Name for our Messiah! Introduction Most of us have been raised, wired, conditioned and brainwashed to believe that “Jesus” was the Name the Messiah was given at birth. If we open the Webster's Dictionary from the 1800's unabridged, and looked at the name “Jesus.” It says; A supplanted name. If we look up the word "supplanted.", it means; To replace by force, to take the place of another through means of force, to replace one thing for something else. Now, why would anyone replace the Name of the Messiah for another name? Most people when they learn that the true Messiah's Name was replaced with another false name, usually experience mixed emotions such as anger, disappointment, and disgust that they have been deceived and lied to all these years. Yet others seem very apathetic, they do not care and say it doesn't matter what name we call him! But does it matter? Yes it does! If any genuine and sincere truth seeker sets out to study the original Scripture languages more thorough, and to really understand why someone had replaced our Messiah's Name, they will be horrified how Satan has deceived the WHOLE WORLD, Revelation 12:9, and replacing the true Name of the Messiah with a false name! And the Name matters, as Acts 4:12 teaches us there is only ONE NAME that saves us, it never says multiple different names saves us.

Restoration Of The Messiah's Name - Yahweh · Restoration Of The Messiah's Name Compiled by: Yeremyah – Yahweh's House Ministries About Yeremyah Shalom, my name is Yeremyah, and

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Restoration Of The Messiah's NameCompiled by: Yeremyah – Yahweh's House Ministries


About Yeremyah

Shalom, my name is Yeremyah, and at age of 33, I invited “Jesus” into my heart and became a Christian. Yet it was not until 20 years later, that I awoken out of spiritual sleep and realised that I had been lied to and deceived for so many decades, and that Christianity and the messiah “Jesus”is a lie and deception! I realised the Bible doesn't even teach to invite “Jesus” into my heart, I realised that the earliest most credible texts we have does not teach we should call ourselves “Christians”. I realised that learning the one and only true Name of the Messiah matters, especially seeing Acts 4:12 says there is only ONE NAME that saves us. I realised I needed to start challenging and questioning EVERYTHING Christianity had taught me.

I have compiled the following from decades of seeking truth, growth and understanding, andwhat I have learned from speaking with some Scholars, Theologians, and people who study the Holy Scriptures, and from studying the Holy Scripture for myself. I humbly acknowledge that I am still growing in understanding, however these following conclusions are what I sincerely have arrived at at this stage of my life journey. I hope you enjoy what you learn and I pray it wakes you up, raises your awareness and helps you realise how the Pope’s, Rabbi’s, Priests, Christian Pastors, Judaism and Christianity have been feeding you lies in regard to the true Name for our Messiah!


Most of us have been raised, wired, conditioned and brainwashed to believe that “Jesus” was the Name the Messiah was given at birth. If we open the Webster's Dictionary from the 1800's unabridged, and looked at the name “Jesus.” It says; A supplanted name.

If we look up the word "supplanted.", it means; To replace by force, to take the place of another through means of force, to replace one thing for something else.

Now, why would anyone replace the Name of the Messiah for another name?

Most people when they learn that the true Messiah's Name was replaced with another false name, usually experience mixed emotions such as anger, disappointment, and disgust that they have been deceived and lied to all these years. Yet others seem very apathetic, they do not care and say it doesn't matter what name we call him! But does it matter? Yes it does!

If any genuine and sincere truth seeker sets out to study the original Scripture languages more thorough, and to really understand why someone had replaced our Messiah's Name, they will be horrified how Satan has deceived the WHOLE WORLD, Revelation 12:9, and replacing the true Name of the Messiah with a false name! And the Name matters, as Acts 4:12 teaches us there is only ONE NAME that saves us, it never says multiple different names saves us.

Origin of “Jesus”

People are told that Jesus came from the Bible, but that is impossible seeing the name Jesus was not even in existence when the Bible was written! People are also told the name Jesus comes from “Iesus”, yet there was no name Iesus in the Messiah's day either! Some are told the name Jesus came from “Jehovah", however there is a problem with that, as Jehovah first appeared in an English BIBLE in 1530, when William Tyndale published a translation, and didn't exist before then!

The oldest Manuscripts and wrote יהוה as the Name of Father Yahweh and we know the Messiah had part of the Father's Name in His Name. The letter “J” wasn't used until around 1700AD in the English language. It did not officially take on the “G” sound until the mid 1700's. Even in the first original 1611AD KJV version of the Bible, there were no J letters, it says IESUS. - (The Encyclopedia Americana.)

A more accurate name for the Messiah would be “Joshua”, however, Joshua is wrong too because there is no “YAH” sound in it, and because as mentioned earlier, the letter J and G sound was not in existence in the Messiah's day or when the Scriptures were written!

According to the books Exodus and Numbers, Joshua is mentioned in a few passages as the assistant of “Mosheh” (Moses). There are several identical characteristics between Joshua and Jesus including: having the same Hebrew Name "Yahshua" which means "Yahweh is salvation" (The Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament, by Brown, Driver, and Briggs, page 221), and having the same role as leader of Israel and having the same mission of peace.

So Joshua and Jesus are really the same name. That is, the name "Jesus" is a Latin version of the Aramaic Yeshua, which is in turn taken from the Hebrew “Yahshua”. Thus, Jesus, Hebrew/English Name “יהושע / Yahshua”, was therefore named after the Old Testament Joshua.

But the question is, why do so many people today use the false name “Jesus” as the ONLY NAME under heaven to save us (Acts 4:12) when the letter J wasn't in common use until the middle 1700's? Before that time nobody ever heard of or used the name Jesus, so it's impossible the Messiah's true One and Only name is Jesus! Nobody in the Messiah's day called Him Jesus!

So if we start digging deeper, we learn that the Ancient people used “YAH” when speaking of“the god of the Hebrews”, (see text image below) and the early church Theologian and Historian Jerome called Him YHWH (Yahweh).

- “The Letters of St. Jerome, Issue 33, Volume 1”

Also, Josephus the famous Jewish Scholar and Historian spoke of the 'Four Vowels of His Name יהוה that were written in the Mitre of the High Priest. Both the Greeks and Josephus testify to Yahweh's Name being “four vowels – YHWH (YAHweh).” (Tetragrammaton)

Now, we must identify these four vowels. The fact that the Greeks and Josephus state that the first two vowels of His Name are 'iaw (Yah, IA),' we can conclude that Yah יה is the correct pronunciation. Since Yah יה is the first two vowels, we can also see that the Messiah's Name also starts with Yah יה because of the same Hebrew vowels in His Name.

Let’s now touch on the Greek New Testament:

"αυτου ιν αυτοϲϲϲ ϲγαρ ϲωϲι τον λαον αυτου απο των ἁ μαρτιῶν ἁυτων" - Mattithyah (Matthew) 1:21 CS (Codex Sinaiticus).

Translation into English: "His Name shall be called Savior of His People."

Please observe the above verse carefully, as we are using the The CS (Codex Sinaiticus), a Greek New Testament Text that was handwritten well over 1600 years ago. It contains the oldest complete copy of the New Testament we have today! Some praise the CS and others are very critical of it's credibility. So please come to your own conclusion regarding it. Within this verse above we are given a clue. It's important to understand that even though English translations indicate that Angel Gabriyl (Gabriel) gave the Messiah a Name, the CS text does NOT say that. That was only added into English translations, but doesn't align with the CS text which is the oldestNew Testament text we have.

In the Hebrew language, every Name meant something and had a meaning. So in Mattithyah

(Matthew) 1:21 we are shown that His Name would mean "Savior of His People." The word Salvation in the Hebrew is found in the Name Yahshua. It contains the exact same Hebrew vowels and letters of Joshua the son of Nun. When we look at the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, we find that some English Scholars added an 'O' in between Yah-Shua. Yet the Hebrew name of Joshua does not contain an 'O' in the middle of his Hebrew Name. In the Hebrew Name we find, if we do a correct transliteration of this Name into English, it is 'Yahshua.' The false name “Jesus” doesn't mean anything, not in Hebrew, Greek, Latin or even English!

Some argue that we write the Messiah’s Name and pronounce it in English as “Jesus”". But I disagree, because we write it and pronounce it accurately in English as "Yahshua", because then if we were to time travel back to the Messiah's day and called out "Yahshua" the Messiah, Disciples and everyone else would turn around and know who you were calling out to. But if you called out “Jesus”, nobody there would know who you were calling out to seeing the name “Jesus” didn't even exist in the Messiah's day.

If you speak with some "professed scholars," who even reject the Messiah, they will try to claim that His name is “Yeshua”, which is an Aramaic, not a Hebrew Name. Yet from antiquity, we do not find the name “Yeshua” in any of the Hebrew Names, but we find that in fact יה is rendered as iaw, Yah, or IA. The Angel Gabriyl (Gabriel), Yoseph (Joseph) and Miriam (Mary) and the Disciples such as Saul (Paul) all spoke Hebrew only, Acts 22:2, Acts 21:40, so why would the Messiah be given an Aramaic name and not Hebrew seeing He was Hebrew and so was everyone else? That makes no logical sense! (Please Note: KJV, NASB, etc all say HEBREW in those verses, but the corrupted NIV translation says Aramaic.)

What Language Did The Messiah Speak?

The truth is, Yahshua was a Hebrew, and He spoke Hebrew, so therefore His Name has Hebrew origins. He was not Aramaic and he did not have an Aramaic name, and he did not have an

English name such as “Jesus” either.

And some people today are claiming He spoke Aramaic to the people, (they reject the KJV, NASB translations etc and only embrace the NIV), but I do not believe that. The proof lies in His Stake. Pilate only put three languages above the Stake, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and NOT Aramaic, as Aramaic was already phased out at this point.

So Why So Much Confusion?

Many people simply cannot be bothered to study this for themselves, so they just accept what the wrong people tell them to believe. They are not aware that the true Name matters seeing the Scripture clearly teaches that there is salvation by through the one and only true Name,Acts 4:12, and that there is salvation calling upon the one and only true Name, Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13.

Satan, using false teachers such as Pope’s, Priests, Jews, some “Scholars”, Rabbi’s, Christian Pastors etc went to work to remove the saving Name, and replaced it with false titles and names such as “God, Lord and Jesus”, which Satan knows contain no salvation and are useless titles and names.

And people are confused regarding the original language of the Scriptures, some even deceptively believe the original manuscripts were written in English, hence, they believe “Jesus” is the true name the Messiah had from birth.

When Jerome translated the Latin Vulgate for Constantine, he had a copy of the Hebrew New Testament copied for him, so he could translate it from the Hebrew. In fact, we can still find some of the Hebrew fragments he wrote about in his commentaries of the New Testament.

So, if the New Testament was originally written in English, Greek or Aramaic, why do we find in the Greek texts, Hebrew Names, and not Aramaic? Mary (Miriam), Jospeh (Yoseph), James (Yaaqob), John (Yahchanan) etc. Why would his entire family have Hebrew names, yet the Messiah is the ONLY ONE with an English, Greek, or an Aramaic name? That makes zero sense! This again, brings us back to the word "supplanted." His Name has been replaced through force, and as a result, most of the world now call upon false non saving titles and names!

In fact, if anyone diligently researches and studies this, they will come across many obstacles, including how the Jews of Yahshua's day purposely tried to hide the Name of Yahweh, so the common people could not be saved. Also, the corrupted Jews tried to replace the true Name because they claimed it was 'too holy' to pronounce and worried if they pronounce it wrong- (The Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume 1, pages 201, 203. - The New World Encyclopedia.)

This is why Paul explained in Romans 11, that Yahweh being preached to the Gentiles, was toprovoke Israel to jealousy, to make them stop what they were doing, and come back to Yahweh, as it was written in the Prophets;

“They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not Elohim; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with foolish Gentiles.” - Deuteronomy 32:21

“Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, the sons of the living El.” - Hosea 1:10

If they did this with the Name of Yahweh יהוה they would also do it for His Son יהושע which has His Name in Him, Yahchanan (John) 5:43.

Why Do Some People Call Him “Yeshua”?

The name “Yeshua” has been a Rabbinical tradition dating back to the time of Yahshua, because they are trying to hide His Name because of jealousy and fear of pronouncing it wrong. In fact, many scholars have tried to claim that the name “Yeshua” is recorded in the New Testament, yet we find zero evidence of this, and no scholar or theologian can backup their claims and none ofthem can provide any evidence for it! It's only a theory, nothing more! There exists no evidence orproof that the name Yeshua was ever used before the Babylonian exile, it was only used AFTER that.

The name “Yeshua” only appears 29 times in the artificially added vowel pointing Aleppo, which is only found in the Aramaic Ezra, and Nehemiah texts. However, we cannot rely on that because the Aramaic texts was the language of the Chaldenas (Babylonia). The Masoretes didn't translate their copy to Hebrew, they only copied the documents that existed. Three of those letters were Aramaic, with a chapter from Daniel, and the rest were Hebrew.

To even make this claim that “Yeshua” appears in any original New Testament text is to rely on assumed work. Even the Oldest New Testament Greek document (Codex Sinaiticus) does not contain the Name of the Messiah. Instead, they wrote His Name as 'I X.' in Mattithyah (Matthew) 1:21. I is the Greek letter for the Hebrew Yodh. X (or chi = K) is the Greek letter for the Hebrew word Adonai.

Even the name Iesous, was not used in any Greek Document (besides the Septuagint, also known as LXX) until 400AD. So Iesous, and “Yeshua” could NOT be the Messiah's Name in the original Bible texts!

Yahweh and Yahshua Hamashiach (Messiah) are the correct Names of our Father Creator, andHis Son and Messiah.

In addition, some believe that “Yeshua” is a Rabbinical usage, to prevent people from speaking the Name of "Yahweh", because the Jews believe that pronouncing the Name of "Yahweh" is too risky in case they pronounce it wrong and break the third Commandment which says we should not take Yahweh's Name in vain. This leads people to call Him by false names such as Yehovah, Yahuwah, Yahovah, Yahuah, Jesus, Jehovah and “Yeshua” and not Yahweh.

Some important things to consider:

People should accept Josephus' witness of the Name (it was in his era) before ever accepting a “modern scholars”opinion.

Those that hold to “Yeshua” are taking “Jesus” back to the Aramaic, but not back to the

Hebrew. The Septuagint used "Iesous" because “Yeshua” was a common name among the Aramaic speakers, which was during Cyrus and Darius' rule in Babel. When we do a study oftransliteration, most only touch language, but never search the history, and Geology/Geography which are keys to understanding the language which one is studying.

What are Scholars Not Telling Us?

Something Scholars are hesitant to tell you, is that “Yeshua” is only found in the Babylonian captivity records, nothing past this date. So to even try to use this as His Name, is unfounded, and a useless argument! Many Scholars know these truths, yet they won't renounce the error in fear of losing their credentials.

Do We Have Any Evidence For The Name “Yeshua”?

There is absolutely zero evidence that His Name was “Yeshua” when the earliest texts do noteven give Him a Name, but initials, and even many Hebrew scholars admit that Joshua (Yahshua) the son of Nun has the same Name as the Messiah, in both Hebrew and Greek. However, as mentioned, if Scholars openly and publicly claim the Name 'Yahshua' is the true Name for our Messiah, they risk getting their credentials withdrawn for not teaching what their schools teach, and being shunned by the professed Jewish community. They will say and do anything to avoid pronouncing “YAH”. Yet interestingly, some people will say “HalleluYAH” which means “Praise YAH(weh).

As already mentioned, none of the oldest most credible Greek texts even mention His Name,and the CS (Codex Sinaiticus) in Mattithyah (Matthew) 1:21 does NOT say the Messiah's birth Name would be “Yeshua or Jesus”. So as you can see, the Christian teachers are lying when they claim His name is “Jesus”.

Archaeology has actually proven that the CS (Codex Sinaiticus) New Testament Greek text actually predates ALL of the Greek texts. It’s only in later texts that the name “Jesus” is added into verses such as Mattithyah (Matthew) 1:21, but of course the truth is, “Jesus” never appeared in any Scripture text seeing the letter J and name “Jesus” was only invented a few hundred years ago!

What About the Names of The Messiah's Earthly Family?

James the brother of Yahshua is named Yaaqob (Hebrew) in the Greek texts (see G2385 Iakobos, from H3290 Yaaqob). Same name as the Patriarch. And as has been discussed, and important to understand, is that the Messiah's parents, Mary (Mirian) and Yoseph (Joseph) had Hebrew names not Aramaic, Greek or English. So it stands to reason that the Messiah would have a Hebrew Name Yahshua and not an Aramaic name like “Yeshua”, nor an English name such as “Jesus”.

Acts 26:14 shows us that Hebrew was spoken back then, not Aramaic or any other language, so the Messiah would have had a Hebrew Name Yahshua.

So as we have learned, there is NO “Yeshua or Jesus” in the transliteration process.

The name “Jesus” came about deceptively where they chose to add a 'J' to Iesous, which later 'Christian Theologians' shortened the form of Iesous (Yahshua) by dropping the 'o' and changing the name to “Jesus.” So “Jesus and Yeshua” could NEVER be transliterations for “Yahshua”. A more accurate name to use would have been Joshua, but that is also English name and not the true Hebrew version we should be using.

The important thing to do is pronounce the correct Name for the Messiah and then write it into English in a way that when pronounced it sounds the same way it did 2000 years ago.

In the Hebrew manuscripts there are two main variant spellings of the Messiah's Name. The first spelling has 6 letters יהושוע and the second spelling has 5 letters יהושע , this is because both spellings are used in Scripture. The predominant spelling is יהושע but the longer spelling is also found in scripture. Here are two places in the Hebrew Text where the longer spelling is employed:

Above we see two spellings of “Joshua” (Correct Name YAHSHUA) found in the Hebrew Bible

Below is showing the 5 letters יהושע from Deuteronomy 3:21 from the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest and most credible Hebrew Manuscripts we have of the Old Testament, this is plate, PAM Number: M43.160,"4Q31".

Both names, Joshua and Jesus (proper Yahshua), in English come from the same name in Scripture. For examples of how the two names are interchangeable, see Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8 in the KJV and compare it with NIV etc. In both cases, the name Jesus in the KJV translation actually refers to the Old Testament character Joshua, correctly spelled Yahshua to be consistent with the Hebrew pronunciation.

The Theological Dictionary Of The New Testament, Kittel and Bromiley, Volume 3, page 284, tells us that the name Jesus (Iesous) is a Greek form of the Hebrew proper Name Yahshua. יהושע

Reading from The Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume 10, page 10, we find that the supposed name Jesus is actually the common Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua (Yahshua).

But Surely All Scholars, Priests and Pastors Know The True Name For Our Messiah?

ears? Something to be aware of, it's imperative you seek truth and understanding for yourself, as many Scholars, Theologians, Pope’s, Priests, Pastors, Teachers and other believers do not properly understand these issues. And the ones that do understand, are usually very hesitant to renounce the names “Yeshua or Jesus”, because all their credentials, reputation and money is invested into these false names.

And be aware, there is NOBODY in Israel today that is fluent in Ancient Biblical Hebrew, not even in America, fluent means "still spoken." The Ancient Biblical Hebrew language hasn't been

spoken in almost 1600 years. What they are speaking in today is a “form of Hebrew”, but not the Ancient Biblical Hebrew.

Also, Jews in Israel today are not descendants of Israel, they are Khazarians which are of German and Russian descent, and only practice the "Jewish religion." They do not fully follow Holy Scripture, they adhere to Rabbinical Judaism of the first century, which Yahshua and the apostles condemned!

A Challenge For You!

Please do your own due-diligence, and look up the name Joshua in any Concordance. “Yeshua” CANNOT TRANSLITERATE to English as Joshua, neither can Yehoshua. This is also a false transliteration. “Jo” for "Joshua" comes from the Hebrew Yah. Hebrews never used 'yeh' in ALL of their language, as it's Aramaic. The Hebrews pronounced "Yah," and called Him "Yah," and as I have shown, even the son of Nun was called "Yahshua", (which later became known as “Joshua” inEnglish) because Yahweh told Israel to obey Him, because His Name (Yahweh) was in Yahshua’s Name.

And remember, it's HalleluYAH, it's NOT pronounced 'HalleluYEH or HalleluJES. And unfortunately HalleluYAH has been translated into HalleluJAH, yet the proper way to spell it is HalleluYAH.

The best you can do to find the Hebrew Name of the Almighty Heavenly Father is look in any credible sources and Bible dictionaries, and even in any ordinary dictionaries, it's all there for anyone who seeks proper understand and truth. And the Father’s Name will be in the Son’s Namebecause the Son said He came in His Father’s Name, Yahchanan (John) 5:43.

So we know that the Messiah came in His Father’s Name as Yahchanan (John) 5:43 clearly teaches us, so let’s reason together (Isayah 1:18), seeing the Father’s Name contains YAH יה we can safely and accurately conclude that the Son’s Name must contain but if we look at how , יה“Yeshua” is spelled, it looks like this ישוע , so as you can clearly see, “Yeshua” lacks the YAH letters יה so it’s not reasonable that the Son’s Name can be “Yeshua” ישוע seeing that name doesn’t contain YAH יה. So if someone ever tries to tell you that “Yeshua” ישוע means “YAHwehis Salvation”, you now know they are giving false information seeing there is no YAH in ישוע

I challenge you to think for yourself, and consider this, what if I am right, just what if Satan, who deceives the whole world, Revelation 12:9, has indeed been behind changing the Messiah's Name Yahshua to a false name such as “Yeshua or Jesus”, in an attempt to deceive people away from His true Name? His Name matters, Acts 4:12, and Satan knows this, so it would be reasonable to consider that attacking and changing the true Name for the Messiah, יהושע is something that Satan and corrupted people have done!

Please study for yourself, do in-depth personal research, seek truth and understanding, do not completely trust and rely on “scholars” or “pastors” to teach you. Challenge everything!


If you google the Name “Yahshua”, you will find some Scholars, Doctors, Professors etc teaching against the Name Yahshua, claiming that Yahshua is not the correct Name for the Messiah.

For example, some people like Dr Daniel Botkin, Nehemia Gordon, Dr Michael L. Brown etc, they claim “Yahshua” is not correct.

However, some of these men are either unqualified in Hebrew, or know a bit of Hebrew, or claim to be educated Scholars, and calling themselves Doctors and Professors, but when you do a research into their Scriptural qualifications you will not be able to learn where exactly they studiedScripture or who exactly taught them and where their teacher received their credentials, and we do not know how they established their interpretation of the Hebrew, or who guided them to that belief. But even if they can show you a piece of paper that qualifies them as a Scholar, Professor orDoctor, that doesn't mean they teach 100% truth and that they cannot be wrong. History has proven that many Scholars, Professors and Doctors have been wrong!

Daniel Botkin for example, who says he is a Doctor, yet also teaches Scripture, claims that “Yahshua” doesn't exist in the Hebrew Scripture and no such name exists in any extra-Biblical Hebrew literature. Firstly, we do not have the original Hebrew Scripture, so he cannot make that claim and prove it, so his claims are based on assumptions! Secondly, in the copies of the Hebrew Scripture that we do have available today, “Yahshua” does appear as a legitimate interpretation asI have shown in this article. There are many people and organisations who also conclude the Hebrew to English can accurately be written as “Yahshua”. In addition, Daniel Botkin has been quoted as saying, “Personally, I would rather fellowship with non-contentious people who call the Messiah “Jesus” than with contentious people who insist that everyone call Him “Yahshua.” Now that comment is interesting and concerning, because he is judging everyone who uses the name Yahshua as provoking arguments and being controversial, however anyone who sincerely loves truth and Scripture will realise the true Name matters and Daniel and they know for a FACT that the false name “Jesus” was only invented recently in history and that it's not the Messiah's one and only true Name, so why would Daniel support a name he knows for a fact is not an accurate name for the Messiah? Why would he prefer to fellowship with people who call upon a false name that he knows is not the true name for the Messiah? These are concerning questions that need to be considered before deciding to follow his teachings.

So Daniel will claim to teach truth and then go fellowship with people who call upon a false name such as “Jesus” when he knows for a certain fact that is a false name! He also calls the Creator “God and Lord”, when anyone who is truly led by the Spirit of truth will realise that the true Name of Yahweh for example for the Father was not lost, Encyclopedia Judaica says this: "Thetrue pronunciation of the Name YAHWEH was never lost.” So we should not call the Creator by false titles that were made up to replace the eternal Name of Yahweh, Exodus 3:15, especially when the Creator commanded to only use the true Name forever and to be taught to ALL generations! I personally would never be taught by a man who knows better than to use a false name, but does it anyway and prefers to fellowship with people who use a false name rather than those who sincerely desire to use the Messiah's true name.

And then you get people like Nehemia Gordon, who is actually a Karaite Jew, and as we havelearned, Jews are forbidden to speak “YAH”, so they replace Yahweh and Yahshua with “YE”, and

in addition, Nehemiah rejects our wonderful Messiah that lived a righteous life and died for our sins 2000 years ago! He also rejects the “New Testament” Scripture as being inspired! This actually makes Nehemia an “Anti-Christ”, an “Anti-Messiah”. Do you really believe he is led by the Spirit of truth and that he should teach you seeing he rejects the New Testament and Messiah? Leteach person come to their own conclusion regarding that.

In the Encyclopedia Britannica, we read “After the Babylonian Exile (6th century bce), and especially from the 3rd century bce on, Jews ceased to use the Name Yahweh.” And I believe that when they ceased to stop using the true Name of the Father, Yahweh, they also then ceased to use “Yah” in the Son's Name.

There were a couple of reasons for this, as Judaism became a universal rather than merely local religion, they started only using the title “Elohim” in place of Yahweh to demonstrate the universal sovereignty of Israel’s Elohim over all others. Also, they started to believe the Name of “Yahweh” was too holy, divine and sacred to be uttered; it was thus replaced vocally in the synagogue ritual by the title of Adonai, which was then translated as Kyrios (“the false title of “Lord”) in the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Hebrew Scriptures.

And Nehemia Gordon has even published several books on the subject of "Jesus", where he openly rejects the Messiah who lived 2000 years ago. - Nehemia Gordon, The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus (Hilkiah Press, 2005) 71. So do you feel comfortable being taught by an “Anti-Christ” (Anti-Messiah)? Let each person come to their own conclusion.

And another man who speaks against “Yahshua” is Dr Michael L. Brown who is also a professor of practical theology. He says he is now a Messianic Jew. He does teach some truth, for example, the true Messiah living 2000 years ago and that homosexuality should not be accepted. However, he is just another teacher who sits on the fence, as he also says that gays should be treated with respect and dignity, indicating some form of support for homosexuals. (Can you be Gay and Christian? Michael Brown vs. Harry Knox". Retrieved October 30, 2014.) He sits on the fence on many issues, including the Name for the Messiah. Anyone who truly loves and studies Scripture will read many verses where it talks about the importance of the one and only true Name, yet Michael L. Brown will call the Messiah by two names in the same breath, including referring to Him by a false name that he knows is not the one and only true Name for the Messiah!In my belief, such a fence sitting teacher cannot be trusted to be truly led by the Father, because the Father would never call upon a false name such as “Jesus” when referencing the Son! Would you call your son at birth a particular name and then years later be happy if others started calling your son a false name without your approval? Of course not! But as with the others, let each person come to their own conclusion if they feel comfortable being taught by Michael.

In my humble belief, when a person is genuinely and truly born of the Ruach ha-Kodesh (Spirit of the Father), they would never call the Messiah by a fake name, especially seeing the Scripture teaches the importance of His true Name. Who would even call a friend by a fake name that is not their real name!?

So these fence sitting and apathetic teachers cannot be trusted in my humble opinion to teach all truth and should not be trusted to teach the Name of the Son.

So ask yourself, do you trust being taught by these Scholars, Doctors and Professors when we have no true idea of their motives or Scripture qualifications or where they received them and

who taught them and how their teachers were taught and so on? And do you really want to be taught by Jews who openly reject the Messiah, and who live by Jewish tradition and superstitious beliefs to never pronounce the true Name of the Creator? Do you really believe such people are led and taught by the Ruach ha-Kodesh to teach all truth?

In my humble belief, these people want to forbid the Name Yahshua being spoken, they want to silence the YAH and replace it with “Yeshua or Jesus”, because they have been brought upto believe that we should never use the Name YAH because of concerns of taking the Name of Yahweh in vain, so they also removed the YAH in the Son's Name also. In fact, Satan has encouraged most people and even translators to completely remove the Father's Name Yahweh and Son's Name Yahshua from all Scripture! Satan is definitely at work with this I believe!

These people are either Jews, Pagan Christians, false teachers, Doctors, Professors or Scholars who I fear are not led by the Ruach ha-Kodesh, or people and Karaite Jews who do not want to use YAH due to personal and Jewish superstitious beliefs.

Genuinely ask yourself, do you really want to be taught by these people on the internet, youtube, facebook etc that you have no idea about their motives and intentions, or if they have genuine Scripture education and qualifications? And even if they have received some Hebrew andScripture qualifications and credentials and are fluent in Hebrew, and are indeed a Scholar, that doesn't mean they are teaching truth, as many Scholars argue and disagree among themselves and many Scholars today do not teach all truth, and the Scholars of the Messiah's day were fluent in Hebrew and studied the Scriptures, however, they were wrong and had misinterpreted the Scriptures, hence they rejected the true Messiah back then, as the modern day Jews do today!

So even many Scholars, Doctors, Professors, Pastors etc cannot be trusted to teach us all truth, especially seeing they argue, debate and disagree among themselves as well!

I do gather ideas and teachings from others, however, I then personally read the Scriptures for myself to check those teachings, and I take those teachings to the Ruach ha-Kodesh for validation and confirmation of truth, as Scripture has promised me that if I sincerely turn to the Ruach ha-Kodesh, He will lead me into ALL TRUTH, John 16:13.

And it's interesting that some of these people who claim Yahshua should not be used, are usually the same people who use the false name “Jesus” which every bible student knows with 100% certainty does not appear in the earliest Hebrew or biblical texts! So they will continue using the false name “Jesus” which they know for a fact does not appear in any early manuscripts, yet on the other side of the coin try to claim Yahshua should not be used. It seems that these people will say anything to try to deceive people into not saying YAH in the Name of Father and Son.

And I encourage you to do your own due-diligence and research, and always love and seek all truth, because no matter what anyone tells you, remember, learning and using the true Names for Father and Son matters, it's vitally important, as there is salvation in the Name according to Scripture:

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." - Acts 4:12

Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13 also teaches us the importance of the true Name, they mention

that whosoever shall call on the true Name shall be saved. And these verses refer to the one and only true original Name, not false titles and false names that were invented later on, e.g “Lord, Jesus, God” etc. This is the reason Satan encouraged corrupted copyists, translators, scholars, doctors, professors, teachers, pastors, preachers, priests, popes etc to stop calling upon the one and only true Name, because Satan knows there is salvation in the true Name!


As we have discussed, in my humble belief, the true Name for our Father is Yahweh יהוה and the true Name for our Messiah is Yahshua יהושע. Any other names simply cannot be defended accurately or truthfully in my opinion.

Many people in history have diligently studied the Scriptures, and yet have taught error, Yahchanan (John) 5:39. So just because some “learned” people tell you that you should call the Messiah “Yeshua or Jesus” doesn't make it true! Remember the so called Scripture teachers of theMessiah’s day were wrong in their understanding of Scripture, likewise today, many Jews, Rabbi's, Scholars, Doctors, Professors, Theologians, Priests, Pastors and teachers of Scripture are wrong! And always remember, they even argue, debate and disagree among themselves. It's not uncommon to see two Scholars for example have a heated debate and argue and disagree with each other on many different Scripture topics. For us laypeople who do not have any worldly formal training, credentials, education, scholarship etc, it can be difficult to grow and learn in understanding seeing it can be difficult at times to be sure which Scholar is wrong and which is right. There are Scholars who teach different names to each other. So I can empathise, it can be daunting, frustrating, confusing and uncertain, which Scholar, Doctor, Professor, Pastor etc should we listen to and be taught by seeing they don't all agree with each other. So that is why I believe we have no other choice, but to take everything to the Ruach ha-Kodesh (“Holy Spirit) for confirmation and validation of truth.

I hope and pray that I have raised your awareness, and awoken you to start questioning and challenging everything you have been taught by your parents, friends, teachers, Scholars, Doctors, Professors, Rabbi's, Priests and others, and start studying for yourself. The Messiah's Name matters, Scripture proves that. We should follow Scripture before we follow others.

I hope this article has opened your mind to the importance of the true Name and activated apassion to embrace all truth and renounce all error! And at the time of Mosheh, Joshua (Yahshua), NOT “Jesus” or “Yeshua”, led Israel to the promised land, so it will be with the Yahshua Hamashiach, He will lead the redeemed into the promised land (heaven) when He returns.

Shalom, and may Yahweh bless you and bring you into understanding and all truth.

Yeremyah - Yahweh's House Ministrieshttps://www.facebook.com/yahwehhouse/


In regard to the Aramaic language, some teach that while Chaldean was influenced by Aramaic, ancient Aramaic itself goes back to the 10th century BCE, pre-dating neo-Babylon. Also, some Scholars state that Aramaic was the spoken language of the Jews during the first century CE

and that Hebrew served as an academic language. While I can’t state this dogmatically, there seems to be some evidence supporting it, but it cannot be 100% validated or confirmed.

Even though I indicate in this article that the Jews replaced the “Yah” with “Ye” within the Messiah’s Name, I do acknowledge that cannot be 100% proven. However, with the recent Scholarly work on the Akkadian Tablets, we now have solid, reliable and credible evidence, support and proof that YAH pre-dates YE. They did obviously conceal Yahweh’s name with the vowel points of Adonai (see my video regarding that using scholarly sources, titled “Yahweh vs Yehovah”), however, I cannot provide 100% proof that the Jews did this for the first syllable of the Messiah’s name. And there are many Jews who do pronounce “Yah,” but cannot pronounce both syllables together. However, I have been convicted by the Ruach HaKodesh that YAH was replacedwith YE, And now with the Akkadian Tablets evidence, Yehovah and Yeshua are names to be avoided. I encourage you to pray to the Father regarding this, for remember, the Ruach HaKodeshis the main source for Truth, John 16:13.

For further reading and study, please refer to the following links:

(Please Note: We are not affiliated with the House of Yahweh or Yahweh’s Restoration Ministries.)


Also read the following:


And please watch my video, “Why I call the Messiah Yahshua and not Yeshua or Jesus”

Above is from the Exegeses Ready Research Bible, showing the Name Yahshua.

And below is from the Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament by Brown, Driver and Briggs.