Physiological Psychology Introduction: Physiology Psychology describes or evaluates mechanisms for behavior. Behavior in its simplest definition is movement. These movements are muscular contractions which are recognizably different, yet performed publicly which makes it easy to study behavior between species. A species physiology must be compatible to its place in nature to secure survival. . What are some of these Physiological issues Identity problem- does ? Brain=behavior? Continuity problem – what is the relation between humans and animals? Religious view- human are different kinds of entities Scientific-human are part of the animal continuum

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Physiological Psychology Introduction: Physiology Psychology describes

or evaluates mechanisms for behavior. 

Behavior in its simplest definition is movement.  These movements are muscular contractions which are recognizably different, yet performed publicly which makes it easy to study behavior between species. 

A species physiology must be compatible to its place in nature to secure survival. .

What are some of these

Physiological issues Identity problem- does ?

Brain=behavior? Continuity problem – what is

the relation between humans and animals?

Religious view- human are different kinds of entities

Scientific-human are part of the animal continuum

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Mind and Body Problem Important Psychological Issue

The mind and body problem deals with three important philosophical views.

Idealism suggest mental monism or the absence of the physical world.  If one believes this he/she is more likely to behave introvertly. 

Materialism is the idea that there is no mental.  Those who believe this view behave extrovertly.

Epiphenominalism suggest that the mind is a side effect of the brain and the mind holds no power. 

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Techniques of Studying the Brain

Lesion or Abrasion methods- cutting, severing, or destroying a part of the brain. How does it effect behavior?

Used on animals-Not on humans except after the fact

After WWI many men who had suffered brain injuries were studied.


Stimulation methods-extensively used- electric stimulation, electrode implants.

Stimulation to certain parts of brain have been shown to cause: aggression, submission, and extreme sexual pleasure.

Science Fiction has already explored some concerns of using stimulation to reward or punish humans.

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Techniques for Studying the Brain

Chemical Stimulation- A cannula, small tube, is inserted into the brain and crystalline forms of neurotransmitters are introduced.

Recording Technique- Measures the activity of neurons. Recorder is inserted into axon. Electrode stimulates cell’s activity. Example-EEG- electroencephalogram.

Biochemical Technique- used to map out various neurotransmitter systems. Example- How levels of transmitters is linked to depression. Drug therapy can alter these levels.

Imaging Technique- New-Uses forms of energy and computers to create detailed pictures of the brain. Example-MRI (magnetism), CAT Scan (X-rays), and PET Scan (metabolic activity).

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NeuronsThe Basic Unit of the Nervous System

Estimated 10-12 billion or higher!

Large number of neurons= more complex nervous system.

One Neuron can connect to as many as 75 more neurons.

Pyramidal neuron located in


Three Types of Neurons: Afferent or Sensory- run from

sense organs to central nervous system.

Efferent or motor- run from the central nervous system to the muscles.

Interneurons or multipolar- Found within the brain and are multiply connected to other neurons.

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Parts of the Neuron Dendrites- All of the fibrous

extensions of the cell body except the axon. They give the Neuron its characteristic shape.

Cell Body- The part of the neuron containing the nucleus, cell membrane and contributing organelles ( endoplasmic reticular, Golgi apparatus, and mitochondria.

Axon- Conducts information from the neuron cell body to the synaptic terminals to trigger synaptic transmission. Axons also transport chemical substances from the cell body to the synaptic terminals.

Myelin- A fatty sheath of insulation that covers larger axons. Not all neurons have myelin.

Synapse- Points of functional contact between axon terminals and other cells. Chemical Synapse Electrical Synapse

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The Neuron


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Nerve ConductionWithin the Neuron Depolarization- An electrical

process -70 mill volts When the neuron is resting, not

conducting nerve impulses, it is polarized.

The cell is invaded by Na ions and the expulsion of K ions. The electric charge is gone. Depolarization occurs!

Between Neurons A chemical process When depolarization reaches

the terminal buttons, neurotransmitters are released into the synapse.

Either excite or inhibit the following neuron!

Sending neuron-presynaptic neuron

Receiving neuron- postsynaptic neuron.

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Parts of the Brain:Frontal Lobe (Forebrain)

Location: serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/kinser/

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Four Types of Messengers:1. Neurotransmitters: released by terminal buttons of

neurons and detected by receptors in the membrane of another cell a short distance away.

2. Neuromodulators: released in large amounts from the terminal buttons, but diffused throughout part of the brain, affecting many neurons

3. Hormones: produced by endocrine glands, released into extracellular fluid - stimulate cell receptors on membrane surface or deep within nuclei of cells, including neurons

4. Pheromones: chemicals released into the environment through sweat, urine, or secretions of special glands. Most receptors in nose of other animals, but may also be detected in skin or other organs

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Frontal Lobe Location- In the anterior most part of the brain (under

the forehead) Function:

Determines our consciousness of our environment. Determines how we initiate and respond to our environment. Daily decisions in our daily lives. Controls emotional responses and expressive language. Assigns meanings to the words we use. Involves word association. Controls memory for habits and motor activities. Emotional control center. Links:

http://www.waiting.com/brainfunction.html http://www.radiology.wisc.edu/Med_Students/neuroradiology/


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Parietal Lobe

Location- Near the back and top of the head (Near the back and top of the head)

Functions: Contains the location for visual attention. Contains the location for touch perception. Controls goal directed voluntary movements. Controls the manipulation of objects. Integrates different senses to allow for understanding a single

concept. If not functioning correctly epileptic behavior can occur. Links:



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Illustration of the Occipital Lobe

Link: Traumatic Brain Injury Research http://www.neuroskills.com/index.html?main=tbi/boccipit.shtml

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Occipital Lobe

Location- Located in the most posterior (Back of the head).

Functions: Center of the visual perception center. Contains the primary visual cortex. Receives projections from the lateral geniculate nucleus of the

thalamus. Numerous visual functions. Links:


http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~lngbrain/cglidden/occipital.html http://www.headinjuryrehab.org/occipital_lobe.htm

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Temporal Lobe

Location- at the side of the head and above the ears Functions:

Auditory sensation and perception Organization and categorization of verbal material Long term memory Personality and sexual behavior Organization of sensory input The brain has two temporal lobes, one on each side of the brain The two are interchangeable, so if one is damaged, the other is

usually able to takeover the other's duties Link:


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Biological Foundations of PsychologyDivisions of the Brain

www.psychol.uni-giessen.De/abteil/differen/ 02abiol_skript_version.ppt

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The Brain Stem(Medulla oblongata, the Midbrain, and the Pons.) Medulla Oblongata Location:

Last part of the brain before reaching the spinal cord. Continuation of the spinal cord

Function: Many cranial nerves enter and leave the brain through the Medulla. Centers for cough, gag, swallow, and vomit. Cardiac Center. Respiratory Center. Links:



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Illustration of the Medulla Oblongata


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Midbrain Location:

The Midbrain is located in the anterior most continuation of the brain stem that still maintains the tubular structure of the spinal cord (at the top of the brainstem)

Functions: The top portion contains important nuclei for visual and

auditory systems It is here that these pathways cross so that each half of the brain

controls the opposite side of the body Deep within the brain stem is the reticular formation within

which lies the basic life support systems The bottom portion contains nuclei for the cranial nerves that

control eye movement and the lower portion of the brain The Substania Nigra is found here. It is a large red nucleus

involved in movement Links:

http://home.epix.net/~tcannon1/physio.html http://www.med.harvard.edu/AANLIB/home.html

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Pons Location:

The Pons (meaning "bridge") lies above the medulla, and is so named because many axons cross sides within this region of the hindbrain

Functions: Arousal Assists in Controlling Autonomic Functions Relays Sensory Information Between the Cerebrum and

Cerebellum Sleep

Features of the pons are: a) basis pontis, b) middle cerebellar peduncle, and c) the superior cerebellar peduncle

All are linked to the cerebellum which sits on the posterior side of the pons. Damage to any of the structures would result in impaired coordination of movement and/or posture

Links:http://psych.athabascau.ca/html/Psych402/Biotutorials/pons www.bigchalk.com

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Cerebellum Location:

Two peach-size mounds of folded tissue at the base of the brain Overlies the pons

Functions: The cerebellum ("little brain") has convolutions similar to those

of cerebral cortex, only the folds are much smaller. Like the cerebrum, the cerebellum has an outer cortex, an inner white matter, and deep nuclei below the white matter

New skills are learned by trial and error and then coded into the cerebellar memory

Coordinates movement of muscles and joints by synthesizing data from the brain stem, the spinal cord, and another brain areas such as cerebral cortex

The cerebellum fine tunes our motor activity or movement Links:



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Thalamus Location:

The Thalamus is shaped like two footballs; each is located deep in the hemispheres of the forebrain

A large mass of gray matter deeply situated in the forebrain. There is one on either side of the midline

Functions: It relays to the cerebral cortex information received from diverse

brain regions. Sort of a requisite 'last pit stop' for information going to cortex

Axons from every sensory system (except olfaction) synapse here as the last relay site before the information reaches the cerebral cortex

Information from all sensory receptors except smell is processed in the thalamus before being sent to the cerebral cortex

Links: http://psych.athabascau.ca/html/Psych402/Biotutorials/20/thalam

us.shtml http://www.pubs.royalsoc.ac.uk/phil_bio/news/thalamus.html

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Hypothalamus Location:

The hypothalamus is a midline, structure, shaped like a funnel below the thalamus

It connects to the pituitary gland Functions:

The hypothalamus has many regulating functions The autonomic nervous system, emotions and behavior, body

temperature, hunger, thirst, sleep-waking cycles Controls the release of hormones under its control: growth,

prolactin, thyroid, corticotropin, and gonadotropins Regulation of sex hormones, blood pressure, body temperature,

water balance, respiration, and food intake, while it also plays a role in regulating complex moods, such as anger, placidity, and fatigue. 

Links: http://k-2.stanford.edu/InfoPackets/EndoSys.3.0.html http://www.isat.jmu.edu/users/klevicca/neuroconn/The_Brain/


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Hippocampus Location:

The Hippocampus is tucked out of sight on the medial side of the temporal lobe

Its shape resembles that of a 'seahorse' Functions:

Stores and processes memories Helps find memories  Affects emotions The hippocampus helps to encode memories, and then helps to

find them when you want to remember something Main relay station that determines whether a new memory should

go into long-term storage or be deleted after its short-term usefulness is over

Links: http://www.morphonix.com/software/education/science/brain/


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Illustration of Hippocampus

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Basal Ganglia Location- The basal ganglia surrounds the thalamus and is

enclosed by the cerebral cortex and cerebral white matter. The name includes: caudate, putamen, nucleus accumbens, globus

pallidus, substantia nigra, subthalamic nucleus

Functions: Controls voluntary movements and establishing postures. Controls voluntary limb movement, eye movement, and cognition. Lesions in specific nuclei tend to produce characteristic deficits. One

well-known disorder is Parkinson's disease, which is the slow and steady loss of dopaminergic neurons in synapses.

Links: http://thalamus.wustl.edu/course/cerebell.html http://www-hbp.usc.edu/Projects/basal.htm http://www.sci.uidaho.edu/med532/basal.htm

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The study of physiology has made possible for better understanding of human behavior and function, as well as, the function and behavior of other species we share our world with.