Resistance of Anode

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  • 8/18/2019 Resistance of Anode


    Anode Resistance to Earth

    Single - Multiple - Vertical - Horizontal

    Anode Resistance to Earth

    Soil Resistivity =ohm-cm

    Anode Length =feet

    Anode Diameter =inches*

    Multiple Anodes

    (Leave lan! for single anode configuration"

      #umer of Anodes =

    Anode Spacing =feet

    $ori%ontal &onfiguration

    (Leave lan! for vertical anode configuration"

    Anode Depth =feet**

    Resistance =ohms

    This calculator can be used to calculate resistance to coke breeze or resistance of coke column to eartused to calculate resistance of coke column to earthresult may be a reasonable approximation of totalgroundbed resistance; however, factors such as cabresistance and anode to coke resistance are not inc The program converts inches to feet.

    ** node depth is doubled by the program

    Single 'ertical Anode

    ormula )sed


    R = resistance in ohms

    L= anode length in feet

    d = anode diameter in feet

     = resistivity in ohm-cm

    ln is the natural logarithm function

    Multiple 'ertical Anodes in +arallel

    ormula )sed


    R = resistance in ohms

    L = anode length in feet

     N = the number of anodes

    S = anode spacing in feet

    d = anode diameter in feet


  • 8/18/2019 Resistance of Anode


     N = the number of anodes = 1  = resistivity in ohm-cm

    ln is the natural logarithm function


    Multiple $ori%ontal Anodes

    ormula )sed


    R = resistance in ohms

    L = anode length in feet

    S = twice the depth of anode in feet

     N = the number of anodes

    d = anode diameter in feet

     = resistivity in ohm-cm

    ln is the natural logarithm function

    Anode Requirement Calculation

    The following material was researched and was submitted as a guideline for calculating the requirements of sacrificial anodes for your


    • a) Calculate the AREA to be protected.

    • b) The national Association of Corrosion Engineers, NACE standard R!"#!$% states the requirement of a

    polari&ation to !".'() *ersus Cu!saturated Cu+-, for protection of a steel structure in a neutralen*ironment. This is nown as the /AR01E2 TENT0A/. The sacrificial anode system design requiresthe current density to achie*e this potential.

    • c) The C3RRENT 2E4AN2 is calculated by multiplying the required current density by the area. Note that

    it is important to consider the en*ironment that the metal is e5posed to since the 6current demand6 may

    *ary with different combinations.

    • d) The ne5t step is to determine the total required mass of the sacrificial anodes. The AN2E

    CN+34T0N is determined from tabulated consumption rates for the calculated current demand.

    • e) 2i*ide the total required mass by an appropriate quantity of anodes that will create a uniform current

    distribution o*er the entire area to be protected.

    • f) Calculate the AN2E RE+0+TANCE from the distribution and quantity of the sacrificial anodes.

    • g) 7rom the anode resistance, R and *oltage, ) from the selected sacrificial anodes, the 2E+08N 3T3T

    C3RRENT, 0 is calculated using the following formula: 0 9 )R

  • 8/18/2019 Resistance of Anode


    Note that the output current should meet or e5ceed the required current from step C.

    +A4/E CA/C3/AT0N

    o 1) Assume that the calculated Area of the ship;s hullsteel surface to be protected is: -'"m.

    ?ewes, Cathodic rotection Theory and ractice, ). Ashworth and C.@./. ooer, eds., >ileyB?orwood, Chichester, >est +usse5, #%'$D 7or this e5ample, we will assume a current density

    requirement of (mAm

  • 8/18/2019 Resistance of Anode


    luminum "rone /*),+0

    .astelloy */active0 nconel )('/active0 2itanium/active0

    Lead32in Solder 



    nconel )## /active0 Nic4el /active0

    )#5 Ni 1'5 *r /active0

    ,#5 Ni (#5 *r /active0

    .astelloy " /active0

     Naval "rass /*&)&0$ 6ellow "rass /*(),0

    Red "rass /*(%#0$ dmiralty "rass /*&&%0

    *opper /*1#(0

    Manganese "rone/*)+'0$ 2in "rone/*7#%$ 7#'0

    &1#$ &1) Stainless/passive0 8hosphor "rone/*'(1$ '(&0

    Silicon "rone /*)'1$ )''0

     Nic4el Silver /* +%($ +%'$ +&'$ +'($ +'&$ +'+$ +)'$ ++#$ +7&*upro Nic4el 7#-1#

    *upro Nic4el ,#-(#

    &%# Stainless /passive0

    *upro Nic4el +#-%#

     Nic4el luminum "rone /*)%#$ )%(0

    Monel #$ 9'##

    Silver Solder 

     Nic4el /passive0

    )#5 Ni 1'5 *r /passive0

    conel )## /passive0

    ,#5 Ni (#5 *r /passive0

    *hrome ron /passive0

    %#($ %#%$ %#&$ %(1$ %&+ Stainless /passive0

    %1)$ %1+ Stainless /passive0

    *arpenter (#*b-% Stainless /passive0$ ncoloy ,(' /passive0


    2itanium /passive0$ .astelloy * : *(+) /passive0





    &A.$,DE E#D (Least Li!ely to &orrode"

    Anodic nde! Chart

    >hen dissimilar metals come in contact, gal*anic compatibility is managed by the selection of finishes and plating to protect the base

    materials from corrosion.

    • ?arsh en*ironments: not more than ".#( ) difference

  • 8/18/2019 Resistance of Anode


    • Normal en*ironments: not be more than ".

  • 8/18/2019 Resistance of Anode


    luminum$ cast alloys other than silicon type$ cadmium$ plated and chromate #