UNDERSTANDING NGO’S AND THEIR CONNECTION TO THE UN: The reason it is imperative to understand the concept of NGO’s is the NGO is the bridge between he lofty goals of the UN and the way those goals are implemented into binding legislation. Laws that directly affect the way you are permitted to live your daily life. History of the NGO: It is not a conspiracy to link to the UN to the NGO…. The acronym NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization. while NGOs go back to the early 1900s, the phrase “non- governmental organization” came into its current use with the United Nations Organization in 1945. It is in Article 71 of Chapter 10 of the United Nations Charter. One month after the UN aforementioned UN charter was signed Julian Huxley signed the document that created the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, the well-known UNESCO. UNESCO is a critical attributed of the UN, as it states on its website: UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. UNESCO's programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015. Put another way: UNESCO was created to be the bridge between the UN’s goals to the laws that will enforce them. Before UNESCO’s website touted the support of Agenda 2030….they stated that they were intent on “building education of the global citizen”. UNESCO was created to push propaganda for the UN. They were also created as one of the crucial funding sources of the UN.

researchanddataontopicsthatmatter.files.wordpress.com · Web viewbuilding education of the global citizen ”. UNESCO was created to push propaganda for the UN. They were also created

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The reason it is imperative to understand the concept of NGO’s is the NGO is the bridge between he lofty goals of the UN and the way those goals are implemented into binding legislation. Laws that directly affect the way you are permitted to live your daily life.

History of the NGO:

It is not a conspiracy to link to the UN to the NGO….

The acronym NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization.

while NGOs go back to the early 1900s, the phrase “non-governmental organization” came into its current use with the United Nations Organization in 1945. It is in Article 71 of Chapter 10 of the United Nations Charter.

One month after the UN aforementioned UN charter was signed Julian Huxley signed the document that created the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, the well-known UNESCO.

UNESCO is a critical attributed of the UN, as it states on its website:

UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. UNESCO's programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015.

Put another way: UNESCO was created to be the bridge between the UN’s goals to the laws that will enforce them.

Before UNESCO’s website touted the support of Agenda 2030….they stated that they were intent on “building education of the global citizen”. UNESCO was created to push propaganda for the UN.

They were also created as one of the crucial funding sources of the UN. Through direct involvement with non-profit NGO’s UNESCO is able to benefit from donations

and government grants, to further fund the UN message and agenda.

The Main Agenda:

Since the beginning of the NGO as we know it, the purpose was to promote a need for “climate protection.”

Interesting to note that even that far back the Powers-That-Be were already thinking that the most effective way to strip the rights of the populace was to create the monster of “Climate Fear.”

They chose the topic of climate because they knew that there was no way to prove or disprove this topic…and they knew that people would be willing to give up anything to secure the future of their children.

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This mindset and intention of using the climate as a way to enforce the UN agenda is illustrated in the following quotes of those who are currently directly involved in the UN agenda:

No matter if the science of global warming is all phony...climate change provides the greatest opportunity tobring about justice and equality in the world."- Christine Stewart,former Canadian Minister of the Environment

The only way to get our society to truly change is tofrighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe."- emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

"We are on the verge of a global transformation.All we need is the right major crisis..."- David Rockefeller,Club of Rome executive member

The Concept of Creating Self Supporting Agencies:

Following the creation of UN, after he created UNESCO- Julian Huxley then created an organization to support the organization he had already created….

Two years later, the same Julian Huxley was instrumental in creating the International Union for the Conservation of Nature or IUCN. The IUCN consolidated the work of the British Fauna and Flora Preservation Society with other conservation groups that worked throughout the British Empire and aligned its work with the activities of UNESCO- [cited: Recycle Washington]

In 1961- to increase the funding for the newly created IUCN Huxley created the World Wildlife Foundation[ if you have ever been to a zoo or aquarium and purchased a stuffed animal while there, you have contributed to the WWF]

In 1982, after amassing $21 million dollars in grants from the US government the third most influential NGO was created: the WRI or World Resources Institute[ as a side note the US government contributes over a million dollars a year to this “non-government” organization….with US tax payer money]

As of 2010- The IUCN’s membership included: 92 international NGOs; 753 national NGOs; 29 affiliates; 80 state agencies; 93 government agencies with state members; and 23 government agencies without state members.

Additional interesting fact: When Clinton was President he issued Executive Order #12986 which grants this NGO certain diplomatic “privileges and immunities.”[ to reiterate: this is a NON- Government Agency with diplomatic (government) privileges and immunities]

These three NGOs, IUCN, WWF and WRI, in concert with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), jointly published thedocuments from which the global agenda was developed. These documents include:

World Conservation Strategy, published in 1980 by UNEP, IUCN, and WWF.

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Caring for the Earth, published in 1991 by UNEP, IUCN, and WWF. Global Biodiversity Strategy, published in 1992 by UNEP, IUCN, and WRI. Global Biodiversity Assessment, published in 1995 by UNEP, coordinated by WRI.

From these foundational works come such policy documents as:

The Convention on Biological Diversity The Framework Convention on Climate Change Agenda 21 Agenda 2030 The Paris Climate Treaty The Sustainable Development Goals The Global Migrant Compact

Agenda promoters want you to believe NGO activity is spontaneous, that grass roots members of the populace are simply inspired to take on the message of the hour that the UN is promoting…and that these average everyday citizens who create these spontaneously created not government connected in anyway organizations ….also have the money and connections to spread their message.

However, the truth is this: NGO activity is organized and meticulously coordinated by The Powers That Be. Every detail is planned out in advance….every media resource is already briefed as to what the narrative must be….

From the History of the NGO to the Inner Workings of the NGO and the CSO:

After the NGO was established as an arm of the UN, it was further established the NGO would

It established an advisory role for organizations which are neither governments nor member states.

What the UN intended to do [and did do very successfully] is elevate the status of the NGO to a place that allows the NGO to be an unquestioned source of authoritative advice for the politicians passing laws.

NGO’s give lawmakers the opportunity to have a definitive “source to quote” when they are making their case on the Congressional floor or in front of constituents at a town hall.

There is a conscious effort to replace the term NGO with a more politically-correct term — Civil Society Organization or CSO.

There is a major difference:

NGO may apply to any non-profit organization. CSO designation applies only to those NGOs that are accredited by the United Nations

and hold “consultative status” throughThe Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

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In Order to be affiliated with the UN an NGO must be “Accredited by the UN”

As NGO’s begin to accumulate in vast numbers the UN needed a way to single out the organizations that would be useful vehicles for their agenda.

According to Our Global Neighborhood, the official report of the UN-funded Commission on Global Governance, published in 1995, there were 28,900 international NGOs worldwide and hundreds of thousands of national NGOs.

As of late 1994, only 980 were officially “accredited” by the UN’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

However, these 980 accredited NGOs are affiliated with tens of thousands more NGOs in virtually every nation on earth. By virtue of their affiliation with accredited NGOs, these NGOs constitute what the UN describes as CSOs.

As a side note: Non UN-accredited NGOs are described by globalists as “populist organizations” these organizations are targeted by the UN for destruction and subversion.

For example: The CIS [Center for Immigration Studies] is a Washington DC based think tank that is against mass immigration and advocates for less immigration and merit based immigration. They present facts and data that illustrate the perils of mass immigration.

Despite using vast amounts of data that is directly cited from government agencies and documents. You will not find the CIS quoted in any UN document. Their research was never consulted or included in the recently internationally adopted “Migrant Compact”

Instead, what you will find if you google the Center for Immigration Studies is this: Claim: Is the Center for Immigration Studies a 'hate group' ?Claimed by: Southern Poverty Law Center

In order to be promoted by the UN and its affiliated arms, an NGO/CSO must echo the UN’s goals and propaganda.

There are two levels of accredited status of NGO’s/CSO:1) Consultative status is given to those organizations that the ESOSOC directly controls/communicates with- this means the organization is allowed an active role in the process of writing legislation.2) Observer status is granted to those who are affiliated with the organizations in the aforementioned category- this means that the organizations are permitted to attend UN events and help spread the message propagated by the UN.

NGOs with “consultative” and “observer” status are responsible for the following:

Development of the global agenda, i.e., Agenda 21.

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Enactment of the policies at the international level. Converting international policy into national laws and regulations. Implementing the new policies, laws, and regulations on the ground.

The Creation of the NGO From the Ground up In 2007 John Cook was a cartoonist/graphic artists who was working from home, when

he became interested in the subject of climate change. Cook, who had bachelors degree in physics at the time had no training in environmental

science, but he conducted some research in his off time and happened upon a few journal papers written by scientists who did have backgrounds in the subject matter.

Cook applied his own interpretations and statistical reasoning to the work he found and then created his own paper that he then marketed online as “a research study that proved conclusively that 97% of scientists agreed that global warming was a real threat and it was caused completely by humans.”

Remember at the time Mr. Cook was a cartoonist. The Powers-That- Be happened upon Mr. Cooks work, and immediately begin to quote

Cook as a “a voice of authority” on the topic of climate change. His paper has since been misquoted and used thousands of times by media sources and

politicians and the United Nations as valid evidence that climate change is occurring and drastic measures must be taken to stop it.

You might be surprised to learn that Mr. Cooks paper has been disputed- BY THE VERY SCIENTISTS WHO’S WORK HE QUOTED. That is correct, the scientists who wrote some of the journal papers that Cook used in his research paper have stated they disagree with his interpretation of their work, and that at best he misunderstood their work….at worst he is intentionally being dishonest regarding their work.

Since his “paper” debuted in 2013 Mr. Cook has been made CEO of his own UN approved NGO Climate Connections.org.

What does Climate Connections do you might ask?They provide solutions, such as carbon taxes to combat the undisputed threat of climate change…..So to reiterate this circle:1) An unknown cartoonist created a website regarding climate change….he then in his

spare time created a “research paper on global warming”(without actually being a research scientist).

2) This paper caught the attention of the powers that be who have been attempting to market global warming on the populace for at least 40 years.

3) The powers that be adopted and quoted this study (despite being debated by Forbes, and other well known scientific sources).

4) Then Mr. Cook was given a CEO position at an NGO that was created to spread the material he had made under very auspicious circumstances.

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Should be noted that since his paper in 2013 Mr. Cook has earned a “doctorate degree in cognitive science”[ which is not, one might argue, a degree connected in anyway to the subject that he is touted as being an expert at.]

Put a different way: The hotly disputed writings of a self-employed cartoon artist, is the basis that will lead to you being required to place a tracker on your vehicle so that you can be charged for every mile you drive( because of the consensus of 97% of scientists…as quoted by Mr. Cooks study)…..

That is how NGO’S work-

The powers that be have a message they want to pass to the populace at large

They search and find a source that will spread their message

They then funnel vast amounts of money into this source

Politicians and main stream media begin to quote this source to give it legitimacy

Then the desired message becomes an “indisputable fact”

This fact is then used to push legislation that will require the populace to willingly submit their money and right to sovereign power

How are NGO’S/CSO’s Used to Create Laws that Directly Impact the Lives of the Populace:

In the case of Mr. Cook, his self- created study on climate change has been referenced countless times over by politicians in their never-ending quest to implement legally binding policies that will implement the goals of the UN.

Most recently Chuck Schumer used Mr. Cooks study as a basis for his request that the United States honor the Paris Climate Treaty [created by the United Nations]

Mr. Schumer is also using Mr. Cooks work as a basis to pass HR---- which would make it illegal for any government employee to question that global warming is occurring.

To reiterate- the often disputed work of a cartoonist is being marketed as a valid reason that we as a society cannot be allowed to have a conversation on the merits of climate change…or the merits of the money and freedoms that the middle class is expected to willingly turn over to the elite in charge.

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Follow the money and you will find the power:

NGO’s are powerful. They have the power to manipulate to legislators into creating the laws they desire as well as the power to manipulate the populace into capitulating to their draconian power grabs and legislation.

Where does power come from?

It comes from the financial backing these NGO’s receive.

For Example: The WRI [World Resource Institute]

If you recall, the WRI is one of the firsts UN approved and created NGO’s. The WRI is incredibly powerful, they have tentacles in every category: Immigration, Refugees, Climate change, LGBTQI rights. However, what is important to realize is regardless of the topic these “progressive NGO’s are supporting …it is not the issue they are truly concerned with. It is the money to be made and the power to be had in the process of “progress.”

Taking a closer look at the Price of Progress:

There are billions of dollars circulating in the arena of progressive “sustainable development” NGO’s. The WRI is fantastic illustration of this.

On the surface the WRI presents itself as a progressive non-profit making “big ideas happen”

Wiki defines it as:

The World Resources Institute is a global research non-profit organization that was established in 1982 with funding from the MacArthur Foundation under the leadership of James Gustave Speth. Wikipedia

What does it mean to be “global research organization”?It means that they are producing research studies and documents that tout the goals of the UN and the powers-that-be. Giving the politicians the “valid evidence they need” to push the legislation that will bring the global ideas into your community in the form of legally binding laws.

They are doing lots of research and they are making lots of money…

When you follow the money and see the donors you begin to understand.

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When you research WRI on Crunchbase (a free data tracking website) this is what you find:

While WRI is presents itself as a non-profit, you can see that in the second column it clearly reads that WRI is listed as a for profit IPO.

IPO is the initial public offering status. IPO is a for profit participation in the stock market. What this means is WRI might not make an active profit, what they do instead is sell shares of their company to investors for a very large profit.

In fact, WRI makes so much of a profit that they made 74 million dollars in estimated revenue last year[ lots of money for a non- profit company indeed].

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However, while making millions of dollars ….they are tax exempt.

This means, while the WRI lining the pockets of their investors while pushing programs into law that directly cost the average tax payer thousands of dollars to fund….they are not even required to pay taxes themselves.

Where is WRI receiving the funding to play the stock market for profit?

Their funding comes from a long list of donors…many of whom are very familiar names:

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Some notable names donating over $750, 000 per year:

Open Society Foundation Google Bill and Melinda Gates Rockefeller Foundation Shell Foundation (interesting that Shell would be contributing to an “environmental no

carbon organization) United Nations Environment Program[ so the UN is paying the WRI major donations to

write research that will spread their propaganda] The world bank

Think about this….these are the funding partners of an organization that is touted as a “research organization”……with their research, our governing elite create laws that rule our lives.

Put another way: we live under the laws that Google and the Open Society Foundation pays the WRI to validate with their research and data.

When you are paying for the research, the research will say whatever you want it to.

Our Corporate Consultative Group (CCG)

WRI’s Corporate Consultative Group (CCG) brings together nearly 40 leading companies to advance business practices that mitigate risks and support sustainable growth. Collaborating with CCG members illuminates corporate needs and the ways we can help guide sustainability strategies in the private sector.

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Learn more about WRI’s Corporate Consultative Group or contact JP Leous, Director of International Corporate Relations, to learn how to become a program partner.


WRI works with governments, businesses, and civil society to sustain forests for future generations. We aim to curb deforestation worldwide and help to restore and reforest already-cleared land.

WRI’s Global Forest Watch initiative uses the most advanced satellite data and crowd-sourced information to track deforestation throughout the world in near-real-time. Our Global Restoration Initiative identifies ways to restore trees and productivity to deforested and degraded lands. Our Forest Legality Initiative works to reduce illegal logging by supporting the supply and procurement of legal and sustainable forest products. And we develop policy recommendations to ensure effective and inclusive governance of the world’s forest resources.

The Economy:

The New Climate Economy, a flagship project of the Global Commission on Economy and Climate, produces groundbreaking research to show how economic development and climate action can go hand-in-hand. WRI is the managing partner.

Read the title of the project: The New Climate Economy – what is that? What does that mean?


WRI’s Governance Center works with governments, the private sector, civil society and citizens to address issues that matter most to poor, vulnerable communities: adaptation to climate change, affordable, reliable access to clean energy, environmental rights, water and air pollution, social equity and open, responsive government. We start with analyses of voice, power and vulnerability in environmental decision-making. Who suffers and who benefits when governments enact or fail to enact an initiative? Who has a seat at the table, and who is left out? What do citizens need to shape policy, and what steps can governments take to become more inclusive, transparent and accountable to their citizens?

But improving decision-making is just the beginning. That’s why our research also concentrates on follow-through and building momentum for change – the critically important steps that officials across all levels of government must take to respond to citizens’ concerns and realize

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ambitious commitments, like the Paris Agreement or the Sustainable Development Goals. What are the political, economic and social dynamics that underpin success? How can governments pass effective laws, strengthen institutions to enforce them, and marshal the financial or technical resources needed implement policy? And what can leaders do to sustain political support for action across election cycles?

Using our analysis, we build citizens’ capacity to engage in the environmental decisions that impact their lives and mobilize civil society networks that drive bottom-up change. Open, accessible data platforms created in partnership with WRI, like PREPdata and LandMark, make it easier for people everywhere to understand the threats facing their communities, track governments’ response to these risks and hold officials to account. These same tools also help policymakers and corporate executives make hard choices in the face of uncertainty and rapid change. WRI supports these leaders in adopting policies that equitably address today’s most pressing environmental challenges, and we help convene high-level partnerships, like the Global Commission on Adaptation, to accelerate action.

Interested in the Center’s latest research, analysis and commentary? Subscribe to our newsletter, Greening Governance, follow us on Twitter @WRIGovernance and check out our Greening Governance Seminar Series.

Impact investment- this is a very small and closed circle of investment- help achieve

Rock Creek Video


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What is important to keep in mind is that the WRI was created with the intent of providing a way for the elite to control the narrative on climate change, while simultaneously making a profit. If we do not call this out now, we will be forced to live within the laws that are created at the behest of this propaganda that is being spread by these NGO’s and their powerful tentacles.