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Kara Blakinship




Senior Project

November 28, 2011

Food Drive

Around the world how many people starve to death?It is estimated that some 800 million

people in the world suffer from hunger and malnutrition, about 100 times as many as those who

actually die from it each year.There are approximately 15 million children dying each year.

Throughout the 1990’s 100 million children died from illnesses and starvation, and their lives

could have been prevented for the price of two days of the Military.

To start a food drive you need to get a decent amount of people to help you. Second, you

need to hand out fliers everywhere. Like restaurants, on the streets, to homeless shelters, and any

local stores around. Also, you have to get donations on things to help you cook and that’s where

it can become a timely thing. You have to make sure the people you are getting help from are

actually going to go through with it. Then you have to rent out a place to have it and make sure

it’s big enough to fit a lot of the people who came in. Make sure you plan it months in advanced

because you have to make sure you can have enough time to plan and set everything up. Last but

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not least, you have to wear a smile on your face and let them know they are well served and feel


Food drives can be known all over the United States. They bring a lot of happiness too

many kinds of people, whether rich or poor. A model of breaking the cycle of poverty that

works. “Ten people become an intentional community of support who, along with their

connections, to work for one year achieving the.”(United Methodist Church). There can be

different types of food drives. One most likely known is food drives on thanksgiving or

Christmas. For everyone to doesn’t have a family or a steady home they can go to the food drive

and spend holidays with caring people. Also the children’s healthcare of Atlanta does something

for the sick during the holidays. So I thought that I could donate canned goods to the children’s

parents to help them out in a time of need. Food drives can also be considered helping other

countries. In example feed the children. You see the commercials all over the television about

feed the children. That is a bigger event that I couldn’t do with just a short period of time. They

get all kind of people to donate food and make donations to help. In my project I took no

donations on the canned goods that I was giving to the homeless or the less fortunate. Even

though feed the children isn’t a food drive it’s considered helping young children who doesn’t

have a well economy and is in need for help.

There is a list of things you can do: set up a food drive where you cook, school

competitions, host a movie night and charge a canned good item, you can have pajama day to

make the kids bring food items. You can do a lot of things to help out the community. The

number one thing to do is get the kids involved. Kids can get the word around and set a positive

thing for everyone around the world. What I plan on doing is hosting a food drive at the daycare

I work at and tell the parents that a reward gets handed out to the kid who brings in the most

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canned goods. After they give the canned goods I need to go around and collect all of them and

see who is going to win the prize. We are throwing a surprise pizza party for the class who

brought in the most canned goods. After they found out who won all the kids were begging to do

the food drive again. This inspires me to not only do this as a project but to keep in going as an

ongoing project.

Food drive also doesn’t have to be where you cook for them you can also do a

food can drive. You can get with a local grocery store and ask them to put out fliers to collect

canned goods. Also you can set up something with schools, like a competition for the classes to

raise as many canned goods as possible. I met with one lady that works for a school and she said

every year around the holidays her school will see who can raise the most canned goods and

whoever raises the most will get free ice cream. So it can be good for both schools and a food

drive. Kids will get a flier sent home that tells their parents all about the food drive and what it

for. Then they will let they class make a box to put all the canned goods in. Then the kids get all

hyped up and will drive their parents crazy till they bring in canned goods. All kids see know

about how life is for other people because some kids, like me, will grow up and will want to help

the less fortunate and it will change their lives forever.

Schools all around the world are sending out fliers to reach out to people that need

it most. Kids are helping other kids to have what they need to survive. Everyone can join in on

the help to save hunger, not just adults. A flier I read talks about how much the food is needed

because it’s around Christmas time and they are trying to give the children and adults a

Christmas like they never had. So it’s important for everyone to join in. Churches around the

world are asking for help to start food drives for the homeless around holidays. Because how

would you feel to be homeless on the holidays? No matter how bad or how good the people are

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everyone deserves to be helped. “Everybody deserves a second chance in this world”(Shannen


Not everyone deserves to be in positions like this, so all the help you can get is needed.

Not only do churches do food drives places like, cub scouts, nursing homes, missionaries

and just everyday ordinary people. I chose this because I know what it feels like on holidays

when you have no one and no home. I’ve talked to many people on this journey and one man I

met and will quote him verbatim “food drives are the only thing I look forward too, when you

have no food, no home, or not family things like these will brighten your day.” This man

changed my view on everything. Not only does this make a change in you life, it makes a change

in their life too. “Good things come to those who wait.” I put this quote in my paper because the

less fortunate wait almost every day for something like this. Only once a year does this happen to

them. This quote has inspired me to make food drives happen more often to make this world a

whole lot better.

This project is going to change my life forever and inspire me till I get in college. It takes

a lot of hard work and effort to complete something this big. With setting up a place to have it to

making the place feel homely for the people that comes in, it’s a lot of stress to make something

like this happen. You have to keep a strong attitude and think positive the whole time. You may

not think it’s going to be a good outcome, but for me it was worth the stress.