Research analysis By Jade Matthews

Research Analysis

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Research analysis By Jade Matthews

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The purpose of doing this questionnaire was to find out what people from my target audience liked and disliked about thriller movies so that my group and I know what we should include in our thriller movie. The ages ranged from 15 – 30 with a few people older. The questionnaire was fairly short with only 10 questions to answer and most of them being closed questions therefore it was quick and easy.

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Age and Gender representation.

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What sub genre do you prefer to watch?

As you can see from these results, most of the people liked romance, psychological and action. This is important information to have as we now know that we should try to include at least one of these three genres in our film. 8 people said psychological, 7 said romance and 6 said action so we should try and include a little of all three sub genres so that we have a much larger range of target audience.

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What do you like about thrillers? The majority of people prefer action in thrillers therefore we will include action scenes in the film. This will keep the majority of viewers contempt. We will also make sure that the story line is interesting. Lastly, we will have to slightly pay attention to the soundtrack and special effects although many people won’t mind too much about the quality of these bits and most likely won’t pay attention to it.

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What do you dislike about thrillers?Most people don’t like special effects because they feel that it takes away the realistic element of the film. Also, they feel that the soundtrack is not too important especially when there is dialogue therefore noises and music is not needed.

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What time period do you prefer the film to be set in?

The majority of people prefer the time setting to be modern (2000’s) which means that in our film all the props and costume can be suited to modern day society as it is set in roughly the same time. People also like the idea of it being set in the future which means if we wanted to set our film in the future then we could use props and costumes that represent aliens and anything “futuristic”.

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Do you like thrillers?

The fact that the majority of people do like thrillers proves that this particular genre is still popular.

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Who is your favourite thriller director?

Most of the people told us that Quentin Taratino is their favourite thriller director therefore we can try to make our thriller in some ways similar to his work and also, we can try to use some of his ideas and see how he normally decides how to do his films.