RFP 20-017 Mobile App 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP #20-017 Mobile App Date Issued: March 6, 2020 Daytona State College seeks to create a mobile app to maximize enrollment efforts, engage prospective students in decision-making regarding academic pathways, and provide community audiences and other stakeholders with efficient access to College information. Details and requirements needed by the College are provided herein. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received in the Purchasing Office, Building 1100, Room 122, 1100 Willis Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 until April 6, 2020 by 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) and bid opening will take place in Building 1100, Room 123. Direct inquiries to: Stephanie Mims Purchasing Agent Email: [email protected] Telephone Number: (386) 506-3570 Fax Number: (386) 506-4289 USPS Mail To: Daytona State College Attn: Stephanie Mims PO Box 2811 Daytona Beach, Florida 32120-2811 FedEx, UPS or Personal Building 1100, Room 122 Delivery to: 1100 Willis Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Upon receipt of this proposal document, any and all communications regarding this proposal must be made only to the Purchasing Office as noted above. Any violation of this condition could result in proposal disqualification. This is a Sealed Proposal - Fax replies will not be accepted. Daytona State College operates in accordance with the State of Florida Sunshine Laws. Questions regarding this RFP must be submitted to the identified contact person via email by March 18, 2020 by 5:00 p.m. (EST). All inquiries with responses will be made available to all proposers on an equal basis without prejudice via email and on the Daytona State College website.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP #20-017 Mobile App April , 2020by … 20-017... · 2020-03-16 · RFP 20 -017 Mobile App 5 PROPOSAL OPENING: Shall be public, at the address indicated on

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RFP 20-017 Mobile App 1


Date Issued: March 6, 2020

Daytona State College seeks to create a mobile app to maximize enrollment efforts, engage prospective students in decision-making regarding academic pathways, and provide community audiences and other stakeholders with efficient access to College information. Details and requirements needed by the College are provided herein.

Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received in the Purchasing Office, Building 1100, Room 122, 1100 Willis Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 until April 6, 2020 by 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) and bid opening will take place in Building 1100, Room 123.

Direct inquiries to: Stephanie Mims

Purchasing Agent Email: [email protected] Telephone Number: (386) 506-3570

Fax Number: (386) 506-4289 USPS Mail To: Daytona State College Attn: Stephanie Mims PO Box 2811 Daytona Beach, Florida 32120-2811 FedEx, UPS or Personal Building 1100, Room 122

Delivery to: 1100 Willis Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Upon receipt of this proposal document, any and all communications regarding this proposal must be made only to the Purchasing Office as noted above. Any violation of this condition could result in proposal disqualification.

This is a Sealed Proposal - Fax replies will not be accepted.

Daytona State College operates in accordance with the State of Florida Sunshine Laws.

Questions regarding this RFP must be submitted to the identified contact person via email by March 18, 2020 by 5:00 p.m. (EST). All inquiries with responses will be made available to all proposers on an equal basis without prejudice via email and on the Daytona State College website.

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Table of Contents

Request for Proposal .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2


General Conditions ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Other Requirements and Conditions ................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Insurance Coverage ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Background .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Project Scope.......................................................................................................................................................................................12

Project Goals and Objectives.........................................................................................................................................................12

General Technical Requirements................................................................................................................................................. 13

General Functional Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................... 15

Technical Architecture......................................................................................................................................................................15

Licensing Expectations ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 16

Proposal Submission Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................... 17

Term of Contract........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20

Proposer Qualifications .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20

Award/Contract .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

Evaluation Criteria ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

Required Forms .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24

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Timeline This section lists the key events associated with this RFP. There will be no pre-proposal conference for this RFP. All proposal openings and committee meetings are held in strict compliance with Florida sunshine statutes and are held on the date and time in the building and room indicated. Schedule changes, when required, will be indicated here. Meetings will be held at Daytona State College, Purchasing Department, 1100 Willis Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 unless otherwise indicated. Proposal openings will be held in the Purchasing Department, 1100 Willis Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114, Building 1100, Room 123 unless otherwise specified.

Note: The timeline is an estimate, as of the post date of this proposal, of the events that will take place. Changes to this timeline will be made available via addenda prior to the Proposal submittal. Any changes to the timeline during the review period will be posted as timeline updates. In addition, oral presentation agenda and demonstration scripts will be provided prior to the appointed presentation dates. Demonstrations may be recorded for evaluation purposes only.

Key Events Date Time Request for Proposal (RFP) – Release Date March 6, 2020 N/A Deadline for proposers to submit questions via email to [email protected] March 18, 2020 5:00PM EST Answers to proposers’ questions posted to the College Purchasing website (on or before) March 26, 2020 N/A Due date for proposals & proposal opening April 6, 2020 2:00PM EST Evaluation Committee Meeting & Anticipated Short Listed Selection April 13, 2020 TBD Short Listed Presentations April 28, 2020 TBD Evaluation Committee Meeting & Final Selection April 29, 2020 TBD Intent to Award April 30, 2020 N/A College Board of Trustees Contract Approval (May 8 agenda deadline) May 21, 2020 N/A Execute Purchase Order (on or about) June 1, 2020 N/A Project Completion Date (Full Implementation) September 25, 2020 N/A

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General Conditions DEFINITIONS: “College” refers to Daytona State College. “Proposer” refers to the dealer, manufacturer, contractor, or business organization submitting a proposal to the College in response to this Request for Proposal. “Vendor” refers to the dealer, manufacturer, contractor, or business organization that will be awarded a contract pursuant to the terms, conditions and quotations of the proposal. “Proposer” and “Vendor” will be used interchangeably. “Proposer” and “Bidder” may be used interchangeably throughout this document. “Proposal” and “Bid” may be used interchangeably throughout this document. AWARDS: As the best interest of the College may require, the right is reserved to make award(s) by individual item, group of items, all or none or a combination thereof; to reject any and all proposals or waive any minor irregularity or technicality in proposals received. The College also reserves the right to make awards to one, or more, vendors based upon the recommendations of the evaluation committee. COSTS: The College is not liable for any costs incurred by a proposer in responding to this RFP, including those for presentations, when applicable. MISTAKES: Proposers are expected to examine the specifications, delivery schedule, proposal prices, extensions, and all instructions pertaining to supplies and services. Failure to do so will be at the proposer’s risk. In case of mistake in extension, the unit price will govern. PROPOSALS: Proposals not submitted as provided herein shall be rejected. All proposals are subject to the conditions specified herein. Those which do not comply with these conditions are subject to rejection. ELECTRONIC PROPOSALS: All proposal sheets and forms must be executed and submitted. It is the sole responsibility of the proposer to deliver the proposal via electronic means on, or before, the closing hour and date indicated. CLARIFICATION/CORRECTION OF BID ENTRY: The College reserves the right to allow for the clarification of questionable entries and for the correction of obvious mistakes. PRICES, TERMS and PAYMENT: Firm prices shall be quoted, typed or printed in ink, and includes all packaging, handling, shipping charges and delivery to the destination shown herein. DISCOUNTS: Proposers are encouraged to reflect cash discounts in unit prices quoted. Proposers may offer a cash discount for prompt payment; however, discounts for less than 30 days will not be considered in determining the lowest net cost for proposal evaluation purposes. Discount time will be computed from the date of satisfactory delivery at place of acceptance or from receipt of correct invoice at the office specified, whichever is later. EXECUTION OF PROPOSAL: Proposals must contain a signature or electronic signature of an authorized representative in the space provided on the proposal submittal form. No erasures are permitted. If a correction is necessary, draw a single line through the entered figure and enter the correct figure above it. Corrections must be initialed by the person signing the proposal. Any illegible entries, pencil proposals or corrections not initialed will not be tabulated. TAXES: The College does not pay sales taxes on direct purchases of tangible personal property. Do not include these items on invoices. See exemption number on face of purchase order. Exemption does not apply to purchases of tangible personal property made by contractors who use the tangible personal property in the performance of contracts for the improvement of state-owned real property as defined in Chapter 192 F.S.

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PROPOSAL OPENING: Shall be public, at the address indicated on the RFP document, on the date and at the time specified on the proposal form. It is the proposer’s responsibility to assure that the proposal is submitted by the proper time of the opening. Proposals not submitted by the date and time specified will not be considered. Hard copy proposals will not be accepted. Proposals by fax or telephone will not be accepted. CONDITION AND PACKAGING: It is understood and agreed that any item offered or shipped as a result of this proposal shall be the new, current model in production available at the time of this proposal. All containers shall be suitable for storage or shipment, and all prices shall include standard commercial packaging. SAFETY STANDARDS: Unless otherwise stipulated in the proposal, all manufactured items and fabricated assemblies shall comply with applicable requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Act and any standards there under. Failure to comply with the condition will be considered as a breach of contract. UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES: Unless otherwise stipulated in the proposal, all manufactured items and fabricated assemblies shall carry U.L. approval and reexamination listing where such has been established. FREIGHT TERMS: All goods will be delivered F.O.B. Daytona State College, Central Receiving Department, 1100 Willis Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114. SAMPLES: Samples of items, when required, must be furnished free of expense, on or before RFP opening time and date, and if not destroyed by testing may, upon request, be returned at the proposer’s expense. Each individual sample must be labeled with the proposer’s name, manufacturer's brand name and number, RFP number and item reference. Request for return of samples shall be accompanied by instructions which include shipping authorization and name of carrier and must be received with your proposal. If return instructions are not received with the proposal, the commodities shall be disposed of by the College. PAYMENT: Payment will be made by the College after the items awarded to a vendor have been received, inspected, and found to comply with award specifications, free of damage or defect and properly invoiced. All invoices shall bear the purchase order number. Payment for partial shipments shall not be made unless specified in the proposal. An original and two copies of the invoice shall be submitted. Failure to follow these instructions may result in a delay in processing invoices for payment. In addition, the purchase order number must appear on bills of lading, packages, cases, delivery lists and correspondence. INTERPRETATIONS: Any questions concerning conditions and specifications shall be emailed to [email protected] by November 25, 2019 2:00PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). Inquiries must reference the date of RFP opening and RFP number. Failure to comply with this condition will result in proposer waiving his right to dispute the RFP conditions and specifications. DELIVERY: Unless actual date of delivery is Specified (or if specified delivery cannot be met), show number of days required to make delivery after receipt of purchase order. Delivery time may become a basis for making an award. Delivery shall be within the normal working hours of the user, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise specified. SEALED DOCUMENTS: Proposer submissions are only visible to the College’s Purchasing Department and Evaluation Committee members. The College reserves the right to share specific documentation to individuals assisting with or partaking in the bid evaluation process. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The award hereunder is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. All proposers must disclose with their proposal the name of any officer, director, or agent who is also an employee of Daytona State

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College. Further, all proposers must disclose the name of any employee who owns, directly or indirectly, an interest in the proposer’s firm or any of its branches. The proposer shall not compensate, in any manner, directly or indirectly, any officer, agent, or employee of the College for any act or service that he/she may do, or perform for, or on behalf of any officer, agent or employee of the proposer. No officer, agent, or employee of the College shall have any interest, directly or indirectly, in any contract or purchase made, or authorized to be made by anyone for, or on behalf of the College. The proposer shall have no interest and shall not acquire any interest that shall conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the services required under this RFP. MANUFACTURERS' NAMES AND APPROVED EQUIVALENTS: Any manufacturers' names, information and/or catalog numbers listed in a specification are for information and not intended to limit competition. The proposer may offer any brand for which he is an authorized representative, which meets or exceeds the specification for any items(s). If proposals are based on equivalent products, indicate on the proposal form the manufacturer's name and number. Proposer shall submit with his proposal, cuts, sketches, descriptive literature, and complete specifications. The proposer shall also explain in detail the reason(s) why the proposed equivalent will meet the specifications and not be considered an exception thereto. Reference to literature submitted with a previous bid will not satisfy this provision. Proposals that do not comply with these requirements are subject to rejection. Proposals lacking any written indication of intent to quote an alternate brand will be received and considered in complete compliance with the specifications as listed on the proposal form. PURCHASES BY OTHER ENTITIES: With the consent and agreement of the successful proposer(s), purchases may be made under this bid by other community colleges, state universities, district school boards, political subdivisions, or state agencies with the State of Florida. Such purchases shall be governed by the same terms and conditions stated in the bid/proposal solicitation as provided in State Board of Education Rule 6A-14.0734(2)(d). ADDITIONAL QUANTITIES: The College reserves the right to acquire additional quantities at the prices quoted in this invitation. If additional quantities are not acceptable, the proposal sheets must note: For Specified Quantity, Only. INSPECTION, ACCEPTANCE AND TITLE: Inspection and acceptance will be at destination unless otherwise provided. Title and risk of loss or damage to all items shall be the responsibility of the contract supplier until accepted by the ordering agency, unless loss or damage results from negligence by the ordering agency. SERVICE AND WARRANTY: Unless otherwise specified, the proposer shall define any warranty service and replacements that will be provided during and subsequent to performance of this contract. Proposers must explain on an attached sheet to what extent warranty and service facilities are provided. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: Applicable provisions of all Federal, State, county and local laws, and of all ordinances, rules, and regulations shall govern development, submittal and evaluation of all proposals received in response hereto and shall govern any and all claims and disputes which may arise between person(s) submitting a RFP response hereto and the College by and through its officers, employees and authorized representatives, or any other person, natural or otherwise; and lack of knowledge by any proposer shall not constitute a cognizable defense against the legal effect thereof. NONCONFORMANCE TO CONTRACT CONDITIONS: Items may be tested for compliance with specifications by appropriate testing laboratories. The data derived from any tests for compliance with specifications are public records and open to examination thereto in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Items delivered not conforming to specifications may be rejected and returned at vendor's expense. These items and items not delivered as per delivery date in RFP and/or purchase order may result in proposer being found in default in which event any and all procurement costs may be charged against the defaulting contractor. Any violation of these stipulations may also result in the

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supplier's name being removed from the vendor mailing list. ADVERTISING: In submitting a proposal, proposer agrees not to use the results there from as a part of any commercial advertising. DISPUTES: In case of any doubt or difference of opinion as to the specifications, equivalent products, or items to be furnished here under, the decision of the College shall be final and binding on both parties. PATENTS AND ROYALTIES: The proposer, without exception, shall indemnify and save harmless the College and its employees from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expenses for or on account of any copyrighted materials. PROTEST: “Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in S. 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, or failure to post the bond or other security required by law within the time allowed for filing a bond shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes.” All protests must be delivered to the attention of the Purchasing Manager, Purchasing Department, 1100 Willis Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 within the time prescribed in Chapter 120, Florida Statutes to be considered valid. ASSIGNMENT: Any Purchase Order issued pursuant to this invitation and the moneys which may become due hereunder are not assignable except with the prior written approval of the College. GOVERNMENTAL RESTRICTIONS: In the event any governmental restrictions may be imposed that necessitate alteration of material, quality, workmanship or performance of the items offered on this proposal prior to their delivery, it shall be the responsibility of the successful proposer to notify the College in writing at once, indicating the specific regulation which required an alteration. The College reserves the right to accept any such alteration, including any price adjustments occasioned thereby, or to cancel the contract at no expense to the College. CONSORTIUM PURCHASE: When an RFP is issued on behalf of a consortium, prices shall be F.O.B., Ordering Institution address. Invoices shall be delivered to the Institution placing the order unless otherwise stated. STATE LICENSING REQUIREMENT: All entities defined under Chapters 607, 608, 617 or 620, Florida Statutes, seeking to do business with the College shall be on file and in good standing with the State of Florida’s Department of State. LIABILITY: The supplier shall hold and save the College, its officers, agents and employees harmless from liability of any kind in the performance of this contract. RETENTION OF RECORDS: Contractor agrees to retain all client records, financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other documents (including electronic storage media) pertaining to any contract resulting from this RFP for a period of five (5) years. Copies of all records shall be made available to the College upon request. All invoices and documentation must be clear and legible for audit purposes. Documents must be retained by contractor within the State of Florida at an address to be provided, in writing, to the College within 30 days of the contract execution. Any records not available at the time of an audit will be deemed unavailable for audit purposes. The contractor will cooperate with the College to facilitate the duplication and transfer of any said records or documents during the required retention period. The contractor shall inform the College of the location of all records pertaining to the contract resulting from this RFP and shall notify the College by certified mail within ten (10) days if/when the records have been moved to a new location.

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PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME INFORMATION STATEMENT: All invitations to bid as defined by Section 287.012(11), Florida Statutes, requests for proposals as defined by Section 287.012(16), Florida Statutes, and any contract document described by Section 287.058, Florida Statutes, shall contain a statement informing persons of the provisions of paragraph (2)(a) of Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, which reads as follows: “A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.” AUDIT RECORDS: The contractor agrees to maintain books, records, and documents (including electronic storage media) in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all revenues and expenditure of funds provided by the College under any contract resulting from the RFP, and agrees to provide a financial and compliance audit to the College or to the Office of the Auditor General and to ensure that all related party transactions are disclosed to the auditor. The contractor agrees to include all record keeping requirements on all subcontracts and assignments related to the contract resulting from this RFP. PUBLIC RECORD LAW: Any material submitted in response to this RFP (except trade secrets as defined in s. 812.081, FS) will become a public document pursuant to Section 119.07, F.S. This includes material which the responding proposer might consider to be confidential or proprietary a trade secret. Any claim of confidentiality is waived upon submission, effective after opening pursuant to Section 119.07. Contractor’s refusal to comply with this provision shall constitute sufficient cause for termination of the contract resulting from this RFP. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: The contractor shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. In the event of the contractor’s non- compliance with the non-discrimination clauses of the Americans with Disabilities Act, or with any other such rules, regulations or orders, any contract resulting from this RFP may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further contracts. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE: The non-discrimination clause contained in Section 202, Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Order 11375, relative to Equal Employment Opportunity for all persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin, and the implementing rules and regulations provided by the Secretary of Labor are incorporated herein. UNAUTHORIZED EMPLOYMENT OF ALIEN WORKERS: The College does not intend to award publicly funded contracts to those entities or affiliates who knowingly employ unauthorized alien workers, constituting a violation of the employment provisions as determined pursuant to Section 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act. DISCRIMINATORY VENDOR’S LIST: Any entity or affiliate who has been placed on the Discriminatory Vendors List may not submit a proposal to provide goods or services to a public entity, may not be awarded a contract or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under contract with any public entity and may not transact business with any public entity. SCORING METHODLOGY: The Evaluation Committee has the prerogative to determine what scoring methodology to utilize. There are two types of scoring methodologies, one is subjective scoring whereby each member of the committee provides their individual score, for each criteria, for each proposal reviewed. The other is a consensus methodology scoring; this method allows for the committee to discuss each criteria for each proposal, open discussion are detailed and it is after all members are in agreement when a score is recommended for each criteria and approved unanimously by the

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committee. If the committee does not arrive at a unanimous decision they will continue discussing the criteria until a consensus is reached. Other Requirements and Conditions INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: During the Contract term, the Contractor at its sole expense shall provide commercial insurance of such a type and with such terms and limits as required by the Contract. Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation of the Contractor. The limits of coverage under each policy maintained by the Contractor shall not be interpreted as limiting the Contractor’s liability and obligations under the Contract. All insurance policies shall be through insurers authorized or eligible to write policies in Florida. The Certificate of Insurance must be provided to the College prior to the commencement of any work. PROPOSED RULES FOR WITHDRAWAL: A submitted proposal may be withdrawn prior to the bid opening date. REJECTION OF PROPOSALS: The College may reject any and all proposals not meeting mandatory responsiveness requirements, which include terms, conditions or requirements that must be met by the proposer to be responsive to this RFP. These responsiveness requirements are mandatory. Failure to meet these responsiveness requirements may cause rejection of the proposal. In addition, the College may reject any or all proposals containing material deviations. Any bid rejected for failure to meet mandatory responsiveness requirements will not be reviewed. PROPOSAL INQUIRIES: The proposer may examine this RFP to determine if the College's requirements are clearly stated. If there are any requirements that restrict competition, the proposer may request to the College that the specifications be changed. The proposer that requests changes to the College's specifications must identify and describe the proposer’s difficulty in meeting the specifications, must provide detailed justification for a change, and must recommend changes to the specifications. Requests for changes to this RFP must be received within 72 hours of initial posting of the RFP documents. Proposer’s failure to request changes shall be considered to constitute proposer’s acceptance of the specifications. The College shall determine what changes to this RFP shall be acceptable to the College. If required, the College shall issue an addendum reflecting the acceptable changes to this RFP, which shall be provided to all proposers via email in order that all proposers shall be given the opportunity of proposing to the same specifications. ADDENDA: All notifications of addenda and or updates to this RFP will be posted to the College’s Purchasing web page at: http://www.DaytonaState.edu/bussvcs/bids.html PRE-DECISION DISCUSSIONS: Any discussion by the proposer with any employee or authorized representative of the College involving proposal information occurring after the proposals are opened and prior to the posting of the recommended award may result in the rejection of that proposal. VERBAL INSTRUCTIONS: No negotiations, decisions, or actions shall be initiated or executed by the proposer as a result of any discussions with any College employee. Only those communications that are in writing from the College's Purchasing staff identified in this RFP shall be considered a duly authorized expression on behalf of the College. Only communications from the proposer's representative that are posted and acknowledged will be recognized by the College as duly authorized expressions on behalf of the proposer. Any oral information received from any Daytona State College staff member or member of the Evaluation Committee will not alter or change this RFP. POSTING OF RECOMMENDED AWARD: The recommended award may be reviewed on the College’s web page at http://www.DaytonaState.edu/bussvcs/bids.html

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INCLUSION OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: All those submitting sealed replies in response to this Request for Proposal understand that the RFP document, the sealed reply, and all documents and/or materials represented in presentation to the committee shall be a complete record and shall be included in the final contract. TERMINATION AT WILL: The Contract resulting from this RFP may be terminated by either party upon no less than sixty (60) calendar days' notice, without cause, unless a lesser time is mutually agreed upon by both parties. Notice shall be delivered by certified mail (return receipt requested), by other method of delivery whereby an original signature is obtained, or in-person with proof of delivery. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: The obligations of the College under this award are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated annually for its purposes by the Legislature of the State of Florida. TRAVEL EXPENSES: The College shall not be responsible for the payment of any travel expense for the Contractor which occurs as a result of the Contract resulting from this RFP. SUBCONTRACTORS: The proposer is fully responsible for all work performed under the Contract resulting from this RFP. The proposer may, upon receiving prior written consent from the College's Purchasing Director, enter into written subcontract(s) for performance of certain of its functions under the Contract. No subcontract, which the proposer enters into with respect to performance of any of its functions under the Contract, shall in any way relieve the proposer of any responsibility for the performance of its duties, including any and all liabilities that may arise out of the subcontractor's work related to the project. All payments to subcontractors shall be made by the proposer. FORCE MAJEURE: Neither party shall be liable for loss or damage suffered as a result of any delay or failure in performance under the Contract resulting from this RFP or interruption of performance resulting directly or indirectly from acts of God, accidents, fire, explosions, earthquakes, floods, water, wind, lightning, civil or military authority, acts of public enemy, war, riots, civil disturbances, insurrections, strikes, or labor disputes. SUBSTITUTION OF KEY PERSONNEL: In the event the successful proposer desires to substitute any key personnel submitted with his/her proposal, either permanently or temporarily, the College shall have the right to approve or disapprove the desired personnel change in advance in writing. SEVERABILITY: The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of the Contract resulting from this RFP shall not affect the other provisions hereof and the Contract resulting from this RFP shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision was omitted, so long as the material purposes of the Contract resulting from this RFP can still be determined and effectuated. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE: Any Contract resulting from this RFP is executed and entered into in the State of Florida, and shall be construed, performed and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the State of Florida. Any action hereon or in connection herewith shall be brought in Volusia County, Florida. SAMPLE CONTRACT: Proposers must include a copy of their standard contract with their submissions. If proposers do not have a standard contract, the College will provide a contract subject to the terms and conditions of this RFP. Proposers are encouraged to alter their contracts to conform to the terms of the RFP. PUBLIC MEETING NOTIFICATION: All meetings to judge and/or evaluate this solicitation or to make recommendations for award are held in strict compliance with Florida Statutes as they pertain to Government in the Sunshine regulations. All meetings are fully open to all proposers as well as the public at-large. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: Failure to attend a mandatory pre-proposal conference will result in your proposal being

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considered non-responsive. ONLINE PROCUREMENT: CS/SB 0350: Authorizes district school boards, Florida College System institution boards of trustees and university boards of trustees to make purchases through an online procurement system, electronic auction service, or other efficient procurement tool; requires each district school board and Florida College System institution board of trustees to review the purchasing agreements and state term contracts available through the Department of Management Services before purchasing nonacademic commodities and services; requires each bid specification for nonacademic commodities and services include a statement that the purchasing agreements and state term contracts have been reviewed. Insurance Coverage

1. Insurance The CONTRACTOR shall bear the full and complete responsibility for all risk of damage or loss of equipment, products or money resulting from any cause whatsoever and shall not penalize COLLEGE for any losses incurred in association with this Contract.

1.1. The CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain, through the term of this Contract insurance

coverage reflecting at a minimum, the limits and coverage required by the COLLEGE and Florida Statutes.

1.1.1. Prior to execution of this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall provide a Certificate of

Insurance for such coverage to the COLLEGE for approval, indicating the producer, insured, carrier’s name and BEST rating, policy numbers and effective and expiration dates of each type of coverage required. The Certificate of Insurance shall be signed by the insurance carrier’s authorized representative and shall identify the COLLEGE as added insured as required.

1.2. All insurers must be qualified to lawfully conduct business in the State of Florida. Failure of

the COLLEGE to notify the CONTRACTOR that the certificate of insurance does not meet the Contract requirements shall not constitute a waiver of the CONTRACTOR’S responsibility to meet the stated requirements. In addition, receipt and acceptance of the certificate of insurance by the COLLEGE shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from responsibility for adhering to the insurance limits and conditions of insurance required within this Contract. Misrepresentation of any material fact, whether intentional or not, regarding the CONTRACTOR’S insurance coverage, policies, or capabilities, may be grounds for termination of the Contract as determined solely by the COLLEGE. This paragraph shall survive the expiration or termination of the Contract.

1.3. All Policies must be Occurrence Form only. "Claims made" insurance policies are not acceptable.

1.4. All policies should have Best Rating of A-/VI or better. 1.5. Policies other than Worker's Compensation shall be issued only by companies which maintain

a Rating of A- or better and a Financial Size Category of VI or better according to the A.M. Best Company.

1.6. Policies for Worker's Compensation may be issued by companies authorized as a group self-insurer by Florida Statute 624.4621, formerly 440.57.

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1.7. CONTRACTOR shall furnish COLLEGE with certificates of insurance which shall include a provision that policy cancellation, non-renewal or reduction of coverage will not be effective until at least sixty (60) days written notice has been made to COLLEGE.

1.8. CONTRACTOR shall include COLLEGE as an additional insured on the General Liability, Automobile Liability, and Excess Umbrella policies.

1.9. The CONTRACTOR, at its cost, must provide acceptable evidence of compliance with the worker's compensation insurance requirements of the State of Florida. In the event that the CONTRACTOR fails to maintain and keep in force the insurance and Worker’s Compensation coverage as herein provided, COLLEGE shall have the right to terminate the Contract.

Background Daytona State College was authorized by the 1957 Florida Legislature and became the state’s first comprehensive community college. Today, the College has evolved from a small campus into an academically supervised multi-campus institution providing educational and cultural programs. Daytona State College has fostered a tradition of excellence in academics and service to a growing community. Daytona State College now serves more than 27,000 students annually. Daytona State provides quality, affordable job training, personal enrichment, and academic programs to educate and to empower individuals and promote economic development. As a comprehensive public college committed to open access, student learning and success, Daytona State College provides personalized attention to students, embraces diversity, and uses innovation to enhance teaching and learning. Project Scope Daytona State College seeks to create a mobile app to maximize enrollment efforts, engage prospective students in decision-making regarding academic pathways, and provide community audiences and other stakeholders with efficient access to College information. The new mobile app should enrich the college environment to heighten cultural inclusion, social acceptance and community connection among students. A fully functional mobile app is also an opportunity to create a dynamic image for DSC that aligns with the College’s Strategic Plan of continuous improvement and increasing engagement to increase student enrollment, academic success, and completion. The ideal firm will help the College clarify its needs and create a mobile app that aligns with institutional enrollment and retention goals. Requirement: Vendor shall adhere to Federal Government regulation 2 CFR pt. 200. (See Attachment A) Project Goals and Objectives

Daytona State College seeks an engaging and informative mobile app that allows a personalized experience based on user groups (profiles): guest, prospective student, student, student living in housing, student at regional campuses, parent, Dual Enrolled high school student, alumni, employee, community member). First-Time-in-College (FTIC) students are a primary audience, and the new mobile app should showcase a rich college environment with diversity and inclusion, and increase equity and accessibility. DSC’s project expectations for the vendor include:

• A review of other higher education mobile apps for comparison of current best practices in usability/functionality and design;

• Interviews, user-testing sessions and surveys with students, DSC employees (faculty, staff, administrators), and community;

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• Testing new functionality with key users; and • Presentation of findings and recommendations to mobile app team and senior leadership.

When finished the mobile app should: • Attract prospective students and assist them in navigating the enrollment process; • Improve retention and graduation outcomes for First-Time-In-College/FTIC students through inclusive

engagement, navigation assistance and online learning support; • Engage the community and other constituencies regarding DSC events and offerings; • Improve the user experience so that prospective students, current students, parents, community partners,

donors and guests can easily find information; • Utilize a dynamic design that incorporates white space, rich media (such as vibrant photos, video interactive

features), with intuitive navigation, concise text and “call to action” language; • Be completely mobile-friendly for optimal accessibility on all mobile device platforms (device neutral); and • Be compliant with ADA section 508, WCAG 2.0 standards and associated best practices to provide full access

to all users.

General Technical Requirements Daytona State College requires a system that:

Is a new mobile app design with fonts, and graphic elements that are cohesive with the DSC branding

Is designed to be 100% mobile friendly/responsive display Is a ‘one-stop-shop’ for all DSC with total integration, not just static pages that link to the website Is a personalized experience based on user groups (profiles): guest, prospective student, student,

student living in housing, student at regional campuses, parent, Dual Enrolled high school student, alumni, employee, community member).

Integrates with PeopleSoft/Campus Solutions Uses mobile-friendly, device-neutral page templates (mobile first) to include, but not limited to, the homepage, 1st level, 2nd level, program page, online form, landing page, special event page,

event calendar, employee directory, custom 404, etc. Meets all accessibility requirements Entire mobile app is fully secure and utilizes the College’s single sign on (SSO) Is designed to load extremely fast in order to keep the user engaged and on target to find the

information they seek Integrates into College’s PeopleSoft ERP so students and/or users can:

o access their grades o apply and register for classes; must integrate with College’s scheduling software (software

application and vendor yet to be determined – separate RFP currently in progress) o add/swap/drop classes o make payments o access financial aid/student accounts o access to on-campus meal plans o mobile food orders for on-campus dining

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o student housing functions (open doors, laundry notifications, maintenance requests, push message when mail arrives at Central Receiving & Mail Services, contact your Housing Resident Advisor (RA), etc.)

o linked to student email o integrated into Course Management System (D2L) o perform graduation audit o order transcripts o digital ID badge and upload student photo o integrated with career planning application/software (software application and vendor to be

determined) o integrated with library o integration with athletics results o make room reservation requests o take reservations for events o take reservations for Café 101 dining room o copier/printer (Software application: PaperCut) services & accounts o calendar of events with filters for areas of interest

For emergency communications, must be able to integrate with emergency alert texts issued by Campus Safety via Blackboard Connect; ability to contact Campus Safety

Ability to schedule appointments with departments (i.e. Career Center, Advising, Writing Center, Assessment, Admissions/Campus Tours, etc.); push message or text for a digital queue system for prospective students and their parents when they come to the campus to begin the enrollment process

Interactive campus maps that provide easy to use walking directions while on campus; maps also able to filter items of interest (i.e. parking, ADA parking, quiet spaces, lactation rooms, bathrooms, family/all gender bathrooms, computer labs, MFDs and printers, vending machines, dining, etc.)

Able to push messages with notifications that look and feel like texting and badge alerts on a mobile device; ability for faculty to push messages to their students (i.e. class cancelled, class moved to new location, etc.)

Ability to utilize analytics, identify tracking and conversion goals, with executive summary dashboards using historic and real-time app usage data;

Ability to manage preferences (notification subscription, etc.) Provide on-site training for the mobile app management team including ability to manage imagery,

content, and any other items that may be needed to properly manage the app; Unlimited users, content managers and support tickets; Consistent and timely updates/upgrades to mobile app to keep pace with mobile device operating

system updates (i.e. iOS, Android, etc.); Provides a reporting tool (utilization, error stats, etc.) and audit log; IT-related items:

o Performance expectations (immediate app responsiveness) o Test system available 24/7/365 o Real time bidirectional integration with PeopleSoft CS, HCM, FSCM, PeopleTools 8.57.12 (8.56.10) o Maintenance/support plan for new PeopleSoft upgrades/updates (PeopleTools, PUMs, etc.).

Timely certification of interoperability of the mobile app with latest PeopleSoft/PeopleTools versions

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o Integration with CWE (Continuing Workforce Education) system (software application implementation pending contract approvals and will be implemented Summer 2020).

o All data is fully encrypted using the latest industry standards. For example, data at rest (saved on the mobile app) and data in transit (data being exchanged with other integrated systems).

o Supports seamless SSO with ADFS using SAML standards General Functional Requirements Daytona State College requires students be able to:

Use the interface easily with no training (intuitive) Navigate the app easily and find information within three (3) clicks Find and compare programs of study See overview of their program courses/what they need to complete/courses already completed Log into the Student Portal easily Find faculty and staff easily in the employee directory

Daytona State College requires its Content/Page Managers be able to:

Use the interface easily with minimum training View entire mobile app analytics to see trends and patterns based on user behavior and traffic

through the app View dashboards of the app and its sections

All records or data input into the proposed systems remain the property of Daytona State College, without any transfer or reservation of ownership or other rights to the proposer. Technical Architecture

1. Submit a technical architecture diagram of the Vendor System, including integrations to Daytona State College’s onsite PeopleSoft system as well as third party Payment Processing System, Financial Systems, and Learning Management Systems. Include a listing of the key business functions that this solution architecture delivers. 2. Describe the technology platforms on which the Vendor System is based and technologies the Vendor Solution is dependent on. 3. Describe all third-party licenses required for the Vendor System, including any third-party software required on devices or computers to view content. 4. Describe supported client configurations, including Windows and Apple operating systems, and standard browsers including Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge with versions. 5. Describe storage limits associated with the license type on the quote. Describe when additional storage purchases are necessary. Describe any limitations for storage and archival of data. Include any limitations on the number of years or amount of data that can be uploaded or stored, number of pages. 6. Provide any proposed URLs and describe the SSL certificate used. 7. Describe the production and non-production environments included with the Vendor System

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including sizing information and processing limitations (e.g. Production, Test, Development, D/R, etc.). Identify any additional licensing or subscriptions requirements for all production and non-production environments. 8. The College’s full Security and Compliance Statement must be reviewed and acknowledged. 9. Vendor must accept all required Non-Disclosure Agreements for third party applications (e.g., PeopleSoft by Oracle). Provide copies of any relevant Non-Disclosure agreement.

10. Describe the frequency of updates/enhancements released for the Vendor System. 11. Describe Daytona State College’s ability to decline, defer or delay a given update or enhancement. 12. Describe Vendor System responsiveness in terms of response time for core functions. Include Service Level

Agreement (SLA) standards the Vendor will commit to. 13. Describe your proposed post implementation support strategy.

The system provider must be an established, stable proposer with an existing installed client base including clients of the size and complexity of Daytona State College. The proposed system must be fully tested and proven to be functional and reliable. The selected proposer must have a demonstrated commitment to the education industry, be financially healthy, and be committed to long-term product development and maintenance through periodic technical and functional upgrades. The proposer must have a proven record for providing fully tested and stable new software releases, including well-documented installation scripts and procedures. Daytona State College expects the selected proposer to provide well-designed and well-documented consulting support during the implementation stages, as well as functional and technical implementation support, training, project management, data conversion, and any necessary software customization. The proposer is also expected to provide on-going maintenance services such as priority help support, system and user documentation, Web access to product information and software upgrades, as well as other services. Daytona State College expects the selected proposer to have an active user community providing support and assistance across the proposer client base as well as informing and directing the priorities for new product development and enhancements of the proposer. The proposer must have a healthy, active and engaged network of clients participating in user group conversations and events. Licensing Expectations Ideally, Daytona State College has the following visions related to the licensing of the system software:

Daytona State College expects to be billed only for module(s) successfully installed, tested and operational, and for the respective prorated portion of the annual maintenance contract. Daytona State College has the right to move the software to any location at any time. Daytona State College will have a perpetual, non-exclusive license to the software, which will survive any sale or transfer of the proposer’s ownership rights.

Note: Detailed technical, functional, and implementation requirements are listed in Tab A.

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Proposal Submission Requirements One (1) proposal marked “Original”, six (6) copies and one (1) electronic copy (via USB flash drive in PDF) must be received in the Purchasing Department by April 6, 2020 at 2:00 PM EST. Please direct completed proposals (paper and electronic) to: Daytona State College Attn: Purchasing Manager 1100 Willis Ave. Daytona Beach, Florida 32114-2819 Withdrawal of proposals will be accepted until the proposal submission time and date stated above. No proposals may be withdrawn after the deadline. Proposals shall be irrevocable for 180 days following the proposal due date. Proposals will be assumed to be competitive, subject to due diligence and negotiations. Omissions, evasions, alterations, additions, or irregularities of any kind may constitute sufficient cause for rejection of a proposal without further consideration. Daytona State College is not liable for interpretations and misinterpretations or other errors or omissions made by the proposer in responding to this RFP. The proposal should be submitted electronically in either Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format, arranged in the following prescribed order. The proposal should not reference costs except in attachments B and C.

Section 1 – Cover Letter: Briefly explain why your solution and company are good fits to meet the Daytona State College needs as specified in this RFP. The letter shall contain the title of the solicitation, include the proposer’s name, federal tax identification and address, and shall be signed by an individual who is authorized to bind the firm to all statements, including services and prices contained in the proposal.

Section 2 – Company Information: Please provide an overview and history of your company, including at least the following information:

a. Name: Provide the legal company name, address, and telephone number of the legal entity. b. Legal Structure: Describe the legal structure of your company. c. Leadership: Provide details on the leadership of your company in all key areas. Include an organizational chart showing the line of authority including individual names, and titles. d. Staffing: Provide details about your company’s staffing including employee retention rates by job category. e. History: Explain your corporate history, length of time in the higher education niche, and number and type of higher education clients. f. Mission: Explain your corporate mission, vision, and long-term strategic initiatives. g. Finances: Provide information demonstrating the financial performance of your company, including information relevant to your ongoing financial stability. h. Strategy: Explain your product strategy and roadmap for the next release. i. Plans: List and describe any major development plans and initiatives for the next three years related to the scope of this RFP, including strategy for the next two releases. j. Other Products: List and describe other products beyond those listed in this proposal that may benefit Daytona State College. k. Lawsuits: List and describe all current or pending lawsuits. l. Awards: List and describe recent company awards or acknowledgements.

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m. Comparables: Describe your history of working with institutions similar in size and complexity to Daytona State College. n. Fit: Explain what makes your company uniquely qualified to fulfill Daytona State College’s needs.

Section 3 – Client References: Provide at least three client references, two of whom are Florida State Colleges

(preferred) and similar in size and complexity to Daytona State College and have licensed the proposed systems in a comparable environment. References that utilize PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2 Fluid is preferred. For each client reference provide, at a minimum, the client name, a contact name, title, address, e-mail address, phone number, institutional enrollment, list of software licensed and implementation status, and hardware and database environments. Also provide information on clients who have either cancelled or discontinued use of any part of the proposer’s system or maintenance agreement within the past five years.

The following separate documents should also be submitted as attachments to the proposal:

Tab A – Vendor Questions: Tab A (Requirements Document provided by Daytona State College) should be completed using the document provided with the RFP. Please edit the document by selecting responses for the closed-ended questions from the list and entering text into the open-ended text boxes. The text boxes support rich format, so they can be completed by cutting and pasting formatted text and images into the text box. DO NOT reference any costs in this document. Please complete all fields, save the document, appending your proposer name to the file name, and include the completed document in your submission. Tab A -Security Questions: Answer 12 Information Security questions provided by Daytona State College. Please edit the document and enter your response using the criteria listed on the worksheet. DO NOT reference any costs in this document. Please complete all fields and save the document. Tab B – Costs: Please respond to the following statements and questions in Paragraph format in this order. NOTE: All costs for all products needed to make the proposed solution fully functional should be included in this section.

1. Describe your pricing model and methodology. 2. If it is pay per transaction model, what is considered a transaction? 3. Please provide detail on which product services are included in the transaction fee. 4. What billing term options are available (monthly, annually, etc.)? What are your proposed payment terms? 5. Based on the following assumption, please provide complete pricing as a separate attachment. Label attachment. Pricing must include the following:

Cost for all required modules Costs for any optional modules Cost for any fee-per-transaction processing All One-time costs All ongoing costs, broken down by Years 1-4 Implementation cost estimates including any travel or other expenses Training costs both during implementation and ongoing Support (details required and if there are multiple tiers of support available) Storage costs

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Hardware Software Other items not described previously

6. If you have pricing levels or tiers that are based on certain numbers, provide the tiers and the pricing associated with them. 7. If there are annual price increases, would you be willing to cap pricing so there would be no increases the initial first three years of the contract and then cap at maximum of 3% increase annually for the remainder of the contract? 8. Is there a cost for changing business rules, policies, or user interfaces after implementation? 9. Please describe any and all features and/or services that will cost extra.

10. Do you charge for product enhancements?

Tab C – Hosting Costs: If applicable, provide a detailed cost breakdown for a hosted option for delivering the system. Tab D – Financials (sealed separately): Attach complete audited financial statements of the proposer’s financial condition for the proposer’s most recent fiscal year. Any financial statements that are submitted are exempt from becoming public record, per Section 119.071(c) Florida Statutes. Please provide financial statements in a separate sealed envelope and clearly label the outside of the envelope with Proposer’s Name, RFP #20-016, and Financial Statement enclosed as per Section 119.071 (1)(c). Tab E – License Conditions: Specify the terms and conditions for using the licensed software proposed in response to this RFP. Include the license documents for all software, installation, and maintenance services.

Tab F – Statement of Work: Delineate the scope and detailed descriptions of all work the proposer will perform to fulfill the contract. Tab G – Proposed Staffing: Describe the staff who will be assigned to work with Daytona State College throughout the implementation process and beyond. Include information on the corporate organization, experience, and skills related your track record, reputation, and past client performance that indicates the capabilities for successful implementation of the proposed service. Provide examples of similar major projects that demonstrate experience, qualifications, innovative solutions, and skill sets that enabled you to perform the necessary tasks. Include resumes of key project team members. Tab H – Proposed Project Plan and Schedule: Provide a detailed discussion of the recommended plan for the project being proposed, fully explaining how you plan to implement the project within the context of other systems currently in use and considering the need to integrate and/or interface with these systems so as not to disrupt day-to-day operations within the College. The preliminary written project plan should clearly articulate project management methodology and contain clearly marked milestones and deliverables for all phases of the project. The plan shall describe how and when each implementation stage will be accomplished, timeframes for training and meetings, data conversion techniques and expectations, testing and live cutover, and status reports and issue resolution. Tab I – Implementation and Training Services: Provide a detailed description of all implementation and training services included with the system. Include example training materials and user manuals.

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Tab J – Customer Service and Support: Provide a detailed description of the ongoing customer service and support services that will be provided to Daytona State College as part of its ongoing maintenance agreement. Tab K – Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Proposer: Required to be completed and returned with the RFP. Tab L – Sworn Statement under Section 287.133(3)(a), Florida Statutes, On Public Entity Crimes: Required to be completed, notarized and returned either with the Attachment B or once the firm is selected as the finalist. This is a required form by the State of Florida. Tab M – Submit for a ‘no proposal’ Tab N – Certification of Drug-Free Workplace Program Tab O – Acknowledgement of Addenda

Term of Contract

Daytona State College anticipates awarding the contract in June 2020, and immediately engaging in an implementation process with a go-live date of September 25, 2020, and an ongoing relationship with the selected proposer for maintenance and support. Proposer Qualifications

Daytona State College reserves the right to verify the information received in any proposal submitted in response to this RFP and, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to determine whether a proposer has the ability, capacity, and resources necessary to perform in full any contract resulting from this RFP. The College may request from responder’s information it deems necessary to evaluate such proposer’s qualifications and capacities to deliver the products and/or services sought hereunder. The College may reject any proposal for which such information has been requested but which the responder has not provided. If the information cannot be verified, Daytona State College reserves the right to downgrade its evaluation of the proposal. If a proposer knowingly and willfully submits false performance or other data, Daytona State College reserves the right to reject that proposal. If it is determined that a contract was awarded as a result of false statements or other data submitted in response to this RFP, Daytona State College reserves the right to terminate that contract immediately and seek damages. Such information may include but is not limited to:

Financial resources Personnel resources Physical resources Internal financial, operating, quality assurance, and other similar controls and policies Resumes of key executives, officers, and other personnel pertinent to the scope of the RFP Customer references Disclosures of complaints or pending actions, legal or otherwise, against the vendor Functionality as documented in Attachment A and observed via demonstration and experience. Technology as documented in Attachment A and observed via demonstration and experience.

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Award/Contract Daytona State College will require a presentation of the proposed system capabilities via demonstrations. As determined by the College, proposers should be prepared to present in-person oral and/or webex. Finalists will be given additional instructions at a later date regarding the mode of presentation delivery. The College intends to select the most responsible and responsive Proposer(s) that can demonstrate in their written response and in their presentation quantitative and qualitative information based on the criteria contained herein. The proposer understands that this RFP does not constitute an agreement or contract with the proposer. Daytona State College reserves the right to contract with any of the proposers that submit a response to this RFP based solely upon its judgment of the qualifications and capabilities of that proposer and may waive technical defects as the interests of Daytona State College require. Daytona State College reserves the right to contract with any of the proposers that submit a response to this RFP based solely upon its judgment of the qualifications and capabilities of that proposer and may waive technical defects as the interests of Daytona State College require. The Daytona State College Evaluation Committee will recommend to the College Board of Trustees the preferred company and solution. An official contract or agreement is not binding until proposals are reviewed and accepted by appointed staff, approved by the appropriate level of authority within Daytona State College and executed by the parties. The proposer understands that the College reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to withdraw this request for proposals at any time. Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated and awarded based upon the criteria noted in the RFP. All information must be legible, in order, and easily interpreted. All questions or requests from the vendor for information must be submitted via email to [email protected] before the due date (noted above) and all responses related to the RFP must be complete. Pricing, the ability to meet the College’s needs, and the efficiency of the vendor’s ordering process should be clear and concise. In Daytona State College’s sole discretion, incomplete packages may be rejected. Vendor proposals will be evaluated by the College’s Purchasing Department and an evaluation team. If there are portions of any proposal the College finds unacceptable or otherwise in need of clarification or revision, the College reserves the right to negotiate with any and all vendors. Evaluation Criteria: Based on a consensus scoring method among the Evaluation Committee members, the proposals will be ranked highest to lowest with a total maximum score of 100.

Criteria Criteria Description Project Goals and Objectives and General Technical Requirements

Proposer’s website redesign addresses the requirements as listed in the Project Goals and Objectives and in the General Technical Requirements (Page 12-15).

General Functional Requirements

Proposer’s website redesign addresses the requirements established for student use and Content/Page Managers as listed in the General Functional Requirements (Page 15)

Technical Architecture

Proposer’s proposal successfully addresses the Technical Architecture (Page 15-16)

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References Evaluation of company’s references and reputation, and specifically their experience with a client base of higher education.

Tab A (Detailed technical, functional, and implementation requirements)

Proposer’s response to detailed technical, functional, and implementation requirements.

Tab A (Security Questions)

Proposer’s response to Security Questions

Proposed Project Plan & Schedule

Proposer provided a project plan and schedule per requirements listed in RFP. Project Plan and Schedule in line with College expectations.

Implementation and Training Services

Proposer addressed and included information detailing their implementation and training services. Sample training materials and user manuals are in line with College expectations.

Pricing / Costs Price, including value added. Proposals provide cost information as requested in the RFP.

Overall Proposal Other than criteria specifically listed above, the proposal successfully addressed Company information, Statement of Work, Proposed Staffing, Licensing, and Customer Service and Support as requested in the RFP.

Evaluation Rating Criteria for each item reviewed and evaluated:

Rating (0-10): Basis for Scoring:

0 Non-responsive to the RFP. Inadequate material/information to evaluate. Unsatisfactory response.

1-4 Response provided is in compliance with the RFP but lacking or unsatisfactory in some way.

5 Adequate, satisfactory, or good response to the RFP.

6-9 Very good response to the RFP. Reflects a distinct advantage or benefit to the Owner.

10 Outstanding response to RFP. Superior characteristic, feature, or offer.

Criteria for assigning scores:

a. Responsiveness to terms and requests of the RFP. b. Comparison to other proposals received. c. Reflective of industry trends, innovations, and business practices. d. Apparent benefits or detriments to the College associated with the response.

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Short Listed Presentations Evaluation Criteria: Based on the average calculated score, the short-listed firms will be ranked highest to lowest with a 15 average score being the highest.

• Interview and presentation 15 Information for presentations and the evaluation criteria will be sent to short listed finalist(s) prior to presentations. Be sure to refer to the RFP Timeline for the date(s). Times will be assigned by the College.

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Required Forms Required Forms will follow this page.

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This is to certify that I (authorized representative) have read and understood the terms, conditions, specifications and other instructions contained in this Request for Proposal, and further, that the items of materials and/or services rendered do meet minimum specifications set forth in this Invitation. I further certify that this proposal is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or persons submitting a proposal for the same materials, supplies, or equipment and is in all respect fair and without collusion or fraud. I agree to abide by all conditions of this request and certify that I am authorized to sign this proposal for the proposer.

RFP 20-017 Mobile App

Proposal Submittal Form

Company Name:

Bidding As: Corporation Individual Other (explain)


City: State: Zip Code

Telephone: Fax: Email:

Representative Title:


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Proposer Name: Formerly:

Mailing Address:

City, State, Zip:

Street Address:

City, State, Zip:

Contact Person: Title:

E-mail Address: Website Home Page:

Type of Business: (Check one)

Incorporated in the State of:


# of Years:

Proposer is a CMBE: Per the Florida Office of

Supplier Diversity: Yes No

If “Yes”, complete and submit CMBE Form

Federal Employer Identification Number:


SSN (if Sole-Proprietorship or Partnership):

- - Only required if FEIN is not provided

Telephone Number: ( )

Toll Free Telephone Number: ( )

Proposer’s Information

Corporation Sole-Proprietorship Partnership Joint Venture

Page 27: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP #20-017 Mobile App April , 2020by … 20-017... · 2020-03-16 · RFP 20 -017 Mobile App 5 PROPOSAL OPENING: Shall be public, at the address indicated on

This form must be used to list references RFP 20-017 Mobile App

Reference # 1 Customer Name Customer Contact Contact Title Contact Phone # Type of Business

Reference # 2

Customer Name Customer Contact Contact Title Contact Phone # Type of Business

Reference # 3

Customer Name Customer Contact Contact Title Contact Phone # Type of Business

Reference # 4

Customer Name Customer Contact Contact Title Contact Phone # Type of Business

Reference # 5

Customer Name Customer Contact Contact Title Contact Phone # Type of Business

Note: A minimum of 3 responsive, references are required; of which two must be similar in size and complexity to Daytona State College and have licensed the proposed systems in a comparable environment.. Contact names and contact phone numbers must be active at your reference and must be accessible to the College. Any contacts that cannot, or will not, provide a reference will result not be counted.


Page 28: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP #20-017 Mobile App April , 2020by … 20-017... · 2020-03-16 · RFP 20 -017 Mobile App 5 PROPOSAL OPENING: Shall be public, at the address indicated on

State College of Florida is a drug free workplace. Proposers that participate in the drug free workplace program are asked to sign the drug free workplace form included in this document. The form will be used by the evaluation committee as a first tie-breaker.

The undersigned vendor in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087 hereby certifies that

(Name of Business) does:

1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition.

2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business’ policy

of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations.

3. Give each employees engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are

under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1).

4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 1893 or of any controlled substance law of the United State or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five 95) days after such conviction.

5. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or

rehabilitation program is such is available in the employee’s community, by any employee who is so convicted.

6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through

implementation of this section.

As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements.

Proposer’s Signature Date

Drug-Free Workplace Form

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Answer the following questions by placing an " X " or check “ ” in the box after "YES" or "NO". If you answer "YES", please explain via attachment. Disclosure can be limited to the regional/district office which will be supporting this contract.

********** 1. Has your firm, or any of its officers, received a reprimand of any nature or been suspended by the Department of Professional Regulation or any other regulatory agency or professional association within the last five (5) years?


2. Has your firm, or any member of your firm, been declared in default, terminated or removed from a contract or job related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business within the last five (5) years?

YES NO If yes, indicate company name, contact name and telephone number, length of service provided, and reason for early cancellation/termination of contract. 3. Has your firm had filed against it or filed any requests for equitable adjustment, contract claims or litigation in the past five (5) years that is related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business?


If yes, state the nature of the request for equitable adjustment, contract claim or litigation, a brief description of the case, the outcome or status of suit and the monetary amounts involved. I hereby certify that all statements made are true and agree and understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation or falsification of facts shall be cause for forfeiture of rights for further consideration of this project:

Proposer (Firm) Date

Authorized Signature (Officer) Officer Title

Printed or Typed Name

Dispute Disclosure

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State of County of , being first duly sworn, deposes and says that: He/she is of _, Proposer that has submitted the attached Bid; He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Bid and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such Bid; Neither the said Proposer nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agent representatives, employees, or parties in interest, including this affiant, has in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion or communication or conference with any other Proposer, firm or person, to fix the price or prices in the attached Proposal or of any other Proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of the Proposal price or the Proposal price of any other Proposer, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement any advantage against the Board of Trustees of Daytona State College. The price or prices quoted in the attached Proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement on the part of the Proposer or any of its agents, representatives, owners, employees, or parties in interest, including this affiant. Signed Title Subscribed and sworn to before me this _day of , 20 . Name Title My Commission Expires:

Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Proposer

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THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. 1. This sworn statement is submitted with Bid Proposal or Contract for (Project) 2. This sworn statement is submitted by [name of entity submitting sworn statement] whose business address is: and (if applicable) its

Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is . (If entity has no FEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement:)

3. My name is and my relationship to the entity named above is (title)

4. I understand that a “public entity crime” as defined in Section 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid, proposal, reply, or contract for goods or services, any lease for real property, or any contract for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation.

5. I understand that “convicted” or “conviction” as defined in Section 287.133 (1)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record, relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere.

6. I understand that an “affiliate” as defined in Section 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes, means: (1) A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or (2) An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term “affiliate” includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm’s length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate.

7. I understand that a “person” as defined in Section 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term “person” includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity.

8. Based on information and belief, that statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. [Please indicate which statement applies.]

____ Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity, has been charged with and convicted of public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989, AND [Please indicate which additional statement applies.]


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____ There has been a proceeding concerning the conviction before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer did not place the person or affiliate on the convicted vendor list. [Please attach a copy of the final order.]

____ The person or affiliate was placed on the convicted vendor list. There has been a subsequent proceeding before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer determined that it was in the public interest to remove the person or affiliate from the convicted vendor list. [Please attach a copy of the final order.]

____ The person or affiliate has not been placed on the convicted vendor list. [Please describe any action taken by or pending with the Department of General Services.]

Date: Signature: STATE OF: __________________________ COUNTY OF: ___________________________ PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, [name of individual signing] who after first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature in the space provided above on this day of , in the year . My commission expires: Notary Public Print, Type, or Stamp of Notary Public Personally known to me, or Produced Identification: _____________________________ Type of I.D.

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This company elects to "NO PROPOSAL" this Request for Proposal for the following reason(s): I certify that I am a representative of this company:

“NO PROPOSAL” Response Sheet

Authorized Signature Date Printed Name Phone Name of Company Fax Address Email

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The undersigned acknowledge receipt of the following Addenda. If no Addenda are received, include the word “None” in the blank spaces provided. Addendum No. _______________ Date _______________ Addendum No. _______________ Date _______________ Addendum No. _______________ Date _______________ Addendum No. _______________ Date _______________ I certify that I am a representative of this company and authorized to submit this proposal: Authorized Signature Date Printed Name Phone Name of Company Fax Address Email Address

Acknowledgement of Addenda

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Proposer hereby declares that it is a Minority/Woman Owned Business Enterprise by virtue of the following: Type of Business: Check applicable block(s)

“African-American” includes persons having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. “Hispanic American” includes persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish cultures or origins, regardless of race. “Native American” includes American Indians, Eskimos, Alaskan Indians, Aleuts and Native Hawaiians. “Asian-Pacific Americans” includes persons whose origins are from Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Trust Territories of the Pacific, and Northern Marianas. “Asian-Indian Americans” includes persons whose origins are from India, the Indian Sub-Continent and Pakistan. “Woman-Owned Business Enterprise”

Note: MBE and WBE are defined by Federal Register 49 CFR, Part 23, as a business firm which as at least fifty-one percent (51%) owned by minority or women group members, or in the case of a publicly owned business, at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the stock of which is owned by the minority or woman. The minority or woman ownership must exercise actual day to day management and control of the business. § 287.094 states that it is unlawful for any individual to falsely represent any entity as a minority business enterprise. A person in violation of 287.094 is guilty of a felony of the second degree.

Proposer: Certified by: (name of Public Entity, if applicable) Certificate Number: (attach copy) Signature: Date:

Florida Certified Business Enterprise CMBE/CWBE Certification