Request for Proposal For Selection of System Integrator (SI) For Deployment of Enterprise eCOPS Solution Under CCTNS Project For Andhra Pradesh Police Department (Ref. No. : C.No 06/CCTNS/APeCOPS/SI-RFP/2011, Dated 27/05/2011) Volume – I: Techno-Functional Requirements Andhra Pradesh Society for Electronic Computerization of Police O/o The IGP (PCS&S), 4 th Floor, DGP Office Complex, Lakdi-ka-pul, Hyderabad-500004 Phone: 040-23236095, Fax: 040-23230089, Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.appolice.gov.in

Request for Proposal For Selection of System …ncrb.gov.in/BureauDivisions/CCTNS/All State RFP/Andhra Pradesh/AP...Request for Proposal For Selection of System Integrator (SI) For

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Page 1: Request for Proposal For Selection of System …ncrb.gov.in/BureauDivisions/CCTNS/All State RFP/Andhra Pradesh/AP...Request for Proposal For Selection of System Integrator (SI) For

Request for Proposal

For Selection of System Integrator (SI)

For Deployment of

Enterprise eCOPS Solution Under

CCTNS Project For

Andhra Pradesh Police Department

(Ref. No. : C.No 06/CCTNS/APeCOPS/SI-RFP/2011, Dated 27/05/2011)

Volume – I: Techno-Functional Requirements

Andhra Pradesh Society for Electronic Computerization of Police O/o The IGP (PCS&S), 4th Floor, DGP Office Complex,

Lakdi-ka-pul, Hyderabad-500004 Phone: 040-23236095, Fax: 040-23230089,

Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.appolice.gov.in

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Crime & Criminal Tracking Network and Systems Project AP Police

Volume-I – Techno-Funcational Requirements Page 2 of 427

Table of Contents 1  INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 8 

1.1  PROJECT BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................. 8 1.2  BACKGROUND OF POLICE SYSTEMS IN INDIA ............................................................................................... 8 1.3  CCTNS IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK ..................................................................................................... 11 1.4  GOALS OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) ...................................................................................... 12 

2  PROJECT OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 15 

2.1  NEED FOR THE PROJECT ............................................................................................................................... 15 2.2  VISION AND OBJECTIVES OF PROJECT ........................................................................................................ 15 2.3  STAKEHOLDERS OF PROJECT ........................................................................................................................ 17 2.4  BENEFITS TO STAKEHOLDERS OF THE PROJECT .......................................................................................... 17 

3  ANDHRA PRADESH POLICE DEPARTMENT ............................................................................... 20 

3.1  ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................................ 20 3.2  EXISTING LEGACY SYSTEMS ........................................................................................................................ 23 3.3  EXISTING DATA CENTER INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................................................ 30 3.4  EXISTING NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE (WAN & LAN) ........................................................................... 33 3.5  EXISTING CLIENT SITE INFRASTRUCTURE .................................................................................................. 36 3.6  EXISTING CAPACITY BUILDING INFRASTRUCTURE FOR (DTCS / RTCS / PTCS / POLICE ACADEMY) . 39 3.7  TECHNOLOGY STACK FOR EXISTING CORE LEGACY APPLICATIONS............................................................ 42 

4  CORE APPLICATION SOFTWARE (CAS) .................................................................................... 43 

4.1  CAS (CENTER) ............................................................................................................................................. 44 4.2  OVERVIEW OF SERVICES IN CAS (CENTER) .............................................................................................. 44 

5  SCOPE OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................................................. 46 

5.1  GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE ................................................................................................................................. 48 5.2  FUNCTIONAL SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................... 52 5.3  SCOPE OF SERVICES DURING IMPLEMENTATION PHASE ............................................................................ 92 5.4  SCOPE OF SERVICES DURING POST-IMPLEMENTATION PHASE ............................................................... 165 

6  IMPLEMENTATION AND ROLL-OUT PLAN .............................................................................. 180 

7  ANNEXURE: SERVICE LEVELS ...................................................................................................... 187 

7.1  IMPLEMENTATION PHASE SLAS: ............................................................................................................... 191 7.2  POST IMPLEMENTATION PHASE SLAS: ..................................................................................................... 196 

ANNEXURE-1: ORGANIZATION CHART ........................................................................................... 217 

ANNEXURE-2: EXISTING LEGACY APPLICATIONS AND SYSTEMS ...................................... 218 

ANNEXURE-3: EXISTING DATA CENTRE INFRASTRUCTURE .................................................. 225 

ANNEXURE-4: EXISTING LAN INFRASTRUCTURE AT DGP OFFICE. .................................... 231 

ANNEXURE-5: EXISTING NETWORKING INFRASTRUCTURE AND INDICATIVE NETWORKING DIAGRAM ....................................................................................................................... 232 


ANNEXURE-7: DETAILS OF PILOT DISTRICTS ............................................................................. 236 

ANNEXURE-8: LIST OF POLICE STATIONS / CIRCLE OFFICES / SDPOS .......................... 240 

ANNEXURE-9: DETAILS OF POLICE STATIONS / DISTRICTS UNDER CIPA IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................................................... 270 

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ANNEXURE-10: LIST OF POLICE STATIONS UNDER CIPA DISTRICTS WHERE SITE PREPARATION AND HARDWARE INSTALLATION IS REQUIRED UNDER CCTNS PROJECT ........................................................................................................................................................ 273 

ANNEXURE-11: GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE IN ANDHRA PRADESH .................................... 281 

ANNEXURE-12: INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIRED FOR SITE PREPARATION AT POLICE STATIONS AND HIGHER OFFICES. .................................................................................................... 284 

ANNEXURE-13: IT INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIRED FOR SUPPLY TO POLICE STATIONS AND HIGHER OFFICES. ........................................................................................................................... 290 

ANNEXURE-14: ITEMS ALREADY SUPPLIED TO POLICE STATIONS AND HIGHER OFFICE IN HYDERABAD AND CYBERABAD .................................................................................... 301 

ANNEXURE-15: TECHNICAL SPECS (INDICATIVE) .................................................................... 305 

ANNEXURE-16: INDICATIVE BOM FOR DATA CENTER & DISASTER RECEOVERY CENTER .......................................................................................................................................................... 378 


ANNEXURE-18: CAS STACK .................................................................................................................. 421 


ANNEXURE-20: EXISITNG DATA FOR MIGRATION (INDICATIVE). .................................... 425 

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Abbreviations / Acronyms S. No. Acronym Meaning 1. APeCOPS Andhra Pradesh Society for Electronic Computerization

of Police Services, Andhra Pradesh Police 2. APP Andhra Pradesh Police

3. APSWAN Andhra Pradesh State Wide Area Network

4. ATS Annual Technical Support

5. BG Bank Guarantee

6. CAS Core Application Software

7. CCTNS Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & System

8. CIPA Common Integrated Police Application

9. CTT Core technical Team

10. DNC District Network Centre

11. DR Disaster Recovery

12. DRC Disaster Recovery Centre

13. DTC District Training Centre

14. eCOPS Electronic Computerization of Police Services

15. FPB Finger Print Bureau

16. FRS Functional Requirement Specifications

17. FSL Forensic Science Laboratory

18. ICT Information And Computer Technology

19. LD Liquidated Damages

20. MHA Ministry of Home Affairs

21. MMP Mission Mode Project

22. NCRB National Crime Records Bureau

23. NeGP National E-Governance Project

24. NIC National Informatics Centre

25. OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

26. PBG Performance Bank Guarantee

27. PCS&S Police Computer Services and Standardization

28. PHQ Police Headquarters

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S. No. Acronym Meaning 29. PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards

30. PTC Police Training Centre

31. RFC Request for Clarification

32. RFP Request for Proposal

33. RPO Regional Passport Office

34. RPTC Regional Police Training Centre

35. RTA Road Transport Authority

36. SCRB State Crime Record Bureau

37. SDA Software Development Agency

38. SI System Integrator

39. SNC State Network Centre

40. SRS Software Requirements Specifications

41. SOA Service Oriented Architecture

42. SPMC State Project Management Consultant

43. SPMU State Project Management Unit

44. UAT User Acceptance Testing

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RFP Data Sheet

The tender schedule mentioned below is tentative, subject to change. Any change in the schedule will be displayed on the AP POLICE website (www.appolice.gov.in)

S. No. Information Details

1. Project Name CCTNS PROJECT 2. RFP Ref. No. and Date C.No.:06/CCTNS/APeCOPS/SI-

RFP/2011 dated 27/05/2011 3. RFP Document Fee

(Non-refundable) ` 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only)

4. Sale of RFP Document

Bid Document can be purchased at a cost of ` 25,000 (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only), non-refundable in the form of Demand Draft payable at Hyderabad from any nationalized bank in favour of The “IGP, PCS”, from the office of IGP (PCS&S), 4th Floor, DGP Office Complex, Lakdi-ka-pul, Hyderabad 500004.

5. Date and Time of Sale of the RFP Document

from 27/05/2011 to 04/07/2011 on any working day between 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

6. Earnest Money Deposit or Bid Security

` 3,00,00,000 (Rupees Three Crore only)

7. Contact Person for Queries Shri Ravi Gupta, IPS, CEO, APeCOPS, O/o the IGP (PCS&S), 4th Floor, DGP Office Complex, Lakdi-ka-pul, Hyderabad 500004. Phone: 040-23236095 Fax: 040-23230089 Email: [email protected] 

8. Date, Time and Venue for workshop for explaining about the existing applications / systems etc. (Please see below Note)

From 07/06/2011 to 08/06/2011 during 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Conference Hall, O/o the IGP (PCS&S), 4th Floor, DGP Office Complex, Lakdi-ka-pul, Hyderabad 500004.

9. Last date for receipt of written queries from bidders for clarifications


10. Date, Time and Venue of Pre- 13/06/2011, 11:00 am

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S. No. Information Details

bid Conference Conference Hall, O/o the IGP (PCS&S), 4th Floor, DGP Office Complex, Lakdi-ka-pul, Hyderabad 500004.

11. Release of Response to the Queries & Corrigendum


12. Last Date, Time and Venue for receipts of bids in response to this RFP Notice.

05/07/2011, 3:00 pm Shri Ravi Gupta, IPS, CEO, APeCOPS O/o The IGP (PCS&S), 4th Floor, DGP Office Complex, Lakdi-ka-pul, Hyderabad 500004

13. Date, Time and Venue of opening of pre-qualification criteria

05/07/2011, 3:30 pm Conference Hall, O/o the IGP (PCS&S), 4th Floor, DGP Office Complex, Lakdi-ka-pul, Hyderabad 500004

14. Date, Time and Venue for opening of Technical bids of pre-qualified bidders only.

Will be intimated later.

15. Date, Time and Venue for opening of financial bids of technically qualified bidders only.

Will be intimated later.


1. Intrested prospective bidder can attend the workshop by prior appointment only.

2. The requests for seeking appointment to be sent atleast 02 days prior to the date of commencement of workshop to the following e-mails ids.

(a) [email protected] (b) [email protected]

3. Only 02 persons from each firm will be allowed to attend the workshop.

4. Workshop will be non interactive session. In the workshop the exisiting

applications / systems will be explained to the prospective bidders.

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1 Introduction 1.1 Project Background Availability of relevant and timely information is of utmost importance in conduct of

business by Police, particularly in investigation of crime and in tracking & detection of

criminals. Police organizations everywhere have been handling large amounts of

information and huge volume of records pertaining to crime and criminals.

Information Technology (IT) can play a very vital role in improving outcomes in the

areas of Crime Investigation and Criminals Detection and other functioning of the

Police organizations, by facilitating easy recording, retrieval, analysis and sharing of

the pile of Information. Quick and timely information availability about different facets

of Police functions to the right functionaries can bring in a sea change both in Crime &

Criminals handling and related Operations, as well as administrative processes.

Creation and maintenance of databases on Crime & Criminals in digital form for

sharing by all the stakeholders in the system is therefore very essential in order to

effectively meet the challenges of Crime Control and maintenance of public order. In

order to achieve this all the States should meet a common minimum threshold in the

use of IT, especially for crime & criminals related functions.

Additional information can be found on NCRB website (http://ncrb.nic.in) 1.2 Background of Police Systems in India Several initiatives have been introduced in the past to leverage IT in police

functioning. Some of these initiatives include centrally initiated programs such as the

NCRB-led CCIS (Crime and Criminals Information System) and CIPA (Common

Integrated Police Application), and State-led initiatives such as e-COPS (in Andhra

Pradesh), Police IT (in Karnataka), Thana Tracking System (in West Bengal), CAARUS

(in Tamil Nadu) and HD IITS (in Gujarat).

Presently automation in the area of Civil Police is addressed mainly through the two

GOI- led initiatives – CCIS and CIPA – and in some States such as Andhra

Pradesh, Karnataka and Gujarat, through State-led initiatives.

This section explores the details of such GOI-led initiatives.

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1.2.1 Crime and Criminals Information System (CCIS) CCIS is an NCRB-driven program and has been launched in 1990. Since then, it has

been implemented in 35 states and union territories and spans over 700 locations.

Most of the State/UT police headquarters and district headquarters are covered by

CCIS and so are some of the 14,000+ Police Stations in the country.

CCIS is primarily an initiative to create crime and criminals related database that can

be used for crime monitoring by agencies such as National Crime Records

Bureau (NCRB), State Crime Records Bureaus (SCRBx) and District Crime Records

Bureaus (DCRBx) and to facilitate statistical analysis of crime and criminals related

information with the States and monitoring agencies.

CCIS data is used for publishing online reports such as Missing Persons report and is

also used as the basis for online query facilities that are available through the NCRB

website. In addition, it is also used by NCRB to publish an annual nation-wide Crime

Report. CCIS focuses exclusively in Crime and Criminals information and does not

address the other aspects of Police functioning.

CCIS was originally built on Unix OS and Ingres database, but has since been ported

to Windows platform and has released its last three versions on Windows (the last

release having taken place in September 2002).

1.2.2 Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) A feature common to most of the early efforts has been a predominant focus on

collection of data as required by the monitoring agencies and on specific functions

such as records management, statistical analysis and office automation; rather than

on Police Stations, which are the primary sources of crime- and criminals-related data


In order to provide an application that supports Police Station operations and the

investigation process, and that is common across all states and union territories, MHA

had conceptualized the Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) in 2004. It has

been initiated as part of the “Modernization of State Police Forces (MPF)” scheme of

the Ministry of Home Affairs. The aim of CIPA is to bring about computerization and

automation in the functioning at the Police Station with a view to bringing in

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efficiency and transparency in various processes and functions at the Police Station

level and improve service delivery to the citizens. So far about 2,760 Police

Stations, out of a total of 14,000+ Police Stations across the country, have been

covered under the Scheme.

CIPA is a stand-alone application developed to be installed in Police Stations and to

support the crime investigation and prosecution functions. CIPA is a centrally

managed application: an application core centrally developed and is installed in Police

Station. Any state-specific customizations are evaluated and made on a need basis.

The core focus of the CIPA application is the automation of Police Station operations.

Its core functionality includes the following modules: (i) Registration Module (ii)

Investigation Module (iii) Prosecution Module. There is also a Reporting module that

addresses basic reporting needs.

CIPA is built on client-server architecture on a NIC Linux platform using Java

and PostgreSQL database.

Benefits realized from CIPA include the ability to enter registration (FIR) details into

the system and print out copies and the ability to create and manage Police Station

registers on the system, etc.

It was felt, however, that a standalone application couldn’t provide the

enhanced outcomes in the areas of Crime Investigation and Criminals Detection that

are necessary. And for this reason, MHA has decided to launch the Crime and

Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS) program.

1.2.3 Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS) The Crime and Criminal Tracking Network Systems (CCTNS) was conceptualized by

the Ministry of Home Affairs in detailed consultation with all stakeholders and will be

implemented as a “Mission Mode Project (MMP)” and will adopt the guidelines of the

National e-Governance Plan (NeGP).

CCTNS aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the

efficiency and effectiveness of policing at all levels and especially at the Police Station

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level through adoption of principles of e-Governance. CCTNS will operate through the

creation of a nationwide networked infrastructure for evolution of IT-enabled

state-of-the-art tracking system around “investigation of crime and detection of

criminals” in real time, which is a critical requirement in the context of the present

day internal security scenario.

The scope of CCTNS spans all 35 States and Union Territories and covers all Police

Stations (14,000+ in number) and all Higher Police Offices (6,000+ in number) in the

country. The CCTNS project includes vertical connectivity of police units (linking

police units at various levels within the States – Police Stations, district police offices,

state headquarters, SCRB and other police formations – and States,

through state headquarters and SCRB, to NCRB at GOI level) as well as horizontal

connectivity, linking police functions at State and Central level to external entities.

CCTNS also provides for a citizen’s interface to provide basic services to citizens.

1.3 CCTNS Implementation Framework CCTNS would be implemented in a way where the States and UTs play a major role.

CCTNS would be implemented in alignment with the NeGP principle of “centralized

planning and de-centralized implementation”. MHA and NCRB would play a key role in

planning the program in collaboration with the Police leadership within States, in the

development of a few core components and in monitoring and reviewing the program.

It is, however, the States and UTs that would drive the planning and implementation

at the State level.

The role of the Centre (MHA and NCRB) focuses primarily around planning, providing

the Core Application Software (CAS) (to be configured, customized, enhanced and

deployed in States. States would drive the implementation at the state level and

would continue to own the system after deployment.

Although implementation of this project is planned in such a way that MHA will

provide Core Application Software to the states/UTs which will be customized by

system integrator selected by that States/UTs through a competitive bidding process,

but some of the States in the country who have already developed their own systems

similar to the one MHA has proposed to implement will be able to enhance their

existing systems under the purview of CCTNS project. Andhra Pradesh is one of these

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states declared as “Advanced State” having similar system called Electronic

Computerization of Police Services (eCOPS) in place and using it extensively

across the State at all the Police Stations. AP Police have experience of more than 10

years in the field of computerization. The eCOPS was initially developed in client /

server environment and later on it was migrated to web based system. Apart from

this application there are many applications which have been developed and

implemented over a period of time. AP Police have been using these applications

effectively to analyze crime records and get clues to apprehend the suspects. These

applications are required to be integrated to provide better services to the citizens

and Police Department. Functionalities of these applications need to be revised

in order to meet the objectives, functionalities and other requirements as

defined under CCTNS project. AP Police has decided to enhance the

capabilities of its applications and migrate into “Enterprise eCOPS” having

workflow based environment.

The implementation of CCTNS would be taking an “integrated service delivery”

approach rather than that of procurement of hardware and software.

The central feature of CCTNS implementation at the State level is the “bundling of

services” concept. According to this, each State selects one System Integrator (SI)

who would be the single point of contact for the State for all the components of

CCTNS. These components include the application (the changes made to the core

application provided by MHA), hardware, communications infrastructure, associated

services such as Capacity Building and Handholding, etc.

1.4 Goals of this Request for Proposal (RFP) The RFP for Andhra Pradesh Police is prepared in the context of further enhancing the

eCOPS application duly incorporating the additional police functionalities, citizen

services, gaps with respect to the Services of Core Application Software (State) under

development at NCRB, integration with other advanced applications in the State.

Further to render other associated services such as Capacity Building, Network,

Handholding support, Data digitization & Migration, providing hardware for Data

Center & Disaster Recovery Center, Police Stations & Higher Offices and successfully

rolling out the Enterprise eCOPS application across the State within the broad

guidelines of CCTNS.

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The primary goal of this RFP is to select System Integrator for supply, development,

customization, implementation, integration, testing, commissioning, capacity building,

handholding and operation & maintenance of an Enterprise eCOPS system under

Crime & Criminal Tracking and Network Systems Project (CCTNS) for Andhra Pradesh

Police Department.

This is volume of the RFP which intends to bring out all the details with respect to

solution and other requirements that are deemed necessary to share with the

potential bidders. The goals of this RFP are further elaborated below:

1) To seek proposals from potential bidders or consortia of companies for

providing the solution architecture, requirements & specifications for the

enhancing eCOPS (under CCTNS Project); including system design,

development, and implementation of the Enterprise eCOPS project in the

phases outlined in this RFP and operation and management of Enterprise

eCOPS for the duration of the contract (i.e. five years) and obtaining

confirmation regarding their ability to provide these required services.

2) To understand from the bidders how they propose to meet the

technical and operational requirements of the proposed system.

3) To ascertain how potential bidders propose to deliver the services and

sustain the demand and growth in the requirements.

4) To ascertain from bidders on how they will ensure scalability and

upgradeability of the infrastructure and solution proposed to be


5) To understand from the bidders as to how they intend to innovate further

on this service delivery model.

APeCOPS shall be the final authority with respect to qualifying a bidder through this

RFP. Their decision with regard to the choice of the SI who qualifies through this RFP

shall be final and the APeCOPS reserves the right to reject any or all the bids without

assigning any reason. The APeCOPS further reserves the right to negotiate/discuss

with the selected agency to enhance the value through this project and to create a

more amicable environment for the smooth execution of the project.

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1.4.1 RFP issuing Authority This Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued by the APeCOPS which is chaired by the

Chief Secretary, Government of Andhra Pradesh and has IGP, PCS&S as CEO and

Member Secretary.

The APeCOPS (through CCTNS Apex Committee and Empowered Committee) shall be

the final authority with respect to qualifying a bidder through this RFP. Their decision

with regard to the selection of the SI who qualifies through this RFP shall be final and

the APeCOPS reserves the right to reject any or all the bids without assigning any

reason. The APeCOPS further reserves the right to negotiate with the selected agency

to enhance the value through this project and to create a more amicable environment

for the smooth execution of the project.

1.4.2 Structure of the RFP

The RFP document for selection of the State System Integrator (SI) is segregated into

the following three volumes:

Volume I – Techno Functional Requirements

‘Volume- I’ provides Introduction to the Project, and the Scope of Services required

from the System Integrator.

Volume II – Commercial and Bidding Terms

‘Volume - II’ details the General Terms & Conditions with respect to the bid Process

management including bid submission forms to be adopted for the proposed project.

Volume III – Master Service Level Agreement

‘Volume - III’, Master Service Level Agreement for the proposed engagement,

outlines the contractual, legal terms & conditions applicable for the propose


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2 Project Overview 2.1 Need for the Project The Ministry of Home Affairs has conceptualized the Crime & Criminals Tracking

Network and Systems (CCTNS) project as a Mission Mode Project under the National

e-Governance Plan (NeGP). This is an effort of the Government of India to modernize

the police force giving top priority to citizen services, information gathering, and its

dissemination among various police organizations and units across the country.

A need has been felt to adopt a holistic approach to address the requirements of the

police, mainly with relation to functions in the Police Station and traffic management.

There is also a need to strengthen the citizen interfaces with the police. Interfaces

need to be built with external agencies like courts, transport authorities,

hospitals, jails, municipal authorities etc., to be able to share information between

departments. Therefore, it becomes critical that information and communication

technologies are made an integral part of policing in order to enhance the efficiency

and effectiveness of the Police Department.

In order to realize the benefits of e-Governance fully, it is essential that a

holistic approach is adopted that includes re-engineering and standardizing key

functions of the police and creating a sustainable and secure mechanism for sharing

critical crime information across all Police Formations. The CCTNS has been

conceptualized in response to the need for establishing a comprehensive

e-Governance system in all the Police Stations across the country.

2.2 Vision and Objectives of Project Vision, Mission and Core Values Vision: An information-centric Police Department that is well-connected with the civil

society, leveraging ICT to provide efficient service delivery to the citizen of the State

in order to minimize crime and provide an environment for well-being and confident


Mission: Computerization of AP Police to meet the needs of the public with state-of-

the-art technology.

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Core Values: Facilitation of all aspects of policing including Crime Prevention, Investigation, Traffic

and Law & Order maintenance etc. through ICT enabled solutions.

The broad objectives of the project are as follows: a) Improve Service Delivery to the Public Citizens should be able to access police services through multiple, transparent, and

easily accessible channels (Portal, Mobile, Call Centre etc.) in a citizen-friendly

manner. The focus is not only to improve the current modes of the service delivery

but also provide alternate modes such as internet for the public to communicate with

the police.

b) Empowerment of Police Officers at all levels Police Officers having the right type of information at the right time with the right

tools to perform out his duty are what is envisioned through this project. It is

imperative that the project should implement the aforementioned concept and shall

provide Officers with a greater control, with the tools, technologies and information to

facilitate prevention of crime, faster & more accurate investigation of crime and

detection of criminals

c) Provide Enhanced Tools for Law & Order Maintenance,

Investigation, Crime Prevention, & Traffic Management Law & Order Maintenance, Investigation, Crime Prevention, and Traffic Management

are core components of policing work. Information technology can both enable and

improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the core activities of the Police. Police

should be provided with data amenable for easier and faster analysis in order to

enable them to make better and informed decisions.

d) Increase Operational Efficiency Police should spend more time on the public facing functions. Information technology

solutions should help in reducing the repetitive paperwork/records and making the

back-office functions more efficient.

e) Eliminating Drudgery from Police System

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Institutionalization of a platform to share information seamlessly with other States

and other Departments would rely on the central repository of information regarding

crime & criminals. This central repository would be a step-stone towards efficient

policing by reducing drudgery from the system and allowing police to spend more

time in activities related to crime prevention and crime investigation.

f) Create a platform for sharing crime & criminal information across

the country There is a critical need to create a platform for sharing crime and criminal information

across Police Stations within and between the different states in order to increase the

effectiveness in dealing with criminals across the state borders.

2.3 Stakeholders of Project The impact of the police subject being sensitive, a consultative and a bottom-

up approach has to be adopted in designing the MMP impacting the following


Citizens/ Citizens groups

State Police department


External Departments of the State such as Jails, Courts, Passport

Office, Transport Department, Hospitals etc.

Non-Government/Private sector organizations

2.4 Benefits to Stakeholders of the project The following are the expected benefits envisaged from successful implementation of

the MMP:

2.4.1 Benefits to Citizens a) Multiple channels to access services from police

b) Simplified process for registering and tracking incidents, petitions and


c) Simplified process for accessing general services such as requests for

certificates, verifications, and permissions

d) Simplified process for registering grievances against police

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e) Simplified process for tracking the progress of the case during trials

f) Simplified access to view/report unclaimed/recovered vehicles and


g) Improved relationship management for victims and witnesses

h) Faster and assured response from police to any emergency calls for


2.4.2 Benefits to Police Department a) Enhanced tools for investigation

b) Centralized crime and criminal information repository along with the

criminal images and fingerprints with advanced search capabilities

c) Enhanced ability to analyze crime patterns, modus operandi

d) Enhanced ability to analyze accidents and other road incidents

e) Faster turnaround time for the analysis results (crime and traffic) to reach

the officers on the field

f) Reduced workload of the Police Station back-office activities such as

preparation of regular and adhoc reports and station records


g) Enhanced tools to optimize resource allocation for patrols, emergency

response, petition enquiries, and other general duties

h) A collaborative knowledge-oriented environment where knowledge is

shared across the different regions and units

i) Better coordination and communication with external stakeholders

through implementation of electronic information exchange systems

2.4.3 Benefits to Ministry of Home Affairs (NCRB) a) Standardized means of capturing the crime and criminal data across the

Police Stations in the country

b) Faster and easier access to crime and criminal information across the

country in a manner amenable for trend and pattern analysis

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c) Enhanced ability to detect crime patterns and modus operandi across

the states and communicate to the state police departments for aiding in

crime prevention

d) The ability to respond faster and with greater accuracy to inquiries from

the parliament, citizens and citizens groups; and to RTI queries.

e) Benefits to External Departments (example: Jails, Courts, Passports

Office, Transport Department, and Hospitals)

f) Seamless integration with police systems for better citizen service

delivery and improved law enforcement

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3 Andhra Pradesh Police Department 3.1 Organization Structure Andhra Pradesh Police has a typical organization structure like other Police

Departments in other States of India. The Headquarters of the Police Department

(also known as DGP Headquarters) is located at Hyderabad. This office is

appropriately supported by other functional units like Administration, Law & Order,

Intelligence, Security, CID, Provisioning & Logistics, Forensic Science Laboratory, and

Police Computer Services & Communications.

The Andhra Pradesh State comprises of Regions – Visakhapatnam, Rayalaseema,

Hyderabad and Warangal. Each Region is headed by an Inspector General of Police.

These Regions are further divided into eleven Ranges namely Visakhapatnam, Eluru,

Guntur, Anantapaur, Kurnool, Hyderabad, Warangal, Nizamabad, Karimnagar,

Railways and Marine Range.

Presently, Andhra Pradesh has 29 Police Districts including three Govt. Railway Police

Units headed by Superintendent of Police and 4 Police Commissionerates namely

Hyderabad City, Cyberabad, Visakhapatnam & Vijayawada headed by Addl. DGP / IGP

rank Officers. These Police Districts and Commissionerates have been further divided

into Sub-divisional Police Officers, Circles Officers and Police Stations.

AP Police has fifteen APSP Battalions including Battalions of India Reserve Battalion

(IRB), Special Armed Reserve City Police Lines (SARCPL), Grey Hounds and Octopus.

Finally, it includes the Training Institutions viz Andhra Pradesh Police Academy

(RPTC) and seven Police Training Colleges located at Himayathasagar, Hyderabad and

Ananthapur, Prakasam, Vizianagaram, Warangal, Amberpet (Hyderabad), Tirupathi

and Karimnagar respectively. In addition to above, 26 District Training Centres

/Commissionerates Training Centres (DTC/CTC), and one PCS Computer Lab, one

SCRB (CID) & one Police Communication cum Hardware Lab are also available.

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The ranks in the Andhra Pradesh Police Department are list as below: Police Ranks Director General of Police

Addl. Director General of Police

Inspector General of police (IGP)

Deputy Inspector General Of police (DIG)

Superintendent of Police (SP)

Addl. Superintendent of Police

Deputy Superintendent of Police

Inspector of Police

Sub Inspector of Police (S.I.)

Assistant Sub Inspector of Police (ASI)

Head Constable

Police Constable

The organization hierarchy is divided across distinct units as described below State Police Units Director General of Police (DGP)

Intelligence Department

Crime Investigation Department (CID)

APSP Battalions Headquarters.

A.P. Police Academy (APPA)

Finger Print Bureau

Forensic Science Laboratory

Regional Units Police Regional Offices

Police Range Offices

Police Training Colleges

Regional Intelligence Units

Regional Command Centers (CID)

Regional Forensic Science Labs.

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District Police Units District Police Office (DPO)

District Crime Record Bureau (DCRB)

District Special Branch (DSB)

Sub-Divisional Police Office (SDPO)

Circle Office (CO)

Police Station (PS)

District Armed Police.

City Police Units Police Commissionerates

Addl. CP Offices

Jt. CP Offices

City Crime Record Bureau (CCRB)

Central Crime Station (CCS)

Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Offices

Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Offices

Police Station (PS)

Functional units are as follows. a) Law & Order b) CID c) Technical Services d) Intelligence e) Admin & Welfare f) Legal g) APSP h) P & L i) Co-ordination j) Training k) Railways l) Transport m) Marine

Organizational structure of Andhra Pradesh Police Department is given Annexure-1

of Volume-I.

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3.2 Existing Legacy Systems The existing legacy applications/systems that are currently under operation

in the Andhra Pradesh Police Department are as follows:

3.2.1 Crime & Criminal Information system (CCIS) CCIS is primarily an initiative to create crime and criminals related database

that can be used for crime monitoring by agencies such as National

Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), State Crime Records Bureaus (SCRBx) and

District Crime Records Bureaus (DCRBx) and to facilitate statistical analysis

of crime and criminals related information with the States and monitoring


CCIS data is used for publishing online reports such as Missing Persons

report and is also used as the basis for online query facilities that are

available through the NCRB website. In addition, it is also used by NCRB to

publish an annual nation-wide Crime Report. CCIS focuses exclusively in

Crime and Criminals information and does not address the other aspects of

Police functioning.

CCIS was originally built on Unix OS and Ingres database, but has since

been ported to Windows platform and has released its last three versions on

Windows (the last release having taken place in September 2002).

3.2.2 Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) CIPA is a stand-alone application developed to be installed in Police Stations

and to support the crime investigation and prosecution functions. CIPA is a

centrally managed application: an application core was centrally developed

and was installed in Police Stations. Any state-specific customizations are

made on a need basis.

The core focus of the CIPA application is the automation of Police Station

operations. Its core functionality includes the following modules: (i)

Registration Module (ii) Investigation Module (iii) Prosecution Module. There

is also a Reporting module that addresses basic reporting needs.

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CIPA is built on client-server architecture on a NIC Linux platform

using Java and PostgreSQL database.

3.2.3 Electronic Computerization of Police Services (eCOPS) eCOPS is the key application of AP Police Department being used across the

state. This is a web based application working in tandem with a few

associated adjunct applications. It provides a platform for computerizing all

key investigation operations from filing an FIR through creating the Final

Charge sheet. eCOPS is accessible across hierarchy levels and state-wide

locations so as to enable easy access of information throughout the

Department and facilitate faster and better decision making and crime

prevention via information collation and collaborative action.

eCOPS Software automates the Crime related transactional

functionalities at Police Stations

Provide enhanced tools for Crime Investigation, Crime Prevention, Law

and Order maintenance and other functions like Traffic Management,

Emergency Response Management System etc.

Utilize IT for efficiency and effectiveness of core policing operations

Provide information for easier and faster analysis and trends

Increase operational efficiency by reducing manual and repetitive


Improving the communication by providing facilities viz. Police

Messaging, email systems, alerts, notifications etc. via associated

adjunct applications

Automating back-office operations and thereby provide Police Personnel

more time to focus on core police activities.

Create platforms at State and Central levels for sharing Crime and

Criminal Information (database) across the state and across the

country (in the future) to enable easy sharing of real-time information

across Police Stations and Districts at the state level and across states

at the National level thereby resulting in:

Improved Investigation and Crime Prevention

Better tracking of Criminals, Suspects, Accused, and Repeat Offenders


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Create a platform for sharing intelligence across the country and across

various agencies involved therein.

Improve services for public/ citizen/ stakeholders, such as:

Access to Police Services in a citizen-friendly manner

Provide alternate modes of service delivery such as internet

Track status and development during Courts / Prosecution


Maintaining records of Criminals and Organized Gangs.

Generating various statutory registers required to be maintained

by the Police Station, and periodic statements to be sent to the

higher levels.

3.2.4 Citizen Portal The Citizen Portal module improves the Service Delivery to the Public.

Citizens are able to access the police services through transparent, multiple,

and easily accessible channels in a citizen-friendly manner. This will not only

improve current methods of accessing these services but also provide

alternatives for the public to communicate with the Police.

The services available to the citizen are:

Document delivery status

Lost and recovered vehicles

Lost and recovered mobiles

Report crime

Safety tips

Fighting terror

Know your case status

Status of Passport Verification Application (in Hyderabad and Cyberabad)

Right to information act

Missing persons/unknown dead bodies, most wanted persons etc.

Recruitment related information

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3.2.5 Third Eye – Investigation Tool

The Third Eye application is a database driven search software that helps in

crime investigation by providing information regarding mobile phones,

telephones, passports, ration-cards, voter-ids, vehicle registrations etc. This

application provides a single point search for various identification attributes

associated with a citizen. It provides access to all kinds of databases thereby

eliminating the need to travel to various departments to collect information

such as RTO, Cell Phone Service Providers, Revenue, RPO and Election

commission etc.

3.2.6 Criminal Intelligence System – Investigation Tool Criminal Intelligence System is an investigation tool to assist police

investigators in identifying and short-listing details of most probable

offenders with their personal particulars, photographs, associates, and

pending NBWs etc. The application facilitates victims/witnesses who can be

shown photographs of suspects at the crime scene itself for identification at

the earliest. The System also helps investigators to match untraced missing

persons with unidentified dead bodies on one hand and lost/stolen vehicles

& traced/recovered vehicles on the other.

The Criminal Intelligence System (CIS) thus empowers and enables

Investigating Police Officers to access and search the criminal data base of

the entire state and obtain results instantaneously.

Functionalities available in the CIS are:

Classification of offenders, Personal details, Physical features, Photographs,

Finger prints, Family history, Socio economic profile, Regular places of visit,

Crime classification, Arrest details, Dressing patterns, Activities before and

after offence, Local contacts, Conveyance details, Share of amount spent,

Property disposal, Receivers, Sureties, Defense council, Other cases

confessed, Convictions, Acquittals, NBW’s, Missing person/dead bodies’

details, Search, Photographs, Articles, Identification marks, Automated

system matching between missing & unidentified dead bodies, Lost vehicle

details, Recovered vehicle details, Crime involved vehicle details, automated

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match between lost and recovered vehicles, Automated match between lost

and recovered mobiles, Jail stay & acquaintance, Jail mulakats, Jail releases,

NBW’s & execution.

3.2.7 Call Analysis Tool

This tool helps the investigation officer in analysing the Call Data Record

(CDR) of mobile networks. The CDR is uploaded in excel or text format into

the system/database and after analysis it helps generate comprehensive

reports detailing items like: Called / calling number, Total outgoing /

incoming calls, Odd time calls, Group by IMEI, Group by tower, "travelling

path", "un-natural calls" etc.

3.2.8 Investigation Support Centre The application assists the Investigating Officer (IO) by providing templates

for various communications, check list for each activity they perform during

the course of investigation and standardized operating procedures for

different type of cases. The help tool is available along with search option for

easy operations.

3.2.9 SCRB The State Crime Record Bureau (SCRB) is an organization responsible for

collection of crime related information / statistics from all across the state

from different levels of the police organization and send it to National Crime

Record Bureau (NCRB).

The SCRB application available at the AP Police Department helps collect all

the required information at the field level and facilitates the consolidation of

the same in formats as desired by SCRB and NCRB.

3.2.10 Passport & Immigration Verification System Under the Passport verification process once a person had filed the

application for issue of passport, it is sent to the police department for

verification. Once the police verification is initiated this application manages

the various stages of the police verification process pertaining to the

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applicant. The status is made available to the applicants through AP Police


3.2.11 Issue Tracking System The Issue Tracking System (centralized helpdesk) is a ticket based issue

tracking system with automated escalations of issues to higher authorities.

This is a web based application for the users (of all the applications related

to police department) to raise issues and transfer them to higher authorities

faster and get them resolved. The application is used by users across four

basic roles as described below:

1. Admin who takes responsibility of handling issues at state level and is

responsible for creating logins for other actors.

2. District Approver who is responsible for handling issues in district level.

3. Vendor who is responsible for handling the issues forwarded to him.

4. User who posts the issues.

3.2.12 Police Office Online Information System (POLIS)

This application provides automation at the field level and access at the

centralized level to personal details of all the personnel working in the police

department. The details are (indicative only): Pay particulars, Personal

Details, Reward Details, Punishment Details, Leave Details, Increment

Details, Training Details, Posting Details, Insurance Details etc.

3.2.13 AP Police Messaging System The AP Police Messaging System provides a role-based, customized and

secure system for internal communication within the Police department. It

enables the Department to maintain and exchange comprehensive

administrative and law and order information from across the state in real


3.2.14 AP Police E-mailing System AP Police has an email system for personal communications among the

police officers which can be accessed through the internet also. All the IDs of

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the users are created by name of the person. Approx 40,000+ user IDs have

been created for use. This email system is presently not integrated with any

other application of AP Police.

3.2.15 Foreigners Registration This application deals with registration details of foreigners who are visiting

India for more than a limited period of time. The application maintains

details like temporary exit, return permit, permanent permit.

The details of these legacy applications / systems are provided at

Annexure-2 in this Volume-I.

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3.3 Existing Data Center Infrastructure Presently, AP Police has a Data Centre located at PCS&S, 4th Floor, Police

Headquarters, Lakdi-ka-pul, Hyderabad. The departmental Data Centre

hosts all the applications and stores all the application associated data. This

Data Centre also supports the existing WAN infrastructure at the State level

and LAN infrastructure at State Police Headquarters (DGP Office).

The AP Police Data Centre hosts various Servers, Routers, Switches and

other Network equipment. All Police Stations, Circle Offices, Sub-Divisional

Police Offices, all Police Districts / Commissionerates and other Unit

Headquarters in the Department are connected to the Data Centre through

APSWAN, Leased lines, CDMA, VPN over Broadband and Dial-up lines for

accessing various applications hosted on central servers at the Data Centre.

Several applications are accessible via the State-wide Intranet and hosted

on various platforms including Solaris, Linux, Windows Advanced Server,

Windows Exchange Server, etc. The databases in respect of most of the

applications are stored on Oracle platform.

Most of the Servers in Data Centre were procured during 2002-2004. Since,

these Servers are considerably old and have outlived their utility they

frequently develop technical problems. Maintenance of the Servers has

become very difficult due to non-availability of spares either from

manufacturer or from open market.

To address the above issue, the department has migrated most of the

important applications from the existing servers to High-end Blade Servers

which are scalable, reliable for hosting Enterprise eCOPS and other

advanced applications. These High-end Servers should provide Active /

Active mode for high availability and access of all the applications to the

end-users across the State.

The related databases are being stored on Hard disk through Storage Area

Network (SAN).

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Presently, the Data Centre is protected by an Open Source Firewall which

doesn’t have any facility for Intrusion Detection / Intrusion Prevention,

Network Admission Control System, Hardware Firewall with necessary

appliances, Monitoring & Analysis System, etc.

Since usage of all applications by end-users is increasing day-by-day, there

is an imperative need to implement a comprehensive Security System for AP

Police Network which can provide secure and reliable access to all the users,

with features viz., Hardware based Firewall with appliances, Intrusion

Prevention System, Network Monitoring Controls, Authorization,

Authentication & Accounting Server (AAA). It is also essential to have

endpoint protection to augment tradition Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware

solutions with Network threat protection that combines State-of-the-Art

Intrusion prevention and Sophisticated Network Communications Control.

In absence of a Disaster Recovery (DR) site a temporary arrangement has

been made with State NIC Data Centre for remotely storing & maintaining of

the databases. The NIC, Hyderabad has agreed to provide necessary

infrastructure facilities and support while the Police Computer Services are

providing required Servers, Storage and connectivity between Data centre

and NIC. However, as per DIT norms the DR site should be located

geographically in a different seismic zone i.e. at least 250 Km away from the

main Data Centre site. The location of DR site has not been finalized as yet.

However once the DR site is finalized SI shall be intimated regarding the

same. SI shall be responsible for installation, commissioning, testing etc.

and subsequent operation & maintenance of adequate equipments and

systems as required at the DR site. APeCOPS is under discussion with

various service providers for getting a MLLN link between DC, DR and NCRB

site (when required). Once this is finalized the same would be intimated to

SI and it will be the responsibility of SI to liaison the identified service

provider for obtaining and making the link operational between DC, DR and

NCRB site (when required).

Currently, a State Data Center (SDC) is under implementation at Manikonda

Village in Hyderabad and is expected to be operational in the near future. In

case the SDC is not operational by the time the SI is ready with deployment

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and roll-out of Enterprise / CCTNS solution, SI may host the servers along

with other equipments at the existing AP Police Data Center at PCS&S

premises. Once the SDC is operational, APeCOPS shall notify the SI to move

all the equipment to SDC. The SI shall make the system fully operational

from SDC as per the requirements in this RFP without any additional cost to

the APeCOPS.

Note: The existing Data Centre infrastructure details are listed in Annexure-3 of this Volume-I. However, the exact details would emerge after Detailed System Study is conducted by the SI as part this RFP.

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3.4 Existing Network Infrastructure (WAN & LAN) 3.4.1 Existing WAN Infrastructure The connectivity across all the Police Stations is currently via combinations

of DSL broadband (256 Kbps), dial-up lines (64 Kbps), CDMA wireless

connections (64 Kbps) and AP State Wide Area Network (2 Mbps Leased


Presently, all field locations (more than 5200 Computers) are connected

across Local Area Network and AP State Wide Area Network as detailed


a) Out of total of 1662 Police Stations, 1613 are connected through

broadband (VPN MPLS circuit) connectivity with 256 Kbps bandwidth. 11

Police Stations are still working on BSNL dial-up (64 Kbps) and 11 Police

Stations on TATA CDMA (64 Kbps) due to non-availability of necessary

broadband infrastructure in the respective Telephone Exchanges. Further,

27 Police Stations are still not connected and connectivity to the same

have to be provided. 376 Circle Offices are connected. Out of 205 SDPOs

ony 193 SDPOs are connected and remaining 12 have to be provided

connectivity. All connected locations are presently accessing all

applications hosted on servers at Data Centre.

b) All District Police Offices (26 Nos) and Police Commissionerates (4 Nos)

are connected with 2 Mb leased line from the respective District Network

Centre (DNC) of the APSWAN. Recently, the Andhra Pradesh State

Government has newly created four (4) urban Police Districts viz

Rajahmundry Urban, Guntur Urban, Warangal Urban and Tirupathi Urban

vide. These Urban Police Districts have yet to be given network

connectivity. SI will be responsible for liaisoning with BSNL for providing


c) All the eleven (11) Range Offices (DIG) except Marine DIG are connected

through 64 Kbps leased line to the respective DNCs at District

Headquarters. SI will be responsible for providing / laisoning with BSNL

for providing connectivity to this location.

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d) All nine (9) Regional IG offices are located in the Police Head Quarters, so

that they are connected to the Data Center through LAN.

e) The DGP Office is connected to APSWAN using 2 Mbps link from State

Network Centre (SNC) of the APSWAN network.

f) SI should workout and implement technically feasible solution in respect

of connectivity to the State Data Center, DR Site and NCRB Data Center

(Center) with the existing LAN /WAN infrastructure (including APSWAN)

available within the Department across the state.

Presently, there are more than 2200 locations in the AP Police across the

state accessing the applications in the Data Centre over various WAN

connections. These include the Police Stations, Circle Offices, District Police

Offices, Police Commissionerates, Special Units, etc. The different types of

connections to the Data Centre include:

10 Mbps Leased Line from BSNL to terminate the MLLN links from Police


10 Mbps Internet Leased Line from Tata Teleservices

2 Mbps CDMA VPN link by Tata Communications

2 Mbps connection to APSWAN for DHQ connectivity

1 PRI from BSNL for dialup

2 Mbps link connectivity for

o Cyberabad, Hyderabad, NIC, Vikarabad, Octopus, FSL, Premavatipet

(Gandipet), Intelligence

The State Government is carrying out the extension of APSWAN down to the

level of Mandal HQs

3.4.2 Existing LAN Infrastructure DGP Office The Local Area Network at the Police Computer Services and the Office of

the Director General of Police has been implemented with over 500+


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The Local Area Network at the Police Computer Services and the Office of

the Director General of Police has been implemented across the last

decade.Consequently, as and when the number of users increased or the

LAN was extended new devices were brought in and plugged into the


The network was not designed to meet the future requirements and

therefore led to issues like:

No Active Domain Control

Unmanaged Network

Flat Network with no Segmentation

A backbone of 100 Mbps only

No centralized management

Performance issues like broadcast and slowing of network

Open access to everyone

The network has been a major concern over a period of time and many

users have been complaining of lack of access to the resources or issues

with performance. As it is intend to build an Enterprise application that will

be accessed by all the users regularly, the LAN should be capable to provide

such access. There is a need for network which provides:






Details of existing LAN infrastructure at DGP Office is provided at

Annexure-4 of this Volume-I.

LAN at Districts Police Offices & Police Commissionerates

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All the Districts Police Offices (29 Nos) and Police Commissionerates (4 Nos)

have approximately 15 to 20 clients systems which are working in a LAN.

The LAN, in turn, has been connected to the DNC/ APSWAN through 2Mbps

Leased line.

Indicative diagram of existing network connectivity and networking

infrastructure is attached at Annexure-5 in this Volume-I.

Note: The exact details would emerge after Detailed System Study is conducted by the SI as part of this RFP. 3.5 Existing Client Site Infrastructure AP Police has IT infrastructure at all Police Stations and Higher Offices under

the implementation of e-Governance initiatives taken up by State / Central

Governments viz: eCOPS (client / server) and CIPA Projects.

(A) eCOPS (client / server) Project: Under eCOPS (client /server) project a standard infrastructure was supplied

to all client locations (Police Stations, Higher Offices etc) over a period of

time (2002 -2008) by the Police Computer Services and the details of

infrastructure presently available at various locations / Offices are detailed


Police Station / Circle Offices / SDPO: A standard Computer


Web Camera

Dot Matrix Printer

650VA UPS (offline)

Dial-up modem with dedicated telephone line or Broadband


Windows XP Professional Operating System


o Computer Table

o Chair (per Personal Computer)

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o Printer Table

District Police HQs / Unit HQs

a. All District / Unit headquarters are provided with 15 to 20 Computers

(preloaded with Windows XP Professional OS) and other peripherals

viz Line Matrix Printer, 10 KVA UPS (online) etc.

b. A LAN is established connecting all these computers which in turn

connected to the Data Centre at State headquarters through a Router


c. Furniture: Computer Table + Chair (per personal computer)+ Printer


DGP Office: All Staff Officers and sections / wings in DGP office are provided

with a standard desktops + printers + UPS (offline)

All the clients are loaded with Windows XP Professional and Office


A LAN has been established with these computers floor-wise and

connected to the Data Centre


Computer Table

Chair (per personal computer)

Printer Table

(B) Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA): The MHA, GoI have taken up CIPA project during 2004 as a part of

Modernisation of State Police Force, to support Police Station operations and

the investigation process across all States in the country. Accordingly,

necessary IT infrastructure has been provided by MHA through NIC to all the

Police Stations in identified Districts viz Prakasham, Guntur, Nizamabad and

Nalogonda of Andhra Pradesh. The following are the details of IT

infrastructure supplied and available at the Police Stations in the above


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Sl. No.

District No. of Police Stations

Infrastructure supplied to each Police Station










16 p











1 Prakasham 661 186 62 62 62 62 62

2 Guntur 832 257 80 80 80 80 160

3 Nizamabad 463 159 38 38 38 38 82

4 Nalgonda 744 247 67 67 67 67 134

Note: 22 Police Stations (as mentioned in footnote 1 to 4) in 4 Districts

where CIPA was implemented have not been supplied with any IT

infrastructure by MHA. Hence, necessary equipment for 22 Police Stations

have to be supplied by SI as per the guidelines of MHA / NCRB. Refer

Annexure-10 for details.

1 4 Police Stations in this district have not been provided any hardware under CIPA 2 3 Police Stations in this district have not been provided any hardware under CIPA 3 8 Police Stations in this district have not been provided any hardware under CIPA 4 7 Police Stations in this district have not been provided any hardware under CIPA

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3.6 Existing Capacity Building Infrastructure for (DTCs / RTCs /

PTCs / Police Academy) The current capacity building infrastructure available in the AP State is as below. Police Academy S.No Training Institution Name/Location Batch

Size Capacity

1 AP Police Academy APPA, Himayatsagar RR District


Police Training Institutes / Colleges There are seven Police Training Colleges (PTCs) located across the State.

These PTCs are equipped with physical & training infrastructure including a

computer lab consisting of 20 computers for organising Basic IT training

courses for Recruit Police Constables as a part of the induction training


S.No Training Institution Name/Location Batch Size

Capacity 1 Police Training College Ananthapur 20

2 Police Training College Amberpet 20

3 Police Training College Tirupathi 20

4 Police Training College Ongole 20

5 Police Training College Warangal 20

6 Police Training College Vizinagaram 20

7 Police Training College Karimnagar 20

District Training Institutes At present there are 22 nos of training centers at respective District

Headquarters with physical infrastructure to cater the training needs of the

employees. Four (4) urban districts which have been newly created and

three (3) Government Railway Police Units are in the process of procurement

of infrastructure for their training centres.

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Currently, each DTC/CTC has around 20 computers, one projector, one

electronic pen, one digital camera in a classroom environment that is being

used to impart necessary IT trainings to the Police personnel of the

concerned District/Commissionerate.

S.No District Training Centre Batch

Size Capacity

1. District Training Center, Warangal 20

2. District Training Center, Khammam 20

3. District Training Center, Karimnagar 20

4. District Training Center, Adilabad 20

5. District Training Center, Ananthapur 20

6. District Training Center, Chittoor 20

7. District Training Center, Kurnool 20

8. District Training Center, Kadapa 20

9. District Training Center, West Godavari 20

10. District Training Center, East Godavari 20

11. District Training Center, Krishna 20

12. District Training Center, Visakhapatnam Rural 20

13. District Training Center, Vizianagaram 20

14. District Training Center, Srikakulam 20

15. District Training Center, Guntur 20

16. District Training Center, Prakasam 20

17. District Training Center, Nellore District 20

18. District Training Center, Rangareddy 20

19. District Training Center, Nalgonda 20

20. District Training Center, Mahabubnagar 20

21. District Training Center, Nizamabad 20

22. District Training Center, Medak 20

23. District Training Center, Rajamundry Urban New District

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S.No District Training Centre Batch Size Capacity

24. District Training Center, Tirupati Urban District New District

25. District Training Center, Warangle Urban District New District

26. District Training Center, Guntur Urban New District

Commissionerates Training Centres At present there are four (4) nos of training centers at Commissionerates

Headquarters with physical infrastructure to cater the training needs of the


S.No Training Centre Batch

Size Capacity

1. City Training Center, Hyderabad 20

2. City Training Center, Cyberabad 20

3. City Training Center, Visakhapatnam 20

4. City Training Center, Vijayawada 20

Other Training Centres S.No Training Centre Batch

Size Capacity

1. Training Institute - Police Communications 20

2. Training Institute - Police Computer Services & Standardization This training institute is being used for organizing trainings on various applications like eCOPS, CIS etc., developed in house by PCS&S and accessed by the Police Department.


3. Training Institute – SCRB 20

Details of existing infrastructure provided at the training centers is attached

at Annexure-6 in this Volume-I

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3.7 Technology Stack for existing core legacy applications AP Police have many legacy applications currently being used all across the

state. The technology details of the same are given in table below.

S. No. Application

Name Technology Used

Database Deployment

1. eCOPS Java J2EE, Ajax, BIRT Reports

Oracle 10g Win/IIS 6.0

2. Criminal Intelligence System

.NET Framework 2.0, AJAX Framework 1.0, Crystal Reports

SQL Server 2005

Win/IIS 6.0

3. AP Police Messaging System

.Net / Win Oracle 10g Web

4. 3rd Eye .NET Framework 2.0

Oracle 10g Win/IIS 6.0

5. AP Police website Java J2EE, DOJO Oracle 10g Win/ JBOSS 4.0.4

6. Investigation Support Center


Oracle 10g Win/ JBOSS 4.0.4

7. Call Analysis Tool NET Framework 2.0, AJAX Framework 1.0

Oracle 10g Win/IIS 6.0

8. Mailing System Netcore Mail Server / Linux

SQL Server 2005


9. Personnel Information System & Pay Roll System

Visual Basic 6.0 (Client Application at DPOs), Java (Web Application)

SQL Server 2005

Win/ JBOSS 4.0.4

10. Passport Application

.Net / Win Oracle 10g Web

11. Issue Tracking System

.NET Framework 2.0, AJAX Framework 1.0

Oracle 10g Win/IIS 6.0

12. FACTS .Net Framework Oracle 10g Windows The SI has to go through the details of the technology used in respect of the

existing applications. All these applications are presently running

independent of each other.

Note: It may be noted that the above information is only indicative

and the exact details would emerge out after Detailed System Study

is done by the SI as part of this RFP.

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4 Core Application Software (CAS) The CCTNS application software will contain a “core” for the States/ UTs that

is common across all 35 States and UTs. The CCTNS Core Application

Software (henceforth referred to as CAS) will be developed at NCRB

premises and provided to States and UTs for deployment. Each State/UT

would customize the CAS according to their unique requirements and

thereafter commission the same. States and UTs also have an option to

develop and deploy additional applications over and above the customized

CAS. The choice of such applications lies exclusively with the State/UT.

This section provides the details of the CAS (State) and CAS (Center) that

will be developed by the Software Development Agency at the Center. The

details provided here should be read in conjunction with the RFP and the

associated addendums issued by NCRB for the selection of the Software

Development Agency for the Design, Development and Management of

CCTNS Core Application Software (CAS).

The functional requirements and the technical architecture of the CAS

(State) and CAS (Center) is provided in detail in the RFP issued by NCRB for

the selection of the SDA.

The CCTNS application software can be conceptualized as comprising

different services that fall under two broad categories, CAS (Center) and

CAS (State) being developed by MHA/NCRB.

SI should note that the Andhra Pradesh State has been declared as an advanced

state by MHA / NCRB and will therefore NOT implement the CAS (State) solution.

AP State has been allowed by MHA / NCRB to go ahead with enhancement,

consolidation and integration of its existing applications / systems to develop

into an enterprise solution called Enterprise eCOPS. However, the Enterprise

eCOPS solution has to interface with CAS (Centre) at NCRB for exchange of

information. The functionalities for the same will have to be built by the SI as part

of this RFP.

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4.1 CAS (Center) CAS (Centre) would reside at NCRB and would cater to the functionality that

is required at the GOI level (by MHA and NCRB). CAS (Centre) would be

developed by NCRB. CAS (Centre) would enable NCRB to receive crime and

criminals’ related data from States/UTs in order to organize it suitably to

serve NCRB’s requirements and to provide NCRB with the analysis and

reporting abilities to meet their objective as the central level crime and

criminals’ data repository of the nation. This would address the crime- and

criminals-related information needs of MHA, NCRB, the Parliament, and

central government ministries and agencies, citizens and citizen groups. CAS

(Centre) also facilitates the flow of crime and criminals information across

States/UTs on a need-basis. CAS (Centre) will be developed and deployed at

NCRB. Also, CAS (Centre) is expected to interface with external agencies

such as passports, transport authorities, etc. The technology stack of CAS

(Center) is given in Annexure-18 in this Volume-I of the RFP

4.2 Overview of Services in CAS (Center) 1) State-SCRB-NCRB Data Transfer and Management The service shall enable the NCRB to receive, transform, and collate the

crime, criminal, and related data from States/UTs, to organize it suitably to

serve NCRB requirements.

2) Crime and Criminal Reports The service shall enable authorized personnel to generate the reports and

perform analysis on the central crime, criminals, and related data repository

of the nation.

3) Crime and Criminal Records and Query Management The service shall enable the authorized personnel to view various registers

and perform basic and advanced queries on the central crime, criminals, and

related data repository of the nation.

4) Talaash Service The service will enable the user to search for missing persons across a

central/ national database.

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5) Person of Interest The service will enable the user to search for persons of interest such as

persons wanted on outstanding warrants, accused, charged habitual

offenders, convicts, etc. across the national database.

6) Registered Vehicle and Vehicle of Interest Service The service will enable the user to search for registered vehicles and vehicles

of interest such as, missing / stolen vehicles, abandoned / unclaimed

vehicles, and vehicles involved in traffic incidents across the national


7) Publication Service This functionality will help the NCRB to publish the periodic crime reviews to

the NCRB portal.

8) NCRB Citizen Interface The service shall enable the citizens to access / search the NCRB National

Database on the data (e.g. stolen vehicles / property, missing persons, etc.)

that is approved to be made accessible to public.

9) NCRB Interface for RTI Due to the sensitivity of the information that pertains to national security

and harmony, this service shall enable a limited and restricted access to the

authorized external stakeholders to search the NCRB National Database,

upon submission of any RTI requests.

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5 Scope of the Project

The scope of Enterprise eCOPS project in the State of Andhra Pradesh spans

across all the functional units of AP Police covering all the Police Stations and

all higher police unit offices including Sub-Divisional Offices, District

Headquarters, Commissionerates, Range Headquarters, Police Headquarter,

State Crime Record Bureau, and other Police Units.

The broad scope of Enterprise eCOPS / CCTNS project includes:

Supply, installation, testing, commissioning of IT and networking


Site preparation at Police Stations / Higher offices.

Design, Development & deployment, testing, integration of

Enterprise eCOPS.

Design, Development & deployment, testing, integration of other

existing & advanced applications.

Setting up of IT & networking infrastructure at Data Centre and

Disaster Recovery Centre.

Data migration/ Data digitisation.

Capacity Building & Change Management.

Handholding for 6 months.

Operations & maintenance (5 years) of computer hardware, system

software, networking, application software covering below

mentioned locations and Data Center and Disaster Recovery (DR)


Further provisioning of the all the services mentioned as per scope

of work of this RFP.

The Enterprise eCOPS / CCTNS project involves connectivity of these

police units (linking police units at all levels within the AP State).

Enterprise eCOPS / CCTNS project also covers a citizens’ interface to

provide Police services to citizens.

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It may be noted that the SI is not allowed to sub-contract activities

related to the following:

Hardware & IT infrastructure implementation.

Customization / application development of Enterprise eCOPS.

Roll-out of the CCTNS / Enterprise eCOPS application.

Indicative numbers of locations within the AP State to be covered for

implementing Enterprise eCOPS / CCTNS project are as mentioned


S. No. Police Units Indicative

Numbers 1. Police Stations 1662

2. Circle Offices 376


4. Commissionerates 4

5. Districts 26

6. Government Railway Districts 3

7. Ranges/DIGs Offices (Including Railways & Marine DIG)


8. Regions 4

9. Forensic Science Lab (State Level) 1

10. Finger Print Bureau (State Level) 1

11. Police Control Room(State & District) 51

12. District Training Centers 26

13. Police Training Centers 7

14. Commissionerates Training Centers 4

15. Railway Training Centers 3

16. SCRB Training Institute 1

17. PCS&S Training Institute 1

18. Police Communications Training Institute 1

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19. Police Headquarters 1

20. State Crime Record Bureau (SCRB) 1

Note: It may be noted that the above information is only indicative

and the exact details would emerge out after Detailed System Study

is done by the SI as part this RFP.

5.1 Geographical Scope The project implementation of Enterprise eCOPS / CCTNS Project is divided

into three Phases viz.:

Phase-I: Go Live in Pilot Districts / Commissionerates. This

implementation phase will cover three (3) districts & their respective Police

Stations and Higher Offices including setting up of data centre.

In this part of implementation phase, completion and acceptance of activities

at all 100% of the Police Stations and Higher Offices are required to be

covered in the following districts.

SL. No. Go Live Pilot

Districts Number of Higher

Offices (CO/ SDPO / DCP

/ ACP)

Number of Police Stations

Rationale for choosing

1. Cyberabad 23 52 Cyberabad is a major Commissionerate and close enough to monitor & review the progress periodically. Necessary technical support can also be rendered during the course of implementation.

2. Hyderabad City 44 84 Hyderabad is a major Commissionerate and close enough to monitor & review the progress periodically. Necessary technical support can also be given during the course of implementation.

3. West Godavari 21 61 This District had been identified earlier as a pilot for

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SL. No. Go Live Pilot Districts

Number of Higher Offices


Number of Police Stations

Rationale for choosing

implementation of eCOPS web application. Since the district is one of the major districts as per crime rate, necessary feedback can be obtained for stabilization of the enterprise eCOPS.

The activities envisaged but not limiting to implementation Phase-I are as follows:

i. System Study, review of FRS, preparation of SRS and other technical

documents, development and incorporation of additional functionalities

in eCOPS, integration of legacy systems with eCOPS and thus evolving

eCOPS into Enterprise eCOPS

ii. Preparation of test cases and test plans.

iii. Site Preparation.

iv. Delivery and Commissioning of infrastructure at client site.

v. Installation and Commissioning of equipment at State Data

Centre. If SDC is not ready, the DC infrastructure shall be

implemented in the Data Centre at State PHQ.

vi. Networking and connectivity from all the client locations to SDC.

vii. Capacity building program covering the targeted personnel.

viii. Change Management initiatives covering the targeted personnel

ix. Commissioning of Enterprise eCOPS system, fixing of errors, bugs etc,

addressing the problems received from field units/PS, incorporating

changes suggested by field units/PS (if appropriate).

x. User Acceptance Testing.

xi. Data Migration and Digitization.

xii. Successful operation of system.

xiii. Handholding Support for 6 months

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Detailed list for pilot districts is provided at Annexure-7 in this Volume-I.

Phase-II: Go Live in remaining locations. This implementation phase

will cover the remaining Districts, Police Stations, Higher Offices & remaining

offices including setting up of Disaster Recovery Centre.

In this part of implementation phase, completion and acceptance of

activities at all the 100% of the Police Stations, Higher Offices, SCRB,

FSL, FPB, etc., and other external interfaces as defined in this RFP are

required to be covered.

The activities envisaged in Go Live implementation phase for the

remaining Districts / Units in the State are as follows:

i. Incorporation of end users requirements, if any and stabilization

of Enterprise eCOPS duly adopting version control system.

ii. Site Preparation

iii. Delivery and Commissioning of infrastructure at client site.

iv. Networking and connectivity from all the clients to DC.

v. Capacity building program covering the targeted personnel.

vi. Change Management initiatives covering the targeted personnel

vii. Replication of Enterprise eCOPS system across the state duly

taking care of smooth migration from existing eCOPS system,

which is in use now.

viii. User Acceptance Testing

ix. Data Migration and Digitization.

x. Successful operation of system.

xi. Handholding support for 6 months

xii. Installation and commissioning of equipment at DR site

xiii. In case DC infrastructure is installed in the Data Center at PHQ

the SI will be responsible for transferring / relocating of DC

infrastructure from State PHQ to the premises of State Data

Center and commissioning of the same at no additional cost to

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AP Police. SI should ensure that there is no or minimum

disruption of services.

Details of locations are attached in Annexures as given below.

i) List of Police Stations / Circle Office / SDPOs in the Andhra

Pradesh State has been provided at Annexure-8 to this RFP.

ii) List of Police Stations / Higher Offices covered under CIPA project

provided at Annexure-9 in this Volume-I.

iii) List of Police Stations under CIPA project where hardware /

peripherals were not supplied in any of the Phase–I or Phase-II

but now are being supplied under the CCTNS project as

Annexure-10 in this Volume-I.

Phase-III: Operation & Maintenance for 5 years. Operation &

Maintenance phase for each Phase-I & Phase-II will start respectively for a

period of five (5) years after successful Go-live of Enterprise eCOPS / CCTNS

project in Phase-I & Phase-II locations as per the scope of work mentioned

in this RFP.

In addition to the activities related to operation and maintenance of the

comprehensive Enterprise eCOPS / CCTNS solution, this phase would also

include the implementation of subsequent versions, upgrades, patches bug

fixes etc., of Enterprise eCOPS.

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5.2 Functional Scope Police Officers at Police Stations render a variety of services in area of

maintenance of law & order, crime investigation, protection of state assets,

VIP protection, traffic control, prosecution & witness trial management,

intelligence gathering & crime prevention, etc. Police stations also serve as

front-end of the entire police department in dealing with public complaints

and requests, and at the same time they occupy a pivotal place as the

primary information collecting agent for the other functions/wings within the


AP Police has already implemented its key web based application called

eCOPS for the entire state and the same is operational and being used all

across the state at various levels of the Police Department. It provides a

platform for computerizing all key investigation operations from filing an FIR

till creating the final charge sheet. eCOPS is accessible across hierarchy

levels and state-wide locations so as to enable easy access of information

throughout the Department and facilitate faster and better decision-making

and crime prevention via information collation and collaborative action.

However additional functionalities / external interfaces are to be built /

incorporated into existing eCOPS to evolve into the Enterprise eCOPS. The

details of the same are given in Section “5.2.1 Proposed Solution

Architecture for Enterprise eCOPS” and Section “5.2.2 Integration and

Interfacing requirements”.

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5.2.1 Proposed Solution Architecture of Enterprise eCOPS The proposed solution i.e. the Enterprise eCOPS solution of AP Police should

be based on the following indicative solution considerations.

Ease of maintenance: Organizations typically spend 80% of their time and

budget on maintenance and enhancement of applications. It is essential that

the application is built so that they can be easily maintained and enhanced.

The architecture should be simple and extensible. This will enable easy

maintenance and addition of new features.

Performance: Faster turnaround time is a key factor that end users always

like to see in any application. The solution solution should be designed to

cater for increase in number of users, traffic, load, instances and size of the

data to be handled in the future.

User Interface: The solution should have an attractive and easy to navigate

user interface (GUI) designed in way so that it is easy to change / modifiy

the GUI at a later stage with no or minimal disruption of services to the user.

Flexible and Open Architecture: Proprietary architectures and

frameworks lead to vendor lock-in and sometimes lead to rewrite of the

source code. This should be avoided. The solution should be extendable,

open and flexible as per industry standards so that the architecture for

this solution can be utilized for the new applications at a later date. The

system should also provide a mechanism for error handling and robustness

to scale up on demand to support future applications without major changes.

Layered Solution Architecture: The architecture should be based on

multiple layers, with presentation, business and database functionalities

clearly separated in each layer.

Focus on maximum reusability: The system should be structured in such

a way that future requirements can be met by adding as little code as

possible. This leads to better maintainability.

Database portability: Systems should be designed in such a way that it

should not be specific to a particular database and need to be flexible to

change the database at any point of time to avoid vendor lock-in.

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Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): Enterprise eCOPS is envisaged on

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) by having Services Gateway to connect

with third party applications which can leverage the services of Enterprise

eCOPS processes.

Indicative architecture diagram is as below.

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SMS /MobileHelp Desk Citizen Portal e Seva  Services



  Legacy Applications


rd Eye

Criminal Intelligence System

Investigation Support Center

Call Analysis Tool Police Online Info

System ( POLIS)

Shared Services

AP Police Messaging & Mailing system

Work Flow Engine Rules Engine Document

Management System SMS & Payment

Gateways Discussion forums/


  Additional Modules

Offline Modules Higher Offices

Modules Monthly Crime

Review- Online Petition Management

System Court & Prosecution Station House


Advanced Applications

Crime Analytics Enterprise

Resource Planning GIS / GRP




eCOP 3rd

Eye    CIS


POLIS Website Others

Data Warehousing


          Audit Trail

MHA/NCRB – Data Xchange


Telco operators

Courts & Jails


             FPB, FSL & PCRs

UAID Others







PRISE                                    M


ENT                                                  SYSTEM   (EMS)

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Volume-I – Techno-Funcational Requirements Page 56 of 427 Generic Indicative Requirements for the Proposed Solution (Enterprise eCOPS)

The Enterprise eCOPS has to be developed and integrated based on a

homogenous, simple, and light-weight architecture. The SI should explore

and recommend the architectural patterns to address this.

All communications/messaging with the external systems should preferably

be executed through web services with proper emphasis on data-security.

The Enterprise eCOPS system has to be designed such that it can be

integrated with the National e-Governance Service Delivery Gateway (NSDG)

and the State e-Governance Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) developed by

DIT, GOI, for sending/receiving the messages to and from the Enterprise

eCOPS deployed at the State level and external agencies / solutions, both at

Central and State levels.

The System Integrator (SI) needs to develop additional modules /

applications and is responsible for integrating and deploying the Legacy

applications as well as additional modules / applications in the State Data

Center. The SI is responsible for integrating the services from the multiple

police applications in the State and deliver the services via different means


a. Internet-based for providing services to citizens

b. Intranet-based for employees of the State Police Dept

c. Extranet-based for external stakeholders such as judiciary, and other

government departments.

The overall solution needs to keep key areas in mind:

1) Web Portal

2) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

3) Consolidation for Mission Critical Applications & Data Integration

4) Technology Stack

5) Database

6) Service Delivery Tier

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7) Centralized Deployment and Architecture

8) Networking and Connectivity Requirements

9) User Roles and Access Control

10) Business Analytics & Reporting

11) Back Up and Storage

12) Offline functionality

13) Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuty Plan (BCP)

14) Security Requirements

15) Gateway Interface Requirements

The following subsections provide details for the above items:

1) Web Portal Interface

Enabling the Portal Capabilities is one of the key requirements

for the project and it should contain complete, open, and

manageable portal platform that integrates Web 2.0 capabilities

into business processes and custom and packaged enterprise

applications to create richer connections and deliver faster time-

to-value. Its unified, standards-based portal framework should

support the creation of all types of portals, Web sites, and

composite applications and should be designed to enable

business users to evolve these applications as their business

requirements change. The State Police Portal should bring all

services under its umbrella and provide a single point of access

to the Police Personnel to avail the services. These service

applications should be deployed on a uniform communication

framework with each application communicating with the other

through secured application services interfaces. The services

shall be exposed through web services for client consumption.

As this would be the entry point into AP Police Applications the

portal should be designed for a High Available deployment.

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2) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

The department needs an integrated solution that helps in fast

design and assembly, deployment and management, is highly

agile and adaptable to eliminate the Data Duplication and also to

build a proper business process while integrating the existing

legacy systems. It is very critical for the Solution to integrate

multiple desperate systems and exchange the data. The

application should enable workflows to achieve multiple business

requirements. This is critical in terms of High Availability and

High performance. Consequently, SOA enabled architecture is


3) Consolidation for Mission Critical Applications & Data

Integration To build a consolidated Reporting Database taking data from

different applications like eCOPS and other applications requires

high-performance data movement and transformation among

enterprise platforms across an open and integrated architecture.

The Mission Critical applications need to be consolidated into a

homogeneous platform to provide high availability and reliability

for the Enterprise eCOPS.

4) Technology Stack

Minimal maintenance is a major concern in current scenario.

Proposed stack must offer ease of use so that its adoption

won't become issue after execution. SI should ensure that

the stack selected by him for solution deployment should not

comprise of "End of Life" products / components.

The software products / components should have well defined

product roadmap by the respective developer / manufacturer

and provide full use unrestricted user license for the duration

of the project.

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For ensuring performance, the SI should ensure that the

proposed stack has high availability / clustering services,

tuning and diagnostic tools, spatial database capability,

database compression and encryption tools replication

technologies for failover to remote site, high availability

option without shared disk / SAN.

System Integrator would be required to configure the

complete solution with multi-lingual support (English, Hindi,

Telgu & Urdu) for User Interface, Fonts, Data Entry, Report

Generation and all types of data transactions etc.

5) Database

AP Police has an existing set of 12 applications to enable it to

provide law enforcement services. AP Police has to consolidate

all these applications on a single platform. In order to maintain

continuity, reduce efforts in migration, cost effectiveness etc, SI

shall take appropriate decision in selection of Database and

other components. The consolidated database for Enterprise

eCOPS Application should preferably provide for the following:

Active-Active Clustering, which will provide continuous

availability from machine failure, scalability and workload


The database powering the crime related applications

should have spatial capabilities to cater to GIS/GPS

application, etc.

The databases should have capabilities to provide

improved query performance and performance should not

degrade with the increase in data volume.

The database platform must provide single integrated

system management view for database / database cluster

and should have the following capabilities:

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o Support for proactive of the diagnosis of the


o advisory-based performance tuning tool that help to

tune SQL statements.

The data base should have the capability to encrypt the

data stored and transmitted over the network. Such

encryption should be done without making changes to the


Database should provide option for preventive controls on

privileged user access to application data.

Database should support the separation of security

functionality from application functionality and database

administration functionality and provide controls over who,

when, where and how applications, data and databases

can be accessed

Separate centralized repository for audit information. A

disaster recovery site should be set-up (preferably in a

different geographic location) to protect against site


Should support ETL to build data repository for the

reporting, warehousing etc

6) Service Delivery Tier

There will be two types of users accessing this network.

Citizens shall be accessing the portal through Internet. It will be

used for dissemination of information to the citizens. Services

would be primarily provided through Internet, SMS and through

eSeva Centres.

Internal AP Police officials shall be accessing various applications

over Intranet using secured APSWAN/ VPNoBB. These users will be

allowed single sign on (SSO). Their access to various features of

application(s) will be defined based on their role e.g. Police Station

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officials would be allowed to create an FIR whereas higher officials

shall be allowed to access reporting modules for generating/

accessing reports.

7) Centralized Deployment and Architecture

The solution should facilitate centralized deployment of the


The solution should be based on shared and reusable

architectures, that is, applications, systems and infrastructure

are characterized as service oriented, component-based and


The solution is required to provide modularity that should

support addition / removal of one or more modules as and

when required.

The solution architecture should allow clustering and

distributed processing capabilities. In the event of one of

application servers failure the system should continue the

operation on the remaining application server(s).

The solution should have the ability to scale up as and when

the new applications and services are added without

hampering the performance of the overall solution. The

architecture should be proven to be highly scalable and

capable of delivering high performance as and when the

traffic or load increase in terms of number of users, user

groups, resources and access control policies etc.

8) Networking and Connectivity Requirements

The solution should support TCP/IP, HTTP and HTTPS for all

traffic between the user location and the application.

The solution should support the following network types but

not limited to: VPNs, MPLS networks, Wireless Networks,

Leased Lines, ADSL Lines and Satellite Networks.

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The system should be extensible to provide access to the

interfaces through PDAs and mobile data terminals.

9) User Roles and Access Control

The solution should have a capability to assign activities to

roles, and map roles to users.

The solution should employ a common user access and

authentication service to ensure Single-Sign On (SSO) for the

end-user. Once the user had logged in all applications will be

accessible to him based on his role.

The solution should provide multi-level access management

viz., User identification, limitation of user rights to perform

operations, Data confidentiality provision, user actions audit

and protocols.

10) Business Analytics & Reporting

This solution should consolidate together information from the

AP Police department in a unified view for reporting and

analysis. A few indicative desired traits are described below:

Reporting: One can create any type of report – business,

production, dashboard and ad-hoc queries. It should be

possible to publish reports in various formats such as Email,

HTML, PDF, Microsoft Excel, CSV, and XML. It should have a

Drill through and Drill down support built in.

Analysis: User should be able to explore and analyze the data

and come out with comparative analyses of business

performance across multiple dimensions which would be

suitable for the AP Police.

Dashboards: To deliver web based dashboards that provide

an "at-a-glance" snapshot of the business. It should be

possible to create multi object performance reports, maps,

charts, scorecards, lists, etc for analysis. One can also

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connect dashboard elements with underlying data for further

reporting and analysis.

11) Back Up and Storage

The solution should provide backup and storage facility that

would take copies of active online data and files and store on

offline storage. Should an online storage device fail, if a data

error occurs, or if someone accidentally deletes a file, the offline

copy of that data can be copied (restored) to online storage.

12) Offline functionality

The proposed solution is envisaged as a centrally deployed web

based solution. However, network connectivity at Police Stations

and other locations may not be reliable. The solution should

ensure data safety and integrity in the event of connectivity

failures. Therefore the proposed solution architecture should

have an offline solution for critical activity such as entering of 7

IIFs. As the offline mode switches back to the online mode, data

recorded in local database at Police Station should automatically

synchronize with central database.

13) Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuty Plan


As per the CCTNS project requirements, the Disaster

Recovery Site would be setup in a different geographic

location at 50% capacity of the Primary Data Centre Site.

In case of failure of Primary Data Centre site, it is required to

divert the request to the DR site with no loss of data and the

business continuity should be maintained from the DR site.

The diversion should happen seamlessly without the client

being affected.

In case of link failure, this can be achieved by the service

provider diverting the traffic from the primary site to the DR

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site. However in the scenario where the link to the primary

site is functioning but one of the components in the primary

site is down, then an appliance is required to detect such

failures and intelligently divert the traffic to the DR site.

Mission critical applications present in the DC would be

replicated in to DR site for business continuity. It is important

to prevent data corruption while transferring data to DR site

with a reduced network bandwidth. The proposed solution

should provide DR capabilities with higher efficiency, data

integrity and optimized bandwidth utilization.

The SI has to ensure the right BCP solution via suggested

approaches like the Global Site Selector. The Global Site

selector can be deployed at the primary site and DR site in

heart beat mode. These devices will monitor the Simple

Network Management protocol (SNMP) capable divices like

Server Load Balancers and Servers and then decide the best

destination to ensure application availability. This ensures

high availability of applications providing failover across Data

Centers and better application performance.

14) Security Requirements

The solution should ensure data safety and integrity in the event

of connectivity failures, software and hardware operability

failures. The security architecture proposed for the Enterprise

eCOPS has to ensure complete authenticity and integrity of data

and transactions.

Access control procedures should cover all stages in the life-

cycle of user access, from the initial registration of new users to

the final de-registration of users who no longer require access to

information systems and services. Special attention should be

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given, where appropriate, to the need to control the allocation of

privileged access rights, which allow users to override system


Some of the desired criteria are described below:

User Access Management: The solution should restrict users from

unauthorized access by allowing only the authorized users with

valid profile/password to access only the allowed transaction. Users

should be granted access to information, data and software on a

"need to know" basis. Access should be restricted according to the

user’s requirement to read, write, execute or delete information,

data or software on the basis of least privilege to achieve the

desired function.

i. Authorized changes to user access rights should be done

promptly by the relevant Systems Administrators. System

access rights should be revoked prior to or as soon as

possible after personnel change the role or leave the Police


ii. An accurate system date and time should be maintained in

all systems since date and time stamp is vital while

registering the case and issuing of FIRs or other operations

of similar nature.

iii. All access violation attempts (user and resource

authentication) should be logged and reported for

investigation by the Systems Security Administrator.

iv. There should be a one-to-one relationship between user Ids

and individuals. Access to computing resources (e.g. data,

files, applications, and databases) via shared User Ids should

be preferably prohibited.

v. Users should be limited to a single concurrent session on all

networked computer systems, unless explicitly approved.

vi. Users’ access rights should be reviewed at standard regular

intervals as decided by APeCOPS.

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vii. Inactive terminals should be set to a pre-defined time-out


Effective password management controls: The solution must have the

ability to perform password management functions including but not

limited to controlled password expirations, forced password change

with optional grace logins, minimum password lengths (eight

characters), alphanumeric password standards, minimum number of

numeric characters, non-dictionary words, password history logging,

and user lockout from failed login attempts.

Access control to information: The security solution should facilitate

access controls for specific users to only certain resources/services

and at the same time system must provide ability to integrate with

single sign-on to all functional modules.

Secure Communication over the network: The solution shall support

the exchange of data through secured channels of communication

protected by standards such as the SSL protocol. Such facility shall

provide support for the following functionality, at a minimum:

i. Confidentiality of communication - Encryption of all messages

between client and server

ii. Authenticity – Authenticate all messages between client and

server, confirming the identities of messages/transactions

iii. Integrity – Message Authentication Codes provide integrity

protection that allows recognizing any manipulation of

exchanged messages.

iv. Secured communication between the user and the application

with SSL and encrypted login information using algorithms

with strong key lengths.

v. The system should ensure high standards of security and access

control through but not limiting to:

Prevent SQL Injection

Utilize parameterized queries

Sanitize the user-inputs

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Validate the data both at the client and server

Prevent cross-site scripting

Validate the incoming data / user request

Encode the incoming data / user request

Secure storage of critical items: The solution must provide for the

ability to securely store critical data so that database administrators or

any unauthorized users do not have access to items such as

transaction information, passwords, user profiles and other critical


Detailed session management abilities: The solution should preferably

provide for session settings such as idle or max session time-outs,

concurrent sessions and other session control settings.

Access Filtering: The solution must examine all traffic to all services of

the solution and all access attempts to the Enterprise eCOPS or

directly to any resource managed/access by the Enterprise eCOPS.

Such traffic should be intercepted by the solution, and examined for

authentication and authorization requirements defined for the

resource. At the same time, the performance overhead of examining

all traffic and performing the authentication and authorization

requests should not become the bottleneck in the service delivery

process and should not impact on the performance of the solution.

Security Monitoring: The solution implemented for Enterprise eCOPS

must be capable of comprehensive logging of the transactions and

access attempts to the resources/applications through the solution. It

should be capable of logging transaction history, unauthorized access

attempts, and attempts to login that fail. It should also be capable of

notifying appropriate parties of suspicious activity.

Other Security Services: The following describe some of the other

desired criteria on security:


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o The sensitive and confidential information and documents must be

stored in an encrypted format in the database.

o The system should support 128-bit encryption or higher for

transmission of the data over the internet.

o Any access to the end users to database should only be via

application/portal authorization

o The solution should comply with ISO27001 standards.

PKI Service Requirements / Digital Signatures: For requiring high

degree of user authentication and security, it would be preferable to

have a PKI based solution. The solution should also conform to the

requirements of the IT Act 2000. Following items describe the

outlines and guidelines with respect to implementation of PKI


o The solution shall support usage of Digital Certificates and

multi-tier based authentication for police personnel for performing

critical transactions in the system.

o The solution should support digital certificates issued by licensed

CA’s in India and should accept digital certificates based on

criteria (Issuer, Class, Policy Identifiers).

o Client digital certificates based authentication should be used for

access to the critical services.

o Automatic validation of digital certificates used for authentication

and digital signatures is required. The validation must include

check for acceptance criteria (Issuer, Class and Policy Identifiers),

validity period, and current CRL based revocation checking.

o Digital signing and encryption of attachments documents

compliant to Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) is


Auditing features and Requirements: The solution must provide the

capability to track and monitor successful and unsuccessful

transactions with the Enterprise eCOPS. Accountability for transactions

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must be tied to specific users. The architecture/systems should

facilitate audit of all significant security events including

authentication, accessing of services and security administration. The

auditing capabilities need to be built into various layers of the

Application Software.

The following are some of the suggested criteria:

o For the first login by a user, the system should prompt the user to

change his password.

o When a user logs-in, the system should show him the date & time

of last login

o The System must restrict user access based on the privileges

assigned to the user

o The System must maintain a log of all activities carried out by an


o Solution must log all security relevant events. Examples of

security relevant events include but are not limited to:

Attempts to guess passwords.

Attempts to use privileges that have not been


Modifications to production application software.

Changes to user privileges.

o Detailed audit trail of transactions performed in the system which

should capture the details of individuals performing the

transactions, date & time stamp etc.

o Stringent security measures shall be implemented surrounding the

audit data to ensure that audit records are not modified, deleted


o The solution shall facilitate reporting facilities in a simple and

readable manner for the officers to review audit trails for the

transactions occurring in the system.


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15) Gateway Interface Requirements

The application would need to communicate with different

systems/devices through varied interfaces. Three indicative Gateway

needs are described below:

SMS Gateway: To facilitate SMS based services i.e.

information dissemination, notifications, alerts, e-governance

based push services, etc., to the citizens the SI would be

required to have proposed solution ready for integration with

service provider for the purpose of SMS gateway.

APeCOPS would finalize the service provider for integration

and expenses to service provider would be borne by

APeCOPS. Any liaison work on behalf of APeCOPS would be

done by the SI.

SI should integrate with SMS gateway to provide the services

and the system should be able to interface with the proposed

messaging system for sending SMS to the user. The status

and information of any transaction done should be verifiable

through SMS using tokens like receipt number and

transaction ID.

A suggested gatework diagram is given below:

Indicative SMS Gateway Diagram

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Payment Gateway: To facilitate online payments through the

Portal, the SI would be required to have proposed solution

ready for integration with the service provider / aggregator

for the purpose of payment gateway.

APeCOPS would finalize service provide / aggregator for

integration and expenses to service provider / aggregator

would be borne by APeCOPS. Any liasoning work on behalf of

APeCOPS will be done by the SI. Given below is the

diagrammatic indication of this gateway:

Payment Gateway Indicative Diagram

Email Gateway: The Andhra Pradesh Police Department

offers email services to its staff members with the email

infrastructure hosted within the department at PCS.

Emails exchanged with people outside the organization, poses

certain security threats. Even emails among employees within

the organization can lead to security issues sometimes.

Email-borne threats include virus attacks, spam, false

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positives, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks,

spyware and phishing (fraud).

AP Police already has an email gateway and the same could

be used with enhancements if needed, by the SI for

integration into the proposed Enterprise eCOPS.

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Volume-I – Techno-Funcational Requirements Page 73 of 427 Functional Scope for legacy applications SNO Application/Module Description Functional Scope

1. eCOPS (Mission Critical)

eCOPS solution is a police modernization application specially designed to cater to the needs of the Police Station activities such as Investigation, Law & Order maintenance and Court & prosecution services. This application enables the police department to achieve operational efficiency and citizen centric services in an effective manner.

Need to Enhance the application with additional functionalities and integrate with other core crime & Criminal related applications

2. Criminal Intelligence System (Mission Critical)

This application assists police investigators in identifying and short-listing details of most probable offenders with their personal particulars, photographs, associates, pending NBWs etc

Need to Consolidate /Integrate with eCOPS on both application level and database level

3. 3rd Eye - Investigation Tool (Mission Critical)

This tool provides a single point search for various identification attributes associated with a person. Provides access to different databases thereby eliminating the need to travel to various departments to collect information such as RTO, Cell Phone Service Providers, Revenue, RPO and Election commission etc.

Need to consolidate and Integrate at application level with eCOPS

4. Investigation Support Center

Assist the IO by providing templates for communication. Check lists for each activity to be performed during the investigation and standardized operating procedures for different type of cases are available. A help tool is available with search option.

Need to consolidate and Integrate at application level with eCOPS Enhance with APPMS and Acts & Sections

5. Citizen Portal (Mission Critical)

Citizen Portal Module improves the Public Service Delivery such as document delivery, knowing case status, RTI information, Reporting crime, passport verification status, foreigner’s online registration, and property recoveries. Citizens are able to access the police services through

Need to Enhance the application with additional functionalities and integrate with other core crime & Criminal related applications

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SNO Application/Module Description Functional Scope transparent, multiple, and easily accessible channels in a user-friendly manner. This will not only improve current methods of accessing these services but also provide alternatives for the public to communicate with the Police.

6. Call Analysis Tool Help the investigation officer in analyzing the calling formats of a given mobile number within the State by uploading the call details records present in excel or text format into the system/database and running a certain set of algorithms driven by the analysis logics to generate a comprehensive result.

Need to Integrate with other core crime & Criminal related applications

7. AP Police Messaging System

It is a role based Messaging System that provides messaging service for users at different hierarchy levels in the Police Department. It enables the Department to maintain and share comprehensive administrative and law and order information from across the state in real time.

Need to migrate the entire functionality to a SMTP based Mail Server.

8. Issue Tracking System

The Issue Tracking System (centralized helpdesk) is a ticket based issue tracking system with automated escalations of issues to higher authorities. This is a web based application for the users (of all the applications related to police department) to raise issues and transfer them to higher authorities faster and get them resolved. The application is used by users across four basic roles as described below: 1) Admin who takes responsibility of handling issues at state level and is responsible for creating logins for other actors. 2) District Approver who is responsible for handling issues in district level. 3) Vendor who is responsible for handling the issues forwarded to him. 4) User who posts the issues.

Need to enhance and integrate with other applications

9. SCRB Application The State Crime Record Bureau (SCRB) is an organization responsible for collection of crime related

Need to maintain the status quo until the Enterprise eCOPS is ready

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SNO Application/Module Description Functional Scope information / statistics from all across the state from different levels of the police organization and send it to National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB). The SCRB application available at the AP Police Department helps collect all the required information at the field level and facilitates the consolidation of the same in formats as desired by SCRB and NCRB. Optional Applications / Modules S.No Application /

Module Description Functional Scope

1. Personnel Information and Payroll System

This application provides field-level automation and centralized access to personal details of all the personnel working in the police department. The details available are as follows: 1. Pay particulars 2. Personal Details 3. Reward Details 4. Punishment Details 5. Leave Details 6. Increment Details 7. Training Details 8. Posting Details 9. Insurance Details

Need to discontinue after Enterprise eCOPS and migrate the data to proposed new ERP solution

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5.2.2 Integration and Interfacing Requirements

The System Integrator at the State level shall register as a service provider

with the NSDG or SSDGs on behalf of the State Government and provide

CCTNS / Enterprise eCOPS based services. Initially if NSDG / SSDG services

are not available the CCTNS / Enterprise eCOPS application shall access

services through the existing broadband networks and SI shall develop APIs

for the required departments during development of Enterprise eCOPS

solution to enable interoperability and inter connectivity for its eventual

integration with NSDG / SSDG. C-DAC as gateway service provider of NSDG

/ SSDG shall provide connectors / adaptors and guidelines for hosting

services through NSDG /SSDG after the SI registers as a service provider on

behalf of the AP Police.

SSDG Framework and Standards as per Government of India Act as a catalyst in enabling the building of Standards based

e-Governance applications with Gateway as the middleware to ensure


Enable integration across Centre, State or Local Governments there by

enabling Integrated Service Delivery and a Service Oriented Architecture


Help protect the legacy investments in software and hardware by easily

integrating them with other technology platforms and software


De-link the back-end departments/Service Providers (SP) from the

front-end Service Access Providers thereby

Ensuring separation of concerns of service access from the

service implementation i.e. separates the Portal, Common

Service Center (CSC), Kiosks etc from the government services

which reside in the backend departments.

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Encouraging competition at the front-end by allowing

independent service access providers to provide services with

varying levels of complexity, cost and service quality levels.

Shared services can be added on to the core services as and when

required, as special common services of the Gateway without affecting

the core functionality of the Gateway, thereby providing flexibility and


Encourage back-end services to be plugged into the infrastructure as and

when they are ready,

Reduce the cost of e-Governance Projects by rationalizing, distributing

and optimizing the services framework

Use PKI infrastructure for secure transactions. Provision exists for

encryption of department payload to ensure confidentiality of department

data. The gateway provides digital signature and certificates to all

stakeholders interacting with the gateway for identification,

authentication and authorization. Transaction and audit logs help track

government data.

Enable transaction logging and time stamping for tracking of transactions

and centralized control and help the Departments backend workflow

evolve gradually as the Gateway acts as a middleware de-linking the

backend from the front end. This means that even the Departments

which do not have the complete automation or work flow at the back can

still deliver e-Service to the citizens in a limited manner through the


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SSDG Conceptual Architecture and Gateway Messaging specifications SSDG as a messaging middleware acts as an intelligent hub and routes

service requests from a Service Seeker (Service Access Provider) to a

Service Provider (typically a back end Government department that puts up

its service for electronic delivery) and in return sends the response back to

the Service Seeker through the Gateway.

The gateway achieves integration amongst diverse set of applications built

on varying platforms through compliance with a set of e-Governance

Specifications- Interoperability Interface Protocol and Interoperability

Interface Specifications (IIP/IIS) that are based on open standards such as

the W3C XML and SOAP specifications. The Gateway specifications developed

for the Gateway messaging and support/common services are

Interoperability Interface Specification (IIS)

Interoperability Interface Protocol (IIP)

Inter Gateway Interconnect Specification (IGIS)

Gateway Common Services Specification (GCSS)

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For further details SI may refer to website https://nsdg.gov.in.

System Integrator will be required to integrate the complete set of solution

with CAS (Center) and create interfaces for further integration with External

Agencies (in phase II of project implementation). The integration and

interfacing model is indicated in the diagram “Indicatinve Interfacing

Requirements” below. However a detailed integration and interfacing model

would emerge out of the detailed study of System Integrator.

The interfaces to be developed within Enterprise eCOPS should provide

proper information and data sharing with external agencies, but not limiting

to the following:

National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)

Regional Transport Authority (RTA)

Regional Passport Office (RPO)



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Mobile / Telephone Service Providers

Forensic Science Lab (FSL)

Finger Print Bureau (FPB)

Police Control Room (PCR)

Uniqu Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)

Juvenile Justice

Immigration, VISA, Foreigner Registration and Tracking (IVFRT)

Economic Offences

External Interfacing shall also be provided with AP Public Distribution

System, State Common Service Centers (CSC), eSeva applications (of State

portals and Service Delivery Gateway), State Universities and other external

government departments etc., to facilitate electronic exchange of


System Integrator would be required to study the interfacing requirements

with CAS (Centre), external agencies and other state departments for

seamless integration and information exchange as part of Detailed System

Study. At the outset, System Integrator would also be required to study the

National Level initiatives or projects for interfacing and integration

requirements with Enterprise eCOPS such as but not limiting to, initiatives by

Department of IT, GoI, Ministry of External Affairs, Mobile Number

Portability, etc.

Indicative Interfacing requirements are as depicted below:

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Indicative Interfacing Requirements




Reports & Query

Talaash Person of Interest

Vehicles Management

Publication Services

Citizen Services & RTI Interface

State SCRB – NCRB Data Transfer and Management Service










Mobile Service


Legacy Apps Shared Services Additional Modules Advanced Apps

1.  eCOPS 2. 3rd Eye 3. Criminal    Intelligence System (CIS) 4. Investigation Support Center 5.Call Analysis Tools 6. Police Online Information System    

1. AP Police Messaging & Mailing System 2. Work flow Engine 3. Rules Engine 4. Document Management System 5. SMS & Payment Gateways 6. Discussions forums / Chatting  

1. Offline Modules 2. Higher Offices Modules 3. Monthly Crime Review – Online 4. Petition Management 5. Court & Prosecution 6. Station House Management   

1. Crime Analytics 2. Enterprise Resource Planning 3. GIS/GPS 

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Indicative types of data/ information exchange with external agency, with which

interfacing of Enterprise eCOPS / CCTNS solution will be required are as follows:

SNO Name of the Agency

Data / Information Scope for SI

1 State Courts

Charge Sheet acknowledgement

Final Report Approvals

PP/APP interface

Data of Case Trials, etc.

Data of summons/ warrants issued by court, next date of hearing, status of accused (whether on bail or in custody with name of jail, PO, bail jumper etc).

Court permissions, judgments, sentences, etc. against cases

SI will be required to study & develop functionality by customizing eCOPS to capture such data from State Courts and use the same with various modules of Enterprise eCOPS.

2 State Transport Authority

Data of Driving License (as required by Motor Vehicle Act)

Data of Vehicle Registration Certificate (as required by Motor Vehicle Act)

Any other data required under Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, central Motor vehicle rules 1989 etc.

STA may require data of stolen vehicles from Police Department.

SI will be required to study & develop functionality by customizing eCOPS to import data from State Transport Authority and use the same with various modules of Enterprise eCOPS.

3 State Jails

Bail order details

Jail Mulakaths

Data of prisoners / jail inmates

Data regarding movement of prisoner / under trial/ convict / parole

Data regarding discharge of

SI will be required to develop functionality by customizing eCOPS to capture such data from State Jails/ Prisons and use the same with various modules of Enterprise eCOPS.

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SNO Name of the Agency

Data / Information Scope for SI

under-trial / convict who are accused in cases figuring on the list of monitored cases or who are listed as dangerous prisoners from Jail on Furlough /parole etc.

4 State Government Hospitals

Medico Legal Reports (MLRs)

Postmortem reports (PMRs)

Medical Certificates

Other forms/ requests made by Police for expert opinions

SI will be required to develop functionality by customizing eCOPS to capture such data from State Govt. Hospitals and use the same with various modules of Enterprise eCOPS

5 Mobile Service Providers

All the Data associated with mobile subscribers

Call detail records of individual Subscribers

Tower locations (lat/ long charts/address)

SMS request to know the Tower Location

SI will be required to develop functionality by customizing eCOPS to capture such data from Mobile Service providers and use the same with various modules of Enterprise eCOPS

6 Regional Passport Office

Passport applications data for police verification

Police reports against the applicants

Details of Seized/ Cancelled passports

SI will be required to develop functionality by customizing eCOPS to capture such data from Regional Passport Office and use the same with various modules of Enterprise eCOPS

7 UID Authority of India / Any other AP based Registrar

Biometric data, including fingerprints, IRIS and facials of people of India

SI will be required to develop functionality by customizing eCOPS to capture such data from UID Authority of India and use the same with various modules of Enterprise eCOPS

8 Juvenile Justice Registration (by SHO or duty officer)

Inquiry (social background report – JWO)

Proceedings o Juvenile justice board o Session court (for

appeals only) o High court (only for

SI will be required to develop functionality by customizing eCOPS to capture such data and use the same with various modules of Enterprise eCOPS

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SNO Name of the Agency

Data / Information Scope for SI

revision) Detention (under

supervison of probation officer) o Observations homes

(after apprehension and during proceedings)

o Special Homes (after proceedings)

o Safe Custody 9 IVFRT Foreigner VISA application

verification Online Foreigner

registration verification PAK nationals registion

verifications PAK nationals departure

verification Look out cirlulars (LOC) Search & query Overseas Citizenship of

India – Post verification

SI will be required to develop functionality by customizing eCOPS to capture such data and use the same with various modules of Enterprise eCOPS

Note: The above list of interfaces is only indicative and the exact details

would emerge after System Study is conducted by SI which is part of

scope of work as defined in the RFP.

Functional Scope for additional modules S.No. Application/Module Description Functional scope 1 Higher Officers

Module The module shall enable the Higher Offices police personnel to view relevant reports and dashboards and to conduct periodic crime, and law & order reviews of the Police Station under the officer’s jurisdiction.

Need to develop and integrate with Enterprise eCOPS.

2 Online Monthly Crime Review

The module shall enable the senior officers to conduct online monthly crime reviews in a more systematic manner.

Need to develop and integrate with Enterprise eCOPS.

3 Petition Management The service shall enable the police personnel to register and process the

Need to develop and integrate with Enterprise eCOPS,

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S.No. Application/Module Description Functional scope different kinds of general service petitions and complaints.

eSeva, Citizen Portal and Unified Services

4 Intranet Portal Enabling the Portal Capabilities is one of the key requirements for the project and it should contain Complete, open, and manageable portal platform that integrates Web 2.0 capabilities into business processes and custom and packaged enterprise applications to create richer connections and deliver faster time-to-value. Its unified, standards-based portal framework supports the creation of all types of portals, Web sites, and composite applications and is designed to enable business users to evolve these applications as their business requirements change. As this is the entry point into AP Police Applications the portal should be on High Available deployment

Need to develop and integrate with all core and noncore applications with Single Sign On feature.

5 Station House Management

The main purpose of Station House Management is to improve the overall effectiveness of Police station through process driven approaches for achieving the following objectives. Improved Manpower Management, Better Resource Management, Better ways of organizing and Managing work, improved use of technology, technology

Need to develop and integrate with Enterprise eCOPS.

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S.No. Application/Module Description Functional scope integration, timely reward and recognition, customer orientation and citizen centricity, total employee involvement, culture of continuous improvement etc., are the some of the tools for improvement in the service delivery to the community which ultimately helps in achieving pride in work for employees, realization of one’s fullest potential by each individual employee and the employee satisfaction thereof.

6 Court & Prosecution Services

The module shall enable the police personnel to interface with the courts and jails during the investigation process (for producing evidence, producing arrested, remand etc) and during the trial process.

Need to develop and integrate with Enterprise eCOPS.

7 Offline Application It would be a false assumption to anticipate seamless connectivity at all Police Stations at all the times. Therefore the proposed architecture should have an offline solution for critical activity such as entering of 7 IIFs. As the offline mode switches back to the online mode data recorded in local database at Police Station would automatically synchronize with central data repositories and information stored locally would be sent to the central repository.

Need to develop and integrate with Enterprise eCOPS.

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S.No. Application/Module Description Functional scope 8 Learning Management

System This module would be used for the administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting of training programs, classroom and online events, e-learning programs, and training content.

Need to develop from scratch and integrate with Enterprise eCOPS and ERP Solution

Functional Scope for Advanced Applications S. No Application /

Module Description Functional scope

1 Crime Analytics Crime analysis is a law enforcement function that involves systematic analysis for identifying and analyzing patterns and trends in crime and disorder. Information on patterns can help Police deploy resources in a more effective manner, and assist IOs in identifying and apprehending suspects. Crime analysis also plays a role in devising solutions to crime problems, and formulating crime prevention strategies. This module has been envisaged to help IOs in crime analysis and progress from reporting with single-dimensional spreadsheets and disconnected databases to analyzing real-time multidimensional data sources. Business Intelligence (BI) would also help in gathering, Processing, and disseminating decision-making information to

Need to develop / procure & deploy and integrate with Enterprise eCOPS.

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S. No Application / Module

Description Functional scope

Higher Officers.

2 GIS/GPS A Geographic Information System (GIS), or geographical information system, is any system that captures, stores, analyses, manages, and presents data that are linked to location. In the simplest terms, GIS is the merging of cartography, statistical analysis, and database technology. GIS systems are used in cartography, remote sensing, land surveying, utility management, natural resource management, photogrammetric, geography, urban planning, emergency management, navigation, and localized search engines.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based global navigation satellite system that provides reliable location and time information in all weather and at all times and anywhere on or near the Earth, when and where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS Satellites. It is freely accessible by anyone with a GPS receiver.

Need to develop / procure & deploy and integrate with Enterprise eCOPS, and Citizen Portal.

3 ERP/HRMS The Human Resource Management System module would provide the employees with the feature to register/ apply for

Need to develop / procure & deploy and integrate with Enterprise eCOPS and integrate with

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S. No Application / Module

Description Functional scope

leaves through the system. Provide different links to the various facilities provided by the government to the employees and would also have a payroll sub module for salary tracking.

Learning Management System and Portal.

4 Enterprise Management and Monitoring Solution

The Enterprise Management and Monitoring Solution is required to address the flowing but not limiting to Network management

comprising of Fault and root cause analysis solutions

Performance monitoring for network and Servers

Application Performance & Traffic Monitoring

Host level security for servers

Trouble ticketing system

Need to develop / procure & deploy and integrate and to monitor Networks, Hardware, applications, and Databases at the Data Center & DR site and all other locations under the project with additional CALs as per the requirement.

Shared Services S. No Application/Module Description Functional scope 1 New AP Police

Messaging System The Police Messaging system is role based communication system to help the police personnel send “Faster” and “Secure” official correspondence within / across the multiple wings within / across the Police departments. It would provide general mailbox features such as address book, send / receive mail with attachments, creation / deletion of folders, moving mail to folders, spell check, mail filters, calendar, rich text editor, auto responders, signatures, server side mail

Need to develop / procure & deploy and integrate with integrate with crime & criminal related applications and admin related applications.

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S. No Application/Module Description Functional scope filters, spam filters and support the mail protocols (IMAP and SMTP).

2 Document Management System

Investigating Officer has always been over loaded with case investigations, and therefore consumes a good amount of time to re-align his investigations details while preparing the Charge Sheet/Final Report. Hence a DMS is required in Enterprise eCOPS application where IO may store all the case related data, such as Case Diaries, Photographs, scanned documents, audio/ visual recordings, miscellaneous correspondence, etc. at one location for his ready reckoning and anywhere retrieval.

Need to develop / procure & deploy and integrate with crime & criminal related applications and admin related applications

3 Work flow/Rules Engine Rule engine software is commonly provided as a component of a business rule management system which, among other functions, provides the ability to: register, define, classify, and manage all the rules, verify consistency of rules definitions. The rules capability allows for the declarative modeling of units of application logic within the scope of an overall business process

Need to develop / procure & deploy and integrate with crime & criminal related applications and admin related applications

4 Collaboration Tools – Chat, Forums etc

The portal shall provide collaboration services such as Message Boards, Bulletin boards that can be leveraged by the various wings of the department. The portal shall provide social networking features such as chat, forums, bulletin boards etc that can be used by both internal

Need to develop / procure & deploy and integrate with crime & criminal related applications and admin related applications

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S. No Application/Module Description Functional scope users and general citizens

5 SMS Gateway Provides interface to the external SMS gateway for enabling the SMS services to the Police Department for Crime & Criminal related Alerts / Notifications and Admin related Notifications such as Salary Deposits, Group SMS on Law & Order issues etc.

Need to develop / procure & deploy and integrate with crime & criminal related applications and admin related applications

6 Payment Gateway The Citizen Services provided through Citizen portal need to have online transactions. Users would have to be provided with online payment facility, which enables the Citizens to pay for challans, services provided by police to citizens etc., using a credit card/debit card / direct debit facility. SI shall provide the online payment mechanism which shall support all the industry standard and secured online payment methods.

Need to develop / procure & deploy and integrate with crime & criminal related applications and admin related applications

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5.3 Scope of Services during Implementation Phase The scope of the project adopts a “bundling of services” approach for

implementation. Accordingly, all the implementation components are “bundled”

and contracted to a single System Integrator (SI) who would act as a single

point of contact and would be accountable for the implementation,

commissioning, integration and performance of Enterprise eCOPS under CCTNS

Project. The SI has to rollout Enterprise eCOPS solution across the State of

Andhra Pradesh which includes the following but not limiting to:

1. Project planning and management.

2. System study and Design

3. Design, Development, Customization of eCOPS as per requirement of

AP Police including but not limiting to

a. Integration of legacy applications.

b. Incorporation of additional functionalities, CAS functionalities

including Citizen Portal.

c. Implementation & integration of shared services with Enterprise eCOPS

as Knowledge Repository, Payment Gateway, SMS Gateway, Document

Management etc.

d. Integration of Advanced Applications viz: Crime Analytics,


e. Implementing Non-Functional and Technical enhancements (Security,

Performance etc.) in Enterprise eCOPS.

f. Integration of Enterprise eCOPS with CAS (Centre) and External


g. Continuous improvement and maintenance of Enterprise eCOPS


4. Procurement, Deployment and Commissioning of IT Infrastructure at

the Police Unit locations (Police Stations, Commissionerates, Range

Offices, Regions Offices, Finger Print Bureau (FPB), Forensic Science

Lab (FSL), Police Control Rooms (PCR), SCRB, SDPOs, District HQ,

State HQ, Data Centre and Disaster Recovery Centre etc.)

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5. Digitization of historical and legacy data to Enterprise eCOPS


6. Migration of CIPA and CCIS Police Stations / Higher Offices data and

data from other legacy systems to Enterprise eCOPS database

without any downtime of existing systems / applications.

7. Conduct Prototype Testing.

8. Development and deployment of AP Police specific application


9. Site preparation at the Client site locations including creation of LAN

(Police Stations, Circle Office, SDPOs, Commissionerates, Range

offices, Regions, SCRB, SDPOs, District HQ, State HQ, Data Centre,

Disaster Recovery Centre etc).

10. Liasion with BSNL for MPLS VPN network connectivity.

11. Liaison with service provider (BSNL) for connectivity between DC,

DRC and NCRB, New Delhi. SI has to ensure termination of bandwith

at respective locations.

12. Liaison with service provider (BSNL) for termination of required

Internet Bandwidth at Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center.

13. Capacity building (necessary user training) and Change Management

at all levels of implementation stage.

14. Design and preparation of test termplates / data and support to 3rd

party acceptance testing, audit and certification.

15. Handholding support after Go-Live of Pilot and complete CCTNS /

Enterprise eCOPS solution respectively

16. Installation, testing and commissioning of necessary hardware and

network equipment and networking bandwidth redundancy (if

required) for the Disaster Recovery Center. The DRC is to be hosted

at a Level 3 facility located at a distance of more than 250 kms from

Hyderabad and in a different seismic Zone.

SI should define the design specifications of the solution complete in all respects

subject to requirements specified in subsequent sections and ensure efficient

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implementation inclusive of any process management review that may be

required to provide the utmost benefit to AP Police operational environment

In implementing the above, the SI shall strictly adhere to the standards set by

the MHA, NCRB, and AP State. The project will be managed out of the Office of

the AP State Nodal Office in State Police HQ. At all times during the execution of

the project, key senior resources including the project manager must be based

at State Nodal Officer’s office in State Police HQ.

5.3.1 Project Planning and Management Enterprise eCOPS is a geographically spread project involving multiple

stakeholders. Its successful implementation depends on all the stakeholders. The

role of SI is key and hence SI is required to design and implement a

comprehensive and effective project management methodology together with

efficient & reliable tools.

To have an effective project management system in place, it is necessary for the

SI to use a Project Management Information System (PMIS). The SI shall

address at the minimum the following using PMIS.

a) Create an organized set of activities for the project

b) Creation and submission of templates which SI will use in the project, but not limiting to

(i) System Study Report

(ii) System Design Document

(iii) Functional Requirement Specification (FRS)

(iv) System Requirement Specifications (SRS)

(v) High Level Design Document

a) Application architecture documents b) Use Cases c) Entity Relation (ER) diagrams and other data modelling

documents d) Logical and physical database design e) Data dictionary and data definitions f) Application component design including component

deployment views, control flows, etc.

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(vi) Low Level Design Document a) Application flows and logic including pseudo code b) GUI design (screen design, navigation, etc.)

(vii) Software Requirement Specifications

(viii) Traceability Matrix

(ix) Test Plans

(x) Site Survey Report etc.

c) Coordinate and collaborate with various stakeholders

including the Police Department, SPMC, SPMU, CPMU, NCRB /


d) Establish and measure resource assignments and

responsibilities. e) Construct a project plan schedule including deliverables &


f) Measure project deadlines, budget figures, and performance


g) Communicate the project plan to stakeholders with meaningful


h) Provide facility for detecting problems and inconsistencies in the


i) During the project implementation the SI shall report to the

State Nodal Officer on following items:

(i) Results accomplished during the period.

(ii) Cumulative deviations to date from schedule of progress

on milestones as specified in this RFP document with the

agreed and finalized Project Plan.

(iii) Corrective actions to be taken to return to planned

schedule of progress.

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(iv) Proposed revision to planned schedule provided

such revision is necessitated by reasons beyond the

control of the SI.

(v) Other issues and outstanding problems and actions

proposed to be taken.

(vi) Interventions which the SI expects to be made by the

APeCOPS and /or actions to be taken by the ApeCOPS

before the next reporting period.

j) Give progress reports weekly / fortnightly / monthly etc., as

may be decided by APeCOPS.

k) Interventions which the SI expects to be made by the State

Nodal Officer and/or actions to be taken by the State Nodal

Officer before the next reporting period.

l) Project quality assurance reports as decided by the APeCOPS.

m) Implement Change control mechanism.

n) Issue Management to identify and track the issues that need

attention and resolution from the APeCOPS.

o) Scope Management to manage the scope and changes through a

formal management and approval process

p) Risk Management to identify and mitigate the risks that can

hinder the project progress.

q) Application Management

The SI shall provide Application Maintenance & Management services

to the Enterprise eCOPS and CAS (Center). The application

maintenance and management services include the following:

o Provision of bug fixes, minor changes, error resolutions.

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o Minor enhancements (the usual run-of-the-mill enhancements

and not the ones as part of Continuous Improvement).

o Change request management based on feedback from the end


o Release Management. Version control of Enterprise eCOPS to

be managed centrally, with state-specific requirements


o Any changes to Enterprise eCOPS code that may be required

because of patches to licensed software being used (if any) to

be duly incorporated.

o Updating and maintenance of all project documents.

All planned changes to the application, especially major

enhancements and changes in functionality that are deviations

from the signed-off FRS/SRS shall be coordinated within

established Change control processes to ensure that:

Appropriate communication on change required has taken


Proper approvals have been received from APeCOPS/CAS Core

Group/Core Technical Teams/CPMU.

r) Technical Program Management of Implementation of Enterprise


After successful certification, the SI shall handover the certified

Enterprise eCOPS to State Mission Team /APeCOPS.

Through the Technical Program Management the SI shall

extend all the necessary support to the State Mission Team,

PMO & District Mission Teams and ensure smooth and successful

implementation across the State. The SI’s Technical Program

Management responsibilities include but are not limited to:

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Preparation of technical manuals to enable the State Mission

Team / PMO/District Mission Teams for smooth

implementation and take off the Project. This is to be made

available to the State Mission Team, PMO & District Mission

Teams through the Enterprise eCOPS online repository

managed by the SI.

Preparation of “Enterprise eCOPS Implementation toolkits”

that comprehensively covers details on all the aspects of the

Enterprise eCOPS and CAS (Centre) applications including but

not limited to technical details of Enterprise eCOPS,

configuration, customization, and extension details,

infrastructure sizing details, installation, commissioning,

maintenance, infrastructure environment tuning, and

performance tuning details that are required for the State

Mission Team to successfully commission the Enterprise

eCOPS application in the State, integrate Enterprise eCOPS

with external agencies and third party solutions in the State

and integrate the same with CAS (Centre) to seamless

transfer the required data to NCRB.

The implementation toolkit shall also include the following: All completed and updated training and support material needed for

customizing and deploying Enterprise eCOPS

All completed and updated project documents including FRS, SRS,

HLD, LLD and Test Plans.

Relevant software assets/artifacts (including configuration

utilities / tools, deployment scripts) to deploy Enterprise eCOPS

in AP State.

Relevant standards and design guidelines for customization, further

enhancements, and integration of the application with external

systems and third party components that are implemented by the


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Conduct of direct knowledge transfer through monthly contact

sessions at PCS&S/APeCOPS covering all District Mission Teams

(including IT Core Team members) / State Mission Team / PMO

during the contract period. During the contact sessions, the SI shall

conduct structured training sessions on the Enterprise eCOPS

Implementation Toolkit prepared by the SI.

Dedicated Points of Contact: Members of the SI’s team shall act

as points of contacts for the State Mission Team/PMO/District

Mission teams/ IT Core Teams. The point of contact will be

responsible for addressing queries from State Mission

Team/PMO/District Mission teams/ IT Core Teams and in

meeting SLA targets (in responding to AP Police needs).

Helpdesk Support: SI shall provide Helpdesk support to the

State Mission Team/PMO/District Mission teams / IT Core Teams

during implementation and stabilization stages (during normal

business hours of 8 AM to 8 PM), 6 days (Monday through

Saturday, both included). The SI shall deploy a team of at least

5 qualified and certified resources in APeCOPS/PCS&S to address

the questions from the State Mission Team/PMO/District Mission

teams/ IT Core Teams.

Deployment Scripts: The SI shall develop the necessary

deployment scripts to deploy Enterprise eCOPS and provide the

same to State Mission Team/PMO.

Data Migration Utility: The SI shall develop and provide a Data

Migration Utility/application with all the formats and tools to load

/ migrate the data from legacy/paper based systems to the

Enterprise eCOPS database. Further, the SI shall develop bridge

software for seamless transmission of data from Enterprise

eCOPS to CAS (Center).

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Language Localization Support: Providing interface in local

languages is a key requirement of Enterprise eCOPS. The SI

shall build Enterprise eCOPS with interfaces in English and

Telugu and also build Enterprise eCOPS in such a way that it can

be configured for interfaces in other local languages at the State

level. It is the responsibility of the SI to customize Enterprise

eCOPS for development of local language interfaces.

However the SDA, NCRB shall assist the SI whenever required to

support during project execution period for following activities:-

o SI to ensure support that the Enterprise eCOPS that is evolved,

configured and deployed by the SI successfully passes the User

Acceptance Testing (UAT) milestone.

o Data Migration of related data from the legacy systems and / or

manual records to Enterprise eCOPS.

o Infrastructure Sizing related to Enterprise eCOPS

o Commissioning and Deployment of Enterprise eCOPS

o Infrastructure Environment Performance Tuning related to

Enterprise eCOPS

o Maintenance of Enterprise eCOPS

o Integration of Enterprise eCOPS with external agency solutions

o Integration of Enterprise eCOPS with additional solutions being

integrated at the State

o Seamless data exchange from Enterprise eCOPS to CAS (Centre)

The Project plan prepared by the SI would be reviewed by the CCTNS

Governance Committees in the State and approved by the Apex / Empowered

Committee on the advice of the State Mission Team and State Project

Management Unit.

The SI would update and maintain the Project Plan throughout the duration of

the project. All changes are to be reviewed and approved by the APeCOPS and

may require approval of MHA/ NCRB.

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During the course of accomplishment of any task / activity relating to the

solution development, implementation and O&M etc., the SI is responsible to

provide necessary components / requirements / co-operation which may not be

defined in the scope of the work in the RFP but are necessary for successful roll

out of the entire solution, shall be provided at no additional cost to APeCOPS.

Procure, Commission and maintain Project Management, Configuration Management and Issue Tracker Tools at Andhra Pradesh State Police HQ

Project Management Tool: The SI shall keep the project plan and all related

artifacts up-to-date during the course of the project. In order to help with the

project management, the SI shall use a suitable standard, proven off-the-shelf

project management tool (with full perpetual user licenses in the name of AP

Police / APeCOPS). The SI shall install the project management software at

Andhra Pradesh Police’s premises right at the beginning of the project. The tool

shall provide the dashboard view of the progress on project milestones to the

Nodal Officer and other Supervisory Officers of the Enterprise eCOPS project.

Configuration Management Tool: The SI shall keep all project documents

up-to-date during the course of the project. In order to help with the version

/configuration management for all documents (including source code and all

other project artifacts), the SI shall use a suitable standard, proven off-the-shelf

configuration management tool (with full use perpetual licenses in the name of

AP Police / APeCOPS). The SI shall install the configuration management

software at APeCOPS right at the beginning of the project.

Issue Tracker: The SI shall employ a suitable and proven tool for tracking

issues (with full use perpetual licenses in the name of AP Police / APeCOPS)

through out the execution of the project. The SI shall install the Issue Tracking

System at State’s premises to enable State’s users to access and use the same.

The SI shall procure and commission the required infrastructure (software,

servers) for Project Management Tool, Configuration Management Tool and Issue

Tracker tool and maintain the same throughout the duration of the project.

These tools along with the servers on which they are deployed will become

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property of the AP Police and will be used by AP Police even beyond the contract


The SI would setup an online repository on PMIS and Configuration Management

Tool for providing centralized access to all project documents including manuals

and other materials. The online repository would be maintained by the SI

throughout the engagement period. The SI should ensure that the repository is

built on appropriate security features such as role- and necessity-based access

to documents.

Requirements Traceability Matrix

The SI would ensure that the developed solution is fully compliant with the

requirements and specifications provided in the RFP such as functional,

non-functional and technical requirements. For ensuring this, the SI shall

prepare a Requirements Traceability Matrix on the basis of Functional

Requirements Specifications (FRS), Non Functional Requirements Specification,

and Technical Requirements provided by Andhra Pradesh State (updated,

expanded and fine-tuned by the SI as necessary) and the System Requirements

Specifications (SRS) prepared by the SI. This matrix would keep track of the

requirements and trace their compliance through different stages of the project

including software design, coding, unit testing and acceptance testing. The

Requirements Traceability Matrix would be a live document throughout the

project with the SI team updating the matrix at every stage to reflect the

meeting of each specification at every stage. Throughout the duration of the

project, the APeCOPS will periodically review the Traceability Matrix. Andhra

Pradesh State Governance Structure would provide the final approval on the

advice of the State Mission Team and SPMU once they are satisfied that all

requirements are met.

Project Documentation The SI shall create and maintain all project documents that would be passed on

to APeCOPS as deliverables as per the agreed project timelines. The documents

created by the SI will be reviewed and approved by the Governance Structure

Setup in the AP State (Please refer to Annexure-11 for details on

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Governing Structure of the AP State). APeCOPS or its appointed agency would

also approve any changes required to these documents during the course of the

project. APeCOPS will finally sign-off on the documents on the recommendation

of State Mission Team / SPMU / SPMC / State Empowered Committee or any

other appointed agency.

All project documents are to be submitted in bound hardcopy and in a softcopy /

non re-writable CD/DVD format for archival by APeCOPS. All project documents

shall have a version number and major changes from the last submission shall

be highlighted in the beginning of the revised documents. Documents and all

artifacts generated by the project shall be kept in revision / version controlled

system with released documents accessible to APeCOPS.

Project documents include but are not limited to the following:

Detailed Project Plan

Updated and vetted FRS

SRS document

High Level Design (HLD) documents (including but not limited to)

Application architecture documents

User cases

Entity Relation (ER) diagrams and other data modeling


Logical and physical database design

Data dictionary and data definitions

Application component design including component deployment

views, control flows, etc.

Low Level Design documents (including but not limited to)

Application flows and logic including pseudo code

GUI design (screen design, navigation, etc.)

All Test Plans

Requirements Traceability Matrix

Change Management and Capacity Building Plans

SLA and Performance Monitoring Plan

Training and Knowledge Transfer Plans

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Issue Logs

The SI shall submit a list of deliverables based on the methodology he proposes.

The SI shall prepare the formats/templates for each of the deliverables upfront

based upon industry standards and the same will be approved by APeCOPS or its

nominated representatives prior to its use for deliverables.

All project documents are to be kept up-to-date during the course of the project.

The SI shall maintain a log of the internal review of all the deliverables

submitted. The logs shall be submitted to Andhra Pradesh State Nodal Officer on


All project documentation shall conform to the highest standards of software

engineering documentation.

Licenses & Support All the licenses shall have to be procured by the selected SI for the

successful implementation of this project. The system software licenses

mentioned in the Bill of Materials by the SI shall be genuine, perpetual,

full use and should provide upgrades, patches, fixes, security patches

and updates directly from the OEM. All the licenses and support

(updates, patches, bug fixes, etc.) should be in the name of AP Police /


SI should ensure that there is 24x7 access to various technical

resources including OEM support portal, manufacturer's knowledge

base with complete collection of technical articles for support.

The software proposed should be from an OEM having presence in

India for sales as well as for services / maintenance.

SI shall provide a comprehensive warranty that covers all components

after the issuance of the final acceptance by APeCOPS. The warranty

should cover all materials, licenses, services, and support for both

hardware and software. SI shall administer warranties with serial

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number and warranty period. SI shall transfer all the warranties to AP

Police / APeCOPS at no additional charge at the time of termination of

the project. The SI shall be responsible for deploying from time to time the

updates, patches, bug fixes etc., free of cost of the software and tools

to AP Police as and when released by OEM.

SI shall responsible for resolving all the licensed software problems

and/or questions, technical guidance, defect and non-defect related

issues. SI shall provide a single-point-of-contact for software support

and provide licensed software support including but not limited to

problem tracking, problem source identification, problem impact

(severity) determination, bypass and recovery support, problem

resolution and reporting.

The OEM must authorize (wherever applicable) the selected SI for

products listed below, but not limiting to:

o Operating System Name & Versions

o RDBMS Name & Versions

o Reporting Server Name & Versions

o Application Server Name & Versions

o Web Server Name & Versions

o Directory Server Name & Versions

o Office Productivity Suite Name & Versions

o Enterprise Management Server Name & Versions

o Antivirus Server Name & Versions

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5.3.2 System Study, Design, Development, Configuration, Customization, and Extension (New Modules) of Enterprise eCOPS and Integration with CAS (Center) and External Agencies

System Study, Design, Application Development and Integration In terms of functionality, Enterprise eCOPS & CAS (Center) would cover those

police functions that are central to the goals of the CCTNS project and are

common across States/UTs. This includes core functions in the areas of

Complaints/ Petitions / Case Management and Analysis & Reporting. SI would be

responsible for adding the functionality over and above the existing eCOPS for

making it into an Enterprise eCOPS solution.

eCOPS contains functionality that is currently used statewide by AP Police. It

would be enhanced, configured, customized, extended by the SI based on the

unique requirements of the AP Police and deployed at the State Data Centre. In

order to ensure consistency between States/UTs and to facilitate the exchange

of crime and criminals related information between States/UTs and the Centre

and between States/UTs, NCRB would develop, own and maintain the CAS

(Center) application.

For the additional functionality that the AP Police wants to be added to existing

eCOPS, the SI shall carry out a detailed systems study to refine the Functional

Requirements Specifications (FRS) provided in this RFP (Annexure-17) and

formulate the System Requirements Specifications (SRS) incorporating the

functional specifications and standards provided by the AP Police and the state-

specific requirements. The SRS preparation shall also take into account the BPR

recommendations suggested by the NCRB (available with the State Police


The SI shall also study existing eCOPS and CAS (Center) being developed at

NCRB during the system study phase. The study should also include different

integration points of Enterprise eCOPS with external agencies as per state

requirement. The SI will also prepare a detailed document on the

implementation of Enterprise eCOPS with respect to design, development,

configuration, customization and extension as per the requirement of AP Police.

The SI would also prepare a change/reference document based on changes or

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deviations from the base version of the eCOPS with appropriate references to all

the artifacts /documents provided by AP Police. SI would carry out following

activities but not limiting to:

1. Conduct of System Study at locations selected by AP Police viz.,

Police Stations, Circle Offices, SDPOs, District Police Offices, Police

Headquarters, PCS&S, Data Centre, FSL, FPB, Courts, Jails, and

RPO etc. However the locations may vary and would be informed to

the SI before commencement of System Study.

Relevant technical design documents of existing legacy

systems, though property of AP Police, wherever available,

shall be shared with SI for the purpose of System Study.

2. Preparation of System Requirements Specifications (SRS) for

additional functionalities, modules and different integration points

with CAS (Center) and External agencies.

3. Preparation of Enterprise eCOPS implementation document with

respect for design, development, Configuration, Customization and

extensions as per the requirement of AP Police.

4. Preparation of the Solution Design, Development and/or

Customization and/or Configuration and/or Extension as required.

5. The source code designed / developed by the SI should be well


6. Design & Development of MIS and other reports (predefined and

adhoc, Monthly Crime Review reports etc.)

7. Formulation of test plans and test cases for existing

functionalities, additional functionalities and different integrations

points with External Agencies including CAS (Center).

8. Change/Reference document including all the changes or deviations

from the running version of Enterprise eCOPS.

9. Testing of the configured solution and additional functionalities.

10. Enhancements of functions / additions of new modules / services to

existing eCOPS as per AP Police specific requirements/ integration

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requirements to various interfaces / SSDGs / NSDG shall also be

incorporated in the SRS and shall form the scope of work for the SI.

Creation of Test Plans Once the SRS is approved and design is started, the SI would prepare all

necessary Test Plans (including test cases) i.e. plans for Unit Testing, Integration

and System Testing and User Acceptance Testing. Test cases for User

Acceptance Testing would be developed in collaboration with domain experts

identified by APeCOPS. Apart from test case development, unit testing,

integration and system testing, functional testing of application, performance

testing of the application including measurement of all service levels as

mentioned in this RFP, the user acceptance Test Plans also include planning for

the testing of integration with 3rd party solutions, CAS (Center), additionally

developed modules, external agencies (Transport Department, Courts, FSL, FPB,


Finally, SI is required to carry out Load/Stress testing. The selected SI will

submit the test plans and test results to the APeCOPS for comprehensive

verification and approvals.

The Test Plans should also specify any assistance required from APeCOPS and it

should be the responsibility of SI to follow it up.

The SI should have the Test Plans reviewed and approved by the State Mission

Team / SPMU / Empowered Committee. The APeCOPS will sign off on the test

plans on the advice of State Mission Team/SPMU.

High Level Design (HLD) Once the SRS is approved, the SI would complete the HLD and all HLD

documents of the additional functionalities, integration with CAS Center and

external agencies. The APeCOPS will sign off on the HLD documents on the

advice of State Mission Team / SPMU.

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Low Level Design (LLD) The LLD would interpret the approved HLD to help application development and

would include detailed service descriptions and specifications, application logic

(including “pseudo code”) and UI design (screen design and navigation). The

preparation of test cases will also be completed during this stage. The SI would

have the design documents reviewed and approved by the State Mission Team /

SPMU. APeCOPS will sign off on the LLD documents upon the advice of State

Mission Team / SPMU.

Application Development, Customization and Unit Testing The SI would develop the application in accordance with the approved

requirements specifications and design specifications and according to the

approved Project Plan and carry out the Unit Testing of the application in

accordance with the approved test plans. The SI shall consider the local

language support and prepare necessary configuration files for both CAS

(Center) and Enterprise eCOPS and additional functionalities/modules developed

as part of Enterprise eCOPS and any other AP Police specific modules.

The SI would also implement the changes proposed in the Change/Reference

document to Enterprise eCOPS and carry out a thorough regression testing

which includes running some of the previously executed scripts for the

functionality from the traceability matrix provided by SI.

The SI shall also develop a Data Migration Utility/application for the

functionalities with all the formats and tools to load the data into the new

databases. This utility will be used to migrate data from legacy/paper based

systems to the new modules of Enterprise eCOPS System. Data migration utility

will be provided by SI for migrating existing data from CIPA & CCIS and other

legacy applications.

Any software product required to conduct UAT would be provided by the SI. The

SI would make available all information necessary on-site to complete the

Acceptance Testing. The selected SI would inform formally to AP Police in writing

at least 20 days in advance from the date by which it would be ready for UAT.

The APeCOPS reserves the right to appoint a Third Party Agency to evaluate the

test plan, test cases and the results of tests conducted. The APeCOPS will sign

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off on the test plans, test cases on the advice of SPMC/ State Mission Team/

SPMU. The SI would create a testing & development environment for the

Enterprise eCOPS integrated solution to be implemented in Andhra Pradesh. This

would be maintained by the SI and transferred to the AP Police at the end of the

contract without any additional /extra cost.

The user acceptance testing and fine-tuning of the application would be at AP

Police Headquarters premises. Also, the key senior resources would continue to

be based onsite at AP Police Headquarter premises.

Setup of Testing Environment at State Headquarters The SI shall procure, setup and maintain the required software and the

infrastructure for systems testing, functional testing and User Acceptance

Testing and training activities within AP Police Headquarter premises and for any

other activities that may be carried out of AP Police Headquarter premises such

as issue management (Issue Tracker), document repository (configuration

management tool), etc.

Based on all the requirement specifications of Enterprise eCOPS finalized by AP

Police, the SI will conduct a Conference Room Pilot (CRP). The CRP would be

conducted at AP Police Headquarters for the duration as decided by ApeCOPS.

AP Police would provide the logistic support for conducting the CPR. However,

the SI has to arrange all the necessary hardware, software etc., required to

conduct the CRP. The functionalities of Enterprise eCOPS system to be

covered during CRP should be comprehensive. The objective of the CRP is

to receive feedback from end users on the requirement specifications of the

application and on the proposed GUI design and navigation scheme of

application in a conference room setting. Based on the feedback, the SI would

finalize the requirement specifications and design which shall be followed by

customizing the Enterprise eCOPS solution.

During CRP different user categories would assemble and test the conference

room prototype. The SI shall interact closely with the user groups and gather

detailed feedback. During the CRP, an exhaustive set of scenarios and associated

GUI screens covering all the functionalities developed would be presented by SI.

The SI will analyze the feedback and incorporate applicable feedback into

the requirement specifications.

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Target User Groups for CRP (indicative)

The following user groups have to be represented during the CRP testing.

Station House Officers (SHO)

Investigation Officers (IO)

Station Writers

Court constables

Duty Constables

Senior Police Officers: DG, ADG, IG, DIG, DCP, SP/SSP, ACP / DSP

State Project Nodal Officer

Officer(s) from SCRB

Officer(s) from CID

Regression, Integration, System and Functional Testing After successful unit testing of all components / modules of Enterprise eCOPS

solution, the SI would conduct full-fledged integration testing, system testing

and functional testing in accordance with the approved Test Plans for the

configured/customized Enterprise eCOPS and its integration with CAS (Center) &

external agencies. This would include exhaustive testing including functional

testing, performance testing (including load and stress), scalability testing and

security testing.

A thorough regression testing should be conducted for those functionalities

identified in Change/Reference document to assure that no additional errors

croppup in the process of addressing the customizations and/or Extensions

including integration with CAS (Center) and external agencies.

Making all necessary arrangements for testing including the preparation of test

data, scripts if necessary and setup of test environment (across multiple

platforms) shall be the responsibility of the SI.

The SI along with State Mission Team/ SPMU should take the responsibility in

coordinating with NCRB and other external agencies for a smooth integration.

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Test Reports The SI shall create test reports from testing activities and submit

to the State Mission Team / SPMU / Empowered Committee for validation. SI

shall be responsible for all the arrangements required for testing, including but

not limiting to, Site visits, preparation of test reports, printing the test reports,

presenting the test reports, etc. The AP Police reserves the right to appoint a

Third Party Agency to evaluate the test cases and the results of tests conducted.

Test Data Preparation The SI shall prepare the required test data including integration test with CAS

(Center) and external agencies and get it vetted by State Mission Team/SPMU or

a Third Party Agency. The test data shall be comprehensive and address all

scenarios identified in the test cases. .

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Test Plans for User Acceptance Testing (UAT) would be prepared by the SI in

collaboration with the State Mission Team / SPMU, domain experts. The SI shall

plan all aspects of UAT (including the preparation of test data / reports) and

obtain required assistance from APeCOPS to ensure its success. The State

Mission Team / SPMU shall assemble representatives from different user groups

based on inputs from the SI and would facilitate UAT. The SI shall make the

necessary changes to the application or any other component of entire

Enterprise eCOPS solution to ensure that Enterprise eCOPS successfully goes

through UAT.

It is mandatory for SI to incorporate/consider test cases as part of UAT for those

customized and/or extensions and/or configured functionalities identified from

traceability matrix. SI shall be responsible for all the arrangements required for

testing, including but not limiting to Site visits, preparation of test reports,

printing the test reports, presenting the test reports, etc.

Intensive Field Testing (Pilot Testing) Objectives of Intensive Field Testing To ensure that the new release / functionality provides the envisaged

value to the end-users and is well accepted by the end users.

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To test on the field and ensure that new functionality is built to meet

the functional requirements.

To ensure intense interaction with users to fine tune critical aspects

such as look and feel, navigation, usability and ease of use and data

fields of the new functionality.

Intensive field testing should be carried out for all the major releases with new

functionality. After successful UAT, the new version must be rolled out in at

least 10 Police Stations / Higher Offices for intensive field-testing for a period of

15 days before being released across the State after approval of APeCOPS. SI

shall incorporate the required changes (bug fixes, enhancements, feedback from

end-users after proper analysis) in the application before rolling out the new

release across the State. Before, the intensive field testing of the new release

the SI shall train users from each of the Police Units on the new functionality.

This will be an intense and brief training session of not more than a week.

5.3.3 Infrastructure at the District Training Centers AP Police has already setup the required IT infrastructure at the various training

centre viz: DTCs, PTCs etc. For the newly created four (4) urban districts and

Three (3) Government Railway Police Units the AP Police is under process for

setting up the required IT infrastructure. Hence, SI need not provide any IT

infrastructure including site preparation at these locations.

The existing infrastructure will be used by the SI for capacity building / training

to AP Police personnel.

The list of available infrastructure at the Training Centres is attached at

Annexure-6 in Volume-I of this RFP.

5.3.4 Site Preparation at Police Stations and Higher Offices The AP Police shall provide the necessary minimum constructed room to the SI.

The SI would be responsible for conducting a site survey to identify the exact

situation of the sites for ensuring site readiness for the implementation of the

required infrastructure and commissioning of the same. The SI would prepare a

site survey report detailing the current status of each site and the enhancements

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to be made at each site (s) based on the State’s requirement and the guidelines

of MHA. SI would be responsible to prepare the client sites for setting up the

necessary client site infrastructure (The space cannot be used for any purpose

other than for delivering the said CCTNS services). The State Government / AP

Police shall arrange for necessary clearances, if required, which shall enable the

SI to undertake civil, electrical, and mechanical works including but not limiting

to installation of electrical equipments, cable laying, earthing etc., at the

respective sites.

The site preparation at Police Stations & Higher Offices will include but not

limited to:

i. Provision of Local area network (LAN cables, I/O ports). This would

involve, but not limiting to laying down the structured cabling using CAT-6

UTP cable, crimping of cables, fixing of patch panels and proper fixing of

LAN cables in PVC conduits or raceways, provision of patch cords,

connectors along with all the necessary accessories.

ii. SI shall be responsible for preparation of separate earth pit.

iii. SI shall be responsible for testing and certifying the structured cabling at

each location and finally commissioning the LAN by installing all the

network components (active and passive) to fully support the functioning

of CCTNS solution in the location. SI shall create LAN at each location

such that the Service Levels as per the requirements are met.

iv. Ensure electric cabling for UPS & generator, changeover switch, circuit

breaker etc., and power points in adequate numbers as per requirement

with proper earthing.

v. In addition to the above supply and fixing of furniture like computer

tables, chairs etc., other activities deemed necessary shall be carried out

to ensure successful site preparation and installation of CCTNS


The SI should have the Site Survey report reviewed and approved by the

APeCOPS assisted by SPMC / State Mission Team / SPMU / Empowered

Committee/ or any other agency’s representatives. The APeCOPS will sign off on

the Site Survey report and the same report should be considered for Site

preparation. The SI shall support for acceptance testing of Site preparation work

at all the locations.

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The locations where site preparation is required is given below. S. No. Police Units Indicative

Numbers 1. Police Stations (Non-CIPA) 1393

2. Police Stations (CIPA Phase-I) 104

3. Police Stations (under CIPA district but no hardware supplied)


4. Circle Offices 376

5. SDPO 205

6. Commissionerates 4

7. Districts 26

8. Government Railway Districts 3

9. Ranges/DIGs Offices (Including Railways & Marine DIG)


10. Regions 4

11. Police Headquarters 1

12. State Crime Record Bureau (SCRB) 1

13. Forensic Science Lab (State Level) 1

14. Finger Print Bureau (State Level) 1

15. Police Control Room (State & District level) 51

The details of items required for site preparation are given in Annexure-12 in

this Volume-I.

Note: The Site survey report should essentially mention all the civil works if

required as part of site preparation.

Equipments provided by SI and not accepted during the acceptance

testing shall be replaced by new accepted equipments at no additional

cost to AP Police.

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5.3.5 Infrastructure at the Client Site Locations Enterprise eCOPS application will be accessed and used from various locations

viz: like Police Stations, Circle Offices, Sub Division Police Offices, District Police

Offices, Commissionerates, Range Offices, Regions, Police HQ, etc., across the

state. The premises for offices will be provided by the AP Police at respective

locations. The list of Police Stations and Higher Police Offices where the SI shall

provide all necessary items is detailed under the Geographical Scope Section. SI

shall be responsible to procure/supply, install, commission and maintain the

CCTNS infrastructure required at the said locations.

APeCOPS, at its discretion, may ask the SI to submit samples of item(s)

to APeCOPS for approval before supplying the said item(s) at the client

locations. SI shall have to comply with the same.

At each such location SI shall carry out the following activity: 1. Supply of the hardware, software, networking equipments, UPS,

generator set and other associated accessories etc., at the locations

as per the requirements and guildelines of MHA / NCRB.

2. Ensure adequate number of power points as per requirement with

proper earthling.

3. Ensuring last mile network connectivity from the service provider

and testing at client locations as per the connectivity criteria

detailed in section "5.3.6 Networking Connectivity for Police

Stations and Higher Offices".

4. Installation, testing and commissioning of UPS, Generator set5 with

their associated accessories etc.

5. Installation, commissioning and testing of all the equipments such

as Desktop Computers, Printers, Multi Function Printers, Switches,

Electronic Pen, Finger Print Reader etc.

6. Operating System Installation and Configuration for Desktops and

Servers at the locations as per requirement. The Operating System

should support for all peripherals, at no extra cost, required under

5 AP Police will supply the fuel for the generator set and will maintain a log-book at each site for recording the fuel consumption, regular maintenance carried out etc.

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CCTNS project i.e. Finger Print Reader, Electronic pen with base

unit, Multifunction Printer, Laser Printer, Digital Camera etc. The

proposed Operating System should not be "End of Life" product. SI

to ensure that the manufacturer / supplier for the operating system

should provide time to time updates / patches / security patches /

bug fixes etc.

7. Installation of Antivirus and all other support software and drivers

as required.

8. Configuring the security at the desktops, switches and broadband

connection routers / modems and browser.

9. Test accessibility and functionality of Enterprise eCOPS application

from all the Desktops.

10. Ensuring that all required systems are supplied, installed,

configured, tested and commissioned and declaring the site to be


11. Installation of LAN cabling including fixing of information outlets


In terms of procuring, installing and commissioning of the CCTNS infrastructure

required at each of the locations statewide, the following shall also be the

responsibilities of the SI:

a) The selected SI shall be responsible for delivering the equipment to all the respective locations.

b) SI shall be responsible for keeping the site neat and clean during

the implementation and O & M Phase.

c) The SI shall be responsible for all the installation materials/

accessories/ consumables (e.g. screws, clamps, fasteners, ties

anchors, supports, grounding strips, wires etc.) deemed necessary

for the installation and commissioning of all the systems, free of


d) The SI shall prepare and submit a state-wide delivery report

including details of components supplied in each office. The delivery

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report would be validated and sign-off the ApeCOPS / Project Nodal

Officer assisted by SPMU/ State Mission Team.

e) SI shall be responsible for providing all the necessary support for

undertaking the exercise of acceptance testing for IT Infrastructure

provided at all the locations. Any equipment(s) found unacceptable

by Andhra Pradesh Police during acceptance testing shall be

replaced by new acceptable equipment(s) at no additional cost to

Andhra Pradesh Police.

f) SI shall be responsible for providing the entire aforementioned

infrastructure with a warranty and AMC as mentioned in "Scope of

Services - Post implementation". The entire system software

product provided as part of this project shall have full use perpetual

enterprise edition licenses in the name of Andhra Pradesh Police.

The details of items required for client site infrastructure are given in

Annexure-13 in this Volume-I. AP Police has supplied certain number of IT

infrastructure at Police Stations and Higher Offices of Hyderabad & Cyberabad

Commissionerates. The details of supplied items are attached at Annexure-14.

The list of balance items to be installed at Hyderabad and Cyberabad

Commissionerates by the SI is attached at Annexure-13.

List of locations where client infrastructure is to be installed is given below.

S. No. Police Units Indicative Numbers

1. Police Stations (Non-CIPA) 1253

2. Police Stations (CIPA Phase-I) 104

3. Police Stations (CIPA Phase-II)6 143

4. Police Stations (under CIPA district but no hardware supplied)


5. Circle Offices 376


7. Commissionerates 4

6 Under CIPA Phase-II certain items were already supplied. The locations where items now required to be installed by SI are given at Annexure-10.

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8. Districts 26

9. Government Railway Districts 3

10. Ranges/DIGs Offices (Including Railways & Marine DIG)


11. Regions 4

12. Police Headquarters 1

13. State Crime Record Bureau (SCRB) 1

14. Forensic Science Lab (State Level) 1

15. Finger Print Bureau (State Level) 1

16. Police Control Room (State & District level) 51

5.3.6 Network Connectivity for PS and Higher Offices The Networking solution of CCTNS project shall be based on a Hybrid Network

Model which will consist of State Wide Area Network (SWAN) operated by AP

State under the SWAN scheme and Data network operated by Bharat Sanchar

Nigam Limited (BSNL) which consists of point to point leased lines, VPNoBB,

WiMax, VSAT and MPLS technologies.

BSNL shall be providing the Networking & Connectivity services along with

Operations & Maintenance for all the locations implemented by BSNL in AP State.

BSNL shall also provide connectivity on MPLS VPN network for aggregated

bandwidth at AP SDC (State Data Center) for the locations connected on

VPNoBB, WiMax and VSAT network and also provide connectivity for SDCs (State

Data Centre) at the State Headquarters (SHQs) to the National Data Centre

(NDC) of NCRB.

Further, BSNL shall provide MPLS VPN network for connecting SDC and Disaster

Recovery Centre (DRC) of the AP State. AP State is in the process of finalizing

the DRC site and the same will be intimated to the SI. SI will be responsible to

liaison with BSNL for provisioning, installing, testing and commissioning the

connectivity between DC & DRC and NCRB.

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The SI shall arrange for the last mile connectivity to the Police Stations, District

Training Centers, Range Offices, Region Offices, Circle Offices, SDPOs, etc.,

wherever required as per the criteria given below.

Network Connectivity Criteria

Connectivity from SWAN PoP

Sites co-located with the SWAN PoP

Sites within 7 Km from nearest SWAN PoP

VPNoBB Connectivity

Sites more than 7 Km from SWAN PoP

DSLAM availability in that exchange

WiMax Connectivity

SWAN and VPNoBB not available/feasible

VSAT Connectivity

SWAN and VPNoBB/WiMax not available/feasible

MPLS VPN Connectivity

Aggregated MPLS bandwidth at PHQ/SDC for VPNoBB, WiMax and

VSAT links

MPLS Bandwidth for connecting the SDC with NDC

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CCTNS Network Connectivity: At Central Level (indicative)

NOTE:- Each SHQ can transfer data to NDC or to other SHQ through “National VPN”. SHQ will also be a member of its “State VPN” for getting aggregated data from sites with VPNoBB/WiMax/VSAT.

CCTNS Network Connectivity: At State Level (indicative)

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BSNL’s Scope of Work

Provisioning of point to point leased line (P2P LL) for sites within 7 Km from nearest SWAN PoP.

Provisioning of links for WAN connectivity on VPNoBB, WiMax or VSAT for sites more than 7 Km from nearest SWAN PoP.

Provisioning of routers and modems for sites connected on SWAN.

Provisioning of aggregated bandwidth on MPLS at SDC for sites on VPNoBB, WiMax and VSAT.

Provisioning of MPLS Connectivity at NDC, SDC and DRC.

Maintain the network and hardware supplied for minimum period of three (3) years.

Connectivity Uptime Matrix Priority Level

Connectivity Type Bandwidth Uptime

1 LAN Connectivity LAN connectivity to be provided by State

As per SWAN (Sites co-located within SWAN PoP)

2 Point to point leased line (Sites within 7km for nearest SWAN PoP)

2 Mbps As per SWAN: 99% on MLLN 92% on Non-MLLN

3 VPNoBB for sites more than 7km from SWAN PoP

512Kbps (Max) 97%

4 WiMax (Sites non feasible on SWAN & VPNoBB)

512Kbps (Max) 96%

5 VSAT CAR: 64Kbps 96% (Sites not feasible on SWAN, VPNoBB or WiMax)

MAR: 512Kbps

6 Aggregated bandwidth from SWAN NOC to SDC

LAN connectivity to be provided by SWAN NOC/State SI

As per SWAN

(Sites on SWAN connectivity) 7 Aggregated MPLS Bandwidth from

BSNL to SDC 2 -45 Mbps 99%

(Sites on VPNoBB, WiMax and VSAT)

(Proposed, may vary during implementation)

8 MPLS Connectivity between each State/UT SDC and DR site

2 – 8 Mbps 99%

9 MPLS Connectivity between NDC and State’s/UT’s SDC

20 – 45 Mbps at NDC 99%

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SI’s Scope for Network Connectivity7

Co-ordination with the BSNL’s nominated official for

• Installation, Configuration, Testing and Commissioning of

SWAN P2P LL, VPNoBB, WiMax, VSAT and MPLS links.

Aggregated MPLS Connectivity for sites on VPNoBB, WiMax and

VSAT connectivity at SDC

• SLA Monitoring, Fault Reporting & Troubleshooting of the links as per

BSNL offered SLA.

• Upgradation / relocation of bandwidth at all location under the CCTNS

project as and when required by APeCOPS.

• Shifting of aggregate bandwidth links from existing Data Centre to SDC

as and when required.

• Connectivity between SDC & DR site and NCRB.

Co-ordination with the SWAN Operator for

• Installation, Configuration, testing and commissioning of

WAN connectivity from SWAN NOC to the SDC.

LAN connectivity for sites co-located at SWAN PoP.

• SLA Monitoring, Fault Reporting & Troubleshooting of the LAN links as


Co-ordination with State CCTNS Nodal Agency

• Finalizing Police Stations / Higher Offices lists for above connectivity


• Issuing commissioning report for demand note/payment clearance.

• Reporting SLA, link status update

• Any other issues

7 SI will have to undertake the same scope of work for any other service provider in the State of Andhra Pradesh whenever required by APeCOPS.

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It may be noted that the process of signing an agreement with BSNL is under

progress at the level of MHA/NCRB for the CCTNS Project and detailed guidelines

on implementation of networking and connectivity will be provided to SI at later


At present all locations of AP Police are connected except for the locations listed

in Annexure-19. SI has to liaise with BSNL to provide the necessary

connectivity to the same.

5.3.7 IT Infrastructure at the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center

Data Centre

Currently, AP State Data Center (SDC) is under implementation at Manikonda

Village in Hyderabad and is expected to be operational in the near future. In

case the SDC is not operational by the time the SI is ready with deployment and

roll-out of Enterprise eCOPS / CCTNS solution, SI can host the servers along

with other equipments at the existing AP Police Data Center at PCS&S premises.

Once the SDC is operational, APeCOPS shall notify the SI to move all the

equipment to SDC and make the system fully operational as per the

requirements in this RFP without any additional cost to the APeCOPS.

Presently, AP Police has a Data Centre located at 4th Floor, Police Headquarters,

Lakdi-ka-pul, Hyderabad. The Data Centre hosts all the applications and stores

all the application’s associated data. This Data Centre also supports the existing

WAN infrastructure at the State level and LAN infrastructure at State Police

Headquarters (DGP Headquarters).

The SI shall be responsible to procure and commission all the necessary

underlying solution components, required software and infrastructure at the

State Data Centre and Disaster Recovery Centre, deploy the Enterprise eCOPS,

additional modules developed and integrate with CAS (Centre) and External

Agencies as provided in the functional scope.

The SI shall be completely responsible for the sourcing, installation,

commissioning, testing and certification of the necessary software licenses and

infrastructure required to deploy the Enterprise eCOPS solution at the State Data

Centre and at the Disaster Recovery Centre (DRC).

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SI shall ensure that support and maintenance, performance and up-time levels

are compliant with SLAs. SI shall coordinate with SDC in isolating the issues (if

any) regarding infrastructure provided by SDC and ensuring that they are

escalated to concerned parties so that they are resolved in timely manner.

To ensure that redundancy requirements are met, SI shall ensure that

infrastructure procured by the SI has redundancy built in. The following is the

discpritive model diagram and details so that redundancy requirements for the

common Data Center infrastructure can be addressed:

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Descriptive Model

The following are additional guidelines to be adhered to while arriving at the


1. The System integrator should carry out a detailed study of the existing

applications and infrastructure at the State Data Centre.

2. The overall design should be preferably implemented using required

minimum components in the Data Center thereby reducing the capital and

operational expenditure. However, there should not be any compromise

on performance, high availability and scalability.

External Firewalls

Core Switch

Blade Servers

Local LAN

Internet Cloud


Web and Email Gateway

Storage Array


PRI Leased Line

WAN Router



Application Acceleration


Internal Firewalls

10 Gbps Ethernet

Unified Fabric

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3. The solution should be based on latest technologies to ensure longevity of

the solution and also take advantage of innovations to reduce the

operational expenditure.

4. The infrastructure should be optimized for virtualization and the

components should support virtualization.

5. The solution should preferably incorporate simplified management and

should enable fast deployment of resources. The management interfaces

required to manage the systems, storage and network infrastructure

should be kept to minimum. It should provide profile based management

for dynamic provisioning of resources.

6. The solution should aim at provisioning of equipmet at the Data Centre

keeping interoperability in mind.

7. The existing equipment should be reused to the best possible extent

either at Datacenter or at Disaster Recovery Center so as to protect the

investments made till date by the Government. The System Integrator

should redeploy the existing equipment in an appropriate manner and also

ensure that the equipment that is not yet declared end-of-life by the

respective OEM is supported for at least next five years. A letter from the

respective OEM to this effect supporting the System Integrator should

preferably be provided.

8. The proposed equipment should be compatible with the existing

equipment and the equipment at the State Data Center.

9. The SI shall be responsible for sizing the hardware to support the

scalability and performance requirements of the solution. The SI shall

ensure that the servers and storage are sized adequately that is required

to meet the service levels mentioned in the RFP and requirements of AP


SI shall study the existing storage solution implemented in the AP Police Data

Center and shall seek to maximally utilize the same equipment in DR site by

upgrading suitably as per the requirement. The solution should be secured,

scalable and should support high availability with no distance limitation.

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The solution should preferably provide integrated data protection for copying

data to the DR site and should maintain synchronous data mirroring in

heterogeneous environment enabling recovery with zero data loss.

SI shall provide a Bill of Material (BoM) that specifies all the hardware, software

and any additional networking components of solution for the State Data Centre

and DRC, in detail so as to facilitate sizing of common Data Centre and DRC

infrastructure such as Racks, Power and Cooling, Bandwidth among other

components by SDC.

The State will provide the premises for State Data Centre (SDC) and Disaster

Recovery Centre (DRC) for hosting the solution. In case of any delay in

availability of SDC infrastructure the DC equipments shall be installed at the

State Police HQs and later shifted to SDC by SI at no additional cost to AP Police.

SI shall ensure that effective Remote Management features exist in solution so

that issues can be addressed by the SI in a timely and effective manner and

frequent visits to Data Centre / DRC can be avoided.

After commissioning and testing of the entire system at the State Data Center /

DRC, the SI shall support the State in getting the system certified by a 3rd party

agency identified by the State.

The SI shall provide a technical team to monitor / supervise / trouble shoot

the day-to-day issues relating to hardware / Software / Networking and a DBA

on 24 X 7 basis at identified location of NOC / Data Center.

The following common Data Centre services will be available to the SI through

the Data Centre Operator / Data Centre Service Provider (DCO):

1. Rack

2. Power and Cooling

3. UPS, DG set power backup

4. Bandwidth and Connectivity

5. LAN

6. VPN

7. Firewall

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8. Intrusion Protection System

9. Fire prevention

10. Physical security surveillance

11. Network Operation Centre

12. Common Data Centre facility Maintenance and Support

The SI is responsible for the following but not limited to at the Data Centre /


1. Servers (Web, Application, Database, Backup, Antivirus, EMS, etc.)

2. Enterprise Management System (EMS)

3. Antivirus Software

4. SAN Storage

5. SAN Switches

6. Tape Library

7. Networking equipments

8. All necessary software components including but not limited to

Operating System, Backup Software, and SAN Storage

Management Software

All Operating Systems, database and other software licenses for DC & DR shall

be genuine, perpetual, full use and should provide patches, bug fixes, security

patches and updates directly from the respective developer / manufacturer

during the contract period.

The proposed system software must provide indemnification and must cover

patent claims, copyright, claims, legal fee and damages claim. System

Integrator / or developer / manufacturer must protect the department from all

such legal cost that may arise out of any claim by a third party alleging

intellectual property infringement i.e. related to the software.

SI shall develop / procure and deploy an EMS tool that monitors / manages the

entire enterprise wide application, infrastructure and network related

components. The SI shall also deploy a backup software to periodically backup

all data and software.

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The indicative specifications for various servers, storage, switches, routers,

firewall, IPS and networking components etc., are provided at Annexure-15 in

this Volume-I. An indicative Bill of Materials is provided at Annexure-16 in this


5.3.8 Data Digitization & Data Migration Data Migration In order to achieve the intended objectives of CCTNS such as Providing

Enhanced Tools for Law & Order Maintenance, Investigation, Crime Prevention,

and Traffic Management, Increase Operational Efficiency, and Creating a

Platform for Sharing Crime and Criminal data across the Country, it is critical

that the data that is currently available in various case files and registers

maintained in the Police Stations be migrated and captured as structured /

parameterized data within the application.

The structured legacy data in the application in a format amenable for easier

search and analysis will provide value to the end-users for conducting efficient

searches, statistical analysis and generating comparative statements and other

mandatory / ad-hoc returns and reports. Eventually, the crime/criminal related

physical registers at the Police Stations and Higher Offices will be phased out

and the legacy data available in the system will serve as the one-stop repository

of crime and criminal information across the State. This will also enable the

required returns reports (regular and ad-hoc), one of the most time consuming

activities at the Police Stations to be generated at the Higher Offices where the

report is required thereby eliminating the need for collection and collation of

data at multiple offices.

Migrating the data from the other systems/manual operations to the new system

will include identification of data migration requirements, collection and

migration of user data, collection and migration of master data, closing or

migration of open transactions, collection and migration of documentary

information, and migration of data from the legacy systems.

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The SI shall perform the data digitization & migration from manual and/or the

existing systems to the new system. The Data digitization & migration to be

performed by the SI shall be preceded by an appropriate data migration need

assessment including data quality assessment.

The Data migration strategy and methodology shall be prepared by SI and

approved by APeCOPS. Though APeCOPS will provide formal approval for the

Data Migration Strategy, it is the ultimate responsibility of SI to ensure that all

the data sets which are required for successful operation of the agreed user

requirements are digitized or migrated. Based on the assessment SI will have to

build the appropriate data migration utility.

Any corrections identified by APeCOPS or any of its appointed agencies during

Data Quality Assessment and Review, in the data digitized/ migrated by SI, it

shall be addressed by SI at no additional cost to APeCOPS. As far as the legacy

data is concerned, they are either available as structured data in the IT systems

that are currently used by Andhra Pradesh Police for related work or in the form

of paper documents (Cases files and various registers maintained at Police


Data Migration Requirements 1. Since there could be structural differences in the data as stored

currently from the new system there should be a mapping done

between the source and target data models that should be approved


2. Carry out the migration of legacy electronic data by using data

migration utility.

3. Carry out the migration of the data available in the existing registers,

reports, case files, etc. (Physical Copies) by data digitization.

4. Scan images and pictures within the case file in color and store them in

the digital format.

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5. Provide checklists from the migrated data to APeCOPS for verification,

including number of records, validations (where possible), other

controls / hash totals highlighting errors, abnormalities and deviations.

6. Incorporate corrections for the errors discovered during verification

process, as proposed.

7. Get final sign off from the State Nodal Officer/ Empowered Committee

for migrated / digitized data

8. At the end of migration, all the data for old cases and registers must

be available in the new system

Scope of Data Migration SI would be required to assess the data migration requirements and develop a

utility to meet the requirements of Andhra Pradesh Police, with respect to data

migration at no additional cost to the Andhra Pradesh Police Department. It is

important to mention that SI shall be responsible for the quality of data

migrated from existing systems and should meet the expectations of Andhra

Pradesh Police. SI will be required to provide support for acceptance testing of

data migrated to the new system and shall carryout all the changes, proposed as

feedback after acceptance testing with no additional cost to the Andhra Pradesh

Police Department.

Police Units also captures data relating to crime and criminals in various

applications deployed with Andhra Pradesh Police. The approximate data that

needs to be migrated to Enterprise eCOPS is tabulated below:

S. No. Name of the Application Number of Records

for migration (indicative)

1. CCIS Data


2. CIPA Data from Police Stations of Guntur, Prakasham, Nizamabad & Nalgonda


3. eCOPS existing data 14,53,585

4. Criminal Information System (CIS) 1,21,547

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S. No. Name of the Application Number of Records for migration

(indicative) 5. POLIS 1,00,690

6. Gang Files 680

7. Cases registered by CID 400

Note: It may be noted that the above figures in the table are indicative and

exact details would emerge after detailed study is conducted by SI as part of this

RFP. Further, SI would also be required to carry out the data reconciliation and

de-duplication as part of the data migration which will be a major activity in this


Recommended Methodology of Data Migration Data migration methodology will comprise the following steps, explained as

below. However, this is just a guideline for data migration effort and the SI will

be required to devise his own detailed methodology and get it approved by State

Project Nodal Officer from Andhra Pradesh Police.

1. Analysis Analysis of the legacy data and its creation, conversion, migration and transfer

to the proposed new data base schema will be started during the scoping phase

and shall take a parallel path during the design and development phase of the

application. It will cover the following steps:

a) Analyze the existing procedures, policies, formats of data in lieu of

the new proposed system to understand the amount of the data and

the applicability in CCTNS

b) Write a specification to create, transfer and migrate the data set

c) Document all exceptions, complex scenarios of the data

d) This phase will generate the specification for Data Take–On routines

2. Transformation Transformation phase can be commenced after integration testing phase. It will

entail the following steps: All the steps to be undertaken as part of data

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migration strategy shall be exercised in consultation with representatives from

Andhra Pradesh Police (State Mission Teams)

a) Identify the fields, columns to be added/deleted from the existing


b) Identify the default values to be populated for all ‘not null’ columns

c) Develop routines to create (Entry if any by data entry operators),

migrate, convert the data from hard copies, old database (if any),

computer records to the new database

d) Develop test programs to check the migrated data from old database

to the new database

e) Test the migration programs using the snapshot of the production


f) Tune the migration programs & iterate the test cycle

g) Validate migrated data using the application by running all the test


h) SI shall be required to adopt a comprehensive methodology for Data

verification / validation. An indicative methodology is provided in

subsequent paragraphs however SI will be required to improve upon

the methodology and get the final methodology approved from

Andhra Pradesh Police.

i) Test the success of the data take-on by doing system test. It is

important to mention that correctness of data digitized and migrated

is of the utmost importance to Andhra Pradesh Police, therefore SI is

required to follow the SLAs specifically defined for Data Digitization

& Data Migration.

3. Data Take–On Take–On phase will be initiated when the proposed solution is ready to be

deployed at Pilot phase. It will entail the following steps:

a) Schedule data transfer of the computerized data that has been

newly created by the data entry operators based on the hard copy


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b) Schedule data transfer of the existing digital data in the proposed

new format

c) Migrate the data from an old system (legacy) to the envisaged


d) Test on the staging servers after the data take-on with testing


e) Migrate from staging servers to production servers

f) Deploy and rollout the system as per the project plan


In case at Pilot phase implementation data is found to be erroneous / non

acceptable in nature, SI will be required to make necessary changes /

modifications in the data at no additional cost to the Andhra Pradesh Police


Additional Guidelines for Data Migration 1. SI shall migrate/convert/digitize the data at the implementation sites

of Andhra Pradesh Police.

2. SI shall formulate the “Data Migration Strategy document” which will

also include quality assurance mechanism. This will be reviewed and

signed–off by Andhra Pradesh Police prior to commencement of data


3. SI shall incorporate all comments and suggestions of Andhra Pradesh

Police in the Data Migration Strategy and process documents before

obtaining sign–off from Andhra Pradesh State.

4. SI shall perform mock data migration tests to validate the conversion


5. SI shall ensure complete data cleaning and validation for all data

migrated from the legacy systems to the new application.

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6. SI shall validate the data before uploading the same to the

production environment.

7. SI shall generate appropriate control reports before and after

migration to ensure accuracy and completeness of the data as per

approved data verification/ validation strategy.

8. SI shall convey to Andhra Pradesh Police in advance all the

mandatory data fields required for functioning of the proposed

solution and which are not available in the legacy systems and are

required to be obtained by Andhra Pradesh Police.

9. In the event Andhra Pradesh Police is unable to obtain all the

mandatory fields as conveyed by SI, SI shall suggest the most

suitable workaround to Andhra Pradesh State. SI shall document the

suggested workaround and sign-off will be obtained from Andhra

Pradesh Police for the suggested workaround. SI shall implement the

suitable workaround for Andhra Pradesh Police at no additional cost

to the department.

10. SI will be responsible for developing data entry programs /

applications that will be required for the purpose of data digitization

in order to capture data available with Andhra Pradesh Police in non

– electronic/ manual format.

11. SI shall support in conducting the acceptance testing and verifying

the completeness and accuracy of the data migrated from the legacy

systems to the proposed solution.

12. Andhra Pradesh Police may, at its will, verify the test results provided

by SI.

Data Digitization In addition to the data migration as above, SI would also digitize the historical

data (covering the last 10 years).The SI has to start the digitization of historical

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data during the Pilot Phase itself. The historical data to be digitized would include

crime (case / incident) data, criminal’s data, the data from 7IIFs and relevant

historical information parameters / data used to generate registers and reports.

The unit of data digitization shall be one case file. Each case file shall consist of

information pertaining to all 7IIFs, information parameters relevant generate

specific reports from that particular case file.

Since 1st Jan 2009, all the FIRs in Andhra Pradesh State are being registered

online in the eCOPS system. Therefore, the FIR form is already available in the

system. However, the other IIFs pertaining to a case file (i.e. CDF, PSS, ASC

etc) may not be available in the system. Hence, SI will be required to digitize the

remaining IIFs. Therefore, for a given case file, the SI may have to do part data

migration and part digitization. The district wise details of the records available

in the system has been provided at Annexure-20 of this Volume-I.

The data digitization strategy and methodology shall be prepared by SI and

approved by APeCOPS. Though APeCOPS shall provide formal approval for the

data digitization strategy, it is the ultimate responsibility of SI to ensure that all

the data sets which are required for successful operation of the agreed user

requirements are digitized or migrated. Based on the assessment, SI will have to

build the appropriate data digitization utility.

SI should note that The data digitization / migration work will be done at a place designated by

the AP Police

SI shall provide / establish the entire infrastructure necessary for carrying

out the data digitization at the selected place.

SI shall report the daily progress of the digitization work to the in charge

Officer of the respective Police Districts / Commissionerates.

After data digitization by the SI, it shall be verified and validated. Any

corrections to be made after verification and validation shall be done by the

SI / Service provider free of charge.

After successful completion of the data digitization, it will be certified by the

District Mission Team of the respective Districts / Commissionerates.

In view of the data security / confidentiality, SI should take backup of the

data entered at the end of the day on appropriate backup device / media.

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The backup data must be kept in the custody of AP Police at the respective

Districts / Commissionerates.

The physical case files of data from the respective Police Stations would be

handed over to the authorized representative of SI. After completion of the

data entry the SI shall return the case files / registers to the concerned Police


SI shall ensure that the physical records are not altered or tampered in any

manner when documents / registers are under their possession.

Data made available to the SI should be kept confidential and should not be

taken outside the premises of AP Police.

SI shall be responsible for completion of work within stipulated days and also

responsible for provision of necessary manpower accordingly.

The scope of data digitization is as below. S. No Record Type

No. of Records


1. Case files (including all 7 IIF from 1999 till 2008) 13,89,615

2. Case files (from 1st Jan 2009 to till 26/03/2011)

Category 1 (6 IIFs to be digitized) 256176

Category 2 (5 IIFs to be digitized) 128088

Category 3 (3 IIFs to be digitized) 163668

Category 4 (4 IIFs to be digitized) 71160

Category 5 (6 IIFs to be digitized) 92508

3. Rowdy Sheets / KD Sheets / Suspect Sheets etc (Details are attached at Annexure-20) 42,020

Recommended Methodology of Data Verification The most important aspect of data migration /digitization is the proper data

verification. The SI shall support the Andhra Pradesh Police Department in

carrying out the data verification in a time frame and evolve a mechanism for

data validation at various levels.

Indicative verification strategy is given below. However, SI may propose any

other strategy in its proposal.

The manually processed 7 IIFs / Case Files / Police Registers for a particular

case would be given to the SI and will be checked for data completeness and

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consistency (lack of blank fields, correct data type per field, spellings etc.)

by the SI.

Once the data is entered, digitized IIF forms (1 to 7) / reports shall then be

checked / verified from the System for the particular case and shall be

compared with the manually processed Case File. In case of data migration,

the 7IIF forms will be checked against the report generated from eCOPS

system (once the Enterprise eCOPS is operational then this checking /report

generation will be done from the Enterprise eCOPS) for any particular case.

Errors detected at this stage shall be corrected by SI at no additional cost to

the Andhra Pradesh Police Department.

Corrected System generated Case File and it’s data will then be matched for

verification against the existing manual records/ digitized records in eCOPS

(or Enterprise eCOPS as the case may be) application in Police Station.

Further, system generated Case File will go through various levels of

verification, starting from the Police Station to District level, District to Range

and State level.

A suggested scheme for the number of record verification is given below:

S.No Verification check

Stage Responsibility for checking

Responsibility for correction


1 Data consistency check for manually processed/ CIPA IIF forms/ Case File /Police Registers/ Rowdy, KD & Suspects sheets etc

Before generating Case Files from system

SI or its appointed agency (Date entry agency) supported by Police Station staff. However the responsibility lies with SI only.

SI or its appointed agency.

e.g. empty fields, spelling mistakes, wrong/ improper data

2 System generated 7 IIF Forms/ Case File etc records

After data entry/ data migration into new system

Police Station SHO /Station Writer and SPMC/ SPMU

SI or its appointed agency.

100% records checking of respective Police Stations

3 System generated 7 IIF Forms/ Case File etc records

After data entry/ data migration into new system

District DSP supported by SPMC/ SPMU

SI or its appointed agency.

35% records of each Police Station under his jurisdiction

4 System generated 7 IIF

After data entry/ data

District SP supported by

SI or its appointed

20% records of each

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S.No Verification check

Stage Responsibility for checking

Responsibility for correction


Forms/ Case File etc records

migration into new system

SPMC/ SPMU agency. Police Station under his jurisdiction

5 System generated 7 IIF Forms/ Case File etc records

After data entry/ data migration into new system

State CCTNS Nodal Officer supported by SPMC/ SPMU

SI or its appointed agency

1% all records

SI shall be required to arrange a workshop free of cost where physical records

can be brought and data verification as mentioned above can be undertaken by

the District Superintendent of Police or Andhra Pradesh State Nodal Officer,

against the system generated records /data (case files). SI shall formally inform

CCTNS Project Nodal Officer in writing well in advance (15 days before) for

conducting data verification workshop. SI shall also be responsible for

incorporating and implementing changes as decided by the verifying authority in

the workshop at no additional cost to the Andhra Pradesh Police Department.

These workshops shall work as User Acceptance Testing for Data Migration and

Data Digitization. SI is required to keep a record of the workshops conducted,

suggested changes by the verifying authority and proof of incorporating

suggested changes. However, overall System Acceptance testing shall be

different from this testing and SI shall provide all the support required for

ensuring quality of data entry / data digitization / data migration, wherever


It is possible that certain Police transactions takes place in a particular case,

while the data digitization is in progress for the same case. Hence, there should

be some method for incorporating these transactions during the digitization

process. Correction facilities available in the software should be monitored to

detect and discourage it’s misuse.

Once this process is complete, the corrected data has to be re-entered in the

system and the records for which disputes have not been resolved will be

flagged in the system. However, SI shall seek approval for flagging such data

and point out the same during workshops. In case approval is not provided by

Andhra Pradesh Police on the unresolved data entry, the same shall be counted

for penalty calculations.

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Beyond this exercise, SI shall be responsible for correcting the data entry found

erroneous by Andhra Pradesh Police Department or its designated

representatives at no additional cost to Andhra Pradesh Police Department.

Andhra Pradesh Police may at its discretion levy penalties for erroneous data

entry as per penalty terms defined in the Service Level Agreement.

5.3.9 Capacity Building Capacity Building is a highly critical component of CCTNS / Enterprise eCOPS

project. The objective of Capacity Building (CB) initiatives is to empower the

direct users and other stakeholders of Enterprise eCOPS to optimally use the

same and enhance outcomes in the field of crime investigation, criminal tracking

and other core police functions ensuring a smooth functioning of Enterprise


The System Integrator would render CB services in areas as per the “bundling”

approach adopted for CCTNS. The SI holds the responsibility for creation of

training material, designing of training programs and their delivery to the target

group. The training programs would cover general/basic computer awareness

programs in addition to CCTNS/Enterprise eCOPSspecific programs in order to

ensure successful adoption of the system at the Police Stations and Higher

Offices level.

The break‐up of the police force in the State is provided below:

Group No. of personnel

Group A ‐Senior Officers of SP rank and above 180

Group B ‐Officers of ASI rank and above upto the rank of

Addl. SP


Group C ‐Officers of Constable & Head Constable rank 112298

Total 130975

AP Police have taken commendable initiatives in capacity building and have

already conducted intensive training programme for approx 14,000 personnel on

Basic Computer Awareness and Role Based Training for Application

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Users under CCTNS project across the State at different training centres for PCs

/ HCs / HGs and Ministerial staff. The number of personnel in AP Police required

to be trained is indicated below.

Estimate for number of personnel for direct training

Training Program Group A Group B Group C

% covered

Actual No.

% covered

Actual No.

% covered

Actual No.

Awareness and sensitization of benefits of IT 100% 180 5% 925 1% 1123 Basic Computer Awareness & Role based training for application users 100% 180 80% 14798 40% 44919 Trainers Training 0% 0 0.10% 18 0.25% 281 Administration & Support training 0% 0 0% 0 3% 3369 The estimated no of AP Police personnel to be trained, after subtracting the

already trained personnel, is given in the table below:

Type of Training No of Personnel

to be trained Awareness and sensitization of benefits of ICT 2228 Basic Computer Awareness & Role based training for application users


Trainers Training 299 System Administration & Support Training 3369 Advance training for special apps: GIS, ERP, Crime Analytics, Data Centre, DBA, Networking etc


Since AP Police is continuing to impart training to its personnel on regular basis

the above numbers may change in future. Following is an indicative training plan

for members of State Police Department based on the nature of their


S.No. Level Type of

Training Training Content

1. Group A Awareness and Sensitization of benefits of ICT

Principals of e-Governance Leadership and team building skills Technology update Skills in Troubleshooting vis-à-vis

application, standard software and networking (for those with the aptitude and/or prior training)

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S.No. Level Type of Training

Training Content

Basic Computer Awareness

Fundamentals of computer usage Office Suite Analytical & Search Capabilities

2. Group B Basic Computer Awareness

Fundamentals of computer usage Office Suite Analytical & Search Capabilities

Role based training on CCTNS application

This module is required to train the Officers at various levels in operating proposed CCTNS application. The topics under the scope of this training would cover mainly the post‐operation of CCTNS/ Enterprise eCOPS. The training is to be provided to the police personnel depending upon their role and responsibilities in the service workflow. Training would include mechanism for demonstration, practical exercises and evaluation of trainees. During this training, the trainees could also be asked to carry out the routine functions using the software.

3. Group C Basic Computer Awareness

Fundamentals of computer usage Office Suite Analytical & Search Capabilities

Role based training on CCTNS application

This module is required to train the Officers at various levels in operating the proposed/CCTNS application. The topics under the scope of this training would cover mainly the operation post- implementation of the Application. The training is to be provided to the police personnel depending upon their role and responsibilities in the service workflow. Training would include mechanism for demonstration, practical exercises and evaluation of trainees. During this training, the trainees could also be asked to carry out the routine functions using the software.

4. New Recruits

Awareness and Sensitization of benefits of ICT

Principals of e-Governance Leadership and team building skills Technology update Skills in Troubleshooting vis-à-vis

application, standard software and networking (for those with the aptitude and/or prior training)

Basic Computer Awareness

Fundamentals of computer usage Office Suite Analytical & Search Capabilities

5. Special Group

Specialised Training on application software

Specialized training on Database Administration, Network admin, advanced applications to a group of experienced and skilled personnel of PCS&S and at HQ, Districts / Commissionerates level for IT support for the

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S.No. Level Type of Training

Training Content proposed systems. It is proposed to train around 100 police personnel.

Identification of Trainers (Internal) Although Andhra Pradesh Police has provided / providing training to its

personnel, still a lot needs to be done in training for successful implementation

of CCTNS / Enterprise eCOPS Project. Andhra Pradesh Police will identify the

qualified trainers with relevant IT experience and training competency in each

District / Commissionerate. SI shall be responsible for training them and

building their capacity for all the other IT initiatives of Andhra Pradesh Police.

These Trainers shall be responsible for implementing the Capacity Building

interventions beyond the scope of the System Integrator. SI shall be responsible

for developing, designing and printing of the content, training material for such

trainings and carryout these trainings in all the Districts / Commissionerates.

The developed content for these trainings shall be validated and approved by

Andhra Pradesh Police. SI shall be provided with the training premises by the

Andhra Pradesh Police, however all the arrangements required for training shall

be made by SI.

To measure the effectiveness of the training, SI shall be responsible for

preparing the set of questions, i.e. a question /answer bank (Min 1200

questions/answers) from which random questions would be selected for test of

the trainees, Andhra Pradesh Police or its nominated agencies/ representatives

shall validate and approve the question bank.

Identification of Trainers (Police Training Colleges) Andhra Pradesh Police will identify qualified Trainers with relevant IT experience

and training competency within each of the Andhra Pradesh Police Academy,

Police Training College, District Training Centers, City Training Centers, Police

Communication Training Center, SCRB Training Center and PCS&S Training

Center in the State, who will be directly trained by the System Integrator. These

trainers shall be responsible for providing trainings on CCTNS / Enterprise eCOPS

within the training curriculum and impart the training on CCTNS / Enterprise

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eCOPS to the new recruits and current personnel (refresher training) at the

Police Training Colleges as mentioned above within the state.

Identification of Trainees Based on the nature of their responsibilities and their requirements from CCTNS,

police personnel can be classified into the following categories for training


Group I: Identify the key Senior Police Officers (ADGP, IG, DIG) responsible

for monitoring Crime, Law and Order, who are directly impacted by the CCTNS /

Enterprise eCOPS with respect to receiving / analyzing the reports through

CCTNS / Enterprise eCOPS.

Role-based training shall be carried out for these officers at suitable location

in the Andhra Pradesh Police Headquarters by the System Integrator

Group II: Identify the key Police Officers (IG, DIG, SP, DCP, ACP) in

charge of a zone/range/district/sub-division who are directly impacted by the

CCTNS with respect to reviewing the Police Station performance through

CCTNS, reviewing the reports generated by the system, carrying out the

required analysis using CCTNS and providing the necessary guidance to the

officers at the cutting edge.

Role-based training shall be carried out for these officers at suitable location

in Andhra Pradesh State Police Headquarters and respective Districts /

Commissionerates by the System Integrator

Group III: Identify the key Police Officers (SHO, SI, ASI,) in the Police Stations

and Higher Offices who will use CCTNS for Police Station management, filing the

necessary investigation forms, and utilize the basic and advance search features

of CCTNS to facilitate their investigation process.

In addition to the computer awareness training, role-based training shall be

carried out for these officers at District Training Centers in the respective

Districts/Commissionerates by the System Integrator

Refresher training can be carried out by the internal trainers who have

already been trained by the System Integrator

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Group IV: Identify at least 3-4 key officers/constables (Station Writers, Court

Duty, Head Constables, Constables) in each of the Police Station and Higher

Office who will use CCTNS for capturing the data/investigation forms, generating

the reports and utilize the basic and advance search features of CCTNS to

service the general service requests and aid in investigation process.

In addition to the computer awareness training, role-based training will be

carried out for the identified officers at District Training Centers in the

respective Districts/Commissionerates (if any) by the System Integrator

Refresher training, subsequent training to the remaining officers/constables

in the Police Station and Higher Offices can be carried out by the internal

trainers subsequent to the System Integrator trainings

Group V: Identify 2 constables for each Circle Office that can provide the

basic computer operation support to the Police Stations within the Circle.

Technical training will be carried out for the identified constables at

District Training Centers in the respective Districts/Commissionerates by the

System Integrator

The main challenges to be addressed effectively by the SI are the geographically

dispersed trainee base, wide variability in education and computer proficiency

and minimal availability of time. The SI holds the responsibility for creation of a

detailed and effective training strategy, training material (in English and

vernacular language), user groups and classifications, training plan and

guidelines, detailed training material, training program designed their delivery

to the target groups in consultation with Andhra Pradesh State.

SI shall be responsible for the following activities as part of the End User and

Train the Trainer Training:

Develop Overall Training Plan SI shall be responsible for finalizing a detailed Training Plan for the program in

consultation with Andhra Pradesh State Police Department covering the training

strategy, environment, training need analysis and role based training curriculum.

SI shall own the overall Training plan working closely with the Andhra Pradesh

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Police Department Training team. SI shall coordinate overall training effort in

consultation with Andhra Police Department. The Training Plan prepared by SI

shall be validated and approved by Andhra Pradesh Police Department.

Develop District-Wise Training Schedule and Curriculum SI shall develop and manage the District-Wise training schedule in consultation

with Andhra Pradesh Police Department, aligned with the overall implementation

roadmap of the project and coordinate the same with all parties involved.

Training schedule shall be developed by SI and shall be optimized to reduce

business impact and effective utilization of Training infrastructure and capacities.

The training curriculum for the CCTNS / Enterprise eCOPS training program

should be organized by modules and these should be used to develop the

training materials. The training curriculum outlines the mode of delivery, module

structure and outline, duration and target audience. These sessions should be

conducted such that the users of the application/modules are trained by the time

of application “Go-Live” in the District / Commissionerates with possibly no more

than a week’s gap between completion of training and going live of modules.

Continuous reporting (MIS) and assessment should be an integral function of

training. SI shall also identify the languages to be used by the end-user for

entering data and ensuring multi-language training to the end users as per

requirement. The training schedule and Curriculum prepared by SI shall be

validated and approved by Andhra Pradesh Police Department.

Develop Training Material Based on their needs and the objectives of CCTNS, training programs could be

organized under the following themes:

1. Basic IT skills and use of computers to creating awareness about the

benefits of ICT and basic computer skills

2. Role-based training on the CCTNS (Enterprise eCOPS) application –

Basic and Advanced. This training should be in a role based,

benchmarked and standardized format, multi-lingual and lead to

learning completion and assessment. It should also allow for self-

learning and retraining. Training would include mechanism for

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demonstration using audio / video / simulated / demo practice

exercises and evaluation of trainees.

3. “Train the Trainer” programs, where members of the police staff would

be trained to enable them to conduct further training programs, thus

helping build up scalability in the training program and also reducing

the dependency on external vendors for training.

4. System Administrator training: A few members of the police staff with

high aptitude would be trained to act as system administrators and

troubleshooters for CCTNS (Enterprise eCOPS) Solution.

5. Customization of the Training Manuals, User Manuals, Operational and

Maintenance Manuals provided along with the CCTNS CAS Software /

Enterprise eCOPS Software.

6. Design and development of the Training Manuals, User Manuals,

Operational and Maintenance Manuals for the modules developed at

the Andhra Pradesh Police Department level.

7. Design and development of question bank for all sorts of trainings to

be provided as part of CCTNS Project. This will be used to assess

/preparation of question paper for testing/evaluation of the Police

Personnel trained by SI. This in turn will help in assessing the

effectiveness of the training provided by SI.

In cases where the training material may be made available by MHA/NCRB, it is

the SI’s responsibility to ensure the relevance of the material to the Andhra

Pradesh State, customize if necessary e.g. translate in local language and

conduct the training effectively. The final training material shall be approved by

Andhra Pradesh Police and may also require approval from MHA/NCRB; SI shall

incorporate relevant suggestions, as received in the training material.

SI shall ensure that the training content meets all the objectives of the training

course. The material shall be developed in English, Hindi and vernacular

language. SI shall also develop the training material for delivery through

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Computer Based Training, Instructor Led Training, Online User Material/Help

Manuals and Job Aids.

SI shall provide detailed training material providing step-by-step approach in

soft and hard copies to all Police Stations and offices for reference.

Deliver Training to End Users SI shall deliver training to the end-users utilizing the infrastructure at the

District Training Centers. Role-based training for the Senior Police Officers shall

be carried out for at suitable location (in consultation with Andhra Pradesh Police

Department) in the State by the System Integrator.

SI shall also impart simulated training on the actual Enterprise eCOPS with some

real life like database and data models. The SI should create case studies and

simulation modules that would be as close to the real life scenario as possible.

The objective of conducting such trainings would be to give first hand view of

benefits of using CAS system / Enterprise eCOPS. Such specialized training

should also be able to provide the participant a clear comparison between the

old way of crime and criminal investigation against the post CCTNS / Enterprise

eCOPS scenario. This training needs to be conducted by the SI at the very end

when all the other trainings are successfully completed. This training may seem

similar to role play training mentioned in the section above however, in this

simulated training, the SI would ensure that the IO’s are provided an

environment that would be exactly similar at a Police Station post Enterprise

eCOPS implementation.

Most of the training would be an Instructor-Led Training (ILT) conducted by

trained and qualified instructors in a classroom setting. To maintain consistency

across CCTNS/ Enterprise eCOPS trainings, standard templates should be used

for each component of a module.

An ILT course will have the following components: • Course Presentation (PowerPoint)

• Instruction Demonstrations (Enterprise eCOPS - Application training


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• Hands-on Exercises (Enterprise eCOPS - Application training


• Application Simulations: Miniature version of Enterprise eCOPS

Application with dummy data providing exposure to the IOs to a real

life scenario post implementation of Enterprise eCOPS

• Job Aids (if required)

• Course Evaluations (Inquisition)

It may be noted that the training delivery would be done in English and Telugu


In addition to the ILT, for the modules that may be more appropriate to be

conducted through a Computer Based Training (CBT), a CBT should be

developed for them. CBT should involve training delivered through computers

with self instructions, screenshots, simulated process walk-through and self

assessment modules.

Select set of Police personnel with high aptitude group and/or relevant prior

training, are to be imparted with the training/skills to act as system

administrators and also as troubleshooters with basic systems maintenance

tasks including hardware and network. These Police personnel after training

should be able to act as System Administrators, Database and Network


Deliver Training to Trainers (Internal and Trainers from the Training Colleges) SI shall help Andhra Pradesh State Police Department in assessing and selecting

the internal trainers as well as the trainers at Police Training Colleges who can

conduct the end user training subsequent to the training by the SI. SI shall

coordinate the ‘Train the Trainer’ session for the identified trainers to ensure that

they have the capability to deliver efficient training.

In addition to the training delivered to the end-users, the trainers should also be

trained on effectively facilitate and deliver training to end users. Also, it is

advisable to always run pilots for any training program before deployment. This

training will hence serve as the pilot and as a training session for trainers as

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well. In addition the end-user training sessions, ToT training will consist of three


1. The first segment will be set of workshops covering effective presentation

skills and coaching techniques and discussing the benefits and structure of

the trainer model.

2. The second segment will be the formal CCTNS/Enterprise eCOPS training

which will consist of all modules of CCTNS/ Enterprise eCOPS relevant

for their role.

3. The third segment will be a teach-back session where trained trainers will

present course content and receive feedback regarding content, flow, and

presentation techniques. This will also include a feedback session where

trainers can provide feedback on the training materials, flow,

comprehension level, and accuracy.

4. SI would be responsible for providing certification to the trained

participants for being Trainers after conduction their examination. The

course to be designed for such evaluation would be done exclusively in

Andhra Pradesh Police Department

Training Effectiveness Evaluation SI shall evaluate the effectiveness of all end-users trainings using online and/or

manual surveys. For evaluating the effectiveness the SI is required to prepare a

question / answer bank. From this question bank random questions will be

selected and uploaded for online test. The question bank shall be validated and

approve by APeCOPS.

SI shall be required to make all arrangements for conducting the test online

(including data entry in simulated environment). However, the premises and

infrastructure shall be provided by Andhra Pradesh Police. Online examination

would be administered in the presence of competent Police Officials and >80%

marks for each participant during the online test would adjudge the success of

such trainings. Results from each training session would be consolidated and

assessed by Andhra Pradesh Police at the end of each category of training. In

case the effectiveness of the trainings provided by SI is found to be

unsatisfactory, SI shall undertake the trainings as again times as required to

meet the expectations of Andhra Pradesh Police at no additional cost to the

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Andhra Pradesh Police Department. All the necessary hardware, software and

licenses required for conducting the online test shall be provided by the SI.

While the test will be conducted by the SI all the evaluation will be done by


SI shall be responsible for analyzing the feedback, take corrective action if

required and arrange for conducting refresher training, wherever needed.

Andhra Pradesh State Police Department will periodically monitor the training

effectiveness through the performance metrics and Service levels and the SI

shall comply with the same.

SI shall help the State with complete Change Management exercise needed to

make this project a success. In fact Change Management will have to subsume

‘training’ as a key enabler for change. Following outlines the responsibilities of SI

with respect to designing and implementation of change management plan for

the Project.

Change management The Stakeholder groups can be categorized into below categories, based on their

influence and role in managing the change and making it successful:

Group I: Identify the key Senior Police Officers (ADGP, IG, DIG) responsible for

Crime, Law and Order, who are directly impacted by the CCTNS with respect to

receiving/analyzing the reports through CCTNS.

Group II: Identify a few of the key Police Officers (IG, DIG, DCP, ACP, SP) in

charge of a zone/range/district/sub-division who are directly impacted by the

CCTNS with respect to reviewing the Police Station performance through CCTNS,

reviewing the reports generated by the system, carrying out the required

analysis using CCTNS and providing the necessary guidance to the Officers at

the cutting edge.

Group III: Identify a few of the key Officers (SHO, SI, ASI,) in the Police

Stations and Higher Offices who will use CCTNS for Police Station management,

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filing the necessary investigation forms, and utilize the basic and advance

search features of CCTNS to facilitate their investigation process.

Group IV: Identify a few of the key officers/constables (Station Writers, Court

Duty, Head Constables) in the Police Stations and Higher Offices who will

use CCTNS for capturing the data/investigation forms, generating the reports

and utilize the basic and advance search features of CCTNS to service the

general service requests and aid in investigation process.

Communication and Awareness

Communication & Awareness campaigns shall be conducted throughout the

duration of the implementation of the CCTNS project across the Andhra Pradesh

State at Project, Program level as well as for General awareness.

SI shall work with the identified internal change agents (identified from the

District and State Mission Teams by State) for all the Communication and

Awareness Programs.

SI shall utilize existing channels of communication and at the same time use

innovative methods of communication for effectiveness.

SI should ensure that the communication messages are consistent, continuous

and easy to understand and wherever possible in vernacular medium using all

available channels i.e. Print, Electronic, Face to Face, Audio / Visual etc.

SI shall align communication content, timing and delivery to the deployment phases/plan of each solution.

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S. No Activities Details Frequency

1. Develop and validate detailed communication plan

SI shall prepare a detailed communication plan for the program in line with the implementation timelines of each solution SI shall ensure that all the impacted audience is covered in the communication plan and the most appropriate mode of communication is being used to deliver the messages to the target audience.


2. Develop Communication Content

SI shall be responsible for developing the content for communication material in English, Hindi and vernacular language. SI shall ensure that the communication is simple, continuous and consistent.

Recurring Activity over the entire duration of the SI engagement i.e. currency of Project.

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3. Deliver Communication Events

Prior to implementing the plan, the SI shall obtain the necessary sign-offs from Andhra Pradesh State Police Department on the Communication Strategy & plan and make necessary changes as recommended by Andhra Pradesh State Police Department without any additional cost to the department. SI shall determine who needs to approve communications prior to dissemination, who is responsible for distributing the message, and who is responsible for ensuring that those accountable for specific elements of the plan follow through on their responsibilities. SI shall organize the communication events or interventions for the target audience. SI shall ensure consistency between messages delivered via different interventions, since the engagement of a key individual stakeholder or stakeholder group is an integrated effort, aiming at the same objective.

Recurring Activity (once a month) over the entire duration of the SI engagement /currency of Project.

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4. Measure Effectiveness of Communication and Update Change Management Plan

Preparation of feedback formats to measure effectiveness of communication program, which shall be validated and approved by Andhra Pradesh Police Department After implementing the communications program, SI shall seek feedback on and measure the impact of the communications program. SI shall evaluate the effectiveness of the communication by electronic or paper based survey or focused group discussion and develop an action plan to improve the effectiveness of communication SI shall refresh the Change Management Plan in consultation with Andhra Pradesh Police Department. Through feedback, SI shall assess which messages have been delivered most clearly; which mediums are most effective; and whether the appropriate target audiences have been identified. Based on such assessment, SI shall update the communication strategy & plan and shall ensure that objectives of communication program are ensured, which further should lead to successful uptake of system.

Once in six months

Change Management Workshops SI shall conduct Change Management workshops build appreciation of change

management and develop change leadership across the stakeholder groups. SI

shall design the necessary content (reading material, presentations) in English,

Hindi, and Telgu for the Change Management Workshops. SI shall conduct at

least three Change Management Workshops (minimum of one-day) in the State

Police Headquarters and at least one Change Management Workshop (minimum

of one-day) at all Districts (at the District Headquarters) covering at least 3

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officers/constables (SHO, SI/ASI/HC and Station Writer) from each Police Station

in the District and one workshop in each RTC/PTC (minimum of one day).

The SI is required to conduct the Change Management Workshops for all the

identified Police personnel in a phased manner in line with the overall

implementation plan. These workshops shall be conducted at the locations

provided by the Andhra Pradesh State Police Department. The workshop content

& material shall be designed with specific focus on the requirements of the

personnel. SI shall conduct workshops for each group of personnel in sync with

the training plan and as part of the training module. SI is required to provide the

necessary material for the workshops including presentations, training material

(for each participants) etc in both soft and hard copy formats.

SI shall also associate and train the identified internal change agents (identified

from the District and State Mission Teams) during these workshops so that

subsequent workshops can be conducted by the internal change agents with all

the required support from SI including but not limiting to the presentations,

content, training material etc. SI shall evaluate the effectiveness of the

workshops by electronic or paper based survey or focused group discussion and

develop an action plan to improve the effectiveness of workshops. Based on such

assessment SI shall refresh the Change Management workshop content in

consultation with AP Police and shall ensure that objectives of Change

Management workshops are met.

5.3.10 Handholding Support System Integrator shall be required to provide Handholding support to the

Andhra Pradesh Police Department once the Enterprise eCOPS solution has been

implemented in the entire Andhra Pradesh State. For this the System Integrator

will provide one qualified and trained person per Police Station for a period of six

(6) months to handhold the staff in the Police Station and ensure that the staff

in that Police Station are able to use Enterprise eCOPS on their own by the end

of the handholding period. Handholding support would be required only after the

successful commissioning of Enterprise eCOPS and the necessary infrastructure

and completion of capacity building and change management initiatives in

respective Police Stations, phase-wise.

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The scope of the handholding personnel shall include but not limited to:

a) Ensure that computers and other peripherals are in working condition.

b) Troubleshoot any local issues related to application, computers, peripherals,

LAN, and connectivity etc.

c) Provide assistance to Police personnel on basic computer usage and office


d) Escalate any issues to Help Desk if issue is not resolved within a stipulated


e) The SI shall provide proper initiation and training to the Handholding

personnel including necessary training on Basic IT, Enterprise eCOPS

Application and support.

f) The qualifications and experience background of the personnel providing

handholding support shall be furnished by the SI. Background verification

may be carried out by APeCOPS / AP Police, if necessary.

g) The Handholding Personnel shall not be changed frequently and in case of

such change, this shall be done only in consultation with the AP Police.

h) In event of handholding personnel proceeding on leave or leaving the project

during any time of the project, an equally qualified replacement shall be

provided before the earlier person leaves. The SI shall ensure that the

activities at Police Stations are carried out without any disruption.

i) The SI shall be solely responsible for the Salaries / Minimum wages, Bonus,

Provident Fund, Gratuity, Family pension, service tax or any other statutory

obligations towards the personnel including their welfare. The proof of the

same shall be submitted on request from APeCOPS.

j) The work and holiday schedule of the personnel shall comply with the Andhra

Pradesh Government Holiday Rules and Regulations. The deployed person

should be available on all weekdays and may remain off from duty on

Sundays. However, if situation demands the person shall remain present late

during the day or on the holidays (including Sundays).

k) The SI completely manages the handholding personnel, their deployment and

Human Resource issues.

l) The SI shall be liable for any damage to premises or equipment due to the

handholding personnel.

m) SI shall replace any handholding personnel upon request from APeCOPS

within 15 days.

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n) SI shall ensure proper attendance and reporting from the Handholding

personnel and shall maintain a daily activity log for all personnel.

o) One in five handholding personnel in adjacent location shall be designated as

a team leader for advanced level support.

p) The handholding should be focused on providing knowledge transfer to the

staff members of the Police Stations so as to increase their awareness and

acceptability of the application and the new computerized system as a whole.

The minimum qualifications and work experience required for personnel to be

deployed by SI is given below:

a) Graduate in any discipline

b) Three years of experience in Technical Support/Training/Handholding

c) Good knowledge of computer (MS Office, Word, Excel and Power Point)

and Networking/LAN/Hardware functions

d) Good communication skills (oral as well as written)

5.3.11 Requirement on Adherence to Standards The Enterprise eCOPS / CCTNS system must be designed following open

standards to the extent feasible and in line with overall system requirements set

out in this RFP in order to provide for good inter-operability with multiple

platforms to avoid any technology or vendor lock-in.

Compliance with Industry Standards In addition to above the proposed solution has to be compliant with the current

industry standards (their latest versions as on date) wherever applicable. This

will apply to all the aspects of solution including but not limited to design,

development, deployment, security, installation, testing and documentation etc.

There are many standards that are indicated throughout this volume as well as

summarized below. However the list below is just for reference and is not to be

treated as exhaustive.

S.No Item Specifications / Standards

1. Portal development W3C specifications

2. Information access/transfer protocols SOAP, HTTP/HTTPS

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3. Interoperability Web Services, Open standards

4. Photograph JPEG (minimum resolution of 640 x 480 pixels)

5. Scanned documents TIFF (Resolution of 600 X 600 dpi)

6. Biometric framework BioAPI 2.0 (ISO/IEC 19784-1:2005) specification

7. Finger print scanning IAFIS specifications

8. Digital signature RSA standards

9. Document encryption PKCS specifications

10. Information Security CCTNS system to be ISO 27001 certified

11. Operational integrity & security management CCTNS system to be ISO 17799 compliant

12. IT Infrastructure management ITIL / EITM specifications

13. Service Management ISO 20000 specifications

14. Project Documentation IEEE/ISO specifications for documentation

The SI shall adhere to the standards published by the Department of

Information Technology, Government of India.

5.3.12 Support to User Acceptance Testing, Audit and Certification The primary goal of Acceptance Testing, Audit & Certification is to ensure that

the system meets requirements, standards, and specifications as set out in this

RFP and as needed to achieve the desired outcomes. The basic approach for this

will be ensuring that the following are associated with clear and quantifiable

metrics for accountability:

1. Functional requirements.

2. Test cases and Requirements Mapping.

3. Infrastructure Compliance Review.

4. Availability of Services in the defined locations.

5. Performance and Scalability.

6. Security / Digital Signatures.

7. Manageability and Interoperability.

8. SLA Reporting System.

9. Project Documentation.

10. Data Quality Review.

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As part of User Acceptance testing, audit and certification, performed through a

third party agency Andhra Pradesh State Police Department shall review all

aspects of project development and implementation covering software, hardware

and networking including the processes relating to the design of solution

architecture, design of systems and sub-systems, coding, testing, business

process description, documentation, version control, change management,

security, service oriented architecture, performance in relation to defined

requirements, interoperability, scalability, availability and compliance with all the

technical and functional requirements of the RFP and the agreement. Here it is

important to mention that there may be two agencies selected by Andhra

Pradesh police Department one for audit & certification of security and control

aspect of the system and the other for audit & certification of overall application

software. Andhra Pradesh Police department reserves the right to go ahead to

get system and application.

Andhra Pradesh State Police Department will establish appropriate processes for

notifying the SI of any deviations from defined requirements at the earliest

instance after noticing the same during acceptance testing or at any time during

the currency of the project to enable the SI to take corrective action and meet

the desired Service Levels. Such an involvement of the Acceptance Testing &

Certification agencies, nominated by Andhra Pradesh State Police Department,

will not, however absolve the SI of the fundamental responsibility of designing,

developing, installing, testing and commissioning the various components of the

project to deliver the services in perfect conformity with the SLAs. SI shall be

completely responsible for providing all the required support for successfully

completing this exercise, which may also require support for final certification

from the concerned agency.

Following highlights the acceptance criteria (not limiting to) to be adopted for

system as mentioned above:

1. Functional Requirements Review The system developed/customized by SI shall be reviewed and verified by the

State agency against the Functional Requirements signed-off between Andhra

Pradesh State Police Department and SI. Any gaps, identified as a severe or

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critical in nature, shall be addressed by SI immediately as soon as it has been

noticed prior to Pilot/Go-live of the system. One of the key inputs for this testing

shall be the traceability matrix to be developed by the SI from system. Apart

from Traceability Matrix, state agency may develop its own testing plans for

validation of compliance of system against the defined requirements. The

acceptance testing with respect to the functional requirements shall be

performed by both independent third party agency (external audit) as well as

the select internal department users (i.e. User Acceptance Testing).

2. Infrastructure Compliance Review Third party agency shall perform the Infrastructure Compliance Review to verify

the conformity of the Infrastructure supplied by the SI against the requirements

and specifications provided in the RFP and/or as proposed in the proposal

submitted by SI. Compliance review shall not absolve SI from ensuring that

proposed infrastructure meets the SLA requirements.

3. Security Review The software developed/customized for system shall be audited by the agency

from a security & controls perspective. Such audit shall also include the IT

infrastructure and network deployed for system. Following are the broad

activities to be performed by the agency as part of Security Review. The security

review shall subject the system for the following activities but not limiting to:

a) Audit of Network, Server and Application security mechanisms.

b) Assessment of authentication mechanism provided in the application

/ components / modules.

c) Assessment of data encryption mechanisms implemented for the


d) Assessment of data access privileges, retention periods and

archival mechanisms.

e) Server and Application security features incorporated etc.

4. Performance Performance is another key requirement for system and agency shall review the

performance of the deployed solution against certain key parameters defined in

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SLA described in this RFP and/or agreement between Andhra Pradesh State

Police Department and SI. Such parameters include request-response time, work

flow processing time, concurrent sessions supported by the system, Time for

recovery from failure, Disaster Recovery drill etc. The performance review also

includes verification of scalability provisioned in the system for catering to the

requirements of application volume growth in future.

5. Availability The system should be designed to remove all single point failures. Appropriate

redundancy shall be built into all the critical components to provide the ability to

recover from failures. The agency shall perform various tests including network,

server, security, DC/DR fail-over tests to verify the availability of the services in

case of component/location failures. The agency shall also verify the availability

of services to all the users in the defined locations.

6. Manageability Review The agency shall verify the manageability of the system and its supporting

infrastructure deployed using the Enterprise Management System (EMS)

proposed by the SI. The manageability requirements such as remote monitoring,

administration, configuration, inventory management, fault identification etc.

shall have to be tested out.

7. SLA Reporting System SI shall design, implement/customize the Enterprise Management System (EMS)

and shall develop any additional tools required to monitor the performance

indicators listed under SLA prescribed in this RFP. The Acceptance Testing &

Certification agency shall verify the accuracy and completeness of the

information captured by the SLA monitoring system implemented by the SI and

shall certify the same. The EMS deployed for system, based on SLAs, shall be

configured to calculate the payout by Andhra Pradesh State Police Department to


8. Project Documentation The Agency shall review the project documents developed by SI including

requirements, design, source code, installation, training and administration

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manuals, version control etc. Any issues/gaps identified by the Agency in any of

the above areas, shall be addressed to the complete satisfaction of Andhra

Pradesh State Police Department at no additional cost to the department.

9. Data Quality The Agency shall perform the Data Quality Assessment for the Data digitized/

migrated by SI to the system. The errors/gaps identified during the Data Quality

Assessment shall be addressed by SI without any additional cost to the

department before moving the data into production environment, which is a key

mile stone for Go-live of the solution.

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5.4 Scope of Services during Post-Implementation Phase As part of the operations and maintenance services, the SI shall provide support

for the software, hardware, and other infrastructure that are in the scope of this

RFP. SI shall provide five (5) years of comprehensive support from the date of

Go Live that includes

1. Software maintenance and support services

2. Application functional support services

3. Warranty support for all the new hardware procured as part of this RFP

4. AMC support for Hardware

a. Hardware augmented as part of this RFP

b. Specific hardware required as per the RFP once the current AMC by the

original vendor expires

5. Annual Technical Support (ATS) for all the licensed software

6. Operations and maintenance services for the infrastructure supplied and

commissioned by the SI for the solution at the Data Center and Disaster

Recovery Center

7. Central Helpdesk from the State designated premises

8. Handholding Support for the end users at each of the locations including

deployment of one competent person for each Police Stations for a period of

six (6) months to handhold the Police Station personnel after the Enterprise

eCOPS application and the necessary infrastructure are successfully

commissioned in the Police Stations.

The services shall be rendered onsite from the State designated premises. To

provide the support for the Police Stations, Circle Offices, Sub-Divisional Police

Offices, District Headquarters / Commissionerates, Ranges, Regions, State Police

Headquarters and other Police locations across the State where the software,

hardware and other infrastructure will be rolled out. SI is shall experienced and

skilled personnel at each location. The SI will also ensure that there is a service

center available or setup at each district or a group of districts of the State as

per mutual understanding between State and the SI.

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Software Maintenance and Support Services As part of the software maintenance and support services SI shall provide: 1. The Software Maintenance and Support Services shall be provided for all

current modules of Enterprise eCOPS application and the enhancements

carried out by the SI as part of the scope of this RFP

2. The SI shall render both on-site and off-site maintenance and support

services to the State at all the designated locations

3. Tuning of application, databases, third party software’s and any other

components provided as part of the solution to optimize the performance

4. SI shall perform minor changes, bug fixes, error resolutions and minor

enhancements that are incidental to proper and complete working of the


5. Minor enhancements

6. Release Management for the interim releases of the application

7. Centralized version control of the application

8. Routine functional changes

9. Any changes to the application code that may be required because of

patches to licensed software being used (if any). The SI shall migrate all

the current functionality to the new / enhanced version at no additional cost

to State and any future upgrades, modifications or enhancements.

10. Any changes to application code that may be required because of upgrades

/ patches to CAS (Center).

11. Updating and maintenance of all project documents

12. Change request management based on feedback from the users or the

initiative of the SI. All planned changes to the application, especially major

enhancements and changes in functionality that are deviations from the

signed-off FRS/SRS, shall be coordinated within established Change control


13. The SI will define the Software Change Management and version control

process and obtain approval for the same from APeCOPS. For all proposed

changes to the application, the SI will prepare detailed documentation

including proposed changes, impact on the system in terms of functional

outcomes/additional features added to the system, etc.

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Application Functional Support Services

As part of the application functional support services SI shall provide:

1. The Application Functional Support Services shall be provided for all current

modules of Enterprise eCOPS application and the enhancements carried out

by the SI as part of the scope of this RFP. The SI shall render both on-site

maintenance and support services to the State from the APeCOPS/PCS&S

premises in the State.

2. Routine functional changes that include user and access management,

creating new report formats, and configuration of reports.

3. SI shall provide user support in case of technical difficulties in use of the

software, answering procedural questions, providing recovery and backup

information, and any other requirement that may be incidental/ancillary to

the complete usage of the application.

4. The SI shall perform user ID and group management services.

5. The SI shall maintain access controls to protect and limit access to the

authorized end users of the State.

6. The services shall include administrative support for user registration,

creating and maintaining user profiles, granting user access and

authorization, providing ongoing user password support, announcing and

providing networking services for users and providing administrative

support for print, file, directory and e-mail servers.

7. SI shall carry out the configuration of new Police Stations, new

acts/sections, and any other configurable data entities in the system as

required by the State

Warranty support for all the new hardware procured as part of this RFP

As part of the warranty services SI shall provide: 1. SI shall provide a comprehensive warranty and on-site free service

warranty for all the new hardware procured as part of this RFP

2. SI shall obtain the five year product warranty and five year onsite free

service warranty on all licensed software, computer hardware and

peripherals, networking equipment and other equipment from the OEMs.

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3. SI shall provide the comprehensive manufacturer's warranty in respect of

proper design, quality and workmanship of all hardware, equipment,

accessories etc. covered by the RFP. SI must warrant all hardware,

equipment, accessories, spare parts, software etc. procured and

implemented as per this RFP against any manufacturing defects during the

warranty period.

4. SI shall provide the performance warranty in respect of performance of the

installed hardware and software to meet the performance requirements and

service levels in the RFP.

5. SI is responsible for sizing and procuring the necessary hardware and

software licenses as per the performance requirements provided in the RFP.

During the warranty period SI shall replace or augment or procure higher-

level new equipment or additional licenses at no additional cost to the State

in case the procured hardware or software is not adequate to meet the

service levels.

6. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF). If during contract period, any

equipment has a hardware failure on four or more occasions in a period of

less than three months or six times in a period of less than twelve months,

it shall be replaced by equivalent or higher-level new equipment by the SI

at no cost to State. However, if the new equipment supplied is priced lower

than the price at which the original item was supplied, the differential cost

should be refunded to State. For any delay in making available the

replacement and repaired equipments for inspection, delivery of

equipments or for commissioning of the systems or for acceptance tests /

checks on per site basis, State reserves the right to charge a penalty.SI

shall track and report observed Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) for


7. During the warranty period SI shall maintain the systems and repair /

replace at the installed site at no charge to State all defective components

that are brought to the SI's notice.

8. The SI shall as far as possible repair the equipment at site.

9. In case any hard disk drive of any server, SAN, or client machine is

replaced during warranty / AMC the unserviceable HDD will be property of

State and will not be returned to SI.

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10. Warranty should not become void, if State buys, any other supplemental

hardware from a third party and installs it within these machines under

intimation to the SI. However, the warranty will not apply to such

supplemental hardware items installed.

11. SI shall carry out Preventive Maintenance (PM), including cleaning of

interior and exterior, of all hardware and testing for virus, if any, and

should maintain proper records at each site for such PM. Failure to carry

out such PM will be a breach of warranty and the warranty period will be

extended by the period of delay in PM. PM envisages all activities require to

be undertaken for good upkeep of hardware. It also includes the end user

equipment or client side infrastructure.

12. SI shall monitor warranties to check adherence to preventive and repair

maintenance terms and conditions.

13. SI shall ensure that the warranty complies with the agreed Technical

Standards, Security Requirements, Operating Procedures, and Recovery


14. SI shall have to stock and provide adequate onsite and offsite spare parts

and spare component to ensure that the uptime commitment as per SLA is


15. Any component that is reported to be down on a given date should be

either fully repaired or replaced by temporary substitute (of equivalent

configuration) within the time frame indicated in the Service Level

Agreement (SLA).

16. SI shall develop and maintain an inventory database to include the

registered hardware warranties.

AMC support for hardware augmented as part of this RFP and specific

hardware required as per the RFP once the AMC by the original vendor


As part of the AMC services SI shall provide:

1. SI shall provide a comprehensive AMC for 5 years from the date of Go Live


a. hardware augmented as part of this RFP

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b. specific hardware required as per the RFP once the AMC by the original

vendor expires

2. SI is responsible for sizing and augmenting the existing hardware and

software licenses as per the performance requirements provided in the RFP.

During the AMC period SI shall replace or augment or additional licenses at

no additional cost to the State in case the augmented hardware or software

is not adequate to meet the service levels

3. During the AMC period SI shall maintain the systems and repair / replace at

the installed site, at no charge to State, all defective components that are

brought to the SI's notice.

4. SI shall as far as possible repair the equipment at site.

5. In case any hard disk drive of any server, SAN, or client machine is

replaced during AMC the unserviceable HDD will be property of State and

will not be returned to SI

6. AMC should not become void, if State buys, any other supplemental

hardware from a third party and installs it within these machines under

intimation to the SI. However, the AMC will not apply to such supplemental

hardware items installed.

7. SI shall carry out Preventive Maintenance (PM), including cleaning of

interior and exterior, of all hardware and testing for virus, if any, and

should maintain proper records at each site for such PM. Failure to carry

out such PM will be a breach of AMC and the AMC period will be extended

by the period of delay in PM.

8. SI shall monitor AMC to check adherence to preventive and repair

maintenance terms and conditions.

9. SI shall ensure that the AMC complies with the agreed Technical

Standards, Security Requirements, Operating Procedures, and Recovery


10. SI shall have to stock and provide adequate onsite and offsite spare parts

and spare component to ensure that the uptime commitment as per SLA is


11. Any component that is reported to be down on a given date should be

either fully repaired or replaced by temporary substitute (of equivalent

configuration) within the time frame indicated in the Service Level

Agreement (SLA).

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12. SI shall develop and maintain an inventory database to include the

registered hardware AMCs.

Annual Technical Support (ATS) for all the licensed software

As part of the ATS services for all the licensed software SI shall provide:

1. SI shall maintain data regarding entitlement for software upgrades,

enhancements, refreshes, replacements and maintenance.

2. If the Operating System or additional copies of Operating System are

required to be installed / reinstalled / de-installed, the same should be

done as part of ATS.

3. SI should carry out any requisite adjustments / changes in the

configuration for implementing different versions of Application Software.

4. Updates/Upgrades/New releases/New versions. The SI shall provide from

time to time the Updates/Upgrades/New releases/New versions of the

software and operating systems as required. The SI should provide free

upgrades, updates & patches of the software and tools to State as and

when released by OEM. The SI will implement from time to time the

Updates/Upgrades/New releases/New versions of the software and

operating systems as required after necessary approvals from State about

the same

5. SI shall provide and apply regular patches to the licensed software

including the software, operating system, databases and other applications.

6. Software License Management. The SI shall provide for software license

management and control. SI shall maintain data regarding entitlement for

software upgrades, enhancements, refreshes, replacements, and

maintenance. SI should perform periodic audits to measure license

compliance against the number of valid End User software licenses

consistent with the terms and conditions of site license agreements, volume

purchase agreements, and other mutually agreed upon licensed software

terms and conditions and report to APeCOPS on any exceptions to SI terms

and conditions, to the extent such exceptions are discovered

7. SI shall provide complete manufacturer’s technical support for all the

licensed software problems and/or questions, technical guidance, defect

and non-defect related issues. SI shall provide a single-point-of-contact for

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software support and provide licensed software support including but not

limited to problem tracking, problem source identification, problem impact

(severity) determination, bypass and recovery support, problem resolution,

and management reporting.

8. The manufacturer’s technical support shall at a minimum include online

technical support and telephone support during the State business hours

(Business hours in State will be from 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM on all days

(Mon-Sun)) with access for State and SI to the manufacturer’s technical

support staff to provide a maximum of 4 hour response turnaround time.

There should not be any limits on the number of incidents reported to the

manufacturer. State shall have access to the online support and tools

provided by the manufacturer. State shall also have 24x7 access to a

variety of technical resources including the manufacturer’s knowledge base

with complete collections of technical articles.

9. Software Distribution. SI shall formulate a distribution plan prior to rollout

and distribute / install the licensed and tested software as per the plan.

10. The ATS Services will cover, all product upgrades, modifications and


11. The SI shall undertake regular preventive maintenance of the licensed


Operations and maintenance services for the server and related

infrastructure supplied and commissioned by the SI for the application

at the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center

As part of the Operations and Maintenance support for the server and related

infrastructure supplied and commissioned by the SI for the application at the

Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center SI shall provide:

1. The scope of the services for overall IT infrastructure management as per

ITIL framework shall include 365x24x7 on site Monitoring, Maintenance and

Management of the server and related infrastructure supplied and

commissioned by the SI for the application at the Data Center and Disaster

Recovery Center. The business hours in State will be from 08:00 AM to 08:00

PM on all days (Mon-Sun). SI will plan these services accordingly. The SI

shall provide the MIS reports for all the devices installed in the Data Center

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and Disaster Recovery Center in format and media as mutually agreed with

the State on a monthly basis. Whenever required by State, SI should be able

to provide additional reports in a pre-specified format. The indicative services

as part of this support are as below:

a. System Administration, Maintenance & Management Services

b. Application Monitoring Services

c. Network Management Services

d. Backend Services (Mail, messaging, etc)

e. Storage Administration and Management Services

f. IT Security Administration Services and Services for ISO 27001

and ISO 20000 compliance

g. Backup and Restore Services

System Administration, Maintenance & Management Services

The objective of this service is to support and maintain all the Systems and

Servers provided as a part of this Contract, and shall include

a. 365x24x7 monitoring and management of the servers in the DC and DRC.

b. Regular monitoring of all the applications hosted.

c. Operating System administration, including but not limited to management of

users, processes, preventive maintenance and management of servers

including updates, upgrades and patches to ensure that the system is

properly updated.

d. Installation and Re-installation of the server and other hardware in the event

of system crash/failures.

e. Regular analysis of events and logs generated in all the sub-systems

including but not limited to servers, operating systems, security devices, etc

to identify vulnerabilities. Necessary Action shall be taken by the SI in

accordance with the results of the log analysis. Suitable mechanism has to

be maintained for security and forensic related logs or as per requirement of

other government regulations issued from time to time.

f. Adoption of policies and procedure, compliances, guideline or international

standard as defined by the State.

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g. Provide integration and user support on all supported servers, data storage

systems, etc.

h. Troubleshoot problems with web services, mail services, applications

software, desktop/server relationship issues and overall aspects of a server


i. Problems shall be logged in at the Help Desk and resolved as per the SLAs


j. Manage and monitor server configuration, performance and activity of all

servers. Performance optimization and reporting - Process and Memory

Management, Monitoring CPU performance, Monitoring Memory performance,

Monitoring Input / Output performance, Monitoring Ethernet Traffic, etc.

k. Prepare and keep up to date document containing configurations of all server,

IT infrastructure etc.

l. Hardening servers in line with security policies.

m. Carry out the DC and DRC failure testing and half yearly BCP real drills.

n. Perform Database Administration activities for Database. The SI agrees that

all databases of the State will be administered as per standards and

requirements. The service covers all the databases run on servers / SAN at

DC and DRC including but not limited to:-

o. Start-up and shutdown of databases.

p. Daily / Weekly / Monthly backup of databases.

q. Database recovery when required.

r. Weekly database recovery checks.

s. Required logs maintenance as per policies of the State.

t. Disaster recovery as per polices of the State.

u. Documentation upkeep and records maintenance.

v. User account management.

w. Database problem resolution.

x. Performance tuning.

y. Replication of Database from DC to DRC.

Application Monitoring Services

The services to be provided by the SI for Application Monitoring shall include:

(a) Web services.

(b) Application server.

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(c) Database server.

(d) Middleware.

(e) Other components.

Network Management Services

SI shall ensure continuous operation and upkeep of the LAN & WAN

infrastructure at the DC, DRC, and all the Police Stations and Higher Offices

including all active and passive components. For overall functioning of the

network connectivity, the SI shall be responsible to coordinate with Network

Connectivity Provider’s team for WAN link related issues. The services to be

provided for Network Management shall include:

(a) Ensuring that the network is available 365x24x7 as per the

prescribed SLAs.

(b) Attending to and resolving network failures and snags.

(c) Support and maintain the overall network infrastructure including

but not limited to LAN passive components, routers, switches, and

SAN switches etc.

(d) Configuration and backup of network devices including

documentation of all configurations.

(e) 365x24x7 monitoring of the network to spot the problems


(f) Provide information on performance, including capacity utilization

and error statistics for the network components.

(g) Test new Network applications and tools installations prior to

general use to check compatibility with the existing LAN and

WAN configuration.

(h) Establish, in conjunction with the State, a test and implementation

plan prior to each application and tool installation.

(i) Identify and communicate to the State, any prerequisites (e.g., disk

space, operating system, data backup) prior to licensed software

and tools implementation and any post install requirements (e.g.,

security, software support), or any updates to the configuration


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(j) Provide a single-point-of-contact to WAN support personnel from

State. The Network specialist representing the SI will respond to the

initial request from State within standard service level objectives.

(k) Provide one copy of appropriate software operational documentation

to State.

Backend Services (Mail, messaging, etc)

SI shall maintain and support all the backend services (mail, messaging, etc)

implemented that include Directory Services such as domain management,

group management, user management, Database Services. The SI shall

implement and effectively run the mailing service for the users.

Storage Administration and Management Services

The services to be provided by the SI shall include:

(a) Identify key resources in the Storage solution.

(b) Identify interconnects between key resources in the Storage solution.

(c) Receive asynchronous notification that the configuration of the

Storage solution has changed.

(d) Identify the health of key resources in the Storage solution.

(e) Identify the available performance of interconnects in the Storage


(f) Receive asynchronous notification that the performance of the

Storage interconnect solution has changed.

(g) Identify the zones being enforced in the Storage solution.

(h) Create/delete and enable/disable zones in the Storage solution.

(i) Identify the storage volumes in the Storage solution.

(j) Create/delete/modify storage volumes in the Storage solution.

(k) Identify the connectivity and access rights to Storage Volumes in the

Storage solution.

(l) Create/delete and enable/disable connectivity and access rights to

Storage Volumes in the Storage solution.

(m) Storage administration - facilitates the states in connecting to the

Storage later and gives them access rights as required.

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IT Security Administration Services and Services for ISO 27001 and ISO

20000 compliance

SI shall be responsible for operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and

improving the Information Security Management System (ISMS) at the DC and

DRC. SI shall implement and maintain the ISO 27001 standard. SI shall be

responsible for implementation and maintenance of ISO 20000 standard to

promote the adoption of an integrated process approach to effectively deliver the

services. The services to be provided by the SI shall include:

(a) Addressing the on-going needs of security management including, but not

limited to, monitoring of various devices / tools such as firewall, intrusion

detection, content filtering and blocking, virus protection, and vulnerability

protection through implementation of proper patches and rules.

(b) Maintaining an updated knowledge base of all the published security

vulnerabilities and virus threats for related software.

(c) Ensuring that patches/workarounds for identified vulnerabilities are

patched/ blocked immediately.

(d) Respond to security breaches or other security incidents and coordinate

with respective OEM in case a new threat is observed to ensure that

workaround / patch is made available for the same.

(e) Provide a well-designed identity management system, security of physical

and digital assets, data and network security, backup and recovery etc.

(f) Maintenance and management of security devices, including, but not

limited to maintaining firewall services to restrict network protocols and

traffic, detecting intrusions or unauthorized access to networks, systems,

services, applications or data, protecting email gateways, firewalls,

servers, from viruses.

(g) Ensuring that the security policy maintained and draft various relevant,

procedures, guidelines and other ISMS documents as per ISO 27001

standard and implement these procedure accordingly, these documents

shall be maintained and updated as per the ISMS ISO 27001 requirement.

(h) A process must ensure the continuous improvement of all elements of the

information and security management system. The ISO/IEC 27001

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standard adopts the Plan-Do-Check-Act [PDCA] model as its basis and

expects the model to be followed in an ISMS implementation.

(i) Suitable mechanism has to be adopted for maintaining the ISMS, forensic

logs or other as required for compliance by the SI time to time.

Backup and Restore Services The services to be provided by SI shall include: (a) Backup of storage as per the defined policies.

(b) Monitoring and enhancing the performance of scheduled backups,

schedule regular testing of backups and ensuring adherence to

related retention policies as defined by State.

(c) Prompt execution of on-demand backups of volumes and files

whenever required or in case of upgrades and configuration changes

to the system.

(d) Real-time monitoring, log maintenance and reporting of backup

status on a regular basis.

(e) Media management tasks, including, but not limited to, tagging,

cross-referencing, storing, logging, testing, and vaulting in fire proof

cabinets (onsite and offsite).

(f) 365x24x7 support for file and volume restoration requests at the DC

and DRC.

Central Helpdesk at the AP Police designated premises

As part of the Centralized Helpdesk and Support for end users at each location

SI shall provide:

1. The service will be provided in the local language of the Andhra Pradesh


2. The help desk service that will serve as a single point of contact for all ICT

related incidents and service requests. The service will provide a Single

Point of Contact (SPOC) and also resolution of incidents. AP Police/APeCOPS

requires the SI to provide Help Desk services to track and route requests

for service and to assist end users in answering questions and resolving

problems related to the software application, network, Data Center,

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Disaster Recovery Center, Client side infrastructure, and operating systems

at all locations. It becomes the central collection point for contact and

control of the problem, change, and service management processes. This

includes both incident management and service request management.

3. SI shall provide a second level of support for application and technical

support at Police Stations, Circle Offices, Sub-divisional Police Offices,

District Police headquarters / Police Commissionerates, Range Offices,

Regional Offices, State Police Headquarters and other locations across the

State where the software, hardware, and other infrastructure will be rolled

out. This is further elaborated as handholding support services in the Scope

of RFP.

4. For all the services of AP Police/APeCOPS within the scope of this RFP, SI

shall provide the following integrated customer support and help.

5. Establish a 16X6 Help Desk facility for reporting issues/ problems with the

software, hardware and other infrastructure.

6. SI shall maintain and support to all client side infrastructure including

hardware, networking components, and other peripherals.

7. SI shall provide maintenance of Hardware, including preventive, scheduled

and predictive Hardware support, as well as repair and / or replacement

activity after a problem has occurred.

8. SI shall provide functional support on the application components to the

end users.

9. SI shall also provide system administration, maintenance and management

services, LAN management services, and IT security administration


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6 Implementation and Roll-Out Plan Detailed Project Roll Out Plan (Indicative)

S. No.

Project Activity Deliverables Timelines in weeks (0 - from date of signing of contract)

1 Project planning i. Detailed Project Plan (DPP) for Implementation of the Project ii. Risk Management and Mitigation Plan iii. Manpower Deployment Plan


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of DPP, Risk Management, Manpower Deployment


Study and Design 2 System Study – study

the legislation, business processes and organization design of AP Police along with relevant reports such as PIM

iv. A comprehensive System Requirement Study (SyRS) document v. Templates for: Test plan, Technical Architecture Document, SyRS, SRS, design documents, site survey report & other templates


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of SyRS and templates 0+4 3 Detailed assessment of

functional and MIS requirements

vi. Updated/ vetted FRS report including list of additional features that would result in further improvement in the overall application performance for consideration of the AP Police vii. A comparative report on the extent of functionality currently available in the existing application (eCOPS by AP Police) other applications viii. Detailed integration and interfacing model ix. Change/ Reference document including all the changes or deviations from the eCOPS/ FRS of other modules


4 Finalization/ Vetting of FRS

Approval by APeCOPS Approval on updated FRS, comparative report, detailed integration & interfacing model & change/ reference document


5 Preparation of System Requirement Specification report and Software Requirement Specification report

x. System Requirement Specification Report and Software Requirement Specification reports meeting all the Business, Functional and technical requirement of AP Police and incorporating all the functional


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Detailed Project Roll Out Plan (Indicative)

specifications, standards provided by the NCRB, AP Police specific requirements and different integration points with CAS (Centre), external agencies and other applications of AP Police xi. List of additional features proposed in complete CCTNS Application xii. Enterprise eCOPS Implementation document w.r.t. Development, Configuration, Customization, Extension and Integration as per AP Police’s requirements

Approval by APeCOPS Approval of SyRS, SRS, Implementation document for Enterprise eCOPS (AP Police & NCRB)


6 Procurement of IT infrastructure at Data Centre


7 Preparation of Solution Design documents

A detailed Design document including: xiii. Technical Architecture Document (Application, Network, and Security) xiv. High Level Design xv. Low Level Design xvi. Enterprise eCOPS Application Test Plans and Test Cases


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of detailed document (AP Police & NCRB)


8 Site Survey for Phase-I xvii. A site survey report detailing the current status of each site and the enhancements to be made at each site(s) based on the State’s requirement and the guidelines of MHA, NCRB. SI to submit district wise report as and when the survey is completed.


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of Site Survey Report 0+16 9 IT infrastructure sizing xviii. Final BoM with Technical

specifications for the IT Hardware, Network and other IT Infrastructure Requirements xix. Strategy for Data Centre and DR Site xx. Report on the reusability of existing infrastructure xxi. Hardware procurement & Deployment plan


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of reports on final infrastructure requirements, reusability of existing infrastructure and hardware


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Detailed Project Roll Out Plan (Indicative)

procurement & deployment plan (AP Police & NCRB)

10 Others xxii. Data Digitization & Migration Strategy and Methodology


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of Data Digitation & Migration Strategy & methodology


11 Commissioning and operationalization of IT infrastructure at Data Centre


12 Development of Enterprise eCOPS & unit testing of all modules


Implementation 13 Prototype testing of

Enterprise eCOPS based on the requirement specifications

xxiii. Feedback Report based on Prototype testing


14 Finalization of requirement specifications

xxiv. Final FRS, SyRS, SRS and other requirements with all the Solution Design documents based on feedback on prototype testing


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of prototype testing & solution document


15 Integration with CAS (Centre)


16 Data migration and digitization of historical data of Phase-I


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of data migration & digitisation of historical data


17 Migration of CIPA and CCIS Police Stations/ non-CIPA and CCIS Police Stations/ Higher Offices to CCTNS


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of migration of CIPA & CCIS Police Stations/ non-CIPA Police Stations & CCIS Police Stations/ Higher officers to CCTNS


18 Testing of configured & deployed solution (CAS/ Enterprise eCOPS) and additional functionalities. The existing system (eCOPS) will run in parallel till transition period testing and shall migrate to new system (Enterprise eCOPS) once declared commissioned.

xxv. Test Reports 0+48

Approval by APeCOPS Approval of test reports 0+52 19 Site preparation at

Phase-I Client site locations


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Detailed Project Roll Out Plan (Indicative)

20 Procurement, Commissioning and Operationalizing the IT infrastructure at Pilot / Phase-I locations


21 User Acceptance & Testing of Phase-I implementation


22 User Training on Phase-I CCTNS Solution

xxvi. Training of users and evaluation report


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of evaluation report 0+52 23 Phase-I rollout in three

districts xxvii. Report on amendments / enhancements / modifications made based on inputs of AP Police


24 Go-Live of Phase-I xxviii. Commissioning Report for Phase-I Sites, Data Centre Site xxix. Performance and Load Testing Report for Phase-I xxx. Operational Helpdesk xxxi. Manpower deployment details


Approval by APeCOPS Acceptance of commissioning of Phase-I on the basis of completion of activities


25 Improvement of application according to the experience of Phase I


Phase II implementation

26 CCTNS Solution customization (if any) for Phase II and integration with external agencies & advanced applications. The existing system (eCOPS) will run in parallel till transition period testing and shall migrate to new system (Enterprise eCOPS) once declared commissioned.


Approval by APeCOPS 27 Site Survey for Phase-II A site survey report detailing the

current status of each site and the enhancements to be made at each site(s) based on the State’s requirement and the guidelines of MHA, NCRB. SI to submit district wise report as and when the survey is completed.


28 Site preparation at Phase II Client locations

Report on site preparation 0+52

Approval by APeCOPS Approval of report on site preparation


29 Procurement, 0+56

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Detailed Project Roll Out Plan (Indicative)

Commissioning and Operationalizing of IT infrastructure at Phase II Client locations including DR site.

30 Data migration and digitization of historical data of Phase-II


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of data migration & digitisation of historical data


31 Capacity Building and Change Management

Capacity Building & change management report


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of evaluation report & change management report


32 User Training on complete CCTNS Solution

Training of users & evaluation report and change management report


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of evaluation report & change management report


33 State wide rollout of Phase II

xxxii. Report on amendments/ enhancements/ modifications made based on inputs of AP Police / Third Party’s Acceptance Testing for State-wide Roll-Out


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of report 0+76 34 3rd party Acceptance

testing, audit and certification of complete CCTNS Solution

xxxiii. Third Party Acceptance Testing Certificate


35 SLA and Performance Monitoring Plan

xxxiv. Detailed plan for monitoring of SLAs and performance of the overall system


Approval by APeCOPS Approval of detailed plan for monitoring of SLAs and performance of the overall system


36 Go-Live for complete CCTNS Solution

xxxv. Go-Live Acceptance from AP Police xxxvi. Report on roll-out across State including a. Site Preparation and Infrastructure Deployment Report across State including DR site b. Manpower Deployment Report c. Data Migration Report including Test Plans and Test Results for Data Migration d. Training Delivery Report e. Overall Test Report


Approval by APeCOPS Acceptance of commissioning of Phase II (Entire CCTNS Project commissioning) on the basis of completion of activities


Post Implementation - Operation and Maintenance 5 Years since the “Go-Live” of Complete

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Detailed Project Roll Out Plan (Indicative)

CCTNS Solution

1 Handholding support Reports submission on handholding of sites

For next 6 months from “Go-Live of each of the phases and complete CCTNS solution respectively”

Approval by APeCOPS Approval of reports Within one month of report submission by SI

2 Project Operation and Maintenance

xxxvii. Monthly & Half yearly Progress Report on Project including SLA Monitoring Report and Exception Report xxxviii. Project Quality Assurance report xxxix. Details of all the issues logged

5 Years from the date of “Go-Live” of each of the Phases and Complete CCTNS Solution

Approval by APeCOPS Approval of half yearly reports Within two weeks of report submission by SI

Note: Whereever a particular milestone which needs to be approved by APeCOPS consists of multiple deliverables, and such deliverables need to follow a logical sequential flow of acceptance the SI should ensure that the deliverables are delivered in the right order within the overall timeline of that milestone. SI shall prepare a detailed roll-out plan for each of the Districts in the Phase and

get the same approved by the APeCOPS. SI is also responsible for conducting

workshops for the key officers (State Mission Team, District Mission Team, and

District Core Team) of the Districts / State for presenting the District-Wise roll-

out plan and get the approval from the District Teams before getting the final

approval of the State Nodal Officer. The SI shall also provide the necessary

assistance for the key officers (State Mission Team, District Mission Team, and

District Core Team) of the Districts / State during the design and implementation

of CCTNS in the State.

One of the important factors that would determine the success of the CCTNS /

Enterprise eCOPS implementation in the Andhra Pradesh State is the continuous

availability of domain experts to the implementation team. SI shall put together

a team of domain experts with a minimum of 10 years of experience in the

State/UT Police Department who will work on this project on a full time basis

during the entire duration of the project.

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List of Indicative Deliverables: Overall Project Plan Enterprise eCOPS Customization / Extension

a. Requirements Traceability Matrix

b. Refined Functional Requirements Specification

c. Systems Requirement Specification

d. Design Document (High Level Design and Low Level Design)

e. Test Plans

f. CAS Configuration / Customization / Extension Document

g. Change / Reference Document documenting changes to the base

version of Enterprise eCOPS.

Network Connectivity

a. Network Architecture

b. Network diagrams (LAN and WAN) for PS / HO to State DC / DRC

c. Network diagrams for connectivity between State DC / DRC to


Data Migration Strategy and Methodology including Detailed Data Migration Plan

Change Management and Capacity Building

a. Overall Change Management Plan

b. Content for Change Management including Awareness and

Communication Program

c. Overall Capacity Building Plan and District-wise Training

Schedule and Curriculum

d. Training Material

District-wise Roll-out / Implementation Plans

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7 Annexure: Service Levels 1. This document describes the service levels to be established for the

Services offered by the SI to the Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS.

The SI shall monitor and maintain the stated service levels to provide

quality service to the Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS.

2. Definitions: a) “Scheduled Maintenance Time” shall mean the time that the System is

not in service due to a scheduled activity as defined in this SLA. The scheduled

maintenance time would not be during scheduled operation time. Further,

scheduled maintenance time is planned downtime with the prior permission of

the APeCOPS.

b) “Scheduled operation time” means the scheduled operating hours of the

System for the month. All scheduled maintenance time on the system would be

deducted from the total operation time for the month to give the scheduled

operation time. The total operation time for the systems and applications within

the Primary DC, DRC and critical AP Police site infrastructure will be 24x7x365.

The total operation time for the other AP Police site systems shall be 18 hours.

c) “System or Application downtime” means accumulated time during which

the System is totally inoperable within the Scheduled Operation Time but outside

the scheduled maintenance time and measured from the time the Andhra

Pradesh Police / APeCOPS and /or its officials/employees log a call with the SI

team of the failure or the failure is known to the SI from the availability

measurement tools to the time when the System is returned to proper


d) “Availability” means the time for which the services and facilities are available

for conducting operations on the Andhra Pradesh Police system including

application and associated infrastructure. Availability is defined as:

{(Scheduled Operation Time – System Downtime) / (Scheduled Operation Time)} * 100%

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e) “Helpdesk Support” shall mean the 16x6 basis support centre which shall

handle Fault reporting, Trouble Ticketing, and related enquiries during this


f) “Incident” refers to any event / abnormalities in the functioning of

the Data Centre Equipment / Services that may lead to disruption in

normal operations of the Data Centre, System, or Application services.

g) “Error” in data digitization or data migration exercise, refers to the

mistakes made intentional/ unintentional by SI which may or may not change

the actual meaning of the subject.

h) “Security Breaches” mean any type of vulnerability such as unauthorized

access/ manipulation to any of the hardware components or Enterprise eCOPS or

any critical application of DC & DR sites or data by any unauthorized user

through LAN/ Internet/ Intranet, portal/ website hacking.

3. Interpretations: a) The business hours are 8:00AM to 8:00PM on all working days (Mon-Sat)

excluding Public Holidays or any other Holidays observed by the Andhra Pradesh

Police (Except Police Stations). The SI however recognizes the fact that the

Andhra Pradesh Police offices will require to work beyond the business hours on

need basis.

b) " Non-Business Hours "shall mean hours excluding “business Hours”. c) 18x7 shall mean hours between 06:00AM -12.00AM midnight on all days of

the week.

d) If the operations at Primary DC are not switched to DRC within the stipulated

timeframe (Recovery Time Objective), it will be added to the system downtime.

e) The availability for a cluster will be the average of availability computed

across all the servers in a cluster, rather than on individual servers. However,

non compliance with performance parameters for infrastructure and system /

service degradation will be considered for downtime calculation.

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f) The SLA parameters shall be monitored on a monthly basis as per the

individual SLA parameter requirements. However, if the performance of the

system/services is degraded significantly at any given point in time during the

contract and if the immediate measures are not implemented and issues are not

rectified to the complete satisfaction of the Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS or

an agency designated by them, then the Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS will

have the right to take appropriate disciplinary actions including termination of

the contract.

g) A Service Level violation will occur if the SI fails to meet Minimum Service

Levels, as measured on a half yearly basis, for a particular Service Level. Overall

Availability and Performance Measurements will be on a monthly basis for the

purpose of Service Level reporting. An “Availability and Performance Report” will

be provided by the SI on monthly basis in the Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS

suggested format and a review shall be conducted based on this report. A

monthly Availability and Performance Report shall be provided to the Andhra

Pradesh Police / APeCOPS at the end of every month containing the summary of

all incidents reported and associated SI performance measurement for that

period. The monthly Availability and Performance Report will be deemed to be

accepted by the Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS upon review and signoff by SI

and the Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS. Where required, some of the Service

Levels will be assessed through audits or reports e.g. utilization reports,

measurements reports, etc., as appropriate to be provided by the SI on a

monthly basis, in the formats as required by the Andhra Pradesh Police The

tools to perform the audit will need to be provided by the SI. Audits will normally

be done on regular basis or as required by the Andhra Pradesh Police/APeCOPS

and will be performed by the Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS or the appointed

third party agencies.

h) EMS system as specified in this RFP shall play a critical role in monitoring the

SLA compliance and hence will have to be customized accordingly. The 3rd party

testing and audit of the system shall put sufficient emphasis on ensuring the

capability of EMS system to capture SLA compliance correctly and as specified in

this RFP. The selected System Integrator (SI) must deploy EMS tool and develop

additional scripts (if required) for capturing the required data for SLA report

generation in automated way. This tool should generate the SLA Monitoring

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report in the end of every month which is to be shared with the Andhra Pradesh

Police / APeCOPS on a monthly basis. The tool should also be capable of

generating SLA reports for a half-year. The Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS

will audit the tool and the scripts on a regular basis.

i) The Post Implementation SLAs will prevail from the start of the Operations

and Maintenance Phase. However, SLAs will be subject to being redefined, to the

extent necessitated by field experience at the Police Stations / Higher Offices

and the developments of technology practices globally. The SLAs may be

reviewed on an annual/bi-annual basis as the Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS

decides after taking the advice of the SI and other agencies. All the changes

would be made by the Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS in consultation with the


j) The SI is expected to provide the following service levels. In case these

service levels cannot be achieved at service levels defined in the tables below, it

shall result in a breach of contract and invoke the penalty clause. Payments to

the SI are linked to the compliance with the SLA metrics laid down in the tables

below. The penalties will be computed and calculated as per the computation

explained in this agreement. During the contract period, it is envisaged that

there could be changes to the SLA, in terms of addition, alteration, or deletion of

certain parameters, based on mutual consent of both the parties i.e. the Andhra

Pradesh Police/APeCOPS and SI.

k) Following tables outlines the key service level requirements for the system,

which needs be ensured by the SI during the operations and maintenance

period. These requirements shall be strictly imposed and either the Andhra

Pradesh Police/APeCOPS or a third party audit/certification agency shall be

deployed for certifying the performance of the SI against the target performance

metrics as outlined in the tables below.

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7.1 Implementation Phase SLAs: 1. Capacity Building: Service level Description


Capacity Building

All the trainees within each of the training program should pass the training exam with more than 80% or more marks conducted after their training

Severity of Violation: High This service level will be monitored and measured on a per District basis through online examination of each trainee and their result

If the training quality in the program falls below the minimum service level, it will be treated as one (1) violation.

The total number of violations for the payment period will be the cumulative number of violations across all the programs across all Districts in the payment period.

2. Data Migration / Digitization: Service level Description


Data Migration/ Digitization

Errors having “High” impact would amount from mistakes in section of offence/ FIR details/ Name of accused or complainant/ particulars of accused such as address, contact details, ID (DL No., passport No. etc.). High impacting errors shall have direct implications to penalties.

Errors having “Low” impact would amount from other mistakes. Three (3) or less low impacting errors per case file will not be subjected for penalties, however mistakes would be corrected by SI at the time of such incident is reported.

Severity of Violation: High

This service level will be measured on a monthly basis for each Police Station / Higher Office.

If the data migration / digitization service level in a Police Station / Higher Office falls below the minimum service level, it will be treated as one (1) violation.

The total number of violations for the payment period will be the cumulative number of violations across all the Police Stations / Higher Offices in the payment period.

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Delivery Related Service Level Agreement (SLA) Criteria

Explanation: The deduction mentioned in this table shall be made from the next due payment to the SI for services provided on Statewide basis.

S. No.

Service Metrics


Baseline Lower Performance Violation of SLA Basis of



Metric Metric Deduction Metric Deduction

1 Delivery of the reports/ deliverables as defined in the implementation and roll out plan given in Section 6 of Vol-I

As per the timelines defined in the implementation and roll out plan given in Section 6 of Vol-I

One week after the due date

Rs. 10,000/- per week

>1 week after the due date

Rs. 20,000/- for every week of delay

Timelines for delivery of reports as in the implementation and roll out plan given in Section 6 of Vol-I

2 System study, design, development, testing of enterprise e-COPS & its Integration with other applications including migrations of existing data & UAT (User Acceptance Testing) as per requirement mentioned in this RFP

12 Months from date of signing of contract

13-15 Months

Rs. 10,000/- per month of delay

> 15 Months Rs. 1,00,000/- per month of delay

Months taken after beginning of the assignment to develop and test the application at the Data center by the Operator, not including the software audit by TPA

The application should be tested for desired functionalities, security, and completeness as well as compliance with SLA, within the period

3 Supply, installation and Commissioning of hardware at police locations

10 months (for Phase I) 13 months (for Phase II)

11-12 months (for Phase I) 14 months (for Phase II)

For Non-compliance at each site of deployment: Rs. 30,000/-

> 12 months (for Phase I) > 14 months (for Phase II)

For noncompliance at each site of deployment: Rs. 45,000/- Per Month

Months after taking over of the office site for project

The deduction shall be made per site basis, where criterion is not satisfied

4 Supply, installation 6 months from the 6-7 months Rs. 100,000/- > 7months Rs. 100,000 for Months taken after APeCOPS may

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Delivery Related Service Level Agreement (SLA) Criteria

Explanation: The deduction mentioned in this table shall be made from the next due payment to the SI for services provided on Statewide basis.

S. No.

Service Metrics


Baseline Lower Performance Violation of SLA Basis of



Metric Metric Deduction Metric Deduction

and Commissioning of the Data Center Equipment

date of signing of Contract

every month of delay

beginning of the assignment

conduct independent audit to verify that the data center is as per the Specifications

5 Capacity building All the trainees should pass the training

Less than 80% and more than 60% marks

Rs. 500/- Per Trainee

Less than 60% marks

Rs. 1000/- per trainee

Results from online examination test post training course

The feedback of the attendees must be taken after every training session/program and this feedback should be leveraged for improving the capacity building program

6 Data Digitization Error rate in a batch during verification should be less than 0.5%

Error rate between 0.5% and 5%

Rs 5,000 per batch and correction of records

Error rate of over 5%

Rs. 10,000 per batch and the entire batch to be re-done

Error rate in a batch during verification

Error rate is measured by percentage of records with corrections marked by the designated officials


Maintenance Phase

All the issues reported regarding hardware, software etc. should be

Resolution of issues within 2 working days of reporting

Rs. 500/- per instance

Resolution of the issue after 2 working days

Rs.1000/- for every day delay over and above beyond

Time and date of reporting of the issue


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Delivery Related Service Level Agreement (SLA) Criteria

Explanation: The deduction mentioned in this table shall be made from the next due payment to the SI for services provided on Statewide basis.

S. No.

Service Metrics


Baseline Lower Performance Violation of SLA Basis of



Metric Metric Deduction Metric Deduction

resolved within 24 hours (within 1 working day)

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3. Violations and Associated Penalties:

a) The primary intent of Penalties is to ensure that the system

performs in accordance with the defined service levels. Penalties are

not meant to be punitive or, conversely, a vehicle for additional


b) Penalty Calculations. The framework for Penalties, as a result of not

meeting the Service Level Targets is as follows:

i. The performance will be measured for each of the defined service level

metric against the minimum / target service level requirements and the

violations will be calculated accordingly.

ii. The number of violations in the reporting period for each level of

severity will be totaled and used for the calculation of Penalties.

iii. Penalties applicable for each of the high severity violations are 0.1% of

respective payment- period payment to the SI.

iv. Penalties applicable for each of the medium severity violations are

0.05% of respective payment- period payment to the SI.

Note: Whereever a particular milestone which needs to be approved by

APeCOPS consists of multiple deliverables, and such deliverables need

to follow a logical sequential flow of acceptance the SI should ensure

that the deliverables are delivered in the right order within the overall

timeline of that milestone.

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7.2 Post Implementation Phase SLAs: 1. Primary DC/DRC Site Infrastructure Systems and Application

Availability and Performance:

a) Production enterprise eCOPS and advanced applications - The

failure or disruption has a direct impact on the Andhra Pradesh Police’s ability

to service its Police Stations / Higher Offices, ability to perform critical back-

office functions or a direct impact on the organization. This includes but not

limited to:-

i. Storage and related switches at Primary DC and DRC.

ii. Web, Application, Database, and Backup Servers at Primary DC and


iii. Primary DC to DRC connectivity.

iv. Primary DC and DRC network infrastructure.

v. Primary DC and DRC security infrastructure.

b) Other Systems in Production and Non Production Systems

(Development, QA, and Training). The failure or disruption has no direct

impact on the Andhra Pradesh Police’s ability to serve its Police Stations /

Higher Offices, or perform critical back-office functions.

i. Production Non enterprise eCOPS Servers.

ii. Test, QA and Training Servers.

iii. Helpdesk infrastructure & applications.

iv. EMS Infrastructure.

c) Enterprise e-COPS Components and advanced applications. The

failure or disruption has a direct impact on the Andhra Pradesh Police’s

ability to service its Police Stations / higher offices, ability to perform critical

back-office functions or a direct impact on the organization.

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d) Non Enterprise eCOPS and advanced applications Components. The

failure or disruption has no direct impact on the Andhra Pradesh Police’s

ability to serve its police stations / higher offices, or perform critical

back-office functions.

e) These service levels will be monitored on a monthly basis.

f) The below tables gives details on the Service Levels the SI should


Service Level Description


Infrastructure Availability

Availability of production Enterprise eCOPS systems and advanced applications shall be at least 99%

Severity of Violation: High Availability over the six month period

Violations for calculation of penalty

< 99% &>= 98.5% 1 < 98.5% &>= 98% 2 < 98% 3

In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six month period falls below 98%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each % drop for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

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Infrastructure Availability

Availability of non Enterprise eCOPS and advanced applications in production and non-production systems shall be at least 97%.

Severity of Violation: Medium

Availability over the six month period

Violations for calculation of Penalty

< 97% &>= 96.5% 1 < 96.5% &>= 96% 2 < 96% 3

In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six month period falls below 96%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each % drop for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Infrastructure Availability

Recovery Time Objective (RTO) shall be less than or equal to six (6) hours.

Severity of Violation: High

Each instance of non-meeting this service level will be treated as one (1) violation.

Infrastructure Availability

Recovery Point Objective (RPO) should be zero minutes. (Zero data loss in case of failure of Primary DC).

Severity of Violation: High

Each instance of non-meeting this service level will be treated as two (2) violations.

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Infrastructure Performance

Sustained period of peak CPU utilization of any server crossing 70% (with the exception of batch processing) shall be less than or equal to 30 minutes.

Severity of Violation: High

Each occurrence where the peak CPU utilization of any server crosses 70% (with the exception of batch processing) and stays above 70% for time more than 30 minutes will be treated as one (1) instance. Number of instances over the six month period

Violations for calculation of penalty

>0 & <=3




In addition to the above, if the number of instances in any month in the six-month period exceeds 3, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Infrastructure Performance

Sustained period of peak I/O utilization of any server crossing 70% (with the exception of batch processing) shall be less than or equal to 30 minutes.

Severity of Violation: High

Each occurrence where the peak I/O utilization of any server crosses 70% (with the exception of batch processing) and stays above 70% for time more than 30 minutes will be treated as one (1) instance.

Number of instances over the six month period

Violations for calculation of penalty

>0 & <=3




In addition to the above, if the number of instances in any month in the six- month period exceeds 3, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

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Infrastructure Performance

Sustained period of peak memory utilization of any server crossing 70% (with the exception of batch processing) shall be less than or equal to 30 minutes.

Severity of Violation: High

Each occurrence where the peak memory utilization of any server crosses 70% (with the exception of batch processing) and stays above 70% for time more than 30 minutes will be treated as one (1) instance.

Number of instances over the six month period

Violations for calculation of penalty

>0 & <=3




In addition to the above, if the number of instances in any month in the six- month period exceeds 3, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Application Availability

Availability of Enterprise e-COPS solution components measured within the Data Center shall be at least 98%

Severity of Violation: High

This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis.

Availability over the six-month period

Violations for calculation penalty

<98% & >=96%


<96% & >=94%


<94% 3

In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six-month period falls below 94%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

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Every incidence of security breach would be considered high severity of violation

and would be treated as 5 violations for calculation of penalty. AP Police would

also have discretion to appoint third party agency for security audit of the entire

CCTNS system.

Application Availability

Availability of non-enterprise E-COPS solution components measured within the Data Center shall be at least 97%

Severity of Violation: Medium

This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis. Availability over the six month period

Violations for calculation of penalty

>97% & <=96%




In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six-month period falls below 96%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Application Performance

Average application response time during peak usage hours as measured from APeCOPS location within the Data Center shall not exceed 4 seconds.

Severity of Violation: High The list of critical business functions and peak usage hours will be identified by the Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS during the Supply and System Integration Phase. This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis.

Average application response time over the six-month period

Violations for calculation penalty

>4s & <=5s


>5s & <=6s




In addition to the above, if the average turnaround time in any month in the six-month period goes beyond 6s, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

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2. AP Police / APeCOPS Site Infrastructure Systems a) Critical AP Police Site Systems: The failure or disruption results in inability

of the police station / higher offices to service its dependent offices or

perform critical back-office functions. Critical AP Police site infrastructure

means the IT infrastructure at AP Police site which are shared by multiple users

i.e., Core Switch, Core Routers, etc.

b) This service level will be measured on a monthly basis for each

implementation site.

c) The below tables gives details on the Service Levels the SI should maintain. Service Level Description


Systems Availability at AP Police Sites

Availability of the critical site infrastructure components at all the implementation sites shall be at least 99% Severity of Violation: High This service level will be measured on a monthly basis for each implementation site. If the availability in a month for an implementation site falls below the minimum service level, it will be treated as one (1) violation. The total number of violations for the six-month period will be the cumulative number of violations across all the months across all sites in the six-month period.

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3. Handholding Support: AP Police Site Support:

a) Level 1 Incidents: The incident has an immediate impact on the Andhra

Pradesh Police's ability to service its Police Stations / Higher Offices, to

perform critical back-office functions or has a direct impact on the


b) Level 2 Incidents: The incident has an impact on the Andhra Pradesh

Police’s / APECOPS ability to service its Police Stations / Higher Offices

that while not immediate, can cause service to degrade if not resolved

within reasonable time frames.

c) The severity of the individual incidents will be mutually determined by the

Andhra Pradesh Police / APeCOPS and SPMU / SI.

d) The scheduled operation time for the AP Police / APeCOPS site systems

shall be the business hours of the AP Police / APeCOPS.

e) This service level will be measured on a monthly basis for each

implementation site.

f) The tables on the following page give details of the Service Levels the SI

is required to maintain.

Service Level Description


AP Police Site Support Performance

80% of the Level 1 Incidents at each site should be resolved within 2 business hours from the time call is received / logged whichever is earlier. The maximum resolution time for any incident of this nature shall not exceed 8 business hours. Severity of Violation: Medium This service level will be measured on a monthly basis for each implementation site. If the performance in a month for an implementation site falls below the minimum service level, it will be treated as one (1) instance. The total number of instances for the six-month period will be the cumulative number of instances across all the months across all sites in the six-month period.

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Average number of instances per month = (Total number of instances for the six-month period) / 6

Average number of

instances per month

Violations for calculation of penalty

>0 &<=4 1 >4 &<=8 2

>8 &<=12 3 >12 4

AP Police Site Support Performance

80% of the Level 2 Incidents at each site should be resolved within 6 business hours from the time a call is received / logged whichever is earlier. The maximum resolution time for any incident of this nature shall not exceed 48 hours.

Severity of Violation: Medium

This service level will be measured on a monthly basis for each implementation site.

If the performance in a month for an implementation site falls below the minimum service level, it will be treated as one (1) instance. The total number of instances for the six-month period will be the cumulative number of instances across all the months across all sites in the six-month period.

Average number of instances per month = (Total number of instances for the six-month period) / 6

Average number of instances per month

Violations for calculationof penalty

>0 &<=4 1 >4 &<=8 2 >8 &<=12 3 >12 4

AP Police Site Support Performance

Replacement of hardware equipment shall be done within 7 days of notification by the Andhra Pradesh Police. These equipments would have failed on four or more occasions in a period of less than three months or six times in a period of less than twelve months. (Mean Time Between Failure Condition)

Severity of Violation: High

Each instance of non-meeting this service level will be treated as one (1) violation.

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4. Handholding Support: Application Support:

a) Level 1 Defects: The failure to fix has an immediate impact on the

Andhra Pradesh Police’s ability to service its Police Stations / Higher

Offices, inability to perform critical back-office functions or a direct impact

on the organization.

b) Level 2 Defects: The failure to fix has an impact on the Andhra Pradesh

Police's ability to service its Police Stations / Higher Offices that while not

immediate, can cause service to degrade if not resolved within reasonable

time frames.

c) Level 3 Defects: The failure to fix has no direct impact on the Andhra

Pradesh Police's ability to serve its Police Stations / Higher Officers, or

perform critical back-office functions.

d) The severity of the individual defects will be mutually determined by the


e) This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis.

f) The below tables gives details on the Service Levels the SI should

maintain. Service Level Description


Application Support Performance

95% of the Level 1 defects shall be resolved within 4 business hours from the time of reporting full details. Severity of Violation: High This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis.

Performance over the six-month period

Violation for calculation of penalty

<95% &>=90% 1 <90% &>=95% 2 <85% 3

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In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six- month period falls below 85%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Application Support Performance

95% of the Level 2 defects shall be resolved within 72 hours from the time of reporting full details. Severity of Violation: High This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis. Performance over the six month period

Violation for calculation of penalty

<95% & >=90% 1 <90% & >=85% 2 <85% 3

In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six- month period falls below 85%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Application Support Performance

100% of the Level 3 defects shall be resolved within 120 hours from the time of reporting full details. Severity of Violation: High This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis. Performance over the six month period

Violation for calculation of penalty

<100% & >=90% 1 <90% & >=80% 2 <80% 3

In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six- month period falls below 80%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Application Support Performance

Up to date of the documentation of the design, modifications, enhancements, and defect-fixes in the half-yearly period. Severity of Violation: Medium

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This service level will be measured on a half-yearly basis. Each instance of non-meeting this service level will be treated as one (1) violation.

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5. Network Uptime: Severity of Violation: High This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis. The below tables gives details on the Service Levels the SI should maintain. Service Level Description


Network Uptime Availability of the network and all related components at all the implementation sites shall be at least 99%. Severity of Violation: High This service level will be measured on a monthly basis for each implementation site. If the network availability in a month falls below the minimum service level, it will be treated as one (1) violation. The total number of violations for the six-month period will be the cumulative number of violations across all the months across all sites in the six-month period.

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6. Handholding Support: Helpdesk and Data Center Support:

a) Level 1 Calls: The failure to fix has an immediate impact on the Andhra

Pradesh Police's / APeCOPS ability to service its Police Stations / Higher

Offices, inability to perform critical back-office functions or a direct

impact on the organization.

b) Level 2 Calls: The failure to fix has an impact on the Andhra Pradesh

Police’s / APeCOPS ability to service its Police Stations / Higher Offices

that while not immediate, can cause service to degrade if not resolved

within reasonable time frames.

c) Level 3 Calls. The failure to fix has no direct impact on the Andhra

Pradesh Police's / APeCOPS ability to serve its Police Stations / Higher

Offices, or perform critical back-office functions.

d) This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis.

e) The scheduled operation time for the Helpdesk shall be 24x7.

f) The below tables gives details on the Service Levels the SI should


Service Level Description


Helpdesk Performance

98% of the calls shall be answered within 45 seconds. Severity of Violation: High This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis. Performance over the six month period

Violation for calculation of penalty

<98% & >=90% 1 <90% & >=80% 2 <80% 3

In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six- month period falls below 80%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Helpdesk Performance

98% of the incidents within helpdesk resolution capacity shall be resolved in a cycle time of 24 hours.

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Severity of Violation: High This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis. Performance over the six month period

Violation for calculation of penalty

<98% & >=90% 1 <90% & >=80% 2 <80% 3

In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six- month period falls below 80%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Helpdesk Performance

98% of the non SI supported incidents shall be routed to the appropriate service provider (Telecom Service Provider(s) or any other) within 30 minutes. Severity of Violation: Medium This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis. Performance over the six month period

Violation for calculation of penalty

<98% & >=90% 1 <90% & >=80% 2 <80% 3

In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six- month period falls below 80%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level. In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six- month period falls below 80%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Helpdesk Performance

80% of the Level 1 calls shall be resolved within 2 hours from call received / logged whichever is earlier. The maximum resolution time for any incident of this nature shall not exceed 8 business hours. Severity of Violation: High. This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis. Performance over the six month period

Violation for calculation of penalty

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<80% & >=70% 1 <70% & >=60% 2 <60% 3

In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six-month period falls below 60%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level. In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six- month period falls below 80%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Helpdesk Performance

80% of the Level 2 calls shall be resolved within 6 hours from call received / logged whichever is earlier. The maximum resolution time for any incident of this nature shall not exceed 48 hours. Severity of Violation: High. This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis. Performance over the six month period

Violation for calculation of penalty

<80% & >=70% 1 <70% & >=60% 2 <60% 3

In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six- month period falls below 60%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level. In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six- month period falls below 80%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Helpdesk Performance

80% of the Level 3 calls shall be resolved within 24 hours from call received / logged whichever is earlier. The maximum resolution time for any incident of this nature shall not exceed 72 hours. Severity of Violation: High. This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis. Performance over the six month period

Violation for calculation of pen

<80% & >=70% 1

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<70% & >=60% 2 <60% 3

In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six- month period falls below 60%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level. In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in the six- month period falls below 80%, one (1) additional violation will be added for each such month to the overall violations for this service level.

Datacenter Support Performance

If any equipment would have failed on four or more occasions in a period of less than three months or six times in a period of less than twelve months, replacement of said hardware equipment shall be done within 3 days of notification by the Andhra Pradesh Police / APECOPS. Severity of Violation: High Each instance of non-meeting this service level will be treated as one (1) violation.

Datacenter Support Performance

Up to date of the documentation of the design, modifications, enhancements, and fixes. Severity of Violation: Medium. This service level will be measured on a monthly basis. Each instance of non-meeting this service level will be treated as one (1) violation.

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7. Reporting The below tables gives details on the Service Levels the SI should maintain for

AP Police site systems availability.

Service Level Description


Availability and Performance Report

Provide monthly SLA compliance reports, monitoring and maintenance related MIS reports by the 5th of the following month. Severity of Violation: Medium This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis. If the monthly SLA compliance report related to the service level metrics is not provided in the given timeframe, it will be treated as one (1) instance. The total number of instances for the six-month period will be the cumulative number of instances across all the months in the six-month period. Total number of instances 0ver the six month period

Violations for calculation of penalty

>0 & <=3 1 > 3 2

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8. Credits for Successful Application Uptake: The below tables gives details of the credits that can be gained by the SI for

successful uptake of the application in the Andhra Pradesh State. The credits will

not be calculated for the first reporting period and would commission from next

reporting period.

Service Level Description


CCTNS Uptake The following metrics will be measured at the end of each reporting period for each District that has been declared as “Go Live”: 1. Number of key transactions carried through internet (ex: Transactional

such as submitting an application for a no objection certificate and Informational such a requesting the status of a case).

2. Number of active users profiles in CCTNS. 3. Number of read-write transactions on CCTNS system. 4. Number of Searches carried out on data in CCTNS. 5. Total number of FIRs prepared through CCTNS. 6. Total number of Crime Details Forms prepared through CCTNS. 7. Total number of Key Investigation Forms prepared through CCTNS. 8. Total number of Arrest Cards prepared through CCTNS. 9. Total number of Charge Sheets prepared through CCTNS. 10. Quality (Recency and accuracy) of information available in CCTNS. 11. Number of cases reported to be solved because of the availability of

CCTNS 12. Number of ad-hoc requests successfully responded to using CCTNS. 13. Turnaround Time for submitting the monthly and annual

crime/criminal information to NCRB from the State/UT. A credit will be gained for each of the above parameters if the uptake for that parameter shows significant improvement. The following table applies for each of the above parameters: % increase over the measurement in the last reporting period


>5 &<=10% 2 >10 &<=15% 3 > 15% 4

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9. Violations and Associated Penalties:

a) The primary intent of Penalties is to ensure that the system performs in accordance with the defined service levels. Penalties are not meant to be punitive or, conversely, a vehicle for additional fees.

b) A six monthly performance evaluation will be conducted using the six monthly reporting periods of that period.

c) Penalty Calculations. The framework for Penalties, as a result of not meeting the Service Level Targets are as follows:

i. The performance will be measured for each of the defined service level metric against the minimum / target service level requirements and the violations will be calculated accordingly.

ii. The number of violations in the reporting period for each level of

severity will be totaled and used for the calculation of Penalties.

a. If the total number of credits gained by the SI is lower than the total number of high severity violations in the reporting period, the total number of credits will be subtracted from the total number of High Severity Violations in the reporting period for the calculation of Penalties.

b. If the total number of credits gained by the SI is higher

than the total number of high severity violations in the reporting period, the resultant total number of high severity violations in the reporting period for calculation of penalties will be considered as zero (0).

iii. Penalties applicable for each of the high severity violations are two

(2) % of respective half yearly payment to the SI.

iv. Penalties applicable for each of the medium severity violations are one (1%) of respective half yearly payment to the SI.

v. Penalties applicable for each of the low severity violations is half percentage (0.5%) of respective half yearly payment to the SI.

vi. Penalties applicable for not meeting a high (H) critical performance target in two consecutive half years on same criteria shall result in additional deduction of 5% of the respective half yearly payment to the SI. Penalty shall be applicable separately for each such high critical activity.

vii. Penalties applicable for not meeting a medium (M) critical performance target in three consecutive quarters on same criteria

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shall result in additional deduction of 3% of the respective quarterly payment to the SI. Penalty shall be applicable separately for each such medium critical activity.

viii. Penalties applicable for not meeting a low (L) critical performance target in three consecutive quarters on same criteria shall result in additional deduction of 2% of the respective quarterly payment to the SI. Penalty shall be applicable separately for each such medium critical activity.

ix. It is to be noted that if the overall penalty applicable for any of the review period during the currency of the contract exceeds 25% or if the overall penalty applicable for any of the successive half year periods during the currency of the contract is above 15%; then the Andhra Pradesh Police/APeCOPS shall have the right to terminate the contract.

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Annexure-1: Organization Chart Director General of Police

Addl. DGP (Rect.)

IGP (Comm.)

Addl. DGP (Int.)

Addl. DGP (CID)

Addl. DGP (Org.)

Addl. DGP (Welfare)

Addl. DGP (Legal)

Addl. DGP (Admin)

Addl. DGP (APSP)

Addl. DGP (Rly.) Addl. DGP (Trg.)

Addl. DGP (P & L)

Addl. DGP (Co-Ord)


DIG (Trg.)

Addl. DGP (Sports)

IGP, Rect.

DIG, Comm. SP, Comm. DSP, Comm.

DIG, Int SP, Int



Comdt. APSP

15 Bns – 1 CPL

IGP, Org. IGP. Sports IGP, Admin AIG, Admin

SRP SEC’Bad SRP Guntakal

SRP Vijayawada

SDPO Circles


SDPO Circles


SDPO Circles


SP, Tech.

DSP, Tech.


IGP (PCS & S) Addl. DGP (GH)

SDPO Circles PSs

DIG, Hyd.Range

IGP Hyd. Region

DIG, NZB.Range


SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles PSs

Zones ACPs PSs

Zones ACPs PSs




Principal, PTC (6)

SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles PSs


SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles PSs


SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles PSs

DIG ATP. Range

DIG Kur. Range

IGP Rayalseema Region


SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles



DIG KNR. Range



IGP Warangal Region

IG , Guntur Range


SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles


SDPO Circles PSs

IGP Andhra Region

DIG ELR. Range





Addl. DGP (HG) IG (GH)


Dir. (APPA) AD. (APPA)


Deputy Dir. (APPA)

SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles PSs

SDPO Circles


DIG VSP. Range


Addl. DGP (L & O)

IG (Trg.) DIG (Rly.)

SDPO Circles PSs



SDPO Circles PSs


SDPO Circles PSs


SDPO Circles PSs

DSP (Marine Police)

SP (Marine Police)

PS (Marine Police)

IGP, Int


Add. DGP (TS)

Addl. DGP Road Safety

IG (Marine Police)


(Marine Police)

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Annexure-2: Existing Legacy Applications and Systems Serial Number : 1  Application Name  Type of Application 

eCOPS  Investigation 

Application Description  eCOPS solution is a police modernization application specially designed 

to cater the needs of the Police Station activates such as Investigation, 

Law & Order maintenance, Court & prosecution services. This enables 

the  Police  Department  to  achieve  operational  efficiency  and  citizen 

centric services in an efficient manner. 

Technology Stack  Architecture : MVC Architecture 

Tech Specs: Java J2EE, Struts, EJB, Web Services,  Ajax, Oracle 10g, BIRT 


Deployment Details  AP Police State Data Center 

Number of Users  3000 users  (Total 1700 Police Stations) 

Gaps (indicative)  Not able to generate MCR Reports 

Not Integrated with other core Applications 

Templates /Checklists not available 

Higher offices Modules not Available 

Recommendations  Continues after Enterprise eCOPS  Yes 

Need to be enhanced with additional requirements as mentioned in the 

FRS (Annexure ) . 


Serial Number : 2  Application Name  Type of Application 

Criminal Intelligence System (CIS)  Investigation 

Application Description  Assist police investigators in identifying and short‐listing details of most 

probable  offenders  with  their  personal  particulars,  photographs, 

associates, pending NBWs etc.. 

Technology Stack  Architecture : MVC Architecture 

Tech Specs: Visual Studio .net, SQL Server 2000, Ajax, Crystal Reports 

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Deployment Details  AP Police State Data Center 

Number of Users  6000 users  (Total 1700 Police Stations) 

Gaps (indicative)  Not Integrated with eCOPS 

Redundant Data entry at Police Station level. 

Master data differences with eCOPS 

Multiple login Ids/passwords  

Recommendations  Continues after Enterprise eCOPS  Yes 

Data need to migrated to Oracle  

Application need to integrated with eCOPS 

Gang Files need to build. 


Serial Number : 3  Application Name  Type of Application 

AP  Police  Messaging  System 



Application Description  Police Messaging  System”  that  empowers messaging  service  for  the 

Department.  It  enables  the  Department  to  maintain  and  obtain 

comprehensive  Administrative  and  law  and  order  information  from 

across  the  state  in  real  time”.  Towards  satisfying  this  need,  the 

application  that  not  only  makes  the  data  transfer  easy,  but  also 

provides ample security. 

Technology Stack  Architecture : MVC Architecture 

Tech Specs: Visual Studio .net,  Web Services,  Ajax, Oracle 10g  

Deployment Details  AP Police State Data Center 

Number of Users  15000 users 

Gaps (indicative)  Data base driven mailing system. 

No SMTP support. 

Can’t configure to any Mail Client 

No integration with other systems 

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Recommendations  Continues after Enterprise eCOPS  NO 

New mailing system with the same functionality need to be developed 

with SMTP mail server support. 


Serial Number : 4  Application Name  Type of Application 

Citizen Portal  Citizen Services 

Application Description  Citizen Portal Module  improves the Service Delivery to the Public such 

as document delivery, knowing case status, RTI  information, Reporting 

crime, passport verification  status,  foreigner’s online  registration, and 

property  recoveries.  Citizens  are  able  to  access  the  police  services 

through  transparent,  multiple,  and  easily  accessible  channels  in  a 

citizen‐friendly manner. This will not only  improve current methods of 

accessing these services but also provide alternatives for the public to 

communicate with the Police. 

Technology Stack  Architecture : MVC Architecture 

Tech Specs: Java J2EE,Custom CMS, Dojo, Ajax, Oracle 10g 

Deployment Details  AP Police State Data Center 

Number of Users  Citizens of AP 

Gaps (indicative)  Not  integrated with eCOPS 

Recommendations  Continues after Enterprise eCOPS 




Citizen  Portal  need  to  enhance  with  additional  functionalities  as 

mentioned in the FRS (Annexure). 


Serial Number : 5  Application Name  Type of Application 

3rd Eye‐ An Investigation Tool  Investigation 

Application Description  provides with a single point search for various  identification attributes 

associated  with  a  citizen,  Provides  access  to  all  kinds  of  databases 

thereby eliminating  the need  to  travel various departments  to collect 

information  such as RTO, Cell Phone Service Providers, Revenue, RPO 

and Election commission etc. 

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Technology Stack  Architecture : MVC Architecture 

Tech Specs: Visual Studio .net, Oracle 10g , Ajax 

Deployment Details  AP Police State Data Center 

Number of Users  Entire Police Department 

Gaps (indicative)  Not  integrated with eCOPS 

Not integrated with the other Departments (Source of the Data) 

Manual Incremental Data Updation 

Delay in the real time data. 

Recommendations  Continues after Enterprise eCOPS  Yes 

Need to be integrated with Portal and Enterprise eCOPS. 

Need to have interfaces with RTO, MSPs, Revenue, and Election Cell etc 

for real time data Updation. 


Serial Number : 6  Application Name  Type of Application 

ISC (Investigation Support Center)  Investigation 

Application Description  Assist the IO by providing Templates for communication, Check  list for 

each  activity  they  perform  during  the  investigation,  standardized 

operating procedures for different type of cases. A help tool is available 

with search option for process standardization. 

Technology Stack  Architecture : MVC Architecture 

Tech Specs: Java J2EE, Dojo, Ajax, Oracle 10g 

Deployment Details  AP Police State Data Center 

Number of Users  Complete Law and Order Police personnel 

Gaps (indicative)  Not  integrated with eCOPS 

Recommendations  Continues after Enterprise eCOPS  Yes 

Need to be integrated with Portal and Enterprise eCOPS. 

Need  to  Enhance  with  the  APPM,  Acts  &  Sections  and  Knowledge 

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Management futures. 

Serial Number : 7  Application Name  Type of Application 

Call Analysis Tool 



Application Description  Help the investigation officer in analyzing the calling formats of a given 

mobile number within  the  State by uploading  the  call details  records 

present  in excel or  text  format  into  the  system/database and  further 

running  a  certain  set  of  algorithms  driven  by  the  analysis  logics  to 

generate  a  comprehensive  result  set. At  the  same  time  the  tool  also 

generates  a  comprehensive  report  for  the  analysis,  through  different 

search criteria provided for the same. 

Technology Stack  Architecture : MVC Architecture 

Tech Specs: Visual Studio .net ,Oracle 10g , Ajax 

Deployment Details  AP Police State Data Center 

Number of Users  Investigation Officers 

Gaps (indicative)  Not  integrated with eCOPS 

Manual Uploading of CDRs 

No Graphical Interface 

Non Availability of Tower Master Data 

Recommendations  Continues after Enterprise eCOPS  Yes 

Need to be integrated with Portal and Enterprise eCOPS. 

Need  to  Enhance with  additional  functionalities  as mentioned  in  the 




Serial Number : 8  Application Name  Type of Application 

SCRB (State Crime Record Bureau)  Reporting 

Application Description  The  project  automates  the work  flow  of  State  Crime Record  Bureau. 

The  statistical data entered at Police Station will be consolidated and 

approved at higher  levels and generates  required analysis  reports  for 

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SCRB.    The  Statistics  of  Crimes  are  needed  to  be  sent  to  several 

departments like the National Crime Records Bureau, Government, and 

Assembly  etc.  The main  objective  of  this  application  is  collection  of 

data, Consolidation, Analysis, Information dissemination. 

Technology Stack  Architecture : MVC Architecture 

Tech Specs: Java J2EE, Hibernate, Ajax, Oracle  10g 

Deployment Details  AP Police State Data Center 

Number of Users  All  Field Police Officers,  Supervisory Officers and Senior Police Officers  

Gaps (indicative)  Manual report data entry at Police Station Level 

Not Integrated with eCOPS 

Recommendations  Continues after Enterprise eCOPS  No 

Enterprise eCOPS is envisaged that it will generate all required reports, 

so SCRB application will be scrapped.  

Serial Number : 9  Application Name  Type of Application 

Issue Tracking System (ITS)  Administration 

Application Description  Issue Tracking System  is work  flow driven  ticket  tracking  system with 

automated  escalations  to  higher  authorities.  This  is  a  web  based 

application  for  the  users  (of  all  the  applications  related  to  police 

department)  to  raise  their  issues  and  transfer  them  to  higher 

authorities faster and get them resolved. There are basically four actors 

Admin who  takes responsibility of handling  issues  in state  level and  is 

responsible  for  creating  logins  for  other  actors.  District  Approver  is 

responsible  for handling  issues  in district  level. Vendor  is  responsible 

for handling the issues forwarded to him. User is the one who posts the 


Technology Stack  Architecture : MVC Architecture 

Tech Specs: Visual Studio .net, Oracle 10g , Ajax 

Deployment Details  AP Police Data Center 

Number of Users  Complete Law and Order Police personnel 

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Gaps (indicative)  Not Integrated with eCOPS 

Not able to send SMS  

Recommendations  Continues after Enterprise eCOPS  Yes 


Need to be integrated with Enterprise eCOPS 

Need to be integrated with SMS gateway 

Need to be Enhanced with additional functionalities. 


Serial Number : 10  Application Name  Type of Application 

Personnel Information System  Administration/HRMS 

Application Description  This application provides access to personal details of all the personnel working in the police department. The details are (indicative only): Pay particulars, Personal Details, Reward Details, Punishment Details, Leave Details, Increment Details, Training Details, Posting Details, Insurance Details etc. 

Technology Stack  Visual Basic 6.0 (Client Application at DPOs), Java (Web Application)

Win/ JBOSS 4.0.4

Deployment Details  Deployed at each District Police Office 

Number of Users  More than 1 lakh 

Gaps  Client / server architecture.  

Recommendations  Continues after Enterprise eCOPS  No 

Need to develop / deploy HRMS module 

Need to migrate existing data to new system 


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Annexure-3: Existing Data Centre Infrastructure I. SERVER INFRASTRUCTURE * DC – Data Centre at PCS&S

S. No.

Server Name (utility of the server)

Location Make &




No of processors (with processors information)

Memory Other server Configuration

No of components


1. eCOPS production

DC* Dell PowerEdge M610

Windows 2003

Pro 2.40 GHz, Quad core(4)

292 GB

(RAID 1)

32 GB

2. eCOPS Data Base

DC Dell PowerEdge


Windows 2003

Pro 2.67 GHz Quad Core(2),

292 GB

(RAID 1)

16 GB 1000 GB SAN

3. AP Police Messaging System

DC HP DL 580 G2

Windows 2003

Pro 2.0 Ghz MP(2), 144 GB (RAID 1)

8 GB .Net

4. AP Police Messaging Database

DC Dell PowerEdge M600

Windows 2003

Pro 2.67 GHz Quad Core(2),

292 GB (RAID 1)

8 GB 600 GB SAN

5. AP Police eMailing System

DC HP DL 580 G2

Linux 5 Pro 2.0 GHz MP(2) 200 GB NAS


6. Third Eye - Investigation Tool

DC Acer Altos G540

Windows 2003

Pro 1.60 GHz Duel Core(1)

292 GB (RAID 1)

8 GB

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S. No.

Server Name (utility of the server)

Location Make &




No of processors (with processors information)

Memory Other server Configuration

No of components



7. Third Eye - Investigation Tool (Database)

DC Dell PowerEdge M600

Windows 2003

Pro 2.67 GHz Quad Core(2)

292 GB (RAID 1)

8 GB 400 Gb SAN, Oracle 10g

8. Criminal Intelligence System

DC Dell PowerEdge M600

Windows 2003

Pro 2.67 GHz Quar Core(2)

292 GB ( RAID 1)

8 GB 500 GB SAN, SQL 2005, .Net, IIS

9. eChallan DC Acer Altos G540

Pro 1.60 ghz Duel Core(1)

8 GB Visual FoxPro, IIS

10. Personal Information System

DC HP DL 580 G2

Windows 2003

Pro 2.0 ghz MP(2) 216 GB (RAID 5)

8 GB 100 GB NAS, SQL 2005, dot net, tomcat

11. Issue Tracking System

DC HP DL 580 G2

Windows 2003

Pro 2.0 ghz MP(2) 216 GB (RAID 5)

8 GB

15. eCOPS - Stage II - Administrative Modules

HP DL 580 G2

Windows 2003

Pro 2.0 ghz MP(2) 216 GB (RAID 5)

8 GB

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S. No.

Server Name (utility of the server)

Location Make &




No of processors (with processors information)

Memory Other server Configuration

No of components


16. SCRB - MCR Statistics

DC Acer Altos G540

Windows 2003

Pro 1.60 GHz Dual Core(1)


17. File Movement and Tracking System

DC Acer Altos G540

Windows 2003

Pro 1.60 GHz Duel Core(1)

292 (RAID 1)

8 GB 100 GB, NAS Oracle 10g, IIS

18. Investigation Support Centre

DC SunFire V440

Solaris 9 50 GB NAS

Oracle 10g, JAVA

19. Know Your Bhadratha Status

DC HP DL 580 G2

Windows 2003

Pro 2.0 GHz MP(2) 100 GB NAS

2 GB Oracle 10g, IIS

20. Online CBTs for applications

DC HP DL 580 G2

Windows 2003

Pro 2.0 GHz MP(2) 100 GB NAS

2 GB

21. Call Analysis Tool - CAT

DC HP DL 580 G2

Windows 2003

Pro 2.0 GHz MP(2) 50 GB NAS

2 GB Oracle 10g, .Net, IIS

22 Passport & Immigration

DC Dell PowerEdge

Windows 2003

Pro 2.67 ghz Quad Core(2)

50Gb 8 Gb .Net, websphier

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S. No.

Server Name (utility of the server)

Location Make &




No of processors (with processors information)

Memory Other server Configuration

No of components


Application M600 NAS


S. No.

Network Device Utility Location Make & Model IOS version Interface / Network Cards Information

Memory No. of Components

1 Internet Router DC CISCO 3640 series


2 fast Ethernet, 2 serial ports

96 MB Gateway Router

2. VPN over Internet and CDMA Router

DC CISCO 3845 series


2 Gigabit Ethernet ports, 4 smart serial ports, 2 PRI ports

256 MB VPN Server and CDMA

3. VPN over BSNL broadband and dial up Router

DC CISCO 3845 series


2 Gigabit Ethernet ports, 2 PRI ports

512 MB VPN Server and Dial-up

4. LL an APSWAN Router DC CISCO 3745 series

C3745- Advipservicesk9-mz.123-24.bin

2 fast Ethernet, 12 serial, 4 smart serial, 1 E1 Port

128 MB APSWAN with static routing

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5. Aggregations switch DC CISCO 3560 series


Gig 28 ports 128 MB L3 switch with static routing

6. Servers Switch DC CISCO 2970 series


Gig 28 ports 128 MB Switching between internal servers

7. Servers Switch DC CISCO 2970 series


Gig 28 ports 128 MB Switching between internal servers

8. Servers Switch DC CISCO 2970 series


Gig 28 ports 128 MB Switching between internal servers


S. No. Storage Device / Platform Make & Model

Location Storage Capacity (Current)

in TB

Supported Storage Capacity (Scalability)

Storage Configuration Information

Current Storage Capacity Utilization in TB & %

1 EMC CX3-10c DC 3.000 SAN 2.700


2 HP MSA 500 (6 units)

DC 2.000 SAN 1.000


3 SUN-StorEdge3310 (3 units)

DC 0.878 NAS 0.283


4 StorEDGEA1000 (2 units)

DC 0.430 NAS 0.125

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S. No. Storage Device / Platform Make & Model

Location Storage Capacity (Current)

in TB

Supported Storage Capacity (Scalability)

Storage Configuration Information

Current Storage Capacity Utilization in TB & %


5 Total 6.308 4.108


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Annexure-4: Existing LAN infrastructure at DGP Office. FLOOR WISE DETAILS S No



1 No.of Users 108 98 215 140 98


No.of Switches/ Model

D-Link-8 port 30 CISCO catalyst

2950 -24 port 3 CISCO catalyst 2950 -24 port 3 CISCO catalyst

2950 -24 port 3 D link 8 port 8

Cisco-24 port 2

Dlink DES 1008 D - 8 port -


Dlink DES 1008 V - 8 port

1 Dlink DES 1024 D - 24 port


D link 16 port D link 16 port - 2 D link 24 port - 2


Dax-24 port 1

Dlink DES 1016 D - 16 port

2 Dlink DES 1016 D - 16 port

5 D link 24 port 2

Dlink DES 1008 D - 8 port 13 Dlink DES 1008 D

- 8 port 5

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Annexure-5: Existing Networking infrastructure and indicative networking diagram

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S NO Item Make & Model OS / IOS version Current utilization

Present scalability

Redundancy, if any

Existing Configuration

Ports Memory

Available Utilized

1 Firewall HP-DL580 Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 Gig 4 Gig 3 2GB Yes No

Software Firewall using IP tables

2 Proxy Server Acer-Altos G540

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 Gig 2 Gig 2 2GB Yes No Squid Proxy

3 AAA Server Acer-Altos G540

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 Gig 2 Gig 2 2GB Yes No Radius

4 Internet Router Cisco 3640 Series


2 Fast Ethernet

2 Fast Ethernet 96 MB Yes No Gateway Router

2 Serial None

5 VPN over Internet and CDMA Router

Cisco 3845 Series


2 Gigabit Ethernet

2 Gigabit Ethernet 256 MB Yes No

VPN server and CDMA

4 Smart Serial

1 Smart Serial

2 Port PRI None


VPN over BSNL broadband and Dial-up Router

Cisco 3845 Series


2 Gigabit Ethernet

2 Gigabit Ethernet 512 MB Yes No

VPN server and Dial-up

2 Port PRI 1 Port PRI

7 LL and APSWAN Router Cisco 3745 Series


2 Fast Ethernet

1 Fast Ethernet 128 MB Yes No

APSWAN with static Routing

12 Serial 7 Serial

4 Smart Serial

4 Smart Serial

1 E1 Port 1 E1 Port

8 Aggregations Switch Cisco 3560 Series

c3560-ipbasek9-mz.122-53.SE2.bin Gig 28 Gig 11 128 MB Yes No

L3 Switch with static Routing

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9 servers switch Cisco 2970 Series

c2970-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEB4.bin Gig 28 Gig 21 128 MB Yes No

switching between internal servers

10 servers switch Cisco 2970 Series

c2970-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEB4.bin Gig 28 Gig 19 128 MB Yes No

switching between internal servers

11 servers switch Cisco 2970 Series

c2970-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEB4.bin Gig 28 Gig 17 128 MB Yes No

switching between internal servers

12 Anti-Virus Server Acer-Altos G540 Windows 2003 Gig 2 Gig 1 2 GB Yes No

Kaspersky antivirus updates

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Annexure-6: Details of existing infrastructure at Training Centers

   Hardware Items  Lowend Servers 

Client Systems 

UPS for 5 


24‐port switch  

Digital Camera 

Electronic Pen 

LCD Projector 

1  Adilabad ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

2  Ananthapur ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

3  Chittoor ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

4  Kadapa DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

5  East Godavari DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

6  West Godavari ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

7  Guntur Rural ‐DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

8  Rangareddy ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

9  Hyderabad City ‐ CTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

10  Karimnagar ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

11  khammam ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

12  Krishna ‐DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

13  Kurnool ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

14  Mahbubnagar ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

15  Medak ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

16  Nalgonda DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

17  Nellore ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

18  Nizamabad ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

19  Prakasam ‐ DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

20  Srikakulam DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

21  Visakhapatnam (Rural) DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

22  Visakhaptnam City ‐ CTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

23  Vijayawada ‐ CTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

24  Vizianagaram DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

25  Warangal Rural ‐DTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

26  Cyberabad ‐ CTC  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

27  PTC Ananthapur  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

28  PTC Amberpet  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

29  PTC Ongole  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

30  PTC Warangal  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

31  PTC Tirupathi  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

32  PTC Vizianagaram  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

33  PTC Karimnagar  1  7  1  1  1  1  1 

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Annexure-7: Details of Pilot Districts

DCP Office:

1 DCP LB Nagar Zone Cyberabad 2 DCP Crimes Cyberabad 3 DCP, Balanagar zone

4 DCPolice Alwal Zone Cyberabad 5 DCP Traffic Cyberabad 6 DCP, Shamshabad


7 DCP Madhapur Zone Cyberabad

ACP Office:


ACP Alwal Division Cyberabad 6

ACP Ibrahimpatnam Division Cyberabad 11

ACP Shamshabad Traffic Division, / RGI Airport Division, CyberabadCyberabad

2 ACP Malkajgiri Division Cyberabad 7 ACP Crimes Cyberabad 12 ACP Madapur

3 ACP Balanagar Division Cyberabad 8 ACP Traffic Kukatpally

Cyberabad. 13 ACP Kukatpalli

4 ACP Rajendranagar Division Cyberabad 9 ACP Traffic L.B.Nagar

Cyberabad. 14 ACP Petbasheerbad

5 ACP Saroornagar Division Cyberabad 10 ACP Shamshabad

Division, Cyberabad 15 ACP Vanasthalipuram

Circle Office:

1 Ibrahimpatnam

Police Stations:

1 Alwal 19 Ghatkesar 37 Pahadisharief PS 2 KPHB colony 20 Uppal 38 Kandukur 3 Medipalli 21 Rajendranagar 39 Maheshwaram 4 Chaitanyapuri 22 Shamshabad 40 Ibrahimpatnam CO 5 Meerpet 23 Madhapur 41 Ibrahimpatnam 6 Cyber Crime 24 Moinabad 42 Manchal 7 Counter Intelligence Cell 25 Narsinghi 43 Yacharam 8 Shivarampally 26 Raidurgam 44 L.B.Nagar Traffic 9 Petbasheerabad 27 Balanagar 45 Uppal Traffic 10 Dundigal 28 Chandanagar 46 Malkajgiri Traffic 11 Medchal 29 Miyapur 47 Alwal Traffic 12 Shamirpet 30 Kukatpally 48 Kukatpally Traffic 13 Jeedimetla 31 Sanathnagar 49 Balanagar Traffic 14 Malkajgiri 32 Hayathnagar 50 Jeedimetla Traffic 15 Nacharam 33 Lb Nagar 51 Rajendranagar Traffic 16 Neredmet 34 Vanasthalipuram 52 Madhapur Traffic 17 Kushaiguda 35 Saroornagar WPS 18 Keesara 36 Saroornagar


DCP Office:

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1 DCP Task Force Hyderabad 5 DCP South Zone

Hyderabad 9 DCP Traffic I Hyderabad

2 DCP DD I Hyderabad 6 DCP Central Zone Hyderabad 10 DCP Traffic II


3 DCP DD II Hyderabad 7 DCP East Zone Hyderabad

4 DCP North Zone Hyderabad

8 DCP West Zone Hyderabad

ACP Office:

1 ACP WCO3 Hyderabad 13 ACP Gopalapuram Hyderabad 25 ACP Goshamahal


2 ACP WCO45 Hyderabad 14 ACP Charminar Hyderabad 26 ACP Banjara Hills


3 ACP ATM Murder Hyderabad 15 ACP Mirchowk

Hyderabad 27 ACP Panjagutta Hyderabad

4 ACP ADR WZ Hyderabad 16 ACP Falaknuma Hyderabad 28 ACP Traffic I


5 ACP NZ WCO1 Hyderabad 17 ACP Santoshnagar

Hyderabad 29 ACP Traffic II Hyderabad

6 ACP CZWZ Hyderabad 18 ACP Abids Hyderabad 30 ACP Traffic III Hyderabad

7 ACP SZ WCO2 Hyderabad 19 ACP Chikkadpally

Hyderabad 31 ACP Traffic IV Hyderabad

8 ACP WZ ADR Hyderabad 20 ACP Saifabad Hyderabad 32 ACP Traffic V


9 ACP DD SIT Hyderabad 21 ACP Sultanbazar Hyderabad 33 ACP Traffic VI


10 ACP, Cyber Cell, CCS, Hyderabad 22 ACP Kachiguda

Hyderabad 34 ACP Traffic VII Hyderabad

11 ACP Begumpet Hyderabad 23 ACP Malakpet Hyderabad

12 ACP Mahankali Hyderabad 24 ACP Asifnagar


Police Stations:

1 Gopalapuram 29 Dabeerpura 57 Humayunnagar 2 CCS HYD 30 Rein Bazar 58 Asifnagar 3 Cyber Crime PS 31 Moghalpura 59 SR Nagar 4 Tast force PS 32 Madannapet 60 Panjagutta 5 Women PS CCS 33 Santoshnagar 61 Banjara Hills 6 Tukaramgate 34 Kanchanbagh 62 Jubilee Hills 7 Lallaguda 35 Bhavaninagar 63 Kulsumpura 8 Chilkalaguda 36 Nampally 64 Mangalhat 9 Mahankali 37 Saifabad 65 Shahinayatgunj 10 Market 38 Ramgopalpet 66 Habeebnagar 11 Maredpally 39 Abid Road 67 Mahankali Traffic PS 12 Karkhana 40 Begum Bazar 68 Gopalpuram Traffic PS 13 Begumpet 41 Narayanaguda 69 Tirumalgherry Traffic PS 14 Bollarum 42 Musheerabad 70 Begumpet Traffic PS

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15 Trimalgherry 43 Chikadapally 71 Panjagutta Traffic PS 16 Begumpet WPS 44 Gandhinagar 72 Banjara Hills Traffic PS 17 Bowenpally 45 Nallakunta 73 Chikkadpally Traffic PS 18 Bahadurpura 46 Osmania University 74 Saifabad Traffic PS 19 Charminar 47 Kachiguda 75 Abids Traffic PS 20 Kamatipura 48 Sultan Bazar 76 Goshamahal Traffic PS 21 Hussainialam 49 Chader Ghat 77 Nampally Traffic PS 22 South Zone WPS- 50 Afzalgunj 78 Asif Nagar Traffic PS 23 Kalapathar 51 Malakpet 79 Charminar Traffic PS 24 Chandrayan Gutta 52 Amberpet 80 Falaknuma Traffic PS 25 Shahalibanda 53 Saidabad 81 Mirchowk Traffic PS 26 Falaknuma 54 Golconda 82 Sultan Bazar Traffic PS 27 Chatrinaka 55 Langer House 83 Kachiguda Traffic PS 28 Mirchowk 56 Tappachabutra 84 Malakpet Traffic PS


Sub Divisions:

1 Eluru Division 2 Kovuuru 3 Narasapuram 4 J.R.Gudem

Circle Office:

1 Eluru Town 7 Tanuku 13 Penugonda 2 Eluru Rural 8 Nidadavole 14 J.R.Gudem 3 Bhimadole 9 Narasapuram 15 Polavaram 4 Ganapavaram 10 Palakolu 16 Chitnalapudi 5 Kovvuru 11 Bhimavaram Town 6 T.P.Gudem 12 Bhimavaram Rural

Police Stations:

1 Eluru I town 22 Undrajavaram 43 Lakkavaram 2 Eluru II town 23 Attili 44 Buttaigudem 3 Eluru III town 24 Nidadavole 45 Polavaram 4 Eluru Town CCS 25 Samisrigudem 46 Gopalapuram 5 Women 26 Chagallu 47 Koyyalagudem 6 Eluru Traffice 27 Narasapuram T 48 Chitalapudi 7 Eluru Rural 28 Narasapuram R 49 Kovvuru Rural 8 Pedapadu 29 Mogalturu 50 Devarapalli 9 Pedavegi 30 Palakolu T 51 Tallapudi 10 Bhimadole 31 Palakolu R 52 T.P.Gudem T 11 Denduluru 32 Poduru 53 T.P.Gudem R 12 D.Tirumala 33 Bhimavaram Rural 54 Yelamanchili 13 Ganapavaram 34 Undi 55 Veeravasaram 14 Chebrolu 35 Kalla 56 Achant 15 Nidamaru 36 Akiveedu 57 Bhimavaram I T

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16 Kovvuru Town 37 Palakoderu 58 Bhimavaram II T 17 Pentapadu 38 Penguonda 59 Tadikalapudi 18 Ananthapalli 39 Penumantra 60 T.Narasapuram 19 Tanuku T 40 Iragavaram 61 Dharmajigudem 20 Tanuku R 41 J.R.Gudem 21 Peravali 42 Jeelugumilli

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Annexure-8: List of Police Stations / Circle Offices / SDPOs Summary


DISTRICT  No of Locations/Units 

S No  

Name of District  Police Stations 

Circle Office 

Sub Divisional Police Office 

District Police Office 

1  Adilabad  73  20  7  1 

2  Ananthapur  84  18  8  1 

3  Chitoor  66  24  6  1 

4  East Godavari  73  20  5  1 

5  Guntur (Rural)  64  12  6  1 

6  Guntur (Urban)  19  6  6  1 

7  Kadapa  68  17  7  1 

8  Karimnagar  70  17  6  1 

9  KHAMMAM  65  19  7  1 

10  Krishna  55  14  5  1 

11  Kurnool  83  21  6  1 

12  Mahabubnagar  75  18  6  1 

13  Medak  56  17  5  1 

14  Nalgonda  74  15  5  1 

15  Nellore  64  15  5  1 

16  Nizambad  46  12  4  1 

17  Prakasham  66  14  5  1 

18  Rajamundry (Urban)  17  4  7  1 

19  Ranga Reddy  19  4  3  1 

20  Srikakulam  44  12  3  1 

21  Thirupathi (Urban)  25  2  7  1 

22  Visakhapatnam (Rural)  50  11  4  1 

23  Vizainagaram  41  10  3  1 

24  Warangal (Rural)  47  12  5  1 

25  Warangal (Urban)  24  4  6  1 

26  West Godavari  61  16  4  1 

Total  1429  354  141  26 

COMMISSIONERATES  No of Locations/Units 

S No  

Name of District  Police Stations 

Circle Office 

Sub Divisional Police Office 


1  Cyberabad City  52  1  15  1 

2  Hyderabad City  84  0  34  1 

3  Vijayawada City  23  4  4  1 

4  Visakhapatnam City  29  3  5  1 

Total  188  8  58  4 

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Govt Railway Police  No of Locations/Units 

S No  

Name of District  Police Stations 

Circle Office 

Sub Divisional Police Office 

Govt Railway District Police  Office 

1  Guntakal   19  5  2  1 

2  Secunderabad   11  5  2  1 

3  Vijayawada   15  4  2  1 

Total  45  14  6  3 

Grand  Total   1662  376  205  33 

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DPO 01 SDPO 07 CO 20 PS 73

Sub Divisions:

1 Adilabad. 3 Nirmal 5 Mancherial 2 Utnoor 4 Bhainsa 6 Bellampalli 7 Kaghaznagar

Circle Office:

1 Adiilabad Rural 8 Chennur 15 Mandamarri 2 Adilabad Town 9 Jainoor 16 Mudhole 3 Asifabad 10 Kaghaznagar 17 Nirmal 4 Bellampalli 11 Khanapur 18 Srirampur 5 Bhainsa Rural 12 Koutala 19 Tandur 6 Bhainsa Town 13 Luxettipet 20 Utnoor 7 Boath 14 Mancherial

Police Stations:

1 Adilabad - I (T) PS 25 Pembi 49 Kasipet PS 2 Adilabad - II (T) PS 26 Bhainsa (T) PS 50 Devapur PS 3 Women PS 27 Bhainsa ® PS 51 Ramakrishnapur PS

4 Adilabad Traffic PS (Inspector SHO) 28 Kubeer PS 52 Kaghaznagar (T) PS

5 CCS 29 Kuntala PS 53 Kaghaznagar (R) PS 6 Adilabad ® PS 30 Mudhole PS 54 Easgaon PS 7 Tamsi PS 31 Tannoor PS 55 Dahegaon PS 8 Talamadugu PS 32 Lokeshwaram PS 56 Asifabad PS 9 Jainath PS 33 Basar PS 57 Wankidi PS 10 Bela PS 34 Mancherial PS 58 Lingapur PS 11 Gudihathnoor PS 35 CCC Naspur PS 59 Nirmal Town PS 12 Boath PS 36 Hajipur PS 60 Nirmal ® PS 13 Neradigonda PS 37 Luxettipet PS 61 Soan PS 14 Ichoda 38 Dandepalli PS 62 Narsapur (G) PS 15 Bazarhathnoor PS 39 Belllampalli-I (T) PS 63 Chennur PS 16 Utnoor PS 40 Belllampalli-II (T) PS 64 Kotapalli PS 17 Indervelli PS 41 Tallagurjala PS 65 Neelwai PS 18 Narnoor PS 42 Bheemini PS 66 Srirampur PS 19 Jainoor PS 43 Nannel PS 67 Jaipur PS 20 Sarangapur 44 Tandur PS 68 KowtalaPS 21 Khanapur PS 45 Rebbena PS 69 Sirpur (T) PS 22 Laxmanchanda PS 46 Madaram PS 70 Bejjur PS 23 Mamda PS 47 Tiryani PS 71 Sirpur (U) PS 24 Kaddam 48 Mandamarri PS 72 Jannaram PS

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73 Kerameri PS


DPO 01 SDPO 08 CO 18 PS 84

Sub Divisions:

1 Anantapur 4 Dharmavaram 7 Tadipatri 2 Kalyandurg 5 Penukonda 8 Puttaparthy 3 Guntakal 6 Kadiri

Circle Office:

1 Atmakur 7 Uravakonda 13 Madakasira 2 Itikalapalli 8 Dharmavaram ® 14 Kadiri (U) 3 Kalyandurg (U) 9 Ramagiri 15 Kadiri ® 4 Rayadurg 10 Puttaparthy 16 Nallamada 5 Guntakal (U) 11 Penukonda 17 Tadipatri 6 Guntakal Rural 12 Hindupur 18 Pamidi

Police Stations:

1 Anantapur I Town 29 Dharmavaram Urban 57 O.D.Cheruvu 2 Anantapur II Town 30 Bathalapalli 58 Amadagur 3 Women PS 31 Tadimarri PS 59 Tadipatri Town 4 Anantapur III Town 32 Pothukunta 60 Tadipatri Rural 5 Anantapur Traffic 33 Ramagiri 61 Yellanur 6 CCS Anantapur 34 K.G.Palli 62 Putlur 7 Anantapur ® 35 C.K.Palli 63 Peddapappur 8 Atmakur PS 36 Kothacheruvu P 64 Bramhasamudram PS 9 Kuderu PS 37 Bukkapatnam 65 Rayadurg 10 Garladinne PS 38 Gorantla 66 Kanekal 11 Itikalapalli PS 39 Puttaparthy Rural 67 Bommanahal 12 Singanamala 40 Penukonda 68 Hirehal 13 Narpala 41 Roddam 69 Gummagatta 14 Rapthadu 42 Somandepalli 70 Guntakal I Town 15 B.K.Samudram 43 Rolla 71 Hindupur I Town 16 Kalyandurg Town 44 Agali 72 Hindupur II Town 17 Kalyandurg ® 45 Gudibanda 73 Hindupur Rural 18 Kambadur 46 Amarapuram 74 Chilamathur 19 Settur 47 Kadiri Town 75 Lepakshi 20 Beluguppa 48 Kadiri Rural 76 Parigi 21 Kundurpi PS 49 Talupula 77 Madakasira 22 Guntakal II Town 50 Tanakal 78 Gooty

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23 Guntakal ® 51 Gandlapenta 79 Pamidi 24 Kasapuram 52 Nallacheruvu 80 Peddavadugur 25 Uravakonda 53 N.P.Kunta 81 Yadiki 26 Vajrakarur 54 Nallamada 82 Puttaparthy (U) 27 Palthur 55 Mudigubba 83 Puttaparthy S/W 28 Vidapanakal 56 Patnam 84 Puttaparthy Air Port


Sub Divisions:

1 Chittoor 3 Chittoor Mahila/WPS 5 Palamaner 2 Chittoor Traffic 4 Puttur 6 Madanapalli

Circle Office:

1 CCS, Chittoor Circle 9 Kuppam Circle 17 Palamaner Urban 2 Chittoor I Town Circle 10 Madanapalli ® Circle 18 Piler Rural 3 Chittoor II Town Circle 11 Madanapalli I Town Circle 19 Piler Urban Circle

4 Chittoor Mahila Circle 12 Madanapalli II Town Circle 20 Punganur Circle

5 Chittoor Traffic Circle 13 Mulakalacheruvu Circle 21 Punganur Rural 6 CTR Rural East 14 Nagari Circle 22 Puttur Circle 7 CTR Rural West 15 Pakala Circle 23 Sathyavedu Circle 8 K.Nagar Circle 16 Palamaner Rural 24 Voyalpadu Circle

Police Stations:

1 Chittoor I Town PS 23 KVB Puram PS 45 Madanapalli 2 town PS 2 Chittoor II Town PS 24 Nagari PS 46 Madanapalli Taluk P.S 3 Chittoor Traffic PS 25 Nindra PS 47 Mudivedu P.S 4 Chittoor Mahila PS 26 Vijayapuram PS 48 Nimanapalli P.S 5 Chittoor Taluk PS 27 Sathyavedu PS 49 B.Kothakota P.S 6 Kanipakam PS 28 Nagalapuram PS 50 Mulakalacheruvu P.S 7 N.R.Pet PS 29 Varadaiahpalyam PS 51 Thamballapalli P.S 8 Palasamudram PS 30 CCS, Chittoor PS 52 Voyalpadu P.S 9 G.D.Nellore PS 31 Palamaner P.S. 53 Kalikiri P.S 10 Yadamari PS 32 Gangavaram P.S. 54 Kalakada P.S 11 Gudipala PS 33 Bangarupalem PS 55 Gurramkonda P.S 12 Thavanampalli PS 34 Baireddipalli PS 56 Piler P.S 13 Kanipakam PS 35 Chowdepalli P.S. 57 Rompicherla P.S 14 Irala PS 36 Somala P.S. 58 Bhakarapet P.S 15 Pakala PS 37 Sodam P.S. 59 Y.V.Palem P.S 16 Puthalapattu PS 38 Ramasamudram 60 K.V.Palli P.S 17 Kallur PS 39 Kuppam P.S. 61 Penumur PS

DPO 01 SDPO 06 CO 24 PS 66

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18 Vedurukuppam PS 40 V. Kota P.S. 62 K. Nagar PS 19 S.R. Puram PS 41 Ramakuppam PS 63 Panjani P.S. 20 Puttur PS 42 Rallabudugur P.S. 64 Punganur P.S. 21 Narayanavanam PS 43 Gudupalli P.S. 65 Peddamandyam P.S 22 Pichatur PS 44 Madanapalli 1 town PS 66 P.T.M. P.S


DPO 01 SDPO 05 CO 20 PS 73

Sub Divisions:

1 SDPO Office, Kakinada 3 SDPO Office, Peddapuram 5 SDPO Office, Rampachodavarm

2 SDPO Office, Ramachandrapuram 4 SDPO Office,


Circle Office:

1 Circle Office, Kakinada Town 8 Circle Office, Anaparthi 15 Circle Office,


2 Circle Office, kakinada CCS 9 Circle Office, Peddapuram 16 Circle Office, Mummidivaram

3 Circle Office, Kakinada Traffic 10 Circle Office, Jaggampeta 17 Circle Office,


4 Circle Office, Kakinada Rural 11 Prathipadu Circle Office 18 Circle Office, Addateegala

5 Circle Office, Pithapuram 12 Circle Office, Tuni 19 Circle Office, Maredumilli

6 Circle Office, Ramachandrapuram 13 Circle Office,

Amalapuram 20 Circle Office, Rajavommangi

7 Circle Office, Mandapeta 14 Circle Office, Razole

Police Stations:

1 I Town L&O PS 25 U Kothapalli PS 49 Yeleswaram PS 2 II Town L&O PS 26 Gollaprole PS 50 Annavaram PS 3 III Town L&O PS 27 Pithapuram Rural PS 51 Tuni Town PS 4 Port PS 28 Ramachandrapuram PS 52 Tuni Rural PS 5 Mahila PS 29 Draksharama PS 53 Devipatnam PS 6 Marine PS, Kakinada 30 Pamarru PS 54 Addateegala PS 7 I Town CCS PS 31 Mandapeta Town PS 55 Gangavaram PS 8 II Town CCS PS 32 Mandapeta Rural PS 56 Mummidivaram PS 9 III Town CCS PS 33 Angara PS 57 I Polavaram PS 10 Traffic PS-I 34 Y. Ramavaram PS 58 Kotananduru PS 11 Traffic PS-II 35 Dutcherthi PS 59 Thondangi PS 12 Sarpavaram PS 36 Maredumilli PS 60 Amalapuraram Town PS 13 Corangi PS 37 Gurthedu PS 61 Inavilli PS 14 Gollapalem PS 38 Katrenikona PS 62 Ambajipeta PS

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15 Donkarai PS 39 Alamuru PS 63 Allavaram PS 16 Rajavommangi PS 40 Anaparthi PS 64 Amalapuram Taluq PS 17 Prathipadu PS 41 Biccavole PS 65 Uppalaguptam PS 18 Jaddangi PS 42 Rayavaram PS 66 Razole PS 19 Rampachodavaram PS 43 Peddapuram PS 67 Nagaram PS 20 Karapa PS 44 Samalkota PS 68 Malkipuram PS 21 Timmapuram PS 45 Rangampeta PS 69 Sakhinetipalli PS 22 Indrapalem PS 46 Jaggampeta PS 70 Ravulapalem PS 23 Pedapudi PS 47 Kirlampudi PS 71 Kothapeta PS 24 Pithapuram Town PS 48 Gandepalli PS 72 Atreyapuram PS 73 P Gannavaram PS


DPO 01 SDPO 06 CO 10 PS 64

Sub Divisions:

1 Tenali 3 Sattenapalli 5 Narsaraopet 2 Bapatla 4 Gurazala 6 SDPO Rural Crime

Circle Office:

1 Tenali Urban 6 Sattenapalli Rural 11 NRT Rural 2 Tenali Rural 7 Piduguralla Rural 12 Ch.pet Rural 3 Bapatla Ruaral 8 Amaravathi 13 Vinukonda Rural 4 Repalle Repally 9 Gurazala 5 Ponnur Rural 10 Macherla Rural

Police Stations:

1 Tenali I Town PS 22 Tsodaypalem PS 43 Durgi PS 2 Tenali II Town PS 23 Ponnur Town PS 44 Veldurthy PS 3 Tenali III Town PS 24 Ponnur Rural PS 45 Nagarajuna Sagar PS 4 Tenali Taluka PS 25 Pedanadipadu PS 46 Narasaraopet I Town PS 5 Narsaraopet PS 26 Kakumanu PS 47 Narasaraopet II Town PS 6 Kolluru PS 27 Sattenapalli Town PS 48 Narasaraopet Rural PS 7 Kollipara PS 28 Sattenapalli Rural PS 49 Phirangipuram PS 8 Duggiralla PS 29 Krosuru PS 50 Chilakaluripet Town PS 9 Vemuru PS 30 Atchampet PS 51 Chilakaluripet Rural PS

10 Tsundur PS 31 Muppalla PS 52 Nadendla PS 11 Amarthaluru PS 32 Piduguralla PS 53 Yedlapadu PS 12 Bapatla Town PS 33 Machavaram PS 54 Vinukonda PS 13 Bapatla Rural PS 34 Amaravathi PS 55 Ipuru PS 14 Vedullapalli PS 35 Thulluru PS 56 Inavole PS 15 Karlapalem PS 36 Pedakurapadu PS 57 Bandlamottu PS 16 Marine PS 37 Gurazala PS 58 Savalyapuram PS

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17 Cherukupalli PS 38 Karempudi PS 59 Repalle PS 18 Bhattiprolu PS 39 Rentachintala PS 60 Bellamkonda PS 19 Adavuladevi PS 40 Dachepalli PS 61 Rompicherla PS 20 Nagaram PS 41 Macherla Town PS 62 Tsandole PS 21 Nizampatnam PS 42 Macherla Rural PS 63 Rajupalem PS

64 Nekarikal PS


DPO 01 SDPO 06 CO 06 PS 19

Sub Divisions:

1 SDPO East 3 SDPO Traffic, Guntur 5 SDPO South 2 SDPO West 4 SDPO Crime 6 SDPO North

Circle Office:

1 Guntur Urban East (L&O) 3 Guntur Urban East (Crime) 5 Chebrolu

2 Guntur Urban West (L&O) 4 Guntur Urban West (Crime) 6 Mangalagiri Rural

Police Stations:

1 Lalapet L & O PS 7 Women PS 13 Chebrolu PS 2 Old Guntur L & O PS 8 East Traffic PS 14 Medikonduru PS 3 Kothapet L & O PS 9 West Traffic PS 15 Mangalagiri Town PS 4 Arundelpet L & OPS 10 Nallapdu PS 16 Pedakakani PS 5 Nagarampalem L & O PS 11 Prathipadu PS 17 Mangalagiri Rural PS 6 Pattabhipuram L & O PS 12 Vatticherukuru PS 18 Tadepalli PS 19 Tadikonda PS


DPO 01 SDPO 07 CO 17 PS 68

Sub Divisions:

1 Kadapa 3 Proddatur 5 Pulivendula 2 Proddatur 4 Jammalamadugu 6 Rajampet 7 Mydukur

Circle Office:

1 Kadapa West 7 Jammalamadugu 13 Kodur

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2 Kadapa East 8 Kondapuram 14 Vontimitta 3 Kadapa Rural 9 Pulivendula 15 Mydukur 4 Yerraguntla 10 Lakkireddy palli 16 Badvel 5 Proddatur Circle 11 Rayachoty Rural 17 Porumamilla 6 Proddatur Rural 12 Rajampet Rural

Police Stations:

1 Kadapa I town 24 Kondapuram 47 Mydukur U/G 2 Kadapa Taluk 25 Simhadripuram 48 Duvvur 3 Kadapa Traffic 26 T.Proddatur 49 Khajipet 4 Chennur 27 Thondur 50 B.Mattam 5 Kadapa WPS 28 Muddanur 51 Badvel U/G 6 CCS Kadapa 29 Pulivendula 52 Proddatur U/G 7 Kadapa II town 30 Lingala 53 Proddatur II town 8 Chinnachowk 31 Vemula 54 Proddatur III town 9 F/Z Kadapa 32 Vempalli 55 F/Z Proddatur 10 RIMS Kadapa 33 Idupulapaya 56 Proddatur Traffic 11 C.K.Dinne 34 Lakkireddy palli 57 Proddatur Rural 12 Pendlimarri 35 T.Sundupalli 58 Ramapuram 13 Vallur 36 Veeraballi 59 Galiveedu 14 Yerraguntla 37 Rajampet U/G 60 Chakrayapet 15 Kamalapuram 38 Mannur 61 Rayachoty U/G 16 G.R. Palli 39 Pullampet 62 Chinnamandem 17 Kalamalla 40 Penagalur 63 Sambepalli 18 Rajupalem 41 Kodur 64 Badvel Rural 19 Chapadu 42 Chitvel 65 Atlur 20 Jammalamadugu U/G 43 Obulavari palli 66 Porumamilla 21 T.Patnam 44 Vontimitta 67 Kalasapadu 22 Mylavaram 45 Nandalur 68 B.Kodur 23 Peddamudium 46 Sidhout


DPO 01 SDPO 06 CO 17 PS 70

Sub Divisions:

1 Karimnagar 3 Sircilla 5 Peddapalli 2 Huzurabad 4 Jagtial 6 Godavarikhani

Circle Office:

1 Karimnagar Town 7 Vemulawada 13 Sulthanabad

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2 Karimnagar Rural 8 Jagtial Circle 14 Choppadandi 3 Huzurabad 9 Dharmapuri 15 Ramagundam 4 Husnabad 10 Korutla 16 Manthani 5 Jammikunta 11 Metpalli 17 Kataram 6 Sircilla 12 Peddapalli

Police Stations:

1 Karimnagar-1 Town 25 Chendurthy 49 Sarangapur 2 Karimnagar-2 (Town) 26 Boinpalli 50 Pegadapalli 3 Karimnagar Traffic 27 Jagtial Town 51 Korutla 4 Karimnagar III town 28 Jagtial Rural 52 Medipally 5 Jagitial Traffic PS 29 Mallial 53 Raikal 6 Women PS 30 Kodimial 54 Chigurumamidi 7 CCS., Karimnagar 31 Kathlapur 55 Jammikunta 8 Karimnagar Rural 32 Metpalli 56 Sircilla

9 L.M.D. Colony PS at Thimmapur 33 Ibrahimpatnam 57 Godavarikhani-2 Town

10 Bejjanki 34 Mallapur 58 Kamanpur 11 Manakondur 35 Peddapalli 59 Traffic PS., Ramagundam 12 Huzurabad PS 36 Mulkanur 60 NTPC 13 Keshavapatnam 37 Dharmaram 61 Ramagundam 14 Saidapur 38 Sulthanabad 62 Manthani 15 Vangara 39 Pothkapalli 63 Koyyur 16 Elkathurthy 40 Srirampur 64 Mutharam 17 Husnabad 41 Julapalli 65 Kataram 18 Koheda 42 Choppadandi 66 Mahadevpur

19 Ellanthakunta 43 Ramadugu 67 Advimutharam PS at Kataram

20 Gambhiraopet 44 Gangadhara 68 Velgatur 21 Mustabad 45 Dharmapuri 69 Basanthnagar 22 Yellareddypet 46 Gollapally 70 Kamalapur 23 Vemulawada 47 Godavarikhani-1 Town 24 Konaraopet 48 Veenavanka PS


DPO 01 SDPO 07 CO 19 PS 65

Sub Divisions:

1 Khammam 4 Sathupalli 7 Yellandu 2 Wyra 5 Bhadrachalam 3 Kothagudem 6 Manuguru

Circle Office:

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1 Khammam (T) 8 Paloncha 15 E/Bayyaram 2 Khammam ® 9 Sathupalli 16 Yellandu 3 Kusumanchi 10 Aswaraopeta 17 G/Bayyaram 4 Wyra 11 Bhadrachalam 18 Tekulapalli 5 Madhira 12 Chinthoor 19 Gundala 6 Kothagudem (T) 13 Venkatapuram 7 Kothagudem ® 14 Manuguru

Police Stations:

1 Khammam 1 (T) 23 Chandrugonda 45 Karakagudem 2 Khammam 2 (T) 24 Paloncha Town 46 Yellandu 3 Khammam 3 (T) 25 Paloncha Rural 47 Bhadrachalam (T) 4 Women P.S. 26 Burgampad 48 Bhadrachalam ® 5 Khammam Traffic 27 Mulkalapalli 49 Kunavaram 6 Kothagudem Traffic PS 28 Sathupalli 50 Chinthoor 7 Bhadrachalam Traffic PS 29 Kallur 51 Velairpad 8 CCS Khammam 30 Vemsoor 52 Karepalli 9 Khammam Rural 31 VM Banjar 53 Kamepalli 10 Khanapur Haveli 32 Aswaraopeta 54 G/Bayyaram 11 Mudigonda 33 Dammapeta 55 Garla 12 Kusumanchi 34 Kukkunoor 56 Tekulapalli 13 Nelakondapalli 35 VR Puram 57 Bodu 14 Thirumalayapalem. 36 Mothugudem 58 Allapalli 15 Wyra 37 Venkatapuram 59 Gundala 16 Thallada 38 Dummugudem 60 Komararam 17 Konijerla 39 Cherla 61 Chintakani 18 Kothagudem 1 (T) 40 Peruru 62 Madhira Town 19 Kothagudem 2 (T) 41 Wazedu 63 Madhira Rural 20 Kothagudem 3 (T) 42 Manuguru 64 Bonakal 21 Julurpad 43 Aswapuram 65 Yerrupalem 22 Enkoor 44 E/Bayyaram


Sub Divisions:

1 Bandar 3 Nuzvid 5 Avanigadda 2 Gudivada 4 Nandigama

Circle Office:

1 Bandar Town 6 Kaikaluru 11 Nandigama 2 Bandar Rural 7 Nuzvid 12 Jaggaiahpet 3 Gudivada Town 8 H.Junction 13 Avanigadda

DPO 01 SDPO 05 CO 14 PS 55

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4 Gudivada Rural 9 Mylavaram 14 Challapalli 5 Pamarru 10 Tiruvuru

Police Stations:

1 Robertsonpet 20 Mandavalli 39 Koduru 2 Pedaparupudi PS 21 Kaikaluru Rural 40 Nagayalanka 3 Inaguduru 22 Nuzvid Town 41 Challapalli 4 Chilakalapudi 23 Nuzvid Rural 42 Kuchipudi 5 Machilipatnam 24 Musunuru 43 Gudivada II Town 6 Bandar Traffic 25 H.Junction 44 Gudivada Traffic 7 Women 26 Veeravalli 45 CCS, Gudivada (New) 8 CCS, Bandar 27 Agiripalli 46 Gudivada Taluq 9 Marine 28 Mylavaram 47 Nandivada 10 Pedana 29 Chatrai 48 G.Konduru 11 Bantumilli 30 Nandigama 49 Reddigudem 12 Kruthivennu 31 Kanchikacherla 50 Tiruvuru 13 Bandar Taluq 32 Veerulapadu 51 Gampalagudem 14 Guduru 33 Chandarlapadu 52 Vissannapet 15 Mudinepalli 34 Jaggaiahpet 53 Gudivada I Town 16 Pamarru 35 Penuganchiprolu 54 A.Konduru 17 Gudlavalleru 36 Chillakallu 55 Ghantasala 18 Kaikaluru Town 37 Vatsavai 19 Kalidindi 38 Avangiadda


DPO 01 SDPO 06 CO 21 PS 83

Sub Divisions:

1 Kurnool 3 Dhone 5 Allagadda 2 Nandyal 4 Adoni 6 Atmakur

Circle Office:

1 Kurnool Town Circle 8 Peapully 15 Alur Circle 2 Kurnool Taluk Circle 9 Banaganapalli 16 Allagadda Town Circle 3 Kodumur Circle 10 Pathikonda 17 Sirvella Circle 4 Nandyal Town Circle 11 Adoni Town Circle 18 Koilkuntla Circle 5 Nandyal Taluk Circle 12 Adoni Taluk Circle 19 Atmakur Circle 6 Panyam Circle 13 Yemmiganur Town Circle 20 Nandikotkur Circle 7 Dhone 14 Kosigi Circle 21 Srisailam Circle

Police Stations:

1 Kurnool I Town PS 29 Maddikera PS 57 Dornipadu PS 2 Kurnool II Town PS 30 Tuggali PS 58 Kolimigundla PS

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3 Kurnool III Town PS 31 Devanakonda PS 59 Atmakur PS 4 Kurnool IV Town PS 32 Jonnagiri PS 60 Velgodu PS 5 Kurnool Traffic PS 33 Adoni I Town PS 61 Pamulapadu PS 6 CCS, Kurnool 34 Adoni III Town PS 62 Kothapalli PS 7 Kurnool Taluk PS 35 Adoni Traffic PS 63 Nandikotkur PS 8 Orvakal PS 36 Adoni II Town PS 64 Panyam PS 9 K-Nagalapuram PS 37 Adoni Taluk PS 65 Gadivemula PS 10 Ulindakonda PS 38 Isvi PS 66 Nandivargam PS 11 Kodumur PS 39 Peddathubalam PS 67 Dhone Urban PS 12 Gudur PS 40 Kowthalam PS 68 Dhone Rural PS 13 C-Belgal PS 41 Yemmiganur Town PS 69 Krishnagiri PS 14 Gonegandla PS 42 Yemmiganur Rural PS 70 Veldurthy PS 15 Nandyal I Town PS 43 Aspari PS 71 Yemmiganur Traffic PS 16 Nandyal II Town PS 44 Chippagiri PS 72 Nandavaram PS 17 Nandyal Traffic PS 45 Holagunda PS 73 Mantralayam PS 18 Nandyal III Town PS 46 Halaharvi PS 74 Kosigi PS 19 Nandyal Taluk PS 47 Allagadda Urban PS 75 Peddakadubur PS 20 Mahanandi PS 48 Allagadda Rural PS 76 Madhavaram PS 21 Bandi Atmakur PS 49 Chagalamarri PS 77 Alur PS 22 Peapully PS 50 Sirvella PS 78 Muchumarri PS 23 Jaladurgam PS 51 Rudravaram PS 79 Midthur PS 24 N-Racherla PS 52 Gospadu PS 80 Jupadu Bunglow PS 25 Banaganapalli PS 53 Koilkuntla PS 81 Brahmanakotkur PS 26 Bethamcherla PS 54 Revanur PS 82 Srisailam I Town PS 27 Owk PS 55 Uyyalawada PS 83 Srisailam II Town PS 28 Pathikonda PS 56 Sanjamala PS


Sub Divisions:

1 Mahabubnagar 3 Nagarkurnool 5 Gadwal 2 Shadnagar 4 Wanaparthy 6 Narayanpet

Circle Office:

1 Mahabubnagar Town 7 Nagarkurnool 13 Gadwal 2 Mahabubnagar Rural 8 Achampet 14 Alampur 3 Jadcherla 9 Amrabad 15 Atmakur 4 Shadnagar 10 Wanaparthy 16 Narayanpet 5 Amangal 11 Kothakota 17 Makthal 6 Kalwakurthy 12 Kollapur 18 Kodangal

Police Stations:

1 Mahabubnagar I-Town 26 Tadoor 51 Ghattu

DPO 01 SDPO 06 CO 18 PS 75

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2 Mahabubnagar II-Town 27 Telkapally 52 Dharoor 3 Women 28 Achampet 53 Maldakal 4 Mahabubnagar Rural 29 Balmoor 54 Alampur 5 Koilkonda 30 Lingal 55 Rajoli 6 Nawabpet 31 Siddapur 56 Shanthinagar 7 Hanwada 32 Uppununthala 57 Central Crime Station 8 Jadcherla 33 Amrabad 58 Manopad 9 Boothpur 34 Wanaparthy Town 59 Kodandapur 10 Thimmajipet 35 Wanaparthy Rural 60 Itikyala 11 Shadnagar 36 Pangal 61 Atmakur 12 Balanagar 37 Gopalpet 62 Devarkadra 13 Kothur 38 Traffic 63 Chinna Chintha Kunta 14 Kondurg 39 Kothakota 64 Narva 15 Keshampet 40 Pebbair 65 Narayanpet 16 Amangal 41 Addakal 66 Marikal 17 Madgul 42 Ghanpur 67 Maddur 18 Talakondapally 43 Peddamandadi 68 Damaragidda 19 Bomraspet 44 Kollapur 69 Makthal 20 Kalwakurthy 45 Kodair 70 Krishna 21 Veldanda 46 Peddakothapally 71 Utkoor 22 Vangoor 47 Veepangandla 72 Maganoor 23 Midjil 48 Gadwal Town 73 Kodangal 24 Nagarkurnool 49 Gadwal Rural 74 Kosgi 25 Bijinapally 50 Aize 75 Doulthabad


DPO 01 SDPO 05 CO 17 PS 56

Sub Divisions:

1 Sangareddy 3 Medak 5 Toopran 2 R.C.Puram 4 Siddipet

Circle Office:

1 Sangareddy 7 Medak 13 Dubbak 2 Sadasivpet 8 Jogipet 14 Gajwel 3 Zahirabad(T) 9 Narayankhed 15 Toopran 4 Zahirabad(R) 10 Siddipet(T) 16 Ramayampet 5 R.C.Puram 11 Siddipet(R) 17 Narsapur 6 Patancheru 12 Thoguta

Police Stations:

1 Sangareddy(T) 20 Jogipet 39 Mirdoddi

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2 Sangareddy(R) 21 Shankarampet(A) 40 Bhoompally 3 Indrakaran 22 Alladurg 41 Gajwel 4 Sadasivpet 23 Tekmal 42 Jagdevpur 5 Munipally 24 Pulkal 43 Gowraram 6 Kondapur 25 Narayankhed 44 Toopran 7 Zahirabad 26 Sirgapur 45 Shivampet 8 Kohir 27 Kangti 46 Yeldurthy 9 Chiragpally 28 Manoor 47 Ramayampet 10 Hadnoor 29 Siddipet(I)(T) 48 Chegunta 11 Jharasangam 30 Siddipet(II)(T) 49 Shankarampet(R) 12 Raikode 31 Siddipet® 50 Narsapur 13 R.C.Puram 32 Rajgopalpet 51 Hatnoora 14 Bollaram 33 Chinnakodur 52 Jinnaram 15 BDL, Bhanoor 34 Thoguta 53 Kowdipally 16 Medak(T) 35 Doulthabad 54 Patancheru 17 Medak(R) 36 Kuknoorpally 55 Regode 18 Papannapet 37 Begumpet 56 Mulugu 19 Kulcharam 38 Dubbak


DPO 01 SDPO 05 CO 15 PS 74

Sub Divisions:

1 Nalgonda 3 Bhongir 5 Suryapet 2 Miryalguda 4 Deverakonda

Circle Office:

1 Nalgonda 6 Haliya 11 Deverakonda 2 Nakrekal 7 Bhongir 12 Nampally 3 Chandur 8 Ramannapet 13 Suryapet 4 Miryalguda 9 Yadagirigutta 14 Kodad 5 Huzurnagar 10 Choutuppal 15 Thungathurthy

Police Stations:

1 Halia 26 Gurrampode 51 Nereducherla 2 Tripuraram 27 Huzurnagar 52 Nidmanoor 3 Valigonda 28 Kanagal 53 Noothankal 4 Vemulapally 29 Kattangur 54 Peddavoora 5 Alair 30 Kethepally 55 Penpahad 6 Alwal 31 Kodad Rural 56 Pochampally 7 Arvapally 32 Kodad Town 57 Rajapet 8 Athmakur-M 33 Marriguda 58 Ramannapet

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9 Athmakur-S 34 Mattampally 59 Shaligouraram 10 Bhongir Rural 35 Medlachervu 60 Suryapet Rural 11 Bhongir Town 36 Miryalguda I(T) 61 Suryapet Town 12 Bibinagar 37 Miryalguda II Town 62 Thipparthy 13 Bommalaramaram 38 Miryalguda Rural 63 Thirumalagiri 14 Chandampet 39 Mothey 64 Thungathuthy 15 Chandur 40 Mothkur 65 Thurkapally 16 Chilkur 41 Munagala 66 Traffic PS Kodad 17 Chinthapally 42 Munugode 67 Traffic PS Miryalaguda 18 Chityal 43 Nadigudem 68 Traffic PS Nalgonda 19 Chivemla 44 Nakrekal 69 Traffic PS Suryapet 20 Choutuppal 45 Nalgonda I Town 70 Vijayapuri Town 21 Devarakonda 46 Nalgonda II Town 71 Wadapally 22 Dindi 47 Nalgonda Rural 72 Women Police Station 23 Garidepally 48 Nampally 73 Yadagirigutta 24 Gudipally 49 Narayanpur 74 CCS 25 Gundala 50 Narkatpally


DPO 01 SDPO 04 CO 15 PS 64

Sub Divisions:

1 Nellore Town 2 Nellore Rural 3 Gudur 4 Kavali

Circle Office:

1 Nellore Town (L&O) 6 Gudur 11 Kavali 2 Traffic, Nellore 7 Venkatagiri 12 Kaligiri 3 Nellore Rural 8 Naidupet 13 Udayagiri 4 Kovur 9 Sullurpet 14 Atmakur 5 Buchireddyapelm 10 Vakadu 15 Podalakur

Police Stations:

1 Nellore 1 town 23 Manubolu 45 Marripadu 2 Nellore 2 town 24 Venkatagiri 46 A.Sagaram 3 Nellore 3 town 25 Balayapalli 47 A.S.Pet 4 Nellore 4 town 26 Dakkili 48 Somasila 5 Nellore 5 town 27 Rapur 49 Vidavalur 6 Woman PS 28 Naidupet 50 Allur 7 Krishnapatnam Port PS 29 Pellakuru 51 Kodavalur 8 Balaji Nagar 30 D.V.Satram 52 Buchireddpalem 9 CCS, Nellore 31 Sullurpet 53 Sangam

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10 Traffic South 32 Tada 54 Vakadu 11 Traffic North 33 Kavali 2 town 55 Kota 12 Nellore Rural 34 Kavali Rural 56 Chittamuru 13 V.Satram 35 Bitragunta 57 Ozili 14 Muthukur 36 Jaladanki 58 Kavali1 t own 15 Indukurpet 37 Kaligiri 59 Chejarla 16 T.P.Gudur 38 Vinjamuru 60 Kaluvoy 17 Dagadarthi 39 Kondapuram 61 Kandaleru 18 Gudur 1 town 40 Udayagiri 62 Kovur 19 Gudur 2 town 41 Duttaluru 63 Sriharikota 20 Gudur Rural 42 S.R.Puram 64 Podalakur 21 Sydapuram 43 V.K.Padu 22 Chillakuru 44 Atmakur


DPO 01 SDPO 04 CO 12 PS 46

Sub Divisions:


Circle Office:


Police Stations:

1 Town-I PS 17 Bodhan PS 33 Lingampet PS 2 Town-II PS 18 Yedpally PS 34 Gandhari PS 3 Town-III PS 19 Kotgir PS 35 Nagireddypet PS 4 Town-IV PS 20 Varni PS 36 CCS PS 5 Traffic PS 21 Banswada PS 37 Armoor PS 6 Rural PS 22 Birkur PS 38 Nandipet PS 7 Town-V PS 23 Pitlam PS 39 Balkonda PS 8 Navipet PS 24 Nizamsagar PS 40 Velpoor PS 9 Makloor PS 25 S.S.Nagar PS 41 Bichkunda PS 10 Dichpally PS 26 Machareddy PS 42 Jukkal PS 11 Dharpally Ps 27 Devanpally PS 43 Madnoor PS 12 Jakranpally PS 28 Bhiknoor PS 44 Kamareddy PS 13 Bheemgal PS 29 Domokonda PS 45 Women PS 14 Morthad PS 30 Bibipet PS 46 Renjal PS 15 Kammarpally PS 31 Tadwai PS

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16 Sirikonda PS 32 Yellareddy PS


DPO 01 SDPO 05 CO 14 PS 66

Sub Divisions:

1 Ongole 2 Kandukuru 3 Markapur 4 Chirala 5 Darsi

Circle Office:

1 Ongole Town 6 Kandukur 11 Addanki 2 Ongole Rural 7 Kanigiri 12 Markapur 3 S Konda 8 Pamur 13 Giddalur 4 Chirala 9 Darsi 14 Y. PALEM 5 Inkollu 10 Podili

Police Stations:

1 Ongole I town 23 Chinaganjam 45 T.V.Palli 2 Ongole II Town 24 Parchur 46 Marripudi 3 CCS 25 Martur 47 K.K.Mitla 4 Ongole Taluk 26 Yaddanapudi 48 Donakonda 5 Kothapatnam 27 Kandukur Town 49 Addanki 6 Ongole traffic 28 Ponnalur 50 Ballikurava 7 W PS Ongole 29 V V Palem 51 Santhamagulur 8 Chimakurthy 30 Kandukur Rural 52 Medarametla 9 S.N.Padu 31 Ulavapadu 53 Korisapadu 10 Maddipadu 32 Gudlur 54 Markapur Town 11 N G Padu 33 Kanigiri 55 Markapur Rural 12 Singarayakonda 34 Veligandla 56 Peddaraveedu 13 Tangutur 35 H.M.Padu 57 Ardhaveedu 14 Jarugumalli 36 P.C.Palli 58 Cumbum 15 Kondepi 37 Pamur 59 Giddalur 16 Chirala I Town 38 C S Puram 60 Racherla 17 Chirala Ii Town 39 L.Samudram 61 Komarole 18 Chirala Rural 40 Darsi 62 B.V.Peta 19 Vetapalem 41 Mundlamur 63 Y.Palem 20 Karamchedu 42 Thallur 64 Dornala 21 Inkollu 43 Kurichedu 65 P.Cheruvu 22 J.Panguluru 44 Podili 66 Thripuranthakam


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DPO 01 SDPO 07 CO 04 PS 17

Sub Divisions:

1 SDPO Office Central Zone 3 SDPO Office East Zone 5 SDPO Office Crime 1 2 SDPO Office South Zone 4 SDPO Office North Zone 6 SDPO Office Crime 2 7 SDPO Office Traffic

Circle Office:

1 Circle Office Rajahmundry Town 2 Circle Office

Rajahmundry Rural 3 Circle Office Korukonda

4 Circle Office RJY Traffic

Police Stations:

1 I Town L&O PS RJY 7 Kadiyam PS 13 Gokavaram 2 III Town L&O PS RJY 8 Prakasam Nagar PS 14 Seetanagaram

3 Woman Police Station 9 Bommuru PS 15 Madhurapudi Airport PS(new)

4 II Town L&O PS 10 Rajanagaram PS 16 I Town CCS PS 5 Dowleswaram PS 11 Korukonda 17 II Town CCS PS 6 III Town CCS PS 12 Traffic PS RJY


DPO 01 SDPO 03 CO 04 PS 19

Sub Divisions:

1 Vikarabad 2 Chevella 3 Tandur

Circle Office:

1 Vikarabad 2 Chevella 3 Parigi 4 Tandur

Police Stations:

1 Vikarabad 8 Chengomul 15 Yalal 2 Marpally 9 Parigi 16 Bantwaram 3 Mominpet 10 Mohammadabad 17 Chevella 4 Nawabpet 11 Tandur 18 Doma 5 Dharur 12 Basheerabad 19 Kulakcherla

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6 Shabad 13 Peddemul 7 Shankerpally 14 Karankote


DPO 01 SDPO 03 CO 12 PS 44

Sub Divisions:

1 Srikakulam 2 Kasibugga 3 Palakonda

Circle Office:

1 Srikakulam 5 Kasibugga 9 Palakonda 2 Narasannapeta 6 Tekkali 10 Rajam 3 J R Puram 7 Sompeta 11 Kothuru 4 Amdalavalasa 8 Ichapuram 12 Pathapatnam

Police Stations:

1 Srikakulam I Town 16 Kotabommali 31 Seethampeta 2 Srikakulam II Town 17 Santhabommali 32 Bathili 3 Srikakulam Rural 18 Nowpada 33 Pathapatnam 4 Gara 19 Sompeta 34 Ponduru 5 Women 20 Baruva 35 Amdalavalasa 6 Narasannapeta 21 Mandasa 36 Sarubujjili 7 Jalumuru 22 Kanchili 37 Burja 8 Polaki 23 Veeraghattam 38 Ichapuram Town 9 J.R. Puram 24 R.A.Valasa 39 Ichapuram Rural 10 Etcherla 25 Rajam 40 Kaviti 11 Laveru 26 Santhakaviti 41 Palakonda 12 Kasibugga 27 Vangara 42 Saravakota 13 Nandigam 28 G.Sigadam 43 Meliaputty 14 Vajrapukothuru 29 Kothuru 44 Hiramandalam 15 Tekkali 30 Donubai


DPO 01 SDPO 07 CO 02 PS 25

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Sub Divisions:

1 Tirumala Sub-Division 3 Tirupati West Sub-Division 5 Renigunta Sub-Division

2 Tirupati East Sub-Division 4 Tirupati Traffic Division 6 Srikalahasti Sub-Division 7 Tirupati Crime Division

Circle Office:

1 Renigunta rural circle 2 B.N.Kandriga circle

Police Stations:

1 I-Town PS, TML 10 Chandragiri PS 19 Vadamalapet PS 2 II-Town PS, TML 11 Traffic PS, TPT 20 R.C.Puram PS 3 Traffic PS, TML 12 CCS, Tirumala 21 I-Town PS, SKHT 4 Alipiri PS 13 CCS, Tirupati 22 II-Town PS, SKHT 5 East PS, TPT 14 Mahila PS, TPT 23 Srikalahasti Rural 6 Thiruchanur PS 15 Renigunta PS 24 B.N.Kandriga PS 7 West PS, TPT 16 Airport, Renigunta 25 Thottambedu PS 8 SVU Campus PS 17 Yerpedu PS 9 M.R.Palle PS 18 Gajulamandyam PS


DPO 01 SDPO 04 CO 11 PS 50

Sub Divisions:

1 Anakapalli 2 Paderu 3 Chinthapalli 4 Narsipatnam

Circle Office:

1 Anakapalli 5 Yelamanchili 9 Araku 2 Bheemili 6 Kothakota 10 Chinthapalli 3 Chodavaram 7 Koyyuru 11 G.K.Veedhi 4 Narsipatnam 8 Paderu

Police Stations:

1 Anakapalli Town 18 Nathavaram 35 Dumbriguda 2 Anakapalli Traffic 19 Yelamanchili Town 36 G.Madugula 3 Anakapalli Women 20 Yelamanchili Rural 37 Chinthapalli 4 Anakapalli Rural 21 Yelamanchili Traffic 38 Annavaram 5 Kasimkota 22 Nakkapalli 39 G.K.Veedhi 6 Munagapaka 23 S.Rayavaram 40 Butchiyyapeta 7 Sabbavaram 24 Atchuthapuram 41 Cheedikada 8 CCS, Anakapalli 25 Rambilli 42 A.Koduru

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9 Bheemili 26 Payakaraopeta 43 K.Kotapadu 10 Anandapuram 27 K.D.Peta 44 Kothakota 11 Padmanabham 28 Mampa 45 Ravikamatham 12 Chodavaram 29 Paderu 46 Rolugunta 13 V.Madugula 30 Hukumpeta 47 Makavarapalem 14 Narsipatnam Town 31 Pedabayalu 48 Sileru 15 Narsipatnam Rural 32 Munchingput 49 Devarapalli 16 Kotauratla 33 Araku 50 Koyyuru 17 Golugonda 34 Ananthagiri


DPO 01 SDPO 03 CO 10 PS 41

Sub Divisions:

1 Vizianagaram 2 Bobbili 3 Parvathipuram

Circle Office:

1 Vizianagaram Town 5 Bobbili 9 Saluru Circle 2 Vizianagaram Rural 6 Cheepurupalli 10 Elwinpeta Circle 3 Bhogapuram 7 Gajapathinagaram 4 S. Kota 8 Parvathipuram Circle

Police Stations:

1 Vizianagaram I Town 15 Vallampudi 29 Parvathipuram Town 2 Vizianagaram II Town 16 Bobbili 30 Parvathipuram Rural 3 Vizianagaram Traffic 17 Badangi 31 Garugubilli 4 Vizianagaram Rural 18 Balijipeta 32 Komarada 5 Gantyada 19 Therlam 33 Salur Town 6 Gurla 20 Seethanagaram 34 Makkuva 7 Nellimarla 21 Cheepurupalli 35 Pachipenta 8 Bhogapuram 22 Budarayavalasa 36 N.K.Puram 9 Denkada 23 Garividi 37 Elwinpeta 10 P.P.Rega 24 Gajapathinagaram 38 Kurupam 11 S.Kota 25 Andra 39 Jyyammavalasa 12 Jami 26 Bondapalli 40 Salur Rural 13 Kothavalasa 27 Pedamanapuram 41 R.B.Puram 14 L.Kota 28 Burjivalasa



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PS 47

Sub Divisions:

1 Jangaon 3 Narsampet 5 Parkal 2 Mahabubabad 4 Mulug

Circle Office:

1 Jangaon (Rural) 5 Maripeda 9 Mulug 2 Cherial 6 Thorrur 10 Eturnagaram 3 Palakurthy 7 Narsampet (Rural ) 11 Parkal (Rural) 4 Mahabubabad (Rural) 8 Gudur 12 Chityal

Police Stations:

1 Jangoan 17 Kuravi 33 Ghanpur(M) 2 Raghunathpalli 18 Thorrur 34 Eturnagaram 3 Lingala Ghanpur 19 Narsimulapet 35 Thadvai 4 Narmetta 20 Nellikudur 36 Mangapet 5 Cherial 21 Narsampet 37 Narlapur 6 Bachannapet 22 Duggondi 38 Kannaigudem 7 Maddur 23 Chennaraopet 39 Kodishala 8 Palakurthy 24 Nallabelli 40 Parkal 9 Kodakandla 25 Gudur 41 Bhupalpally 10 Devaruppala 26 Khanapur 42 Regonda 11 Mahabubabad(Town) 27 Neckonda 43 Shayampet 12 Dornakal 28 Kothaguda 44 Chityal 13 Mahabubabad(Rural) 29 Komatlaguda 45 Mogullapalli 14 Kesamudram 30 Mulug 46 Woman PS 15 Maripeda 31 Venkatapur 47 CCS 16 Seerole 32 Pasra


DPO SDPO 06 CO 04 PS 47

Sub Divisions:

1 SDPO Warangal 3 SDPO Mamnoor 5 SDPO Crime 2 SDPO Hanmakonda 4 SDPO Traffic. 6 SDPO Kazipet

Circle Office:

1 Ghanpur (W) 2 Mamnoor 3 Wardhannapet 4 Hasanparthy

Police Stations:

1 Matwada PS 9 Ghanpur (W) PS 17 Parwathagiri PS

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2 Inthesargunj PS 10 Madikonda PS 18 Wardhannapet PS 3 Mills Colony PS 11 Dharmasagar PS 19 Rayaparthy PS 4 Hanamkonda PS 12 Hasanparthy PS 20 Jaffergadh PS

5 Subedari PS 13 Athmakur PS 21 Matwada Traffic PS (warangal Traffic)

6 KUC PS 14 Mamnoor PS 22 Hanamkonda Traffic PS 7 Women PS 15 Geesugonda PS 23 Kazipet Traffic PS 8 Kazipet PS 16 Sangem PS 24 CCS Warangal PS


DPO 01 SDPO 04 CO 16 PS 61

Sub Divisions:

1 Eluru Division 2 Kovuuru 3 Narasapuram 4 J.R.Gudem

Circle Office:

1 Eluru Town 7 Tanuku 13 Penugonda 2 Eluru Rural 8 Nidadavole 14 J.R.Gudem 3 Bhimadole 9 Narasapuram 15 Polavaram 4 Ganapavaram 10 Palakolu 16 Chitnalapudi 5 Kovvuru 11 Bhimavaram Town 6 T.P.Gudem 12 Bhimavaram Rural

Police Stations:

1 Eluru I town 22 Undrajavaram 43 Lakkavaram 2 Eluru II town 23 Attili 44 Buttaigudem 3 Eluru III town 24 Nidadavole 45 Polavaram 4 Eluru Town CCS 25 Samisrigudem 46 Gopalapuram 5 Women 26 Chagallu 47 Koyyalagudem 6 Eluru Traffice 27 Narasapuram T 48 Chitalapudi 7 Eluru Rural 28 Narasapuram R 49 Kovvuru Rural 8 Pedapadu 29 Mogalturu 50 Devarapalli 9 Pedavegi 30 Palakolu T 51 Tallapudi 10 Bhimadole 31 Palakolu R 52 T.P.Gudem T 11 Denduluru 32 Poduru 53 T.P.Gudem R 12 D.Tirumala 33 Bhimavaram Rural 54 Yelamanchili 13 Ganapavaram 34 Undi 55 Veeravasaram 14 Chebrolu 35 Kalla 56 Achant 15 Nidamaru 36 Akiveedu 57 Bhimavaram I T 16 Kovvuru Town 37 Palakoderu 58 Bhimavaram II T 17 Pentapadu 38 Penguonda 59 Tadikalapudi 18 Ananthapalli 39 Penumantra 60 T.Narasapuram

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19 Tanuku T 40 Iragavaram 61 Dharmajigudem 20 Tanuku R 41 J.R.Gudem 21 Peravali 42 Jeelugumilli


CPO DCP 07 ACPO 15 CO 01 PS 52

DCP Office:

1 DCP LB Nagar Zone Cyberabad 2 DCP Crimes Cyberabad 3 DCP, Balanagar zone

4 DCPolice Alwal Zone Cyberabad 5 DCP Traffic Cyberabad 6 DCP, Shamshabad


7 DCP Madhapur Zone Cyberabad

ACP Office:


ACP Alwal Division Cyberabad 6

ACP Ibrahimpatnam Division Cyberabad 11

ACP Shamshabad Traffic Division, / RGI Airport Division, CyberabadCyberabad

2 ACP Malkajgiri Division Cyberabad 7 ACP Crimes Cyberabad 12 ACP Madapur

3 ACP Balanagar Division Cyberabad 8 ACP Traffic Kukatpally

Cyberabad. 13 ACP Kukatpalli

4 ACP Rajendranagar Division Cyberabad 9 ACP Traffic L.B.Nagar

Cyberabad. 14 ACP Petbasheerbad

5 ACP Saroornagar Division Cyberabad 10 ACP Shamshabad

Division, Cyberabad 15 ACP Vanasthalipuram

Circle Office:

1 Ibrahimpatnam

Police Stations:

1 Alwal 19 Ghatkesar 37 Pahadisharief PS 2 KPHB colony 20 Uppal 38 Kandukur 3 Medipalli 21 Rajendranagar 39 Maheshwaram 4 Chaitanyapuri 22 Shamshabad 40 Ibrahimpatnam CO 5 Meerpet 23 Madhapur 41 Ibrahimpatnam 6 Cyber Crime 24 Moinabad 42 Manchal 7 Counter Intelligence Cell 25 Narsinghi 43 Yacharam 8 Shivarampally 26 Raidurgam 44 L.B.Nagar Traffic 9 Petbasheerabad 27 Balanagar 45 Uppal Traffic 10 Dundigal 28 Chandanagar 46 Malkajgiri Traffic 11 Medchal 29 Miyapur 47 Alwal Traffic

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12 Shamirpet 30 Kukatpally 48 Kukatpally Traffic 13 Jeedimetla 31 Sanathnagar 49 Balanagar Traffic 14 Malkajgiri 32 Hayathnagar 50 Jeedimetla Traffic 15 Nacharam 33 Lb Nagar 51 Rajendranagar Traffic 16 Neredmet 34 Vanasthalipuram 52 Madhapur Traffic 17 Kushaiguda 35 Saroornagar WPS 18 Keesara 36 Saroornagar


CPO DCP 10 ACPO 34 PS 84

DCP Office:

1 DCP Task Force Hyderabad 5 DCP South Zone

Hyderabad 9 DCP Traffic I Hyderabad

2 DCP DD I Hyderabad 6 DCP Central Zone Hyderabad 10 DCP Traffic II


3 DCP DD II Hyderabad 7 DCP East Zone Hyderabad

4 DCP North Zone Hyderabad

8 DCP West Zone Hyderabad

ACP Office:

1 ACP WCO3 Hyderabad 13 ACP Gopalapuram Hyderabad 25 ACP Goshamahal


2 ACP WCO45 Hyderabad 14 ACP Charminar Hyderabad 26 ACP Banjara Hills


3 ACP ATM Murder Hyderabad 15 ACP Mirchowk

Hyderabad 27 ACP Panjagutta Hyderabad

4 ACP ADR WZ Hyderabad 16 ACP Falaknuma Hyderabad 28 ACP Traffic I


5 ACP NZ WCO1 Hyderabad 17 ACP Santoshnagar

Hyderabad 29 ACP Traffic II Hyderabad

6 ACP CZWZ Hyderabad 18 ACP Abids Hyderabad 30 ACP Traffic III Hyderabad

7 ACP SZ WCO2 Hyderabad 19 ACP Chikkadpally

Hyderabad 31 ACP Traffic IV Hyderabad

8 ACP WZ ADR Hyderabad 20 ACP Saifabad Hyderabad 32 ACP Traffic V


9 ACP DD SIT Hyderabad 21 ACP Sultanbazar Hyderabad 33 ACP Traffic VI


10 ACP, Cyber Cell, CCS, Hyderabad 22 ACP Kachiguda

Hyderabad 34 ACP Traffic VII Hyderabad

11 ACP Begumpet Hyderabad 23 ACP Malakpet Hyderabad

12 ACP Mahankali Hyderabad 24 ACP Asifnagar


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Police Stations:

1 Gopalapuram 29 Dabeerpura 57 Humayunnagar 2 CCS HYD 30 Rein Bazar 58 Asifnagar 3 Cyber Crime PS 31 Moghalpura 59 SR Nagar 4 Tast force PS 32 Madannapet 60 Panjagutta 5 Women PS CCS 33 Santoshnagar 61 Banjara Hills 6 Tukaramgate 34 Kanchanbagh 62 Jubilee Hills 7 Lallaguda 35 Bhavaninagar 63 Kulsumpura 8 Chilkalaguda 36 Nampally 64 Mangalhat 9 Mahankali 37 Saifabad 65 Shahinayatgunj 10 Market 38 Ramgopalpet 66 Habeebnagar 11 Maredpally 39 Abid Road 67 Mahankali Traffic PS 12 Karkhana 40 Begum Bazar 68 Gopalpuram Traffic PS 13 Begumpet 41 Narayanaguda 69 Tirumalgherry Traffic PS 14 Bollarum 42 Musheerabad 70 Begumpet Traffic PS 15 Trimalgherry 43 Chikadapally 71 Panjagutta Traffic PS 16 Begumpet WPS 44 Gandhinagar 72 Banjara Hills Traffic PS 17 Bowenpally 45 Nallakunta 73 Chikkadpally Traffic PS 18 Bahadurpura 46 Osmania University 74 Saifabad Traffic PS 19 Charminar 47 Kachiguda 75 Abids Traffic PS 20 Kamatipura 48 Sultan Bazar 76 Goshamahal Traffic PS 21 Hussainialam 49 Chader Ghat 77 Nampally Traffic PS 22 South Zone WPS- 50 Afzalgunj 78 Asif Nagar Traffic PS 23 Kalapathar 51 Malakpet 79 Charminar Traffic PS 24 Chandrayan Gutta 52 Amberpet 80 Falaknuma Traffic PS 25 Shahalibanda 53 Saidabad 81 Mirchowk Traffic PS 26 Falaknuma 54 Golconda 82 Sultan Bazar Traffic PS 27 Chatrinaka 55 Langer House 83 Kachiguda Traffic PS 28 Mirchowk 56 Tappachabutra 84 Malakpet Traffic PS


CPO DCP 02 ACPO 04 CO 04 PS 23

DCP Office:

1 DCP Vijayawada 2 DCP SB Vijayawada ACP Office:

1 West Zone 2 East Zone 3 Traffic Division 4 Central Zone

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Circle Office:

1 Gannavaram Circle 2 Traffic - I Circle 3 Traffic -II Circle

4 Vuyyuru Circle

Police Stations:

1 I Town P.S 9 MVaram P.S 17 Vuyyury Rural PS 2 Women PS Central Zone 10 Patamata P.S 18 Thotlavalluru PS 3 II Town P.S 11 Nunna P.S 19 Pamidimukkala PS 4 GRPet P.S 12 Penamaluru P.S. 20 I Traffic PS 5 SRPet P.S 13 Gannavaram PS 21 II Traffic PS 6 Ibrahimpatnam P.S 14 Unguturu PS 22 III Traffic PS 7 SNPuram P.S 15 Kankipadu PS 23 IV Traffic PS 8 KLanka P.S 16 Vuyyuru Town PS


CPO DCP 03 ACPO 05 CO 03 PS 29

DCP Office:

1 DCP CSB Vishakhapatnam 2 DCP L&O

Visakhapatnam DCP Traffic Visakhapatnam

ACP Office:

1 ACP-East 2 ACP South 3 ACP CCS VSP City 4 ACP-North 5 ACP-Traffic

Circle Office:

1 East 2 North 3 South

Police Stations:

1 I Town 11 Gopalapatnam 21 IV Town Traffic PS

2 II Town 12 Pendurthi 22 Kancharapalem Traffic PS

3 III Town 13 Malkapuram PS 23 Gajuwaka Traffic PS 4 PM Palem 14 Gajuwaka PS 24 Malkapuram Traffic PS 5 IV Town 15 Steel Plant PS 25 Gopalapatnam Traffic PS 6 Marine 16 New Port PS 26 Harbour Traffic PS 7 CTF 17 Parawada PS 27 Steel Plant Traffic PS 8 Woman 18 I Town Traffic PS 28 New Port Traffic PS 9 Kancharapalem 19 II Town Traffic PS 29 CCS Visakhapatnam 10 Harbour 20 III Town Traffic PS


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DPO 01 SDPO 02 CO 05 PS 19

Sub Divisions:


Circle Office:


Police Stations:



DPO SDPO 02 CO 05 PS 11

Sub Divisions:

1 Secunderabad 2 Kazipet

Circle Office:

1 Secunderabad 3 Hyderabad 5 Dornakal 2 Kacheguda 4 Kazipet

Police Stations:

1 Secunderabad 5 Mahaboobnagar 9 Bellampally 2 Nalgonda 6 Hyderabad 10 Dornakal 3 Kacheguda 7 Vikarabad 11 Khammam 4 Nizamabad 8 Wrangal



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SDPO 02 CO 04 PS 15

Sub Divisions:

1 Vijayawada 2 Visakhapatnam

Circle Office:

1 Vijayawada Line 2 Visakhapatnam Line 3 Rjahmundry 4 Guntur

Police Stations:

1 Vijayawada 6 Narasaraopet 11 Tuni 2 Eluru 7 Tenali 12 Rjahmundry 3 Gudiwada 8 Visakhapatnam 13 Samalkot 4 Tadepalli 9 Vizianagaram 14 Nidadavolu 5 Guntur 10 Palasa 15 Bhimavaram

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Annexure-9: Details of Police Stations / Districts under CIPA



Police Stations:

1 Halia 26 Gurrampode 51 Nereducherla 2 Tripuraram 27 Huzurnagar 52 Nidmanoor 3 Valigonda 28 Kanagal 53 Noothankal 4 Vemulapally 29 Kattangur 54 Peddavoora 5 Alair 30 Kethepally 55 Penpahad 6 Alwal 31 Kodad Rural 56 Pochampally 7 Arvapally 32 Kodad Town 57 Rajapet 8 Athmakur-M 33 Marriguda 58 Ramannapet 9 Athmakur-S 34 Mattampally 59 Shaligouraram 10 Bhongir Rural 35 Medlachervu 60 Suryapet Rural 11 Bhongir Town 36 Miryalguda I(T) 61 Suryapet Town 12 Bibinagar 37 Miryalguda Rural 62 Thipparthy 13 Bommalaramaram 38 Mothey 63 Thirumalagiri 14 Chandampet 39 Mothkur 64 Thungathuthy 15 Chandur 40 Munagala 65 Thurkapally 16 Chilkur 41 Munugode 66 Vijayapuri Town 17 Chinthapally 42 Nadigudem 67 Wadapally 18 Chityal 43 Nakrekal 68 Women Police Station 19 Chivemla 44 Nalgonda I Town 20 Choutuppal 45 Nalgonda II Town 21 Devarakonda 46 Nalgonda Rural 22 Dindi 47 Nampally 23 Garidepally 48 Narayanpur 24 Gudipally 49 Narkatpally 25 Gundala 50 Yadagirigutta

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Police Stations:

1 Town-I PS 16 Bodhan PS 31 Gandhari PS 2 Town-II PS 17 Yedpally PS 32 Nagireddypet PS 3 Town-III PS 18 Kotgir PS 33 Armoor PS 4 Traffic PS 19 Banswada PS 34 Nandipet PS 5 Rural PS 20 Birkur PS 35 Balkonda PS 6 Navipet PS 21 Pitlam PS 36 CCS PS 7 Makloor PS 22 Nizamsagar PS 37 Bichkunda PS 8 Dichpally PS 23 S.S.Nagar PS 38 Women PS 9 Dharpally Ps 24 Machareddy PS 101 Bheemgal PS 25 Devanpally PS 11 Morthad PS 26 Bhiknoor PS 12 Kammarpally PS 27 Domokonda PS 13 Jukkal PS 28 Bibipet PS 14 Madnoor PS 29 Tadwai PS 15 Kamareddy PS 30 Lingampet PS


Police Stations: (Guntur Urban)

1 Lalapet L & O PS 7 Women PS 13 Mangalagiri Town PS 2 Old Guntur L & O PS 8 Nallapdu PS 14 Pedakakani PS 3 Kothapet L & O PS 9 Prathipadu PS 15 Mangalagiri Rural PS 4 Arundelpet L & OPS 10 Vatticherukuru PS 16 Tadepalli PS 5 Nagarampalem L & O PS 11 Chebrolu PS 17 Tadikonda PS 6 Pattabhipuram L & O PS 12 Medikonduru PS

Police Stations: ( Guntur Rural)

1 Tenali I Town PS 23 Ponnur Rural PS 45 Narasaraopet I Town PS 2 Tenali II Town PS 24 Pedanadipadu PS 46 Narasaraopet Rural PS 3 Tenali III Town PS 25 Kakumanu PS 47 Phirangipuram PS 4 Tenali Taluka PS 26 Sattenapalli Town PS 48 Chilakaluripet Town PS 5 Narsaraopet PS 27 Sattenapalli Rural PS 59 Chilakaluripet Rural PS 6 Kolluru PS 28 Krosuru PS 50 Nadendla PS 7 Kollipara PS 29 Atchampet PS 51 Yedlapadu PS 8 Duggiralla PS 30 Muppalla PS 52 Vinukonda PS 9 Vemuru PS 31 Piduguralla PS 53 Ipuru PS

10 Tsundur PS 32 Machavaram PS 54 Inavole PS

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11 Amarthaluru PS 33 Amaravathi PS 55 Bandlamottu PS 12 Bapatla Town PS 34 Thulluru PS 56 Savalyapuram PS 13 Bapatla Rural PS 35 Pedakurapadu PS 57 Repalle PS 14 Vedullapalli PS 36 Gurazala PS 58 Bellamkonda PS 15 Karlapalem PS 37 Karempudi PS 59 Rompicherla PS 16 Cherukupalli PS 38 Rentachintala PS 60 Tsandole PS 17 Bhattiprolu PS 39 Dachepalli PS 61 Rajupalem PS 18 Adavuladevi PS 40 Macherla Town PS 62 Nekarikal PS 29 Nagaram PS 41 Macherla Rural PS 20 Nizampatnam PS 42 Durgi PS 21 Tsodaypalem PS 43 Veldurthy PS 22 Ponnur Town PS 44 Nagarajuna Sagar PS


Police Stations:

1 Ongole I town 23 Chinaganjam 45 T.V.Palli 2 Ongole II Town 24 Parchur 46 Marripudi 3 Thripuranthakam 25 Martur 47 K.K.Mitla 4 Ongole Taluk 26 Yaddanapudi 48 Donakonda 5 Kothapatnam 27 Kandukur Town 49 Addanki 6 Dornala 28 Ponnalur 50 Ballikurava 7 P.Cheruvu 29 V V Palem 51 Santhamagulur 8 Chimakurthy 30 Kandukur Rural 52 Medarametla 9 S.N.Padu 31 Ulavapadu 53 Korisapadu 10 Maddipadu 32 Gudlur 54 Markapur Town 11 N G Padu 33 Kanigiri 55 Markapur Rural 12 Singarayakonda 34 Veligandla 56 Peddaraveedu 13 Tangutur 35 H.M.Padu 57 Ardhaveedu 14 Jarugumalli 36 P.C.Palli 58 Cumbum 15 Kondepi 37 Pamur 59 Giddalur 16 Chirala I Town 38 C S Puram 60 Racherla 17 Chirala Ii Town 39 L.Samudram 61 Komarole 18 Y.Palem 40 Darsi 62 B.V.Peta 19 Vetapalem 41 Mundlamur 20 Karamchedu 42 Thallur 21 Inkollu 43 Kurichedu 22 J.Panguluru 44 Podili

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Annexure-10: List of Police Stations under CIPA districts where

site preparation and Hardware installation is required under CCTNS Project

10.1 List of CIPA locations not covered under any Phase earlier.

However, now site preparation (refer BoM table A1.3) & hardware (refer BoM table B1.4) is required under CCTNS (22 Nos).

Sl. No District Police Station

1 Guntur Urban East Traffic PS 2 West Traffic PS 3 Guntur Rural Marine PS 4 Narsaropet II town 5 Nalgonda Miryalguda II Town 6 Traffic PS Kodad 7 Traffic PS Miryalaguda 8 Traffic PS Nalgonda 9 Traffic PS Suryapet 10 CCS Nalgonda 11 Nizambad Town-IV PS Nzb 12 Town-V PS 13 Jakranpally PS 14 Velpoor PS 15 Sirikonda PS 16 Varni PS 17 Yellareddy PS 18 Renjal PS 19 Prakasham CCS ongole 20 Ongole traffic 21 W PS Ongole 22 Chirala Rural (Epurupalem)

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10.2 List of Police Stations under CIPA Phase-I where site preparation

(refer BoM table A1.2) and hardware (refer BoM table B1.2) is required under CCTNS (104 Nos)



1 Vatticherukuru 2 Pedakakani 3 Mangalagiri Town 4 Mangalagiri Rural 5 Tadepalli 6 Tenali i Town 7 Tenali iii Town 8 Duggirala 9 Kollipara 10 Kolluru 11 Vemuru 12 Tsundur 13 Amarthalur 14 Chebrole 15 Machavaram 16 Piduguralla 17 Bellamkonda 18 Rajupallem 19 Atchampeta 20 Krosuru 21 Muppalla 22 Medikonduru 23 NRT Town 24 Nakarikal 25 Phirangipuram 26 Rompicherla 27 Chpet Town 28 Chpet Rural 29 Nadendla 30 Edlapadu 31 Bandlamottu 32 Savalyapuram 33 Inavolu 34 Gurazala 35 Dachepalli 36 Karempudi

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37 Rentachintala 38 Macherla Town 39 Macherla Rural 40 Veldurthy 41 Durgi 42 N.Sagar



1 Ongole I town 2 Ongole II Town 3 Ongole Taluk 4 Kothapatnam 5 Chimakurthy 6 S.N.Padu 7 Maddipadu 8 N G Padu 9 Singarayakonda 10 Tangutur 11 Jarugumalli 12 Kondepi 13 Chirala I Town 14 Chirala Ii Town 15 Vetapalem 16 Karamchedu 17 Inkollu 18 J.Panguluru 19 Chinaganjam 20 Parchur 21 Martur 22 Yaddanapudi 23 Kandukur Town 24 Ponnalur 25 V V Palem 26 Kandukur Rural 27 Ulavapadu 28 Gudlur 29 Kanigiri 30 Veligandla 31 H.M.Padu 32 P.C.Palli 33 Pamur 34 C S Puram 35 L.Samudram

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36 Darsi 37 Mundlamur 38 Thallur 39 Kurichedu 40 Podili 41 T.V.Palli 42 Marripudi 43 K.K.Mitla 44 Donakonda 45 Addanki 46 Ballikurava 47 Santhamagulur 48 Medarametla 49 Korisapadu 50 Markapur Town 51 Markapur Rural 52 Peddaraveedu 53 Ardhaveedu 54 Cumbum 55 Giddalur 56 Racherla 57 Komarole 58 B.V.Peta 59 Y.Palem 60 Dornala 61 P.Cheruvu 62 Thripuranthakam

10.3 List of Police Stations under CIPA Phase-II where no site

preparation is required. However, hardware (refer BoM table B1.3) is required under CCTNS (143 Nos)



1 Lalapet 2 Kothapet 3 Old Guntur 4 Arundelpet 5 Nagarampalem 6 Pattabhipuram 7 Narasaraopet Rural 8 Vinukonda

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9 Ipur 10 Guntur Taluka 11 Prathipadu 12 Amaravati 13 Tadikonda 14 Thulluru 15 Pedakurapadu 16 Tenali II Town 17 Tenali Taluka 18 Sattenapalli Town 19 Sattenapalli Taluka 20 Bapatla Town 21 Bapatla Rural 22 Vedullapalli 23 Chandole 24 Karlapalem 25 Repalle 26 Cherukupalli 27 Bhattiprolu 28 Tsodaypalem 29 Adavuladevi 30 Nagaram 31 Nizampatnam 32 Ponnur Town 33 Ponnur Rural 34 Pedanandipadu 35 Kakumanu 36 CCS 37 Women 38 Traffic



1 Town-I PS 2 Town-II PS 3 Town-III PS 4 Rural PS 5 Navipet PS 6 Makloor PS 7 Dichpally PS 8 Dharpally Ps 9 Armoor PS 10 Nandipet PS

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11 Balkonda PS 12 Bheemgal PS 13 Morthad PS 14 Kammarpally PS 15 Bodhan PS 16 Yedpally PS 17 Kotgir PS 18 Banswada PS 19 Birkur PS 20 Pitlam PS 21 Nizamsagar PS 22 Bichkunda PS 23 Jukkal PS 24 Madnoor PS 25 Kamareddy PS 26 S.S.Nagar PS 27 Machareddy PS 28 Devanpally PS 29 Bhiknoor PS 30 Domokonda PS 31 Bibipet PS 32 Tadwai PS 33 Lingampet PS 34 Gandhari PS 35 Nagireddypet PS 36 CCS PS 37 Women PS 38 Traffic PS


S.No. NAME OF POLICE STATIONS 1 Bhongir (T) 2 Bhongir (R) 3 Bibinagar 4 B/Ramaram 5 Y/Gutta 6 Alair 7 Rajapet 8 Thurkapally 9 Choutuppal

10 Chityal 11 Pochampally 12 Narayanapur

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13 Ramannapet 14 Athmakur(M) 15 Mothkur 16 Valigonda 17 Gundala 18 Devarkonda 19 Dindi 20 Chandampet 21 Gudipally 22 Nampally 23 Marriguda 24 Chinthapally 25 Gurrampode 26 Suryapet (T) 27 Chivvemula 28 Suryapet(R) 29 Penpahad 30 Athmakur(S) 31 Mothey 32 Thungathurthy 33 Noothankal 34 Arvapally 35 Thirumalgiri 36 Kodad(T) 37 Kodad(R) 38 Chilkur 39 Medlachervu 40 Nadigudem 41 Munagala 42 Miryalguda(T) 43 Miryalguda(R) 44 Vemulapally 45 Wadapally 46 Halia 47 Peddavoora 48 Vijayapuri 49 Nidmanoor 50 Tripuraram 51 Huzurnagar 52 Garidepally 53 Neredcherla 54 Mattampally 55 Nalgonda-I(T) 56 Nalgonda-II(T) 57 Nalgonda (R)

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58 Nakrekal 59 Kethepally 60 Narketpally 61 Kattangoor 62 S.Gouraram 63 Thipparthy 64 Munugode 65 Chandur 66 Kangal 67 Women PS

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Annexure-11: Governance Structure in Andhra Pradesh The composition of State Apex Committee is as follows:

Members Composition Functions

Member 1 (Chairperson)

Sh. S. V. Prasad IAS,

Chief Secretary

Review progress of the


Monitor utilization of


Issue of Policy


Issue of Guidelines etc.

Member 2 (Co‐Chair)

Sh. P. Gautam Kumar IPS,

Principal Secretary, Home


Member 3 Sh. K. Aravinda Rao IPS, DGP,

Andhra Pradesh

Member 4 Sh. T.Satyanarayana Rao IAS,

Secretary (Finance)

Member 5 Smt. Ratna Prabha IAS,

Secretary IT

Member 6 Sh. Sitaram Reddy, IPS, Director


Member 7 Sh. B. V. Sharma, SIO, NIC AP


Member 8 Representative of GOI, MHA

Member 9 (Convener)

Sh. Ravi Gupta, IPS, IGP PCS&S

& Nodal Officer (CCTNS)

Member 10 Representative of BSNL


The composition of State Empowered Committee is as follows:

Members Composition Functions

Member 1 (Chairperson)

Sh. K. Aravinda Rao IPS, DGP,

Andhra Pradesh

Allocation of Funds.

Approval of BPR

(Business Process



Sanction of various

Member 2 (Co‐Chair)

Sh. Sitaram Reddy, IPS, IG SCRB

Member 3 Representative of NCRB

Member 4 Sh. Govind Singh, IPS, Special

Secretary of Home Department

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Members Composition Functions

Member 5 Sh. T.Satyanarayana Rao, IAS,

Secretary (Finance)

project components, as

may be specified,

including hardware,

software procurement.

Approval of various

functionalities to be

covered in the Project.

Review Progress of the


Ensure proper training


Ensure deployment of

appropriate handholding


Other important policy

and procedural issues

Guidance to State /

District Mission Teams.

Member 6 Sh.Parthasarthi Director

(Communications), IT&C


Member 7 Sh. B. V. Sharma SIO, NIC AP


Member 8 Representative of State

Implementation agency

Member 9 Sh. Ravi Gupta, IPS, IGP PCS&S,

Nodal Officer (CCTNS) /


The composition of State Mission Team is as follows: Members Composition Functions

Member 1 (Mission Leader)

Sh. Ravi Gupta IPS, IGP PCS&S Operational responsibility of

the Project.

Formulating Project Proposals

Getting sanction of GOI for

various projects.

Hardware rollout and


Coordination with various


Resolution of all software

related issues including

Member 2 Sh. Sita Ram Reddy, IPS, IGP SCRB

Member 4 Sh. B.V. Sharma State Informatics Officer (SIO), NIC AP State

Nodal Officer IGP PCS&S. Since the IGP PCS&S is the Nodal Officer of CCTNS project

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Members Composition Functions


Resolution of all other issues

hindering the progress of the


Any other decision to ensure

speedy implementation of the


Assist the State Apex and

Empowered Committees.

The composition of District Mission Team is as follows:

Members Composition Functions



SSP/SP of the District Prepare District Project


Ensure proper Rollout of the

Project in each selected Police


Ensure hardware and software

installation, and

operationalization of the


Training of all police personnel

in the District.

Site preparation and

availability of all utilities.

Ensure separate account

keeping for the Project.

Appointment and proper

utilization of handholding


Member 2


One officer of DCRB

Member 3 DIO of the NIC District Centre

Member 4 One officer from District Police having computer knowledge

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Annexure-12: Infrastructure required for Site preparation at

Police Stations and Higher Offices. A1.1 Each Police Station ( Non CIPA) - 1257 No's

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 4 No 2 Computer Chair with arm rest 4 No 3 Printer Table 1 No 4 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring &

MCB, Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

5 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 6 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 1 No 7 Information Outlet CAT 6 9 No 8 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 180 meters) 1 Job 9 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 1 No 10 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 9 No



A1.2 Each Police Station ( CIPA Phase I) - 104 No's

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 4 No 2 Computer Chair with arm rest 4 No 3 Printer Table 1 No 4 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring &

MCB,Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

5 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 6 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 1 No 7 Information Outlet CAT 6 9 No 8 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 180 meters) 1 Job 9 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 1 No 10 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 9 No






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A1.3 Each Police Station ( PS where Hardware not supplied under CIPA ) - 22 No's

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 4 No 2 Computer Chair with arm rest 4 No 3 Printer Table 1 No

4 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring & MCB, Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

5 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 6 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 1 No 7 Information Outlet CAT 6 9 No 8 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 180 meters) 1 Job 9 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 1 No 10 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 9 No



A 1.4 Each Police Station ( Hyderabad and Cyberabad) - 136 No's

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 4 No 2 Computer Chair with arm rest 4 No 3 Printer Table 1 No 4 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring & MCB,

Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

5 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 6 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 1 No 7 Information Outlet CAT 6 9 No 8 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 180 meters) 1 Job 9 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 1 No 10 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 9 No








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A2.1 Each Circle - (376 No's )

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 3 No 2 Computer Chair with arm rest 3 No 3 Printer Table 1 No 4 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring &

MCB, Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

5 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 6 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 1 No 7 Information Outlet CAT 6 8 No 8 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 160 meters) 1 Job 9 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 1 No 10 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 8 No



A2.2 Each Sub Divisional Police Office (Including ACP/DSP)-(205 No's)

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 3 No 2 Computer Chair with arm rest 3 No 3 Printer Table 1 No 4 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring &

MCB, Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

5 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 6 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 1 No 7 Information Outlet CAT 6 8 No 8 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 160 meters) 1 Job 9 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 1 No 10 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 8 No


A2.3 Each Range - 11Nos

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 4 No 2 Computer Chair with arm rest 4 No 3 Printer Table 1 No 4 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring &

MCB, Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

5 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 6 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 1 No

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A2.3 Each Range - 11Nos

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

7 Information Outlet CAT 6 9 No 8 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 180 meters) 1 Job 9 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 1 No 10 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 9 No


A2.4 Each Region Office - 04 No's

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 4 No 2 Computer Chair with arm rest 4 No 3 Printer Table 1 No 4 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring &

MCB, Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

5 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 6 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 1 No 7 Information Outlet CAT 6 9 No 8 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 180 meters) 1 Job 9 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 1 No 10 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 9 No


A2.5 State Crime Record Bureau (SCRB) - 01 No

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 4 No 2 Computer Chair with arm rest 4 No 3 Printer Table 1 No 4 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring &

MCB, Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

5 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 6 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 1 No 7 Information Outlet CAT 6 9 No 8 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 180 meters) 1 Job 9 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 1 No 10 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 9 No




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A2.6 Each District Police Office - 26 No's

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 10 No 2 Computer Chair with arm rest 10 No 3 Printer Table 10 No 4 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring &

MCB, Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

5 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 6 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 1 No 7 Information Outlet CAT 6 15 No 8 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 300 meters) 1 Job 9 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 1 No 10 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 15 No


A2.7 Each Railways District Police Office - 03 No's

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 10 No 2 Computer Chair with arm rest 10 No 3 Printer Table 10 No

3 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring & MCB, Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

4 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 5 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 1 No 6 Information Outlet CAT 6 15 No 7 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 300 meters) 1 Job 8 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 1 No 9 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 15 No


A2.8 Each Commissionerates - 04 No's

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 25 No 2 Computer Chair with arm rest 25 No 3 Printer Table 25 No

4 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring & MCB, Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

5 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 6 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 2 No 7 Information Outlet CAT 6 30 No 8 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 600 meters) 1 Job

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A2.8 Each Commissionerates - 04 No's

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

9 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 2 No 10 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 30 No



A2.9 State Police Headquarter - 01 No

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 Computer Table 50 No 2 Computer Chair 50 No 3 Printer Table 50

4 Electrical Cabling including UPS and Generator Wiring & MCB, Change over Switch and other necessary accessories 1 Job

5 Earthing & Earth Pit 1 Job 6 Wall Mountable Network Rack - 9 U 4 No 7 Information Outlet CAT 6 58 No 8 LAN Cabling in PVC Channel - CAT 6 (Approx 1200 meters) 1 Job 9 Patch Panel 16 Ports CAT 6 (including its wiring) 4 No 10 Patch Cords CAT 6 (Appropriate length) 60 No

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Annexure-13: IT Infrastructure required for supply to Police

Stations and Higher Offices. B 1.1 Each Police Station ( Non CIPA) - 1257 No's Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 Highend Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 1 No

2 Lowend Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 3 No

3 HDD 300 GB or more 1 No 4 Duplex Laser Printer 1 No 5 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 1 No 6 UPS for 120 min backup (02 KVA)- SNMP based 1 No 7 5 KVA generator set 1 No 8 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 1 No 9 Finger print reader (Type I) 1 No 10 Digital Camera 1 No 11 Electronic Pen 1 No

12 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution AS REQUIRED

13 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

14 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

B 1.2 Each Police Station ( CIPA Phase I) -104 No's Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 Highend Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 1 No

2 Lowend Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 3 No

3 HDD 300 GB 1 No 4 Duplex Laser Printer 1 No 5 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 1 No

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B 1.2 Each Police Station ( CIPA Phase I) -104 No's Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

6 UPS for 120 min backup (02 KVA)- SNMP based 1 No 7 5 KVA generator set 1 No 8 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 1 No 9 Finger print reader (Type I) 1 No 10 Digital Camera 1 No 11 Electronic Pen 1 No

12 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution AS REQUIRED

13 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

14 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

B 1.3 Each Police Station ( CIPA Phase II) -143 PS Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 5 KVA generator set 1 No 2 Finger print reader (Type I) 1 No 3 Digital Camera 1 No 4 Electronic Pen 1 No

5 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution AS REQUIRED

6 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

7 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit







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B1.4 Each Police Station ( Under CIPA but with No Hardware ) - 22 No's Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 Highend Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 1 No

2 Lowend Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 3 No

3 HDD 300 GB 1 No 4 Duplex Laser Printer 1 No 5 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 1 No 6 UPS for 120 min backup (02 KVA)- SNMP based 1 No 7 5 KVA generator set 1 No 8 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 1 No 9 Finger print reader (Type I) 1 No 10 Digital Camera 1 No 11 Electronic Pen 1 No

12 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution AS REQUIRED

13 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

14 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit


B 1.5 Police Stations in Hyderabad and Cyberabad Commissionerates Total Items to be delivered at Hyderabad & Cyberabad Commissionerates. Quantity for delivery to each Commssionerate will be intimated to successful bidder at later stage. Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 219 No

2 HDD 300 GB 136 No 3 Duplex Laser Printer 136 No 4 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 34 No 5 UPS for 120 min backup (02 KVA)- SNMP based 51 No 6 UPS for 120 min backup (01 KVA) 41 No 7 5 KVA generator set 136 No 8 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 100 No 9 Finger print reader (Type I) 136 No

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10 Digital Camera 136 No 11 Electronic Pen 136 No

12 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution AS REQUIRED

13 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

14 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit


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B 2. Higher Offices

B 2.1 Each Circle Office - 376 No's Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 High-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 1 No

2 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 2 No

3 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 1 No 4 UPS for 120 min backup (02 KVA)- SNMP based 1 No 5 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 1 No

6 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution AS REQUIRED

7 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

8 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit



B 2.2 Each Sub Divisional Police Office - 156 No's Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 High-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 1 No

2 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 2 No

3 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 1 No 4 UPS for 120 min backup (02 KVA)- SNMP based 1 No 5 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 1 No

6 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution AS REQUIRED

7 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

8 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

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B 2.3 Sub Divisional Police Office /ACP in Hyderabad and Cyberabad Commissionerates Total Items to be delivered at Commissionerates. Quantity for delivery to each Commssionerate will be intimated to successful bidder at later stage. Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 74 No

2 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 20 No 3 UPS for 120 min backup (02 KVA)- SNMP based 23 No 4 UPS for 120 min backup (01 KVA) 28 No 5 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 44 No

6 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution AS REQUIRED

7 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

8 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit


B 2.4 Each Range Office - 11Nos Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 High-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 1 No

2 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 3 No

3 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 1 No 4 UPS for 120 min backup (02 KVA)- SNMP based 1 No 5 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 1 No

6 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution


7 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

8 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

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B 2.5 Each Region Office - 04 No's Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 High-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 1 No

2 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 3 No

3 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 1 No 4 UPS for 120 min backup (02 KVA)- SNMP based 1 No 5 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 1 No

6 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution


7 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

8 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit


B2.6 Each District Police Office - 26 No's Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 High-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 2 No

2 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 8 No

3 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 10 No 4 UPS for 120 min backup (01 KVA) 10 No 5 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 1 No

6 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution AS REQUIRED

7 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

8 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit


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B2.7 Each Railway District Police Office - 03 No's

Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 High-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 2 No

2 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 8 No

3 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 10 No 4 UPS for 120 min backup (01 KVA) 10 No 5 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 1 No

6 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution AS REQUIRED

7 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

8 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit


B2.8 Commissionerates - ( Hyderabad & Cyberabad) Total Items to be delivered at Commissionerates. Quantity for delivery to each Commssionerate will be intimated to successful bidder at later stage. Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 5 N0

2 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 26 No 3 UPS for 120 min backup (01 KVA) 10 No 4 UPS for 120 min backup (02 KVA)- SNMP based 39 No 5 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 2 No

6 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution


7 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

8 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit



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B2.9 Each Commissionerates (Vishakhapatnam & Vijayawada) - 02 No's Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 High-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 2 No

2 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 23 N0

3 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 25 No 4 UPS for 120 min backup (01 KVA) 25 No 5 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 2 No

6 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution


7 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

8 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit


B2.10 Police Headquarter - 01 No Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 High-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 25 No

2 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 25 No

3 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 50 No 4 UPS for 120 min backup (01 KVA) 50 No 5 24-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 4 No

6 LAN Aggregate Switch 1 No

7 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution


8 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

9 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit


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B3.1 Forensic Science Labs (FSL) - State Level - 01 No Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 High-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 0 No

2 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 2 No

3 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 1 No

4 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

5 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit


B3.2 Finger Print Bureau (FPB) -State Level - 01 No Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 High-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 2 No

2 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 0 No

3 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 1 No

4 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

6 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit



B3.3 Each PCR ( District) - 50 No's Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

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1 High-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 3 No

2 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 0 NO

3 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 1 No

4 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

5 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit


B3.4 PCR ( State) - 01 No Hardware and Software

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 High-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 5 No

2 Low-end Client Systems Including Operating System, Office Productivity Suite and Antivirus 0 No

3 Multi Function Laser Printer (Print/Scan/Copy) 1 No 4 16-Port switch 10/100/1000 Managed 1 No

5 Patch Management & EMS and any other Software necessary for monitoring of proposed solution


6 Operational Expenses for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit

7 Operational Expenses for 4th and 5th year post successful Go Live of the Phase 1 Unit



1) The  supplied Operating  System must  support 32/64 bit architecture. The  supplied Operating System  must  support  all  the  hardware  /peripherals/Software  as  required  in  this  RFP/CCTNS Solution. SI should ensure that necessary updates, patches, upgrades, bug fixes for OS as well as drivers for hardware /peripherals ( both 32 / 64 bit) are updated  in the  installed systems free of cost  for entire duration of the project whenever released by their respective  OEMs.  

2) Operational expenses mentioned in Annexure 13 (IT Infrastructure required for supply to  Police Stations and Higher Offices): This includes free of cost replacement of toner cartridge for Laser and Multifunction  printer.  The  frequency  of  cartridge  replacement  shall  be  quarterly,  i.e.  every  3 months one cartridge to be replaced in each printer. Free of cost replacement of Teflon paper of each laser & multifunction printer on yearly basis is also a part of Operational expense. However cost of stationery item is not included in this head. Consumption of cartridges may vary based on usage of individual police locations, although SI shall strictly supply total number of cartridges as per quantity mentioned above. Spare cartridges of any location may be used at other location on need basis. All the supplied cartridges must be of the same original printer manufactures only and must follow standards of printer manufacturer. Refilling of cartridges is not permitted. 

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Annexure-14: Items already supplied to Police Stations and

Higher Office in Hyderabad and Cyberabad

   Hardware Items Client

Systems Multi Function Laser 


UPS for 120 min backup 

(1KVA UPS supplied) 

16‐port switch 

1 Alwal PS 3 1 2 1

2 Balanagar PS 3 1 2 1

3 Chandanagar PS 3 1 2 1

4 Dundigal PS 3 1 2 1

5 Ghatkesar PS 3 1 2 1

6 Hayathnagar PS 3 1 2 1

7 Ibrahimpatnam PS 3 1 2 1

8 Jeedimetla PS 3 1 2 1

9 Kandukur PS 3 1 2 1

10 Keesara PS 3 1 2 1

11 Kuaktpally PS 3 1 2 1

12 Kushaiguda PS 3 1 2 1

13 LB Nagar PS 3 1 2 1

14 Madhapur PS 3 1 2 1

15 Maheshwaram PS 3 1 2 1

16 Malkajgiri PS 3 1 2 1

17 Manchal PS 3 1 2 1

18 Medchal PS 3 1 2 1

19 Miyapur PS 3 1 2 1

20 Moinabad PS 3 1 2 1

21 Nacharam PS 3 1 2 1

22 Narsingi PS 3 1 2 1

23 Neredmet PS 3 1 2 1

24 Pahadishareef PS 3 1 2 1

25 Petbasheerabad PS 3 1 2 1

26 Raidurgam PS 3 1 2 1

27 Rajendranagar PS 3 1 2 1

28 Sanathnagar PS 3 1 2 1

29 Saroornagar PS 3 1 2 1

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30 Shamirpet PS 3 1 2 1

31 Shamshabad PS 3 1 2 1

32 Uppal PS 3 1 2 1

33 Vanasthalipuram PS 3 1 2 1

34 Yacharam PS 3 1 2 1

35 Chaitanyapuri 3 1 2 1

36 KPHB 3 1 2 1

37 Medipalli PS 3 1 2 --

38 Meerpet 3 1 2 --

39 RGI Airport PS 3 1 2 --

40 Shivarampally 3 1 2 --

41 WPS Saroornagar 2 1 1 --

42 Cyber Crime PS 2 1 2 --

Traffic Police Stations   

1 Uppal Traffic 1 -- -- --

2 Malkajgiri Traffic 1 -- -- --

3 Rajendranagar Traffic 1 -- -- --

4 Madhapur Traffic 1 -- -- --

5 RGI Airport Traffic 1 -- -- --

6 Alwal Traffic 1 -- -- --

7 Jeedimetla Traffic 1 -- -- --

8 Kukatpally Traffic 1 -- -- --

9 Balanagar Traffic 1 -- -- --

Cyberabad DCsP Offices


1 Madhapur Zone 2 1 1 1

2 Alwal (Renamed as Malkajgiri) Zone

2 1 1 1

3 LB Nagar Zone 2 1 1 1

4 Shamshabad Zone 2 1 1 --

5 Balanagar Zone 2 1 1 --

ACsP Offices (L&O)   

1 RGI Airport ACP 2 1 1 1

2 Rajendranagar ACP 2 1 1 1

3 Petbasheerabad ACP 2 1 1 1

4 Balanagar ACP 2 1 1 1

5 Kukatpally ACP 2 1 1 1

6 Madhapur ACP 2 1 1 1

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7 Alwal ACP 2 1 1 --

8 Malkajgiri ACP 2 1 1 --

9 L.B. Nagar ACP 2 1 1 --

10 Vanasthalipuram ACP 2 1 1 --

11 Ibrahimpatnam ACP 2 1 1 --

ACP Traffic   

1 LB Nagar Tr ACP 1 -- -- --

2 RGI Airport Tr ACP 1 -- -- --

3 Kukatpally Tr ACP 1 -- -- --


1 Comissionerate 2 1 -- --

2 DCP Crime 1 1 -- --

3 ACP Crimes 1 1

4 CCRB 5 1 2 --

5 DCP Traffic 1

6 Addl. DCP Traffic 1 -- --

7 ACP Cybercrime PS 1 1 -- --

   Hyderabad City Offices          

1 Comissioner of Police, Cyberabad

2 1 --

2 Addl. CP (Co-ordination) 2 1 --

3 Addl.CP - Crime & SIT 2 1 --

4 Addl. CP Traffic 2 1 --

5 Jt. CP - C&S 2 1 --

6 Jt. CP, CAR Hqrs 2 1 --

7 Jt. CP - SB 2 1 --

8 Jt. CP - Admin 2 1 --

9 DCP 2 1 1

10 DCP 2 1 1

11 DCP 2 1 1

12 DCP 2 1 1

13 DCP 2 1 1

14 DCP 2 1 --

15 DCP 2 -- --

16 DCP 2 -- --

17 DCP 1 1 --

18 Addl. DCP 1 -- --

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19 Addl. DCP 1 -- --

20 Addl. DCP 1 -- --

21 Addl. DCP 1 -- --

22 ACP 2 1 1

23 ACP 2 1 1

24 ACP 2 1 1

25 ACP 2 1 1

26 ACP 2 1 1

27 ACP 2 1 1

28 ACP 2 1 1

29 ACP 2 1 1

30 ACP 2 1 1

31 ACP 2 1 1

32 ACP 2 1 1

33 ACP 2 1 1

34 ACP 2 1 1

35 ACP 2 1 1

36 ACP 2 1 1

37 ACP 2 1 1

38 ACP 2 1 1

39 ACP 1 -- --

40 ACP 1 -- --

41 ACP 1 -- --

42 ACP 1 -- --

43 ACP 1 -- --

44 ACP 1 -- --

45 ACP 1 -- --

46 ACP 1 -- --

47 ACP 1 -- --

48 ACP 1 -- --

49 ACP 1 -- --

50 ACP 1 -- --

51 ACP 1 -- --

52 ACP 1 -- --

53 ACP 1 -- --

54 CCRB 5 1 --

1  SCRB, Hyderabad  8   ‐   ‐ 

2  PCS Training Center 1   ‐   ‐ 

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Annexure-15: Technical Specs (Indicative) Enterprise Management and Monitoring Solution (EMS)

Enterprise Management and Monitoring Solution (EMS) 

 Comprehensive Enterprise Management Solution Should  have following: 

 •  Network management comprising of Fault and root cause analysis solutions 

•  Performance monitoring for network and Servers 

•  Application Performance & Traffic Monitoring 

•  Trouble ticketing system  As part of  implementing the monitoring tool for this project, SI may either procure full use CAL  licenses of the existing EMS with AP State/IT&C/APTS/SDC Operator or may propose to implement any other comprehensive EMS solution for this project. SI should be responsible for configuring and integrating the AP Police sites on the EMS. If new EMS  is proposed, SI should be  responsible  for 100% seamless  integration of existing  EMS  software  in  SDC  with  the  proposed  EMS  for  its  successful implementation. All the proposed EMS tools should extend, integrate seamlessly and should be interoperable with the respective components of existing CA EMS  running at AP  State  SDC e.g. proposed NMS with existing NMS  ,Proposed     Helpdesk with existing Helpdesk etc. The successful  implementation of the proposed EMS solution should ensure a single console view/dash board for the network topology, network alarms, helpdesk / application status along with Server / database performance and SLA reporting.   For  the  successful  implementation  of  EMS  solution  at  AP  State  SDC  for  this project,  SI will be required, but not limiting to, a back to back tie up with respective OEMs of EMS solution and will also coordinate &  liaison with the AP SDC Operator/ APSWAN  Boot  Operator  and  existing  EMS  OEM.  EMS  solution  at  SWAN/  SDC comprised of  several modules and  tabulated below.  However  in  case  bidder  is proposing  the  additional  CAL  licenses  instead  of  comprehensive  EMS  solution, 

bidder  should  provide necessary supporting hardware   if   required  as   per   design  

for   any  of   t h e   components   to  meet   the  project requirements. Selected SI will work  with  existing  SWAN/  SDC  Operator  managing  EMS  to  discover  network, establish agent integrations to report to existing manager servers. SI will be required to procure supportive hardware to use/  integrate with the CA Service Desk solution as part of their Central Helpdesk, which would be set up as per APeCOPS directions.   SI should be required to provide all the necessary hardware/ software to meet the 

Compliance Yes/No 

List of the modules available in EMS of AP SDC 


Antivirus, Secure Content Manager V1.0, Network & System Management, NSM NPO, Access Control, NSM Database Performance, Remote Control, Software delivery, Asset  Management,  Advanced  Network  Operations,  Management  for  Web  Services, Management Lotus Notes/Domino Option, BEB Backup Agent  for NT2000 Encrypted, BEP  Open  Files  for  NT/2000,  BEP  backup  agent  for  SQL,  NSM  SPO,  Performance Management Predictive Option, eHelath, Spectrum, Security Content Manager, Single 


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Basic Requirements of EMS  Compliance Yes/No 

1.  Solution should be inclusive with hardware, OS, patches, etc.   

2.  Solution  should  provide   for   future   scalability of   the  whole  

system without major architectural changes.


3.  Should be SNMP v1, v2, v3 and MIB‐II compliant.   

4.  Filtering of events should be possible, with advance sort option based 

on components, type of message, time etc. 


5.  Should have Web / Administration Interface.   

6.  Should provide compatibility to standard RDBMS.   

7.  Solution should be open, distributed, and scalable and open to third party integration. 


8.  Should provide fault and performance management for multi‐vendor TCP/IP networks. 


Security  Compliance Yes/No 

1.  Should  be able to  provide  secured  windows  based  consoles  /  

secured  web‐based consoles for accessibility to EMS. 


2.  Should have web browser interface with user name and Password Authentication. 


3.  Administrator/ Manager should have privilege to create/ modify/ delete user. 


Polling Cycle  Compliance Yes/No 

1.  Support discriminated polling   

2.  Should be able to update device configuration changes such as re‐indexing of ports 


  Fault  Analysis & Management  Compliance 


1.  Should   have   a b i l i t y   t o   g e t   fault analysis  information  in  real 

time  and  present  the  same  in  alarm window with description, 

affected component,  time stamp  


2.  Should be  able  to  get  fault  information  from  heterogeneous devices 

viz., — routers, switches, servers, UPS systems, Leased Line Modems, or 

any other equipment/  Interface/Devices which are SNMP V1/V2c/V3 and 

MIB II compliant etc. Should be able to compile MIBs of other vendors 


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to monitor their equipments and devices. 

3.  Event related to servers should go to a common enterprise event 

console where a set of automated tasks can be defined based on the 



5.  Should have ability of automatic event correlation in order to reduce events occurring in DC/DR/Total CCTNS IP infrastructure. 


6.  Should have advanced filtering ability to eliminate extraneous data / 

alarms in Web browser and GUI. 


7.  Should be configurable to  suppress events  for key systems/devices 

that are down for routine maintenance or planned outage. 


8.  Should be  able  to monitor on user‐defined  thresholds  for warning/ 

critical  states and escalate events to event console of enterprise 

management system. 


9.  Should provide out of  the box  root cause analysis with multiple root 

cause algorithms inbuilt for root cause analysis. 


10.  Should have self‐certification capabilities so that it can easily add 

support for new traps and automatically generate alarms. 


11.  Should  provide  sufficient  reports  pertaining  to  asset  and  change 

management,  alarms  and  availability  of  critical  network  resources 

as  well  as  network  response  times  for critical links. 

Alarms filtering ability to drill down to know root cause of fault. 


12.  The  tool should  integrate network, server and database performance 

information  and  alarms  in  a  single  console  and  provide  a  unified 

reporting  interface for network and system  components. The  current 

performance  state  of  the  entire  network  and  system  infrastructure 

should be visible in an integrated console. 


13.  Should provide  an  integrated performance view  for  all  the managed 

systems and networks along   with    the   various    threshold  violations  

alarms    in    them.    It    should    be  possible  to  drill‐down  into  the 

performance view to execute context specific reports 


14.  Should  provide   the   following  reports   for   troubleshooting,  

diagnosis,  analysis  and resolution purposes: Trend/Availability  

Reports, At‐A‐Glance Reports, & capacity prediction reports 


15  Should support an architecture that can be extended to support multiple virtualization platform and technologies.


16.  Should be able to auto‐calculate resource utilization baselines for  the entire managed systems and networks and allow user to set corresponding upper and lower threshold limits


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Network Discovery  Compliance Yes/No 



Should  provide  accurate and automatic  discovery  of layer  3  and heterogeneous  layer  2  switched networks for Ethernet, LAN and Servers  and other  devices which are SNMP V1/V2/V3 and MIB II  compliant. 


2.  Manual discovery can be done for identified network segment, single or multiple devices. 

Discovery of elements/devices/interfaces based on IP Rang, Trap based 


Presentation  Compliance Yes/No 

1  Dash board  View for devices based on interface type/device type/Department /user wise etc. with different colors 

Visualization Tools to view network topology and device to device / interface to interface/device to interface connectivity/links. Change in 

color of the connectivity/link from last change or update  and should 

be able to document it. 

Topology View from single  central console/Screen 

Grouping of elements by the Department, User Groups, Interfaces, 

Locations, Network Connectivity and should help in understanding 

physical network and virtual services and relationship between these 


Asset details of device for : Vendor name, device type, details of 

ports/interfaces. History of unused ports in days. 

Individual ports viewing ability 

Complete network visualization and links connectivity with different 




2  Should  provide   custom  visual  mapping  of  L2  and  L3  devices  and any other devices (which are SNMP V1/V2/V3, MIB II compliant )  connectivity  and relationships


Agents  Compliance Yes/No

1.  Should  monitor  various  operating  system  parameters  such  as 

processors,  memory,  files,  processes,  file  systems  etc.  where 

applicable using agents on the servers to be monitored. 


2.  Provide performance threshold configuration for all  the agents  to be 

done  from a central GUI based console that provide a common  look 

and  feel  across  various  platforms  in  the  enterprise.    These    agents  


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could  then  dynamically  reconfigure  them   to  use  these threshold 

profiles they receive. 

EMS‐System Monitoring  Compliance Yes/No 

1.  Should be able to monitor/manage large heterogeneous 

systems environment continuously. 


2.  OS Supplied by the SI Should monitor / manage  following, but not limited to:  

1. Event log monitoring 2. Virtual and physical memory statistics  3. Paging and swap statistics  4. Operating system  5. Memory  6. Logical disk  

7. Physical disk 

8. Process 

9. Processor % CPU utilization, CPU load averages  10. Paging file  11. IP statistics, ICMP Statistics, Network Interface Traffic, Cache, 

Directory Services.       

12. Should be capable of view/start/stop the services on servers 13. I/O Utilization 


3.  Unix / Linux Should monitor with statistics :   CPU Utilization, CPU Load Averages   System virtual memory (includes swapping and               

paging)  Disk Usage 

No. of nodes in each file system   Network interface traffic 

  Critical System log integration 


EMS‐Infrastructure Services  Compliance Yes/No 

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IIS / Tomcat / Apache / or any other web server statistics proposed by SI 

  HTTP service 

  HTTPS service 

  FTP Server statistics  

POP/ SMTP Services 

ICMP services 

Database Services – Monitor various critical relational database 


EMS‐Application performance Management  Compliance Yes/No 

1.       Dashboard view for following: 

End to end Management of applications  based on J2EE/.NET frame works or Applications developed by the different frame works  During entire this project. 

End to End ( user) response time 

Time consumed on application components viz., EJB, Servelets, JSP, SQL statements etc., 

Should be able to monitor 24x7 for user transactions, IP addresses 

Time consumed on backend system calls, 3rd party software plat forms/solution calls. 

Time consumed  for responding on requests on components viz., images, .js, etc., on web page 


2.  Determination  of   the  root  cause  of  performance  issues  whether  

inside  the   Java application in connected back‐end systems or at the 

network layer. 


3.  Automatic discovery and monitoring of the web application 

environment. Should have ability of passive listening of traffic from  

servers, and analyzing the transactions with out degrading the IT 

infrastructure performance. 


4.  Monitoring of third‐party applications without any source code change requirements. 


5.  Proactive monitoring of all end user transactions; detecting failed 

transactions; gathering evidence necessary for problem diagnose. 


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6.  Storage of historical data is for problem diagnosis, trend analysis etc.   

7.  Monitoring of application performance based on transaction type   

8  Ability  to identify the potential cause of memory leaks.   

9  Monitoring Abilities: 

Solution should monitor real time manner for errors, problems that 

are degrading performance, and help in resolving problems and 

improving user experience 

Real time view of entire application under monitor. 

Monitor, detect and reporting on anomalies like Low Response time, 

low throughput, partial response, missing component in transaction. 

CCTNS Project going to have SOA based architecture to integrate 

multiple applications based on different frame works. Solution need 

to send errors, failure of transactions with details and probable 

reasons to Application Developers for help them in  problem 



Configuration Management   

  The system should be able to clearly identify configuration changes as root cause of network problems 

The proposed fault management solution must able to perform  real‐time or scheduled capture of device configurations 

The proposed fault management solution must able to store historical device configurations captured in the database and thereby enable comparison of current device configuration against a previously captured configuration as well as compare the current configuration against any user‐defined standard baseline configuration policy. 



1.  Should able to generate reports on predefined / customized hours.  Compliance Yes/No 

2.  Should be  able  to  present  the  reports  through web  and  also generate PDF /  CSV  / reports of the same. 


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3.  Should provide user flexibility to create his /or her custom reports on 

the basis of time duration, group of elements, custom elements etc. 

Custom Reports can be group wise by the Department, Physical 

Location, User Profiles, device types etc., 


4.  Should provide information regarding interface utilization and error 

statistics for physical and logical links. 


5.  Should create historical performance and trend analysis for capacity planning. 


6.  Should  be  capable  to  send  the  reports  through  e‐mail  to  pre‐

defined user with  pre‐ defined interval. 


7.  Should have capability to exclude the planned‐downtimes or downtime outside SLA. 


8.  Should be able to generate all sorts of SLA Reports.   

9.  Should  be  able  to  generate web‐based  reports,  historical  data  for 

the  systems  and network devices and Near Real Time reports on the 

local management console. 


10.  Should be able  to generate  the  reports  for Server, Application, 

infrastructure services and Network devices in DC/DR environment. 


Availability Reports  Compliance Yes/No 

11.  Availability and Uptime – Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly Basis, Customized availability reports on even hours basis  by  menas of built in ability or third party integrated solution. 


12.  Trend Report   

13.  Custom report   

14.  MTBF and MTTR reports   

Performance Reports  Compliance Yes/No 

1.  Device Performance – CPU and Memory  utilization, Memory free, 

power supply status, Packets in/out from interface 


2.  Interface errors   

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3.  Server and Infrastructure service statistics   

4.  Trend report based on Historical Information   

5  List of Elements that have not  met SLA thresholds   

6.  SLA Reporting on Devices, Interfaces, Ports   

7.  Computation of SLA for entire DC/DR od entire CCTNS IP based Infrastructure having devices/equipments capable of  SNMP V1/v2c/V3, MIB II compliance. 


8.  Automated( Pre‐Scheduled)  or  Manual hourly,Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly SLA reports 


9  Reports on performance of  parameters such as latency, packet losses, Round Trip ,Connectivity time which ever is applicable to following protocols 



Data Collection  Compliance Yes/No 

1.  For reporting, required RDBMS to be provided with all licenses.   

2.  Should have sufficient Storage capacity to save system generated report format for entire completion of CCTNS project 



EMS‐Integration  Compliance Yes/No

1  Should be able to integrate with Helpdesk system  for all kinds of help operational activities . 


     Should be able to integrate with SMS Gateway servers, Email Servers, 

AAA Server, Web Portal   ( Intranet and Internet) of AP Police and 

Security Portfolio of this project. 


EMS‐Network Management & Notification of events  Compliance Yes/No 

1.  The Network Management  function must monitor performance 

across heterogeneous networks from one end of the enterprise to the 



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2.  It should proactively analyze problems to improve network performance. 


3.  The Network Management function should create a graphical display 

of all discovered resources. 


4.  The Network Management  function  should have extensive  reporting 

facility, providing the ability to format and present data in a graphical 

and tabular display 


5.  The  Network  Management  function  should  collect  and  analyze  the 

data. Once collected, it  should  automatically  store  data  gathered  by 

the  NMS  system  in  a  database.  This enterprise‐wide data should be 

easily accessed from a central location and used to help with capacity 

l i ti d l i


6.  The Network Management  function  should  also  provide  information 

on  performance  of  Ethernet  segments,  including  capacity  utilization 

and error statistics for the segment, WAN links and routers/switches. 


7.  Alerts  should  be  shown  on  the  Event  Management  map  when 

thresholds  are  exceeded  and  should  subsequently be able  to  inform 

Network  Operations  Center  (NOC)  and  notify  concerned  authority 

using different methods such as SMS, emails, etc.


8.  It should be able to automatically generate a notification in the event 

of a  link failure to ensure proper handling of link related issues. 


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9.     EMS‐   Servers Performance Monitoring 

This solution/module should well integrate with NMS and should 

b The current performance state of the entire network and server 

infrastructure shall be visible in an integrated console. 

The proposed tool must provide lightweight server agents to ensure 

monitoring of availability and performance for target server nodes 

and deliver scalable, real‐time management of critical systems. 

The proposed tool should be able to monitor various operating 

system parameters such as processors, memory, files, processes, file 

systems, etc. where applicable, using agents on the servers to be 

monitored. It should be possible to configure the OS monitoring 

agents (to monitor) based on user‐defined thresholds for 

warning/critical states and escalate events to event console of 

enterprise management system. 

The proposed tool should integrate with network performance 

management system and support operating system monitoring for 

various platforms including Windows, UNIX and Linux. 

The Systems and Distributed Monitoring (Operating Systems) of EMS 

should be able to monitor: 

 Processors: Each processor in the system should be monitored for 

CPU utilization. Current utilization should be compared against user‐

specified warning and critical thresholds. 

File Systems: Each file system should be monitored for the amount of 

file system space used, which is compared to user‐defined warning 

and critical thresholds. 

Log  Files:  Logs  should be monitored  to  detect  faults  in  the 

operating system, the communication subsystem and in applications. 

The function should also analyze the files residing on the host for 

specified string patterns. 

System  Processes: The  System Management  function  should 

provide real‐time  collection  of  data  from  all  system  processes.  

This  should identify whether or not an important process has 

stopped unexpectedly. Critical processes  should be  automatically 

restarted using  the  System Management function. 

Memory: The System Management function should monitor memory 

utilization and available swap space. 

Event Log: User‐defined events in the security, system, and 

li ti t l t b it d A d th t


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  The Proposed Server Performance management system should be 

able to report on metrics like  :‐ Active Connections, Availability, 

Availability Time, Average CPU Utilization, Bad Polls,  CPU Load 

Average, File Cache Attempts, File Cache Hits, File Cache Miss Rate, 

File Cache Misses,  Good Polls, Interrupts, Latency, Missed Polls, 

Page Faults, Pages Paged In, Pages Out, Physical Free Memory, 

Physical Free Memory Used, Physical Free Memory % Utilization, 

Processes, Reachability, Reachable Time,  System Calls, Total Bytes, 

Total CPU Utilization, Total Frames Discarded, Total bytes on 

incoming & out going, Total Incoming& outcoming Packets,  Total 

Physical Memory, Total Time, Total Virtual Memory, Unavailable 

Time, Unreachable Time, Users 

The Proposed System Performance management system should 

provide Health reports like :‐Total Network Volume by Month, 

Total Network Volume by Week, Total Network Volume by Day, 


EMS‐SLA Monitoring  Compliance Yes/No 

1.  The SLA Monitoring function of the EMS  is by far the most important 

requirement of the DC/DR Project. The SLA Monitoring component of 

EMS will have to possess the following capabilities 


2.  EMS  should  integrate  with  the  application  software  component  of  

portal software that measures performance of system against the 

following SLA parameters: 

Response times of Portal;  Uptime of data centre; 



3.  EMS  should  compile  the    performance  statistics  from    all    the    IT  

systems  involved and compute the average of  the parameters over a 

quarterly/halfyearly , and compare it with the SLA metrics laid down in 

the RFP. 


4.  The  EMS  should  compute  the  SLA metrics  and  generate  reports  for 

entire  IT  infrastructure  on  availability,  performance  of  various 

parameters mentioned  in  the RFP   on monthly/quarterly/half yearly/ 

as mentioned in this RFP (or) when ever APeCOPS asks . 


5.  The  SLA  monitoring  component  of  the  EMS  should  be  under  the 

control of the authority that is nominated to the mutual agreement of 

APeCOPS so as to ensure that it is in a trusted environment. 


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Reporting  Compliance Yes/No 

1.  The Reporting and Analysis  tool should provide a  ready‐to‐use view 

into the wealth of data gathered by Management system and service 

management  tools.  It  should consolidate data  from  all  the  relevant 

modules  and  transform  it  into  easily  accessible  business‐relevant 

information.  This  information,  should  be  presented  in  a  variety  of 

graphical formats and can be viewed interactively 


2.  The  tool  should allow customers  to explore  the  real‐time data  in  a 

variety of methods and patterns and then produce reports to analyze 

the associated business and service affecting issues. 


3.  The presentation of reports should be in an easy to analyze graphical 

form enabling the administrator to put up easily summarized reports 

to  the  management  for  quick  action  (Customizable  Reports).  The 

software  should  be  capable  of  supporting  the  needs  to  custom 

make some of the reports as per the needs of the organization. 


4.  Provide  Historical  Data  Analysis:  The  software  should  be  able  to 

provide a  time  snapshot of  the  required  information as well as  the 

period analysis of the same in order to help in projecting the demand 

for bandwidth in the future. 


EMS‐ITIL based Helpdesk System  Compliance Yes/No 

1.  Helpdesk  system would  automatically generate  the  incident  tickets 

and  log  the  call. Such calls are forwarded to the desired system 

support personnel deputed by the SI. These personnel would  look 

into the problem, diagnose and isolate such faults and resolve the 

issues timely. The helpdesk system would be having necessary 

workflow for transparent, smoother and cordial DC/DR support 


2.  The  Helpdesk  system  should  provide  flexibility  of   logging  

incident  manually  via windows GUI and web interface. 


3.  The  web  interface  console  of  the  incident  tracking  system  

would  allow  viewing, updating and closing of incident tickets. 


4.  The  trouble‐ticket should be generated for each complaint and 

given to asset owner immediately as well as part of email. 


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5.  Helpdesk  system  should  allow  detailed multiple  levels/tiers of 

categorization on  the type of security incident being logged. 


6.  It should provide classification to differentiate the criticality of the 

security incident via the priority levels, severity levels and impact 



7.  It should allow SLA to be associated with a ticket based on priority, 

severity, incident type, requestor, asset, location or group 

individually as well as collectively. 


8.  It  should  maintain  the  SLA  for  each  item/service.  The  system  

should  be  able  to generate report on the SLA violation or regular 

SLA compliance levels. 


9.  It should be possible to sort requests based on how close are the requests to violate their defined SLA’s. 


10.  It  should support  and  work  shifts  for  SLA  &  automatic  ticket 



11.  It  should  allow  the  helpdesk  administrator  to  define  escalation 

policy, with multiple levels & notification, through easy to use 

window GUI / console. 


12.  System should provide a knowledge base to store history of useful incident resolution. 


13.  It should have an updateable knowledge base  for  technical analysis 

and  further help end‐users to search solutions for previously solved 



14.  The web‐based knowledge tool would allow users to access his / her 

knowledge article for quick references. 


15.  It  should provide  functionality to add  /  remove a  knowledge base 

solution based on prior approval from the concerned authorities 


16.  Provide  seamless  integration  to  generate  events/incident 

automatically  from  NMS  / EMS. 


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17.  Each  incident  could  be  able  to  associate multiple  activity  logs 

entries manually  or automatically events / incidents from other 

security tools or EMS / NMS. 


18.  Allow categorization on the type of incident being logged.   

19.  Provide audit logs and reports to track the updating of each incident ticket. 


20.  Proposed incident tracking system would be ITIL compliant.   

21.  It should be possible to do any customizations or policy updates  in 

flash with zero or very minimal coding or down time. 


22.  It  should   integrate  with  Enterprise  Management  System  event  

management  and support automatic problem registration, based on 

predefined policies. 


23.  It should be able to log and escalate user interactions  

and requests. 


24.  It should have ability for tracking of SLA (service level agreements) 

for call requests within the help desk through service types. 


25.  It  should  be  capable  of  assigning  call  requests  to  technical  staff 

manually  as  well  as  automatically  based  on  predefined  rules,  and 

should have ability  for   notification and escalation over email, web 



27.  The  solution  should  provide  web  based  administration  so  that  

the  same  can  be performed from anywhere. 


28.  It  should have a  customized Management Dashboard  for  senior 

executives with  live reports from helpdesk database. 


EMS‐IT Infrastructure Asset Management   

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  The proposed solution must be an extension of licenses existent at the state data centre. The proposed solution shall provide inventory of hardware and software applications on end‐user desktops including information on processor, memory, operating system, mouse, key board of desktops etc. through agents installed on them.  

The proposed solution should also provide the ability to obtain similar information as above without the agent installed on target workstations  

The proposed solution should have reporting capabilities; provide predefined reports and the possibility to create customized reports on data in the inventory database.  

The proposed solution should provide facility for user defined templates to collect custom information from users at desktops / workstations.  

The proposed solution should provide facility to recognize and provide inventory for custom applications on desktops.  

The proposed solution should provide facility for queries and automated policies to be set up on existing data in database and permit scheduling of data collecting engines to pick up the data at defined intervals. 

The proposed solution should support UNIX, Linux, apart from Windows environment for inventory management. 

The proposed solution should provide file management capabilities for the monitored systems: it should be able to find out specific files and directories on a workstation based on queries. 

The proposed solution should allow collection / restoration of configuration files at remote desktops, using which standardization of configuration can be achieved of all the desktops. e.g. configuration files / settings related to a particular application which involves changing of registry parameters and configuration files 

The proposed solution should support dynamic grouping for enabling assets to be grouped dynamically based on some pre‐defined criterions. Like a Group can be able to display how many and which computers have a specific application installed. As and when a new computer get the new application installed it should dynamically get added to the group: 

EMS‐IT Infrastructure Asset Management ‐ continued   

  The proposed solution should be able to use the query tool to identify specific instances of concern like policy violation (presence of prohibited applications/games and old versions etc.), inventory changes (Memory change etc) and accordingly it could perform several actions as reply.  These actions could be: 

o Sending an email 

o Writing to files, triggering alarm 


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o Adding the computer to a Group 

o Message to scroll on Monitor screen of the administrator   

The proposed solution should provide the facility to track changes by maintaining history of an asset. History period shall be configurable. 

The proposed solution should provide a web‐based console.  The proposed solution should be able to collect inventory from add/remove program functionality in Windows environment. 

The proposed solution shall support event policies such that pre‐defined actions can be triggered when key events occur such as software license violations etc. 

The proposed solution should provide an option to share the database with the proposed service desk solution such that it can leverage information available in Asset management database. 

The proposed solution should provide delivery, installation, and de‐installation of software etc. installed on end‐user desktops by software delivery remotely through agents installed on them. It should allow pre‐ and post‐installation steps to be specified if required & support rollback in the event of failure in installing software to end‐user desktops.   

The proposed solution should leverage information stored for intelligent software distribution ‐ e.g. identify systems satisfying certain prerequisites and ensuring delivery of the right software to the right system. It should also be able to integrate with the asset management solution.  

The proposed solution should support both push and pull software distribution modes. A catalog/advertisement option of the existing software delivery packages should be provided for end‐user, if required, and an option regarding which software to pull can be exercised by the end‐user at his will. 

The proposed solution should facilitate distribution to be scheduled for a single unit, a group of units, or the whole domain. Software delivery solution should report on what software is installed where, when it was installed, and by whom. The job status could inform the administrator about the current status of any distribution. 

The proposed solution should provide User Control on the software distribution: Users should be allowed to cancel jobs if they are launched at an inconvenient time. Cancelled jobs should be reactivated. Forcing packages onto the computer should also be possible. 

The proposed solution should have software Package Creation using Generic scripts. The software delivery software should provide a Wizard for auto script builder on Intel platform. 

The proposed solution should have reinstall after crash for the systems which crashes and requires the same set of software after it has been serviced. It should identify such machines and would automatically install the required software. 

The proposed solution should have the intelligence to install a required set of software for any computers added in a particular department/group based on the predefined criteria. 

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The proposed solution should ensure that software deliveries run in the background ensuring that the end user cannot click any buttons or change settings. 

The proposed solution should have software distribution to Dynamic groups. Administrators should have the ability to create distribution groups based on relevant criterion. Dynamic Groups to be built using search arguments presented to an asset and inventory management solution.  

The proposed solution should have a wide variety of clients. This includes all desktop systems, including Windows Server and Desktop operating systems, various flavors of UNIX & Linux. It shall also provide inventory collection functionality from mobile operating platforms such as Windows Mobile and Palm OS via Proxy agents. 

The proposed solution shall offer several levels of security for remote control, ranging from defining users with specific rights to requiring a specific IP address and local confirmation before a remote session is enabled. 

The proposed solution shall have the ability to perform diverse tasks on multiple remote systems simultaneously, view a host machine from multiple viewers, transfer control between users and allow a host machine to initiate a connection to a viewer. 

The proposed solution shall provide users the ability to record a session of remote control for later playback. 

The proposed solution should provide chat functionality between remote control viewer and host as well as a file transfer utility for drag and drop transfer of files between remote control viewer and host. 

The proposed solution should allow administrators to centrally manage remote control users’ and their access rights. In one easy‐to‐use interface administrators would be able to define preferences and capabilities different users or user groups have, as well as defining which targets they can control. It should restrict users from changing the policies permanently. 

The proposed solution should support remote reboot functionality 

The proposed solution should provide the facility to throttle the bandwidth used by the tool while communicating over the network if required. 

The proposed solution should provide the facility for encrypting the authentication traffic and additionally encrypt viewer/host traffic as well. 

The proposed solution should support centralized policy management. 

The proposed solution shall support centralized access control management for users/groups. 

The proposed solution should support personalized global address book. 

The proposed solution should support centralized session management. 

The proposed solution shall provide the facility to lock/unlock remote host to prevent remote control connections to the host.   

The proposed solution should provide Windows integrated 

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authentication as well as its own application based authentication option to choose from for the agent installed. 

The proposed solution should allow users to connect over the Internet and through proxy servers without having to re‐configure the firewall or the proxy servers. Should support certificates like X.509v3. 

The proposed solution should provide a uniform patch management process framework with a dedicated content research team to manage the central repository of software patch information. 

The proposed solution should manage and preserve desktop software configuration, such as user settings, preferences and data so that it helps in seamless migration or upgrades to new OS such as Vista/Windows 7 etc. 

The proposed solution should provide a web access console for a comprehensive view of asset management information, including: ‐ Computers , Users, Software packages, Software definitions, Jobs, Policies, Queries 

The proposed solution should have integration ability for ITIL release management support and integration with tools like service desk/helpdesk. 

The proposed solution should collect and report information such as antivirus signature data and information on host based intrusion prevention system agents. 

The proposed solution should allow launching of antivirus/antispyware signature updates at agent level and should also have capability to start services for product such as HIPS. 

The proposed solution should support Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) for enabling automated vulnerability management, measurement, and policy compliance of IT systems. 

The proposed solution should support Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL). 

The proposed solution should support Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) to help ensure compliance with regulations and also generate compliance reports.  

The proposed solution should provide High Level Executives intelligence with regards to existing IT data, derive governance context and presenting all this information in the most appropriate and intuitive fashion for key stakeholders to make decisions. 

The proposed solution should provide Request Management functionality 

The proposed solution should provide Contract Management, Vendor Management, Financial Asset Management functionality. 

The proposed solution should provide Software License Management features. 

NOTE: EMS tools deployed shall have the ability to manage the entire IT infrastructure proposed by the SI

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Application Server

S. No Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

1. Application Server should be fully standards compliant providing support for Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, LDAP v3, SSL v3, XML 1.0 and equivalent standards

2. Provide comprehensive XML support compliant with the W3C XML standards and contain the basic building blocks to XML-enable applications -including reading, manipulating, transforming and viewing XML documents

3. Support developing, publishing and consuming web services

4. The application server should be capable of supporting clustering.

5. All components of the application server should be based on standards and selected such as to provide ease of management and to avoid compatibility issues

6. All application server components must be maintainable with an ease such that corrective and preventive maintenance can be performed on the system without affecting the entire working of system.

7. All the application server components must be capable of being managed from a remote management station and provide information on performance parameters

Database Specifications

Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

1. The database should address all the structured and un-structured data storage requirements of the proposed system

2. The RDBMS database should have a high tolerance of failure

3. The underlying database should support 24x7 high availability

4. The database should provide horizontal scalability by adding additional servers for the same database without any downtime

5. The data scalability and manageability should be integral part functionality of the database.

6. The database should provide enterprise class web management tools for management and maintenance of databases even from remote places

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7. The database should support automated disaster recovery capability of automatically synchronizing the transaction logs to disaster site, which in case of fail over the other node provides the availability of all data. This flexibility of log synchronization should be supported from Enterprise to Entry Level server edition of the database

8. The database should be capable to support plug and play data transfer across platforms or operating systems

9. The database should be able to support various types of content like Texts, Images, Multi-media, Spatial and XML content natively

10. The database should ensure data synchronization between database servers on near real-time basis by capturing messages at the source database, stage messages in a queue, propagate messages from one queue at the source to another queue at the target and consuming messages

11. The database should have ability for both way data synchronization across database servers in one-to-many and many-to-one situations and automatically detect data conflicts and resolve the same as per predefined conflict resolution algorithms

12. Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

13. The database should support data synchronization across database servers in heterogeneous platforms

14. The database should be capable to deploy fine-grained access control, separation and segregation of duties and encryption capabilities. The database should also prevent access to sensitive application data by highly privileged users.

15. The database should control access to the applications, databases and data with flexible security controls.

16. The solution should provide options or utility to encrypt/decrypt sensitive data

17. The solution should have ability for data export and import facility to variety of databases and other software packages

18. The solution should provide backup (hot & cold) and recovery facility

19. The solution should be able to schedule a backup/restore task

20. The solution should be compatible with 3rd party system monitoring package.

21. The solution should have ability for selective encryption of the stored data;

22. The database should have ability for a single unified data model hosted on a single database.

23. The database design & architecture should be in line with the functional and non- functional requirements of the proposed system

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24. The database should be highly available with every processing node providing full view of data. This means, in case of failure of one server, each remaining server in the cluster should provide full access to all data at any point in time

25. It should support clustering exploiting rapidly emerging disk storage and interconnect technologies

26. It should provide automated disaster recovery solution to maintain transaction consistency, providing an option of zero data loss where required

27. It should provide restrictive data access that enables different types of users to have secure, direct access to mission-critical data sharing

28. It should control data access down to the row-level (row-level security) so that multiple communities of users with varying access privileges can share data within the same

29. Database should have adequate security. Strong password enforcement

30. Should have Differential Backup capability.

31. Should have ability/support for: parallel Queries

32. Should have received the security certification such as International Common criteria for Information Technology security evaluation

33. Database should also support industry support benchmarks.

34. Database should have the following capabilities:

Advance web based reporting

Data warehouse and analysis service

Complete ETL Functionality

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Tape Library S. No Specification Details Compliance

Yes/No 1 Tape drives

Minimum 2 latest generation LTO-5 drives. The SI can size for more as per requirements

2 Interface Fiber Channel Interface

3 Other Specifications Should have sufficient speed backup to Tape Library

in High Availability for backing up data from the SAN

without any user intervention.

Should be able to backup 2 TB / hour of production


Should have latest generation LTO drives or latest

technology based library with at least 2 latest

generation LTO drives tape drives (>=4), rack

mountable with redundant power supplies.

Cartridges should have native capacity of 800 GB

or more per cartridge and 1600 GB compressed.

At least 50 latest generation LTO drive Media

Cartridges with 5 Cleaning Cartridges, Barcode

labels should also be provided

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Backup Software S.No  Specification Details  Compliance Yes/No 

1  The proposed Backup Solution should be available on 

various OS platforms such as Windows, Linux and UNIX 

platforms and be capable of supporting SAN based backup/ 

restore from various platforms including UNIX, Linux, and 

Windows etc. 

Centralized, web‐based administration with a single view of 

all back up servers within the enterprise. Single console 

must be able to manage de‐duplicated and traditional 


The proposed backup solution should allow creating tape 

clone facility after the backup process. 

The proposed Backup Solution has in‐built frequency 

and calendar based scheduling system.  

The proposed backup Solution supports the capability to 

write multiple data streams to a single tape device or 

multiple tape devices in parallel from multiple clients to 

leverage the throughput of the Drives using Multiplexing 


The proposed backup solution support de‐multiplexing of 

data cartridge to another set of cartridge for selective set of 

data for faster restores operation to client/servers 

The proposed backup solution should be capable of taking 

back up of SAN environment as well as LAN based backup. 

The proposed solution also supports advanced Disk staging. 

The proposed Backup Solution has in‐built media 

management and supports cross platform Device & Media 

sharing in SAN environment. It provides a centralized 

scratched pool thus ensuring backups never fail for media. 

Backup Software is able to rebuild the Backup Database/ 

Catalog from tapes in the event of catalog loss/ corruption. 

The proposed backup solution shall be offered with 


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sufficient licenses for Unix, Windows, Linux based LAN & 

SAN backup 

The proposed Backup Software should offer online backup 

for all the Operating Systems i.e. UNIX, Windows, Linux, etc. 

The proposed Backup Solution should have online backup 

solution for different type of Databases such as Oracle, MS 

SQL, Sybase / DB2 etc. on various OS. 

The Proposed backup solution should provide granularity of 

single file restore. 

The Proposed backup solution should be designed in such a 

fashion so that every client / server in a SAN can share the 

tape library. 

Backup Solution should be able to copy data across firewall. 

The backup software must also be capable of reorganizing 

the data onto tapes within the library by migrating data 

from one set of tapes into another, so that the space 

available is utilized to the maximum. The software must be 

capable of setting this utilization threshold for tapes 

The backup software should be able to support versioning 

and should be applicable to individual backed up objects. 

Should have the ability to retroactively update changes to 

data management policies that will then be applied to the 

data that is already being backed up or archived 

All software licenses should be in the name of AP Police and 

should be full use perpetual license, i.e. the software license 

should not expire after the contract period.  The software 

Licenses should be comprehensive and no further licenses 

should be required for DC/DR operations.  The software 

installed should necessarily be the latest version at the time 

of actual implementation. 

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Desktop Computer – High End S.No Item Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

1 Processor Intel Core i5-650 processor, 3.20

GHz or higher processor or equivalent

AMD Phenom II processor

3 Memory Type 4 GB DDR-III @ 1066 MHZ

expandable up to 8 GB

4 Memory Slot 4 DIMM Slots

5 Internal Hard Disk/Speed

320 GB SATA (7200 RPM) or higher

Graphics Built in Graphics Media Accelerator in

mother board

6 Optical Devices

16x Internal DVD Writer

7 Monitor 18.5 inch TFT (measured diagonally)

TCO 03/ 05 Certification

8 Housing Small Form Factor (SFF) Cabinet

9 External I/O ports:

Min 6 USB 2.0, 1 PS/2, 1 RJ-45, 1

VGA, audio in/out ports, headphone

and microphone port. 2 USB ports

should be at front, 4 USB ports

should at back side.

10 Expansion slots:

Minimum 1 full-height PCI and 1

full-height PCI Express x16 (Total 3

slots either of the combination)

11 Network Interface:

Integrated Gigabit Network Card.

12 Power requirements

Suitable power supply to meet the

requirement of additional devices,

Input voltage 90 - 270 VAC, 50/60

Hz, Active Power Factor Correction

(85% High Efficiency)

13 Speaker One set of external speakers min 2 x

5W (RMS).

14 Management: Desktop Management Tool

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15 Multilingual Keyboard

Standard OEM keyboard - PS/2 or

USB connector

16 Power Management

Screen Blanking, Hard Disk and System Idle Mode in Power On, Set up Password, Power supply SMPS Surge protected.

18 Mouse USB 2-Button Optical / laser Scroll

Mouse with pad

19 Certification ISO 9001/9002, Energy star 5.0

compliant, UL, CE, SuSe Linux

20 Operating System

Preinstalled Genuine Operating System (32-bit or 64-bit)


Office Suite

Preloaded with standard office suit

having minimum word processing,

spread sheet and presentation



Compliance And Certification

UL/CSA, FCC and Energy star Silver, Win7 Certification & ISO 9001-14001, ISO 9001-2008. Should be in the in the list of top 5 desktop brands as per IDC report published for India during year 2010.

Desktop Computer – Low End S.No Item Specification Details Compliance

Yes/No 1 Processor Intel Core 2 duo 2.66GHz or higher/

equivalent AMD Phenom II X2.

2 Cache Min 2 MB L2 Cache or higher

3 Memory Type 2 GB DDR-III @ 1066 MHZ

expandable up to 8 GB

4 Memory Slot 4 DIMM Slots

5 Internal Hard Disk/Speed

320 GB SATA (7200 RPM) or higher

7 Monitor 18.5 inch TFT (measured diagonally)

TCO 03/ 05 Certification

9 External I/O ports:

Min 4 USB 2.0, 1 PS/2, 1 RJ-45, 1

VGA, audio in/out ports, headphone

and microphone

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10 Expansion slots:

Minimum 1 full-height PCI and 1 full-

height PCI Express x16 (Total 3 slots

either of the combination)

11 Network Interface:

Integrated 1/100/1000Mpbs Network

Interface Card

12 Power requirements

Suitable power supply to meet the

requirement of additional devices,

Input voltage 90 – 270 VAC, 50/60

Hz, Active Power Factor Correction

(85% High Efficiency), Power supply

SMPS Surge protected

13 Management: Desktop Management Tool, Screen

Blanking, Hard Disk and System Idle

Mode in Power On, Set up Password,

14 Multilingual Keyboard

Standard OEM keyboard - PS/2 or USB


16 Mouse USB 2-Button Optical / laser Scroll

Mouse with mouse pad

17 Video Graphics

Integrated Graphics with Free slot for

additional Graphics card

19 Operating System

Preinstalled Operation System

Office Suite

Preloaded with standard office suite having minimum word processing, spread sheet and presentation capabilities.


Compliance And Certification

UL/CSA, FCC and Energy star 5.0, ISO 9001-14001, ISO 9001-2008, Should be in the in the list of top 5 desktop brands as per IDC report published for India during year 2010.

SAN Switches

S. No Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

1 Minimum 16 Active Fiber Channel ports (each with

minimum port should have ability for speeds, 8/4, Gbps

with auto sensing support and scalable up to 24 Ports.

Aggregated Bandwidth Minimum 384 Gbps.

Redundant Power Supply

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All cable of length of Minimum 10 meter each and

accessories for connecting Servers /Devices to SAN.

Should have capability of trunking of minimum 8 ports.

Should have ability for work on multiple OS.

Non disruptive subsystem maintenance/software up


Should have dual hot plug fans and hot plug Power

supplies switching and service modules.

Should have web based management software for

administration and configuration.

Switch should support in built diagnostics, power on

self test, command level diagnostics, online and offline



Should have hardware ACL based Port security, ACL

based Hard, PORT, LUN zoning.

Should have Secure Shell (SSH V2) encryption to

provide additional security for Telnet sessions to the


SNMP v3 with AES/3DES encryption

Secured FTP with SSH

Switch Link Authentication protocol

Should have multilevel security on console access

prevent unauthorized users from altering the switch


Should have Fiber Channel (FC-SP) security protocol for

Switch to Switch, Host to Switch.

Other Services

In order delivery (IOD)

Should allow non disruptive software upgrades

Registered State Change Notification

Name Server

Security & Management by means of Zoning

Soft &Hard Zoning, sub zones with in hard zone

Broadcast Zoning

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Name Server ( WWN) Zoning

Combination of Hard and WWN Zoning

LUN Zoning

Segmented Loop Zoning

Multiple ports aggregation dynamically as per

IEEE802.3ad LACP protocol


Should have API for third party software tools

Interoperability & Backward Compatibility

Should be operable with multivendor servers & total

SAN storage/network solutions.

Backward operational compatibility with existing SAN

switches, if they are from same OEM.


Should have Fibre Channel trace route and Fibre

Channel Ping for ease of troubleshooting and fault



Should have ability for Following Diagnostics:

online diagnostics

Internal Loopbacks

FC Debug


Online System eHealth

POST Diagnostics 2 Should have Applications for device management and full

fabric management. The management software should

be able to perform following:

Above Said Zoning methods

Discovery and Topology Mapping

Network Diagnostics

Monitoring and Alerts

Fabric configuration & Verification

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Storage Area Network

S. No Specification Details Compliance Yes/No 1 SAN controller

Dual Active- Active Controller

2 Cache The storage array should be configured with at least

8 GB cache scalable to min 16 GB mirrored /

protected across two storage controllers for disk I/O


3 Host interface The Storage should have at least 2 ports frontend

ports and 2 no‘s of back end ports with speed of

8/4 Gbps with auto sensing ability.

4 Drive interface 4 drive ports per controller—Fibre Channel (FC) Switched or FC Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) standard per controller, 10/8 Gbps per port

5 Hardware RAID levels Supported 0 / 1 / 5 / 6 / 1+0 or equivalent

6 Fans and power supplies Dual redundant, hot-swappable / hot-pluggable

7 SAN support Box should be compatible of SAN environment

Summery View

Physical View

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8 SAN specifications should have the following Storage subsystem should support 300GB / 450

GB disk of 10K / 15K RPM of type FC/ SAS drives &

750GB SATA or equivalent / 1TB SATA or higher

capacity drives in the same device array. The

storage should be scalable using 40% on FC/SAS

drives and 60% on SATA / equivalent

The storage system must provide upgrade path to

larger or future array controller and software

technology while maintaining the existing


The storage array proposed should have an

upgrade path from the earlier generation product

to the current generation product.

All the necessary software to configure and

manage the storage space, RAID configuration,

logical drives allocation, virtualization, snapshots

(including snap clones and snap mirrors) for entire

capacity etc.

Redundant power supplies, batteries and cooling

fans and data path and storage controller.

The multi-path software should not only support

the supplied storage and operating systems but

should also support heterogeneous storage and

operating systems from different OEMs.

The storage array must have complete cache

protection mechanism either by de- staging data or

providing complete cache data protection with

battery backup for up to 72 hours or more.

The storage system should have minimum 30 TB

usable and scalable upto 60 TB of usable capacity

as and when required.

The storage array must have the capability to do

array based remote replication using FCIP or IP

technology. Any equipment such as FCIP router, if

required, must be quoted and provided by SI


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The storage array should have ability for block

level Synchronous and Asynchronous replication

across heterogeneous storage arrays (DC&DR)

from different OEMs.

The storage array should have ability of Operating

System Platforms & Clustering including: Windows

Server 2003/ 2008 (Enterprise Edition), Sun

Solaris, HP-UX, IBM- AIX, Linux / Solaris for x86.

Storage should have ability of non-disruptive online

firmware upgrade for Controllers and disk drives.

The storage array should have hardware based

data replication at the Block level across all models

of the offered family.

The storage should provide automatic rerouting of

I/O traffic from the host in case of primary path


Should provision for LUN masking for all partitions,

fiber zoning and SAN security.

Should have storage virtualization, i.e. Easy logical

drive expansion and automated load leveling

across drives.

Should have hot-swappable physical drive raid

array expansion with the addition of extra hard


Should be able to support clustered and individual

servers at the same time.

Should be able to take "snapshots" of the stored

data on the same or to another logical drive on a

different Disk/RAID Group for backup purposes

Should be configured with "snapshots and clone"

Vendor should also offer storage performance

monitoring and management software.

The vendor must provide the functionality of

proactive monitoring of Disk drive and Storage

system for all possible hard or soft disk failure

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Blade Chassis / enclosure

S.No Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

Single blade chassis should accommodate min

8 half width blade servers having processor and cores mentioned in this RFP (Refer Server Specifications, and L3 Switch specifications for optimizing the solution).

Chassis should have 4 x 10 Gigabit Ethernet, plus 4 x 8 GB FC (uplink) ports

Between 6U to 12U height and rack mountable

Dual network connectivity for each blade

server for redundancy should be provided.

Should accommodate Intel / AMD / RISC & EPIC

Processor based Blade Servers for future


Should have the capability for installing

industry standard flavors of Windows, Linux,

Unix, Solaris for x86 Operating Environments

Single console for all blades in the enclosure or

KVM Module

Min 1 Nos - DVD ROM can be internal or

external hot-swappable, which can be shared

by all the blades allowing remote installation

of S/W and OS

Minimum 1 Nos- USB 2.0 port

Power Supplies

Hot plug/hot-swap redundant power supplies to be


Power supplies should have N+N. All Power

Supplies modules should be populated in the


Hot pluggable/hot-swappable redundant Cooling



Systems Management and deployment tools

to aid in Blade Server configuration and OS


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Remote management capabilities through internet

browser with event logging, server status, logs,

alert forwarding, remote power control/shut down,

virtual media for remote boot configuration, virtual

text and graphical control

Ability to measure power for servers or group

of servers for optimum power usage

Blade enclosure should have provision to connect

to display console / central console for local

management like trouble shooting, configuration,

system status / health display

Built in KVM switch or Virtual KVM feature over IP.

Dedicated management network port

should have separate path for


Support heterogeneous environment: AMD / Intel

Xeon and RISC/EPIC CPU blades must be in same

chassis with scope to run Win2003/2008 Server,

Red Hat Linux / 64 Bit UNIX, Suse Linux / 64 Bit

UNIX / Solaris x86.

Interconnect support

Should support simultaneous Ethernet, FC, SAS, iSCSI,

FCoE, InfiniBand interconnect fabrics, offering Hot

Pluggable & Redundancy as a feature. Internet connect

support should not have a single point of failure.

Cooling Support

Blade Server enclosure should have hot pluggable FANs /

blowers to provide adequate cooling & exhaust support.

Cooling should be fully and evenly populated across the


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Blade Server for All servers except Database server

Item Specifications Details Compliance (Yes / No)

Form Factor Blade can be half / full height with I/O connectivity to


Processor Two Intel Xeon Processors with Quad Core each, 3.0

GHz or higher, 64 Bit Instruction, with 12MB L2 cache

or higher, with QPI technology. Processor should be

latest in the series.

Chipset OEM Chipset

Memory Minimum Memory: 32 GB RAM Scalable up to min 128

GB or higher per blade server.

LAN (Ethernet Connectivity)

2 X (1000BASE-T) Tx Gigabit LAN ports with TCP / IP

offload engine support / dedicated chipset for network

I/O on blade server

HBA The Blade should have dual port 4/ 8 Gbps Fiber


Internal Storage 2 x 300GB 10K/15K RPM or above SAS HDD or more hot

swappable system disk with mirroring using integrated

RAID 0,1 on internal disks. It should be possible to hot

swap the drives without shutting down the server.

Ports Min 1 USB 2.0

Expansion Slot Minimum 2 nos. PCI Express x8 Slots (optional)

Display VGA / Graphics Port / Controller

OS Environment Should support heterogeneous OS environment to run

Windows 2008 Server (32 & 64 Bit), Red Hat Linux /


Industry Standard

The server must be compliant with following

international standards: ACPI 2.0. Compliant, PCIE 2.0

Compliant, WOL

Products Certifications

Windows and Linux Certification, UL, FCC, Should be in the in the list of top 5 server brands as per IDC report published for India during year 2010.

OEM Certifications

ISO 9001-14001, ISO 9001-2008

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Multifunction Printer – Laser Jet

S.No Item Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

1 Printer High-speed printing, Black-and-white: up to 27 ppm, Duty Cycle: up to 15,000 pages per month

Automatic two-sided printing, 250-sheet input tray, Print, scan and copy unattended with the Automatic Document feeder, enhanced print permanence, Print size up to 8.5 x 14 inches (216 x 356 mm) Capable of installation, configuring, monitoring and troubleshooting in the network, from anywhere on the network

2 Scanner Flatbed with automatic document feed, upto 4800 dpi; Enhanced upto 19200 dpi; Scan size up to (flatbed): 8.5 x 14 inches (216 x 356 mm), front panel scan (scan to application

3 Copier Black-white Upto 1200x600 dpi, Copy speed: Up to 27 cpm, Copy resolution (black graphics): Up to 1200 x 600 dpi, Copier resize: 25 to 400%, Maximum number of copies: Up to 99, Copier smart software features: Up to 99 multiple copies, Reduce/enlarge from 25 to 400 % 2-up or 4-up allowing 2 or 4 pages to be copied onto 1page, contrast (lighter/darker), resolution (copy quality), tray select, collate, margin, shift, Copy size up to 8.5 x 14 inches (216 x 356 mm)

Electronic Pen (For all Police Stations)

S.No Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

1 Ultrasound Infrared Technology or any other technology

which is equivalent or higher

To be able to write on any normal paper /surface

Input Area – A4 size preferably modifiable to A3

OS Support – Windows / Linux

All API/SDK for relevant OS support should be available

Output – Should give XY coordinate through the


Memory – Should be able to store min 100 A4 fully

handwritten pages.

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S.No Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

Pen Battery life – Min 60 to 80 hours of continuous


Interface : USB 1.0 or higher

Easy to hold and write (feel should be like an ordinary


Digital Camera (For all Police Stations) Specification Details Compliance

(Yes / No) Feature 1. At least 10 Mega Pixels

2. Sensor Type: 1/2.9 CCD or equivalent

3. Optical Zoom: Min 4x

4. Auto Focus Range: (Wide: Approx. 3cm to

Infinity. Tele: Approx. 50cm to Infinity) or


5. Built in memory: 32 MB or more

6. F Number: 3 to 5.7 or equivalent

7. LCD Monitor: TFT LCD Color 2.7 inches or higher

8. Battery: AA alkaline or equivalent

9. Compatible Recording media: SD Memory card,

SDHC Memory Card, SDXC card or equivalent

10. Movie recording: VGA (640 x 480) / QVGA (320

x 240)

11. Should have image stabilizing mechanism

12. Built-in flash

13. Image recording format: JPEG

14. Photo Mode Intelligent Auto, Easy Shooting,

Program Auto / equivalent

15. Scene Selection: Twilight / Landscape / Soft

Snap / Snow / Beach / High Sensitivity /


16. Compensation ± 2.0EV, 1 / 3 EV step

17. White Balance: Auto / Daylight / Cloudy /

Fluorescent / Flash

18. Should have Face Detection

19. Shoule have Red-eye Reduction

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Server Load Balancer

Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

Feature Appliance Based Solution 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet Ports – minimum 4 ports

Memory: Minimum 4 GB

Minimum of 2Gbps throughput scalable to 4 Gbps

Should support min 100,000 TCP connections

Should support SSL TPS 500 scalable to 10,000

Server Load Balancing Mechanism should

based on Cyclic, Hash, Least connections Weighted Cyclic(round robin), Least Amount of

bandwidth occupied, IP Persistent, cookie persistent5

Private Algorithm / Customizable Algorithm / Response Time

URL based balancing mechanism

Redundancy features

Supporting ability Active-Active and Active-Standby Redundancy for future expansion if solution from same OEM.

Segmentation / Virtualization support along with resource allocation

Server Load Balancing features

UDP Stateless Service Failover Backup/Overflow Direct Server Return Client NAT Port Multiplexing-Virtual Ports to Real Ports Mapping DNS Load Balancing TCP Offloading Layer 4 & 7 load balancing Layer 7 cookie persistence Layer 4 Session persistence Server Health Monitoring Traffic Statistics ( Application response time, bandwidth inbound/outbound, No of users)

Email/SYS log alerting HTTP Based Compression SSL attacks Mitigation ability Prioritizing ability and load balancing by Mission Critical Applications and IP Addresses.

Application/ Web Server, MMS, RTSP, Streaming Media

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Should able to monitor protocols Viz., HTTP,HTTPS,SSH,SMTP,POP3,IMAP,DNS LDAP , RADIUSand other TCP/UDP Services.

Auto Updates

Content Intelligent Server Load Balancer HTTP Header Super Farm

Should support global redirection through the same

device without additional hardware Server Load Balancer should have below Management options

Secure Web Based Management SSH TELNET SNMP v1, 2, 3 Based GUI Command Line

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Layer 3 Switch For DC site

Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

Features 1. Multiple services (Data, voice, video), Redundant Power Supply, Modular Chassis with redundant switching engine.

2. Shoul have distributed architecture

3. Interfaces - 48 10/100/1000 BaseTx ports.

4. 4 x 10/100/1000 Tx copper & Fiber supporting single or multi-mode

5. Min 8 x 10Gb Fiber ports should have ability to work on single or multi-mode fibers and switch should be scalable.

6. Non Blocking Architecture with Aggregated Bandwidth 264 Gbps.

7. L2 Features

a. Layer 2 switch ports and VLAN trunks,

b. IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation, Support for at least

4096 VLANs., IEEE802.1w, IGMP snooping v1,v2,v3,

IEEE 802.1s (MSTP),802.1 STP, 802.1w STP

c. GVRP limiting bandwidth consumption on VTP/Or

equivalent trunks by flooding broadcast traffic only

on trunk links required to reach the destination


d. Speed Autosensing on port

e. Auto Negotiation for Half and Full duplex

f. Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) (or) equivalent

helps enable dynamic trunk configuration across all

switch ports.

g. Should support Min 70K-80K MAC ID.

h. Port Mirroring

i. Per device and Per port BPDU filtering

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j. Link Aggregation (802.3ad ) with max 32 groups per

device, max Eight Gigabit or Two 10G ports per


k. Supporting Jumbo Frames up to 9000 bytes

8. L3 features.

PIM Sparse Mode / Dense Mode, Bi-directional PIM /

equivalent, latest version of IGMP with snooping, ICMP

support, IPv6 support as and when required.

IP Routing Protocols. Static IP Routing, latest versions

of OSPF, RIP BGP, VRRP, IS-IS, & IPV6 and backward

operational capabilities with older versions of above

said routing protocols & Policy based Routing.

9. Security.

Standard and extended ACLs on all ports, Dynamic Host

Configuration Protocol (DHCP) snooping, AAA and RADIUS

authentication. Secure Shell (SSH v3) Protocol, Kerboros /

equivalent, and Simple Network Management Protocol


10. Manageability & Up gradation.

Switch needs to have console port for administration &

management, SNMPv1/v2/v3, Support management using

CLI, GUI using Web interface.

11. FTP, TFTP, Telnet support

a. Standards.

b. IEEE 802.3x full duplex on 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX

ports. IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol, IEEE

802.1p class-of-service (CoS) prioritization

c. IEEE 802.1Q VLAN

d. IEEE 802.3x be on 10 / 100 /1000 Base TX, IEEE 802.3u 10 /100/1000 Base TX.

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e. 802.1x Port based Security

12. QoS

DSCP Classification, TOS, Queuing (PQ,WFQ),

Congestion avoidance(Weighted Trail Drop/ equivalent,

WRED), IPv6 Traffic Class, IPv6 Flow Label, User-

defined Packet Content, Port and Flow based

bandwidth control (Ingress/Egress, minimum

granularity 64Kbps

13. IPv6 routing capability.

14. No of Multicast Routes – Min 500 Nos , ipv4 to ipv6

multicast support

15. VLAN: VLANs – 802.1q based, Min 4K Static, 255

Dynamic VLAN Groups, MAC-based VLAN with 1000

or higher entries

16. ACL based on - 802.1p priority, VLAN ID, MAC

address, Ether type, IP address, DSCP, Protocol type,

TCP/UDP port number, IPv6 Traffic Class, IPv6 flow

label, User defined packet content, Time Based.

Layer 3 Switch for DR Site

Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

Features 1. Multiple services (Data, voice, video), Redundant Power Supply, Modular Chassis.

2. Interfaces - 24 10/100/1000 BaseTx ports.

3. 4 x 10/100/1000 Tx copper & Fiber supporting dual modes

4. Min 4 x 10Gb Fiber ports should have ability to work on single or multi-mode fibers and switch should be scalable.

Non Blocking Architecture with Aggregated Bandwidth min 136 Gbps.

5. L2 Features

a. Layer 2 switch ports and VLAN trunks,

b. IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation, Support for at least 4096

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VLANs., IEEE802.1w, IGMP snooping v1,v2,v3, IEEE 802.1s

(MSTP),802.1 STP, 802.1w STP

c. GVRP limiting bandwidth consumption on VTP/Or

equivalent trunks by flooding broadcast traffic only on

trunk links required to reach the destination devices.

d. Speed Autosensing on port

e. Auto Negotiation for Half and Full duplex

f. Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) (or) equivalent helps

enable dynamic trunk configuration across all switch ports.

g. Should support Min 70K – 80K MAC ID

h. Port Mirroring

i. Per device and Per port BPDU filtering

j. Link Aggregation (802.3ad ) with max 32 groups per

device, max Eight Gigabit or Two 10G ports per group

k. Supporting Jumbo Frames up to 9000 bytes

6. L3 features.

PIM Sparse Mode / Dense Mode, Bi-directional PIM /

equivalent, latest version of IGMP with snooping, ICMP

support, IPv6 support as and when required.

IP Routing Protocols. Static IP Routing, latest versions of

OSPF, RIP BGP, VRRP, IS-IS, & IPV6 and backward

operational capabilities with older versions of above said

routing protocols & Policy based Routing.

7. Security.

Standard and extended ACLs on all ports, Dynamic Host

Configuration Protocol (DHCP) snooping, AAA and RADIUS

authentication. Secure Shell (SSH v3) Protocol, Kerboros /

equivalent, and Simple Network Management Protocol support.

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8. Manageability & Up gradation.

a) Switch needs to have console port for administration &

management, SNMPv1/v2/v3, Support management using

CLI, GUI using Web interface.

b) FTP, TFTP, Telnet support

9. Standards.

a) IEEE 802.3x full duplex on 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX ports.

IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol, IEEE 802.1p class-of-

service (CoS) prioritization

b) IEEE 802.1Q VLAN

c) IEEE 802.3x be on 10 / 100 /1000 Base TX, IEEE 802.3u 10 /100/1000 Base TX.

d) 802.1x Port based Security

10. QoS

DSCP Classification, TOS, Queuing (PQ,WFQ), Congestion

avoidance (Weighted Trail Drop/ equivalent, WRED), IPv6

Traffic Class, IPv6 Flow Label, User-defined Packet Content,

Port and Flow based bandwidth control (Ingress/Egress,

minimum granularity 64Kbps

11. IPv6 routing capability.

12. No of Multicast Routes – Min 500 Nos , ipv4 to ipv6

multicast support

13. VLAN: VLANs – 802.1q based, Min 4K Static,255 Dynamic

VLAN Groups, MAC-based VLAN with 1000 or higher entries

14. ACL based on - 802.1p priority, VLAN ID, MAC address,

Ether type, IP address, DSCP, Protocol type, TCP/UDP port

number, IPv6 Traffic Class, IPv6 flow label, User defined

packet content, Time Based.

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Firewall with IPS, SSL VPN, Antispam (for DC Intranet – 1 nos)

Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

General Specifications for Entire Security Solution. UTM or Appliance based.

1. The proposed Security system should be modular chassis based solution for firewall

2. For IPS, SSL VPN and Antispam solutions can be either part of unified solution or individual appliance based.

3. Turning on IPS should not degrade firewall, SSL VPN performance

4. Every Solution should be well integrated with all existing security equipments and proposed new solutions.

5. Should support multiple Network Interface Cards for creating at least 4 segments.

6. Min 2 no 10/100/1000 ports for each solution

7. IPV6 Ability

8. Power Supply with Redundancy (N+1) 230V-50 Hz for Firewall Solution or Solution is Integrated.

9. Should support min 10 virtual firewall

10. Centralized Web Based Management

11. Secured Data between management PC/Console

to Equipment

12. Should have Third Party Solution Integration


13. Management solution should have Dashboard

View with Statistics & History details for

frequent / grave on threats, attacks,

vulnerabilities, failed SSL tunnels, Spam mails,

Action taken etc.

14. Max users: Should have no restriction on

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number of users.

15. Console, SSH, Telnet, HTTPS, HTTP

16. Should support SNMP v1/v2C/ v3

17. Should support customized reports

18. Notification: Email, SNMP Trap, SYSLOG

19. Access & Restriction: Through ACL

20. Latest OSPF, RIP V 2.0 Routing aware.

21. Should have provision for automatic and real

time signatures / definitions/patches update from


2. Should have EAL certification

Firewall Specifications – Intranet Traffic

1. General Specifications as mentioned above

2. Should have Firewall solution Stateful inspection

throughput of at least 4 Gbps.

3. Should support min 700,000 concurrent sessions

4. Should have Stateful Failover Redundancy

5. Should support Min 20,000 New Sessions per


6. Should support min 2000 security policies.

7. Should perform Prevention of Denial-of-Service

Attacks, DDOS Attacks, SYN FLOOD attacks,

brute force etc.

8. No of VLANs minimum 1024.

9. SYN Cookie Protection

10. TCP Reassembly for fragmented packet

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11. Malformed Packet protection

12. Should filter packets based on protocol, source &

destination address, source & destination ports,

interface of the firewall that the packet entered

13. Should have ability for: protection of common

features like mail, DNS, AAA, etc. and should

prevent IP Spoofing.

14. Should be able to filter malicious Java Applets,

ActiveX and other application layer packet

anomalies etc.

15. Should have support for URl filtering, Anti spam

content filtering

16. Should perform Network Address Translation.

17. Should log different type of events viz. Traffic

allowed, denied etc. in Syslog format. Filters

should allow viewing of different events based on

IP address, network numbers, connection types,

date & time etc.

18. Should have facility to query the logs and display

the appropriate results.

Intrusion Prevention System Specifications –Intranet Traffic

1. General Specifications as mentioned above

2. Zero day threat / attack prevention

3. External and Internal URL Filtering support

4. Appliance based / modular type to meet min 4 Gbps throughput

5. Deep Packet Inspection Engine for packets that are having obfuscated pattern, and reporting

6. Should have provision for different action per

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segment and per policy

7. Should have comprehensive Attack database with minimum 6000 OEM vulnerability signatures and SI need to upgrade new signatures to protect from new threats as and when required till completion of CCTNS project.

8. No of VLANs minimum 1024.

9. Custom Threat Signatures any number to support entire project duration as per APeCOPS needs.

10. Should provide Protocol Anomaly detection and prevention support

11. Should provide comprehensive Denial-of-service (DoS), DDOS mitigation either by firewall or IPS.

12. Should stop Worms, viruses, malwares, flowing through network in real time

13. Should provide Remote-procedure call (RPC) attack detection and prevention

14. Should monitor and block IP fragmentation attacks.

15. Should monitor and block Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) attacks, HTTP Page flood Attacks.

16. Should monitor and block Simple Message Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), or Post Office Protocol (POP) attacks.

17. Should monitor and block File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Secure Shell Protocol (SSH), Telnet, and rlogin attacks

18. Should have TCP application protection,

19. Should have provision to install IPS system in different architecture (In-line transparent, Sensors + manager, etc.)

20. Actions from IPS on detection of threats: Packet drops, Drop Connection, TCP Resets, Close client or server, close connection, IP Action.

21. Should send a complete capture of the filtered packet along with the attack event report to management station that can be used as proof of attack

22. Should scan at least HTTP, SMTP, POP3,

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FTP,TCP/IP, ICMP, IMAP, UDP, SNMP, DNS, NetBIOS traffic (sending & receiving) in real time and protect against attacks, viruses, all kind of worms, Trojans, malware and other malicious code.

23. Should have facility to drop the malicious traffic or attack sessions using reset packets.

24. Action on detection of threats: Packet drops, Drop Connection, Close client or server, close connection, IP Action.

25. Reconnaissance, Backdoor attacks detection and mitigation support

26. Should be able to scan encrypted traffic for virus detection and removal

27. IPS system should have MPLS and 802.1 Q tagged VLAN environment. IPS system should be capable to scan VLAN tagged frames bi-directionally for malicious content.

28. Should support anti-spam features

SSL VPN Solution Specifications for Intranet Common Specifications mentioned above

1. Should have SSL Solution throughput at least 2 Gbps or higher to meet 5000 SSL tunnels initiated by various Police Offices. Bidder should provide the solution to meet the specifications mentioned below.

2. Should have on ground ability to handle AES 256

+ SHA-1 based 5000 SSL VPN tunnels. (or)

Should have on ground ability to handle 3DES +

SHA -1 based 5000 SSL VPN tunnels.

3. Bidder can propose the solution is as part of

Unified solution / Appliance based solution.

4. It should be well integrated with Firewall, IPS,

Antispam, Server Load Balancer.

5. Should have 4 x 10/100/1000 Ports.

6. Should support off load of SSL tunnels.

7. Solution should provide service for both Intranet

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and Internet based tunnels.

8. If solution is module based, It should be hot


9. Bidder is responsible for providing user side

software if required.

10. 256 Key Pairs or higher to cater 5000 tunnels

11. 256 certificates or higher to cater 5000 tunnels

12. Hash Algorithm: Message Digest 5, Security Hash

Algorithm -1

13. Should work on grounds with Handshaking

Protocols viz. SSL 3.0,TLS 1.0,SSL 2.0,Session

Reuse, Session Negotiation.

14. Should have on ground ability for: encryption

algorithms Viz DES,AES , 3 DES,RSA

15. Net work Address Translation by means of Client

NAT, Server NAT, PAT

16. Solution should not tightly coupled with any other

equipment supplied by the OEM for this project.

It should work seamlessly with any other security

device from any other OEM.

17. Bidder can propose any external server for load

balancing if required. Main solution can forward

either SSL 3.0 or SSL 2.0 connections to load

balancing server.

18. VRRP based redundancy for main appliance and

external server which is meant for load balancing

( if bidder proposed)

19. Keys should be stored in internally (preferably in


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20. Warning Messages to users on: “Certificate

expiry”, “not secured connection”, ‘security

connection failed “.

21. Solution should allow configuring and seamless

integrity for external RADIUS based AAA Servers

and Single Sign On servers.

22. URL Rewrite

23. Should support PKI Infrastructure

Auto enrolment of Server Certificates

RSA Key Pair Generation

Server Certificate Enrollment

Server Key Certificate import & Export

Key and Certificate renewal

24. SSL solution should have the capability to

provide end point security and integrity check for

OS, AV and other non-compliance.

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UTM for Internet at DC and DR site – 1 Nos each

Specification Details- Compliance Yes/No

1. The proposed Security system can be modular chassis solution. Bidder should propose the solution to meet following specifications.

2. The proposed solution should have no single point of failure.

3. Turning on IPS should not degrade firewall, SSL VPN performance

4. Zero day threat / attack prevention

5. Bidder should quote the price inclusive of software requirements at each user side if any, taking into the account.

6. Should support multiple Network Interface Cards for creating at least 4 segments.

7. Min 2 no 10/100/1000 ports

8. No of VLANs minimum 1024.

9. IPV6 Ability

10. Power Supply with Redundancy (N+1) 230V-50hz

11. Should provide stateful inspection.

12. Should have deep packet inspection ability

13. Web Based management

14. Notification: Email, SySlog, SNMP Traps

15. Secured Data between management PC/Console to


16. Should have Third Party Solution Integration Ability

17. Dashboard View with Statistics, Threats.

18. Max users: Should have no restriction on number of


19. Should support SSH, Telnet, HTTPS, HTTP

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20. Should have SNMP v1/v2C/ v3.

21. Should support customized Reports

22. Notication: Email, SNMP Trap, SYSLOG

23. Access & Restriction: Through ACL

24. Should have EAL certification


25. Latest OSPF, RIP V 2.0 Routing aware.

26. Should have provision for automatic and real time

signatures / definitions/patches update from Internet

27. Should support min 150 SSL VPN tunnels with SSL

off loading feature.

28. Should have Firewall Throughput of at least 2 Gbps

29. Should have IPS throughput of at least 2 Gbps

30. Should support to provide min 100,000 concurrent


31. Should support New Sessions per second Min 5,000

32. Should perform Prevention of Denial-of-Service

Attacks, DDOS Attacks, SYNFLOOD attacks.

33. SYN Cookie Protection

34. TCP Reassembly for fragmented packet protection

35. Bruteforce attack mitigation

36. Malformed Packet protection

37. Should filter packets based on protocol, source &

destination address, source & destination ports,

interface of the firewall that the packet entered

38. Should have ability for: protection of common

internet applications like mail, DNS, AAA, etc. and

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should prevent IP Spoofing.

39. Should be able to filter malicious Java Applets,

ActiveX and other application layer packet anomalies


40. Should perform Network Address Translation.

41. Should log different type of events viz. Traffic

allowed, denied etc. in Syslog format. Filters should

allow viewing of different events based on IP

address, network numbers, connection types, date &

time etc.

42. Should have facility to query the logs and display the

appropriate results.

Intrusion Prevention System Specifications

43. Should have URL Filtering support

44. Deep Packet Inspection Engine for packets that are having obfuscated pattern, and reporting

45. Should support global correlation threat defense system

46. Should have provision for different action per segment and per policy

47. Should have comprehensive Attack database with minimum 6000 OEM attack signatures and SI need to upgrade new signatures to protect from new threats as and when required till completion of CCTNS project.

48. Custom Threat Signatures any number to support entire project duration as per APeCOPS needs.

49. Should provide Protocol Anomaly detection and prevention support

50. Should have built in Antispam Capabilities. Should support blocking ability for spear phishing, Zombie, hard to detect low volume short lived attacks, Nigerian 419 spam mails.

51. Should have content filtering capabilities.

52. Should provide comprehensive Denial-of-service

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(DoS), DDOS mitigation either by firewall or IPS.

53. Should provide Remote-procedure call (RPC) attack detection and prevention

54. Should monitor and block IP fragmentation attacks.

55. Should monitor and block Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) attacks, HTTP Page flood Attacks.

56. Should monitor and block Simple Message Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), or Post Office Protocol (POP) attacks.

57. Should monitor and block File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Secure Shell Protocol (SSH), Telnet, and rlogin attacks,

58. Should have TCP application protection,

59. Actions from IPS on detection of threats: Packet drops, Drop Connection, TCP Resets, Close client or server, close connection, IP Action.

60. Should support sending a complete capture of the filtered packet along with the attack event report to management station that can be used as proof of attack

61. Should scan at least HTTP, SMTP, POP3, FTP, TCP/IP, ICMP, IMAP, UDP, SNMP, DNS, NetBIOS traffic (sending & receiving) in real time and protect against attacks, viruses, all kind of worms, Trojans, malware and other malicious code.

62. Reconnaissance, Backdoor attacks detection and mitigation support

63. Should be able to scan encrypted traffic for virus detection and removal

64. IPS system should have MPLS and 802.1 Q tagged VLAN environment. IPS system should be capable to scan VLAN tagged frames bi-directionally for malicious content

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UPS 2 KVA online Item ISO 9001:2008 Certified

( Certificate should be on Manufacturing and Quality control domains)

Compliance Yes/No

Technology IGBT based PWM Technology

Microprocessor controlled Digital Design

Double Conversion True On-line UPS

Overall Inversion Efficiency

>= 85% , Total Harmonic Distortion < 3%

Inherent Protection should be provided for over loading, low battery, over temperature, short circuits, over and under input voltage.

Input Voltage & Range 160V to 270V at full load

110V to 270 at half load

Input Frequency Range 47 to 53 Hz

Input Phase Single Phase with ground

Input Power Factor correction

>= 90%

Output Voltage Phase –Neutral -220VAC-230VAC ,

Neutral –Ground < 1V, Phase to Ground – 220 / 230 VAC

Frequency 50 Hz +/- 0.1%

Wave Form Full Sine wave

Crest Factor 3:1

Power Factor 0.8 or better

Battery Type Sealed Maintenance Free (SMF) VRLA type batteries with three years warranty.

SNMP Monitoring SNMP interface card for UPS monitoring by EMS

Certifications For Safety & EMC as per international standards

Battery Backup 120 Min backup on full load. Battery capacity accordingly sized by the SI. Battery manufacturer should have ISO 9000:2008 in battery MFG domain Quality Control domain preferably Exide / Panasonic / Luminous / Amaraja / Yuasa

Indications Audible: Inverter Mode, , Low Battery, Low Input and Any fault condition

Visual: Input & Out Put Voltage, Load

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Current, Battery Voltage

Environmental Requirements

Should sustain with external temperature maximum upto 40 Deg Centigrade and for Relative Humidity of 90%

Power Outlets 15A Socket – Min 2 Nos, 5A Socket- Min 2 Nos With Min 2.0 Meter Power cable.

UPS 1 KVA online at PHQ Item ISO 9001:2008 Certified in

Manufacturing and Quality Control Domains

Compliance Yes/No

Technology IGBT based PWM Technology

Microprocessor controlled Digital Design

Overall Inversion Efficiency

> 85%

Inherent Protection should be provided for over loading, low battery, over temperature, short circuits, over and under input voltage.

Input Voltage & Range

170V -270V

Input Frequency Range

47 to 53 Hz

Input Phase Single Phase with ground

Out put Voltage 230VAC +/- 2% , Neutral to Ground – 1V, Neutral to Phase – 230 +/- 1%

Frequency 50 Hz +/- 0.1%


Power Factor 0.8 or better

Battery Backup 120 Minutes

Battery Type Internal, VRLA (SMF) Type should be ISO9001:2008 certified manufacturer. Certification should be in Manufacturing / Quality Control area.

Outlets 5A Sockets (ISI/ISO 9000) – 3Nos.

Operating Temperature

0 to 50 Deg.C

Indications Audible: Inverter Mode, Main Power Off, Low Battery, Low Input.

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Visual: Input & Out Put Voltage

5KVA - DG Set Specifications (with canopy)

Item Manufacturer should have ISO 9001:2008 certification in Quality Control & Manufacturing, Design areas.

Compliance Yes/No




230V +/- 0.5% on 100% load; Power Factor = 0.8

50 HZ+/- 0.5Hz on 100% load

Cooling Type Air Cooling

Engine Capacity Seven (7) Horse Power or higher.

Start Both Hand start & Electric Start. Electric Start is preferable.

Engine Type Single Cylinder, 4 Stroke in accordance with IS 10002-1981 with latest amendments.

Fuel Capacity DG set should be able to provide at least 10 Hrs backup at full fuel tank capacity

10% Additional load


At least 60 Minutes

Battery 12V battery built in battery charging circuit. Charging unit should have fast charging ability and able to work as per electric power supply in rural areas/ or 100V to 270V

Indications: Output Voltage, Load Current, Output Frequency, Fuel Alert, Speed of the Genset, Running Hour Meter

Speed Governor Electronic / Electro Mechanical

Auto Trip Over speed, Over Voltage, Over load Current, Low Oil Pressure.

Speed 3000 RPM at full load

Auto Trip Over Voltage, Over Load Current, Low Pressure Fuel

Noise & Emission Levels at Full Load

Accousting Noise - Less than 59db(A) – Should be Silent. Emission Norms as per Central Pollution Control Board of India, US & Euro Tier I & II Norms, As per ISO 14001 Emission management standards.

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LAN Aggregate Switch at PHQ – 1 Nos

Specification Details

Compliance Yes/No

1. Manageable switch with 24 nos. of 10/100/1000 Base-TX ports. Out of 24 ports 4 nos should be combo ports.

2. Non blocking architecture with Back Plane capacity of 48 Gbps

3. Should support min 12K MAC address. 4. Should support static IP Routing. 5. Should support IPV6 protocol 6. The switch must support Port Mirroring, Port

Trunking and 802.3ad LACP Link Aggregation port trunks

7. Support IEEE 802.3x flow control for full-duplex mode ports.

8. Should Support 802.1D, 802.1S 9. It should be possible to configure STP on a per

VLAN basis. 10. Support port security 11. Support 802.1x (Port based network access

control) as and when required. 12. Should support Traffic shaping and policing 13. Support 802.1x port-based and MAC-based

access control and authentication. The aging feature should remove the MAC address from the switch after a specific timeframe to allow another device to connect to the same port.

14. MAC Address security/MAC Address Notification support which allows for notification of new users added or removed.

15. Support 802.1Q Tagged VLAN and port based 16. The switch must support dynamic VLAN

Registration 17. Dynamic Trunking Protocol or equivalent 18. Should support min 128 VLANs 19. Should support SNMP V1 / V2c / V3 20. Switch should have support for :traffic

segmentation 21. Traffic classification should be based on user-

definable application types: TOS, DSCP, Port based, Mac address, IP address, TCP/UDP port number

22. Should support management facility via USB or web interface or CLI

23. Should support Telnet, FTP, TFTP 24. Should support notifications for network errors,

alarm thresholds etc 25. Should have IPV6

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Access Switches (All offices + 4 Nos in PHQ)

Specification Details

Compliance Yes/No

1. Manageable switch with 16 nos. of 10/100/1000 Base-TX ports.

2. Non blocking architecture of 32 Gbps bandwidth

3. Should support min 8K MAC address. 4. Should support static IP Routing 5. Should support IPV6 protocol 6. The switch must support Port Mirroring, Port

Trunking and 802.3ad LACP Link Aggregation port trunks

7. Support IEEE 802.3x flow control for full-duplex mode ports.

8. Should Support 802.1D, 802.1S 9. It should be possible to configure STP on a per

VLAN basis. 10. Support port security 11. Support 802.1x (Port based network access

control) as and when required. 12. Should support Traffic shaping and policing 13. Support 802.1x port-based and MAC-based

access control and authentication. The aging feature should remove the MAC address from the switch after a specific timeframe to allow another device to connect to the same port.

14. MAC Address security / MAC Address Notification support which allows for notification of new users added or removed.

15. Support 802.1Q Tagged VLAN and port based, GVRP and VTP support.

16. The switch must support dynamic VLAN Registration

17. Dynamic Trunking Protocol or equivalent 18. Should support min 128 VLANs 19. Should support SNMP V1 / V2c / V3 20. Switch should have support for traffic

segmentation 21. Traffic classification should be based on user-

definable application types: TOS, DSCP, Port based, Mac address, IP address, TCP/UDP port number

22. Should support management facility via USB or web interface or CLI

23. Should support Telnet, FTP, TFTP, SSH 24. Should support notifications for network errors,

alarm thresholds etc 25. Should have IPV6 26. Should support end point security

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Database Servers (Rack Mountable)

Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

Minimum 4x hex-core processor with 2.0 GHz or

above with 1066Mhz FSB / 2000 MT /s with min

18 MB L3 cache per processor

Rack Mountable server

Processor should be latest series/generation for

the server model being quoted

OS support: Microsoft® Windows Server

2003 / 2008, Enterprise Edition / Red Hat®

Enterprise Linux 5 & 4 AP / SUSE® Linux

Enterprise Server 9 / Solaris for x86

Memory: Min. 64 GB scalable up to 384 GB or


RAID controller with RAID 0/1/5 with 512 MB


HDD hot pluggable: 4 x 300GB, 2.5 10 K / 15K

RPM HDD or more

Disk bays: Support for min 8 small form

factor hot plug SAS / SCSI hard drives in disk

drive carriers

At least 4 x 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports

or more.

2 x 4 Gbps Fiber Channel Ports

Ports Rear: Two USB ports (Ver 2.0); RJ-45

Ethernet, keyboard and mouse, Front port: One

USB (Ver 2.0)

Graphics controller: SVGA / PCI bus / ATI®

ES 1000 / min 16MB SDRAM std/max /

1280x1024 at 16M colors

Optical / diskette: 8X / 24X slim-line DVD

ROM drive shared across chassis

Power supplies: Hot pluggable/hot swappable

redundant AC power supply

Management feature to identify failed

components even when server is switched off.

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Should be able to manage systems through a


Windows 7 and Linux Certification, UL, FCC,

Should be in the in the list of top 5 server

brands as per IDC report published for India

during year 2010.


Item Specifications Compliance Yes/No

Modularity Modular chassis with redundant switching engine Power supply & Redundancy of entire solution

Power supply 230 V AC Hot Redundancy Power Supply Unit: N+1

WAN Interface

Should have minimum 6 integrated 10/100/1000 Routed Ethernet ports with 3 SFP ports for WAN / LAN Connectivity

LAN Interface Min 2 x 10/100/1000 MBPS Fast Ethernet, 2 x 1 Gb Should work on Copper and dual mode Fiber

Future Expansion Min 1- Vacant slot for WAN & LAN Network Modules for scalability

Router performance Should have min WAN switching performance of min 240 Kpps

1 x Console port, 1 x External USB 2.0 High speed Port

1 x Auxiliary port Memory DDR 2 ECC DRAM - Minimum – 512 MB -

expandable up to 2 GB

Inbuilt / Flash Memory - 256MB, upgradeable to 2 GB or more

Security GRE and IP Sec /SSL 3DES/AES VPN for configuration of VPN tunnel min 50

Encryption IP Sec based on 3DES/AES NAT, PAT Access Control Multilevel

Controlled SNMP Access using ACL on router to ensure SNMP access only to identified NMS/EMS

Controlled SNMP access through the use of SNMP with MD5 authentication.

Multiple Privilege Levels for managing & monitoring

should have ability for RMON 1 & 2 groups as and when required

Access, Authentication Accounting

Should have ability for Remote Authentication User Service (RADIUS) and AAA

PPP CHAP ability. PAP (optional) Firewall protection along with VLAN Routing Protocols & High Availability

Static IP Routing, latest versions of OSPF, RIP BGP, VRRP, IS-IS, & IPV6 and backward operational capabilities with older versions of above said routing protocols. Backward

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compatibility with older versions of above said protocols.

Route redistribution between any of the above protocols

WAN Protocols & MPLS

PPP, Multi-link PPP,HDLC or its equivalent, MPLS based Traffic Engineering,VPN & QoS,

Others IPv4 and IPv6 ready IP Accounting Packet & Byte Counts Start & End Time Stamp Type of service, TCP Flags & Protocol Source & Destination IP addresses Source & Destination TCP/UDP ports Certification Should have EAL certification Management Accessibility using Telnet, SSH, Console access. Easier Software upgrades through network, using

FTP,TFTP, etc.

Monitoring SNMPv1, v2c,v3 Configuration management through CLI. Event and system history logging functions

should be available.

support for Syslog Server required QOS QoS, FIFO, PQ, CQ, WFQ, RED, WRED, DSCP,

IP Precedence, RSVP

Accessories All necessary power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, etc. should be provided


Internet router at DC & WAN Router at DR (Total 2 Nos) S. No Specifications Compliance

Yes/No Hardware Architecture: Router should be

mountable on Rack.

Modularity Modular chassis Power supply & Redundancy of entire solution

Power supply 230 V AC

Hot Redundancy Power Supply Unit – 1 No WAN Interface

Should have minimum 4 integrated 10/100/1000 Routed Ethernet ports with 2 SFP ports for WAN / LAN Connectivity

LAN Interface LAN Interface: 2 x 10/100/1000 Mbps Fast Ethernet. Port should support both Copper and Ethernet

Future Expansion One Vacant slot for WAN Network Modules for future scalability.

Router performance

Should have WAN switching performance of min 80 kpps

1 x Console port, 1 x External USB 2.0 High speed Port

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1 x Auxiliary port Memory

DDR 2 ECC DRAM - Minimum – 256 MB - expandable up to 1 GB

Inbuilt / Flash Memory – Min 256MB, upgradeable to 1 GB or more

Security GRE and IP Sec/SSL 3DES/AES VPN for configuration of VPN tunnels of 50.

Encryption IP Sec 3DES/AES Public to Private networks, vice-versa


Access Control

- Multilevel Controlled SNMP Access using ACL on router to ensure SNMP access only to identified NMS/EMS

Controlled SNMP access through the use of SNMP with MD5 authentication.

Multiple Privilege Levels for managing & monitoring

Should have ability for RMON 1 & 2 groups as and when required

Access, Authentication, Accounting

Support for Remote Authentication User Service (RADIUS) and AAA

PPP CHAP ability. PAP (optional) Firewall protection along with VLAN Certification Should have EAL certification Routing Protocols New versions of RIP, OSPF, BGP, IS-IS. VRRP /

or IEEE based High viability / Redundancy Protocol. Backward operational capability for above said protocols.

Route redistribution between any of the above protocols

WAN Protocols PPP, Multi-link PPP, HDLC or its equivalent, MPLS based Traffic Engineering , VPN & QoS

IPv4 and IPv6 ready IP Accounting Packet & Byte Counts Start & End Time Stamp Input & Output interface ports. Type of service, TCP Flags & Protocol Source & Destination IP addresses Source & Destination TCP/UDP ports Management Accessibility using Telnet, SSH, Console access. Upgradation & Maintenance

Easier Software upgrades through network, using FTP,TFTP, etc.

Monitoring SNMPv1, snmpv2/v3 Configuration management through CLI. Event and system history logging functions

should be available.

Reporting Support for Syslog Server required Qos QoS, FIFO, PQ, CQ, WFQ, RED, WRED, DSCP,

IP Precedence, RTS, RSVP or equivalent

Accessories All necessary power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, etc. should be provided

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42U Rack 42U racks should be used in the Data Centre for hosting the department applications of Police department of AP Police. All the racks should be mounted on the floor with castor wheels with brakes (set of 4 per rack). S.No Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

1 Floor Standing Rack 42U (600 X 1000). SI should

decide depth of the rack depending on depth of the

equipments which are going to be mounted on it.

And Breadth of the rack should allow rack get

closed and locked after connecting electrical /

fiber/Ethernet cables etc.,

2 Mounting accessories for required servers /


3 Cable Manager Horizontal - 4 No.

4 Cable Manager Vertical 42 U – 2 Front & 2 Rear

5 4 Fans with Fan tray and Safety Grill

6 Power Distribution Box 6 (5 & 15 Amp) Socket

Horizontal with surge protection -1 No.

7 Power Distribution Box (5 & 15 Amp) Twelve Socket

Vertical with surge protection - 2 No.

8 Copper Earthing Strip

9 Anti rodent doors with lock and key

10 Aluminum frame with min 63% perforations

Wall Mounted Network Rack- 9U – All PS +5 Nos (PHQ) for Access Switches

Wall mounted rack is required for structured cabling. Wall mounted rack should be

supplied asper below specifications and follows industry standards. System Integrator has

to supply, install and commission wall mounted network rack (9U) and make sure its

quality with all its prerequisites accessories.

  S.No.  Specifications  Compliance Yes/No 

1  9U Height   

2  Minimum Powder quoted steel Body with front door of glass.   

3  Completely covered & have security locks.   

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4  Proper  ventilated with  One  Fan,  One  Cable Manager,  Power 

Distribution Unit  of  3 No.  (15 and 5 Amp) Sockets with  surge 

protection, Mounting Accessories  


5  Fitted with Copper Strip for earthing the equipments   

Cat- 6 Patch Panel Scope of Patch panel is to get structured cabling as per industry standards and distribution of

data Bandwidth. System Integrator must ensure that patch panel is properly mounted in racks

with necessary impacting of data cables.

Item  Specification Details  Compliance Yes/No 

Type  24      or      12      port   or as  required  patch      panel      as      per  requirement,  Unshielded  Twisted  Pair,  Category  6, ANSI/TIA/EIA 568‐ B.2.1 


Information Outlet Cat 6 (Single Port wall mounted)

Scope of IO cat 6 is to get better connectivity to computers and maximum utilization

of bandwidth as per industry standards.

System Integrator has to install and commission information outlet (cat 6) to provide

network connectivity to the systems / Devices. System Integrator must make sure

its quality and proper functioning

Type  Specification Details  Compliance Yes/No 

Type  1‐port,  Shuttered, White, with  surface  box  for  surface 

mount applications, Category 6,TIA/EIA 568‐b Category 


Material  ABS/Polycarbonate   

No of Ports  One   

Protection  Shutters   

Identifications  To be supplied with label for port identification   

Cat - 6 Cable with cable laying in PVC conduit The cabling material shall be supplied, laid tested and commissioned in accordance with specifications and site requirements by SI. System Integrator must make sure that all the cabling shall run through PVC conduit / Casing Capping of suitable size of ISI standard. Separate PVC conduits or Casing Capping shall be used for electrical and data cabling

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Laying of Cables- SI must make sure that Cables shall be laid by skilled and experienced workmen using adequate equipments to minimize stretching of the cable. All terminations should be carried out according to the manufacturer‘s instructions and guidelines and standards of generic cabling systems. When terminating outlets, care must be taken to avoid damaging the copper cores when stripping back the outer sheathing. Testing and Documentation: SI must make sure that Testing of each node should be done as per manufacturer standards and the final report should be submitted. UTP COMPONENTS: SI must make sure that the system should Meet or exceed TIA/EIA 568 B-2 specifications of Category-6 as a system. Type  Specification Detials  Compliance 


Type  Unshielded Twisted Pair, Category 6, ANSI/TIA/EIA 568‐B.2.1   

Electric Conductor 

24 AWG solid bare copper   

Patch Cord ( 1 & 3 Meter)

Scope of 1 meter and 3 Meter Patch cord is to get connectivity between IO to desktop/Printers/Devices/intra devices. System Integrator has to provide proper connectivity via Cat-6 Patch Cord and must make sure it will function without any interruption.

Type  Specification Details  Compliance Yes/No 

Conductor  24 AWG 7 / 32, stranded copper   

Cable Type  UTP CAT 6 ANSI/TIA/EIA 568‐B.2.1   

Antivirus Software for Server and Desktop

Item  Feature Requirements  Compliance (Y/N) 

   Unified  protection  ‐  from  viruses,  spyware,  and  other  current integrated through one client agent 


  Simplified  administration    ‐  through  central  management  to protect  the  infrastructure with  greater  efficiency  Visibility  and control  ‐  through  insightful,  prioritized  security  reports  and  a summary  dashboard  view,  which  enable  administrator  for visibility and control over malware threats 


  Infrastructure Integration Capabilities 1.   All Data must be stored Centrally in proposed Database Server and Reporting Should be provided 


  Malware  Filtering Capabilities 1.      Should  support  Integrated  anti‐virus/anti‐spyware 

agent delivering real‐ time protection 2.      Should  support Static analysis and  code emulation  for addressing threats 3.   Should support Event Flood Protection 


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4.      Should support Integrated and Single foot printed State Assessment 

Scans to detect Vulnerabilities 5.      Should support In‐depth scanning of unknown malware by Dynamic Translation 

  Manageability 1.    The Solution Should support Centralized Monitoring of 

the  integrated  anti‐  malware  engine,  security  state assessment  technologies  and  policies  alerts,  and reports 

2.   Should support in‐built Reporting for  Below Items : a.      Deployment Status:   Number of machines up  to 

date or not up to date with the latest signatures b.      Top  issues  and  issue history:  Information  about 

the top issues in their environment categorized by type along with the history of issues over time 

c.  Top  Threats  and  threat  history:    List  of  top threats,  their  severity  and  number  of machines impacted.  Should provide info on current status and trends 

d.      Top  vulnerabilities  and  vulnerability  history:   Through  security  state  assessment  checks, admin should be able to see the top vulnerabilities  as  well  as  history  of  vulnerabilities over  time.    The  admin  should  also  be  alert  to measure  the security risk profile based on  security best practices 

e.      Top  alerts  and  alert  history:    Should  support Information  about  the  key  alerts  impacting  their environment  (with  the  ability  to  drill  down  into more  information), along with the history of alerts over time 

3.    It should be capable of providing customized alerts based on incidents and assets 




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Fingerprint Reader Type 1 TYPE DETAILS Compliance

(Yes / No) Sensor Type Optoelectronic Prism Architecture Single Prism Resolutions 500 ppi or higher Dynamic Range 256 Grey Scale Image Area Min 46mm x 46mm Operating Temperature Range

0 to 55 Degree Centigrade

Humidity 10-90% non condensing, splash resistance Time for scanning Fingerprints

0.01 sec

Distortion Rate 0.1% Flat Fingerprint capture

Dual flat fingerprint capture.

Certification FBI / Appendix F Certified, FCC, UL, CE

Operating System Requirement

Windows 7 / Windows XP / Vista / Linux

Interface USB 2.0, USB Powered Light Rejection Should have Ambient Light Rejection Image Quality Complies with FBI's IAFIS Image Quality

Automatic Fingerprint capture

System should detect & capture fingers automatically.

Calibration Factory calibrated and sealed with self test / diagnostics at start-up

Quality Check The system issues a message regarding the quality of rolled and plain fingerprint images prior to capturing next finger.

Automatic change to the next finger

If the image quality is good, the system offers to scan the next finger

Rolled capture Capability to allow the fingers to be rolled in a left to right or right to left direction when taking the rolled impressions

Compliance 1.P.I.V, It should be FBI Certified. 2. Full Compliance with Wavelet Scalar Quantization Grayscale Image Compression Specification. 3. Full Compliance with ANSI Data format for the interchange of Finger Print 4. Full Compliance with IAFIS Image Quality specification

Dry skin capture Enhanced mechanism to capture dry fingers

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Laser Printer

Type Details Compliance Y / N

Speed 28 PPM (A4) or higher Processor 400 MHz or higher Resolution Min. 1200 x 1200 dpi Duty Cycle Min. 50,000 page / month Memory 64 MB or higher Interface USB 2.0 (High Speed) with USB Cable, Parallel,


Network Yes Duplex Duplex Paper Support A4 Compatibility Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 /

Linux or OS as proposed by SI


Computer Table

S.No Specification Details Compliance Yes/No

1 Top: Size 910 x 610 mm made of 18 mm thick pre laminated medium density fiber (MDF) board ISI Marked (IS: 14587-1998). The top shall be firmly screwed on 25x25x1 mm square tube frame as shown in figure.

2 Upper side of laminated board shall be in natural teak shade while the bottom side shall be white/cream shade.

3 Sliding key Board tray: A Sliding key Board tray shall be made of 18mm pre laminated medium density fiber board of size 725x450 mm. The gap between top and tray shall be 100mm.

4 Key board tray shall slide smoothly on sliding channel duly powder coated having nylon roller arrangement

5 Steel Structure: The rigid steel structure shall consist of two nos. rectangular base tubes of size 50x25x1.25 mm about 520 mm length placed along the width on vertical tubes of size 25x25x1 mm shall be welded for fixing up of side panels. A supporting frame of 25x25x1 mm square tube shall be welded on the top of the tubes for the side panels as shown for supporting the top of the table.

6 The base tube shall be provided with adjustable shoes 2 nos. on each side.

7 Painting: Complete frame of tubes shall be powder coated.


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Printer Table (L 610 X W 610 X H 660 mm) S.No Specification Details Compliance Yes/No 1 Shelves : 3 no. made of 18mm thick pre

laminated Medium Density Fiber Board(MDF) ISI marked (IS 14587 – 1998)

2 Top shelve size 610x610 mm for placing printing unit.

3 Middle Shelve size 460x330 mm for placing feet on stationary.

4 Bottom shelve size 460x380 mm for collecting print out.

5 The top faces of the shelve shall be natural teak wood shade.

6 The bottom faces shall be in plain white/cream shades.

7 Structure: The structure shall be made from square and rectangular steel tubes duly welded finished and powder coated.

8 The horizontal tube 25x25x1 mm thick 330 m long shall be welded over vertical tubes 25 mm off the center width /depth wise.

9 Panels made of 18 mm pre laminated particle board shall be screwed rigidly between vertical tubes on both sides.

10 Two nos. bottom support tubes 50x25x1.25mm thick shall also be provided with two nos. of adjustment shoes.

11 A rectangular slot of size 455x25 mm shall be provided on top shelve along with length for feeding stationary as shown in figure. A slot shall be covered with PVC insertion for safely of paper.

12 The ends of bottom and top shall be plugged with PVC/ plastic caps.

13 Painting: Complete steel structure shall be pretreated and powder coated with minimum thickness of 60 microns coating.


Computer Chair with Hand Rests S. No Specification Details Compliance


1 Seat size shall be 430x430 mm on 10 mm. thick molded comm. ply with 60 mm thick 40 density molded PU foam

2 Back rest size shall be 400x300 mm on 10 mm thick molded comm. ply with 40 mm thick 32 density molded PU foam covered with tapestry.

3 The height of back rest shall be 900x500 mm for top and bottom edges respectively. The black rest shall be provided with lifting arrangement on flat iron & helical spring.

4 Two nos. suitable PU handles shall be provided.

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5 The base stand should be made up of 5 prongs duly pressed welded together centrally with a pedestal bush with good quality twin wheel castors. The stand and other metal parts excluding central spindle shall be powder coated. Complete steel structure shall be pretreated and powder coated with minimum thickness of 60 microns coating

6 A central spindle of 25mm dia rod without threads shall be provided with revolving arrangements. The adjustable height of chair shall be from 530 to 570 mm.

7 A good quality tapestry cloth shall be provided on seat & back in attractive color/ shade.

Note: 1. System Integrator will be responsible for supply, install, testing,

integration, successfully commissioning and maintenance of

equipments and associated software at locations.

2. All necessary power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs,

manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, etc. should be

provided by SI to meet requirement without any additional cost to


3. All equipments must be IPv6 ready

4. All offered networking products must be from same OEM for


5. Successful bidder will have to supply at least one set of manuals

for installation, acceptance testing, operation and maintenance in

hard as well as soft copy form at each location.

6. SI shall be responsible for integration of entire solution to meet


7. The bidder shall indicate the spares which it will stock at various

sites in AP State for the maintenance requirement to meet service

level parameters.

8. List of the software/ drivers that shall be provided with media and


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Annexure-16: Indicative BoM for Data Center & Disaster

Receovery Center  

E1.1 Data Center Server

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 Database for Enterprise eCOPS 2 No 

2 Database for other applications 1 No 

3 Application Server for Enterprise eCOPS 2 No 

4 Application Server for Other Applications 1 No 

5 Intranet Web Server 2 No 

6 Internet Web Server 2 No 

7 Directory & Access Server 2 No 

8 EMS Server As required 9 Backup Server 1 No 

10 Antivirus Server 1 No 

11 Reporting & warehousing Server 1 No 

12 DMS Server 1 No 

13 PCs for O&M, Firewall Policy, AV Gateway, EMS, Helpdesk etc. As required

14 SMS Gateway Hardware & Software As required 15 Payment Gateway Hardware & Software As required 16 Email Gateway hardware and software As required


E1.2 Data Center Storage Cost with SAN Switch

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 SAN Storage 1 No 

2 SAN Switch 2 No 

3 Tape Library 1 No 

4 Tape Media 50 No 


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E1.3 Fiber Cabling and Network Items for Data Center

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 WAN Router 1 No 

2 Internet Router 1 No 

3 Core Switch L3 Gigabit 24 Port 2 No 


LAN Switch L2 16 ports 2 no's + As required for

load balancers   

5 Power switches As required

for clustering   

6 Rack 42 U 2 No 

7 Patch Panel 2 No 

8 Information Outlet CAT 6 10 No 

9 CAT 6 Cable ( 305 Metre Box) 2 No 

10 Patch Cord 1 Metre CAT 6 50 No 

11 Patch Cord 2 Metre CAT 6 50 No 

12 RJ 45 Connectors 100 No 

13 Firewall with IPS 2 No 

14 Application Load Balancer 2 No 

15 Laser Printer 1 No 

16 Tool Kits including Crimping Tool, Punching Tool etc 1 No 


E2.1 DR Center Server Cost - One Each

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 Database and Reporting Server Servers would be provided by AP Police and SI would transport, deploy and integrate and maintain


2 Application Server for Enterprise eCOPS No 

3 Intranet Web Server No 

4 Internet Web Server No 

5 Directory & Access Server No 

6 Communication and Mail Server No 7 Internet Router 1 No 


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E2.2 Disaster Recovery Center Storage Cost with SAN Switch

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 SAN Storage Storage & SAN switch would be provided by AP Police and SI will have to upgrade, install, integrate and commission and maintain the same.


2 SAN Switch No 


E2.3 Fiber Cabling and Network Items for Disaster Recovery Center

S No Component Qty

(q) Unit

1 WAN Router 1 No 

2 Core Switch L3 Gigabit 24 Port 1 No 

3 Rack 42 U 1 No 

4 Patch Panel 1 No 

5 Information Outlet CAT 6 5 No 

6 CAT 6 Cable ( 305 Metre Box) 1 No 

7 Patch Cord 1 Metre CAT 6 25 No 

8 Patch Cord 2 Metre CAT 6 25 No 

9 RJ 45 Connectors 50 No 

10 Firewall with IPS 1 No 

11 Tool Kits including Crimping Tool, Punching Tool etc   


E3 Software for Data Center and Disaster Recovery Site

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 Data Center Software (Server OS, Server Management, Internet and Intranet Portal, MIS & Reporting, Dashboard etc)

As required   

2 Application Software (Processor Based for unlimited users)

As required   

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3 Database Software (Processor Based for unlimited users)

As required   

4 Antivirus Software covering for Police Department equipments considering the expansion of atleast 20 % to 25% in near future

As required   


Enterprise Management Software ( EMS) CALs licences for integration with existing EMS at SDC for Police Department equipments considering the expansion of atleast 20% to 25% in near future

As required


6 Document Management Software (DMS) 1   

7 Backup software for Data Centre 1   

8 Reporting & Data Warehousing 1   


E4 Outsourced Manpower for Data Center

S No Component Qty (q) Unit

1 Out Source Manpower for Data Center 2 No's x 3 Shifts for 03 years post successful Go Live of the Project (216 Man months)

1 Job


F1 Data Digitization and Data Migration

S No Component Qty (q) Unit


Per Case file (IPC Crime only - 07 IIFs and other related register for 10 years through out State (all Police stations) from 1999 to 2009 1389615 Case

Case files (from 1st Jan 2009 to till 26/03/2011)

Category 1 (6 IIFs to be digitized) 256176 Case Category 2 (5 IIFs to be digitized) 128088 Case Category 3 (3 IIFs to be digitized) 163668 Case Category 4 (4 IIFs to be digitized) 71160 Case Category 5 (6 IIFs to be digitized) 92508 Case Rowdy Sheets / KD Sheets / Suspect Sheets etc 42,020 Case


Cost of Data Cleansing and Migration of Data from existing system to new system and testing of Migrated Data

CCIS 1300000 Record CIPA DATA 115476 Record

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POLIS 100000 Record eCOPS 1453585 Record CIS 121547 Record


G1 Customization, Enhancement, Integration, Development of Enterprise eCOPS

Component Qty (q) Unit

System Study of existing applications, Configuration, Customization

1 Job

Development and incorporation of additional functionalities, functionalities in CAS and other modules as desired by AP Police

Integration with other legacy applications, CAS (center)

Integration with other external agencies

Integration with advanced applications

Support to 3rd party acceptance testing, audit and certification AMC of the developed Solution ( Enterprise eCOPS) as above for 05 years post successful Go Live of the Project 1 Job



H Procurement & Customization of Advanced Applications

H1.1 Procurement & Customization of Advanced Applications

Component Qty (q) Unit

HRMS & Payroll modules in ERP 1 Unit

Crime Analytics 1 Unit GIS/GPS 1 Unit

Enterprise Management System (EMS) ( Hardware & Software) 1 Unit



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Note :-

1. The above list is an indicative and SI is required to study, understand thoroughly the solution & existing infrastructure and quote the equipments, software etc. with quantities meeting all the requirements of this RFP 2. The bidder should provide the justification for the quantities and specifications of the equipments arrived within the framework of the overall solution proposed by him. 3. Bidder should clearly specify quantities for each item as per the proposed solution.

4. Bidder should specify if any other item that is required for successful implementation of the proposed solution.



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Annexure-17: Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS)

1. AP State Citizen Portal (website)

S. No.  Functional Requirement Compliance 

1.1.   Should  allow  user  (citizens)  to  access  portal  via  the  internet  to  register complaints online. 


1.2.   Should  allow users  (citizens/petitioners)  to  search  for  their  request  on  the basis of Service Request number or petitioner details. 


1.3.   Should  display  petition/service  request  details  and  status  on  the  screen based on the user search 


1.4.   Should allow users to save the status as a PDF file and/or print the status   

1.5.   Should  allow  the  users  to  provide  comments  and  feedback  on  online services 


1.6.   System should allow the user 1. To download all applicable forms as e‐forms and submit the same System  should  provide  the  user  to  download  forms  for  following  services through the online portal 1. Complaint Registration 2. Tenant Verification 3. Servant Verification 4. Permission Request for Processions and Rallies 5. Application for Character Certificate Submit e‐form once the user has connectivity 


1.7.   System should provide the user with an Online Help facility 1. Frequently Asked Questions on workflow of applications 2. User Manual on procedures to avail police services 3. Relevant police documents (library) 4. Address / contact nos. of police offices 


1.8.   System  should  provide  the  user  with  the  following  Transaction  Services through the online portal 1. Complaint Registration 2. Tenant Verification 3. Servant Verification 4. Permission Request for Processions and Rallies 5. Passport Verification  Status 6. Arm License  Verification Status 7. Application for Character Certificate  System  should  provide  the  user  with  the  following  representative Information Services through the online portal 1. Missing Persons Listing (with Photographs) 2. Proclaimed Offenders Listing 3. Stolen/ Recovered Vehicles Listing 4. Unidentified Dead bodies (with photographs) Listing 5. Abandoned / Unclaimed/recovered  Properties Listing 6. Most Wanted Criminals Listing (with photographs) 


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1.9.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  input  the  following  details  for  complaint registration on the online portal  (at least 2 should be mandatory) 1. Mobile Phone Number 2. Address 3. Identifications 3.1 Ration Card Number 3.2 Passport Number 3.3 Bank Account Number 3.4 Voter ID Card Number 3.5 PAN Number 3.6 Unique ID Number 3.7 Electricity Bill Number 3.8 Landline Telephone Number 3.9 Email ID 


1.10.   System  should allow the user  to view the  time  taken  to process  the service request (to monitor service delivery time) (Technically: system should keep a log of the start time of the registration of the complaint  / general  service  request  till such  time  that the status of the application  is  closed;  system  should  diaplay  the  user  at  the  end  of  the service fulfillment, the total time taken to complete the service delivery) 


1.11.   System  should  provide  an acknowledgement  to  the  complainant  (once  the application has been submitted online) through 1. Mobile Phone (SMS) 2. Email 3. On Screen 


1.12.   System  should  generate  a  complaint  reference  number  for  retrieval  of complaint status information (such as the use of CAPTCHA feature) 


1.13.   1. System  should allow the user  to select  their  relevant  (as per  jurisdiction) Police Station from a list (in case the PS is known) 2.  System  should  forward  the  complaint  to  the  relevant  PS  or  appropriate authority based on address of the complainant (in case the PS is not known) 


1.14.   System  should  allow  the user  to  lodge  an anonymous  information  (in  case the user does not want to disclose personal details) 1. User should be able to select from 'Tip' 


1.15.   System should be able to record the IP address of user   

1.16.   System should allow the user to submit C‐form to register foreigners 1. Provide for notices to foreigners (leave India notices) 2. Alerts to Interpol 3. Overstay checks and alerts 4. Alerts to immigration database (interface once created) 


1.17.   Should allow user (citizens) to view menu of services available   

1.18.   Should allow automatic  carbon copying of generated  reports on services  to stakeholders. 


1.19.   This page on the site should carry warning to the user "User will be  liable  to be prosecuted  for malicious  complaint  or  content  in accordance with the law in force" 


1.20.   System should allow the user to give submit request for the following:  

1. Copy of Inquest/ Panchanama 


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2. Copy of First Information Report 

3. Copy of Post‐Mortem Report 

4. Copy of Charge Sheet 

5. Report on Missing of Passport 

6. Report on Missing of Cell Phone 

7. Report on Missing of Certificate/ Documents 

8. Report on Missing of Registration Certificate/Driving License etc.  

9. Licences/Permissions 

10. Permission for Barat /Processions 

11. Shifting Vehicle from AP to other States 

12. Police Clearance Certificate (Visa/passport etc)  13. Cycle Stand (Vehicle Parking) 14. Visa upto 1 year 15. Visa upto 3 years 16. Penal Fee (After expiry of VISA due date) 17. Visa upto 5 years 18. Verification  of  Character  and  Antecedents  (Non‐Govt.  Public  Sector) 

per case 

19. Verification  of  Character  and  Antecedents  (Corporate  –  Private)  per case 

20. Hiring of Police Personnel 21. Inspector/Reserve Inspector (Day) 22. Inspector/Reserve Inspector (Night) 23. S.I./R.S.I.(Day) 24. S.I./R.S.I.(Night) 25. ASI/ARSI (Day) 26. ASI/ARSI (Night) 27. Head Constable (Day) 28. Head Constable (Night) 29. Police Constable (Day) 30. Police Constable (Night) 31. Deployment of PSO (per HC per Month) 

32. Deployment of PSO (per PC per Month) 

33. Licenses / Permissions (Initial/Renewal) 

34. Category 1  (5 Star) (Initial) 35. Category 1 (5 Star) (Renewal) 36. Category 2 (3 Star) (Initial) 37. Category 2 (3 Star) (Renewal) 38. Category 3 (Ordinary) (Initial) 39. Category 3 (Ordinary) (Renewal) 40. Cyber Café (initial / renewal) 41. Ganesh / kali Maata Pandal statue establishment 

42. Restaurant (Initial) 43. Restaurant (Renewal) 44. Tea / Paan Stalls (Initial) 45. Tea / Paan Stalls (Renewal) 46. One Band Type Loud Speaker (Per Day) 47. Off Course Betting Centre (License) 48. Off Course Betting Centre (Renewal) 49. Hyderabad Race Club (Per day) 

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50. Hyderabad Race Club (Application Form) 

51. Permission for Film/TV Shooting 

52. Permission for Show/Benefits Show 

53. Permission for religious festivals / jatras  

54. Permission for temp fireworks / cracker shops (retail) 

55. Permission for permanent fireworks / cracker shops (retail) 

56. Band Music & Dance  in Hotels/Restaurants etc.  (Per Annum for Fresh License) 

57. Band Music & Dance in Hotels/Restaurants etc. (Annual Renewal) 

58. Exhibition,  Cultural  Programmes,  Fashion  Show,  Personality  Contest (Application Fee) (Commercial) 

59. Exhibition,  Cultural  Programmes,  Fashion  Show,  Personality  Contest (Per Day) (Commercial) 

60. Exhibition,  Cultural  Programmes,  Fashion  Show,  Personality  Contest (Application Fee) (Non‐Commercial) 

61. Exhibition,  Cultural  Programmes,  Fashion  Show,  Personality  Contest (Per Day) (Non‐Commercial) 

62. Blasting Permission (15 Days) 

63. Blasting Permission (30 Days) 

64. Arms Licenses – Initial/Renewal Fee payment by Individual / Dealers 

65. M.L.Gun (Muzzle Loading Gun)(Initial) 

66. M.L.Gun (Muzzle Loading Gun) (Renewal ) 

67. B.L.Guns (Initial ) 68. B.L. Guns (Renewal) 69. .22 Riffle (Initial) 70. .22 Riffle (Renewal) 71. Revolver, Pistol, Riffle (Initial ) 72. Revolver, Pistol, Riffle (Renewal ) 73. Form VII: Journey License to carry  single weapon  

74. Form XI: License to Repair, Test. Sell or Transfer (Initial) 

75. Form XI: License to Repair, Test, Sell or Transfer (Renewal) 

76. Form XII: License to sell transfer or test (Initial ) 

77. Form XII: License to sell transfer or test (Renewal) 

78. Form XIII: License to Sell transfer or test and keep for sale, transfer or test (Initial)  

79. Form XIII: License to Sell transfer or test and 

80. keep for sale, transfer or test (Renewal) 81. Form XVI: Import License (For Single weapon)  

82. Form XVI: Import (For More than one weapon & Ammunition)  

83. Form XX: Transport License (For Single weapon) 

84. Form  XX:  Transport  License  (For  more  than  one  weapon  & Ammunition)  

85. Providing of Escort for Cash transfer  

1.21.   Case  Status  to  the  complainant,  Missing/Un‐Identified  Dead  Bodies, Missing  Vehicles,  Tenders,  and  Crime  Statistics  etc.    through  the departmental website ‘apstatepolice.org’  


1.22.   System should allow user to pay for the service request through a payment gateway 


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2.   Intranet Portal 

S .No.  Functional Requirements   Compliance 

2.1.   Should allow Police Officers to access the portal via the Internet / Intranet   

2.2.   Facility  of  Single  Sign‐on  and  allowing  the  Police  Officers  to  log  in  to  the departmental modules / legacy applications  through Portal 


2.3.   Should  allow  the officers  to  choose  the  language  preference  for  the use of portal,  i.e.  portal  shall  support  both  Telugu  and  English  interface  for  police officers. 


2.4.   Should comply with Web 2.0 standards   

2.5.   Should provide  role based access  to  the various modules and sub modules / applications  of  the  enterprise  eCOPS,  advance  applications  and  shared services for the Police Officials. 


2.6.   Should  provide  the  Police Officials with  the  help module  to  assist  them  in  using  the  Portal  / enterprise eCOPS and  other applications / modules  


2.7.   Should provide the  Police  Officials  with  comprehensive  Search capability to access any  type of  information which  is desirable  for e.g.) e‐learning  course material, area specific information, crime & criminal information, etc. 


2.8.   Should support multiple methods  for  integration,  including REST, SOAP, RSS, and also proprietary API's. 


2.9.   Should have Content creation tools   

2.10.   Should have Content workflow management tools   

2.11.   Should  have Workflow  support  for management  of  creation  and  publishing process with 

o Publishing stages o Complex business rule support o Balancing of tasks across a workgroup of users 


2.12.   Should support In‐place editing of content   

2.13.   Ability to manage content metadata via portal   

2.14.   Mass import/export tools   

2.15.   Content versioning support   

2.16.   Access control tied to portal access control   

2.17.   Integration with personalization engine to provide personalized content   

1.23.   System should provide checklist  for all mandatory documents need  to be submitted by the user to each service request 


1.24.   System should allow the user to view crime prone area    

1.25.   System  should have  separate userid  / password block  to  access  intranet portal via internet for Police Officials only. 


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2.18.   Integration with search engine   

2.19.   Should support industry wide operating systems.   

2.20.   Should support industry wide web servers.   

2.21.   Should support industry wide web browsers.   

2.22.   Should support industry wide database management systems.   

2.23.   Should support industry wide directory servers.   

2.24.   Should  provide  a  mechanism  for  balancing  the  user  and/or  request  load across several logical and/or physical servers 


2.25.   Ability to  scale  vertically and ability  to  scale  horizontally     

2.26.   Provide a mechanism for fail‐over of logical and physical servers   

2.27.   Should allow multiple user  types  to access a single URL and access a unique page  view  depending  on  the  users  role,  group,  organization  or  personal preferences 


2.28.   Provide  SSL  support  for  HTTPS  (web‐based  front‐end)  &  LDAP (directory server) 


2.29.   Provide front‐end protocol switching support (e.g. HTTP to HTTPS)   

2.30.   Support distributed caching of static content, such as style sheets, images and scripts,  that  can  be  served  by  an    architectural  component  other  than  the portal, such as the web server 


2.31.   Support  security  data    caching,  such  as    user    attributes  and    group memberships 


2.32.   Provide   a   mechanism   for   balancing the   user   and/or   request    load across several logical and/or physical servers 


2.33.   Log of access from various IP addresses   

2.34.   Visitor Counters of the website and web‐pages separate   

2.35.   Should support collaborative tools such as chatting, forums, FAQs, polls etc.   

2.36.   Provide a web‐based administration tool   

2.37.   Ability to manage users and group memberships   

2.38.   Ability to manage user/group access control to portal resources, such as pages and portlets 


2.39.   Portal    platform’s    administration    tool    must    support    the    ability    to create/update/delete portal resources, such as pages and portlets 


2.40.   Support the delegation of the administration of portions of the portal to users   

2.41.   Should  have a Policy  based Administration Model where  # Policy should   be part of the programming model #  Admin  interface  should  have  provision  for  setting system  wide “policy sets” 


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2.42.   Ability   to   provide   personalized   content   based   on   sophisticated business rules (rules engine) and user profiles 


2.43.   Provide   a   recommendation   engine   that   drives   personalization   by related users based on their profile and past behavior 


2.44.   Provide  integration  between  the  personalization  engine  and  a  content management platform 


2.45.   Provide integration between the personalization engine and the search engine   

2.46.   Log personalization engine events and results   

2.47.   Log recommendation engine events and results   

2.48.   Provision for Administrators can apply “Personalization rules” to both portlets 

and portal pages  i.e. Use of Business  logic  to provide  “dynamic” experience. 

Example: Show HR Benefits Page during enrollment period 


2.49.   Provision for Personalization rules dialog to be accessed in context   

2.50.   Ability   to   search   structured   information   repositories,   such   as databases 

For  example  details  of    passport  verification  requests,  NOC  (No Objection 

Certificates),  NOC  for  purchase  second  hand  vehicle,  Lost  Cell      Phone   

Certificate,  Arms   License,   Driving   License   etc., Complaints (including Non‐

Cognizable Criminal  Incident, Missing  Person, Un‐natural death, Unidentified 

Dead Body, Lost Property, Unclaimed/ Abandoned Property etc.) 


2.51.   Ability    to    search    unstructured    information    repositories,    such    as 

documents, images, audio and video 


2.52.   Support free text searches   

2.53.   Support structured searches driven by metadata   

2.54.   Perform federated searches across multiple indexes   

2.55.   Search   engine must   provide   preemptive access   control   of   search results; content the user cannot access does not appear in the search results 


2.56.   Support crawling of sites to build content indexes   

2.57.   Ability to start/stop crawling manually   

2.58.   Ability to schedule periodic crawling   

2.59.   Support filtered crawling   

2.60.   Support browsing of indexed content   

2.61.   Support integration of search results with the personalization engine   

2.62.   Support relevance‐based sorting of search results   

2.63.   Ability to edit indexed content metadata   

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2.64.   Provide out‐of‐the‐box portlets for searching and browsing   

2.65.   Administrative must be able  to customize pages and portlets with  their own settings 


2.66.   Administrative must be able to customize the page layout   

2.67.   Administrator must be able to create new private‐pages   

2.68.   User must be able to change the look‐and‐feel of the portal   

2.69.   Ability to have workgroup‐level customization by a super‐user   

2.70.   Ability to lock down one or more pages preventing customization   


3.   Petition Management Module 

S. No.  Functional Requirements  Compliance 

3.1.   Should allow  the user  (police staff)  to capture  the general service petitions of 

the citizens based on their request. The general service requests can be any of 

the following No Objection Certificates, verification of passport, service, tenant, 

servant, Lost cell phone, arms license, permissions for procession, rallies, mikes, 


1. Employee Verification 2. Tenant Verification 3. Servant Verification 4. Permission Request for Processions and Rallies 5. Passport Verification  Status 6. Arm License  Verification Status 7. Application for Character Certificate  

System should also allow the user to capture 

1. Petitions from Higher Offices 2. Petitions from courts  3. Petitions  from  other  government  departments  – National Highway  Road 

Corporation (NHRC), SHRC, SCST commission etc. 4. G1 & G2 Petitions 


3.2.   System should allow  the user  to classify  the petitions based on  the nature of the petition. 


3.3.   Should  allow  uploading  of  any  relevant  documents  such  as  scanned documents/images 


3.4.   System  should  display  the  current  work  load  of  enquiry  officers  before entrusting the petitions 


3.5.   System should generate receipt with unique ID for each petition entered in the system 


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4. FIR Management Module 

S. No  Functional Requirements                                                                                                          Compliance 

4.1.   Note: The current eCOPS system  is having this module however the SI needs to enhance this module with the following functionalities. 


4.2.   Should allow user to group / categorize the acts / sections of the offence viz, bodily offence, property offence etc. 


4.3.   Should present different templates/forms for different kinds of cases / sections of law (property, bodily offences..) 


4.4.   Should have  the provision  to  store  the petition  ID  in  case of petition  turning into FIR 


4.5.   Should have the provision to auto populate the petition data in to the relevant fields of the FIR in case of petition turning into a FIR 


4.6.   Should provide required template to enter the brief facts of the case   

4.7.   Should allow the user to record notes/remarks on the FIR.   

3.6.   Should  present  different  templates/forms  for  different  kinds  of petitions/service/verification  requests  (templates may be same as mentioned in web site functionalities) 


3.7.   Should allow the user to assign the petition to police personnel for preliminary enquiry and also forward it to other offices 


3.8.   Should  allow  the  user  based  on  the  role  to  record  notes/remarks  to  the petition. 


3.9.   Should  allow  the  user  to  search  the  existing  repository  of  previous cases/petitions/requests  before responding to the petitioner. 


3.10.   Should  allow  for  approval  by  the  concerned  officer  before  issuing  the certificate. 


3.11.   Should  provide  the  user  to  entrust  /  re‐entrust,  enquiry  /  re‐enquiry  the petition and close the petition  


3.12.   Should allow the user to generate the certificate or report or permission or the response to the petitioner 


3.13.   Should allow the user to link / de‐link petitions   

3.14.   Should  allow  the  user  to  merge  petitions  in  case  of  duplicate petitions/requests 


3.15.   Should provide the reports and search capabilities on the petitions/requests   

3.16.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  search  for    cases  and  /  or  case  details registered  in  other  Police  Stations  of  same  state  and  other  states  based  on access rights 


3.17.   System should allow the user to view the antecedents of the person belonging to other states (in case a verification report has been prepared for a stranger) 


3.18.   System  should  forward  a  request  for  verification  of  a  stranger  (in  case  the permanent and present address are different) to the relevant Police Station (be it in a different state) 


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S. No  Functional Requirements                                                                                                          Compliance 

4.8.   Should allow the user to search the existing repository of complaints whether the  complaint has been  received earlier on  the  same  issue  /  incident before initiating action on the complaint. (to be removed) 


4.9.   Should provide alert to the user in case of accused is minor to produce before juvenile court 


4.10.   Should  allow  the  user  to  transfer  an  FIR  from  one  jurisdiction  to  another jurisdiction 


4.11.   System should allow the user to link FIRs   

4.12.   Should  have  provision  for  dashboard  for  the  SHO  /  IOs  to  view  the  report summary table consisting of new cases 


4.13.   Should have provision  for search  facilities on  the cases registered and also  to generate necessary reports on the cases registered. 


4.14.   System should also allow the user to view / print FIR data in the state specified formats (text / graphical) 


4.15.   System should display the name of the Police Station / Higher Office where the compliant was originally registered in case of transfer of case. 


4.16.   System should send an alert the higher officials in case of change in the Act(s) and Section(s) for a registered FIR 


4.17.   System should allow the user to capture 1. Signature of the complainant (using a electronic pen or paper scanner) 2. Thumb impression of the complainant (using a paper scanner) 3.  Signature  of  the  approving  authority  (using  electronic  pen  and  paper scanner) 


4.18.   System  should allow  the user  to  send a message  to a distribution  list  (senior officers) through APPMS based on the gravity  (grave / specially grave or non‐grave) of the case registered or issued FIR. 


4.19.   System should allow the user to create and forward special reports to DIG / IG Range, CID and DGP (in cases of heinous crime) 


4.20.   System should provide the local heads (in addition to others) for FIR   

4.21.   System  should  provide  the  search  facility  to  know  the  status  of  FIR  (UI,  FR submitted, evidence collection, etc) 


4.22.   System should generate an email to National Human Rights Commission within  specified time in case there is a custodial death and police encounter deaths 


4.23.   System  should  generate  an  email  to Women  &  Child Welfare  Organization within specified time in case there is a woman / child missing or unknown dead body case. 


4.24.   System should allow the user to register cases of wild  life crime, and send the report to CBCID HQ and to SIU XI Branch of CBI and Wild Life Bureau 


4.25.   System should allow for transfer of cases registered as a crime against SC / ST or POC Act to SP (will in turn assign DySP for investigation) 


4.26.   Should allow the user to see the list of Police Stations with jurisdictional areas to file complaint in appropriate PS 


4.27.   Should  allow  the  user  to  view  the  details  in  case  his  FIR  or  information  has been  routed  to  the  PS  having  jurisdiction  over  his matter  through  an  Inbox facility 


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S. No  Functional Requirements                                                                                                          Compliance 

4.28.   Should  have  provision  to  show  the  wings  /  units  like  Vigilance  and  Anti Corruption Bureau / CBCID in the FIR ‐  to be  taken  in  context of entering data pertaining  to  an  agency where  the case is being transferred 


4.29.   Should have the provision to track the Investigation Officers change for a case such as from ‐ to period, current status, Reasons for change, next posting and contact details etc. 


 5. Investigation Management Module 

S.No  Functional Requirements                                                                                                          Compliance 

5.1.   Note: The current eCOPS system  is having this module however the SI needs to enhance this module with the following functionalities. 


5.2.   System  should  present  to  the  IOs  dashboard  of  newly  assigned  cases,  under trials, under  investigation,  re‐opened cases, etc., and  to other users based on their roles and their jurisdiction.  


5.3.   System should provide pre/post checklist to  IOs for crime scene visit based on crime head  


5.4.   System should allow to capture police proceedings of at least two police officers  

5.5.   System should allow to capture details on Clues team/Dog squad/Bomb squad / expert team (medical doctors etc) visit 


5.6.   System  should  allow  to  upload  photographs,  videos,  rough  sketch  etc  of  the crime scene  


5.7.   System  should  allow  Crime  Details  (Classification)  according  to  crime  head (mandatory for generating SCRB reports etc)  


5.8.   System should have provision to enter Material Object (MO) seizure details.    

5.9.   System should provision to add witness details    

5.10.   System  should  have  provision  to  enter  inquest  details  made  by  police  / executive magistrate. 


5.11.   System should have provision to enter exhumation details   

5.12.   System should have provision to update incident control check list     

5.13.   System  should allow  the user  to  record and  transfer a case  that does not  fall under jurisdiction of the present Police Station with the consent of their Higher Officers. 


5.14.   System should have provision to add longitude & latitude of the crime scene   

5.15.   System should associate pre‐defined tasks / activities that are required during the  investigation  to  the case. The  tasks  / activities  should be customizable by the administrator to the type of the case under  investigation. The user should be able to add / modify tasks / activities to the pre‐ defined list associated with the  case.  The  administrator  should  be  able  to  add  / modify  the  super‐set  of tasks / activities defined in the system and make them default to a type of the 


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5.16.   System should have provision to upload case related documents – CD files etc. and should be kept in document management system with personalized access (only IO can access) 


5.17.   System should allow the user to prepare, preview, print requests/forms (letter of advise etc) that are sent to external agencies (FSL, FPB, hospitals, RTA etc.,) for expert opinion. The request/forms should be made available to the user as templates  that  are  managed  (created/edited)  through  administration functionality. 


5.18.   System  should  provide  the  feature  to  capture  the  response  in  the  form  of parameterized data  and  scanned documents  received  from different  external agencies. 


5.19.   Should  allow  the  user  to  capture  the  interrogation  details  as  summary  and parameterized data 


5.20.   System  should  also  track  the  remarks/suggestions  posted  by  Higher  Officers /circle officers during investigation 


5.21.   System  should allow  the  SSP & Senior Officers  to view  the  summary of  cases based type of case and cases falling in their jurisdiction 


5.22.   System should allow the user to capture the finger print of an arrested person (through scanned image) 


5.23.   System should allow the user to record details of the property released during investigation by Court 


5.24.   System should allow the user to enter data received from Forensic Science Labs on a case during investigation 


5.25.   System should allow the user to update the status of case property as 1. Released 2. Transferred 3. Sent to Police Station 4. Sent to Forensic Lab / Forensic Medicine Department 5. Sent to Court (as evidence) 


5.26.   System  should  have  the  provision  to  record  and  print  the  reports  FSL,  dying declaration,  finger  print  report, Dog  squad, Doctor's  certificate,  post mortem report  etc. Motor  Vehicle  Inspection  Reports  /  expert  opinions  (Govt Mint  / Nasik printing press) 


5.27.   System should provide for an alert to the user in cases where accused identity is not known, but 1. Similar case has been registered, where accused identity is found to be near description 2. Similar case is registered with same modus operandi 3. An arrest has been made in an another case with similar accused description 


5.28.   System should send alerts in the below cases, to concerned District SPs and SP CID 1. Murder Cases where no significant progress  is made even after 72 hours of investigation 2. In all murder cases in which the accused are not identified in FIR 3. Explosions in which more than one person is killed. 4. All cases of seizure of spirit in which the seized quantity exceeds 5000 liters. 5.  All  cases  of  seizure  of  Narcotic  and  Psychotropic  Substances  other  than Ganja,  except  those  where  the  quantity  of  the  substance  seized  does  not 


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exceed the prescribed "minimum for personal consumption or small quantity". 6. Cases of  theft of Government Arms  and Ammunitions  and  theft or  loss of Government property over Rs. 10 lakhs. 7. All Women Trafficking Cases having interstate linkages. 8. Cases of Cheating or  fraud by private  financial  institutions where  the  total transactions  involved  or  the  deposits  collected  by  the  accused  exceed  Rs.  2 Crores  in  that particular  case or other  cases of a  similar nature  involving  the same accused. 9. Cases other than traffic accident cases in which Police Officers of and above the rank of CI figure as accused except petitions endorsed by Courts under Sec. 156(3) CrPC. 

5.29.   System  should  prompt  the  police  user with  the  list  of  documents  and  list  if witnesses required for filing a charge sheet. 


5.30.   System  should also  track  the action  taken by  the  investigation officers on  the remarks/suggestions  posted by Higher Officers during investigation 


5.31.   System should allow user to capture re‐examination of witnesses   

5.32.   System should allow user to forward MO seizures to FSL / FPB / Govt chemical examiner, Nasik press / Govt. mint etc. 


5.33.   System should have provision to send MO forwarding for necessary approval to senior officers 


5.34.   System  should  provide  necessary  templates  for  "letter  of  advise"  for  MOs forwarding 


5.35.   System should generate a "Form No 66" (pre‐defined template)   

5.36.   System should have provision to record / updated "CPR No /  IP No"   given by the court 


5.37.   System should generate a "Form No 66" (pre‐defined template)   

5.38.   System should have provision to record / updated "CPR No /  IP No"   given by the court 


5.39.   System should alert the user on the status of MOs – date, time etc.   

5.40.   System should have provision  to upload all documentary evidences pertaining to a case 


5.41.   System  should  have  provision  to  generate  notices  (based  on  pre‐defined templates) under section 91,92 and 160 CrPC. 


5.42.   System  should  have  provision  to  enter  expert  opinions  –  FSL,  RFSL,  Nasik  / Diwas  press  /  Govt mint  /  Govt  chemical  examiner  /  NDPS  /  FPB  / Medical Opinion / post mortem / Dog squad / bomb squad / clues team etc. 


5.43.   System should have provision to enter gist of the expert opinion / data & time of received etc. 


5.44.   System  should have provision  to enter  scientific evidence details  such as age determination test / potency test / DNA test  / Narco Analysis / Brain mapping tec. 


5.45.   System should allow the user to arrange the evidences in a chronological order and capture the remarks of the user 


5.46.   System should alert the user to use  investigation tools (CIS, CAT,  ISC, 3rd Eye / chatting / forums etc) in case of partial evidences / no evidences. 


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5.47.   System should have provision to enter (individual specific) 


Finger prints 

Family history 

Socio economic profile 

Regular places of visit 

Dressing patterns 


Activities before and after offence 

Local contacts 

Conveyance details 

Share of amount spent 

Property disposal 

Receivers of property sold 


Defense council  

Other cases confessed 


5.48.   System  should  have  the  provision  to  enter  gang  file  details  (history, motive, area of operation, modus operandi etc.) 


5.49.   System should provision to enter confession statement   

5.50.   System should provision to enter  details of Anticipatory bails   

5.51.   System should provision to enter police custody details   

5.52.   System should provision to enter details of remand extensions   

5.53.   System should provision to enter details of bail petitions and its disposal   

5.54.   System should provision to enter details of bail opposition    

5.55.   System should provision to enter details of bail by court / or police   

5.56.   System should provision to enter details of court stay order   

5.57.   System should provision to add efforts for offender (checklist based)   

5.58.   System should provision to link evidences with the corresponding accused   

5.59.   System should have provision to send finger print information to district / state FPB (from PS) (integration with FPB application) 


5.60.   System should have provision to capture barcode  info for each individual case property 


5.61.   System  should  have  provision  to  record  /  update  CPR  No.  (Court  Property Register no) in case property is submitted in court  


5.62.   System should have provision to record / update the "court receipt no" in case of property returned to the complainant 


5.63.   System should have provision to record / update safe custody details in case of court directing PS to keep in safe custody 


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5.64.   System should have provision to track / search / view of the case property   

5.65.   System should have provision to record / update details of disposal of the case property 


5.66.   System  should  have  provision  to  add  /  remove  victim,  witness,  accused, evidence details before preparation of charge sheet 


5.67.   System should have provision to view / update linking evidences with accused, chronological order of evidences. (ordering is being done in evidence section) 


5.68.   System  should have provision  to  send  the draft charge  sheet  to PP  / Asst. PP (through court & prosecution module) 


5.69.   System should have provision to view remarks / suggestion given by PP/ Asst PP (through court & prosecution module) 


5.70.   System should have provision to take permission from higher officials in case of final report 


5.71.   System should have provision to add additional charge sheet   

5.72.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  capture  remarks  of  the  Public  Prosecutor before the finalization of the Charge Sheet 


5.73.   System should have provision to add opinion of Asst Public Prosecutor / Public Prosecutor in case of Prima Facie not made out 


5.74.   System should have provision  to "Serve  the notice  to Complainant"  in case of Prima Facie not made out 


5.75.   System should have provision to add orders from the superior officers in case of Prima Facie not made out 


5.76.   System  should have provision  to  add  final  report    in  case of Prima  Facie not made out 


5.77.   System  should  have  provision  to  add  RC  no/  Court  Proceeding  no  in  case  of Prima Facie not made out 


5.78.   System  should  allow  the  case  to  be  re‐opened  and  reassigned  to  a  different investigating  officer  by  court  order.  In  case  of  re‐opening,  the  case  history should be maintained. 


5.79.   System should have provision to add CC / SC / PRC No  in case of charge sheet acknowledged by the court 



6. Court & Prosecution Services 

S. No.  Functional Requirements   


6.1.   System  should  allow  the user  to enter  charge  sheet  /  final  report  approval, rejections, remarks, new / fresh charge sheet details 


6.2.   System should allow the user to capture the charge sheet acknowledgement details (interim and final) received from the court after the submission of the Charge Sheet. (SR No) 


6.3.   System should allow the user to enter opinion of Public prosecutor / Asst PP   

6.4.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  enter  briefing  checklist  (eye  witness, circumstantial witness, IO etc) 


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6.5.   System should allow the user to capture bail petitions, surety, defense counsel and  Special Warrants ‐ 'Type of Warrants' (for National / International  Criminals) ‐ DW Warrant (Distress Warrant) ‐ BW Warrant (Bailable Warrant) ‐ Notices ‐ Red Corner Notice ‐ Blue Corner Notice ‐ Yellow Corner Notice ‐ Others   


6.6.   System should allow the user to enter surety details, notice to surety, property attachments and proclamations 


6.7.   System should allow the user to enter the summons/warrants details.   

6.8.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  assign  the  summons/warrants  to  police personnel for execution. 


6.9.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  record  the  status  of  execution  on  the summons/warrants.  Should  automatically  enter  this  information  into  the Process Register 


6.10.   System should allow the user to know the status and monitor of summons / warrants issued to Police Stations outside their jurisdiction (eg other state) 


6.11.   System should allow for generation of alerts on unexecuted warrants   

6.12.   System should allow the user to capture details of attempts made for summon warrant execution 


6.13.   Should allow to automatically to generate Court Case Diary   

6.14.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  record  trial  status of  the persons  involved (Attendance, Examination, Bail Plea, Required  for Next Hearing, etc)  for  the purpose of automatic generation of Court Case Diary. 


6.15.   System  should allow  the user  to  capture  the  status  (granted  re‐trial, appeal denied) of the appeal 


6.16.   System should allow the user to proceed for re‐investigation if ordered by the court. 


6.17.   The  solution  should provide  the  IO  to view  the  tasks  that he/she had  set  in calendar,  the  court  appointments,  summon/warrants    and  Administrative related tasks (in court calendar) 


6.18.   System should provide for preparation of calendar (daily, weekly, fortnightly) for cases scheduled for hearing 


6.19.   System  should  present  court  constable  with  dashboard  including  court appointment  schedule,  summary  of  charge  sheets,  case  disposed  by  court, summons and warrants etc 


6.20.   System  should allow  the user  to generate  report on disposal of cases  in  the prescribed format (state wise) 


6.21.   System  should  provide  an  alert  to  the  SHO  and  IO  on  cases  of  'impending expiry of remand period' 


6.22.   System  should  have  the  provision  to  capture  details    when  a  case  is transferred  to  other  courts  ‐  (the  following  data  fields  are  additionally captured) 1. Court Case No 


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2. Preliminary Registration no. 3. SC no. 4. Multiple court case numbers 5. Date of sending case to sessions and other courts 

6.23.   System should provide for ‐ Joint Trial in court disposal form and in trial form 


6.24.   System should provide for Split‐up cases  1. Under 'Trial Details' ‐ capture data 'hearing date' wise 1.a Hyperlink dates 1.b Radio button to select split on a given hearing date 1.c Ability  to  select  an  accused  to  continue with parent  case  and others  to continue with additional CC number 


6.25.   During court trial; in cases where ‐  Some  of  the  charges  under  some  specific  sections  are  not  proved  there should be an option to capture the sections which are proved and which are not proved (against a particular accused) 


6.26.   System should have provision to capture reasons for acquittal from the check list in case of acquittal. 


6.27.   Trial  details  can  be  flexible &  target  can  be  set, which  could mean  that  a Superior Court or High Court may fix a deadline to complete the trial, in which case,  it  should  be  reflected  in  the  screens  during  the  trial  so  as  to  keep reminding the concerned officer. 


6.28.   System should provide for 'Tracking of Appeal Cases '   

6.29.   System should provide for 'Change of IO ' 1. In most of the cases IO can be changed 


6.30.   The  system  should  allow  to  capture  the  details  of  the  prisoner  /  suspect  / arrested / convict / acquitted person movements into and out of jails.  



7. Higher Offices Module (DG, IO, DCP, SCRB, etc) including dashboards 

SNO  Functional  Requirements  Compliance 

7.1.   System should have provision to capture the workflow of Grave Crime Report   

7.2.   System  should  present  customized  dashboards  and  reports  to  the  users based  on  their  role  ‐Duty  Constable,  Court  Constable,  Station Writer,  IO, SHO,  Circle  Inspector,  ACP,  DCP,  Sub‐Divisional  Officer,  CP,SP,  DIG,IG,DG, other Higher Officers  (including ADG  CID,  IG  SCRB)    in Administration  (i.e. complete org hierarchy) 


7.3.   System  should  present  various  statistics  such  as  summarized  information, current  progress, monthly  numbers,  comparative  statements,  trends  with charting capability, exception reports, crime maps indicating the hot spots. 


7.4.   System should present the user with activity calendar   

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7.5.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  view  on  alerts/events/reminders  (from activity calendar) 


7.6.   System should present the user with statistics of all petitions (pending, action taken, etc …) 


7.7.   System  should  present  the  user  with  statistics  on  NCR’s  (Non  Cognizable cases registered and investigated). 


7.8.   System should present the user with statistics on FIRs with different statuses such as New/Under Investigation/ Pending Trial/ Re‐opened 


7.9.   System should present the user with statistics on Warrants & Summons   

7.10.   System should present the user with court calendar which includes details on court appointment schedule, information on the cases under trial 


7.11.   System should present the user with statistics and  list of “high priority FIR” (Grave /Heinous Crime Details) 


7.12.   System  should  present  the  user  with  list  of  Pending  Arrests  &  Wanted Offenders/Suspects 


7.13.   System  should  present  the  user  with  statistics  of  charge  sheets  &  Court Disposal 


7.14.   System  should present  the user with  list of  latest happenings across Police Stations such as missing persons & unidentified dead bodies 


7.15.   System  should present  the user with prisoner movement updates  (remand prisoner, release, etc..) 


7.16.   System should present the user with Major and Minor head wise statistics   

7.17.   System should present the application usage statistics that provide indicators on the application uptake and usage by the police personnel 


7.18.   System should allow the user to drill down to a granular  level to a  IIF  from the information presented in the dashboard. 


7.19.   System should provide the user an  interface to enable the senior officers to conduct periodic reviews/Visits and inspections  of the Police Station (citizen services, law & order, crime, etc) 


7.20.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  generate  comparative  statements  of  the above said statistics during monthly crime reviews. 


7.21.   System should allow the user to review the pending or overdue actions such as filing a charge sheet within a defined time limit from the time of arrest of accused etc. 


7.22.   System should allow the user to create additional tasks / alerts / reminders on  the actions  items  for  investigating officers and  track  its progress  in next monthly review. 


7.23.   System  should  consolidate  and  generate  statistics  based  on  the  role  and jurisdiction 


7.24.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  view  a  list  of  Active  Criminals  on  the dashboard 


7.25.   System should allow the user to generate Daily / Morning Situation Report   

7.26.   System should allow the user to generate report on 1. Number of criminals arrested during a day 


7.27.   System should allow the user to generate a crime chart with 1. Details on Cyber Crimes 


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2. Financial Frauds 

7.28.   System should allow the user to generate report (PS / IO / District wise) on 1. Number of pending cases 2. Number of cases where recovery happened 3. Number of cases where accused is identified and arrested 4. Number of cases where accused is identified and not arrested 5. Number of cases where charge sheet is pending 6. Number of cases pending due to response of external agencies  like cases pending due to want of forensic report 


7.29.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  generate  report  on  cases  pending  (with prosecution action awaited) 


7.30.   System should allow  the user  to create a 360 Degree profile  for dangerous and most wanted criminals (dossier) 


7.31.   System should  provide Automated Daily situation report    

7.32.   System should  provide  Consolidation of DSR at each Higher Office  


7.33.   System should have Provision for Force deployment planning   


7.34.   System should have  Provision for Law & order maintenance & co‐ordination    

7.35.   System should have  Provision for News bulletin /Latest Updates   

7.36.   System should have  Permissions for final reports work flow   


8. Station House Management  

S. No.  Functional Requirements  Compliance 

8.1.   System should have the provision to add / update  admin records   

8.2.   System should have the provision to add / update beat formation info   

8.3.   System should have the provision to add / update beat types   

8.4.   System should have the provision to add / update day beats, night beats    

8.5.   System should have the provision to add / update info on night duty officer   

8.6.   System should have the provision to add / update info on directed patrolling   

8.7.   System  should  have  the  provision  to  add  /  update  information  on  random patrolling 


8.8.   System should have the provision to add / update re‐organization of beats   

8.9.   System  should  have  the  provision  to  add  /  update  surveillance  info  on  jail releases  


8.10.   System  should  have  the  provision  to  add  /  update  info  on  border  crime meeting 


8.11.   System should have the provision to add / update info on vehicle checkings   

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8.12.   System should have the provision to add / update info about rides on hot spot   

8.13.   System should have the provision to add / update info on nakabandi   

8.14.   System should have the provision to add / update info on stranger night   

8.15.   System should have the provision to add / update details on defense squads   

8.16.   System should have the provision to add / update allocation of duties   

8.17.   System should have inventory management feature   

8.18.   System should have the provision to add / update  info on  leave & permission record 


8.19.   System should have the provision to add / update info on VIP & bandobust   

8.20.   System should have the provision to add / update info on visits & inspections   

8.21.   System should have the provision to add / update details on MV act cases    

8.22.   System should have the provision to add / update    

8.23.   System should have the provision to add / update bus & train warrant   

8.24.   System should have the provision to add / update details of duty passport   

8.25.   System should have the provision to add / update details on Bell of Arms   

8.26.   System should have the provision to add / update roll calls   

8.27.   System  should  have  the  provision  to  add  /  update  details  on  internal  & external training 


8.28.   System  should  have  the  provision  to  add  /  update  details  on  community policing 


8.29.   System should have the provision to add / update details on community liaison groups  


8.30.   System  should have  the provision  to add  / update details on  school  contact program  


8.31.   System  should  have  the  provision  to  add  /  update  details  on  open  house programs  


8.32.   System should have  the provision  to add / update details on women contact programs  


8.33.   System  should have  the provision  to  add  / update  info on History  sheeters, Rowdy sheeters, KD sheets 


8.34.   System  should have  the  provision  to  add  / update  details on  gun  licenses  / renewal of gun licenses  


8.35.   System should have the provision to add / update details on Arms Deposit   





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9. Online Monthly Crime Review Module 

 S. No.  Functional Requirements  Compliance 

9.1.   System  should  have  provision  to  store  Pre‐Defined  Measurable  Indicators (According to APPM, Process Standardization, Senior Officers) 


9.2.   System should have provision  for Planning of MCR in advance by unit officers   

9.3.   System should have provision  for  Review plan need to be alerted the IOs and concerned SHOs 


9.4.   System should have provision  for  Local/Unit specific review indicators   

9.5.   System should   Automatically   Display of cases needs to be reviewed  in color codes 


9.6.   System should  Automatically  case sheet generation in chronological order for better review of cases 


9.7.   System  should  have    Provision  to  display  violations  against  Measurable indicators 


9.8.   System should have  Provision for random case numbers generation to review against each Head/Sub Head 


9.9.   System should have Provision  to access  the case details at granule  level with drill down facility. 


9.10.   System  should  have  Provision  to  access  the  case  dairies  from  document management system by unit officers if required. 


9.11.   System  should  have  Provision  for  enter  remarks/Action  plan  by  unit  officer against each reviewed case. 


9.12.   System should have Provision  for update  the compliance  report /Action Plan against unit officer remarks 


9.13.   Computer generated performance reports – IO wise, PS wise, Unit wise, Head wise etc. 



10.   Crime Analytics 

S. No.  Functional Requirements  Compliance 

10.1.   The  Crime  Analysis  product  suite  should  provide  analysis  and  discovery capabilities directly against  the AP Police Data  sources,  indices, marts. Views devised by this solution should be available to other tools and capabilities 


10.2.   Presentation services that provide mechanisms for rendering information   

10.3.   Orchestration services that manage the interactions between services   

10.4.   Information  services  that  provide  the  capabilities  to  manage  and  derive intelligence from the data 


10.5.    Data  Analysis  Services  that  perform  low  level  operations  on  the  data  to prepare it for end‐user analysis  


10.6.   Data  Access  Layer  that  provides  services  to  interact with  the  raw  data  and Infrastructure services that support end‐to‐end operation of architecture 


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10.7.   Technical Standards   

10.8.   Products should be easily integrated with existing architecture   

10.9.   exposing services to the users via optimized HTTP(S)/XML   

10.10.   Services published via transport abstraction layer   

10.11.   allowing  interfaces  to  be  configured  to  be  exposed  via  an  appropriate ESB/Web  Services  provider  as WSDL‐based Web  Service which  produce  and consume XML data 


10.12.   In a clustered deployment system should allow the administration of a cluster of server instances as a single entity 


10.13.   High Level Logical Architecture for Data Analysis solutions   

10.14.   System should have provision for the following tools  

Data Quality 

ETL Framework 

Matching engine and Entity extractor 

Networking engine 

Scoring and Analysis platform 

Advanced Search Tools 

Case management   


10.15.   Data Quality   

10.16.   Data  quality  is  defined  as  the  reliability  and  effectiveness  of  data.  It encompasses  completeness,  validity,  accuracy,  integrity,  consistency, accessibility 


10.17.   System should provide a single view of an entity or event even in poor quality data 


10.18.   System  should  create  a  single  view  of  an  individual  entity  based  on  the biographic footprint of data entities across multiple data sources 


10.19.   Data  from  different  sources  should  be  collapsed  in  single  entities  based  on matching across multiple fields 


10.20.   Poor quality data, even with blank of missing data fields, should still link   

10.21.   The  system  should  able  to manually  or  automatically  identify  and  highlight poor quality data 


10.22.   ETL Framework   

10.23.   Ingesting a wide variety of  file  types and  formats  such as database  files and CSVs, XML etc 


10.24.   System should handle both structured and unstructured information   

10.25.   System should be able to handle Indian names and addresses   

10.26.   The ETL tool should have the ability scale to handle billions of records   

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10.27.   The tool should identify dummy and default values   

10.28.   The tool should cleanse, normalize, transform and model data   

10.29.   Provide range of functions to manipulate, derive and transform numerical and character data 


10.30.   Have the ability to automatically adapt to new or updated data, for example by using machine and statistical learning techniques 


10.31.   Matching engine and Entity extractor   

10.32.   System  should  allow  for  data matching, which  implies  uploading  of  a  list  of single  or multi‐search  parameters  in  bulk  and  retrieving  transaction  records from the AP Police system that matches elements of the search parameters 


10.33.   Data matching and entity extraction should be automatic. The system should be automatically identify entities across all source data 


10.34.   The results of this should be made available to analysts for visual analysis and search 


10.35.   Entity extraction should include contextual information, e.g. when a number is extracted, is this date, telephone number, bank account etc.  Or when a name is extracted is this person, place, address etc.  


10.36.   Entity  resolution  should  automatically  adapt  to  new  and/or  updated information 


10.37.   Networking engine   

10.38.   The system should allow analysts to view common  linkages between entities, transaction reports and other data available 


10.39.   Analysts should be able  to understand  linkages based on parameters such as Entity characteristics, Geographic locations, Date, Transaction parties 


10.40.   System should allow for provision of matching on business data extracted from the source data records, matching on account number or name etc 


10.41.   System  should  allow  for  provision  of matching  between  entities  based  on shared behaviors 


10.42.   It  is  important,  given  the  volume  of  data,  that  links  should  be  generated automatically 


10.43.   Link should evolve over a period of  time based on new and/or updated data and should not static 


10.44.   Scoring and Analysis platform   

10.45.   AP  police  wishes  to  use monitoring  systems  to  streamline  data  on  a  ‘risk‐based’ approach 


10.46.   Scan  and  analyze  large  volumes  of  incoming  data  for  unusual  behavior  and high risk cases, in real time  


10.47.   System  should allow  for complex analysis  in batch mode,  to  raise alerts  that can be investigated further   


10.48.   Risk analysis should incorporate both structured and unstructured information sources 


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10.49.   System  should  be  configurable  to  identify  complex  patterns  and  social networks resulting in accurate risk monitoring profiles. 


10.50.   These risk monitoring profiles should be applied at event level, entity level and full social network level  


10.51.   System should be capable of applying a differentiated risk rating mechanisms to profile match and escalate these through work flow methods 


10.52.   Permit business users to easily alter & test risk profiles from a desktop   

10.53.   System  should  learn  what  is  normal  and  react  by  providing  alerts  when something falls out of ‘normal’ parameters 


10.54.   System should allow analysts to view search results in non‐text based formats   

10.55.   System should allow analysts to view search results based on timeline   

10.56.   System should allow symbolic representations, geospatial overlays, heatmaps, time sequence views, entity lists, transaction lists 


10.57.   Users should be able to easily switch between views   

10.58.   System should allow users to identify clusters of activity related to a location   

10.59.   System  should allow geospatial analysis  such as  identifying events  that are a certain distance and time from each other 


10.60.   Advanced Search Tools   

10.61.   Users must be able to build searches using single and multiple parameters   

10.62.   Search  should be done using  all  forms of  logic  including  fuzzy,  exact match, string etc 


10.63.   Search should be from a single portal for user friendliness  


10.64.   Search  should  be  performed  over  billions  of  records  without  losing performance 


10.65.   Users should be able  to save standard searches  for regular use and schedule the same 


10.66.   System  should  allow  for  mechanisms  to  perform  complex  (macro)  queries using more advanced functionality 


10.67.   System  should  support  the  retrieval  of  data  based  on  time‐periods,  eg:  last day, month, year 


10.68.   Users should be able to drill  into  the various views, pan and zoom, highlight, annotate, search and drill down and up within a chart, entity list, document list and geospatial views 


10.69.   System should allow users to export network data to analyse in other tools   

10.70.   System should have ability to customise and annotate networks which can be shared with other users  


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10.71.   Users should be able to hide and unhide links   

10.72.   System  should  allow  users  to  search within  search  as well  as  re‐query  the source system/index after adding new filtering criteria 


10.73.   Case management   


10.74.   System should support both manual and automatic case creation   

10.75.   Automatic case creation should be based on pre‐configured rules  


10.76.   System should allow users to search across case repositories   

10.77.   System  should  allow  for  generation  of  summaries  from  source  data  and derived data held within a case. System should support the conversion of cases to other formats 


10.78.   System should be able to configure automatic alerting to case activity such as creation of particular documents such as emails 


10.79.   System  should allow  for  import of  information  from  third party  sources and link it to particular cases.  


10.80.   System should allow for creation of queues and workflows   

10.81.   System  should  be  able  to  filter  and  sort  tasks  on  queues.  This  is  to  be configured to display the most time critical cases first. 



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 11.   AP Police Messaging System 

S. No.  Functional Requirements  Compliance 

11.1.   Should allow the user to create or import the organizational hierarchy and the users of  the police department along with  their Email  ID  to populate contact list/ address book 


11.2.   Should allow the user to select the user list from the organization hierarchy  


11.3.   Should allow the user to create personal address book, groups   

11.4.   Should allow the user to send messages to groups.   

11.5.   User should be able to create folders with rule based redirection of  incoming emails (example yahoo mail) 


11.6.   System should provide a way through which the user is able to sort emails by clicking on any attribute header (example yahoo mail) 


11.7.   System should allow a  facility  through which all emails with common subject line is seen/ shown together in a common thread (example gmail) 


11.8.   Should  allow  the  user  to  create  &  select  templates  for  message standardization  


11.9.   Should allow the user to choose the option for read/ receipt notification    

11.10.   System should allow configuring the automatic acknowledge and read receipt for  a particular user or  a  category of users.  For  rest of users  system  should allow them to choose the option for read/ receipt notification.  


11.11.   System  should be able  to evaluate  the  regularity of a user  in  terms of using email service by calculating average time between two consecutive logins and number  of mails  read/ written/  replied  between  the  respective  consecutive logins.  


11.12.   System should categories users based on their frequency of using email service as Regular, Irregular and Rare User  


11.13.   Should  allow  the  user  to  search  the messages  from  the  archive  based  on message subject or between any two dates – Search to be powerful like Gmail. 


11.14.   System should allow the user to choose the option of encrypting the message or digitally sign them  


11.15.   System should allow the user to print the message in printer friendly format   

11.16.   System should allow the user to use all the functionalities of email facility (such as checking mails,  sending emails,  receiving alerts of emails, deleting emails, etc.) on cell phone in case of receiving a new email in the inbox  


11.17.   System should show the usage statistics at all levels and departments.    

11.18.   System should allow the user to search for email address of any other member of the service on the basis of personal particulars (Name, Rank, Posting place etc.) 


11.19.   Email address scheme to be specified in consultation with AP Police   

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11.20.   Admin should be able to block any particular email id/ mailbox   

11.21.   System to have a powerful Spam mails filters    

12.    Learning Management System 

S. No.  Functional Requirements  Compliance 

12.1.   Course and Resource Management   

12.2.   Enable efficient workflows and  templates  for  creating, editing and updating Information & Learning Technology (ILT) courses and class Sessions.  


12.3.   Support copying data from one course when creating a new course   

12.4.   Enable learning content to be assigned to multiple categories/subjects   

12.5.   Support  creating  and  assigning  learning  content  to  multiple  groups  or audiences 


12.6.   Support  managing  instructor  availability  and  assigning  instructor(s)  to  a course, class or location 


12.7.   Support  a  location  hierarchy  based  on  client's  organization  structure (including: region, country, state/province, city, building, classroom) 


12.8.   Support classroom management (creating classrooms, assigning locations and resources) 


12.9.   Support world‐wide time zones when scheduling classes and enable users to select time zones  


12.10.   Enable  prerequisite  management  (required,  recommended,  due  dates, enforcement  processes,  Administrator  override,  approve/deny  waiver requests, etc.) linked to enrolment into the learning activity  


12.11.   Enable learner to initiate a prerequisite waiver    

12.12.   Enable courses to be defined as required/mandatory or optional    

12.13.   Support the ability to assign and edit pre and post work to a course or class   

12.14.   Support scheduling classes over discontinuous days  (e.g. one day per month for three months) 


12.15.   Enable  the  uploading  of  documents  available  to  learners  before  or  after course registration (e.g. instructor, learner and reference materials) 


12.16.   Support resource management (books, instructors, flipcharts, projectors, etc.) including  availability,  utilization,  costs  and  conflict  identification  for  course and class sessions 


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S. No.  Functional Requirements  Compliance 

12.17.   Enable course equivalencies (new course is equivalent to old course)    

12.18.   Ability  to support complex waitlist  rules – set  the  timeframe  to  register; set the rules for who gets offered a position 


12.19.   Support waitlist management and allow automatic or administrator override capabilities and cancellation. Support first‐come‐first‐serve wait listing 


12.20.   Ability for managers to grant pre‐approval should await list position open   

12.21.   Email notifications  regarding all  steps of  the waitlist process  (emails  can be configured and include custom text) 


12.22.   Enable managing class/session capacity (minimum and maximum enrolments)   

12.23.   Support time‐based completion requirement periods and notifications   

12.24.   Support expiring learning activities and maintaining historical data   

12.25.   Enable  expired  courses  to  no  longer  appear  in  curriculum,  certifications  or learning plans 


12.26.   Support  management  of  virtual  classrooms  (e.g.  WebEx,  AT&T  Connect) courses and classes  


12.27.   Ability to automatically update rosters based on virtual classroom attendance    

12.28.   Enable scheduling and  tracking of virtual classroom events  (e.g. enrolments, rosters, updated rosters, costs, completions)  


12.29.   Enable multiple keywords assigned to courses and learning content    

12.30.   Support internal chargeback requirements   

12.31.   Ability to customize and print class roster sign‐in sheets   

12.32.   Ability to manage room layouts   

13. Notifications of Alerts, Important Events, Reminders and Activity Calendar 

or Tasks Service 

This will not be a separate module however the listed functionalities need to be built into respective modules.

S. No.  Functional Requirement  Compliance 

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S. No.  Functional Requirement  Compliance 

13.1.   System should automatically generate alerts (suspect  in one case person or wanted  either  because  of  pending  warrants  /  summons  apprehended  / arrested  in  a  different  case,  vehicle  reported  lost  in  one  case  is  either recovered or  found  abandoned, dead body details  captured  in  the  system matches the details for a missing person reported in a different case, suspect in one case / person wanted either because of pending warrants / summons sent  on  remand  or  released  in  a  different  case,  complaint  of  certain  kind (attention diversion gangs)  registered  in a Police Station,  in  case a general petition  for a procession or  road work has been approved, an alert on  the same  well  in  advance  to  the  affected  Police  Station(s),  alerts  in  case  an activity  is  pending  for more  than  a week  or  an  advance  alert  in  case  the stipulated time is about to expire (ex, police remand about to expire and the IO has to file for remand extension), a case coming up for trial where the IO has to be present as a witness, ….) 


13.2.   System should automatically generate reminders of any pending or overdue actions on the cases that are pending registration / investigation / trail. 


13.3.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  create  and  send  user  alerts  /  events  / reminders to identified group / subscribed users / Police Stations. 


13.4.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  schedule  the  activities  and maintain  the calendar with reminders. 


13.5.   The alerts  / events  /  reminders are either  sent  to  the  respective  IO  / SHO handling  the case or  in charge of  the Police Station with  the  jurisdiction of the case. 


13.6.   The alerts / events / reminders should be available to be sent in the form of an email, or SMS  to  the  registered phone or as an alert  in  the application once the user logs into the system or all available modes. 


13.7.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  generate  alerts  for  SHO  and  IO  in  cases where a witness is used 'as a witness' in multiple cases (stock witnesses) 


13.8.   System should allow the user to generate alerts for IG / DIG / SSP / SP / SHOs officers  where  an  FIR  is  registered  against  Naxal  /  Maoist  /  Terrorist  / Insurgent Activities 


13.9.   System  should  generate  an  alert  in  case  an  Act  and  Section  has  been modified in for an FIR, and send it to 1. DIG / SP / SDPO / DCP / ACP / CO 


13.10.   System  should generate an alert  for SHO,  IO, SP every  fortnight  (after  the arrest and  judicial  remand  till chargesheeted) and  ' everyday  for  the  last 7 days ', where a chargesheet needs to be filed for an accused who is in jail 


13.11.   System should allow the user to generate alerts for 1. Periodic progress of special report cases 2. Date of chargesheet of special report cases 


13.12.   System  should  generate  an  alert  for  an  IO  '3 days  in  advance'  before bail hearing date 


13.13.   System should provide generation and transmission of SMS (to SP / DSP) on 1. Conviction Details 2. Summons / Warrants Details (if not served within the prescribed time limit / 3 days before the court date) 


13.14.   System should provide for generation and transmission of SMS (to all SHOs) on details of criminals released from Jail ‐ and for important criminal / offenders in sensational cases to SPs 


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S. No.  Functional Requirement  Compliance 

13.15.   System should generate alerts on 1. Court Case Hearing Date (to original PS (SHO) and concerned IO) 2. Charge Sheet Submission 3. Release and Parole Date 4. Bank Robberies, Dacoity (in other districts states) (to SPs) 5. Accused / Arrested (in other Police Stations as well) 6. Heinous Crime Case Details 7. Special Report (Juvenile, SC ST, old age, etc) 8. Express FIR cases 9. Missing Persons 10. Stolen Vehicles 11. Unidentified Dead Bodies 12. Interstate Gang Operations 13. Firearms Stolen 15. Hue and Cry Notices 16. Terror Offences 17. State CID Instructions 18. Political Agitations 19 Filing Revision / Appeal / SLPs 20. Visit of VVIPs 


13.16.   System should generate an alert wherein a professional criminal  is released from Jail and send the same to 1. Police Station of the resident area 2. Police Station of the area, where he / she has committed crime in the past 3. All Police Stations, where similar modus operandi has been reported in the state 


13.17.   System  should have  a Dictionary of  common names  and each  time  a new name  is entered  the master data  for names should be updated. Also  there should be a system generated alert when the user tries to enter a new name which is not there in the list of suggested names.  Example: when the user has entered Raje, system should show  the various suggestions like Rajeev, Rajesh etc. and incase a user enters RajeevX, system should  show  an  alert  saying  that  "please  correct  the  name  if  the  entered name is incorrect" 


13.18.   System should allow the  IO to select an appropriate distribution  list from a master list of email to send any alert 


14.   Interface with CAS (Centre) 

S. No.  Functional Requirements  Compliance 

14.1.   Should extract the crime, criminals, and other related data or updates from theprevious extraction from States and UTs database at regular and pre‐ specifiedperiods. The periodicity might differ from data group to data group. 


14.2.   The data extracted from States/UTs must be transformed into standard formatsrequired by NCRB. 


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S. No.  Functional Requirements  Compliance 

14.3.   The  data  should  be  run  through  a  quality  process  to  identify  any  possibleduplicates or wrong data before sending to NCRB 


14.4.   Transformed and cleansed data must be uploaded on to NCRB databases   

14.5.   The system should provide the flexibility to cleanse and transform data   

14.6.   The system should support automatic extraction of data   

14.7.   System  should  provide  an  option  to  monitor  and  manage  data  extraction,Transformation and loading process 


14.8.   System  should  allow  the  user  to  kick  start  the  load  process manually  in  theabsence of load failure 


14.9.   System  should  allow  reconciling  those  records  which  failed  during  the  loadprocess. 


15.   GIS/GPS 

SNO  Functional Requirement  Compliance 

15.1.   Common Functional Requirements   

15.2.   User  Management  –  All  the  GIS  modules  shall  work  on  single  user management database. This database shall comprise of user account details (Name, Designation, Office,  Personal Details,  Login  ID,  Password)  and  also user  privileges  (assignment  of  privilege  to  view/modify/add/delete  certain data tables). Administrator users should be able to add, modify, delete user accounts. 


15.3.   Secure Authenticated Login – All modules  shall  require a  login with correct password  for  the  user  account.  On  successful  login,  only  the  commands pertaining to assigned privileges shall be made available to the user. 


15.4.   Audit Trail – All modules shall maintain an audit trail of all transactions which lead to a change in database. This includes attribute data tables and also user management tables. User Data for modified accounts (which may occur due to  transfer,  promotion,  superannuation  etc)  shall  be  permanently  archived and old record shall be available for Administrators viewing. 


15.5.   Map Display – The  software  shall display map of  State, District, Mandal or selected Town/City It shall provide features to zoom  in, zoom out, zoom selected window area, zoom to previous level and display full map It shall provide features to pan map interactively It  shall  provide  features  to  view  available  layers,  turn ON  or OFF  selected layers and to create a new layer Support  shall  be  provided  to  display  vector maps  as  well  as  raster maps (Satellite/Aerial Imagery) 


15.6.   Map Annotation – The  software  shall provide  for annotating  the map with geometric entities  (line, Polyline, polygon,  circle, box, arc) and also  symbol and text 


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15.7.   The  GIS  system  shall  provide  for  data  backup  (Periodic  as  well  as  user triggered) and recovery features. 


15.8.   All  the  software  modules  shall  provide  for  features  to  generate  tabular reports  on  any  data  tables managed  by  that module  for  selected  fields  or based on result set of query filters. 


15.9.   Apart  from  the  data  tables  created  and managed  by  GIS  system,  The  GIS modules have to be linked to existing data sets of A.P. Police like eCOPS, FIR, SCRB  database  etc.  GIS  system  shall  not  modify  any  existing  data  table, except to the extent of adding/managing geographic tag fields into them. 


15.10.   GIS  sytem  shall  provide  for  features  to mirror  its  own  data  sets  onto  the secondary server periodically or on Administrator command. GIS modules  for managing/administering maps and database on LAN at PCS for users with appropriate privileges on a desktop application  interface. For analysis  and  operations,  a web  interface  shall  be  provided  allowing  users from any office/PS to connect and login. 


15.11.   Geospatial Crime Analysis   

15.12.   Functional Requirements   

15.13.   The  software  shall  provide  for  identifying  crime  locations  based  on  query filters  like  Jurisdiction  (PS,  Circle,  Subdivision,  District,  Locality),  Modus Operandi, Crime Head, Investigation Status (Under Investigation, Under Trial etc) 


15.14.   The software shall provide for creating thematic maps based on query filters. It shall allow user to configure  legend (Symbols size, type, fill pattern, color, value ranges etc). Based on the configured  legend and query, thematic map shall be displayed. 


15.15.   The software shall provide features for preparation of SCH Part 4 Maps   

15.16.   The GIS module shall provide for display of Statistical Graphs and movement (direction) of crime vis a vis period of time 


15.17.   The  software  shall  provide  for  alerts  when  crime  rate  in  a PS/Circle/Subdivision increases beyond a certain level. User should be able to configure the alert rate. 


15.18.   On clicking a crime location, details of the crime/FIR should be displayed.   

15.19.   It should be possible to create buffer zone around crime locations to identify patrol intensification zones 


15.20.   It should be possible to save queries and retrieve and execute the queries on data sets at different times. 


15.21.   Software  shall  provide  for  facility  to  publish  certain  crime  related  theme maps as separate web  links  for  information  to general public on  threat and vulnerability of some areas to certain types of crime (for e.g. Chain Snatching, Mobile snatching, house breaks etc) 


15.22.   Geospatial Incident Management   

15.23.   The software shall provide  for  identifying  incident  locations based on query filters  like  Jurisdiction  (PS,  Circle,  Subdivision,  District,  Locality),  Type  of incident etc. Law and Order  Incidents may not necessarily be categorized as crime,  but  are  events  that may  lead  to  potential  law  and  order  problems. Examples are processions, strikes, dharnas etc. 


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15.24.   The software shall provide  for  identifying  incident  locations based on query filters  like  Jurisdiction  (PS,  Circle,  Subdivision,  District,  Locality),  Type  of incident etc. Law and Order  Incidents may not necessarily be categorized as crime,  but  are  events  that may  lead  to  potential  law  and  order  problems. Examples are processions, strikes, dharnas etc. 


15.25.   The software shall provide  features  to  locate police  resources nearby  to an incident location (within a buffer zone). 


15.26.   The GIS module shall provide for display of Statistical Graphs and movement (direction) of incident vis‐à‐vis period of time 


15.27.   The  software  shall  provide  for  automated  alerts  to  some  configured  users when certain pre‐configured high risk incident is reported. 


15.28.   On clicking a incident location, details of the incident should be displayed.   

15.29.   It should be possible to save queries and retrieve and execute the queries on data sets at different times. 


15.30.   Software  shall provide  for  facility  to publish  certain  incident  related  theme maps as separate web  links  for  information  to general public on  threat and vulnerability  of  some  areas  to  certain  types  of  incidents  and  consequent traffic advisories. 


15.31.   Software  shall  provide  for  thematic map  on  arrests,  release,  conviction  of persons involved in certain incidents by group, jurisdiction or time‐based. 


15.32.   Software  shall  provide  for  thematic map  on  arrests,  release,  conviction  of persons involved in certain incidents by group, jurisdiction or time‐based.  


15.33.   GIS based Call Handling and Dispatch   

15.34.   The GIS  based  Call Handling module  shall  provide  for  features  on  the  Call Handlers PC to view location map identifying the caller location. The module shall  link to Telephone Subscribers database to  identify area from which call originated (for land line calls). 


15.35.   For mobile callers,  the module shall provide  for  identifying Service Provider and registered address of caller. 


15.36.   As the call may pertain to an incident or crime for a different location, facility to view location of reported event shall also be provided. 


15.37.   Facility  to  query  location  of  nearest  police  resource  shall  be  provided (Vehicles, Checkposts, Police Stations) 


15.38.   Software  shall  facilitate  call  dispatcher  to  identify  jurisdiction  of  event location  and  provide  concerned  officer/station  contact  details  and  also facilitate email/sms with Dispatcher instructions/remarks. 


15.39.   Software  shall  tag  all  dispatches  with  date/time  stamp  and  facilitate reporting on all calls handled/dispatched in any given time period. 


15.40.   At  the  receiving  officer/station  end,  the  email  shall  carry  a  hyperlink  to display the area map of the  incident  location to assist  in better visualization and mobilization planning. 


15.41.   GIS based Intelligence Analysis   

15.42.   The  Intelligence  Analysis  module  shall  facilitate  link  to  Intelligence  Data Tables  and  display  thematic maps  on  location  of  past  incidents  based  on Incident Type – for e.g., landmine blasts, attack on police convoys 


15.43.   The software shall provide for viewing of naxalite groups and members vis a vis their known area of operation 


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15.44.   The software shall provide  for  identification of possible escape  routes  from an incident location based on constraints like Road Type, Availability of road, shortest distance to Highway etc 


15.45.   The software shall provide for features to Identify areas tagged as sensitive – Political  Faction,  Extremist,  Religious  Clashes,  Group  rivalry  sensitive  and sensitive installations 


15.46.   The  software  shall  provide  for  features  to  Plot  location  of  registered  idols during festivals (Ganesh Immersion, Durga Puja) 


15.47.   The software shall provide for force deployment planning and viewing of all the locations of checkposts and bandobasts 


15.48.   The  software  shall provide  features  to  identify and  tag  sensitive/vulnerable locations  based  on  intelligence  inputs  and  create  an  overlay  layer  for transmittal to concerned jurisdiction officers 


15.49.   GIS Spatial Data   

15.50.   The spatial data for GIS system for Urban Areas shall include following layers‐ Roads 

Railway Lines Vulnerable Installations Forest/Vegetation Cover, Parks Water bodies Hospitals Police Stations Industries Educational Institutions Recreation sites Hotels Shopping Malls Bus Depots Cell phone towers Government Offices Political party offices Religious places Major MNC locations 


15.51.   The spatial data for GIS systems for Rural Areas shall be organized as district maps and shall include following layers ‐ Roads Railway Lines Village Boundaries Mandal Boundaries Water bodies Police Stations Location of tourist importance (Temples, Dams, Waterfalls etc) 


15.52.   The map repository of GIS system shall consist of:‐ State Map with District Boundaries District Map with Mandal Boundaries and Village/Habitation Locations along with all major roads (NH/SH), rivers, railway lines Mandal Maps with Village Boundaries City/Town Index Map City/Town detailed Zone Map Any  available  Imagery  for  the  A.P.  State,  geo‐referenced  to  corresponding 


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vector map 

16.   Offline Function and Digitization  

17.   Criminal Intelligence System 

S.No Functional Requirement Compliance

16.1. The system should enable offline functionality for critical services such as Seven Integrated Investigation Forms (IIFs)

16.2. The system should work in unreliable, low connectivity or no connectivity scenarios

16.3. The system should be intelligent enough to detect the network connectivity and need to switch over to online or offline depending on the circumstances

16.4. The design of the system should work on a low end desktop system with minimum resources

16.5. The system should automatically synchronize the offline data once the connectivity established with Data Center

16.6. The system should be able to act as an interface for Data Digitization (For Data Entry of Seven IIFs Offline / batch process Mode)

16.7. The system should detect the local clients in LAN at the Police Station and consolidate the data for synchronization.

16.8. The system should detect automatically the New Version (Patches / Enhancements) and update itself remotely when it is connected to the Data Centre (Connecting to Data Centre at least once in a Day is mandatory for this purpose)

16.9. The system design should be a light weight and scalable for future enhancements

S.No Functional Requirement Compliance

17.1. The System should have provision for Classification of Offenders

17.2. The System should have provision to capture Personal details of Offenders

17.3. The System should have provision to capture Physical features of Offenders

17.4. The System should have provision to capture Photographs of the offender

17.5. The System should have provision to capture Finger prints of the offender

17.6. The System should have provision to capture Family history of Offenders

17.7. The System should have provision to capture Socio economic profile of Offenders

17.8. The System should have provision to capture Regular places of visit of Offenders

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17.9. The System should have provision to capture Crime classification of Offenders

17.10. The System should have provision to capture Arrest details, Dressing patterns

17.11. The System should have provision to capture Activities before and after commission of offence

17.12. The System should have provision to capture Local contacts

17.13. The System should have provision to capture the details of Conveyance used in the commission of Offence

17.14. The System should have provision to capture Share of amount spent by the Offenders

17.15. The System should have provision to capture Property disposed by the Offenders

17.16. The System should have provision to capture details of Property Receivers

17.17. The System should have provision to capture details of Sureties for Offenders

17.18. The System should have provision to capture the details of Defense council to Offenders

17.19. The System should have provision to capture the details confessed by the Offenders in Other cases

17.20. The System should have provision to capture details of Convictions

17.21. The System should have provision to capture the details of Acquittals

17.22. The System should have provision to capture the details of NBW’s issued on Offender

17.23. The System should have provision to capture the details of Gangs origin

17.24. The System should have provision to capture the details how the Gang Formed

17.25. The System should have provision to capture the details regarding hierarchy of Gangs.

17.26. The System should have provision to capture the details of relation among Gangs

17.27. The System should have provision to capture the details of Gang members

17.28. The System should have provision to capture the details in respect of Area of operation

17.29. The System should have provision to capture the details in respect of support being rendered to Gangs by external agencies / individuals

17.30. The System should have provision to capture the details of Weapons holding by Gangs

17.31. The System should have provision to capture the details of Transportation used / agency / individuals provided Transportation in the commission of Offence

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17.32. The System should have provision to capture Detail write up

17.33. The System should have provision to capture Shelters

17.34. The System should have provision to capture Gang crimes & Gangs Classification

17.35. The System should have provision to capture Missing person/dead bodies details

17.36. The System should have provision to capture Search, Photographs & Articles

17.37. The System should have provision to capture Identification marks

17.38. The System should have Automated system matching between missing & unidentified dead bodies

17.39. The System should have provision to capture Lost vehicle details, Recovered vehicle details and Crime involved vehicle details

17.40. The System should have Automated match between lost and recovered vehicles

17.41. The System should have Automated match between lost and recovered mobiles

17.42. The System should have provision to capture Jail stay & acquaintance

17.43. The System should have provision to capture Jail Mulakaths

17.44. The System should have provision to capture Jail releases

17.45. The System should have provision to capture NBW’s & execution

17.46. The System should have search based on query builder with all possible parameters

17.47. The System should have provision to list down the probable offender list from the crime scene clues

17.48. The System should generate all required reports/Registers which will be used at Police Station

17.49. The system should have Data entry status dash board for Senior officers

17.50. The System should have provision to capture Occurrence of Crime Patterns

17.51. The System should have provision to display details on Jail Releases, Arrested Persons, Most Wanted Etc.

17.52. The System should be able collect and consolidate data from Enterprise eCOPS system along with its own data.

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Annexure-18: CAS Stack CAS Offline Solution The below list is indicative only

Proposed Solution by Software Development Agency

Version and Year of Release

Original Supplier

Description (include major features/ services only)

Support Provided By

Synchronization Solution

Custom Built N/a N/a N/a N/a

Application Container

Apache Tomcat

6.0 Apache Foundation

J2EE Application Container

Database MySQL / SQL Express

5.1/2008 SUN / Microsoft

DB Store SUN / Microsoft

CAS (Center) Solution

The below list is indicative only

Proposed Solution by Software Development Agency

Version and Year of Release

Original Supplier

Description (include major features/ services only)

Support Provided By

Webserver Sun Java System Web Server 7.0

7.0 SUN HTTP Server SUN

Application Server

Glassfish Application Server

3.0 SUN J2EE Application Server


Database Sybase IQ Enterprise

15.1 Sybase ETL Sybase

Operating System



Reporting Engine

Jasper Reports 3.7 Jasper Reporting Services

Search Engine

Search: Unstructured data: using Alfresco search features Structured Data: Sybase DB Search Engine & Custom application interface

N/a N/a N/a N/a

Portal Server Glassfish Application Server

7.0 SUN HTTP Server SUN

Workflow jBPM 4.0 JBoss Workflow

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The below list is indicative only

Proposed Solution by Software Development Agency

Version and Year of Release

Original Supplier

Description (include major features/ services only)

Support Provided By

Engine engine

Rules Engine Custom Built N/a N/a N/a N/a

Directory Services

Sun Directory Services


DMS/CMS Alfresco

Email/ Messaging


Security Physical Security, Network Sercurity, DB Encryption (MySQL), DB Access Controls, Role Based Access Control (Custom developed), LDAP (Sun directory Services)

N/a N/a N/a N/a

Identity Management


Audit log4j, Custom Built N/a N/a N/a N/a

ETL + Data Quality

Sybase ETL 15.1 Sybase ETL Sybase

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Annexure-19: List of locations not having network connectivity

(Indicative). Districts (4 nos) S. No Name of the District

1 Thirupathi Urban District

2 Guntur Urban

3 Rajahmundry Urban Dist.

4 Warangal Urban District

SDPOs (12 nos)

S. No Name of the District S.No. Name of the


1 Adilabad District 1 Bhainsa

2 Cyberabad City 1 Madhapur Division 2 Kukatpally Division 3 Petbasheerabad Division 4 Vanasthalipuram Division 4 Thirupathi Urban District 1 Renigunta

5 Guntur Urban 1 Guntur East Sub Divn. 2 Guntur North Sub Divn 3 Guntur Crimes 6

Rajahmundry Urban Dist. 1 North Zone

7 WARANGAL URBAN DISTRICT 1 Kazipet Sub-Division

2 Hanamkonda Sub-Division Police Stations (27 Nos) S.No. Name of the District S.No. Name of the PS/Circle/DSP

1 Krishna District 1 Marine PS 2 Machilipatnam PS

3 Pedaparupudi 2 Khammam Dist 1 Kothagudem Traffic PS

2 Bhadrachalam Traffic PS 3 Cyberabad City 1 Shivarampally

2 KPHB Colony 3 Medipalli 4 Chaitanyapuri

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S.No. Name of the District S.No. Name of the PS/Circle/DSP 5 Meerpet

6 Cyber Crime 7 Counter intelligence cell 4 Nizamabad 1 Renjal 5 Nellore 1 Krishnapatnam Port P.S.

6 Karimnagar 2 Jagitial Traffic PS 7 Guntur Urban 1 EAST TRAFFIC

7 Guntur Rural 1 MARINE


3 NARASARAOPET TRAFFIC 9 East Godavari (Kakinada) 1 Women PS Kakinada 2 Women PS Rajahmundry 3 Air Port PS, Madhurapudi,

Rajahamundry 10 Nalgonda 1 Miryalaguda II town

2 Miryalaguda Traffic PS

3 Suryapet Traffic PS

4 Kodad Traffic PS


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Annexure-20: Exisitng Data for migration (Indicative). eCOPS Data DIST NAME FIR CDF ACS PSS CS CD Adilabad 26926 6344 2278 74 246 Anantapur 28162 20037 6769 484 992 18 Chittoor 33248 10300 2970 315 1043 110 Kadapa 25439 11548 4464 126 887 9 East Godavari 39026 22930 9162 165 1157 West Godavari 34203 34686 30316 1369 28101 4940 Guntur 17539 2405 1935 42 346 3 GRP Secunderabad 8641 1115 307 18 23 5 GRP Vijayawada 6061 4487 551 310 762 36 Cyberabad 49345 48255 24185 603 33306 188 Hyderabad 54335 37977 8481 163 5811 37 Karimnagar 40641 7056 3537 57 341 Khammam 27012 9003 6195 132 2261 6 Krishna 24130 10471 12733 367 6084 1143 Kurnool 38473 6342 3392 144 347 2 Mahabubnagar 32418 20925 24805 1334 13741 155 Medak 28219 8053 2666 64 337 Nalgonda 30648 18428 18747 151 2637 1 Nellore 24138 7321 7720 129 1894 27 Nizamabad 12219 6393 3328 15 347 Prakasham 9697 7319 6025 36 549 7 Srikakulam 11519 11384 11396 1051 6509 1085 Visakhapatnam Rural 14363 5007 3329 104 2151 Warangal 34526 10332 15380 362 6024 Vizianagaram 14778 7762 1501 209 417 9 Visakhapatnam City 18116 13148 7772 369 2214 185 Vijayawada City 17040 17051 5841 495 1354 5 GRP Guntakal 4344 1028 29 3 13 Rangareddy 6393 6206 5085 331 887 Total 711599 373313 230899 9022 120781 7971

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KD Sheets / Rowdy Sheets etc.

Andhra Pradesh State Information

SLNo District Name Rowdy Sheets Suspect sheets KDs

1 Adilabad 467 773 64 2 Ananthapur 2364 477 143 3 Chintoor 467 880 109 4 Cyberabad city 312 991 122 5 East Godavari 622 1392 170 6 Guntur Rural 1207 763 105 7 Guntur Urban 348 676 56 8 Hyderabad city 1088 1208 564 9 Kadapa 1063 690 47 10 Karimnagar 150 507 97 11 Khammam 384 761 53 12 Krishna 652 554 54 13 Kurnool 1551 892 65 14 Mahabubnagar 482 2114 30 15 Medak 293 1861 102 16 Nalgonda 731 1247 118 17 Nellore 411 618 48 18 Nizambad 135 573 22 19 Prakasham 869 701 61 20 Rajamundry Urban 193 418 42 21 Ranga Reddy 14 59 18 22 Srikakulam 172 465 62 23 Thirupathi Urban 169 166 26 24 Vizainagaram 102 319 41 25 Vijayawada city 308 505 34 26 Vishakapatnam Rural 114 430 41 27 Vishakapatnam city 189 64 546 28 Waragnal Rural 380 1205 35 29 Warangal Urban 348 864 44 30 West Godavari 405 810 128

Total 15990 22983 3047

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