The Reproductive Process


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The Reproductive Process


Reproduction is one of the ubiquitous properties of life.

Evolution is inextricably linked to reproduction.

Two modes of reproduction are recognized: Asexual


Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction

Asexual reproduction – the production

of offspring whose genes all come from

one parent without the fusion of egg and


Usually diploid eggs are produced by

mitosis which then develop directly.

Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproduction –the production of offspring by the fusion of haploid gametes (eggs & sperm) from two parents to form a diploid zygote (fertilized egg). Dioecious

Gametes arise by meiosis.

Genetic variability is increased by the random combinations of genes from the parents.

Asexual Reproduction

Bacteria and

many protozoa

can reproduce by

binary fission –

separating into

two or more


approximately the

same size.

Asexual Reproduction

Budding is a form of

asexual reproduction

where new

individuals form as

offshoots of a parent.

The offspring may

separate or remain

attached to form


Asexual Reproduction

Fragmentation results when an

organism’s body is broken into several

pieces and each piece grows into a new


Regeneration – the regrowth of lost body


Asexual Reproduction

Fragmentation occurs in some sponges, cnidarians, polychaete annelids, tunicates. Sea stars can

regenerate lost limbs, but only species in the genus Linckia can form new individuals from broken arms.

Asexual Reproduction - Advantages

Animals living far from

members of their own species

can reproduce without having

to search for a mate.

Numerous offspring quickly –

ideal for colonizing a new


Advantageous in a stable,

favorable environment

because it reproduces a

successful genotype


Sexual Reproduction

Generally involves two parents.

Special germ cells unite to form a zygote.

Sexual reproduction recombines parental characters. A richer, more diversified population results.

In haploid asexual organisms mutations are expressed and selected quickly.

In sexual reproduction a normal gene on the homologous chromosome may mask a gene mutation.


Parthenogenesis involves the

development of an embryo from an

unfertilized egg or one where sperm &

egg nuclei did not fuse.

Ameiotic parthenogenesis – no meiosis,

egg is formed by mitosis (diploid)

Meiotic parthenogenesis – haploid ovum

formed by meiosis, it may be activated by a

male (or not).


In some animals (aphids, rotifers,

Daphnia) the females can produce two

types of eggs.

One must be fertilized.

One type will develop directly into haploid

adults – parthenogenesis.

Haploid females produce eggs by mitosis.

Sequential Hermaphroditism

In sequential

hermaphroditism, an

individual reverses its

sex during its lifetime.

In wrasses, sex reversal

is associated with age,

size and social


Fish are female first.

The largest female

becomes male if the

previous male dies.

Sequential Hermaphroditism

There are also sequential

hermaphrodites that are male first, later

changing to female.

This occurs in species that produce more

eggs at a bigger size – so it is

advantageous to have larger females.



Fertilization – fusion

of egg and sperm

into a single diploid

cell, the zygote.



External Fertilization

External fertilization –fertilization takes place outside the female’s body.

A wet environment is required so gametes don’t dry out and so sperm may swim to the eggs.

Internal Fertilization

Internal fertilization allows terrestrial

animals to reproduce away from water.

Cooperative behavior leading to copulation

is required.

Ensuring Survival of Offspring

Species with internal

fertilization produce

fewer zygotes, but

protect them more from


Tough eggshells

Embryo may develop in

reproductive tract of


Parental care of eggs &


Gamete Production & Delivery

Gametes (eggs & sperm) are required

for sexual reproduction.

Usually, gametes are produced in

gonads (ovaries & testes).

Germ cells are set aside early in

development. They will produce only


Migration of Germ Cells

Germ cells arise in

the yolk-sac

endoderm of

vertebrates – not in

the gonads.

They migrate to the

gonads using




Gametogenesis – the production of gametes.

Spermatogenesis – each primary spermatocyte divides to form 4 sperm.

Oogenesis – each primary oocyte divides to form 1 ovum and 2-3 polar bodies. In oogenesis, cytokinesis is unequal, most of the

cytoplasm goes to one daughter cell which becomes the ovum. The other cells, polar bodies, degenerate.


Outermost layer of the seminiferous

tubules contain spermatogonia, diploid

cells that grow to become primary


After the first meiotic division, they are

called secondary spermatocytes.

When meiosis is complete the haploid

cells are spermatids.



Spermatids mature

into motile sperm

with a tail for

locomotion, and a

head containing an

acrosome as well as

the nucleus.


In the ovary, early germ cells called oogonia

are diploid.

Oogonia grow to become primary oocytes.

After the first meiotic division, the cytoplasm

divides unequally and only one secondary

oocyte and one polar body result.

Following the second meiotic division, one

ootid and another polar body result.

The ootid develops into a functional ovum.



Meiosis is usually arrested at the

beginning of meiosis and is not

completed until ovulation or fertilization.

Basal body(centriole)




Jelly coat Vitelline layer

Egg plasmamembrane

Hydrolytic enzymes




Sperm plasmamembrane








The Cortical Reaction

Fusion of egg and sperm also initiates the

cortical reaction

This reaction induces a rise in Ca2+ that

stimulates cortical granules to release their

contents outside the egg

These changes cause formation of a

fertilization envelope that functions as a slow

block to polyspermy


10 sec afterfertilization

1 sec beforefertilization



25 sec 35 sec 1 min500 µm

10 sec afterfertilization

20 sec 30 sec500 µm

Point ofspermnucleusentry

Spreadingwave of Ca2+


Activation of the Egg

The sharp rise in Ca2+ in the egg’s cytosol

increases the rates of cellular respiration and

protein synthesis by the egg cell

With these rapid changes in metabolism, the

egg is said to be activated

The sperm nucleus merges with the egg

nucleus and cell division begins


BlastocoelAnimal pole



Zygote 8-cellstage


0.25 mm 0.25 mm

Stage 1 of fertilization:

The acrosome reaction must be completed before the sperm can fuse with the secondary oocyte Occurs when sperms come into contact with the corona

radiata of the oocyte

Perforations develop in the acrosome

Point fusions of the sperm plasma membrane and the external acrosomal membrane occur

The acrosome reaction is associated with the release of acrosome enzymes that facilitate fertilization

Passage of sperm through the corona radiata depends on enzyme action: hyaluronidase released from sperm acrosome

Tubal mucosal enzymes

Flagella action also aids corona radiata penetration

Corona radiata are follicular cells

surrounding zona pellucida

Ovum and sperms: (In vitro)

Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago


The surfaces of unfertilized eggs are usually smooth in appearance. The mottled look

of this egg is not normally seen, but apparently all the ova from this woman had this


From this photograph, it should be

clear that the heads of human

sperm are less than 1/20 the

diameter of human eggs.

Arrows point to sperm heads

Stage 2 of fertilization:

Penetration of the zona pellucida around the oocyte:

Acrosomal enzymes: esterases, acrosin, and neuraminidase cause lysis of the zona pellucida

Once sperm penetrates zona pellucida, the zona reaction occurs:

This reaction makes the zona pellucida impermeable to other sperms.

When more than one sperm manages to enter the ovum (dispermy = 2; triploidy = 3), the fetus nearly always aborts.

Stages 3 & 4 of fertilization:

Fusion of plasma membranes of oocyte and


Head and tail of a sperm enter the cytoplasm of

the oocyte, but the sperm plasma membrane

remains behind.

2nd meiotic division of oocyte is completed

The secondary oocyte was previously arrested

in metaphase of the 2nd meiotic division, and

now forms the mature ovum and another polar


Stages 3 & 4 of fertilization:

Fusion of plasma membranes of oocyte and


Head and tail of a sperm enter the cytoplasm of

the oocyte, but the sperm plasma membrane

remains behind.

2nd meiotic division of oocyte is completed

The secondary oocyte was previously arrested

in metaphase of the 2nd meiotic division, and

now forms the mature ovum and another polar


Stage 5 of fertilization:

Formation of male and female pronuclei:

Chromosomal material of the sperm decondensates and enlarges

Chromosomal material of the ovum decondensates following the completion of meiosis

At this stage, the male and female pronuclei are indistinguishable.

As they grow, the pronuclei replicate their DNA still 1N (haploid)- 23 chromosomes, each in chromatid pairs

The male and female

pronuclei are

indistinguishable from one


The second polar body can

be seen (arrow).

The plasma membranes of

the two pronuclei are

dissolving and one diploid

nucleus will remain.

Fusion of the pronuclei:(in vitro)

Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago


Stage 6 of fertilization:

Membranes of the pronuclei break down,

chromosomes condense and arrange

themselves for mitotic cell division

On membrane dissolution, there is 1 cell with

46 chromosomes = diploid (2N)

The first cleavage follows shortly, leaving 2

cells, each with 46 chromosomes.

Mitosis in the new zygote uses centrioles derived

from the sperm. The oocyte has no centrioles.

Triploidy (in vitro)

There are 3

pronuclei within this

one zygote. In the

laboratory, such

embryos are

discarded. In vivo,

such embryos almost

always abort


Morula forms (solid ball of cells)

Blastula forms (hollow ball of cells)

Cells begin to grow before dividing

Placental Circulation

The placenta contains closely entwined

embryonic & maternal blood vessels for the

exchange of nutrients and wastes.

First Trimester

Organogenesis is occurring during the

first trimester.

The heart starts beating about the fourth


At 8 weeks, all major organs are present in

rudimentary form.

Now called a fetus.

Second Trimester

The fetus grows to about 30 cm and is very active.

Hormone levels stabilize, hCG declines, the corpus luteum disintegrates and the placenta takes over production of progesterone.

Third Trimester

Fetal activity may decrease as space

becomes limited.

Fetus grows to about 50 cm and 3-4 kg.

Development of organs is completed.

Neural development continues even after


Labor & Delivery

Birth, parturition,

occurs through

strong rhythmic

contractions of the




Delivery of placenta

Multiple Births

Humans are usually uniparous – one offspring at a time.

Multiparous animals have several.

Fraternal twins result from ovulation & fertilization of two eggs.

Identical twins result from the splitting of one zygote.