2013 PEIMS Sub 1 Guide v1.2 Last modified 10/26/2012 Page 1 of 50 Reports, Codes and What to Check – Fall 2012-2013 Links to Sections: 100 STUDENT DATA – IDENTIFICATION Record Notes Data Location Error Codes 101 STUDENT DATA – DEMOGRAPHIC Record Notes Data Location Error Codes 105 STUDENT DATA – STUDENT ID NUMBER CHANGE Record Notes Data Location Error Codes 110 STUDENT DATA - ENROLLMENT Record Notes Data Location Error Codes 163 STUDENT DATA – SPECIAL EDUCATION Record Notes Data Location Error Codes 169 STUDENT DATA – CAREER TECH ED (CTE) PROGRAM Record Notes Data Location Error Codes 170 STUDENT DATA – CAREER TECH ED (CTE) COURSE Record Notes Error Codes 203 SCHOOL LEAVER DATA - STUDENT Record Notes Data Location Error Codes 090 STAFF DATA – RESPONSIBILITIES Record Notes Data Location Error Codes 090 DATA ENTRY EXAMPLES FROM SKYWARD Role IDs Pop Served Class ID Number General Notes Error messages in PEIMS reports come in three types: o FATAL - *F* in Skyward reports – Fatal errors MUST be corrected, as all fatals must be corrected before a submission can be finalized and signed off by Dr. Brown in the TEA system. o SPECIAL WARNINGS - *SW* in Skyward reports – Special Warnings should be carefully reviewed, as this indicates that the data appears to be incorrect to the TEA system, but can still be sent if we verify that it is correct. o WARNINGS - *W* in Skyward reports – Warnings should be checked to ensure the data is correct. Warnings are the least serious of the error messages. All corrections should be made by Nov 12 th . Staff Profiles and Reporting from TEA should be available the week of Nov 29 th . PEIMS Submission 1 is due on December 6 th , with the Resubmission due Jan. 17 th . Homeless coding and At Risk documentation is located on the Skyward How To page on the BISD website.

Reports, Codes and What to Check – Fall 2012-2013E0706 C012 Generation Code Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse Optional E1054 C178 Crisis Code

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2013 PEIMS Sub 1 Guide v1.2 Last modified 10/26/2012 Page 1 of 50

Reports, Codes and What to Check – Fall 2012-2013

Links to Sections:

• 100 STUDENT DATA – IDENTIFICATION Record Notes Data Location Error Codes

• 101 STUDENT DATA – DEMOGRAPHIC Record Notes Data Location Error Codes

• 105 STUDENT DATA – STUDENT ID NUMBER CHANGE Record Notes Data Location Error Codes

• 110 STUDENT DATA - ENROLLMENT Record Notes Data Location Error Codes

• 163 STUDENT DATA – SPECIAL EDUCATION Record Notes Data Location Error Codes

• 169 STUDENT DATA – CAREER TECH ED (CTE) PROGRAM Record Notes Data Location Error Codes

• 170 STUDENT DATA – CAREER TECH ED (CTE) COURSE Record Notes Error Codes

• 203 SCHOOL LEAVER DATA - STUDENT Record Notes Data Location Error Codes

• 090 STAFF DATA – RESPONSIBILITIES Record Notes Data Location Error Codes

• 090 DATA ENTRY EXAMPLES FROM SKYWARD Role IDs Pop Served Class ID Number

General Notes • Error messages in PEIMS reports come in three types:

o FATAL - *F* in Skyward reports – Fatal errors MUST be corrected, as all fatals must be corrected before a submission can be finalized and signed off by Dr. Brown in the TEA system.

o SPECIAL WARNINGS - *SW* in Skyward reports – Special Warnings should be carefully reviewed, as this indicates that the data appears to be incorrect to the TEA system, but can still be sent if we verify that it is correct.

o WARNINGS - *W* in Skyward reports – Warnings should be checked to ensure the data is correct. Warnings are the least serious of the error messages.

• All corrections should be made by Nov 12th. • Staff Profiles and Reporting from TEA should be available the week of Nov 29th. • PEIMS Submission 1 is due on December 6th, with the Resubmission due Jan. 17th. • Homeless coding and At Risk documentation is located on the Skyward How To page on the

BISD website.

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100 Notes

• Error #10029 - *F* If HOMELESS is 0, UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH must be blank. – is an issue with Skyward and will be resolved when updates to Skyward are loaded in the near future.

• Error #10010 will occur on students with two last names or hyphenated last names. As long as they match the birth certificate, they are correct.

• Homeless coding instructions are posted on the Skyward How To page.

100 - Skyward Web Locations for Data Elements Back to Top

PEIMS Element


PEIMS Field Location within Web Required/ Not Required

E0212 District ID Product Setup > Skyward Contact Access > District Setup > Configuration > District Information Configuration


E0001 Student ID Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E0703 First Name Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E0704 Middle Name Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E0705 Last Name Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E0706 C012 Generation Code Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E1054 C178 Crisis Code Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse >


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TX-NCLB > Other PEIMS E0787 C059 ADA Eligibility

Code Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Entry/Withdrawal


E1082 C189 Homeless Status Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Programs>Homeless


E1094 C192 Unaccompanied Youth Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Programs>Homeless


100 - Error Numbers starting with #100….. Back to Top

Edit Not Applicable To

Edit #

Edit Rule Text Edit Type

Sub ESC District Campus Charter

10001 The first character of STUDENT-ID must be “S” or “0”-“8”.

F 1, 3, 4


10002 Each character of STUDENT-ID must not be the same number.

F 1, 3, 4


10003 The first three characters of STUDENT-ID must not be “000”.

F 1, 3, 4


10005 The fourth and fifth characters of a STUDENT-ID that does not have a first character of “S” must not be “00”.

F 1, 3, 4


10006 The last four characters of a STUDENT-ID that does not have a first character of “S” must not be “0000”.

F 1, 3, 4


10008 FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, and/or LAST-NAME must not end with "II", “III”, "IV", "JR", or "SR".

SW 1, 3, 4


10009 FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, and/or LAST-NAME must not end with "JR", "SR", " I", “V”, “VI”, “VII”, or "VIII".

SW 1, 3, 4


10010 If MIDDLE-NAME contains one or more equal signs, then FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, or LAST-NAME must not have two or more words separated by a space, apostrophe, or hyphen.

W 1, 3, 4


10015 FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, or LAST-NAME must only contain the following characters: A-Z, 0-9, apostrophe, hyphen, the space character.

F 1, 3, 4


10017 FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, or LAST-NAME must not contain “0” – “9”.

SW 1, 3, 4


10018 There must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

F 1, 4 X

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10019 The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.

F 1, 3, 4


10021 For every 100 record reported, there must be a 101 record and a 400 or 500 record reported with a matching student.

F 3 X

10022 Each district’s data submission must contain one 100 record for each student served in the district.

F 1, 3, 4


10023 Former Edit Deleted SW 1, 3, 4


10024 ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be blank. F 3, 4 X

10025 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is not “A”, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE cannot be blank.

F 1 X

10026 ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be blank if AS-OF-STATUS-CODE = ‘A’.

F 1 x

10027 If MIDDLE-NAME is blank, then a warning will be issued for the PEIMS user to check whether or not a middle name exists for the person

W 1, 3,4


10028 If HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is not “0”, then UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-CODE must not be blank.

F 1,3 X

10029 If HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is “0”, then UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-CODE must be blank.

F 1,3 X

Back to Top

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101 Notes

• Check Student Attribution codes other than 00. • Check Economic Disadvantaged code on some students. This will be updated on the As Of date

with the most current information from Child Nutrition. • Check for Asylee/Refugee code if your campus has any. • Errors #10118 to #10132 – need to confirm birth date and age of student.

101 - Skyward Web Locations for Data Elements Back to Top

PEIMS Element


PEIMS Field Location within Web Required/ Not Required

E0212 District ID Product Setup > Skyward Contact Access > District Setup > Configuration > District Information Configuration


E0001 Student ID Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E0004 C013 Sex Code Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E1076 C183 Unschooled Asylee/Refugee

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse >

Required - Sub 1,3

Student Attribution Code – check this for transfers and for anything other than 00

Economic Disadvantage Code – check to make sure matches Lunch Code

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TX- NCLB > Other PEIMS E0006 Date of Birth Web Student Management > Students >

Student Profile or Student Browse Required

E0031 C142 Career and Technical Ed Ind Cd

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Voc. Ed. (tab)

Required - Sub 1,3

E0903 Campus ID of Residence

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX-NCLB > Other PEIMS


E1044 Last Date of Enrollment

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Entry - Withdrw Tab


E1059 C088 American Indian-Alaska Native Code

Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E10600 C088 Asian Code Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E1061 C088 Black African American Code

Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E1062 C088 Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Code

Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E1063 C088 White Code Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E0924 C088 Demographic Revision Confirma-tion Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX-NCLB > Other PEIMS


E1000 C161 Student Attribution Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX-NCLB > Other PEIMS


E1002 C163 As of Status Code Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse > Entry/Withdrawal Tab

Required - Sub 1,3

E0017 C050 Grade Level Code Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Entry - Withdrw Tab


E0984 C088 Migrant Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX-NCLB > Other PEIMS


E0782 Campus ID of Enrollment

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Entry - Withdrw Tab


E1027 Campus ID of Accounta-bility

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX-NCLB > Other PEIMS


E1028 C088 Bilingual/ ESL Summer School Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > NCLB-2 Tab > Limited English Proficiency


E1064 C088 Hispanic Latino Code Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


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E0785 C054 Economic Disadvan-taged Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX – NCLB > Other PEIMS

Required - Sub 1,3

101 - Error Messages starting with #101… Back to Top

Edit # Edit Rule Text Edit Type

Sub ESC District Campus Charter

10105 The student’s age must not be greater than 25. W 1, 3, 4


10106 CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus, excluding budgeted and JJAEP campuses or campus “255000000”.

F 1, 3, 4


10107 Former edit deleted.

10109 The student’s age must not be greater than 25 or less than 1.

SW 1, 3, 4



SW 1, 3, 4


10111 DATE-OF-BIRTH must not be equal to or greater than the PEIMS as-of date, if there is one; otherwise DATE-OF-BIRTH must not be equal to or greater than the submission date.

F 1, 3, 4


10112 No more than 50% of the records may show a DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE of “1”.

SW 1, 3, 4


10114 The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be greater than “698”.

F 1, 3, 4


10115 The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be a district registered with the TEA as an ESC.

F 1, 3, 4


10117 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is “03”, “06”, “07”, “10”, “13”, “15”, “17”, “19”, “21”, or “23”, then the first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not match DISTRICT-ID.

F 1, 3, 4


10118 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “PK”, then age must be 3 or 4.

SW 1, 3, 4


10119 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “KG”, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be “0”-“3” or “6”, and age must be 5 or 6.

SW 1 X

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10120 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “01”, then age must be 6-8.

W 1, 3, 4


10121 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “02”, then age must be 7-9.

W 1, 3, 4


10122 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “03”, then age must be 7-11.

W 1, 3, 4


10123 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “04”, then age must be 8-12.

W 1, 3, 4


10124 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “05”, then age must be 9-13.

W 1, 3, 4


10125 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “06”, then age must be 10-14.

W 1, 3, 4


10126 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “07”, then age must be 11-15.

W 1, 3, 4


10127 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “08”, then age must be 12-16.

W 1, 3, 4


10128 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “09”, then age must be 13-17.

W 1, 3, 4


10129 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “10”, then age must be 14-18.

W 1, 3, 4


10130 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “11”, then age must be 15-19.

W 1, 3, 4


10131 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “12”, then age must be 17-25.

W 1, 3, 4


10132 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “EE”, then age must be less than 6.

W 1, 3, 4


10133 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE is “255000000”, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be “0”, “4”, “5” or “8”.

F 1 X

10134 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "00", “12”, “14”, ’16”, “18”, “20”, “22”, or “24”, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must be blank.

F 1, 3, 4


10135 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is “03”, “06”, “07”, or “10”, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank.

F 1, 3, 4


10136 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is “07”, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must be “255000000”.

F 1, 3, 4


10137 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE is “255000000”, then STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE must be “07”.

F 1, 3, 4


10138 CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be a campus registered with the TEA as a juvenile justice alternative education program (JJAEP) campus.

F 1, 3, 4


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10139 CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be a campus registered with the TEA as an alternative education program (AEP) campus or a disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP) campus.

SW 1, 3, 4


10140 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is “01”, then DISTRICT-ID must be registered with the TEA as a charter district.

SW 1, 3, 4


10141 DATE-OF-BIRTH must be a valid date. F 1, 3, 4


10142 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “KG”, then age must be 5 or 6.

SW 1, 3, 4


10145 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is “A”, ”C”, ”E”, or ”G”, then there must not be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

F 1 X

10146 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is ”D”, or ”E”, then there must be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

W 1 X

10147 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is “B”, ”D”, ”F”, or ”X”, then there must be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

F 1 X

10148 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is ”B” or ”C”, then there must not be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, unless LEAVER-REASON-CODE is “01”.

F 1 X

10150 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is “C” and a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID is present, then LEAVER-REASON-CODE must be “01”.

F 1 X

10152 CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be registered with the TEA as a charter district.

F 1, 3, 4


10153 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is “A”, “B”, ”C”, “D”, ”E”, ”F”, or “G”, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “07”-“12”.

F 1 X

10154 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “EE”-“06”, then AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be “X”.

F 1, 3 X

10155 STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE must not be “00” or “03”.

F 1, 3, 4


10156 STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE must be “01”. SW 1, 3, 4


10157 The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must match DISTRICT-ID.

F 1,3 X

10158 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must match an entry registered with the TEA and must be an active regular instructional campus, or an AEP, and is not a budgeted campus, a DAEP, or a JJAEP.

F 1,3 X X

10160 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on this F 3 X X

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student's 400 and/or 500 record(s) is always a DAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank.

10161 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on this student's 400 and/or 500 record(s) is always a JJAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank.

F 3 X X

10165 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must be blank.

F 4 X

10166 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is not “C”, ”E”, or ”G”, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on the 101 record must be blank.

F 1 X

10167 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is “C”, ”E”, or ”G”, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on the 101 record must not be blank and must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus.

F 1 X

10168 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be blank. F 3 X

10169 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on this student’s 400 or 500 record(s) is always a DAEP and a JJAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank.

F 3 X X X

10169 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on this student’s 400 or 500 record(s) is always a DAEP and a JJAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank.

SW 3 X X X

10171 There must be a 100 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

F 1, 3, 4



F 1, 3 X

10173 If BILINGUAL/ESL-SUMMER-SCHOOL-INDICATOR-CODE is “1”, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “EE”, “PK”, “KG”, or “01”.

F 4 X


F 4 X

10175 The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.

F 1, 3, 4


10176 For any 101 record reported, there must be at least one 400 or one 500 record reported with a matching STUDENT-ID and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE.

F 3 X

10178 If BILINGUAL/ESL-SUMMER-SCHOOL-INDICATOR-CODE equals to 0, then there must be at least one 407, 408, or 500 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

F 4 X


F 4 X

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ENROLLMENT must not be blank and must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus, and is not a budgeted campus.


F 4 X

10182 The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match DISTRICT-ID.

F 4 X

10183 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is “12”, then there must be a matching 110 record where SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is “1”.

F 1 X

10184 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is “12”, then there must be a matching 110 record where ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is “0”.

F 1 X

10185 STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE must not be “12”.

F 3, 4 X

10186 If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired then Campus ID of Residence must not be blank.

F 1, 3 X X X

10187 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is “H”, then the student must have at least one matching 400 or 500 record where REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is “6”.

SW 3 X

10188 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is “I” and if the student has matching 400 record(s) where REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is “6”, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT on the student’s 400 record(s) must be greater than TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT plus TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT plus TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT.

F 3 X

10189 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “07”-“12”, AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be “H” or “I”.

F 3 X

10191 CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be a campus registered with the TEA as the Texas School for the Deaf campus or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired campus.

F 1, 3, 4


10193 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must match an entry registered with the TEA and must be an active campus and is not a budgeted campus.

F 1,3 X X X

10194 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is “A”, then there must be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

F 1 X

10195 AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be blank. F 4 X

10196 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is 07 - 12, AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be ”A” – “G” or “X”.

F 1 X

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10197 If CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is “1”, then there must be a 169 and a 170 record for that student.

F 1 X

10198 If CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is not “0”, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “06”-“12”.

F 1,3 X

10199 If there is at least one record where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “06”-“12”, then there must be at least one record where CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is not “0”.

SW 1,3 X

1011A At least one record must have a CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CODE that is not “0” or “1”.

SW 1,3 X

1011B If CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is “2” or “3”, then there must be a 169 and a 170 record for that student.

SW 1 X

1011C If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “06”, “07”, or “08” then CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CODE must not be “2” or “3”.

F 1,3 X

1011D If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “09” – “12” and CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is “2” or “3”, then there must be a 410 record for that student.

W 3 X

1011E LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT must be a valid date.

F 3 X

1011F LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT must be blank. F 1, 4 X

1011G If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on the student’s 110 record is a DAEP or JJAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank

F 1 X X


F 1 X

1011J If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “09” – “12” and CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is “1”, then there must be a 415 record for that student where SERVICE-ID is one of the courses footnoted with one or two asterisks on C022.

F 3 X

1011K If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “09” – “12” and CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is “2” or “3”, then there must be a 415 record for that student where SERVICE-ID is one of the courses footnoted with one or two asterisks on C022.

W 3 X

1011L HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE must be ‘0’ or ‘1’. F 1, 3, 4



F 1, 3, 4


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CODE, or WHITE-CODE must be ‘1’.


F 4 X

1011O If grade is less than 7, then LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT must be blank.

F 3 X

1011P If grade is 7 – 12, then LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be blank.

F 3 X

1011U At least one record must have an ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE of “01”, “02”, or “99”.

SW 1, 3 X


F 4 X

1011X If UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE/REFUGEE-CODE is not “0”, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “07”-“12”.

F 1, 3 X


F 4 X

1011Z CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank. F 1, 3, 4


1012A The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not match DISTRICT-ID.

F 1, 3, 4


1012B If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is “13”, “15”, “17”, “19”, “21”, or “23”, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank.

SW 1, 3, 4


1012C If age is 0 on September 1, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “EE”.

F 1, 3, 4


1012D If age is 1 on September 1, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “EE”.

F 1, 3, 4


1012E If age is 2 on September 1, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “EE”.

F 1, 3, 4


Back to Top

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105 Notes

• Student ID number changes should be taken care of by Skyward and PEIMS office via hand editing based on documentation sent to Tonya in the PEIMS office.

• The Early Reading Indicator Code should only be included for students in grades KG, 1 and 2. For students enrolled at all other grade levels, this should be blank.

105 - Skyward Web Locations for Data Elements Back to Top

PEIMS Element


PEIMS Field Location within Web Required/ Not Required

E0212 District ID Product Setup > Skyward Contact Access > District Setup > Configuration > District Information Configuration



Student ID Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E0990 Prior ID Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E1522 C195 Early Reading Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile>Special Prgms>Early Reader

Required for KG – 2nd. Blank for 3rd – 12th.

Early Reader Indicator Code is a new addition to this report

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105 - Errors codes starting with #105… Back to Top

Edit #

Edit Rule Text Edit Type

Sub ESC District Campus Charter

10501 STUDENT-ID must not match PRIOR- ID. F 1, 3, 4


10504 The first character of STUDENT-ID must be “S” or “0”-“8”.

F 1, 3, 4


10505 The first character of PRIOR-ID must be alphanumeric.

F 1, 3, 4


10506 PRIOR-ID must not match STUDENT-ID on any record.

F 1, 3, 4


10507 STUDENT-ID and PRIOR-ID must not both have a first character of “S”.

SW 1, 3, 4


10508 STUDENT-ID must not match PRIOR-ID on any other 105 record.

F 1, 3, 4


10510 PRIOR-ID must not match STAFF-ID on an 040 record.

F 1 X

10511 PRIOR-ID must not match PRIOR-ID on any other 105 record.

F 1, 3, 4


10512 The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.

F 1, 3, 4


10513 The value of STUDENT-ID on this record must match the value of STUDENT-ID on some 100 record.

F 1, 3, 4


10514 Former Edit Deleted W 1, 3, 4


10515 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is ‘KG’, ‘01’, or ‘02’ then EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE must not be blank.

F 1, 3 X

10516 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is not ‘KG’, ‘01’, or ‘02’ then EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank, and PRIOR-ID must not be blank.

F 1, 3 X

10517 EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank and PRIOR-ID must not be blank.

F 4 X

10518 If EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE is not blank then STUDENT-ID cannot be blank

F 1, 3 X

Back to Top

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110 Notes

• Check grade level to make sure it is appropriate for your campus. • Check ADA enrollment code. 1 or 2 is full/half time district residents and 3 or 6 is full/half time

transfer students. • LEP coding is handled by Linda Munoz, x5665. • Check At Risk indicator. More detail in separate handout. • Check G\T Indicator. • SSI Promotion\Retention code NOT reported this year due to changes in testing.

110 - Skyward Web Locations for Data Elements Back to Top

PEIMS Element


PEIMS Field Location within Web Required/ Not Required

E0212 District ID Product Setup > Skyward Contact Access > District Setup > Configuration > District Information Configuration


E0001 Student ID Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E0782 Campus ID of Enrollment

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Entry - Withdrw


E0017 C050 Grade Level Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Entry - Withdrw Tab


Check grade.

ADA enrollment code - Check for transfer students, which should be 3 or 6.

LEP coding

At Risk

G/T Indicator

SSI Promotion Retention Code NOT reported this year

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E1038 C088 PK Military Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX-NCLB > Other PEIMS


E0787 C059 ADA Eligibility Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Entry - Withdrw Tab


E1042 C175 Bilingual Program Type Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Programs Tab > Limited English Proficiency


E1043 C176 ESL Program Type Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Programs Tab > Limited English Proficiency


E0790 C061 LEP Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Programs Tab > Limited English Proficiency


E0895 C092 Home Language Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Programs Tab > Limited English Proficiency


E0896 C093 Parental Permission Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Programs Tab > Limited English Proficiency


E1078 C185 PK Program Type Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX-NCLB > Other PEIMS


E0919 C088 At-Risk Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX-NCLB > Other PEIMS

Required Data entry on Student Profile\At Risk tab.

E1041 C088 PK Foster-Care Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX-NCLB > Other PEIMS


E0894 C122 Title I Part A Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX-NCLB > Title 1


E1079 C186 Primary PK Funding Source

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX-NCLB > Other PEIMS


E1079 C186 Secondary PK Funding Source

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX-NCLB > Other PEIMS


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E0794 C088 Special Ed Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Special Ed Details

Required . Special Ed data in SEAS system.

E0034 C088 Gifted Talented Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX – NCLB > Gifted


E0797 C088 Immigrant Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX- NCLB > Other PEIMS


E0923 Local Student ID

Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E1030 C171 SSI Promotion Retention Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX- NCLB > Other PEIMS


110 - Errors codes starting with#110… Back to Top

Edit Not Applicable To

Edit # Edit Rule Text Edit Type

Sub ESC District Campus Charter

11003 If SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is “1”, then there must be a 163 record for that student.

F 1 X

11011 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not blank, then the first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be the same as DISTRICT-ID.

F 1 X

11012 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus, and is not a budgeted campus.

F 1 X

11015 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “PK”, then either LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be “1”, ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE must be “01”, “02”, or “99”, PK-MILITARY-INDICATOR-CODE must be “1”, PK-FOSTER-CARE-INIDCATOR-CODE must be “1”, HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE must not be “0”, or PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD must be “1”.

SW 1 X

11018 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “EE” and age greater than 2 on September 1, then either PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD must be “1”, TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE must be “6”, “7”, “8”, or “9”, MIGRANT-INDICATOR-CODE must be “1”, or SPEECH-THERAPY-INDICATOR-CODE must be “1”.

SW 1 X

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11023 If ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is “0” and age greater than 2 on September 1, then MIGRANT-INDICATOR-CODE must be “1”, or SPEECH-THERAPY-INDICATOR-CODE must be “1” or PRESCHL-PROG-CHILDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD must be “1”.

SW 1 X

11024 If ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is “3” or “6”, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank and the first six characters must not match DISTRICT-ID.

F 1 X

11025 If SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is “0”, then the GRADE-LEVEL-CODE shown for the STUDENT-ID must be found in the grade range of the campus shown in CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT for the student, unless CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is blank.

SW 1 X

11026 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is not “02”, then the first six digits of CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not match the first six digits of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT.

F 1 X

11029 At least one record must have an AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE of “1”.

SW 1 X

11030 At least one record must have a SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE of “1”.

SW 1 X

11031 At least one record must have a GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE of “1”.

SW 1 X

11033 At least one record must have a LEP-INDICATOR-CODE of “1”.

SW 1 X

11035 If BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is “2”-“5”, then ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be “0”.

F 1 X

11036 If age is less than 4 on September 1, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “EE” or “PK”.

SW 1 X

11041 If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is “1”, then PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE must not be blank.

F 1 X

11046 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is “C”, “7”, or “8”, then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be “1”, and BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be “0” and ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be “0”.

F 1 X

11051 If ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is “2” or “3”, then BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be “0”.

F 1 X

11052 At least one record must have an ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE of “1”.

SW 1 X

11053 At least one record must have a TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE of “6”-“9”.

SW 1 X

11054 At least one record must have a BILINGUAL- SW 1 X

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PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE of “2”, “3”, “4”, or “5”.

11055 At least one record must have an ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE of “2” or “3”.

SW 1 X

11057 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “EE” and age is less than 3 on September 1, then the EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE must be “1” or the PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE or SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE or TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE must be set to “03”, “04” or “05”.

SW 1 X

11058 If there is at least one record on a campus where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “12”, then there must be at least one 203 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID where LEAVER-REASON-CODE is “01”.

SW 1 X

11059 If there is at least one 110 record with a CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT for a given campus, then there must be at least one 090 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID and a ROLE-ID of “047”, or “087”, unless the campus is registered with the TEA as a JJAEP.

SW 1 X

11060 The total number of 110 records with a given CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT divided by the total number of staff with a unique STAFF-ID, ROLE-ID of “047”, or “087”, and matching CAMPUS-ID must not be greater than 30.

SW 1 X

11061 Former Edit Deleted SW 1 X

11064 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is “A”, “B”, “E”, or “F”, then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be “1”, and ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be “2” or “3”

F 1 X


F 1 X

11066 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is “D”, then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be “1” and BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be “2” – “5”.

F 1 X

11067 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is “3”, then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must not be “1”.

F 1 X

11070 If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is “1” and September 1 age is less than 21, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be “1”.

F 1 X

11073 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not blank, then there must be an 020 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID.

F 1 X

11074 The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be greater than “698”.

F 1 X

11075 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be a F 1 X

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district registered with the TEA as an ESC.

11077 If ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is “1”-“8”, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be blank.

F 1 X

11078 For a particular STUDENT-ID, if the ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is “1”, “2”, “3”, “6” or “7” and the SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is “1”, the student’s age on September 1 must be less than 22.

F 1 X

11079 If a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is greater than 25, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be “0”, “4”, “5” or “8”.

F 1 X

11080 If a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is less than 5, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “KG”-“12”, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be “0”, “4”, or “5”.

SW 1 X


F 1 X

11083 If a campus is registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus, excluding DAEPs, then there must be at least one record with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT with a GRADE-LEVEL-CODE for each grade registered as a grade of instruction for the campus.

SW 1 X X

11085 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is “06”, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be “3” or “6”.

SW 1 X

11086 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is “06”, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must not be “1” or “2”.

F 1 X

11087 There must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE.

F 1 X

11088 If there is at least one record on a campus where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “07”-“12”, then there must be at least one 203 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID where LEAVER-REASON-CODE is not “01”.

SW 1 X

11089 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is “02”, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP.

F 1 X

11090 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is “F”, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “09”-“12”.

F 1 X

11093 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP, then STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE must be “02”.

F 1 X

11095 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is “D”, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must not be “09”-“12”.

SW 1 X

11097 The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must F 1 X

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match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.

11098 There must be a 100 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE.

F 1 X

11099 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is “G”, then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be “0”, “F”, or “S”.

F 1 X

1101A If ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is “0” and age is less than 3 on September 1, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “EE”.

SW 1 X

1101B former edit deleted.

1101J former edit deleted.

1101K former edit deleted.

1101L former edit deleted.

1101M former edit deleted.

1101N former edit deleted.


F 1 X


F 1 X

1101R If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is “1”, then BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be “2”, “3”, “4”, or “5”, or ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be “2” or “3”, unless PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is “C“, “7“, or “8“.

F 1 X

1101S If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is “B”, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “PK”-“08”.

F 1 X

1101T If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is blank, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “EE”.

F 1 X

1101U If BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is not “0”, or ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is not “0”, then PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE cannot be blank.

F 1 X

1101V If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is ‘PK’, then PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be blank.

F 1 X

1101W If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is ‘PK’ and PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is “00”, “02”, “04”, or “05”, then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE must not be blank.

F 1 X

1101X If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is ‘PK’ and PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is “01” or “03”, then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE must be blank.

F 1 X

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F 1 X


F 1 X

1102A If September 1 age is greater than 20, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be “0”.

F 1 X

1102B If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE IS ‘KG’, ‘01’, or ‘02’ then there must be a matching 105 record.

F 1,3 X


F 1 X

Back to Top

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163 Notes

• Special Ed now uses SEAS software for tracking their students. There is a limited amount of data that has to be entered into Skyward for PEIMS reporting. This report is a check to make sure all Special Ed students are correctly identified and coded in Skyward.

• This should be taken care of by diagnostician at your campus. Please run this report and provide it to them for review.

• Please contact the PEIMS office if more information is needed.

163 - Skyward Web Locations for Data Elements Back to Top

PEIMS Element


PEIMS Field Location within Web Required/ Not Required

E0212 District ID Product Setup > Skyward Contact Access > District Setup > Configuration > District Information Configuration


E0001 Student ID Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E0041 C053 Primary Disability Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Special Ed Details


E0834 C053 Secondary Disability Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Special Ed Details


C0835 C053 Tertiary Disability Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Special Ed Details


E0882 C088 Multiply Disabled Indicatory Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Special Ed Details


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E0832 C066 Child Count Funding Type Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Special Ed Details


E0900 C088 Early Childhood Interv Ind Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0899 C088 Preschl Prog Chldrn with Disab Ind Cd

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0833 C067 Reg Day Sch Prog Deaf Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0173 C035 Instructional Setting Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Special Ed Details


E0857 C095 Speech Therapy Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E1040 C174 Interpreting Services Type Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0838 C088 Audiological Serv Ind Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E1077 C184 PPCD Service Location Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details

E0840 C088 Counseling Services Ind Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0841 C088 Medical Diagnostic Serv Ind Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0843 C088 Occupational Therapy Ind Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0844 C088 Orient Mobility Trng Ind Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


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E0845 C088 Physical Therapy Ind Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0846 C088 Psychological Services Ind Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0847 C088 Recreation Ind Code Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0848 C088 School Health Services Ind Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0849 C088 Social Work Services Ind Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0851 C088 Transportation Indicatory Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0997 C088 Assistive Tech Indicator Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


E0999 C088 Medically Fragile Ind Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Special Ed Tab > Programs & Related Service Details


163 - Errors codes starting with #163… Back to Top

Edit Not Applicable To

Edit #

Edit Rule Text Edit Type

Sub ESC District Campus Charter

16301 For each 163 record, there must be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID where SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is “1”.

F 1 X

16302 If TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE is not blank, then SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be blank.

F 1 X


F 1 X

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F 1 X

16308 If EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE is “1”, then INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must be “01”, “31”, “32”, or “34”.

W 1 X

16309 If EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE is not “1”, then INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must not be “31”, “32”, or “34”.

F 1 X

16310 If PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is “1”, then age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date must be 3, 4 or 5.

F 1 X


W 1 X


F 1 X


F 1 X


SW 1 X


F 1 X

16318 Former Edit Deleted F 1 X

16319 If REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE is not “0”, then there must be at least one 011 record where SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE is “10”.

SW 1 X

16320 If PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE, SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE, or TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE is “12”, then age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date must be less than 3.

F 1 X


SW 1 X


F 1 X

16323 If age is 3 or more on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, then CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE must not be “0”.

SW 1 X

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16324 If age is 3 or more on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, then EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE must be “0”.

F 1 X


F 1 X

16326 If INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is “50” or “60”, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be “0”.

F 1 X

16327 If age is less than 3 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE must be “0”.

F 1 X


F 1 X

16331 If PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is “14”, then age must be at least 3 but less than 6 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date.

F 1 X


SW 1 X


F 1 X

16334 The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.

F 1 X

16335 Former Edit Deleted F 1 X

16336 Each district’s data submission should contain at least one 163 record.

SW 1 X

16337 If INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is “45”, “89”, or “98”, then age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date must be at least 3 and less than 6.

F 1 X


F 1 X

16339 If INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is “70” then DISTRICT-ID must match the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

F 1 X X X

16340 If INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is “71” then DISTRICT-ID must match the Texas School for the Deaf.

F 1 X X X

16342 If age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date is 3, 4 or 5 then PRESCHL-PROG-CHILDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD must be “1”.

F 1 X

16343 If INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is “70”, or “71”, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be “0”, “4”, “5”, or “8”.

F 1 X

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16344 If PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE is not "0", then age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date must be 3, 4 or 5.

F 1 X


F 1 X

Back to Top

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169 Notes

• This should be taken care of by CATE and PEP\PRS. Please run this report and provide it to them for review.

• Please contact the PEIMS office if more information is needed.

169 - Skyward Web Locations for Data Elements Back to Top

PEIMS Element


PEIMS Field Location within Web Required/ Not Required

E0212 District ID Product Setup > Skyward Contact Access > District Setup > Configuration > District Information Configuration


E0001 Student ID Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E1039 C088 Displaced Homemaker Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Voc. Ed. (tab)


E0829 C064 Sgl Parent Preg Teen Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Voc. Ed. (tab)


E0917 C088 Transportation CTE Support Service

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Voc. Ed. (tab)


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169 - Errors codes starting with #169… Back to Top

Edit #

Edit Rule Text Edit Type

Sub ESC District Campus Charter

16901 For each 169 record, there must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID where CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is not “0”.

F 1 X

16902 For each 169 record, there must be at least one 170 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

F 1 X


F 1 X

16906 The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.

F 1 X

16907 Former Edit Deleted F 1 X

16908 Each district’s data submission should contain at least one 169 record.

W 1 X X

16910 For each 169 record, there must be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

F 1 X

Back to Top

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170 Notes

• When running the Pre PEIMS 170 report, the Default Career Tech Indicator listed in the report template should be set to 0.

• This should be taken care of by CATE. Please run this report and provide it to them for review. • Please contact the PEIMS office if more information is needed.

170 - Errors codes starting with #170… Back to Top

Edit Not Applicable To

Edit #

Edit Rule Text Edit Type

Sub ESC District Campus Charter

17001 For each unique STUDENT-ID found on some 170 record, there must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID where CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is not “0”.

F 1 X

17002 For each unique STUDENT-ID found on some 170 record, there must be a 169 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

F 1 X

17003 SERVICE-ID must a Career and Technical Education course.

F 1 X

17008 If SERVICE-ID is “12700300”, “12700400”, “12700410”, “12700420”, and “12700430” then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “06”-“08”.

F 1 X

17010 The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.

F 1 X

17011 Former Edit Deleted F 1 X

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17012 Each district’s data submission should contain at least one 170 record.

W 1 X X

17013 For each 170 record, there must be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

F 1 X

Back to Top

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203 Pre PEIMS Report Configuration

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203 Notes

• This should be taken care of by the Counseling office for grades 7 - 12. This report currently does not apply to other grades. It is likely that this report should be run multiple times with different criteria, such as pictured in the screenshot above, then with just the Print Students with Non-Leaver Reasons box checked, etc. so that both the dropouts and the other leavers can be reviewed for accuracy. Please run these reports and provide them to Counseling for review.

• Please contact the PEIMS office if more information is needed.

C162 Valid Leaver Reason Codes

Code Translation

01 Graduated From A Campus In This District Or Charter

03 Died

16 Return To Home Country

24 College, Pursue Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree

60 Home Schooling

66 Removed-Child Protective Services

78 Expelled For Offense Under TEC §37.007, Cannot Return

81 Enroll In TX Private School

82 Enroll In School Outside Texas

83 Withdrawn By District Because Not Entitled To Enrollment

85 Graduated Outside Texas Before Entering A Texas Public School-Entered A Texas Public School-Left Again

86 GED Outside Texas

87 Enroll In University High School Diploma Program

88 Court-ordered to a GED program, has not earned a GED

89 Incarcerated in state jail or federal penitentiary as an adult

90 Graduated from another state under provisions of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children

98 Other

203 - Skyward Web Locations for Data Elements Back to Top

PEIMS Element


PEIMS Field Location within Web Required/ Not Required

E0212 District ID Product Setup > Skyward Contact Access > District Setup > Configuration > District


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Information Configuration E0001 Student ID Web Student Management > Students >

Student Profile or Student Browse Required

E0266 Campus ID Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Entry - Withdrw Tab


E1001 C162 Leaver Reason Code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > Entry - Withdrw Tab


E0791 Date of Graduation

Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


E0806 C062 Graduation Type code

Web Student Management > Student > Student Profile or Student Browse > TX- NCLB > Grad. Info.


E0923 Local Student ID

Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse


203 - Errors codes starting with #203… Back to Top

Edit Not Applicable To

Edit #

Edit Rule Text Edit Type

Sub ESC District Campus Charter

20301 CAMPUS-ID must match an entry that is registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus, and is not a budgeted campus affiliated with the district in the previous school year.

F 1 X

20302 The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID must match DISTRICT-ID.

F 1 X

20303 For a particular CAMPUS-ID, if the only LEAVER-REASON-CODE shown other than “01” is “98”, then the total number of students in this category will be shown.

SW 1 X

20304 The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must not be “000” or greater than “698’.

F 1 X

20307 If LEAVER-REASON-CODE is “01”, then DATE-OF-GRADUATION and GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE must not be blank.

F 1 X

20308 If LEAVER-REASON-CODE is not “01”, then DATE-OF-GRADUATION and GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE must be blank.

F 1 X

20311 DATE-OF-GRADUATION must be greater than 072011 and less than 092012.

F 1,3 X

20313 If GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE is “07”, then the student must be at least 22 years of age as of

SW 1 X

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September 1 of the current school year.

20315 There must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “07”-“12”.

F 1 X

20317 If CAMPUS-ID is a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP, then STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE must not be “00”.

SW 1 X

20318 The student’s prior year September 1 age must not be greater than 50 or less than 6.

SW 1 X

20319 The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record much match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district’s 010 record.

F 1 X

20320 Former Edit Deleted F 1 X

20321 Each district’s data submission must contain at least one 203 record.

SW 1 X X

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090 Notes

• The Skyward 090 report should contain data about all teachers with scheduled students and some other personnel that have had responsibility records entered for them at the campus level.

• Other 090 records will come from PeopleSoft for administrators, auxiliary staff and district level personnel. The campus principal will have the opportunity to check a complete set of staff profiles after the initial draft submission is uploaded to TEA.

• Check for RoleID: Regular teacher = 087 and sub = 047. • Check Pop Served, which is what type of student the class is designed for. • Check number of students in class for accuracy. • Check Class Type code. • Check Monthly Minutes for accuracy, with extra attention for low and high extremes. This

calculation is based on a 5 day week, 4 weeks in the month. Do not figure in non-school days if calculating by hand.

090 - Skyward Web Locations for Data Elements Back to Top

PEIMS Element



Location within Web

Required/ Not Required


District ID

Product Setup> Skyward Contact Access > District Setup > Config > District Information Config


E0505 Staff ID Web Student Mgmt Required

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> Staff > Staff Profile

E0266 Campus ID Product Setup > Skyward Contact Access > District Setup > Config > District Information Config > Office > Current Scheduling > Build Course Master > Product Setup > Codes > Course Length Sets


E0721 C021 Role ID Web Student Management > Staff > Staff (Main Screen)


E0724 C022 Service ID Web Student Management > Office > Current Scheduling > Build Course Master > Course Master > Course Master (Main Screen)


E1056 Class ID Web Student Management > Office > Current Scheduling > Build Course Master > Course Master > Course Master (Main Screen)

Required for Role IDs listed in Edit 0900B

E0747 C030 Population Served Code

Web Student Management > Office > Current Scheduling > Build Course Master > Course Master > Course Master (Main Screen)


E0170 Number of Students in Class

Web Student Management > Students > Student Profile or Student Browse > Scheduling Tab


E1015 C169 ESC SSA Staff Optional

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Indicator Code E1055 C179 Class Type

Code Web Student Management > Office > Current Scheduling > Build Course Master > Course Master > Course Master (Main Screen)


E1057 Monthly Minutes Web Student Management > Office > Attendance > Product Setup > Codes > Calendar Codes


090 Data Elements Back to Top

• Role IDs

Code Translation


002 Art Therapist Serves as Art Therapist

003 Assistant Principal Assists the principal of a particular campus in any duties the principal may deem appropriate

008 Counselor Provides guidance and counseling services to students

011 Educational Diagnostician Provides educational diagnostic services and individualized education program development

013 Librarian Supervises library/learning resources center, or functions as one of several librarians, or learning resource specialists, on a major campus

015 Music Therapist Serves as Music Therapist

016 Occupational Therapist Serves as Occupational Therapist

017 Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS)

018 Physical Therapist Serves as Physical Therapist

020 Principal Serves as the instructional leader of the school whose duties include selecting teachers for the campus, setting education objectives, developing budgets for the campus, and working with school professionals to prepare individual development plans

021 Recreational Therapist Serves as Recreational Therapist

022 School Nurse

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A person that complies with TEC 21.003(b), "is licensed by the state agency that licenses that profession", [Nurse Practitioner (NP), Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN)] is employed/contracted by the school district, and whose primary job responsibility is that of school nurse. Only persons licensed by the state agency that licenses nurses may be employed as a school nurse

026 Speech Therapist/Speech-Language Pathologist Serves as provider of speech-language pathology/speech therapy services

028 Teacher Supervisor Provides consultant services to teachers in a grade level, adjacent grades, in a teaching field, or group of related fields

041 Teacher Facilitator Serves as an exemplary role model in assisting teachers with improving their classroom performance

042 Teacher Appraiser Serves as an appraiser in the Texas Teacher Appraisal System

047 Substitute Teacher A person who serves in a classroom in the absence of a teacher certified for that assignment where the teacher has quit, died, or been terminated; or, a person who is permanently hired to substitute on an as-needed basis. (See Chart A in 090 Staff Responsibilities - Section 2.)

054 Department Head Serves as head or chairman of a subject area department on a campus

055 Registrar Serves as school or district registrar

056 Athletic Trainer Serves as a trainer in the athletics program

058 Other Campus Professional Personnel Serves as a professional staff member at one or more campuses. Do not use this role unless no other role applies to the staff member. Some examples of staff who are to be shown with this role are: • campus/community liaisons

• campus volunteer coordinators

• information technology staff assigned to a campus

• dean and

• instructional officers assigned to a campus

087 Teacher (combination of former codes 025 and 029) A professional employee who is required to hold a valid teacher certificate or permit in order to perform some type of instruction to students


033 Educational Aide Performs routine classroom tasks under the general supervision of a certified teacher or teaching team

036 Certified Interpreter

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A state or nationally certified interpreter for the deaf who translates/transliterates for students who are deaf or hard of hearing, according to ARD committee recommendations. (Certified interpreters may be either professional or para-professional, depending on district classification)

• Population Served Back to Top

Code Translation

01 Regular Students Those students served through the regular academic program and students who do not constitute a special population

02 Bilingual Students Those students served in Bilingual programs

03 Compensatory/Remedial Education Students Those students served in compensatory or remedial education programs

04 Gifted and Talented Students Those students served in programs for identified gifted and talented students

05 Career and Technical Students Those students served in an approved state career and technical education course

06 Special Education Students Those students served in special education programs as determined by the admission, review, and dismissal committee

07 ESL Students Those students served in English as a Second Language programs

08 Adult Basic Education Students Those students served in the Adult Basic Education program

09 Honors Students Those students served in Honors classes

10 Migrant Students Those students served in migrant programs

• Class Type Back to Top

Code Translation

01 Regular This code is used for all settings not mentioned below including regular classroom, laboratory, or shop settings. (Former INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE 80)

02 Non-Regular Classes designed for students in the following settings.

• In-School Suspension (Former INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE 13) An on-campus setting for students who commit disciplinary infractions, where the student continues to receive instruction in each course to the extent possible

• School-Community Guidance Center (Former INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE 15) A program that meets the requirements for school-community guidance centers as specified under TEC §37.051-37.056

• Alternative Education School Program for Discipline (Former INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE 16 and 18)

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A program for students who have been removed in accordance with TEC §37.008 from the students’ assigned campus and placed in an alternative educational campus/program operated by a school district either alone or in cooperation with other school districts, juvenile agencies, or other governmental entities

• Televised Instruction (Former INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE 19) This setting is for providing instruction in which the content of a course for credit is delivered primarily through televisual technology, such as interactive television, videotaped courses, or the Internet

• Non-disciplinary Alternative Education (Former INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE 75) A program for students who receive instruction in a non-disciplinary alternative educational setting (not under TEC §37.008)

• Special Education Setting (Former INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE 01, 02 ,03, 08, 30, 31, 32, 34, 40-45, 50, 60, 70, 71, 91-98)

• Residential Care and Treatment Facility (Former INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE 81-89)

• Class ID Number

o Class ID Number is required is the staff member with assigned students, as it is NOT required for staff with Role IDs other than 087 (teacher), 047 (long term substitute teacher) and 033 (educational assistant).

o Class ID Number is 14 characters in length, formatted in this manner: First two digits are YEAR: 13 Next three digits are SCHOOL: 101 Next eight digits are COURSE/SECTION or SERVICE ID: E1970004 Last character for manually entered records is X 13101E1970004X

090 - Errors codes starting with #090… Back to Top

Edit Not Applicable To

Edit #

Edit Rule Text Edit Type

Sub ESC District Campus Charter

09001 If ROLE-ID is found in edit 0900B, then MONTHLY-MINUTES, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, CLASS-TYPE-CODE, and NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS must not be blank.

F 1

09009 Former Edit Deleted SW 1

09010 Former Edit Deleted SW 1

09011 There must be one and only one record where ROLE-ID is “027”.

SW 1 X

09012 If SERVICE-ID is “SA000003”, then ROLE-ID must be “033”.

F 1

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09013 If ROLE-ID is not found in edit 0900B, then the first character of SERVICE-ID must not be “0”-“9”, “M”, “A”, or “I”.

SW 1

09018 If SERVICE-ID is not “02000000”, “02530002”-“02530003”, “03150100”-03152400”, “03823000”, “SR000001”, “SR000003”, "SR000005”, “SE000002”, “03830100”-“03830400”, “02890000”, or “SS011000”, and ROLE-ID is not “032”, then NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS must not be greater than “040”.

SW 1

09020 If SERVICE-ID is “1XXXXXXX”, then POPULATION-SERVED-CODE must be “05” or “06”.

W 1

09021 If SERVICE-ID is "01010000", then POPULATION-SERVED-CODE must be “02”, “03”, “07”, or “10”.

W 1

09023 If SERVICE-ID is “SEXXXXXX”, then POPULATION-SERVED-CODE must be “06”.

F 1

09024 Former Edit Deleted W 1

09025 If ROLE-ID is “080”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS010000”, “SS006000”, “SS012000”-“SS019000”, or “SS021000”, “SS023000" or “SS025000”.

W 1

09026 If ROLE-ID is “004”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SSXXXXXX”.

F 1

09027 If ROLE-ID is “002” or “015”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SE000001”, “SE000005”, or “SE000006”.

W 1

09028 If ROLE-ID is “003” or “020”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS003000”.

F 1

09029 If ROLE-ID is “005” or “023”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SE000001”, or “SS007000”-“SS009000”.

W 1

09030 If ROLE-ID is “006”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SE000001”-“SE000003” or “SE000006”.

W 1

09031 If ROLE-ID is “007”, “011”, or “016”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SE000001”.

W 1

09032 If ROLE-ID is “008”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS007000”.

F 1

09033 If ROLE-ID is “036”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SA000004”.

F 1

09034 If ROLE-ID is “012”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS001XXX”, “SS002000”, “SS004XXX”, “SS005XXX”, “SS006000”, “SS007000”, or “SS011000”.

F 1

09035 If ROLE-ID is “013”, then SERVICE-ID must be F 1

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09036 If ROLE-ID is “017”, “018”, or “021”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SE000001” or “SE000004”-“SE000006”.

W 1

09037 If ROLE-ID is “019” or “022”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS009000”.

F 1

09039 If ROLE-ID is “047” or “087”, then SERVICE-ID must not be “SS001000”-“SS010000”, “SS012000”-“SS019000”, or “SAXXXXXX”.

F 1

09040 If ROLE-ID is “026”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SE000002” or “SE000003”.

F 1

09041 If ROLE-ID is “027” or “043”-“045”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS013000”.

F 1

09042 If ROLE-ID is “028”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS001XXX”, “SS002000”, or “SS004XXX”-“SS005XXX”.

F 1

09045 If ROLE-ID is “032”, then SERVICE-ID must not be “SAXXXXXX”, “SSXXXXXX”, or “SE000002”-“SE000006”.

W 1

09047 If ROLE-ID is “040”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS011000”.

F 1

09048 If ROLE-ID is “041”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS001XXX”, “SS002000”, “SS004XXX”, or “SS005XXX”.

W 1

09050 CAMPUS-ID must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active or under construction campus, or match an entry registered with the TEA as a financial campus with “701”-“703”, “720”, “750”, “751”, “998”, or “999” appended as the last three digits.

F 1

09052 If ROLE-ID is “022”, then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must not be “701”-“703”, “720”, “750”, or “751”.

W 1

09053 If ROLE-ID is “004” or “043”-“045”, then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must be “701”-“703”, “720”, “750”, “751”, “998”, or “999”.

SW 1

09055 If ROLE-ID is “013”, then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must not be “701”-“703”, “720”, or “750”.

W 1

09056 If the first six digits of CAMPUS-ID do not match DISTRICT-ID, then there must be at least one 011 record reported.

SW 1

09057 If ROLE-ID is “054”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS002000” or “SS004000”-“SS006000”.

F 1

09059 If ROLE-ID is “055”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS003000” or “SS013000”.

F 1

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09060 If ROLE-ID is “087” and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is not “06” or “08”, then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must not be “701”-“703”, “720”, or “750”.

F 1

09061 If ROLE-ID is “056”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS011000”.

F 1

09062 If ROLE-ID is “058”, then SERVICE-ID must not be “SEXXXXXX”, “SS001XXX”, “SS013000”-“SS014000” or “SS019000”.

W 1

09063 The total number of staff where ROLE-ID is “003”, “004”, “012”, “020”, “027”, “040”, “043”-“045”, “060”-“065”, or “079” must not vary by more than 50% from the total number of staff reported with these ROLE-IDs for the prior year.

W 1

09064 The total number of staff where ROLE-ID is “002”, “005”-“008”, “011”, “013”, “015”-“019”, “021”-“023”, “026”, “028”, “032”, “041”, “042”, “058”, or “080” must not vary by more than 50% from the total number of staff reported with these ROLE-IDs for the prior year.

W 1

09065 The total number of staff where ROLE-ID is “033” must not vary by more than 50% from the total number of staff reported with this ROLE-ID for the prior year.

W 1

09066 The total number of staff where ROLE-ID is “033” and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is “06” must not vary by more than 50% from the total number of staff reported with this ROLE-ID and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE for the prior year.

W 1

09067 If ROLE-ID is “027”, then CAMPUS-ID must match DISTRICT-ID with “701” appended.

F 1

09069 Former Edit Deleted W 1

09076 If the first six characters of CAMPUS-ID match DISTRICT-ID and the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are not “751” and for each campus that has a ROLE-ID “087”, there must be at least one 110 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT.

SW 1 X

09078 If ROLE-ID is “054”, then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must not be “701”-“703”.

F 1

09079 If ROLE-ID is “058” and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is not “06” or “08”, then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must not be >= “699”.

F 1 X

09080 If ROLE-ID is “080”, then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must be “702”, “703”, “720”, “750”, “751”, “998”, or “999”.

F 1

09082 If ROLE-ID is “042”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS001000”-“SS001003”, or “SS005000”.

W 1

09083 The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID must F 1

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match a valid district number registered with the TEA.

09084 If the first six characters of CAMPUS-ID match DISTRICT-ID, then there must be an 020 record with the same CAMPUS-ID, unless the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are “701”-“703”, “720”, “750”, “751”, “998”, or “999”.

F 1

09086 The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must be “751”, “998”, or “999”.

F 1 X X X

09087 If ROLE-ID is “024”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS008000”.

F 1

09088 If ROLE-ID is “030”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS020000”.

F 1

09090 For a particular STAFF-ID, the sum of the MONTHLY-MINUTES on all 090 records should not be less than 60.

SW 1

09091 If ROLE-ID is “087”, then CAMPUS-ID must not end with “998” or “999”.

SW 1 X

09092 If ROLE-ID is "019", then the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must not be "701"-"703", "720", or "750".

F 1

09093 If ROLE-ID is "028", then the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must not be "701"-"703".

F 1

09094 If ROLE-ID is “002”, “005”-“007”, “011”, “015”-“018”, “021”, “023”-“024”, “026”, “036”, “040”-“042”, “047”, or “056”, then CAMPUS-ID must not be “701”-“703”, “720”, or “750”.

F 1

09095 The last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must not be “699”.

F 1

09096 ROLE-ID must not be “060”-“065”, or “079”. F 1 X

09097 ROLE-ID must not be “002”-“004”, “015”, “019”-“021”, “027”, “030”, “044”, “047”, “054”-“056”, “058”, or “080”.

F 1 X X X

09098 If ROLE-ID is “060”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS013000”.

F 1 X X X

09099 If ROLE-ID is “061”-“065” or “079”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SSXXXXXX”.

F 1 X X X

0901A If ROLE-ID is “065”, then SERVICE-ID must be “SS022000”.

SW 1 X X X

0901B There must not be more than 99 090 records for a particular STAFF-ID.

SW 1

0901C There must not be more than 150 090 records for a particular STAFF-ID.

F 1


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F 1 X

0901G If SERVICE-ID is “SR000007”, then NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS must be “000”.

F 1

0901H If ROLE-ID is “033”, or “036”, then NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS must be “000”.

F 1

0901I If the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are “751”, then ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE must be “2”.

F 1 X X X

0901J If ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE is “2”, then there must be at least one 060 record with a matching STAFF-ID where FUND-CODE is “292”-“295”, “297”, “298”, “300”-“302”, “307”, “309”, “311”-“317”, “319”, “325”-“340”, “342”, “343”, “347”-“352”, “354”-‘368”, “379”, or “431”-“442”, “459” (a Shared Service Arrangement fund).

F 1 X X X

0901K If ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE is “1”, then there must be at least one record with a matching STAFF-ID where FUND-CODE is not “292”-“295”, “297”, “298”, “300”-“302”, “307”, “309”, “311”-“317”, “319”, “325”-“340”, “342”, “343”, “347”-“352”, “354”-“368”, “379”, or “431”-“442”, “459”.

F 1 X X X

0901L If ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE is “1”, then the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must not be “751”.

F 1 X X X

0901O If SERVICE-ID begins with “9”, then POPULATION-SERVED-CODE must be “06”.

F 1

0901P If ROLE-ID is not found in edit 0900B, then MONTHLY-MINUTES, NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS, CLASS-TYPE-CODE and CLASS-ID-NUMBER must be blank.

F 1

0901R The value of STAFF-ID on this record must match the value of STAFF-ID on some 040 record.

F 1 X

0901T Each district’s data submission must contain one 090 record for each responsibility that can be specified using the roles and services found in the Data Standards code tables for each professional and each paraprofessional.

F 1

0901U The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.

F 1

0901V If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired or Texas School for the Deaf then CLASS-TYPE-CODE must be “02” for the roles in 0900B.

F 1

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0901Z MONTHLY-MINUTES should not be less than 60 or greater than 10800.

SW 1

0902A For records with the same CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, and CLASS-ID-NUMBER, the STAFF-ID values must be different.

F 1 X

0902B If ROLE-ID is “033” then SERVICE-ID must be “SA000003”.

F 1

0902C If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is “2”, then ROLE-ID must be “047” or “087”.

F 1

0902D If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is “2”, then there must be at least one matching 090 record for that staff ID, and the ROLE-ID must be “047” or “087”.

F 1

0902E MONTHLY-MINUTES should not be between 9600 and 10800.

W 1

0902F If SERVICE-ID is “01010000”, then the PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE must be “32” on the 060 record.

SW 1

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090 Data Entry Examples from Skyward Staff Responsibility screen

• Principal – Role ID: 020 and Service ID: SS003000 (Campus Admin)

• Assistant Principal – Role ID: 003 and Service ID: SS003000 (Campus Admin)

• Counselor – Role ID: 008 and Service ID: SS007000 (Guidance and Counseling Services)

• Diagnostician – Role ID: 011 , Service ID: SE000001 and Pop Served: 06; split campuses

• ESL Educational Assistant (EA) – Role ID: 033, Service ID: SA000003 and Pop Served: 07

• Content Mastery (SpEd) – Role ID: 087, Service ID: SE000001 and Pop Served: 06

• Librarian – Role ID: 013, Service ID: SS002000

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• School Nurse – Role ID: 022, Service ID: SS008000

• Athletic Trainer – Role ID: 056, Service ID: SS011000

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