Name : Suhandoko NIM : 140221808485 Course : TEFL supervised by Dr. Arwijati Wahyudi, M.Pd.,Dip.TESL Report on Reader Digest “Smartest Pet” The story was about Mrs. Marr’s family who live with their two different pets, a dog named Timmy and a tiny turtle named Dribbles. So little of the turtle that it has to be treated and supervised carefully. One day her daughter’s friend, Chris, heard her say to Dribbles that she would take her out sometimes. Willing to help, Chris took Dribbles out of its tank to the lawn unaware of the need to supervise that it is easy to lose. Abe, Mrs. Marr’s son noticed that Dribbles was lost. He’d been searching for hours that finally he sat on the sofa crying. Suddenly, Timmy barked from outside of the house. Realizing that it was not his usual bark, she opened the door. He trotted straight to Abe and spat something out on the floor at his feet. It was Dribbles, unharmed. Abe was surprisingly happy and Dribbles was never unattended anymore. The story that I can learn from this story is no matter how divers we are, it is not the reason for us not to care each other. Instead, it is something to be grateful for, as the life dynamicity that life is to bless and help each other regardless who they are and how different we are.

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Name : SuhandokoNIM : 140221808485Course : TEFL supervised ! "r# $r%i&a'i (ah!udi) M#*d#)"ip#TESLReport on Reader Digest Smartest PetThe s'or! %as aou' Mrs# Marr+s ,ami-! %ho -ive %i'h 'heir '%o di,,eren' pe's) a do. named Timm! and a 'in! 'ur'-e named "ri-es# So -i''-e o, 'he 'ur'-e 'ha' i' has 'o e 'rea'ed and supervised /are,u--!# 0ne da! her dau.h'er+s ,riend) Chris) heard her sa! 'o "ri-es 'ha' she %ou-d 'ake her ou' some'imes# (i--in. 'o he-p) Chris 'ook "ri-es ou' o, i's 'ank 'o 'he -a%n una%are o, 'he need 'o supervise 'ha' i' is eas! 'o -ose#$e) Mrs# Marr+s son no'i/ed 'ha' "ri-es %as -os'# 1e+d een sear/hin. ,or hours 'ha' ,ina--! he sa' on 'he so,a /r!in.# Sudden-!) Timm! arked ,rom ou'side o, 'he house# 2ea-i3in. 'ha' i' %as no' his usua- ark) she opened 'he door# 1e 'ro''ed s'rai.h' 'o $e and spa' some'hin. ou' on 'he ,-oor a' his ,ee'# I' %as "ri-es) unharmed# $e %as surprisin.-! happ! and "ri-es %as never una''ended an!more#The s'or! 'ha' I /an -earn ,rom 'his s'or! is no ma''er ho% divers %e are) i' is no' 'he reason ,or us no' 'o /are ea/h o'her# Ins'ead) i' is some'hin. 'o e .ra'e,u- ,or) as 'he -i,e d!nami/i'! 'ha' -i,e is 'o -ess and he-p ea/h o'her re.ard-ess %ho 'he! are and ho% di,,eren' %e are#