Board of Governors APPENDIX III May 4, 2006 REPORT OF THE CAMPUS & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Contents Consent Agenda Community Activities and Accomplishments Yes Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fees for 2006-07 Yes Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fees Proposed by Student Organizations Yes Annual Report of the University Students’ Council on Activity within the University Community Centre Yes Public Presentations: (a) Broughdale Community Association (b) Students Taking Action Now: Darfur Yes FOR INFORMATION 1. Community Activities and Accomplishments The report presented by Mr. David Estok, AVP (Communications and Public Affairs) at the March 30 CCAC meeting is posted on the Board of Governors website ( http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/board ) as “Community_Activities_and_Accomplishments.pdf”. 2. Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fees for 2006-07 Provincial legislation defines a non-tuition-related compulsory ancillary fee as a fee which is levied in order to cover the costs of items which are not normally paid for out of operating or capital revenue. Since 1994, the government has required that new or increased fees be determined in accordance with a protocol agreed to between the University and student government representatives. The Student Services Committee Protocol was approved by the Board of Governors and the student government representatives in 1995. Under the terms of the protocol, the Student Services Committee (SSC) makes annual submissions to the Campus and Community Affairs Committee (CCAC) on changes or increases to fees relating to a number of ancillary operations detailed in the protocol, any user fees collected as a pre-condition for use of a student service, any new fee or service, and the direction and scope of student services. [SSC Protocol, Article 2.00] Fees levied or proposed by student governing bodies that affect only the students represented by that body do not fall under the Protocol. [SSC Protocol, Article 7.01] Each year the CCAC receives recommendations for two types of Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fees -- those that fall within the Student Services Committee Protocol, and student organization fees which are not covered by the Protocol. Both types are referenced in Board Policy 2.4 - Student Fees - in section 2.00 (b) and (c) respectively. That policy may be seen at http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/mapp/section2/mapp24.pdf

REPORT OF THE CAMPUS & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE … · 2020-06-11 · The Student Services Committee’s report is attached as Annex 1. The Campus & Community Affairs Committee

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Board of Governors APPENDIX IIIMay 4, 2006


Contents ConsentAgenda

Community Activities and Accomplishments Yes

Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fees for 2006-07 Yes

Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fees Proposed by StudentOrganizations Yes

Annual Report of the University Students’ Council on Activity withinthe University Community Centre Yes

Public Presentations: (a) Broughdale Community Association(b) Students Taking Action Now: Darfur



1. Community Activities and Accomplishments

The report presented by Mr. David Estok, AVP (Communications and Public Affairs) at the March 30 CCACmeeting is posted on the Board of Governors website ( http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/board ) as“Community_Activities_and_Accomplishments.pdf”.

2. Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fees for 2006-07

Provincial legislation defines a non-tuition-related compulsory ancillary fee as a fee which is levied in orderto cover the costs of items which are not normally paid for out of operating or capital revenue.

Since 1994, the government has required that new or increased fees be determined in accordance with aprotocol agreed to between the University and student government representatives.

The Student Services Committee Protocol was approved by the Board of Governors and the studentgovernment representatives in 1995. Under the terms of the protocol, the Student Services Committee (SSC)makes annual submissions to the Campus and Community Affairs Committee (CCAC) on changes orincreases to fees relating to a number of ancillary operations detailed in the protocol, any user fees collectedas a pre-condition for use of a student service, any new fee or service, and the direction and scope of studentservices. [SSC Protocol, Article 2.00]

Fees levied or proposed by student governing bodies that affect only the students represented by that bodydo not fall under the Protocol. [SSC Protocol, Article 7.01]

Each year the CCAC receives recommendations for two types of Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fees -- thosethat fall within the Student Services Committee Protocol, and student organization fees which are not coveredby the Protocol. Both types are referenced in Board Policy 2.4 - Student Fees - in section 2.00 (b) and (c)respectively. That policy may be seen at http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/mapp/section2/mapp24.pdf

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Board of Governors APPENDIX IIIMay 4, 2006 Page 2

Recommendations of the Student Services Committee:

On March 30, 2006, the Campus & Community Affairs Committee received the annual report andrecommendations of the Student Services Committee with respect to non-tuition-related ancillary fees,presented by its Chair, Ryan Dunn.

The Student Services Committee’s report is attached as Annex 1. The Campus & Community AffairsCommittee supported – and recommended to the Property & Finance Committee -- the request that the studentservices fees listed in Enclosure 1 be approved for 2006-07 and the recommendation that a $60.00 studentactivity fee be collected in the 2008-09 academic school year to contribute to the cost of constructing a newstudent recreation facility. This fee would be subject to a 3% increase each year to reflect the cost ofinflation. The student activity fee would be collected over a period of 30 years, beginning September 2008and ending April 2038. Collection of the student activity fee in 2008-09 will be contingent upon theUniversity providing satisfactory evidence that the student sports and recreation centre will be substantiallyusable in the 2008-09 academic school year.

These recommendations are reflected in the “Student Fee Funded Units, Ancillaries, Academic Support Units,and Associated Companies” document (green cover) provided with the Report of the Property & FinanceCommittee to this meeting of the Board.

3. Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fees Proposed by Student Organizations

Non-tuition related ancillary fees that are exempt from the above-noted Protocol include student organizationfees, student health plans contracted by each of the student organizations, and fees approved by referenda.Policy 2.4 - Student Fees - provides:

Compulsory non-tuition-related ancillary fees that are exempt from the Protocol must be approved bythe Board of Governors.

The Board of Governors will consider collection of fees for other organizations with theprovision of the following information, submitted to the Secretary of the Board of Governorsby March 20 each year:

I) a copy of the organization’s audited financial statements for the immediatelypreceding fiscal year;

ii) a copy of the budget for the fiscal year to which the fees relate, including a projectedbalance sheet; and

iii) a fee proposal to be considered at the April meeting of the Campus and CommunityAffairs Committee.

If the annual budget of the organization is less than $1,000,000, a review engagement reportfrom an external accountant will be acceptable in lieu of item I) above. If these conditionscannot be met by the stated deadline, the proposed fees will not be considered forimplementation in the forthcoming academic year.

3a) Fees Proposed by the University Students’ Council

Ryan Gilmour, Vice-President Finance of the University Students’ Council, assisted by Ryan Dunn, Presidentof the USC, presented the proposed organization fees for undergraduate students for 2006-07, as detailed inAnnex 2.

As required under Policy 2.4, CCAC was provided with the Council’s budget for 2006-07, the estimatedbalance sheet and the Audited Financial Statement for fiscal year 2004/05. Any member who wishes to havecopies of these documents may obtain them from the Secretary of the Board of Governors.

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Board of Governors APPENDIX IIIMay 4, 2006 Page 3

The CCAC supported the fees recommended by the University Students’ Council for 2006-07 andrecommended their approval to the Property & Finance Committee. These are reflected in the “Student FeeFunded Units, Ancillaries, Academic Support Units, and Associated Companies” document (green cover)provided with the Report of the Property & Finance Committee to this meeting of the Board.

3b) Fees Proposed by the Society of Graduate Students

Jason Cakiroglu, Vice-President Finance of the Society of Graduate Students, presented the proposed feesfor members of SOGS for 2006-07.

As required under Policy 2.4, the CCAC was provided with the Society’s budget for 2006-07, unauditedfinancial statements for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2005, and a review engagement report. Any memberwho wishes to have copies of these documents may obtain them from the Secretary of the Board ofGovernors.

The CCAC supported the fees recommended by the Society of Graduate Students for 2006-07 as set out inAnnex 3 to this Report and so recommended to the Property & Finance Committee. These are reflected inthe “Student Fee Funded Units, Ancillaries, Academic Support Units, and Associated Companies” document(green cover) provided with the Report of the Property & Finance Committee to this meeting of the Board.

3c) Fees Proposed by the Ivey PhD Association

Akbar Saeed, President, Business Ph.D. Association, presented the proposed organization fees for 2006-07.CCAC received the Association’s projected budget at its meeting. CCAC supported the fees recommendedby the Ivey PhD Association for 2006-07 as set out in Annex 4 to this Report and so recommended to theProperty & Finance Committee subject to receipt by the Secretary of the Board of a satisfactory reviewengagement report, no later than April 15th. These are reflected in the “Student Fee Funded Units, Ancillaries,Academic Support Units, and Associated Companies” document (green cover) provided with the Report ofthe Property & Finance Committee to this meeting of the Board.

4. Annual Report of the University Students’ Council on Activity within the University CommunityCentre

At the CCAC meeting on March 30, 2006, the Committee received the report from the USC on activitywithin the University Community Centre (attached as Annex 5) which covers the period April 2005 - March2006.

5. Public Presentations

CCAC received presentations in open sessions from:• Representatives of the Broughdale Community Association on neighbourhood relations matters• Representatives of Students Taking Action Now: Darfur (STAND) on investment in companies

doing business in the Sudan.

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Board of Governors May 4,2006

Student Services Committee Year End Report: 2005-2006

Respectfully Submitted By:

Ryan Dunn

APPENDIX 111 Annex 1

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INTRODUCTION The Student Services Committee (SSC) met 4 times over the course of the 2005-

2006 Academic year. Originally the committee set out to review 3 ancillary units, namely: First Nations, Campus Recreation, Off-Campus Housing OEce, and Services for Students with Diabilities. However, at the first meeting of the SSC, it was agreed that the committee would take a more holistic approach to the ancillary units. Instead of looking at ancillary units as individual departments, the committee reviewed the needs of students across the campus. Around November, it became quite apparent that the SSC would be tasked with one major issue for the year: a new recreation centre.

WESTERN SPORTS AND RECREATION CENTRE The Student Services Protocol has a very strict process for implementing new

ancillary fees. This process is quite confusing and the committee had a very difficult time understanding all of its elements. This proved to be quite stressful given the short time fi-ame the committee had to work with. Another challenge the committee faced throughout the process was quorum. The SSC protocol states that quorum consists of 4 voting members of the SSC. Moreover, if the SSC wishes to implement a new fee, at least 2 of the 3 student groups must be present at the meeting. The introduction of the new recreation centre was brought to the SSC on January 9,2006. This meeting was dissolved because only 3 voting members were present.

A second meeting was called and 14 days notice was given. On January 24,2006 the SSC met, with quorum, to discuss the new student fee. There were two student groups represented, the University Students Council (USC), and the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS). At this meeting the concept of a recreation centre was discussed and the referendum question was presented (Appendix A). The Student Services Committee voted unanimously to accept the referendum question for presentation to each group's respective constituents. In the end, the students voted in favour of accepting the student fee (Appendix B).

ANCILLARY BUDGETS Outside of the recreation referendum, the SSC had a relatively uneventful year.

On March 7,' 2006, the SSC met to discuss and approve the ancillary budgets for the year. The total ancillary fee paid by students cannot exceed the CPI. For the 2006-2007 academic year, the CPI was set at 2.2%. Therefore, a $6.05 inflation pool could be spread amongst the various ancillary units. The following ancillary units will be frozen for the 2006-2007 academic year:

rn Financial Aid 8 Intercollegiate Athletics rn Student Health Services rn Thompson Recreation and Athletic Centre

The following ancillary units will receive increases: rn Student Development Centre

First Nations Services rn Services for Students with Disabilities rn Centre for New Students

Page 6: REPORT OF THE CAMPUS & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE … · 2020-06-11 · The Student Services Committee’s report is attached as Annex 1. The Campus & Community Affairs Committee

Western Foot Patrol m Campus Recreation

Off-Campus Housing Office The full fee schedule is attached (Appendix C). There were very few questions about the budgets. It is important to note that the Foot Patrol fee will be collected from both main campus and affiliate college students for the 2006-2007 academic year. In previous years this fee was not collected on a per student basis. However, because Foot Patrol's services have always been available to affiliates, it is fair to administer this fee to all students. At the conclusion of the meeting, the SSC voted unanimously to accept Appendix C as the ancillary fee schedule for the following year.

RECOMMENDATIONS The SSC recommends the following:

A $60.00 student activity fee be collected in the 2008-2009 academic school year to contribute to the cost of constructing a new student recreation facility. This fee would be subject to a 3% increase each year to reflect the cost of inflation. The student activity fee would be collected over a period of 30 years, beginning S ptember 2008 and ending April 2038. Collection of the student

6 ~ ~ 0 7 activity fe&ll be contingent upon the University providing satisfactory evidence that the student sports and recreation centre will be substantially usable in the 200812009 academic school year.

The fee schedule (Appendix C) be implemented for the 2006-2007 academic year.


I will admit that I knew nothing and perhaps still know nothing about the SSC. This committee was never fully explained to me during my transition, and the processes were somewhat vague. I think that there is a great potential for the SSC to have an impact on student life. However, I realize that the SSC has essentially become a rubber stamp of political channels. Most of the work involved with the student recreation centre was done outside of the SSC. I think that when embarking on changes to student fees, it is important for the bulk of the work to be done outside of the committee, making sure that all student groups are consulted throughout the process. I think that Western continues to venture forward in offering the best student services in Canada. I hope that positive attitudes and professionalism continue to be the foundations of the SSC. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as chair and would like to thank the committee for all of their hard work and patience. A very special thanks should be extended to Andrea Klooster, the SSC secretary, for her hard work and guidance throughout the process.

Sincerely, ,

7a- Ryan Dutin ssc Chair

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(1) Do you agree to the collection of an annual student activity fee that would contribute towards the capital and operating costs of a new student sport and recreation centre?

a. A sixty dollar ($60.00) student activity fee would commence in the 200812009 academic school year, and would be subject to a three-percent (3%) increase each year to reflect the cost of inflation.

b. The student activity fee would be collected for a period of thirty (30) years, beginning September 2008 and ending April 2038.

c. Collection of the student activity fee will be contingent upon the University providing satisfactory evidence that the student sport and recreation centre will be substantially usable in the 200812009 academic school year.

Yes No

Page 8: REPORT OF THE CAMPUS & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE … · 2020-06-11 · The Student Services Committee’s report is attached as Annex 1. The Campus & Community Affairs Committee


Do you agree to the collection of an annual student activity fee that would contribute towards the capital and operating costs of a new student sport and recreation centre?

A sixty dollar ($60.00) student activity fee would commence in the a. 200812009 academic school year, and would be subject to a three-

percent (3%) increase each year to reflect the cost of inflation.

b. The student activity fee would be collected for a period of thirty (30) years, beginning September 2008 and ending April 2038. Collection of the student activity fee will be contingent upon the

C. University providing satisfactory evidence that the student sport and recreation centre will be substantially usable in the 200812009 academic school year.

For more background information visit:

Backqround lnformation (1 lnformation on the No Cam~aiqn 11 lnformation on the Yes Cam~aiqn


Undergraduates - (A,B,BR,E,ED,HC,HS ,IMS ,KC,L,MU,RX,S,S . -? S) [37]


Candidates . ., at large: 1 electable

Candidate . .

1: YES - .--. .> A -

2: NO . " , . -. .

Votes, 44621

. - > . . - -

. . - . 2802'

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UNMR6RAWATE FUL-IZME 6RAWATE - -S THREE TERMS 2005-06 2006-07 2005-06 2006-07

MBA - TWO TERMS 2005-06 2006-07

Rate Rate abrpr Id Rate Rate f i ~ (0) Rate Rate (0)

$ . $ $ X $ $ $ X Student Development Centre

First Notions Services

Services for Students With Disabilities

Financial Aid Office

Centre for-New Students

Western Foot Patrol

Intercollegiate Athletics

C a m p Recreation 72.42 75.14 2.72 3.76 93.07 96.56 3.49 3.75

Student Health Services 40.70 40.70 40.70 40.70

Thompson Recreution &I Athletic Centre 16.35 16.35 16.35 16.35

Off Campus Housing Office 6.30 7.07 0.77 12.22 6.30 7.07 0.77 12.22

Total UWO ~tudent'Activity Fees 347.13 353.18 6.05 1.74 .- 354.49 P

361.11 6.62 1.87 - (01 Fee o~urhnents &/be implemented September 1,2606

B#f&ltkal Pad krldottrkr UWO Activity Fees - Fiscal 2005/06 347.13 per full-time undergraduate student Leu: Intercollegiate Athletic Fee (72.35) excluded from base as per agreement with the Student Services Committee Base fo r Culculating Inflation Pool . 274.78 Inflation Rate (the greater of @I or 2%) 2.27. Inflation Pool $6.05

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Board of Governors

WU".,..". .. --r -'

Council 45 estern Ontario I N6A 3K7 fax: (5 19) 661-2094

..usc.uwo.ca e-mail: [email protected]

APPENDIX 111 Annex 2

March 20,2006

Mr. Hank VanderLaan, Chair Campus and Community Affairs Committee Stevenson Lawson Building The University Of Western Ontario

Dear Mr VanderLaan,

The following are the proposed University Students' Council fees for the 200612007 school year. These fees were presented to the USC general assembly on March 8, 2006 and thereafter approved by council, as presented herein. In accordance with the long term plan of the USC, all fees which the USC is not contractually obligated to increase have been frozen. Please note that all fees are based on full time enrolment.

The USC has entered into an agreement with the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS) in regards to the collection of student fees. We have agreed to collect the following fees from graduate students for the 200612007 school year:

Ombudsperson $ 3.00 Community Legal 3.50 UCC Fee 25.26

Total Graduate Fee $31.76

GENERALFEES 200512006 200612007

USC Base Fee Gazette Fee OUSA Faculty Council GrantslTransfers Out Ombudsperson UCC Expansion Western Day Care Community Legal Service UCC Fee USC Day Care Fee CHRWITV Reserve Fund UCC Renovation levy SSC Day Care Levy

$ 62.85 9.30 2.06 Note 2 5.88 3 .OO

15.83 Note 1 1 .oo 3.50

33.33 Note 5 1.50

14.18 10.92 Note 2 19.94 Note 2 2.85

Sub Total USC Student Fees $187.20 $186.15

To enhance the educational experience and quality of life for all undergraduates at The University of Western Ontario

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Health Plan Fee Student Endowment Fee LTC Bus Pass

Note 1 : An increase of 5% as stipulated in the USC bylaws.

Note 2: An increase of 3.0% (CPI) as required by USC bylaws.

Note 3: These are preliminary rates negotiated based on current plan claim rates. If the claim rate should change based on March and April results, the University Administration will be notified prior to May 1,2006.

Note 4: The contract with the LTC required the fee to increase by the Consumer Price Index for Transportation which was 3.86% at Dec 3 1,2005.

Note 5: An increase in occupancy charges of 10% as mandated by UWO.

To conclude, the USC has decreased the student fees by $1.05 or -0.6%, which is below the rate of inflation.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ext. 82612.

Sincerely, /

rd/ Ryan Gil our Vice-President Finance

Enclosures: 1. USC 200612007 Budget 2. USC Estimated Balance Sheet 3. USC Fiscal Year 200412005 Audited Financial Statement

C.C. Carter Scott, UWO Controller Rick Campbell, UWO Senior Financial Analyst Karen Jackson, USC General Manager Carrie Passi, USC Controller Ryan Gilmour, USC VP Finance

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0 Board of Governors -May 4 , 2 0 0 6

APPENDIX 111 4- 3 Societv of Graduate Bmrdems


'pqS University Community Centre, Room 260 The University of Western Ontano a London, Ontario, Canada 0 N6A 3K7 u Telephone: 519-661-3394 * Fax: 519-661-3374 * E-mail: sog&wo.ca Web Site: www.uwo.ca/sogd

SOGS Fee Schedule* Fiscal year May 1,2006 to April 31,2007

SOGS FEES [ I ] For approval

2006 - 2007 Proposed F u l l - t i m e Part-time

2005 - 2006 Actuals Full-time Part-time

Membership Fee [Z] 22.95 15.29 22.48 14.97 Heal th Plan Administrat ion Fee [3] 5.82 0 .00 5.70 0.00 Bus Pass Administrat ion Fee [4] 0.35 0 .00 0 .35 0 .00 Sub-total 29.1 2 15.29 28.53 14.97

OTHER FEES [5] For information

CFS Membership Fee (61 Heal th Plan Premiums [7] Dental Plan (81 Bus Pass ~ e e - ( 9 1 Sub-total


Changes to fees do not come into effect (i.e., collected by the University) until September 1. 1. Fees that support the Society's operations. Approved in conjunction with proposed annual budget at the Society's AGM, 2. Annual minimum increase by the rate of Core CPI in the previous year (assumed for budgetting purposes to be 1 .a%). The part-time fee is two-thirds of the full-time fee. 3. To support administration of the health plan. Levied on full-time students in conjunction with health plan premiums. 4. To support administration of the bus pass. Levied on full-time students in conjunction with the bus pass fees. 5. Other annual fees are those collected by the Society and contractually remitted. These fees do not support the Society's operations. 6. Contractually collected and remitted in trust. Rates are collectively set by members of the Federaton (including SOGS). 7. Contractually collected and remitted. Health Plan premiums are set by the provider and this figure represents the projected increase of 9%, but actual premiums will be charged as of September 1. 8. Contractually collected and remitted. Dental premiums are set by the provider and no increase is anticipated; but actual premiums will be charged as of September 1. 9. Contractually collected and remitted. Bus pass fees are set by London Transit and cannot be increased greater than the annual average change in the Ontario Consumer Price Index for Transportation. The fee for the new academic year will be increased by 4.3%.

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Board of Governors May 4,2006

APPENDIX 111 Annex 4

PhDs in Business Adminidtration - Three Terms Proposed 2005-06 Student Organization Fees

(One Third payed each year)

Current Recommend 2005-06 2006-07

Rate Rate Change $ $ $ %

Student Organiza tion Fees 1 Organization Fee 44.91 44.91 0.00 0 2 Health Plan 240.00 240.00 0.00 0 3 Bus Pass 4 Dental Plan 5 Ombudsperson 6 Community Legal 7 UCC Operation Fee 44.13 44.1 3 0.00 0 8 Total Student Organization fee 329.04 329.04 0.00 0

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Board of Governors May 4,2006

APPENDIX 111 Annex 5



Submitted to the Campus and Community Affairs Committee of the Board of Governors of the

University of Western Ontario by the University Students' Council

March 22 2006


This report is submitted to the Campus and Community Affairs Committee of the Board of Governors in accordance with Section 3.9 of the Restated Occupancy Agreement (May 1 1995). This section requires that the University Students' Council "report annually not later than March 3 1 of each year", summarizing its "management of the UCC common space and its Designated Space".


The UCC was undoubtedly at the centre of activity on campus this past year

The highlight of the year was the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities. Over the course of 10 days in May more than 7000 delegates converged on Western to learn and share their knowledge. Serving as the organizational and administrative centre, the UCC housed the Registration Area, the Press Office, the Book Fair, the IT Support Office, and the Congress Administration Office. In addition, the UCC also played host to many of the academic elements of the Congress: lectures in the McKellar Room; Association Meetings in Council Chambers, various Conference Rooms, and the Spoke Lounge; and Book Launches and receptions in the Spoke Lounge and the Wave. Finally, the UCC functioned as it always does - as the place where people meet in a relaxed and informal setting.

The Congress was hardly finished before the second big event of the summer began: World Transplant Games. As with the Congress, people from around the world converged on campus and utilized UCC as the centre for organization and administration. UCC housed Registration, Press, Merchandise Sales, Meetings, Temporary Offices and Logistical Control.

Both events were unqualified successes and the USC is proud to have supported both.

In addition to the Congress and the Games, the UCC hosted a tremendous variety of activities and events sponsored and organized by UWO entities. A partial list includes:

Fall Open House and Spring Preview Days

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Graduate and Professional School Fair All-Campus Job Fair Classes in McKellar Room English Conversation Classes Convocation Regalia Rentals Senior Alumni Programme

In an interesting diversion from the ordinary, the Commercial Aviation Management Programme arranged to display a small airplane on the "Concrete Beach" as part of its efforts to raise awareness and interest in the programme. As well, Intervarsity Athletics utilized a kiosk in the Atrium for 3 months to sell tickets to Mustang Men's Hockey at the John Labatt Centre. And, as always, the Sunstang was "debuted" in the Atrium prior to its annual marathon to demonstrate alternative fuels and Western's engineering prowess.

The USC and its affiliated groups sponsored and organized many events and activities. The USC directly organized events including Campus Safety and Accessibility Week, Aids Awareness Days, Remembrance Week Displays and Ceremonies, and two highly- successful Clubs Weeks. As well, the USC continues to convert the Atrium and most lounges to study space during both examination periods. With the UCC open 24 hours each day, 7 days each week, this is a highly-utilized service. USC-ratified clubs organized Art and Craft Sales, Movie Nights, Cultural Awareness Days, Coffee Houses, Fashion Shows, Charitable Fundraising, and Speakers.

The UCC continues to attract considerable commercial, fundraising and recruitment activity. Vendors selling a wide variety of products and services return annually. Charitable organizations routinely canvass for financial and volunteer support. Recruiters looking for student employees or offering students study opportunities overseas regularly utilize space in the Atrium.

The UCC continues to be a dynamic facility, heavily used by many members of the Western community for myriad purposes.


As always, the USC and UWO enjoy a strong and productive relationship. Nowhere was this more evident than the recent agreement concerning the Western Sports and Recreation Centre. The anticipated departure of Campus Recreation and of the Student Development Centre represents the loss of two of the UCCYs original services and the potential to seriously affect the health of the facility. But the strong commitment of both the USC and UWO guarantee that the UCC will remain vital and relevant. The WSRC agreement ensures that the partnership between the USC and UWO remains strong, and that both organizations are committed to the long-term wellbeing of the UCC.

Representatives of the student leadership continue to meet regularly with representatives of senior administration. These meetings help keep communications open and free and

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permit the discussion and resolution of issues in a constructive manner and on a timely basis. Both organizations continue to work closely to ensure that the UCC exercises its mandate as defined by the 1995 Memorandum of Agreement between the USC and UWO. This close working relationship will be of value in the coming months while that Agreement is renegotiated.

There were several significant renovations in the UCC this past year. In April, the Infosource received a facelift, giving it a more modem and professional look. During the summer, The Pit Stop Convenience Store and Varsity Authentics Clothing were rebuilt, emerging with a new look and a new name - Mustang Alley. Finally, the UCC's washrooms and Centrespot Lounge were updated with new fixtures, ceilings and finishes. Each of these projects was undertaken to protect and enhance the physical and esthetic value of the UCC.

Among the tenancies, the only significant change was the departure of The Cottage Tanning Salon in July. A new tenant - Desjardins Credit Union - occupied the salon space, as well as the space vacated by the Via Rail Office. All available lease space is now fully occupied.


The UCC's importance to the Western Community is evidenced by its continued heavy and dynamic usage. It is the strong desire of the USC that it remain so. The USC has considerable financial and other investments in the UCC and intends to maintain and increase those investments in the future. The USC will continue to actively manage the UCC in a manner that will ensure its continued health and relevance.

Page 17: REPORT OF THE CAMPUS & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE … · 2020-06-11 · The Student Services Committee’s report is attached as Annex 1. The Campus & Community Affairs Committee



Number of Bookinas


Amphitheatre Atrium Balcony Centrespot Lounge Conference Rooms Council Chambers Kiosks Lounges Lower Level McKellar Room Patio ("Concrete Beach") Patio Sign Spoke Lounge


Attendance (Estimated)

Council Chambers Conference Rooms McKellar Room


No figures available

Page 18: REPORT OF THE CAMPUS & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE … · 2020-06-11 · The Student Services Committee’s report is attached as Annex 1. The Campus & Community Affairs Committee

University Community Centre Notable Events 2005-2006

UWO Community Events

Speaker Series All-Campus Job Fair Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities

World Transplant Games

Staff Development Workshop Fall Preview Day Fire Safety Awareness Maps and Books Sale Graduate and Professional School Fair Cancer Week Promotion Housing Mediation March Break Open House One-day Conference Smoking and Breast Cancer Awareness Student Services Fair Student Art Sale Western Staff Recognition Task Force

USC Events

AIDS Awareness "Backpack 2 Briefcase" Campus Safety and Accessibility Week Clubs Weeks 1 + 2 Financial Awareness Gay and Lesbian Awareness Income Tax Clinic Remembrance Week Sports Week and Healthy Lifestyles "Relay for Life" USC Elections - All Candidates' Meetings Festival of the Arts Federal Election - All Candidates' Forum Charity Ball Promotion


Administrative and Commercial Studies Student Development Centre uwo


Department of Psychology Registrar's Office Fire Prevention Department of Geography Student Development Centre Housing Housing Registrar's Office Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Student Development CentreIStudent Health Services Student Development Centre Department of Visual Arts C.U.P.E. Local 2692


Council Chambers Atrium, Centrespot Atrium, Centrespot. Spoke Lounge, Conference Rooms, McKellar Room, Council Chambers, Lower Level Atrium, Centrespot, Spoke Lounge, Conference Room, McKellar Room, Council Chambers Conference Rooms Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium, Centrespot Atrium Atrium, Lower Level Atrium Conference Rooms Atrium Atrium Atrium Conference Rooms


Atrium Council Chambers Atrium Atrium, Centrespot Atrium Atrium Centrespot Atrium Atrium Atrium, Centrespot Atrium, Centrespot, Spoke Lounge Atrium, Centrespot Atrium Atrium

Page 19: REPORT OF THE CAMPUS & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE … · 2020-06-11 · The Student Services Committee’s report is attached as Annex 1. The Campus & Community Affairs Committee

Volunteer Week White Ribbon Campaign Celebrating International Women's Day

Atrium Atrium Atrium

USC Clubs Events

Art, Craft and Jewelry Sales Cultural Awareness Day Coffee House "Other Voices" Caribbean Day Debating Workshops Golf Lesson Promotion Promotion and Sale of Reusable Mugs Culture Show Ticket Sales Global Awareness Day Purim Holiday Table South Asian Cultural Awareness Days Hong Kong Exposition Sudanese Awareness Day lsmaili Sports' Fest Israel Day Celebration Charity Sale Ticket Sale General Meeting Pledge Drive Trip Sign-Up Beehive Design Collective Sorority Rush Vigil for Pope John-Paul II Vegetarian Forum Disaster Relief Fundraising Operation Christmas Child National Child Day Awareness Movie Night Martial Arts Demonstration Trip Sign-Up Uganda Awareness Charity Silent Auction Bowling Ticket Sales "Voices Against Poverty"


African Students' Association Arab Students' Association Arts Students' Council Black Students' Association Caribbean Students' Association Chinese Debating and Public Speaking Society Chinese Students' and Scholars Enviro Western Filipino Students' Association Global Awareness Society Hillel Hindu Students' Association Hong Kong Concern ISHRP lsmaili Students' Association Israel Action Committee Kings' Chinese Students' Association Leafs' Fans @ Western Magic Club Muslim Students' Association Outdoors Club Oxfam Panhellenic Council Polish Club Purple Veggies Red Cross Club Rotaract Club Save the Children Club Serbian Society Sikh Students' Society Snowboarding Federation Social Justice Club Style Society Taiwanese Students' Association UNICEF Club


Atrium Atrium Spoke Lounge Atrium Atrium Council Chambers Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium, "Concrete Beach" Atrium Atrium Atrium Conference Room Atrium Atrium Atrium "Concrete Beach" "Concrete Beach" Council Chambers Atrium Atrium Atrium Council Chambers "Concrete Beach" Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium

Page 20: REPORT OF THE CAMPUS & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE … · 2020-06-11 · The Student Services Committee’s report is attached as Annex 1. The Campus & Community Affairs Committee

Science Day Electronic Gaming Stock Floor Simulation Federal Election Campaigning Pictures with Santa

Off-Campus Orqanization Events

Recruiting for Summer Jobs Blood Typing Recruiting for Summer Jobs College Recruiting Polling Station University Recruiting College Recruiting College Recruiting MBA School Recruiting

W.I.S.D.O.M. Western Electronic Gaming Association Western Day Traders Western New Democrats Western Retail Business Club


Camp Wicosuta Canadian Blood Services College Pro Painters Daemen College Elections Canada Gannon University Humber College Lambton College McMaster University

Atrium Conference Room Atrium Atrium Centrespot


Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium Atrium