Colleagues, We would like to provide a report on the Board of Trustees meeting that we attended in Naples, FL last weekend. While the board almost always meets on campus for all three of its yearly meetings, attendance is usually lower for the winter meeting in Delaware. Consequently, the board leadership and OWU administration felt that holding this meeting in Naples would lead to better attendance and participation by board members. With the major focus of this meeting on planning and generating momentum on the board for the comprehensive campaign, solid attendance and engagement was considered essential. Recognizing the need for significant faculty involvement, UGC and the administration agreed on the inclusion of six faculty delegates, including members of UGC and chairs of FPC, APC, and TLCCP. We are pleased to report that faculty delegates were involved in all sessions of the meeting, and at a level far above the usual. The format of the meeting was open, discussion-oriented, and inclusive. Here we report on the substance of the discussions. Strategic Plan Discussion As part of the process of preparing for the next campaign, the administration asked the trustees to study the strategic plan that was adopted in 2010 by both the board and the faculty (http://strategicplan.owu.edu). The purpose of the discussion was to identify the most pressing needs in the strategic plan and determine whether there were objectives that have been accomplished, are not currently realistic, and whether any new objectives should be considered for addition. Prior to the board meeting, UGC discussed the strategic plan with the administration over the course of several meetings; the board then received an annotated copy of the strategic plan that resulted, in part, from those discussions. The document is meant to be fluid and continuously-updated; it is attached here as a PDF. It recognizes several objectives that were omitted from the original plan, including the honors program, library resources, and the addition of on-campus studio facilities for dance instruction. It also adds the new objective of increasing support for students competing for post-graduate fellowships and awards. In addition, it acknowledges that some of the objectives in the original plan are not realistic at present. For instance, while it remains a goal to aspire to, it is not currently financially feasible to meet the full need of all Pell-eligible students. Similarly, given the makeup of our recent incoming classes, it is not realistic to expect to raise the average SAT to 1250 within the timeframe set by the original plan (2014). The original plan included an objective to replace the arena and field house, which is also no longer feasible. If you have any comments, additions, or concerns on the annotated plan, please feel free to contact UGC or the appropriate committee chair. Discussion of the strategic plan took place in 6 breakout groups, each including a faculty member. The trustees relied heavily on the faculty member for context and details of how the objectives of the plan were being carried out on campus. In the full board discussion that followed the breakout session, there was widespread agreement that the plan

Report from Naples - OWU Faculty

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The report of faculty representatives Dale Brugh, Amy Downing, Shala Hankison, Bart Martin, Paula White and Chris Wolverton from the February Board of Trustees meeting in Naples, Fla. Full story here: http://blog.owu.edu/transcript/2014/02/13/trustees-retur…on-plans-funds/

Citation preview

Colleagues, We would like to provide a report on the Board of Trustees meeting that we attended in Naples, FL last weekend. While the board almost always meets on campus for all three of its yearly meetings, attendance is usually lower for the winter meeting in Delaware. Consequently, the board leadership and OWU administration felt that holding this meeting in Naples would lead to better attendance and participation by board members. With the major focus of this meeting on planning and generating momentum on the board for the comprehensive campaign, solid attendance and engagement was considered essential. Recognizing the need for significant faculty involvement, UGC and the administration agreed on the inclusion of six faculty delegates, including members of UGC and chairs of FPC, APC, and TLCCP. We are pleased to report that faculty delegates were involved in all sessions of the meeting, and at a level far above the usual. The format of the meeting was open, discussion-oriented, and inclusive. Here we report on the substance of the discussions. Strategic Plan Discussion As part of the process of preparing for the next campaign, the administration asked the trustees to study the strategic plan that was adopted in 2010 by both the board and the faculty (http://strategicplan.owu.edu). The purpose of the discussion was to identify the most pressing needs in the strategic plan and determine whether there were objectives that have been accomplished, are not currently realistic, and whether any new objectives should be considered for addition. Prior to the board meeting, UGC discussed the strategic plan with the administration over the course of several meetings; the board then received an annotated copy of the strategic plan that resulted, in part, from those discussions. The document is meant to be fluid and continuously-updated; it is attached here as a PDF. It recognizes several objectives that were omitted from the original plan, including the honors program, library resources, and the addition of on-campus studio facilities for dance instruction. It also adds the new objective of increasing support for students competing for post-graduate fellowships and awards. In addition, it acknowledges that some of the objectives in the original plan are not realistic at present. For instance, while it remains a goal to aspire to, it is not currently financially feasible to meet the full need of all Pell-eligible students. Similarly, given the makeup of our recent incoming classes, it is not realistic to expect to raise the average SAT to 1250 within the timeframe set by the original plan (2014). The original plan included an objective to replace the arena and field house, which is also no longer feasible. If you have any comments, additions, or concerns on the annotated plan, please feel free to contact UGC or the appropriate committee chair. Discussion of the strategic plan took place in 6 breakout groups, each including a faculty member. The trustees relied heavily on the faculty member for context and details of how the objectives of the plan were being carried out on campus. In the full board discussion that followed the breakout session, there was widespread agreement that the plan

continues to reflect who OWU is and the direction the institution is going. There was also broad agreement with the assessments provided by the administration discussed above. Several themes emerged from the group discussion of the most pressing needs in the plan. There was consensus on the need to improve student housing, which the faculty noted has long been among the most pressing needs identified by the faculty in polls over the past five or more years. This topic would emerge again in the session on the Student Housing Master Plan. There was also consensus on the critical need to grow the endowment, including that for the OWU Connection as stipulated in the faculty resolution, and to increase support for faculty and academic program budgets, referred to as “the heart of what we do.” One topic that has not been widely discussed on campus and that the board showed interest in during this discussion is how to support faculty who are interested in exploring ways to use technology to enhance the learning experiences of our students. Faculty members present noted that, while the question of whether and how to incorporate technology in liberal arts education is quite broad, the answer will be highly specific and will vary not only by individual, but by each class and even each learning objective within a class. Any proposed programs must take that variation into account. Campaign Case Statement Discussion of the Case Statement began with presentations by administration and faculty covering the 3 major areas of the case statement: support for students, support for faculty, and investment in campus facilities. The presentation on students focused on the great need to increase the size of the endowment supporting financial aid and scholarships given the changing demographics of our students, declining government support, and the competitive landscape OWU inhabits. In the presentation on support for faculty, the Provost noted that faculty are the most valuable human resource, creating and delivering the academic program. Our faculty is the third most experienced in the GLCA, which greatly benefits our students. However, it also suggests that the period of the campaign is likely to be one of high faculty turnover due to anticipated retirement, necessitating increased faculty support. He also reminded the board of their commitment to the faculty salary correction initiative and indicated that, while progress was made this year, there is still work to do to meet the objective. Finally, he shared some of the innovative work of the faculty not only in the work on the curriculum, but also in scholarship, highlighting the initiative and leadership of Laurie Anderson (BOMI) in founding an NSF-funded research network for ecology education through research. With this background, Chris Wolverton discussed the concepts for faculty support presented in the case statement. Each of the three concepts was discussed, along with how they interact to advance the academic program and the experience of our students. The concept of rotating, endowed professorships was presented as a means to foster excellence among the faculty while still maintaining equality through term-limited appointments. An endowed fund for faculty innovation was discussed in terms of its ability to enhance programs, teaching, and scholarship across the faculty. The third

concept, the OWU Connection, was discussed as the way we currently distinguish our liberal arts curriculum among our peers. Endowment investment in all three areas as detailed in the case statement would provide strong support for the future of the academic program. The needs of the facilities were highlighted in the third presentation. In some cases, those needs are the result of buildings outliving their expected life; in other instances, the needs result from long term deferred maintenance. In both cases, the results are the same: a reduced capacity to deliver our program and a probable negative impact on recruitment and retention. Following the presentations on the three areas, participants chose between three topical breakout sessions to discuss one of the three areas. The response of the board was that overall, the case statement reflects who we are and who we want to be as an institution. One board member said, “There’s something in here for everybody to love, it feels about right,” which seemed to capture the sentiment of many. Constructive comments were shared in the open session following the breakout sessions, and will be incorporated, together with the feedback collected in open meetings and other venues on campus over the past weeks and months, into a revised case statement to use in the upcoming feasibility study. Student Housing Master Plan During the final session, in the meeting of the full board, the president and the chair of the Facilities subcommittee of the board presented the Student Housing Master Plan and asked for the board’s endorsement to continue moving forward with planning for Phase I. There was discussion on the floor of the meeting about the appropriate mix of debt funding compared to philanthropy, as well as the best strategy in terms of whether to target first-year student housing early in the proposed building plan. The board unanimously supported moving forward with planning for Phase I, including more detailed research of models to finance the construction and renovation. UGC will be asking the administration to present the plan to the faculty at a future faculty meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting, Mike Long, the chair of the board and a member of the board since 1996, characterized the meeting as energizing, inspirational, and historic in his time on the board for the high level of positive engagement among the board, faculty, and administration. We will be available for questions at the Feb 17 faculty meeting and would be happy to entertain questions by email or otherwise. Respectfully submitted, Dale Brugh, FPC Amy Downing, UGC Shala Hankison, TLCCP Bart Martin, UGC

Paula White, APC Chris Wolverton, UGC

The Ohio Wesleyan University Strategic Plan


We have prepared an annotated version of the Strategic Plan, which is presented in the pages that follow. The annotations include notes on each objective and the following color coding reflecting our assessment of progress to date:

x Green - essentially accomplished or well on the way to accomplishment x Yellow - in progress, with work remaining to be done x Red - not likely to be accomplished x Purple – little or no significant progress to date, but still a viable objective x Blue - a new objective suggested as a result of recent campus meetings

As you review the Strategic Plan, please consider the following questions which will guide our discussion of the Strategic Plan at the retreat:

x What do you consider to be most powerful about the Strategic Plan? x What do you consider to be the most pressing unfinished business of the Strategic Plan? x What is missing from the Strategic Plan? x What should be removed from the Strategic Plan?



Ohio Wesleyan University Strategic Plan

2009-2020 Ohio Wesleyan University has an extraordinary opportunity for advancement as one of America’s  premier  liberal  arts  colleges.  This  opportunity  is  grounded  in  a  vision  for   21st century liberal education that enriches the life-changing education offered to OWU students. Fulfillment of this vision requires a significant investment, including intellectual capital and innovative curricular and co-curricular initiatives by the OWU faculty and staff, and philanthropic capital by alumni and friends who share an appreciation for OWU and aspirations for its future. This document provides a roadmap for fulfilling the vision and invites investors to participate in bringing the vision to life. Building on a heritage of academic strength with a commitment to the liberal arts grounded  in  “practical  idealism,”  Ohio  Wesleyan  University  will  enhance  its  position  as  a  national exemplar of liberal education. The faculty of Ohio Wesleyan University is augmenting the curriculum to ensure that each student has the opportunity to complement the rigor of the OWU classroom with a series of engaged learning experiences beyond the walls of the classroom and the borders of the campus. This curricular enhancement will encourage students to move from theory to practice and will give particular emphasis to substantially increased opportunities for international exposure as part of an OWU education. These experiences will be accomplished through a series of curricular innovations, including new courses, seminars, tutorials, and individually designed experiences that connect theory and practice. Additionally, an equally robust array of co-curricular innovations, including a new commitment to learning communities in residential life and increased off-campus service learning, will ensure that students gain the full benefit of an education that blends the classroom and the world, the curricular and the co-curricular, the theoretical and the practical. Through this process, OWU embraces its historic commitment to Education for Leadership and Service by dedicating itself anew to a transformational educational experience that prepares a new generation of leaders for an increasingly complex and interdependent world. Ohio Wesleyan University will fulfill this vision with initiatives that strengthen the academic program, enhance student growth and development, increase enrollment of the most  able  students,  develop  campus  facilities,  and  build  a  resource  base  to  secure  OWU’s  place of leadership for the future. The University has set specific objectives and concrete action steps against which it will measure progress in the fulfillment of this vision. ACADEMIC PROGRAM Students choose Ohio Wesleyan University because of the quality of its academic program and the value of its educational experience. Our fundamental liberal arts orientation is enhanced by our distinctive commitment to helping students prepare for the professions and for multifaceted careers within various disciplines and by our emphasis on civic engagement through outreach, internships, and service learning. The OWU



faculty is committed to a model of teaching and learning that extends beyond formal classroom instruction—one that places at its heart a vital role for mentorship and advising, as well as student life, athletics, and other co-curricular activities. Enhancing the OWU academic program through investment in the curriculum and the faculty will strengthen our ability to attract the best, most diverse student body and prepare the most talented graduates for leadership in the future. A New OWU Curricular Plan. Ohio Wesleyan University will develop, implement, and secure resources for a bold student learning initiative that blends theory and practice, provides every student with significant international exposure and engagement, and requires each student to complete a series of engaged learning experiences that complement the traditional liberal arts and prepare OWU graduates for leadership in all sectors of 21st-century society. Faculty members and OWU administrators will serve as mentors and guides for students in a range of activities such as internships and apprenticeships, volunteer service, study travel, study abroad, undergraduate research, leadership development, and artistic experiences. Some opportunities will be fulfilled on or near the campus during the academic term; others will take place far away from the campus during breaks or during a term away. Some will be fulfilled in groups, while others will be individual endeavors. Some will be fulfilled as part of courses in the curriculum; others will offer opportunities beyond the curriculum. Funds will be available through a competitive grant process to support students and faculty in imagining and creating the most robust possible experiences. The plan will require a substantial investment in advising and support for students and in resources that create innovative and productive opportunities for engaged learning at OWU. Specific objectives include: Enhance the curriculum to require every student to complete a series of engaged learning experiences that blend theory and practice

The OWU Connection emphasizes engaged learning that connects theory to practice; there is not yet a requirement that every student have a theory to practice experience.

Enhance the international dimension of our curriculum, including international study-travel experiences, so that every student is introduced to global issues and international perspectives

The OWU Connection, particularly with travel learning courses and TiPiT grants, has significantly increased international study-travel experiences; all students are exposed to global issues and international perspectives through the curriculum. In 2008-09, 81 students participated in credit-bearing, off-campus experiences, including 61 international experiences. In 2012-13, 252 students participated in credit-bearing, off-campus experiences, including 203 international experiences. Another 109 students participated in non credit-beating, off-campus experiences, such as mission trips and TiPiT programs, including 80 international experiences.

Revitalize and strengthen the Sagan National Colloquium Academic Policy Committee is exploring ways to more closely link the Sagan National Colloquium to the OWU Connection.

Develop endowment to fully fund the new OWU curricular plan



We have secured commitments of approximately $2.6 million toward the $20 million goal. This will be a major focus of the comprehensive campaign.

Develop a home for the OWU Plan Merrick Hall will be this home.

Educate students in the use of current technologies as a part of their development as learners and thinkers

Students and faculty alike are engaged in developing new uses of technology. We are working with the Mellon Foundation on a potential grant to support this effort.

Strengthen the Honors Program to enhance the intellectual vitality of the campus The Honors Program is a hallmark of Ohio Wesleyan and was inadvertently omitted from the original Strategic Plan. We are reviewing the entire program in relation to the OWU Connection.

Enhance the OWU Libraries to better resource our core academic programs and to facilitate student learning through the OWU curricular plan

Cathi Cardwell is providing excellent leadership as our new director of libraries and has developed a vision for a 21st century library blending traditional library features with technology and online resources for accessing information.

The Faculty. Fulfillment of the New OWU curricular plan requires increasing the size of our faculty in order to reduce the size of classes and to enhance opportunities for tutorials, seminars, directed readings, independent studies, and mentoring for individual, engaged learning experiences. In addition, we will increase resources available for faculty professional development and scholarly work. We will focus growth of the faculty in departments where class sections are large and where there is significant instruction by part-time and adjunct faculty. We will be especially interested in providing professional development and adding faculty positions in ways that increase opportunities for students to connect theory and practice and in ways that enhance international opportunities for our students. Specific objectives include: Achieve student:faculty ratio of 11:1

Our current student: faculty ratio is 10.8:1.

Increase the number of tenured and tenure-track faculty positions to 155 Our current number of tenured and tenure-track faculty positions is 145. While this is short of the goal of 155, our current student:faculty ratio is below the goal off 11:1.

Increase support of faculty professional development and scholarly activity We have received support from the Mellon Foundation for faculty development through direct grants to OWU and through the GLCA New Directions Initiative. The proposed endowed faculty chairs also will enhance this support.

Increase support of departments and programs, with particular focus on supplies, equipment, technology, library resources, and student participation in professional conferences



Budget constraints in the post-recession environment have prevented us from making satisfactory progress on this objective. This is a significant concern.

Ensure that faculty compensation increases accordingly as the OWU competitive position advances and the University achieves a new peer set

The Board set a target of faculty compensation at or near the median of the GLCA; significant progress has been made, and a plan is in place to achieve the target.

Offer 65 percent of classes in sections of fewer than 20 students

68.2 percent of classes have fewer than 20 students, compared to 60.9% five years ago. Academic Facilities. Ohio Wesleyan University has substantial needs in its academic facilities. OWU will invest in academic facilities to create state-of-the-art venues for instruction, including creating more space for seminars and group work, and bringing academic technology into classrooms across the campus. . Specific objectives include: Renovate and reopen Merrick Hall, perhaps as home of the New OWU curricular plan

An $8 million gift will fund the full restoration of Merrick Hall, which is expected to be complete in May 2015.

Renovate and make University Hall fully accessible The upcoming capital campaign includes provisions for this objective. Devote resources to other academic venues, specifically Phillips Hall, Chappelear Drama Center, and Sanborn Hall, to create better teaching spaces

We have made investments in each of these buildings, including renovation of all of the teaching spaces in Phillips, installation of a new light system in Chappelear, and enhancement of selected spaces in Sanborn.

Develop an on-campus studio for Dance

This is a long-standing objective that was omitted from the original strategic plan. The objective will be fulfilled with the renovation of Edwards Gym and Pfeiffer Natatorium.

Install appropriate, current technology in every teaching venue on campus

Significant progress has been made, particularly in Phillips Hall in in the Modern Foreign Language classrooms in University Hall, but much more remains to be done. The restoration of Merrick Hall and the repairs of Elliott Hall will add further to completion of this objective.

STUDENT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT The academic program is complemented by co-curricular programs that contribute to the education of the whole person and prepare OWU graduates for leadership in their professional lives and satisfaction in their personal lives. We will substantially enhance our investment in these programs and their prominence in the OWU experience. Additionally, we will invest in programs that create a vigorous, close-knit community and foster learning in all aspects of life at OWU. Collectively, these initiatives will increase students’  success,  assist them in discovering their passions, and help them achieve their



aspirations. An important by-product of these initiatives will be a substantial increase in retention and graduation rates. Residential Life. Ohio Wesleyan understands that residential facilities and the common experience of residential life are essential components of the educational experience and of building community at OWU. We will invest significantly in residential life, both in facilities and in programming, to enhance the development of our students as whole persons and to build a close-knit community on our campus. Specific objectives include: Increase on-campus residency to nearly 100 percent

93 percent of students lived on campus in the fall of 2013, compared to 78 percent in the fall of 2008.

Develop and implement in all residential facilities a philosophy of learning communities that invite exploration of a variety of common interests

The development of the Year One Program in Bashford and Thomson Halls, the Honors House at 123 Oak Hill, and the Bigelow-Reed House for Entrepreneurship at 23 Williams Drive are significant steps in this direction. The proposed Connection Communities in new student housing will further advance this agenda.

Enhance Greek life with clear understandings and expectations of mission, program, and accountability

The Statement of Values and Expectations for Greek Life has guided a renewal of the Greek community, which in the spring of 2013 included 38 percent of the student body, compared to 27 percent in the spring of 2009.

Develop a full range of progressively independent living opportunities for OWU students, including traditional residence halls, small living units and Greek houses, small learning communities in existing facilities, construction of apartments and town houses for upper-level students, and possible acquisition of neighboring property to serve as campus-based, independent housing

The renewal of Stuyvesant Hall, the development of the Honors House, and the restoration of vacant houses at 4, 23, and 35 Williams Drive advance this objective. The Student Housing Master Plan proposes an eight-year strategy to complete fulfillment of the objective.

Resource and staff key support services for students in all aspects of a residential campus, leading to a lively sense of community on campus

We have a strong staff and support system for programming and operation of our residential campus.

Transitions. We will develop programs that assist students in their transition to Ohio Wesleyan University and in their academic and social development in ways that connect them more strongly with the OWU community. These transition experiences will provide early opportunities for students to connect theory and practice and for students to begin developing plans for meaningful off-campus learning later in their OWU experience. Specific objectives include:



Enhance new student orientation and extend orientation through first semester New student orientation has improved significantly under the leadership of Dana Behum; UC 160, currently in pilot phase, is a first step toward a first year experience that extends orientation through the first semester.

Enhance first-year residential experience The Year One Program was implemented in 2009-2010 and continues. Improve freshman-to-sophomore retention The overall six-year trend is positive, though we lost ground in the fall of 2013. Increase faculty involvement in orientation and the first-year experience

UC 160 engages faculty in a first year seminar that has been quite effective in pilots involving approximately one-quarter of the entering class for four years.

Community and Tradition. Ohio Wesleyan University has a proud heritage that is rich in traditions. These traditions, combined with intentional programming, create a dynamic campus community where students, faculty, and staff share a common mission that engages the life of the mind, enriches interaction among members of the community, and leads to meaningful engagement and service in the world beyond the campus. The University seeks to create a more close-knit campus community. Specific objectives include: Create annual signature events that bring together the entire OWU community

Day on the JAY and an enhanced Matriculation Convocation and dinner create significant new energy for the campus.

Develop high-profile lectures and event series that attract speakers and events of wide interest to the entire campus

This objective is challenged by the cost required to attract high profile speakers annually. The most notable examples of high profile speakers over the past five years have been Susan Eisenhower, Gloria Steinem, and Congressman John Lewis.

Provide resources to encourage faculty and staff to host informal gatherings of students in venues outside the traditional academic setting

This is a small cost item that we need to address more thoroughly. We provide some resources through UC 160, but more can be done.

Develop initiatives that build on the longstanding presence of a strong community of international students on campus

Darrell Albon provides excellent leadership with international students. The annual Culture Fest has become a signature event on campus, bringing several hundred students together to celebrate the diverse international cultures represented at OWU.

Engagement and Discernment. Recognizing our commitment to an education that cultivates leadership set in the context of values, we will create greater opportunities for students to develop leadership and organizational skills, to take on responsibilities in



student organizations, to engage in constructive community dialogue, and to discern their vocational directions, their spiritual journeys, and their political commitments in life. Specific objectives include: Increase leadership development programs for students through WCSA, Greek life, student organizations, and mentoring opportunities with campus administrators and off-campus leaders

Kimberlie Goldsberry and Nancy Bihl-Rutkowski have provided excellent leadership, particularly through the introduction of Leadershape and ongoing leadership development experiences to OWU.

Continue the program initiated by the Lilly Endowment by funding a vocations initiative and  enhancing  programs  in  volunteer  service  in  the  Chaplain’s  Office

While the mission trips continue to be valued highly by students, we have not been successful securing  gifts  to  endow  the  programs  initiated  through  the  Lilly  Endowment’s  five-year grant. This is an important priority as another opportunity for students to connect theory to practice.

Achieve  classification  by  the  Carnegie  Foundation  as  an  “Institution  of  Community  Engagement”

We will not achieve this objective until the faculty embraces the concept of service learning in the curriculum.

Work with the faculty and the Provost’s  office  to  support  development  of  courses  that  include service learning and/or internships

The Academic Policy Committee and the Teaching, Learning, and Cross-Cultural Programs Committee of the faculty are beginning discussions on more formal introduction of these High Impact Practices in to the formal curriculum.

Health and Well-Being. Our educational mission includes encouraging all members of the OWU community to develop healthy lifestyles, including physical disciplines and ongoing participation in wellness programs. We will develop services and programming that promote the physical and mental well-being of students. Specific objectives include: Develop an atmosphere of safety and well-being for all members of the OWU community

Our Public Safety Office provides outstanding service and reflects best practices in matters such as timely warnings that insure the safety and well-being of the campus.

Construct a recreation center on the residential campus

Planning is underway to locate a fitness center in Pfeiffer Natatorium and to enhance the Belt Fitness Center in Welch Hall.

Resource and expand FitOWU

This program has expanded nicely under the leadership of Professor Nancy Knop, with virtually no additional resources. A modest increase in resources will secure the expansion for the long term.



Develop a full recreation and wellness program We are making significant progress through partnerships between the Department of Health & Human Kinetics, Athletics, Student Affairs, and the Healthy Bishop Initiative, which was initiated by students three years ago.

Continue and enrich the strong tradition of intercollegiate athletics at OWU

Ohio Wesleyan has an exemplary Division III athletics program that involves nearly one-third of the students on campus.

Create a culture of responsibility that challenges students to address public health concerns, such as diet/obesity, the danger of tobacco, and excessive use of alcohol

The development of the Healthy Bishop Initiative and the addition of a part-time dietician by Chartwell’s  signify  progress  here.

Resource and staff intramural, recreational and club programs

Roger Ingles has reassigned duties in the Athletics department to provide support for intramural and recreational programs.

Advising. Academic advisors and career counselors support students through one-on-one counseling and by referring students to professional staff who specialize in addressing particular student needs. New OWU curricular plan will require a substantial investment in advising. Faculty and administrators will assist students in tailoring individual experiences that allow them to connect theory and practice, both on campus and beyond, and will support students as they prepare for life beyond OWU. Specific objectives include: Provide ongoing training and professional development for advisors

Chuck Stinemetz is working with appropriate faculty committees to enhance our academic advising system.

Create a peer advising system

This is under development but not complete. Create closer links between academic advisors and student affairs professionals

UC 160 and the Year One Program have provided modest progress, but far more needs to be done to advance this objective.

Develop technology as an important tool in advising

The implementation of the new ERP system includes an electronic advising module. Increase support of students that leads to higher rates of post-graduate fellowships and awards and increases the quality and quantity of placements in graduate and professional programs and placement in the workforce.

This new objective reflects an important outcome to be measured. We have received a gift to endow support of students who are strong candidates for post-graduate fellowships. Dean Marty Eisenberg works with a group of faculty who has accepted responsibility for working directly with these students. We will continue to enhance Career Services as an important source of support for students in their preparation for life beyond Ohio Wesleyan.



ENROLLMENT The intellectual vitality of the Ohio Wesleyan University campus is shaped by the faculty and staff, the curriculum, and the preparation of students who choose to enroll at Ohio Wesleyan. With the benefit of bold new initiatives that connect theory and practice, substantially increase the opportunity for international experiences, and enhance campus life, we will increase the academic profile of OWU students. We will maintain our historic commitment to providing access to an affordable education for all qualified students and to building a student body that reflects the full diversity of the larger society from which our students come and in which our graduates will live and work. We will improve retention and increase the percentage of OWU students who ultimately complete a degree. New Student Profile. The development of the new OWU curricular plan and a thriving co-curricular program, including the creation of a dynamic sense of community at OWU, will improve our ability to attract the best students and increase the intellectual vitality of the campus. Specific objectives include: Maintain stable on-campus enrollment of 1,850 students

Enrollment dropped below this level in the recession; we anticipate returning to this level in the near future.

Increase academic profile by achieving mean SAT scores of 1250 by 2014

This objective was not appropriate and should be revised. Our average SAT in 2008 was 1169, and our average SAT over the following five years was 1170.

Increase academic profile by enrolling 35 percent of domestic students from top 10 percent of their graduating class by 2014

32 percent of this year’s  entering  class  graduated  in  the  top  10  percent  of  their  class. Diversity, Access, and Affordability. A diverse faculty, staff, and student body create a dynamic atmosphere for learning on a university campus. Ohio Wesleyan University is particularly interested in a student body that includes racial, ethnic, national, and socioeconomic diversity. We also seek to provide an atmosphere that is welcoming and affirming of all students, faculty, and staff. To achieve this diversity, Ohio Wesleyan University implements programs that ensure accessibility and affordability for all academically qualified students. Further, OWU implements programs designed to attract a diverse workforce reflective of the larger world in which we live. Specific objectives include: Increase enrollment of domestic students of color equal to 12 percent of total enrollment by 2014

27% of entering domestic students in the fall of 2013 were students of color. We can increase this objective.



Maintain an international enrollment equal to 10 percent of total enrollment This has remained consistent over the past five years. Meet the full need of Pell-eligible students by 2014

The cost of this objective for 2013-2014 would be $4,167,565 in additional aid. This is unrealistic with our current resource base.

Increase grant funding for middle-income students

This has been achieved, though at a cost to our overall tuition discount. However, failure to increase this level of support would have led to lower yields and a significant decline in net tuition revenue.

Create competitive grants to provide financial assistance for students in off-campus programs

The TiPiT grants program has been very effective, awarding approximately $250,000 each year. In addition, a portion of travel-learning courses is underwritten by donors, creating additional opportunities for students to include international travel in their academic work.

Create hiring processes and personnel and benefit policies that build an intentionally diverse workforce

Less than 10 percent of our employees are from racial and ethnic minority groups. A group has been charged with recommending practices that help us build a more diverse and inclusive faculty and staff.

Student Success and Satisfaction. Ohio Wesleyan University believes that every student who is admitted to the University has earned the opportunity to complete an OWU education and receive an OWU diploma. We will establish initiatives to improve student satisfaction and success and to increase the percentage of OWU students who complete their OWU degrees. Specific objectives include: Increase freshman-to-sophomore retention to 87 percent by 2014; 90 percent by 2020

Our three year average for freshman-to-sophomore retention is 81.6 percent. Our retention for fall of 2013 was 80.1 percent. We have significant work to do.

Increase four-year graduation rate to 68 percent by 2017; 75 percent by 2020 Our four year average graduation rate, averaged over the past three years, is 59 percent, compared to 53 percent the previous three years. We achieved our highest four-year graduation rate in the spring of 2013 at 64 percent.

Increase six-year graduation rate to 72 percent by 2018; 80 percent by 2020 Our six year average graduation rate, averaged over the past four years, is 64 percent. FACILITIES The campus of Ohio Wesleyan University is our laboratory for learning. The campus and its facilities create and contribute to the sense of campus community. The facilities



provide the context for our teaching and learning. We affirm that facilities on our campus should support and promote premier programming; make an impact on the hearts and in the minds of visitors, alumni, students, parents, faculty and staff; and stand the test of time. We will make significant investment in our campus facilities and grounds in order to enhance our educational experience, create greater opportunity for seminars and tutorials, provide space for on-campus engaged learning, and foster a vibrant, close-knit community. We affirm the following guiding principles related to facilities planning:

x Preservation, restoration and reuse of our existing, historically significant facilities should be favored over new construction

x All facilities decisions should consider functionality, aesthetics, economics, environmental concerns, operational efficiency, and technology

x OWU should adhere to a core set of architectural standards that will build our identity across the entire campus

x Facilities funding should be distributed in such a way that balances the needs of all constituencies over time and supports the Strategic Plan

x Facilities preventative maintenance and repairs should happen in a timely and minimally disruptive fashion

x OWU must prioritize funding for facilities maintenance, repair, and replacement in a formal and systematic fashion that includes input from all constituencies

Specific facilities objectives include: Utilize the campus master plan as a continuing guide for facilities and grounds improvement The campus master plan has been a useful guide for continued planning. Give priority to the identification  and  maintenance  of  “marquee  facilities,”  including  those structures and features of the campus that have a significant role in our identity and public image

The restoration of Stuyvesant Hall; the planned restoration of Merrick Hall, Edwards Gym, and University Hall; and the restoration of Elliott Hall following the recent flood are consistent with this objective.

Renew residential campus with renovation of residence halls; renovation, and in some cases, replacement of small living units; expansion of lifestyle opportunities with addition of town house and/or apartment living on campus; renovation of Greek houses; and reallocation of vacant Greek houses for other residential opportunities

The development of the Year One Program in Bashford and Thomson Halls, the Honors House at 123 Oak Hill, and the Bigelow-Reed House for Entrepreneurship at 23 Williams Drive are significant steps in this direction. The proposed Connection Communities in new student housing will further advance this agenda.

Provide a recreational facility on residential campus

Planning is underway to locate a fitness center in Pfeiffer Natatorium and to enhance the Belt Fitness Center in Welch Hall.



Enhance Hamilton-Williams Campus Center to support community building and increase student use of the facility

Improvements to Ham-Wil include new furnishings in the atrium; new furnishings and technology in all of the meeting rooms, enhancement of technology in the Benes Rooms, and renovated dining rooms in what was the Food Court. Ham-Wil is a dynamic center of campus life.

Address academic facilities, as listed in the section on Academic Program See above. Construct a new arena and field house

We do not anticipate gaining the resources required for this construction in the upcoming campaign, as other facilities needs are more pressing. Cost of a new arena and field house are projected at more than $30 million.

Conduct a strategic assessment of campus perimeter and develop and implement a plan for purchase of perimeter property with long-term value for the University

We have conducted multiple conversations about our campus perimeter and have concluded that it is in our interest to concentrate the campus footprint toward the center of the existing campus and to be highly selective in the acquisition of adjacent property.

Develop and implement a plan to address accessibility of OWU campus

Our historic and extensive campus has significant accessibility challenges. We have not yet addressed these in a suitable way.

Creating a Sustainable Campus. Ohio Wesleyan University seeks to be a leader in higher education with its commitment to environmental sustainability, in keeping with its mission to offer an education grounded in a set of values. Specific objectives include: Give particular attention to issues of sustainability in construction and renovation projects, including making a deliberate effort to achieve LEED certification

The Meek Aquatics and Recreation Center achieved LEED Silver status, and Stuyvesant Hall achieved LEED status.

Develop programs on campus reflecting best practices of sustainability and environmental sensitivity Our campus sustainability task force provides important leadership in advancing this agenda. RESOURCES Ohio Wesleyan University must align its resource base with its strategic objectives, particularly through the development of programs that allow students to connect theory and practice; the enhancement of facilities that offer more individualized, engaged, and small group learning; and the renewal of residential facilities in ways that create greater community on the OWU campus. This requires significant capital infusion into the OWU endowment and into the OWU campus, and it requires increasing net tuition revenue. These efforts will be enhanced by increasing engagement of key constituencies whose support is critical to fulfillment of this plan and, perhaps most importantly, by investing



in our employees who devote their lives to Ohio Wesleyan University and whose work with our students ultimately leads to the realization of these aspirations. Human Resources. The people who devote their professional lives to Ohio Wesleyan University are  the  institution’s  most  treasured  resource.  OWU  seeks  to  attract  the  most  highly qualified employees, retain the highly qualified individuals we have attracted, and develop employee satisfaction and morale that improve performance and create a sense of positive community spirit. To this end, we will ensure that our employees are compensated fairly, receive the training and tools necessary to be successful employees, and find satisfaction and fulfillment in their work. Specific objectives include: Develop a human resource function based on best practices while recognizing our unique needs, including employee handbooks A new handbook is in draft form and under review. Develop a proven, efficient and transparent process for allocating and reallocating staff positions as needs and resources change This is a work in progress. Develop appropriate benchmarks for compensation and compensate employees in all classifications appropriately in relation to their responsibility and performance

The board set an objective for faculty compensation at or near the median of the GLCA, and we have set staff compensation benchmarks relative to various peer groups, according to the level of the staff position. A study of benefits in relation to our peers is currently under way.

Increase resources for professional development for faculty and administrators and provide ongoing training for staff Budget constraints in the recession have limited this objective. Develop an employee wellness program This is under development. Develop resources and activities to intentionally build community among OWU employees, to recognize outstanding performance among all classifications of employees, and to celebrate professional accomplishments and personal milestones of our employees The Staff Council is working with Human Resources to develop an employee recognition program. Constituencies. Ohio Wesleyan University benefits from the support of key constituencies who value the University and share its aspirations. We will intentionally address our relationships with and our support from each of these constituencies, with new focus on parents of current and former students, community partners, and regional and national charitable foundations. Specific objectives include: Develop a full parent relations program, including opportunities for parent engagement in the mission of OWU and substantially increased philanthropic support from parents



Significant progress has been made in the development of a full parent relations program. We are seeing tangible results in parent engagement and parent philanthropy.

Develop a community relations program that engages civic leadership in the OWU vision and that increases philanthropic support from Delaware and central Ohio

A new town-gown council and increased engagement in the community have served us well; we are developing strategies to increase philanthropic support.

Engage regional and national philanthropic foundations that have not supported OWU in recent years

Significant progress has been made in the development of a full parent relations program. We are seeing tangible results in parent engagement and parent philanthropy.

Enhance communication with on-campus constituencies and within the OWU extended family

The Office of Communication and the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations partner well in this effort. Significant new communication tools are the OWU Daily, and monthly enewsletters to parents and to alumni.

Technology. Technology is a critical resource with the capacity to support teaching and learning as well as all administrative operations. We will become an institution that embraces the best use of technology in the classroom and in our administrative work. Specific objectives include: Provide appropriate, current technology in all teaching venues

This has been achieved in Phillips Hall and portions of University Hall, and will soon be achieved in Merrick Hall and Elliott Hall. More remains to be done in other buildings.

Implement the latest and most appropriate administrative software to support administrative efficiency The implementation of new ERP systems is a significant accomplishment. Provide adequate training for faculty and staff in the use of technology

The implementation of new ERP systems has provided a context for this training, but more remains to be done.

Develop a centralized plan for ongoing renewal of hardware and software Brian Rellinger (Information Systems) and Dan Hitchell will work together on this objective. Cultivate IT leadership to provide vision and direction for the future of technology at OWU

A change in leadership with the arrival of Brian Rellinger four years ago has yielded substantial results.

Establish an IT governance structure to serve as a link between university leadership and the campus community on technology issues The IT Council includes representatives from across campus and fulfills this objective.



Endowment. The long-term financial strength of OWU and the ability to deliver on the promise of an innovative, life-changing liberal arts education requires significant growth in  the  University’s  endowment.  This  endowment,  when  managed  prudently  and  allocated  strategically, will provide the resources necessary to educate a new generation of leaders. Specific objectives include: Increase endowment to $350 million, with particular attention to new faculty positions, unfunded financial aid, plant adaptation and renewal, the New OWU curricular plan, and faculty development

The proposed campaign includes a working goal of $130 million in new gifts to the endowment. This target, combined with modest growth in the existing endowment of $190 million, would put us on track to meet this ambitious objective.

Continue strong management of endowment with focus on long-term growth and reduction of spending rate, including quasi-endowment, to five percent

The Investment sub-committee, under the leadership of Kevin McGinty, has developed new strategies and investment practices that meet this objective.

Net Tuition Revenue. The implementation of a bold curricular and co-curricular initiative, complemented by investment in the campus and its infrastructure, greatly enhances the value of an Ohio Wesleyan University education and positions the University to strengthen its resource base by increasing net tuition revenue. CONCLUSION Ohio Wesleyan University affirms that a liberal arts education provides the singular best path to thoughtful, engaged, moral leadership in the increasingly complex global society of the 21st century. This education, grounded in the classical disciplines and complemented by multiple and varied opportunities for engagement with the world, equips students with the skills needed for lifelong learning and prepares them to be adaptable and innovative leaders in a future we cannot fully imagine today. We believe that an education that blends theory and practice, thought and action, inquiry and engagement, and the campus and the world has the power to transform the lives of our students. We further believe that these students, equipped with this education, will have a powerful impact on the world in which they will live and work. We believe that Ohio Wesleyan has the opportunity, through the bold initiative and audacious aspirations reflected in this document, to set a new standard for a life-changing, liberal arts education and, in the process, to transform the University itself. It is to this high purpose that we devote ourselves and this vision for the future of Ohio Wesleyan University.