Reply to Opposition to Request Subpoena Feb2 P250

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  • 8/3/2019 Reply to Opposition to Request Subpoena Feb2 P250









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    '12 FEB -2 P 2 :sO

    CASE NO. 002-2011

    REPRESENTATIVES N IH C. TUPAS,JR., JOSEPH EMILIO A. ABAYA,LORENZO R. TANADA, III,REYNALDO V. UMAlI, ARLENE J.BAG-AO (other complainantscomprising one third (1/3) of the

    total Members of the House of

    Representatives as are indicatedbelow.)

    x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x

    REPLY(To The Opposition to th e Request for Issuance of Subpoenae)

    The HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, through its PROSECUTORS, respectfully

    submits the instant Comment on the Opposition to the Request fo r Issuance of

    Subpoenae and respectfully states:

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    1. On 31 January 2012, the Prosecutors filed a Request fo r Subpoenae to the

    Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) requesting the said bank to produce documents

    relating to the bank accounts of Renato C. Corona. However, due to inadvertence, the

    account number was indicated as 1443-8030-61 instead of 1445-8030-61. Thus, on 01

    February 2012, the Prosecutors filed a Manifestation correcting the said error and

    attaching Bank of the Philippine Islands Check Nos. 0179713 and 0179712 issued to Fort

    Bonifacio Development Corporation as payment fo r the acquired property of

    respondent in Bonifacio Ridge which he failed to truthfully and honestly declare in his

    Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth (SALN).l

    2. Likewise, on 31 January 2012, the Prosecutors filed a Request fo r

    Subpoena to the PS Bank requesting the said bank to produce documents relating to the

    bank accounts of Renato C. Corona. He won Php 1 Million in the PSBank Monthly

    Millions Raffle Promo as listed in the Official List of Winners as of March 13, 2008.2

    3. On 1 February 2012, the Defense filed an Opposition to the Request fo r

    Subpoenae to the BPI alleging that the bank account number did no t correspond to

    Exhibit VVV and VVV_1.3 Further, the Opposition stated that the testimony of the

    person named in the request and the documents relating to the bank accounts were

    1 Bank of the Philippine Islands Check Nos. 0179713 and 0179712 issued to Fort Bonifacio DevelopmentCorporation were also previously marked as Exhibits VVVand VVV-l.

    2 The Official List of Winners as of March 3, 2008 was attached to th e 31 January 2012 Request for Subpoena and is

    available at http:((!UserFiles(File(MM%20Mar%20Raffle%20Winners CORP.pdf(last accessed 31 January 2012).

    3 This was already corrected by the Manifestation filed by the Prosecutors on 01 February 2012 indicating thecorrect bank account number as 1445-8030-61 attaching therewith Marked Exhibits VVV and VVV-1 which werealready part of the records of the case.

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    being introduced to prove the allegations in paragraph 2.4 of the Impeachment

    Complaint and as such, were irrelevant and immaterial.

    4. On 1 February 2012, the Defense also filed an Opposition to the Request

    for Subpoenae to the PSBank stating that the requested documents were not pre-

    marked and have not been mentioned in the proceeding, that the request was a fishing

    expedition fo r evidence that is obviously irrelevant and immaterial and raising the same

    argument that the testimony and documents requested were being introduced to prove

    the allegations in paragraph 2.4 of the Impeachment Complaint and as such, were

    irrelevant and immaterial.

    5. Respondent's argument that the bank accounts were irrelevant,

    immaterial and are being intended by the Prosecutors to prove the allegations

    contained in paragraph 2.4 has no basis.

    6. It bears emphasis that paragraph 2.2 of the Impeachment Complaint

    charges respondent with failure to disclose to the public his SALN. Further, paragraph

    2.3 of the Impeachment Complaint charges the respondent with failure to include some

    properties in his declaration of assets, liabilities, and net worth in violation of the anti-

    graft and corrupt practices act.

    7. The gravamen of the charges in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 goes far beyond a

    mere failure on the part of Corona to mechanically file or disclose his SALN. His duty to

    disclose his SALN to the public necessarily implies a duty to be truthful. honest. and

    accurate in the sworn contents thereof (this is why the law requires the SALN to be

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    under oath). Corona's disclosure of a false. dishonest. and incomplete SALN is as much

    a betrayal of public trust as his failure to disclose his SALN. Simply put, the "disclosure"

    contemplated by la w is disclosure of a SALN that is true. honest and accurate.

    Anything less would be a useless. futile exercise; make a mockery of the SALN

    requirement; and be tantamount to a culpable violation of the constitution and betrayal

    of the public trust.

    8. The bank accounts of the respondent are considered as personal

    properties which are required to be properly and truthfully declared in the SALN. To be

    more specific, his SALN fo r the years 2002 to 2010 show that he declared as personal

    properties in the form of cash and investments the following amounts:









    Php3,500,000.00, respectively. As Chief Magistrate, his bank accounts, including his

    accounts in BPI and PSBank which the Prosecutors have requested to be issued

    5ubpoenae, must be shown to have been correctly reflected in his SALN and are

    therefore relevant and material to Article II.

    9. There is likewise no basis to state that the Requests were fishing

    expeditions. Both requests fo r subpoenae pertain to specific bank accounts. To

    emphasize, Bank Account Number 1445-8030-61 was made known to the Prosecutors

    by virtue of Exhibits VVV and VVV-1 which were already part of the records of the case.

    As regards the PSBank account, the same appears in the website of PSBank itself

    indicating that respondent indeed has an account with the said bank.

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    9.11n fact, it was already on record that tw o BPI checks which were issued to pay

    installments on the Bellagio unit (Exhibits CCCC and CCCC-1) were in the amounts

    of P- 5,000,000.00 each, or ach check being double the amount of respondent's

    disclosed cash in his SALN fo r 2009. It is bu t proper to verify this discrepancy and

    find ou t whether that account had even more than the P- 10,000,000.00 in cash

    used to pay fo r the said unit.

    10. In fine, the inquiry in these bank accounts will bolster the allegation that

    respondent failed to truthfully and honestly declare his properties in his SALN which is

    the core allegation in Article II. It will show that respondent has violated the very spirit

    and the letter of the SALN requirement. Such proof is, therefore, very material and



    WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is respectfully prayed that this Honorable

    Court GRANTthe request for subpoenae to Bank of the Philippine Islands and PS Bank.

    Other just and equitable reliefs are likewise prayed for.

    Pasay City, Manila. 02 February 2012.

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    THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESRepublic of the Philippines



    Copy Furnished (By Personal Service):

    Justice Serafin R. Cuevas (Ret.) et al.Counsel for Respondent Chief Justice Renato CoronaSuite 1902 Security Bank Centre6776 Ayala AvenueMakati City, Philippines 1226