Repairing plaster and mortar throughout stairwells, narthex, sanctuary, chancel, back hallways

Repairing plaster and mortar throughout stairwells

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Repairing plaster and mortar throughout stairwells, narthex, sanctuary, chancel, back hallways

Preparing sanctuary, chancel and narthex…starting scaffolding

Adding levels to the scaffolding

Creating access for the organ tuner and painters

Covering up the organ pipes.

Restoring old radiators, plumbing and walls in stairwells

Moving scaffoldingup a level

Support for the platform above

Above and below the platform

Lots of lumber moving up, extending into the balcony

New paint brightening up the walls.

Two coats to cover dirty, aged paint in the balcony and chancel.

New paint brightening up the walls.

Old paint was dirty and aged.

Building out the platform above

Access for maintaining the lighting and other equipment

A job that requires great care to achieve safety…

…brought up to another level during the ongoing pandemic.

Catwalk above the ceiling of the chancel.

New ladder access created to help protect organ inside the loft.

Putting the large wood organ pipes back into place.

Restoring the finish on the pews….one by one by one by one.

Pulling up the 32-year-old carpet and what was left of the padding beneath it.

Repairing broken floors and leveling the landings.

The old pine floors from 1929 were beautiful (and a lot noisier). They sit on top of a layer of concrete. The floor is pitched just slightly toward the front.

Unfortunately, they have also multiple areas of failure.

New padding is bonded to the carpet in hopes of eliminating the bunching and separation we’ve stumbled over for many years. .

Commercial carpet with a 10-year warranty.

They don’t make carpet with a 32-year life expectancy!

Floor air diffusers sandblasted and coated to match the carpet.

New carpet is burgundy…just a shade less red than the old.

Matches the existing pew cushions and choir robes and the upholstery on the new choir chairs.

The gallery re-defined, as intended, as part of the Sanctuary, rather than a transition space.

Lots of carpet…across the narthex, up and down the stairwells, across the balcony.

New tile matching Pilgrim Hall for the southeast entrance.Seeking easier maintenance.

New paint, carpet, cabinet refinishing and organization for the Sacristy.

Installing new audio-visual desk and equipment.

New sound mixing, microphones and speakers.

New hearing assistance loop and equipment.

New, more capable cameras, video editing and distribution system.

New retractable video projection system.

Original brass balcony railing restored.

Refurbished and converted to LED several years ago, our chandeliers and wall sconces were cleaned and painted.

Several theatrical lights were re-directed and capacity was added.

The heavily loaded, 32-year-old lighting control system was replaced….and the winter temperature where it lives lowered below 95 degrees.

The new system will support remaining conversions to LED.

New, programmable touch pads offer flexibility with both house and theatrical lighting.

After many years and many repairs, new choir and clergy chairs will be appreciated. Sorry Seth, no more surprise collapsing chairs after sermons.

A new, wider step will help avoid mis-steps (and code violations) for those seeking to sit in the new chairs.

Restoring the woodwork, doors, trim and furniture throughout.

Radiator covers soften the industrial appearance.

Newly painted window frames better define and highlight the windows.

New axial destratification fans. Variable speed for quiet…power when needed.

New smoke detectors throughout the space.