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Renwick_Langloz Manuscript_origination and Dating_pp. 23-28

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article about the origination history of the famous Langloz Manuscript

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Page 1: Renwick_Langloz Manuscript_origination and Dating_pp. 23-28



Hrrr.rs--f orrchinr Schulze hrrs icle ntif iecl thc scribc rs -{ug-r.rst \\ ' i lhelm Langkrz (l 7+5-1|' i1 I ), n'ho,irccurding to thc church rcqistcrs lt St \ l ichacl's, Erturt, u'rrs baptizecl on TJrrnuarr l7-t-i.r Hisf ' r r thcr is ic lcnt i f icc l here ls 'c i t izen ' (Bl i rur) and' tapstcr or ta \crn kccper ' (Bicr : i l t l i r ) .Frornthc lutumn o1'17.i8, \. \\ ' . lalrlrt.:, as the namc is nrlrrnallv spclled, attenclecl the tuu'n scho<ll(Rtttsu.l,trrtttsirrrr) in l ' ,rf ir lt.r In thc splinu oI'1170 (agcd 2-)) hc uas electecl r mcmber, pl 'csum-rrb l rof theterrchingsta l l .o fSt , \nc l ror ' 'sSchool (c lcctuscol lcgustholuculS. , ln t l rcunt) . In1795hc bccan.rc g^irls'tcachcr'(, l l i l t l tcnsthullchrcr) at St \ l ichael's School. In 179|J ancl agair.r in l lJ0(rhe is clescribecl irs r e rgcr ol ' sc\ton (klistc r) at St \ I ich rel 's (,hurcl.r. ' Finallr, accrlrdins to thechr . r rch rcs is ters of 'St \ l ichrrc l 's , Langloz c l icc l on l5 Scpten ' rber l lJ l l ancl u 'as bur icc l on l7Scptcnrbcr. I Iere he is clescribccl rrs 'church-menrber ancl schoolteachcr in thc c<lngrcgation ofSt \ l ichael, rrncl nrit ing-mrrstcr rrt t l .rc o-angelicll orphrrnage'(Kirthntt 'tnl Schullthrcr bci t lcr.I l i t l tucliycrneintlt ' trttt l Sthrcibtttcistt 'r un. l l turt,g.. l l i t isenhuusc). This is thc crtent of our knou'lcclgc of Llng'loz. \\e c;ln surmisc that I-angloz spcnt most if not l l l of his l i f 'e in Erfurt irncl thathc u'irs principrrl l l i tssriciittecl u ith St,\[ ichacl's (.hurch ancl cmpkxecl as a schoolteirchcr.

-\ccrlrcling' to Schulze, Lanqloz mav halc bccn a mcmber of the 'Kittel ci lclc' or inclcccl rrpupil of Kittcl, sincc hc attenclecl the Rrrl.r3 l, iaria.ri lrrr f}om 17.58.+ Johann C.hristian Kittcl(17:12-1tt09), also a nrrtir c of' lr.rf urt, hacl bccn a pupil ofJakob Aclluny,^ in L,rf urt ancl also stuclicclu ith -f . S. Bach in Le ipzig^ fi 'om l7-[U unti l the lrrtter's cleath in l7-r0. Bcfirrc rcturnins to F.rfirrt,Kittcl nrrs empklrecl in Langcnsalzi,r f l 'orr 17.i1 to l7-r6 ns organist at St Bonifacc C.hurch anclgirls' schrroltcachcr (, l lulchcusclttrl lcltrcr or lI i 'gl lcinscltuhneister). He brought u ith hilt.r I i 'omlllch's,\ 'rrrl1a.t. i rr p<lrtrrrit of lJach, as sell i ls nutrrerous manuscril. l ts bclong,^ing.. to l]rrch.'Inter-cstiny,-l\, ls orglnist at St l i lnif acc Kittcl succce cle cl onc-fohann Gcrlrg Lang^lotz, rr ho helcl theposition fiom lT.l lJ unti l his clerrth in l7-i l. C,onsiclcring that Lrrngcnsalzrr is onlr 30 km fi 'om

I l rns - fo rch i r r Schu lze , i r r r pc rsor r r l conrnrun ic r t ion , l l I rcb . 199 |J .I I l r r n r r n n ( i o l c l m r n n . l ) t t . \ ' t h r i l L r , l L : l i t l i r r t t r R r t s . g ; 1 , n r r , / r r z r l J ( l . r l i r r t . l 9 2 0 ) , 6 + , i t c n t n o . 2 7 l 7 .r t b i d .r I l r r r s - l o r c h i n r S c h u l z e , ' ( . e t t r b r l o i n t p r o r i s r t i o n b c i . f o h r n n S c b r s t i r n l l r r c h \ d ' s u c l r c i n e l L l r c r s i e h t ' .

. ' \ . t ch dcnr ' l i r r ie d ts \ Ie is te rs l l i t r ch l bc i t len t c r rus L lcnr \ reh l rss n r i t c inenr l i l l t l e be t l rch t l o rc lcn sc i r r so l l . q inq er

(Krssc l : l l i i re n rc i tc r . l ( l . i l l ) . r i i . ( )67 .

Page 2: Renwick_Langloz Manuscript_origination and Dating_pp. 23-28

o R I ( ; t \ s o I I I I l , . r . t \ ( i L o z \ 1 . \ \ L s c R I p l '

L,rl irrt, rt is l ikclr that .\. \\ . I -rngkrz and -1. G. Lan qlotz are relate cl, but no cle finitc l in k hrrs be e ncstablishecl. Uptln returnins to l ' .rf irrt in l7-r(r ls olsrtr.rist rrt thc l larfissc-Kilchc, Kittell l tt l 'actecl numcrous pupils ancl becirmc thc centre of rrn crtcnsilc group of'organists, composcrs, itntl c<11'l-t ists, to rr hom hc nrldc r.r.ruch ol-I lach's ker boarcl ntusic rn'rri lable firr stucl,r. \\ e cancttn je ctttt 'c it long n ith Schulzc thrt Lang^loz u'ls rrmongl this group of'stuclcnts lncl thus becrrr.nca ntembcr tl l ' the 'Kittcl circlc'." On the clcath <ll--\cl luny,^ in 17(r2, Kittcl bccanre olganist o1'thc\lurrici lral (.hulch (Prrl iwrA'irt ltt 'or Rut:I ' i t.r ' l ic/ nhile at thc age of'17 Lirngkrz \\ ' l is tr)resLrm-rlrlr sti l l rt studcnt at thc rssociittccl Ral.:1 l,r ltusirrttt . ' It nrlr hrrr c hecn rtt this l-roint that Llng-lozs luc l iec l u ' i th Ki t te l , s ince i t uas in thc f i r l lou ing vear that P 296 uas col . l icc i . S incc Ki t te l 's co l -lection ctlnsistetl partl i of uorks in his rxln hrrncl rrnd partlv in copics br his stuclcnts, \\e cllnconjccturc thrrt if-Langkrz u'crc ir stuclcr.rt of Kittel, P 29(r or its s<lurce mu'hrnc belong-ccl toKittcl at one timc.\ Paul Kast hrrs iclentif icd the skctcl.rcs on p. 7-5 of P 29(t as belonging- to thc'Ki t tc l -Schule ' . ' l 'h is convenicnt l r prov idcs a l i r rk bctuccn P 296 and Ki t tc l 's c i rc lc lnc lstre ngthcns thc cttnrrection of' l .ansloz u ith Kittcl :rncl of the mirnuscril:rt u ith thc lJach circle.Kittcl rcr.rrainecl at thc Prcliwrkitchr unril his clerrth in 11i09.

\\ 'hilc ue hlle ntl criclcncc of it cunncction bet\\ccn Lang-loz ancl the ncrt documcnteclo\\ 'ncr, \\ e stphal, there is consicle rlble cr icle ncc of-cor.rnections betu ecn Kittcl ancl \\ estphal.'I 'hc \\ 'estphrrl inclicatccl on thc tit le pagc signifie sJohrnn (,hristoph \\ 'estphal ( 1727-99) or hissttnJtrhrtnn (,hristirrn (11i3-1ll2ll), somctimes irlso knuun irsJ<lhann (.hlistoph. -\s \\ 'c cannortracc P 29(r in lrrl ol ' the cltaklg'ue s of'J. (.. \\ 'estphal senior, onc rl isht assume thlt this collectit ln of ltreltrde s lr.rcl f ugues n'ls solcl unll rrfter I ft(X) to J. (.. \\ cstphrrl junirlr. I Iou'e vcr, in 179-lthc rtlttn;Jer \\cstphal tralcllccl uith his frrthcr to l.rf irrt s'herc he beclmc an orsiln student of'Kittel, re turning to l lar.r.rburs in 1796." - '\t this t ime Llng5klz l oulcl har c been .i0. -\ lreach' br177-t \\cstphrtl scnior lrs ollering sererrrl of -f . S. l lach's uorks l irr sale in Hln.rburg, cit l.rcr inltrint t lr in mlnuscript, inclicrrting tl.rrrt the clclcr \\-estphal hrtcl nrlde signiticrrnt contact n'ith the'l 'huring^ian kerbtlartl school o'en befirrc thc pilgrimage of 179-[.rI Perhirps crerciscs such irstl.rrlse in P 29(r rcr-naincd i)art of'Kittcl 's irrstructionrl rcsimcn throug-hout his carccr, ancl cithcrrlf thc \\ cstlthirls might hlr e hatl the intcntior.r of moclcll inq his on'n tcaching in I l irn'rburg- unKittel 's crrtnrplc. \\ hethcr P 29(r uas in tl.rc possession of Langkrz ur Kittcl, i t is possiblc thatthe \\estphals mar hinc sccurccl it nhilc thc son \\ 'as a stl ldent of Kittcl in lrrfr.rrt lncl thcnbrought i t back to I Ianrburq in 179(r .

In tl.rc pcrirlcl 1lt(X) l, Kittcl uncleltool rrn crtensirc concurI toul through Giitt ingen rrnclHirntlvcr to.{ltor.rl i tncl Hrrn.rburg, s'hclc he stalccl f irr an cntirc rcrrr. \\ hile in Hlmbur-u, hcunclcrttrtrk much tlf the prclinrinirrr urlrk f irr thc ,\ 'cuc Chortrl l tttth.l i ir Schltsn,it! I lrt lstcitt,

" S c h u l z c . ' ( . c n r b r l o i n t p r o r i s r t i o n b e i - f o l r r t r t S e b r s t i r n I h c h ' , 5 1 .: Schr r lze , i r r r personr l eonrnrun ic r r t ion . I 2 l ' cb . l ( )9 f i' ' l ' h r t t h c \ l r i l l c r \ l r n t r s t r i p t u r s t r r n s n r i t t c t l t h r o u g h K i t t c l i n t l i c r t c s h i s c r i n n e c l i o n n i t h l h c h ' s

r c rs i t r l )Lcss . I ( )9 1 ) . p . r r r i .

O l n r s \ c r h s , I I i l d c s h e i n r . 1 9 7 * ) , r i . S 5 1 ." L u t l r i s l r i n s c h e r . ' l J r c h i n t h c l . i s h t e c n t h ( . c n l u r r ' . i n I ) r n l i . r n k l i n

L n i r e r s i t r l ) f c s s . l { ) i ) S } . l ( ) l .

u h ich u ls pur iclcs anotherlect ing 'Bachi- \ l l in a l l , thethc pcriod Iskctches dcsctit le-plge ma

At presentlirl F r"rg'ue 22In tercstinglr,u ritc a treatirhrxr F ugues rla ter ] par ts . ' r jIt certainlr frthc s<lurce coleft rr copr of i

If u'c irssunhis elclcst couitncl l'as a sturthc encl of thtf i i th f u l l r , I , t ru ith J. N. Baclcarnccl. Sinctsincc others hu rit ings, it is rirs tettching mtil-nc betNeenJ. S. Bach. I f rbcen rnisattribJ. S. l 'as ccrta:u oulcl naturalbr Kittel 's curpnrccss. \\ 'e shqui tc l imi ted t

\ lbc r t l ) rce t' I hns-Jorch i r' I i ' i cd r ich l , . r l

l ) r t r l in r r r t l I r r lq - r rl h ich u rs to h r r e

r I b i t l . . r r i i i r' '

I b i ( i . 2 5 .


Page 3: Renwick_Langloz Manuscript_origination and Dating_pp. 23-28

o t i l G I \ s o t f i l t t . L , \ \ ( ; t . o z \ l \ \ t s c R I p l '

u l-rich u'as pr-rblishccl in 1 803. 1 ) urir-rg- this tin-re hc srru nranr u1'his l i lrmer studcnrs. r r ' l 'his pro-r icles lnothet', l l ter l ink of Kittel to \\-cstphll. On thc other hrrncl, \\estphal junirlr uas sti l l col-lccting l lachiirnrr as l l l tc i ls l l l26, ancl ma\ thcre fi)rc hrrr e obtair.rccl the mirnuscli l-rt rtt I l l tc datc.rl\ l l in rrl l , thc mtlsl l ikelr sccnario is thrrtJ. C. \\estphal thc lounq-er rrccluirecl thc mar.ruscript inthc period l i91-6 uhilc str.rclrinq n'ith Kittel in E,rfurt rncl mirr hinrsclf havc aclclecl thcsketches c lcscr ibecl i rs 'K i t tc l -Schule 'a t that t inre. ' I 'hc f iqure '9- [ ' in thc k lucr lc f t corner of ' rhctit lc piry,^e milr ' in this cirsc rcfb'lo the drrtc of \\estphll 's lcrluisit ion of the nrllruscril. l t.

-{t present thc onlr positir c rrttribtrt ion thirt can bc rnrclc concernins^ thc contents of'P 29(r isfi lr l iugue 22, rvhich \\c must prcsunrabh atlribute to l '1 F.. Niedt ancl clate at 17(X) rlr eilr l ier.lnteresting^h, irt the entl of'Thc l lusitul Otrit lc,Plrrt 1 (p. 19) \ieclt crplrrins that hc inrencls rorrritc a trcatise on thc pcrfbrmlncc of fugues c.\ 'Ictul)or(i 'God n'i l l iny,^, pl.{}l)cr instructiort or-rhon'I"ttsues rlre to bc crtcmporizccl uil l be {rivcn to thc kincl r\ lusic Fricncl in thc othcr l i .c.lrttcrl l tarts.'rt Pcrhrps P 29(r represcnts materiir l thirt l 'as cle stinccl f i lr ' \ ieclt 's ur.rf inishccl urrrk.It certrrinh l i l lkxts \icdt's methoclolog\ beautifullr. Ihcl Nicdr incleccl becn rcsponsiblc fi lrlhe sourcc col lect ion of 'uh ich thc Langloz manusel ip t rcprcsruts r l copJ, thcn pcrh i rps Nicc l tlef t a copv of it bchincl lr 'he n he lcf t,fcna l irr (.opcnhagcn r ia Hamburg shorth' befirre l7(X).rl

If u c assume that P 29(r ste ms f rom Nicclt, \\ 'c can mekc a connectiolt u ithJ. S. I lach throLry,^hhis clclcst cousin, J. \. Rach, f irr ' \ icclt nratricr-rlatccl at thc Universitr ofJcnrr on 30 April I (r9-tirncl n as i l stuclent of-f ohenn \icohus l lach'.ri J. N. l]rrch is t l.re mastcr to u honr \iedt rcftrs atthc cncl trl ' the Introduction to Part I of ' l 'hc,l lusicul(irrir lc: ' ,fust,rs nll mastel'hrs taugl.rt n.reth i th fu l l r , I , too, n ' ish to inst ruct music luvers and c lgcr lc i r rncrs. . . ' , ancl i t is \ iec l t 's s tuc l iesni thJ. N. f lach in thc la te 1690s that rcsul tcd in ' l 'hc . l lus icu l Gui t lc , es a c l igcst of u 'hrr hc hacllclrnccl. Sincc \icclt claims thatJ. N. I3ach hacl i maior in.rpact on his rnusicrrl clevclopment, lndsince othcrs hare l lso citccl the seconcl:rrv influcncc of,f . N. l lach on-f . S. Brch throuq'h Nicclt 'srr rit in{s, it is rertsrlnitblc to consicle r that the contents <tf P 296 rlriginrrtccl onc ste p f urther backits tenching^ ntatcri l ls prcplrecl bf J.\. l irch. In that crrse onc coulcl eitsih'imagine that in thctinte betrtccn 1700 lnd l7(ri rr confusion coulcl halc arisen in thc attribution, fnrnt J.N. toJ.S. l lach. lf the sourcc hrrcl not bccn clcarlr iclentif iccl br this timc, then it coulcl casilr havcbcenn.r isat t l ' ibutcc l to lc l i l l 'erent l l lch.Br lT63, thcc latcof ' thc l . lng lozmanuscr i l . r t , thcfarneofJ.S. u 'as ccr ta inh ' in thc i tscendrrnt as the ruthor in 'on mat tcrs of t i rguc r rnd countcrpoint anclu'rlulcl nlturrrl l l be gir e n thc attribution if 'cloubts arosc.'f his trencl u'oulcl l irrthe r bc su1-rporteclbv Kittel 's connection toJ. S. I lach, if Kittcl ucre inclcecl thc intermcclialr in the trirnsmissiulrproccss. \\ e shoulcl re mcmbcr too thirt t irst-l.rancl Lnrxr le clgc of l lach's music after his clcrrth n lsqr- r i tc l imi tcc l bccausc of the pauci t r o f ' l ra i lab lc copics or pr in ts of 'h is muslc.

\ lbcr t l ) rcc tz . . / rh r t t tO l t r t : t t t t r k i l t l . l r r ! r t : t t l l t th . \ rh t i lL r ( l . c ipz is : 1 , ' r . .I I I r t r s - f o r r c h i n r S c h u l z c . . \ t u l i t t t t r r B r c l t - L l ' L r l t L l t r t t n . g ( l , c i p z i g , . : l , t l i t i o n l ) c r e r s , l 9 l i 1 ) . . 1 0 . n . | i 6 .

l ) i rL t l i t t rnc l l rn r g r r t i ' l r r lo r (Or f i r rd : Or l i r r t l [ - n i r e rs in Press .r r h ich r rs to h r r c inc l r r r l cc l . t sec l ion o t r l r rgucs .

I I b r t l . . r r i i i r i r .' I b i ( 1 . 1 5 .


Page 4: Renwick_Langloz Manuscript_origination and Dating_pp. 23-28

On the other har-rd, Spittri 's opinion of P 296 rnal wcll bc vcrr ckrsc to thc truth: 'Possiblr

thcv uerc pieccs l irr practising figurccl-bass plaving, collcctccl br l pupil of Bach's, irncl trirnscribccl br thc saicl Langloz.'1" In volurnc thrcc, p. 120 hc comments further: "l 'here crrnscarcelr be anr cloubt thrt f l) 2961 serrecl rs the continuation ofhis []ach'sl tholrughbass in-structions.' Schulze r ien s Spitt ir 's comments irs contraclictorr, the first clenling lncl thc scconclacce pting the authenticitr of'the Lang,^loz nrlnusclipt as lcprcscnting Ilach's nrlrk, u hich nlssurc l l not Spi t ta 's in tent ion.r ;

' I 'hc r lnh ' ind ic l t ion that P 296 is t l . re nork o1 'Bach the i r t t r ibut i r )n on the t i t le pagcmust <lf coursc be consiclered, rlthoLry,^h therc irre nluncrolls spr.lr 'rous irttr ibuti<l-rs to l l lch in

nlanuscripts fi 'om the period. Huu'eler, no iruthor thrrt trcrlts ot' l l lch's tcrrching mcthocls orcompositional practicc - ngilhcl (..P.E., nrlr l ' i lrkcl, nrlr Kirnberg-er, nor Kittel e\crrc{crs to this sct of cliclactic picccs, evcn though it uoulcl be iur obrious point f irr clefence lndexan-rple of Kirnbergcr's clairn that in Bach cvcn thc firguc orisinrrtes in thoroughbrss,rs irnclhad i t bcen b l 'J .S. I l r rch hc nould probablv havc ut i l izcc l i ts c l ic lact ic ra lue f lcc luent l r in h ismusic lcssuns, thus spreadins its contcnts througl.r other kno\rn manuscril. l t collections. -\ l l ie d\lann suggcsts thrrt ir.r P 296 'u'c might be clcirl ing n"ith a clocument preserr ing l lrrch's te lchir.rgls t ransmit tcd through the nurk of i r pupi l ' . r " \ \ 'h i lc the lack of invcnt ivcncss i r - r thc thcmcs hasbccn citccl rrs cr iclence against rn i lscription to l lach, ther rre similar in stvlc to some <lf lhcl.r 'scarliest f irguc themes urittcn befirrc 170[J, such as thc Preludc and F'uguc in A mafor, I]\r 'r ' l l9(r,f i lr crample. ln contrlst, most of his lrter sub,ects clisphl highlv characteristic thcmcs o1'muchF,-rcrtcr clualin'. Nelertheless, the orclerinq- irncl mirke r.rp of'the book hrrs l itt lc of'I l lch's sls-tcmatizirt ion. lt is inrbllanced in terms of both kcr ancl mctrc sisni,rturcs. A collcction such asthe Filteen Inr entions sull lcientlv clemonstrirte s the crhaustir c and slstcmrrtic me thocl of-Racheven nhen crcilt ing intcr.rt ionallv dichctic n.rirtcrial. l i inrrl lr, thc inclusion of F ug-ue 22 attributctlto Nicdt must cirst scrious cl<lubt as to Rach's authorship of the other pleces.

L)cspitc all this, rrrt istic merit is the onlr reason put fbrth firr clcnr ing the attribr.rt ion to lJach,u'hether bl Spittri r lr Schn-ricclcr - s-l 'ounds th!1t arc clift lcult to cle f e ncl. ' \\ 'e knun' clistrcssing^lvlitt le about thc o'olution of Bach's kcrboard str lc befirre the irppeirrirnce <tI ' II 'TC I in 1723.Ilctl 'ccn the r outhfirl "C.apriccio sopra la lontirnanza cle I suo fi-atcll<l dilctt issin.ro" of Arr.rstacltancl thc lnvcntions rrncl Sinfi lrri ls ancl II-ZC,'I of'(. i i then uc hn'c no prccisclr datcablc clavicrcomposi t ions. . {s a resr , r l t , \ \c l i ick r t c lcr r r p ic tu lc of lJach's composi t ionrr l lc t i r i t r dur ing^ th iscrit icl l pcriocl of g5ruu'th.'r" If lrt istic qualin' is thc issuc, thcn thc slrmc argunrent crrn be maclenrore c<rnr incinglr in connection u'ith thc Pt't 'celts urtrl Principlc.r, n here the quirl i tr of'nruch ofthc uork is poor incleed. On thc othcr hlncl, lrmong cramplcs of partimcnto fugue, those of

i i . 1 0 7 . n . 1 - i ir : Schu l ze . ' ( . e t t t b r l o imp ro r i s i t t i on bc i . l oh rnn Seb rs t i an l t r ch ' . 12 .

\ \ i r l l l ' . c c l . , l ' l t t . \ t t t ,B t t l t l ? c t JL r ( \ eu \ i r r L rn r i Lon t k rn : \ \ . \ \ . \ o r t on . l 99 t i ) . . 120 .

\ \ ' i l l i rnrs ( ( . rmbr i t lse: ( . rnrbr idqc L ni rers i t r l ) ress. 1() l i i ) . J . i7.

s i r r rurc l l f uque in l ) \ l inor , u\ \ \ ( )o l ' . rn l i ' rn l l in . eLl . . /J , r , i . t la , / i r r . l f i l .

Prsquin i , Heimar bc in danumbcr of cocontrapuntalSchmieder 's <numtrer of e:authenticit\ "

If the attribcarl ' ier lcars air.rtensclv invoing n ould coi rIn tl.r is case thpossiblr a hvtbodv ofteachi

Thc possibmav be thc pogcnerll similrbctn een piececonncctions bunitbrmitt 'ofsible erccptio\ iec l t . The mLer scquence,l single author

As ne har,eclcarlr rrttribuOthcr composScbrstian's br,s t r l is t ic one bKuhniru and Pt ions n ' i th Er fcr cr, Handel rber oncl imagii,lnothe r contel

' ' - lohrnr res Sc lIhch Kr i t i l ' . / /&

I ' l I i s mot i r r t iunr lc r l J rch 's namrh in r n r rn i fes t l rlhe o t l t l sc t o1 'p r r rr t lhc rc r l to . f i r r h inth t l l i , l l t ' t l l rnus t


Page 5: Renwick_Langloz Manuscript_origination and Dating_pp. 23-28

o R I ( i I \ S O F t l I l , . L . \ \ ( ; t . O Z \ t A \ [ S ( ] R I t ' 1 '

Pirsquini, Hcinichcn, ancl Hanclcl are not clen'ronstrabll sul.lcl ir lr to thosc in P 296. Finallr, u'cmar be in clang-er of lnll ing ir.rto thc crror comrnittccl br'-f<ll.ranr.res Schrerer, uho irrguccl rrnumbcr ttf-corrcct attributions l lr irv f ium J. S. l3ach on thc q-rounds of' lesser al 't istic merit urcontrapuntal inqenuities.rr As Robcrt Hil l notcs, '\\ i th the pLrblication of' \\blt.eangSchr.nicdcr's ciltaluq of'IJach u'orks (nl 'r ') in l9-50, the compromisccl rcputlt ion of a sig^nificantnumber <rf 'errl l lorks u'ls cr.rsurccl nith the epithet Echlhcit ungc:n,ci.f i, lr "of cloubtfull luthcnticit\ " on the basis of'no mcllc than Schrerer's i lccusirtions.' l l

l f thc attribution of P 29(r to Bach \\ 'e rc corrcctr it u oulcl rnost l ike h' bc that it datcd fi 'ont hiscr l l ic r vc i ,u 's r rs a tercher , betu 'een 1707 and pcrhaps f i17,or ercn e i r r l ic r ; pcrhaps *h i lc he nrrsintcnsclr inr olr e cl n ith clo cloping- his ker bolrcl skil ls in Il i ihlhauscn. C.ertl inlr this cirrh'dat-ing^ u ould coinciclc u'ith the currencl of the partirncnto lusuc irs a shule in thc pcriocl 1700 20.In this cirsc thc qLlcstion of rlrcrirl l qualitv of'thc n'rlrk rnight be e\pli inecl bl crlnsiclcring it aspossiblr a hlbricl of c<ln-rpilation ancl composition bl l lach, brought together ls a conrcnicntboclr o1' tcacl-ring n.ratcrirrl.

The possibil i tv that clch sct is thc rtork of'a cliftercnt cornposcr mar also be consiclcrccl, asnrar bc thc l lossibil in thlt it is an anthokrgr compilccl fr<lm rt rarietr o1'sourccs. Hrlncrer, thegcncrrl similrrritr of- str le emong most of thc piece s i lnd thc occasional close connectionsbcnr ccn pieces in both books arguc stronglr fbr l sine*le corrposcr fi lr thc bulk of the u ork. Thcconncct ions betueen Fug5ucs 16 ancl -11 and betneen Fugucs 9 and -19, and the cunsic lcr r rb lcunil i lrmitl of'f irrm n ithin thc longcr prcludcs, arguc fi)r one composcr, nonvithstanclirrg pos-siblc crccptions such as the lugucs notrtcd cntirel\ in treble antl brrss clcf.s ancl thc firguc br\icclt. ' I 'hc rnrrnr i lspects of'similaritv bctnccn thc tuo sets, in gcncrll stvle, in length, lncl inkcr scclucnce , not to lrcntion thcir cocristence in a single lolumcr suggest that it is thc nrrrk ofir sirry,^le ruthur.

\s ue hare scen, scrct' lr l of thc conrpositions bcirr ir-nprlrtant resemblanccs to cristing irnclclclrlr attributc(l \\ 'orks br composcrs such ls l i ischer, Prtchelbel, Tclcmlnn, ancl l lurtehude .Othcl conrposcrs u'ho might be consiclerecl rre Kcrll, Kuhnrru,Johann (.hristo1-rh lhch (f ohirnnSebirstirrn's brothcr), lncl \Iurschhauscr, but in no case has rrnr clcfinitc conncction other thiin ast l l is t ic onc been macle. ' l 'hc c loscst s t l l is t ic connect ions i re to bc mi ide \ \ i th the uurks < l fKuhnau lr.rcl I)rrchclbel. The casc fi lr Pachclbcl is plrt icularlr compcll ing^ in r ieu of his:rssocia-tior.rs u ith l ' .rf irrt ancl the Ilach f irmih, .rncl <lf-his conncction through Ke rl l to P:rsquini. Hou -clcr, Hanclel crrn probablr bc climir.ratcd. I lanclcl reusccl l"ris fugucs st-r otien thrrt it is l lmostircroncl inrltginlt ion thrrt hc uoultl prepare sirtr f irgrrtos l ' i thout erel lcr.rsinq ercn or-rc ir-ri,rnothef conle\t.

I - f r r h r n n e s S c h r c r c r , l l t r t t i r g t : . r r t l l r t l t l r i t i l , 2 r o l s . ( L e r p z i g - : \ l c r s c b u r g - c r . l 9 l I r n L l l ( ) l . i ) r n dI l r t h K r i t i k ' . l l l . g t t t t t t t r , l l r r v l - : r r l r r a q . 1 ) ( 1 9 1 + ) , 6 l i . l 6 , ( l 2 i 6 . 9 + 9 5 1 . 9 7 6 8 . 1 0 0 S 9 . r n d 1 ( l i { ) l .

r rn i l c r l J rch 's n rnrc . Schrc rc r u i rs o r r t r lgc t lh i n r

t h t l l i i l l t r l l , r r u L r l r l . t ) . \ i \ .

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Page 6: Renwick_Langloz Manuscript_origination and Dating_pp. 23-28

o t U ( ; t \ s o I I I I I , : L . \ \ ( i t . o z \ t , \ \ L s c t R I p l '

Gottf i ' ie cl Kirchholl , too, ousht to bc consiclclccl. I}rrn in , \ tr ihlbcck in 16lJ-i , dicd in I I l l le ir-r17- [ (1 , K i rchhof fu i rs a pup i l o f Zachou ' in H l l l c r rnd l l te r o rgan is t there . r ] \ I l rpurg- ment ionsthlt Kirchhoff hacl compusecl ir sct of part inrento l i rgucs, nou l<lst, ' to tcirch his studcntsl igurecl bass tog-cther u i th the mllnncl 'of thc ru' ior-rs cntr ics in l f i rgal composit ion'.}Thc vol-

urne \\ i ,rs ctt t i t lcd I" IBC ,I Iusicul: Prucltrt l iu rrnt l f ' rr .qcn uus ul l tn T' i i t rctt , tncl i t is not out <11'thcque st iot. t to ct lnsicler t l ' re Langloz manuscript irs a cop\ of al l or ' part of Ki lchholi ' 's lr l rk, csl. lccial lr in that i t incluclcs i l l o1'thc usul l ker s.r i In this conncction \\ e l-n. l \ l lso consiclcr thc l ,)rnt;rsics lr tcl l iug-hctt irs in l l f l r t mliol ancl l) r .r .r ir jur (n'r 9o7 nncl nur 9o,S), uhich hlrc bccncrcc l i te t l toJ .S . I lach i rnc l lpparc r . r t l r rca t t l ibu tcc l to 'K i l cho f 'b r K i rnbcrgcr . r r ' \ \ ' h i l c thcscpi lr t imento scorcs iJre ntorc ertcnsi\ c thi ln anr picccs in P 29(1, this docs not rulc out thc possibi l i tv t l f the Lirngkrz mrtruse t ' i1.rt rcpl 'csenting rrt lcrrst in pirrt Kirchoffs krst col lcct ion.

Unti l l i rr ther cvit lencc conrcs to l ig^ht, n'c crrr.r onlr hr 'pothcsizc thirt the orig-ins of the uolkarc' l 'htrr ingi irn, in thc pcl iocl 17(X) 20, thrrt thc contents mrl l stcm cl irect l l r l r i r .rcl ircct lr f l 'unrJ. t i Nicdt, - f . \ . l3lch, J. S. l lach, <lr i tnothcr contcnrporancol ls composer ir l togethcr, ancl thltthe transmissi<ln rts uel l i rs the attr ibution to IJach r.r.rost l ikelr inrr l l lccl Kit tel. Thc lack o1-adefinit i lc rt tr ibution ir t the prcscrrt t ime br no l .ncans cl inr inishes thc ccntral posit ion thirt thiscol lcct ion holcls in thc unclerstancl ing o1't l .rc banrque r1'rplulch to f irg^l l composit ion throughth<lrt l l rg-hbrtss. \ \-hi lc i t rcn.rains ir clucstior-r l ' l . rether the manuscript is substrnt ial lr or c\ e n pirr-t ial l l br J. S. I lach, nn'crthe less thc ove ral l clual i tr o1'the u'ork is br no meirns poor! i ls hls becnrcpcrrtccl lr st i tecl in the l i tcratr.rre . \ \-hen i t is ur.rclerst<lod that t l .rcsc pieccs emphasizc conlntoltcrtntr irpuntrt l tcchniqucs ir .r r thoroushblss contcrt, but clo not crpklre f irrnral irspccts o1'f iry,^ueto anr clcgrec, their f i rnct ion lrec<lntes clearer' . ' l 'hc,r ru'e inclccd I kc\ to unclerstrrncl ir .rg the roleo l ' l l r r r t ' o t t q h h l t s s i n r c l r r l i o n t ( , i n r i t J l i \ e t r r t r n t t ' r p o i n t .

' Sce | ) r r id Sc l tu lcnbcr ,S t i n s r r n ( l . i n c o l u : L n i r c r s i t r o f \ t b r r s k r [ ) r c s s . 1 ( / ( ) 5 ) . l - l 1 6 . r n dl9 (12) . j l J6 .

t t ' . . . t l , r ss c r sc iner t SchLr lc rn z t tg lc ic l t r l cn ( iencr r lb rss un t l t l i e \ r t L lc r re rsch ic t lencn I , . in t r i t re e incs l iuqcnsr lzcs

\ \ . r \ l r f r l ( ( l l r r \ r l r r r l z r ' i r r . \ / a . / r , , r . r t t l l . r , l r ( t ' , , t r , l , , t , t t : . 1 ) 1 j .r ' \ j cd t puh l i shc t l r n rus ic p r i t t t c r u i th r cur io r rs l r s i r r r i l r r t i t l c : l / r r i r ra l r r , / r r ' r 1 /J ( , ' ( l I rn r i r r r rg . l70 f i ) .' S t l t t t l z t . . \ t t r . l t , r r . t , t l l . r . l t t l ' , t l t , l , r t r t t ' : . \ l t L


'fhe perfirrmerfrorn both the ndil lcrent possibone can becomrbasis fbr workinir-rg (, clefs andbv and large aretcrns and sequefirst attcn.rpted'ing rr single pie<fi'on-r the discip

Scveral lolurliruncl inlaluablinu ,ltcrtrlin.q trttttutt.f)'rnn u Tht,rer iel s man\- cdctails regardin

'f he score co:crrtc rirnge of trfrrst rrs 1{-[ crottcrotchcts per mlightncss and li

It is in.rpurtrmin im. ' l 'h is r r ' rg^cncrll l l signifancl arpeggiaticbirss notes rvithrstoocl as l chor<intervirl o1'a sir

Thc manuscallr, : signil icsr
