Appendix Renée Korver Michan Digital Design og Kommunikation [email protected] Contents

Renée Korver Michan Digital Design Og Kommunikation [email protected]

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Page 1: Renée Korver Michan Digital Design Og Kommunikation Dutchgirl@Gmail.com

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Renée Korver MichanDigital Design og Kommunikation

[email protected]


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Appendix 1: Transcription YouTube commercial for the book: ‘Ophelia Joined The Group Maidens Who

  Dont Float ’..................................................................................................................................................3

Appedix 2: Answers survey..........................................................................................................................6

Respondent 1............................................................................................................................................6Respondent 2............................................................................................................................................8

Respondent 3..........................................................................................................................................10

Respondent 4..........................................................................................................................................12

Respondent 5..........................................................................................................................................14

Respondent 6..........................................................................................................................................16

Respondent 7..........................................................................................................................................18

Respondent 8..........................................................................................................................................20

Respondent 8

Appendix 1: Transcription YouTube commercial for the book: ‘Ophelia Joined The Group

 Maidens Who Dont Float ’

Do you like Hamlet?(picture of a very large thick book, probably all of Shakespeare’s works – open on the start of the play ”Hamlet”)

How about the adventures of huckelberry finn? Or the great Gatsby?(both books are cast onto the Shakespeare anthology, one at a time)

It’s a common problem: you like all the classics.(an entire of stack with ‘classics’ is thrown onto the three books, making it seem like an enormous unordered stack of books)

But there are just so many of them!(camera is moving down a stack of books on top of each other. In the stack are classics by authors like Leo Tolstoy, Stevenson,

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 Beowulf, Edith Wharton, Dumas, Dickens, Beckett and many more. Again, by moving the camera in this manner, the stack, although

neatly put on top of each other, seems rather large)

Plus, you never have time to imagine what the characters and authors would be like on Facebook.(A small laptop, opened and on the Facebook site, is placed next to the stack of books. The size of the laptop – Asus One? – makes

the stack seem even larger)

The solution: Ophelia joined the group Maidens who don’t float(Close-up on the Ophelia book against a black background)

 No more trying to carry all the works of Shakespeare around with you(A black ladies handbag, standing on top of a table is visible, together with a hand + part of an arm, impatiently trying to fit the

Shakespeare anthology into the bag. In the screen the words ‘It won’t work’ appear, and the hands give up, making an exasperated 


It’s just that easy!(Again the bag and the hands, but this time they try to put in the Ophelia book, which works out without any trouble. One of the

hands makes a thumbs up signal, and the word ‘perfect’ appears in the screen.)

Before, you had so many classics, you ran out of places to put them(A baby’s cot is visible, first only the top, but then the camera ia aimed to look at the inside of it; the mattress is covered with a layer 

of the classics seen before in the stack of books)

Oh no! Where will baby sleep?(The feet of a 1 to 2 year old toddler (my estimate!) can be seen. The toddler is apparently being lowered into its cot by an adult, but 

the obviously isn’t any place for him/her. In the screen the words ‘No way’ appear.)

Ophelia is the answer (The book Ophelia is shown again in a close-up against a black background)

Just look! You will get Oedipus Rex, William Faulkner, Jane Eyre, Slaughterhouse-Five, and that’s just the

start!(A list of book titles comes by on the screen against a black background, moving up, like credits from a movie)

Everyone’s here in Facebook four (5 hand-puppets appear, badly lit and against a black background)

Here’s Claudius and Gertrude from Hamlet:(The words ‘The king poked the queen.’ Appear against a black background, followed by a scene where a male hand-puppet with a

crown pokes a female hand-puppet with a veil and a crown. In the bottom of the screen the word ‘(reenactment)’ is printed. Now the

black screen appears again, and the words ‘The queen poked the king’ appear. The hand-puppets appear again, but this time the

 female hand-puppet pokes the male one.)

And don’t forget Ophelia herself!(A scene which takes place outside, a female hand-puppet with orange hair, and flowers in her hair appears in the screen on the

right, while mumbling the below lines, and moving out of the screen again on the left.

“Flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers….. oh look! A river!”(The black screen again, with the words ‘Ophelia loves flowers. Flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers.’ written in two lines.

 Now the outdoor scene returns, and the female hand-puppet jumps out of the screen while a voice comes to the pat of ‘oh look! A


But wait! There’s more!(Again a close-up of Ophelia against a black background)

Edgar Allen Poe receives a funny cat picture

(A male hand-puppet is seen, followed by a picture of the eyes and nose of a black cat, with the words ‘iz in ur wall [wit ur ded wife]’ 

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 printed in white on top of the cat’s face.)


Charles Dickens doesn’t understand James Joyce’s status updates.(Two male hand puppets against a black fabric background, followed by a close-up of the backs of thee books placed on top of each

other: ‘The Great Gatsby’, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, ‘The sun also Rises’, by Ernest Hemmingway and ‘Brave New World’, by Aldous


Ernest Hemmingway defriends F. Scott Fitzgerald(An elderly looking puppet starts pushing the top of the three books from before ‘The Great Gatsby’ off the other two in the stack.)

And can Jane Austen ever stand social networking?(A female hand-puppet next to a small empty bookcase with a clock and a pot of flowers on it. She is hit by something white, and falls

over, out of the screen. She then says:)

“What was that, a sheep?”

Act now, and you’ll get

(Again the -up of Ophelia against a black background)

Mr. Darcy’s random things list,(A screenshot of the face of Colin Firth in his role as BBC’s adaptation of ‘Pride and Prejudice’)

Shakespeare’s comedies and histories,(A close-up of the book ‘Shakespeares Comedies, histories & Tragedies – Published according to the True Original Copies’ against 

a black background)

Dante’s Inferno,(A picture of an old looking print, depicting several layers of hell and torture, with Satan sitting on his throne in the lower right 

corner. Again against a black background.)

and the Broadday sisters playing scrabbulific.(A picture or old painting is shown against a black background with three women on it, dressed in clothes from another era)

Ophelia joined the group Maidens who don’t float(Another close-up of the Ophelia book against a black background, followed by a text print against a black background saying ‘In

bookstores August 25, 2009!!’ in two centered lines.)

Order today!(The website address www.maidenswhodontfloat.com appear centered against a black background. This image stays while the

disclaimer below is read out loud in a hurried manner)

 No books or sheep were hurt in the making of this video. Finger puppets do not represent the thoughts and opinions of actual dead writers.

J.D.Salinger, we didn’t even mention you, so please don’t sue us.

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Appedix 2: Answers survey

Respondent 1

1. How old are you?


2. Gender


3. What do you think the following words/phrases mean?

"zombie": dood

"poke": wippen

"no longer online": niet langer op het internet

"joined the group Maidens Who Dont Float": lid worden van de groep " maidens.."

4. What do you think the Newsfeed is about? Who are the characters on it and what is going on?

Dit gaat over de facebook van Hamlet die het niet leuk vind dat zijn oom met zijn moeder is getrouwd

1. Survey - Fall 2009 semester, page 1 of 5

2. Page 2 of 5

3. Page 3 of 5

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5. This video was about the book: Ophelia Joined The Group Maidens Who Dont Float. Who made this videoaccording to your opinion?

Someone unknown to the author, who liked the book

6. What in the video made you think it was made by this person/company (your answer from the previousquestion)?

bij de aftiteling zegt een stem dat de auteur niet genoemd is en dat hij daarvoor niet door hem aangeklaagt wil worden.

7. Imagine the following: You heard about a book that sounds interesting from (for example) some friends. You find out there is a website on it, and decide to visit. What kind of information would you be interested in?

prijs waar te koop

8. Please try and find the information on the book that you entered in the previous question. Was it easy tofind what you were interested in?

5 It was kind of easy

9. Was the information sufficient? If something was missing or unsatisfactory, please write why. Otherwise just leave this one empty and move on to the next question.

 ja het was voldoende

10. The way it looks (colors/pictures/font)


11. The kind of information given


12. How experienced are you in using the internet?

4 I reguarly use the internet (weekly)

13. Are you familiar with Facebook?

Sometimes use it, but not often (every month)

14. Are you familliar with Shakespeare's Hamlet ?

Heard about it, but have not seen/read Hamlet

4. Page 4 of 5

5. Page 5 of 5

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Respondent 2

1. How old are you?


2. Gender


3. What do you think the following words/phrases mean?

"zombie": living dead - more then not interested person

"poke": in your eye, first part of a game.

"no longer online": not behind computer

"joined the group Maidens Who Dont Float": member of the wightwachchers

4. What do you think the Newsfeed is about? Who are the characters on it and what is going on?

 The newsfeed is of major interest of those who are. The characters are fictious, history and helvetica corps 10

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3. Page 3 of 5

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5. This video was about the book: Ophelia Joined The Group Maidens Who Dont Float. Who made this videoaccording to your opinion?

Someone (fx. a company) commissioned by the author

6. What in the video made you think it was made by this person/company (your answer from the previousquestion)?

promotes and "other" the makers of the survey,- to make the survey possible

7. Imagine the following: You heard about a book that sounds interesting from (for example) some friends. You find out there is a website on it, and decide to visit. What kind of information would you be interested in?

cost and where to get it.

8. Please try and find the information on the book that you entered in the previous question. Was it easy tofind what you were interested in?

7 I could have found it with my eyes closed

9. Was the information sufficient? If something was missing or unsatisfactory, please write why. Otherwise just leave this one empty and move on to the next question.

 The first link was as such not to be recognized. first line "where to find and bookstore near you, made me click and find forrinstance amazon ect. it did made me not look any further.

10. The way it looks (colors/pictures/font)

4 neither ugly nor nice

11. The kind of information given

4 neither bad, not good

12. How experienced are you in using the internet?

5 I often use the internet (daily)

13. Are you familiar with Facebook?

Never heard about it

14. Are you familliar with Shakespeare's Hamlet ?

I have seen/read Hamlet, but do not remember much about it

4. Page 4 of 5

5. Page 5 of 5

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Respondent 3

1. How old are you?


2. Gender


3. What do you think the following words/phrases mean?

"zombie": Dead

"poke": pushed

"no longer online": dead

"joined the group Maidens Who Dont Float": ????

4. What do you think the Newsfeed is about? Who are the characters on it and what is going on?

I do not know guees that Hamlet history are merge with another history. Who the characters are I do not know - sorry

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3. Page 3 of 5

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5. This video was about the book: Ophelia Joined The Group Maidens Who Dont Float. Who made this videoaccording to your opinion?

Someone unknown to the author, who did not like the book

6. What do you think of the video (fx. in terms of how it looks / the kind of information given)Good a bit grazy :-)

7. Imagine the following: You heard about a book that sounds interesting from (for example) some friends. You find out there is a website on it, and decide to visit. What kind of information would you be interested in?

What the book is about and the price

8. Please try and find the information on the book that you entered in the previous question. Was it easy tofind what you were interested in?

5 It was kind of easy

9. Was the information sufficient? If something was missing or unsatisfactory, please write why. Otherwise just leave this one empty and move on to the next question.

(no answer)

10. The way it looks (colors/pictures/font)


11. The kind of information given


12. Are you familiar with Facebook?

Heard about it, but do not use it

13. Are you familliar with Shakespeare's Hamlet ?

Heard about it, but have not seen/read Hamlet

4. Page 4 of 5

5. Page 5 of 5

Page 11: Renée Korver Michan Digital Design Og Kommunikation Dutchgirl@Gmail.com

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Respondent 4

1. How old are you?


2. Gender


3. What do you think the following words/phrases mean?

"zombie": ?

"poke": ?

"no longer online": niet meer verbonden

"joined the group Maidens Who Dont Float": ?

4. What do you think the Newsfeed is about? Who are the characters on it and what is going on?

iets met schrijvers van vroeger?

5. This video was about the book: Ophelia Joined The Group Maidens Who Dont Float. Who made this videoaccording to your opinion?

Someone unknown to the author, who did not like the book

6. What do you think of the video (fx. in terms of how it looks / the kind of information given)

grappig, zal het boek niet gaan kopen, komisch

7. Imagine the following: You heard about a book that sounds interesting from (for example) some friends. You find out there is a website on it, and decide to visit. What kind of information would you be interested in?

inhoud schrijver onderwerp ,stukje kunnen lezen ivm schrijftrand, foto's

8. Please try and find the information on the book that you entered in the previous question. Was it easy tofind what you were interested in?

4 It was neither difficult nor easy

1. Survey - Fall 2009 semester, page 1 of 5

2. Page 2 of 5

3. Page 3 of 5

4. Page 4 of 5

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Respondent 5

1. How old are you?


2. Gender


3. What do you think the following words/phrases mean?

"zombie": a living dead/fantasy creature

"poke": pushing to somebody

"no longer online": You have logged of the internet

"joined the group Maidens Who Dont Float": as it says - the somebody has joined a group called 'maidens who dont float'

1. Survey - Fall 2009 semester, page 1 of 5

2. Page 2 of 5

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4. What do you think the Newsfeed is about? Who are the characters on it and what is going on?

A dotted list made from Sheakespeares play 'Hamlet'

5. This video was about the book: Ophelia Joined The Group Maidens Who Dont Float. Who made this videoaccording to your opinion?

Has no idea - but none of the above

6. What in the video made you think it was made by this person/company (your answer from the previousquestion)?

 There were no trademark or anything - I did not noticed anything of that kind.

7. Imagine the following: You heard about a book that sounds interesting from (for example) some friends. You find out there is a website on it, and decide to visit. What kind of information would you be interested in?

 The story - I need to read the summary of the story, before i decide whether I read it or not - recommandation from a friendor not.

8. Please try and find the information on the book that you entered in the previous question. Was it easy tofind what you were interested in?

5 It was kind of easy

9. Was the information sufficient? If something was missing or unsatisfactory, please write why. Otherwise just leave this one empty and move on to the next question.

(no answer)

10. The way it looks (colors/pictures/font)


11. The kind of information given


12. How experienced are you in using the internet?

4 I reguarly use the internet (weekly)

13. Are you familiar with Facebook?

Use it regularly (every week)

3. Page 3 of 5

4. Page 4 of 5

5. Page 5 of 5

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14. Are you familliar with Shakespeare's Hamlet ?

I have seen/read Hamlet, but do not remember much about it

Respondent 6

1. How old are you?


2. Gender


3. What do you think the following words/phrases mean?

"zombie": Ingen ide

"poke": En anden facebookbruger forsøger at skabe kontakt ved at prikke på skulderen

"no longer online": Vedkommende er ikke længere tilgængelig på nettet/Facebook

"joined the group Maidens Who Dont Float": Man kan vælge til tilslutte sig online gruppen Maidens Who Don't Float

1. Survey - Fall 2009 semester, page 1 of 5

2. Page 2 of 5

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4. What do you think the Newsfeed is about? Who are the characters on it and what is going on?

 Jeg ser det mest som en god og underholdende joke, hvor der bliver leget med historien om Hamlet af William Shakespeareskrevet/oprettet af studerende fra ITU - eksempelvis. De enkelte karakterer henviser til samme historie - både hvad angår devalgte figurnavne og deres kommentarer. Kan ikke umiddelbart gennemskue om der skulle være en skjult dagsorden ellerreklame på siden.

5. This video was about the book: Ophelia Joined The Group Maidens Who Dont Float. Who made this videoaccording to your opinion?

En privatperson

6. What in the video made you think it was made by this person/company (your answer from the previous

question)?Ærligt talt, så har jeg lidt svært ved at gennemskue, hvad det hele drejer sig om. Kan ikke fange alt hvad der bliver sagt på

engelsk og har et begrænset kendskab til denne form for reklame - hvis det er en reklame??? Derfor gætter jeg på, at detmest af alt er lavet som en joke, da jeg ikke er sikker på, hvad "produktet" er. Er der overhovedet tale om en virkelig bog,som kan købes....???

7. Imagine the following: You heard about a book that sounds interesting from (for example) some friends. You find out there is a website on it, and decide to visit. What kind of information would you be interested in?

Først og fremmest et resume af handlingen - foreksempel som de typisk findes på bogens bagside. Dernæst ville jeg synesdet var interessant at læse et par boganmeldelser af den pågældende bog. Evt blot i kort form for hurtigt overblik. Det kunneogså være interessant at vide om bogen er en del af en serie og hvad de øvrige bøger i så fald hedder. Og samme forbindelse

lidt om forfattere og dennes karriere. En pris kunne også være relevant. Men informationer om indholdet er det primære.

8. Please try and find the information on the book that you entered in the previous question. Was it easy tofind what you were interested in?

6 It was very easy

9. Was the information sufficient? If something was missing or unsatisfactory, please write why. Otherwise just leave this one empty and move on to the next question.

Umiddelbart kunne jeg kun finde info om hvad bogen handler om (dette kunne dog godt stå klarer) og hvem forfattere er.Men da tiden er ved at løbe fra mig, har jeg ikke brugt alt for meget tid på siden

10. The way it looks (colors/pictures/font)

4 neither ugly nor nice

11. The kind of information given


3. Page 3 of 5

4. Page 4 of 5

5. Page 5 of 5

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12. How experienced are you in using the internet?

5 I often use the internet (daily)

13. Are you familiar with Facebook?

Sometimes use it, but not often (every month)

14. Are you familliar with Shakespeare's Hamlet ?

I have seen/read Hamlet, and remember (most of) the story

Respondent 7

1. How old are you?


2. Gender


1. Survey - Fall 2009 semester, page 1 of 5

2. Page 2 of 5

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3. What do you think the following words/phrases mean?

"zombie": een dode, die nog in een lichaam zit, toch ;-)

"poke": iemand prikken

"no longer online": niet meer online

"joined the group Maidens Who Dont Float": aaangemeld bij een bepaalde groep (maagden die zinken??)

4. What do you think the Newsfeed is about? Who are the characters on it and what is going on?

I think it is a group of friends, with aliasses, that stay in touch on facebook.

5. This video was about the book: Ophelia Joined The Group Maidens Who Dont Float. Who made this video

according to your opinion? The author of the book

6. What in the video made you think it was made by this person/company (your answer from the previousquestion)?

het is een grappige video, ik snap dat het doel van de video is om het boek te verkopen, maar moet je dan ook lid wordenvan facebook? dat is niet helemaal duidelijk..

7. Imagine the following: You heard about a book that sounds interesting from (for example) some friends.

 You find out there is a website on it, and decide to visit. What kind of information would you be interested in?ik vind het op Bol.com altijd handig dat je de eerste 8 pagina's kunt zien, dan weet je of de schrijfstijl je aanspreekt. Of 

bijvoorbeeld de inhoudsopgave, als het non fictie is.

8. Please try and find the information on the book that you entered in the previous question. Was it easy tofind what you were interested in?

5 It was kind of easy

9. Was the information sufficient? If something was missing or unsatisfactory, please write why. Otherwise just leave this one empty and move on to the next question.

Ik zocht dus naar de eerste 8 pagina's. Wat ik vond waren exerpts, dus dat was goed genoeg. (En grappig ook trouwens..)

10. The way it looks (colors/pictures/font)


11. The kind of information given


3. Page 3 of 5

4. Page 4 of 5

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12. Are you familiar with Facebook?

Heard about it, but do not use it

13. Are you familliar with Shakespeare's Hamlet ?

I have seen/read Hamlet, but do not remember much about it

Respondent 8

1. How old are you?


2. Gender


5. Page 5 of 5

1. Survey - Fall 2009 semester, page 1 of 5

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3. What do you think the following words/phrases mean?

"zombie": in prison

"poke": make love

"no longer online": dead

"joined the group Maidens Who Dont Float": drowned

4. What do you think the Newsfeed is about? Who are the characters on it and what is going on?

Hamlet stageing - a creative writing project or commercial

5. This video was about the book: Ophelia Joined The Group Maidens Who Dont Float. Who made this videoaccording to your opinion?

Someone unknown to the author, who did not like the book

6. What in the video made you think it was made by this person/company (your answer from the previousquestion)?

It´s ironic about the shalowness of the book. However, this might be a trick to get people interested. I got curious about thebook.

7. Imagine the following: You heard about a book that sounds interesting from (for example) some friends. You find out there is a website on it, and decide to visit. What kind of information would you be interested in?

Other people comments, more about the book, editions maybe as well, reviews in media, authors comments

8. Please try and find the information on the book that you entered in the previous question. Was it easy tofind what you were interested in?

2 It was extremely difficult

9. Was the information sufficient? If something was missing or unsatisfactory, please write why. Otherwise just leave this one empty and move on to the next question.

Sorry, but I did not have the patience. Normally, I would have browsed away just after having a look on the front page. Toomuch uninteresting info to even bother. The stuff´s there all right, just hidden in other menues. I normally do not bother tolook so hard for stuff that´s just a passtime.

10. The way it looks (colors/pictures/font)

7 nice

2. Page 2 of 5

3. Page 3 of 5

4. Page 4 of 5

Page 21: Renée Korver Michan Digital Design Og Kommunikation Dutchgirl@Gmail.com

8/14/2019 Renée Korver Michan Digital Design Og Kommunikation [email protected]

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/renee-korver-michan-digital-design-og-kommunikation-dutchgirlgmailcom 21/21

11. The kind of information given

4 neither bad, not good

12. How experienced are you in using the internet?

6 I live on the internet!

13. Are you familiar with Facebook?

Sometimes use it, but not often (every month)

14. Are you familliar with Shakespeare's Hamlet ?

I have seen/read Hamlet, and remember the story quite well

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