Bernard Dewagtere Arranger, Composer, Director, Teacher France, Erchin(59) About the artist Doctor of musicology, conductor and composer, I manage ACCELERANDO, vocational musical school (visit the website) Personal web: http://www.formationmusicale.fr About the piece Title: Greesleeves [Alas, my love] Composer: Anonymous Arranger: Dewagtere, Bernard Licence: Copyright © Dewagtere, Bernard Instrumentation: Recorder quartet Style: Renaissance Comment: Greensleeves, traditional English folk song. There is a persistent myth that Greensleeves was composed by Henry VIII for his second wife and future queen consort Anne Boleyn. Bernard Dewagtere on free-scores.com http://www.free-scores.com/Download-PDF-Sheet-Music-bernard-dewagtere.htm Donate / Financial compensation Download other works by this artist Listen to his pieces Contact the artist Write feedback comments Share your mp3 recording of this piece Prohibited distribution on other website. First added the : 2012-04-09 Last update : 2012-04-09 09:37:10

RENACIMIENTO - Greensleeves (violín (2º voz) y clarinete (3º voz)

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Page 1: RENACIMIENTO - Greensleeves (violín (2º voz) y clarinete (3º voz)

Bernard DewagtereArranger, Composer, Director, Teacher

France, Erchin(59)

About the artist

Doctor of musicology, conductor and composer, I manage ACCELERANDO, vocational musical school (visitthe website)Personal web: http://www.formationmusicale.fr

About the piece

Title: Greesleeves [Alas, my love]Composer: AnonymousArranger: Dewagtere, BernardLicence: Copyright © Dewagtere, BernardInstrumentation: Recorder quartetStyle: RenaissanceComment: Greensleeves, traditional English folk song. There is a

persistent myth that Greensleeves was composed byHenry VIII for his second wife and future queen consortAnne Boleyn.

Bernard Dewagtere on free-scores.com


■ Donate / Financial compensation■ Download other works by this artist■ Listen to his pieces■ Contact the artist■ Write feedback comments■ Share your mp3 recording of this piece

Prohibited distribution on other website.

First added the : 2012-04-09 Last update : 2012-04-09 09:37:10

Page 2: RENACIMIENTO - Greensleeves (violín (2º voz) y clarinete (3º voz)













Flûte à bec Soprano

Flûte à bec Alto

Flûte à bec Ténor

Flûte à bec Basse

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Fl. à b. S.

Fl. à b. A.

Fl. à b. T.

Fl. à b. B.


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Fl. à b. S.

Fl. à b. A.

Fl. à b. T.

Fl. à b. B.

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GreensleevesAnonymus (16th century)


Alas, my loveArr. : Bernard Dewagtere

Page 3: RENACIMIENTO - Greensleeves (violín (2º voz) y clarinete (3º voz)





Fl. à b. S.

Fl. à b. A.

Fl. à b. T.

Fl. à b. B.


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Fl. à b. S.

Fl. à b. A.

Fl. à b. T.

Fl. à b. B.

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Fl. à b. S.

Fl. à b. A.

Fl. à b. T.

Fl. à b. B.

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2 Greensleeves