Religions of the World

Religions of the World - PBworks

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Religions of the World

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There is no one person considered the


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Geographic Origins/Where


Animism originated in many different parts

of the world at the same time.

Practiced world wide but most commonly

practiced in Asia and the Americas

(specifically with Native Americans)

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Holy Writings

Most of the traditional animism practices

are with an oral tradition (story telling), not

in a written form.

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Religious People

Rituals typically are

conducted by people

called Shaman or a

Medicine Man.

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Places of Worship

They tend to take place outdoors in


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Belief System

Nature Worship

Belief that everything has a spirit.

In believing everything has a spirit, they pray

to things like the rain, hoping to help crops, or

sun to help grow the crops.

Everything in nature has a purpose.

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No 1 specific founder, but a mixture of

tribal religions with similar beliefs.

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Geographic Origins/Where


Developed on the Japanese archipelago

(the islands of Japan)

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Holy Writings

Chronicles of Japan

or the Kokiji.

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Religious People

Emperor of Japan was considered to be a

direct descendant of the Sun Goddess

who created the Japanese islands.

This means the Emperor was considered

divine by anyone who practiced Shintoism.

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Believed that it is a result of cultural

diffusion that occurred between Aryan

invaders and the native people of India.

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Places of Worship

Shinto shrines

Usually near sites of

natural beauty (lakes

or mountains) or of

important Japanese


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Teachings and Beliefs

Sacredness to everything in the whole


Everything has spirits.

Ancestor worship is important where they

pay close attention to those that have

come before them.

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Geographic Origin/Currently


Developed on the

Indian Subcontinent.

Most common in


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Holy Writings





Bhagavad Gida

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Places of Worship

Hindu practices can

be done in temples,

but for the most part,

they are conducted in


The Ganges River is

the most sacred of

rivers, and is used for

spiritual cleansing.

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Religious People

Hindu priests usually

carry out traditional

religious practices in


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Belief System

Salvation is achieved through a spiritual oneness of the soul.

Hindus believe in Reincarnation ( the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth).

Reincarnation is based on your karma (your actions in everyday life) and dharma (your religious duty in life).

They believe in ahimsa (all life is sacred) with the cow being the most sacred of all and this leads to many Hindus being vegetarians (where they don’t harm other living beings).

They also follow the Caste System, which is a rigid social class structure, and where they are born in the caste system depends on the actions of their last life.

They can also be removed from the caste system, where they are known as an Untouchable and are not allowed to associate with others.

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Siddhartha Gautama

The Enlightened One


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Geographic Origins/Where


Developed in India.

Most commonly

practiced in SE Asia

and India.

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Holy Writings

Tripitka (3 Baskets of Wisdom)

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Religious People

The Dalai Lama is the

spiritual leader of

modern day


Buddhist monks are

easily recognizable in

orange robes.

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Places of Worship

Most of the time, it is practices individually.

There are temples and monasteries where

it is practiced.

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Belief System

4 Noble Truths- Life is suffering, human desire causes suffering, putting an end to desire, humans can end suffering, humans can end desire by following 8fold path.

8fold Path is what you need to get rid of suffering.

Believe in Reincarnation.

Reject the caste system.

Want to achieve Nirvana, (Spiritual Enlightenment).

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Chinese philosopher Lao Tze

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Geographic Origins/Where


Developed in China around 500BC.

Practiced in areas of SE Asia.

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Holy Writings


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Belief System

It is a philosophy which teaches that nature has a “way” in which it moves, and that people should passively accept the “way” of nature rather than resist it.

An emphasis is placed on the link between people and rules and order, and leads to a better understanding of the world.

Yin and yang is the way to illustrate the natural harmony that exists in the world.

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Geographic Origins/Where


Developed in China around 500.

Still practiced in SE Asia.

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Holy Writings

The Analects

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Belief System

There is a natural social order to society that is

best explained through the 5 Relationships:

Ruler to ruled.

Father to son.

Older brother to younger brother

Husband to wife

Friend to friend.

In these relationships, the 2nd role is considered subordinate

to the 1st.

If everyone knew their place in society, order would prevail.

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Abraham is consider

founder due to

covenant with God.

Moses also

considered founder

due to his role in the

liberation of the

Hebrews from Egypt

and delivery of the 10


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Geographic Origins/Where


Developed in the Middle East in and

around what is present day Israel.

Practiced today world wide, but mostly in

Israel, the US and the former Soviet


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Holy Writings

The Torah and the Talmud

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Religious People

Rabbis are the holy men charged with the

religious service.

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Places of Worship

Temples that are called Synagogues.

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Belief System

There is one God who

was the creator of all


Still waiting for God to

send the savior, the

messiah, to the people of


Moses went atop Mount

Sinai and brought back

the 10 commandments.

Major religious

ceremonies are

Hannukah and Passover.

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Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples.

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Holy Writings

The Holy Bible- the Old and New


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Religious People

Priests and ministers preach and serve as

a spiritual guide.

Deacons, nuns and monks have dedicated

their lives to Christian service.

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Places of Worship

Temples that are called Churches.

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Belief System

Christianity evolved from Judaism.

Has the 10 Commandments.

Believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of god, sent to redeem the world from sin.

Holy Trinity: Father (Creator), Son (Redeemer) and Holy Spirit (Sustainer)

Take part in sacraments, going to church regularly, Christmas and Easter.

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Geographic Origin/Where


Developed on the Arabian Peninsula

around 622.

Dominant throughout the Middle East, SW

Asia and North Africa.

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Holy Writings

The Koran (Qu’ran)

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Religious People

Caliph- successor to the prophet


Imam: Leader of prayers.

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Places of Worship


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Religious Beliefs

Mohammed received the word of God (Allah) through the angel Gabriel.

Upon receiving threats, he fled from Mecca to Medina, known as a Hegira.

Follow the 5 Pillars of Islam: There is no God but Allah.

Pray 5 times a day, facing Mecca

Charity, give alms to the poor.

Fasting during Ramadan (9th month of the Muslim calendar)

Pilgrimage to Mecca once during their life (Hajj)