CANDIDATE NAME : EXAM START TIME : 10:00:00 EXAM DURATION : 01:00 Hrs TOTAL NO OF QUESTIONS : 100 Click to Print logout Challenges REGISTRATION NUMBER : EXAM DATE : 22-August-2017 EXAM NAME : SSC Examination TOTAL MARKS : 200 QID : 1 - Select the related word from the given alternatives. Ice : Cold :: Steam : ? दए गए वकप सब धत शद को नए। बफ़ : डा :: भाप : ? Options: 1) Gas गस 2) Hot गम 3) Water पानी 4) Engine इज Correct Answer: Hot गम Candidate Answer: Hot गम QID : 2 - Select the related letters from the given alternatives. DFH : GIK :: MOQ : ? दए गए वकप सब धत अर को नए। DFH : GIK :: MOQ : ? Options: 1) PRT

REGISTRATION CANDIDATE NAME : EXAM DURATION : 01:00 Hrs ...€¦ · 1) STU 2) TVU 3) UVW 4) RST Correct Answer: TVU Candidate Answer: TVU QID : 9 - A series is given, with one number

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    Click to Print logout Challenges

       REGISTRATION NUMBER : EXAM DATE : 22-August-2017EXAM NAME : SSC ExaminationTOTAL MARKS : 200

    QID : 1 - Select the related word from the given alternatives.

    Ice : Cold :: Steam : ?

    �दए गए �वक�प� म� से संबं�धत श�द को चु�नए।

    बफ़� : ठंडा :: भाप : ?Options:1) Gasगैस2) Hotगम�3) Waterपानी4) EngineइंजनCorrect Answer: Hotगम�Candidate Answer: Hotगम� QID : 2 - Select the related letters from the given alternatives.

    DFH : GIK :: MOQ : ?

    �दए गए �वक�प� म� से संबं�धत अ�र� को चु�नए।

    DFH : GIK :: MOQ : ?Options:1) PRT


  • 2) OQS3) QSU4) LNPCorrect Answer: PRTCandidate Answer: PRT QID : 3 - Select the related number from the given alternatives.

    111 : 89 :: 105 : ?

    �दए गए �वक�प� म� से संबं�धत सं�या को चु�नए।

    111 : 89 :: 105 : ?Options:1) 95

    2) 115

    3) 85

    4) 100Correct Answer: 95Candidate Answer: 95 QID : 4 - Select the odd word from the given alternatives.

    �दए गए �वक�प� म� से �वषम श�द को चु�नए।Options:1) Moonच��मा2) Marsमंगल3) Saturnश�न4) Pluto�लूटोCorrect Answer: Moonच��मा

  • Candidate Answer: Moonच��मा QID : 5 - Select the odd letters from the given alternatives.

    �दए गए �वक�प� म� से �वषम अ�र� को चु�नए।Options:1) DFH

    2) KMO

    3) QTW

    4) SUWCorrect Answer: QTWCandidate Answer: QTW QID : 6 - Select the odd number from the given alternatives.

    �दए गए �वक�प� म� से �वषम सं�या को चु�नए।Options:1) 25

    2) 49

    3) 9

    4) 8Correct Answer: 8Candidate Answer: 8 QID : 7 - A series is given, with one word missing. Choose the correctalternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

    Good, Odour, Urban, Anthem, ?

    एक अन�ुम �दया गया है, �जसम� एक श�द लु�त है। �दए गए �वक�प� म� से वह सही �वक�प

    चु�नए जो अन�ुम को पूरा करे।

  • च�ुनए जो अन�ुम को पूरा कर।े

    Good, Odour, Urban, Anthem, ?Options:1) Anthill

    2) Empathy

    3) Europe

    4) GooseCorrect Answer: EmpathyCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 8 - A series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correctalternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

    DFE, HJI, LNM, PRQ, ?

    एक अन�ुम �दया गया है, �जसम� एक पद लु�त है। �दए गए �वक�प� म� से वह सही �वक�पचु�नए जो अन�ुम को पूरा करे।

    DFE, HJI, LNM, PRQ, ?Options:1) STU2) TVU3) UVW4) RSTCorrect Answer: TVUCandidate Answer: TVU QID : 9 - A series is given, with one number missing. Choose the correctalternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

    1/4, 0.65, ?, 29/20, 1.85

    एक अन�ुम �दया गया है, �जसम� एक सं�या लु�त है। �दए गए �वक�प� म� से वह सही�वक�प चु�नए जो अन�ुम को पूरा करे।

  • 1/4, 0.65, ?, 29/20, 1.85Options:1) 1.1

    2) 21/20

    3) 19/20

    4) 1.2Correct Answer: 21/20Candidate Answer: 21/20 QID : 10 - Priya's birthday is on Tuesday 11th April. On what day of theweek will be Rani's Birthday in the same year if Rani was born on 31stAugust?

    ��या का ज�म�दन 11 अ�ैल मंगलवार को है। उसी वष� रानी का ज�म�दन स�ताह के �कस�दन आएगा य�द रानी का ज�म 31 अग�त को �आ है?Options:1) Mondayसोमवार2) Wednesdayबुधवार3) Tuesdayमंगलवार4) Thursdayग�ुवारCorrect Answer: Thursdayग�ुवारCandidate Answer: Thursdayग�ुवार QID : 11 - The weights of 4 boxes are 20, 40, 60 and 90 kilograms.Which of the following cannot be the total weight, in kilograms, of anycombination of these boxes and in a combination a box can be usedonly once?

  • चार ब�स� का वजन 20, 40, 60 और 90 �कलो�ाम है। �न�न�ल�खत म� से ब�स� के �कसीभी संयोजन से कुल वज़न, �कलो�ाम म� कौन सा नह� हो सकता है और एक संयोजन म� एकब�सा एक ही बार �योग म� लाया जा सकता है?Options:1) 1502) 1703) 1204) 160Correct Answer: 160Candidate Answer: 160 QID : 12 - From the given alternative words, select the word whichcannot be formed using the letters of the given word:


    �न�न�ल�खत �वक�प� म� से वह श�द चु�नए जो �दए गए श�द के अ�र� का �योग करके नह�बनाया जा सकता:


    2) ANYTIME

    3) NAMES

    4) DAINTYCorrect Answer: NAMESCandidate Answer: NAMES QID : 13 - If EXPLAIN is coded as BUMIXFK, then how will GYM becoded as?

    य�द EXPLAIN को �कसी कोड म� BUMIXFK �लखा जाता है, तो GYM को उसी कोड म��या �लखा जाएगा?

  • Options:1) YHN

    2) UJM

    3) DVJ

    4) IKLCorrect Answer: DVJCandidate Answer: DVJ QID : 14 - In a certain code language, '+' represents 'x', '-' represents '+','x' represents '÷' and '÷' represents '-'. What is the answer to thefollowing question?

    825 x 25 - 27 ÷ 10 = ?

    �कसी कोड भाषा म�, '+' का मतलब 'x' है, '-' का मतलब '+' है, 'x' का मतलब '÷' है और '÷'का मतलब '-' है। �न�न�ल�खत �� का उ�र �या है?

    825 x 25 - 27 ÷ 10 = ?Options:1) 100

    2) 50

    3) 25

    4) 20Correct Answer: 50Candidate Answer: 50 QID : 15 - If 9x3=3; 15x3=5; 60x5=12; then what is the value of 27x3 = ?

    य�द 9x3=3; 15x3=5; 60x5=12; तो 27x3 = ? का मान �ात क��जये।Options:1) 302) 9

  • 3) 34) 6Correct Answer: 9Candidate Answer: 9 QID : 16 -

    Options:1) 80

    2) 7

    3) 10

    4) 32Correct Answer: 32Candidate Answer: 32 QID : 17 - A woman walks 3 km North, then turns West and walks 4 km,then turns South and walks 7 km, then turns to her left and walks 4 km.Where is she now with reference to her starting position?

    एक म�हला 3 �क.मी. उ�र क� ओर चलती है, �फर प��म क� ओर मुड़कर 4 �क.मी. चलतीहै, �फर द��ण क� ओर मुड़कर 7 �क.मी. चलती है और �फर अपनी बा� ओर मुड़कर 4�क.मी. चलती है। वह अपनी �ारं�भक ��थ�त से अब कहां ह�?Options:1) 10 Kms South

    10 �क.मी. द��ण

  • 10 �क.मी. द��ण2) 4 Kms North4 �क.मी. उ�र3) 10 Kms North10 �क.मी. उ�र4) 4 Kms South4 �क.मी. द��णCorrect Answer: 4 Kms South4 �क.मी. द��णCandidate Answer: 4 Kms South4 �क.मी. द��ण QID : 18 - In the question two statements are given, followed by twoconclusions, I and II. You have to consider the statements to be trueeven if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. Youhave to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from thegiven statements.

    Statement 1 : Some apples are red.Statement 2 : All red are oranges.

    Conclusion I : No oranges are apples.Conclusion II : Some apples are oranges.

    �� म� दो कथन �दये गये ह� �जसके आगे दो �न�कष� I और II �नकाले गये ह�। आपको माननाहै �क दोनो कथन स�य है चाहे वह सामा�यत: �ात त�य� से �भ� �तीत होते ह�। आपको�नण�य करना है क� �दए गए �न�कष� म� से कौन-सा/कौन-से �न��त �प से कथन �ारा सही�नकाला जा सकता है/सकते ह�, य�द कोई हो।

    कथन 1 : कुछ सेब लाल ह�।कथन 2 : सभी लाल संतरे ह�।

    �न�कष� 1 : कोई संतरे सेब नह� है।�न�कष� 2 : कुछ सेब संतरे ह�।

    Options:1) Only conclusion I follows

    केवल �न�कष� I सही है

  • केवल �न�कष� I सही है2) Only conclusion II followsकेवल �न�कष� II सही है3) Both I and II followदोन� �न�कष� I और II सही है4) Neither I nor II followsना तो �न�कष� I सही है ना ही �न�कष� IICorrect Answer: Only conclusion II followsकेवल �न�कष� II सही हैCandidate Answer: Only conclusion II followsकेवल �न�कष� II सही है QID : 19 -





  • Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

     QID : 20 -

    Options:1) C,D,I,E2) A,B,D,E,H,J3) B,C,D4) CCorrect Answer: B,C,DCandidate Answer: B,C,D QID : 21 -





    Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

     QID : 22 -

  • Options:1) 




    Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

     QID : 23 -




  • 4) 

    Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

     QID : 24 -





  • Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

     QID : 25 -

    Options:1) 11,78,32,65

    2) 43,01,23,67

    3) 03,12,11,32

    4) 11,02,43,76

    Correct Answer: 03,12,11,32Candidate Answer: 03,12,11,32 QID : 26 - The ________ balance is the sum of the balance ofmerchandise trade, services and net transfers received from the rest ofthe world.

    _________ शेष सौदा �ापार, सेवा� और शेष �व� से �ा�त �नवल अंतरण का योग होताहै।Options:1) Current Accountचालू लेखा2) Savings Accountबचत लेखा3) Capital Account

    पूंजीगत लेखा

  • पूंजीगत लखेा4) Asset Accountसंप�� लेखाCorrect Answer: Current Accountचालू लेखाCandidate Answer: Current Accountचालू लेखा QID : 27 - The relation between the consumer’s optimal choice of thequantity of a good and its price is very important and this relation iscalled the ________ function.

    �कसी व�तु क� मा�ा के �लए उपभो�ा का इ�तम चयन तथा उसक� क�मत म� स�ब�ध अ�यंतमह�वपूण� है तथा यह स�ब�ध ______ फलन कहलाता है।Options:1) Priceक�मत2) Substitution��त�थापन3) Supplyआपू�त�4) Demandमांग

    Correct Answer: DemandमांगCandidate Answer: Demandमांग QID : 28 - "Reserve Bank of India" is listed in the __________ list given inthe Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India.

    "भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क" भारत के सं�वधान क� सातव� अनसुूची म� द� गयी ____ सूची म�सूचीब� है।Options:1) Unionक���य

  • 2) Stateरा�य3) Global�व�4) Concurrentसमवत�Correct Answer: Unionक���यCandidate Answer: Unionक���य QID : 29 - _________ can give the Union parliament power to make lawson matters included in the State list.

    ________ संसद को रा�य सूची के �वषय� पर काननू बनाने का अ�धकार द ेसकती है।Options:1) Ministry of Defenceर�ा मं�ालय2) Prime Minister's Office�धानम��ी काया�लय3) Securities and Exchange Board of Indiaभारतीय ��तभू�त और �व�नमय बोड�4) Rajya Sabhaरा�य सभा

    Correct Answer: Rajya Sabhaरा�य सभाCandidate Answer: Rajya Sabhaरा�य सभा QID : 30 - According to the categories of land mentioned in the Cholainscriptions ___________ was known as the land of non-Brahmanapeasant proprietors?

    चोल अ�भलेख� म� उ�ले�खत भू�म क� �व�भ� को�टय� के अनसुार _____ को गैर �ा�ण�कसान �वामी क� भू�म कहा जाता था।Options:

  • 1) Vellanvagaiवे�लनवगाई2) Brahmadeya��दये3) Shalabhogaशालाभोग4) DevadanaदवेदानCorrect Answer: Vellanvagaiवे�लनवगाईCandidate Answer: Shalabhogaशालाभोग QID : 31 - Sher Khan defeated _________ at Chausa (1539) and Kanauj(1540), forcing him to flee to Iran.

    शेर खान ने ____ को चौसा (1539) और क�ौज (1540) म� हराकर उसे ईरान क� औरभागने के �लए बा�य �कया।Options:1) Aurangzebऔरंगज़ेब2) Humayun�मायूं3) Muhammad Azam Shahमुह�मद आज़म शाह4) Bahadur Shah Iबहा�र शाह �थम

    Correct Answer: Humayun�मायूंCandidate Answer: Humayun�मायूं QID : 32 - Around how much percent of earth's surface is covered withwater?

    भूपृ� का �कतने ��तशत भाग जल से ढका है?

  • Options:1) 20-25%

    2) 40-50%

    3) 70-80%

    4) 55-60%Correct Answer: 70-80%Candidate Answer: 70-80% QID : 33 - The method of soil conservation in which ploughing is doneparallel to the contours of a hill slope to form a natural barrier for waterto flow down the slop is called?

    मृदा संर�ण क� उस �व�ध को �या कहते ह� �जसम� पहाडी ढाल पर समो�च रेखा� केसामा�तर जुताई ढाल से नीचे बहते जल के �लए एक �ाकृ�तक अवरोध का �नमा�ण करती है?Options:1) Mulchingम�च बनाना2) Contour barriersसमो�चरेखीय रो�धकाएं3) Contour ploughingसमो�चरेखीय जुताई4) Terrace farmingवे�दका फ़ाम�

    Correct Answer: Contour ploughingसमो�चरेखीय जुताईCandidate Answer: Contour ploughingसमो�चरेखीय जुताई QID : 34 - In females, the ovaries are located ______ on each side of thelower abdomen.

    म�हला� म�, उदर के �नचले भाग के दोन� ओर _____ अंडाशय ��थत होता है।Options:1) One

  • एक2) Twoदो3) Threeतीन4) FourचारCorrect Answer: OneएकCandidate Answer: Twoदो QID : 35 - Through photosynthesis at least a half of the total carbondioxide fixation on earth is carried out by?

    �काश सं�ेषण के मा�यम से कुल ��थरीकृत काब�नडाइऑ�साइड का लगभग आधा भागपृ�वी पर कौन ��थरीकृत करता है?Options:1) Pteridophytesट�ैरडोफाइट2) Bryophytes�ायोफाइट3) Algaeशैवाल4) Gymnosperms�ज�नो�पम�

    Correct Answer: AlgaeशैवालCandidate Answer: Algaeशैवाल QID : 36 - Locust, Butterfly, Scorpion and Prawn are all examples ofwhich Phylum?

    �ट�ी, �ततली, �ब�छू और झ�गा सभी �कस संघ के उदाहरण ह�?Options:

  • 1) Annelidaऐने�लडा2) Chordataर�जुक�3) Arthropodaआथ�पोडा4) Platyhelminthes�ले�टहै��म��थजCorrect Answer: Arthropodaआथ�पोडाCandidate Answer: Arthropodaआथ�पोडा QID : 37 - If an object moves in a circular path with uniform ________, itsmotion is called uniform circular motion.

    अगर कोई व�तु वृ�ीय पथ पर एकसमान ________ से चलती है तो उसक� ग�त कोएकसमान वृ�ीय ग�त कहा जाता है।

    Options:1) speedचाल2) Timeसमय3) Velocityवेग4) Acceleration�वरणCorrect Answer: speedचालCandidate Answer: speedचाल QID : 38 - The reflection formed by the plane mirror is ________________.

    समतल दप�ण �ारा बनने वाला ��त�ब�ब ____ होता है।

  • Options:1) vertical inversionलंबवत-प�रवत�न2) a real imageवा�त�वक ��त�ब�ब3) lateral inversionपा��-प�रवत�न4) an enlarged imageबड़ा ��त�ब�बCorrect Answer: lateral inversionपा��-प�रवत�नCandidate Answer: a real imageवा�त�वक ��त�ब�ब QID : 39 - In Microsoft Excel, the ______() function is used to count thenumber of cells within a range that meet the given criteria.

    माइ�ोसॉ�ट ए�सेल म� _________() फलन का उपयोग उन सेल� क� सं�या क� �गनती करनेके �लए �कया जाता है जो �दए गए मानदडं के अन�ुप र�ज के भीतर होते ह�।

    Options:1) COUNTIF

    2) COUNT


    4) COUNTSUMCorrect Answer: COUNTIFCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 40 - Crystallisation is an example of?

    ���टलीकरण �कसका उदाहरण है?Options:1) Physical Change भौ�तक प�रवत�न2) Chemical Changeरासाय�नक प�रवत�न

  • रासाय�नक प�रवत�न3) Chemical Reactionरासाय�नक अ�भ��या4) Galvanisationयशद लेपन (गै�वेनाइजेशन)Correct Answer: Physical Change भौ�तक प�रवत�नCandidate Answer: Physical Change भौ�तक प�रवत�न QID : 41 - Vinegar and Baking Soda together produce ____________.

    �सरका और बे�क�ग सोडा क� अ�भ��या से �या बनता है?Options:1) Copperकॉपर2) Carbon Dioxideकाब�न डाईऑ�साइड3) Copper Sulphateकॉपर स�फेट4) Magnesium Oxideमै�नी�शयम ऑ�साइडCorrect Answer: Carbon Dioxideकाब�न डाईऑ�साइडCandidate Answer: Carbon Dioxideकाब�न डाईऑ�साइड QID : 42 - The salt concentration (measured as salinity in parts perthousand), is _______ % in sea.

    लवण क� सां�ता (��त हज़ार भाग म� लवणता के �प म� मापी गयी), समु� म� ______ %होती है।Options:1) 10-20

    2) 30-35

  • 3) 40-50

    4) 60-70Correct Answer: 30-35Candidate Answer: 30-35 QID : 43 - ______________ scheme launched by the Central Governmentaims at development of rural growth clusters which have latentpotential for growth.

    क�� सरकार �ारा शु� क� गई ______ योजना का उ��ेय उन �ामीण �े� समूह� का �वकासकरना है जहां �वकास क� अ�� संभावनाए ंह�।Options:1) Soil Health Cardमृदा �वा��य काड�2) Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission�यामा �साद मुखज� आर-अब�न �मशन3) Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana�धानमं�ी फसल बीमा योजना4) National RU URBAN Missionनेशनल आरयू अब�न �मशन

    Correct Answer: Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission�यामा �साद मुखज� आर-अब�न �मशनCandidate Answer: Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission�यामा �साद मुखज� आर-अब�न �मशन QID : 44 - Who discovered Neon?

    �नऑन क� खोज �कसने क�?Options:1) Robert Noyceरॉबट� नोयस2) Enrico Fermiएन�रको फम�3) Morris W. Travers and William Ramsayमो�रस ड�लू. �वेस� �व�लयम रामसे

  • 4) Antonio de Ulloa and Charles Woodअंटो�नयो द ेउ�लोया और चा�स� वुडCorrect Answer: Morris W. Travers and William Ramsayमो�रस ड�लू. �वेस� �व�लयम रामसेCandidate Answer: Enrico Fermiएन�रको फम� QID : 45 - Which nation(s) will host the Men's Cricket World Cup to beheld in the year 2019?

    कौन से दशे वष� 2019 म� होने वाले ��केट �व� कप (पु�ष) क� मेजबानी कर�गे?Options:1) West Indiesवे�ट इंडीज़2) Australia and New Zealandऑ���ेलया और �यूज़ीलै�ड3) England and Walesइं�लै�ड और वे�स4) India and Pakistanभारत और पा�क�तान

    Correct Answer: England and Walesइं�लै�ड और वे�सCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 46 - Gol Gumbaz is located in?

    गोल ग�ुबज़ कहां ��तथ है?Options:1) Keralaकेरल2) Gujaratगजुरात3) Rajasthanराज�थान4) Karnatakaकना�टक

  • Correct Answer: Karnatakaकना�टकCandidate Answer: Rajasthanराज�थान QID : 47 - Which of the following is the second highest civilian award ofIndia given for exceptional and distinguished service in any fieldincluding service rendered by the government servants?

    सरकारी कम�चा�रय� �ारा �दान क� गई सेवा स�हत �कसी भी �े� म� असाधारण और��त��त सेवा के �लए �न�न�ल�खत म� से कौन सा भारत का �सरा सबसे बड़ा �दया जाने वालानाग�रक पुर�कार है?Options:1) Padma Bhushanप� भूषण2) Param Vir Chakraपरम वीर च�3) Padma Vibhushanप� �वभूषण4) Bharat Ratnaभारत र�न

    Correct Answer: Padma Vibhushanप� �वभूषणCandidate Answer: Padma Vibhushanप� �वभूषण QID : 48 -  Which of the statements given below are correct?

    1. The author of the novel 'Ancillary Justice' is Charles Stross.2. The author of the novel 'Air' is Ann Leckie.3. The author of the novel 'Mission Earth' is L. Ron Hubbard.

    �नचे �दये गये कथन� म� से कौन से कथन सही ह�?

    1. उप�यास "एसंीलरी ज��टस" के लेखक चा�स� ��ोस ह�।2. उप�यास "एयर" के लेखक ऐन लेक� ह�।

    3. उप�यास "�मशन अथ�" के लेखक एल. रोन ह�बाड� ह�।

  • 3. उप�यास "�मशन अथ�" के लखेक एल. रोन ह�बाड� ह�। Options:1) 1 and 21 और 22) 2 and 32 और 33) 1 and 31 और 34) 1, 2 and 31, 2 और 3Correct Answer: 1 and 21 और 2Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 49 - In April 2017, who has been made United Nation's Messengerof Peace?

    अ�ैल 2017 म�, �कसे संयु� रा� के शां�त का �त बनाया गया है?

    Options:1) Scott Kelly�कॉट केली2) Lang Langल�ग ल�ग3) Malala Yousafzaiमलाला यूसूफ़जई4) Leonardo DiCaprio�लयोनाड� �डकै��योCorrect Answer: Malala Yousafzaiमलाला यूसूफ़जईCandidate Answer: Malala Yousafzaiमलाला यूसूफ़जई QID : 50 - Which of the following countries is not a member of TheSouth Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)?

    �न�न�ल�खत दशे� म� से कौन सा दशे �े�ीय सहयोग के �लए द��ण ए�शयाई संघटन

  • �न�न�ल�खत दशे� म� स ेकौन सा दशे ��ेीय सहयोग के �लए द��ण ए�शयाई संघटन(एसएएआरसी) का सद�य नह� है?Options:1) Afghanistanअफ़ग़ा�न�तान2) Pakistanपा�क�तान3) Maldivesमालद�व4) Myanmar�या�मारCorrect Answer: Myanmar�या�मारCandidate Answer: Myanmar�या�मार QID : 51 - What is the largest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by81?

    वह कौन सी 4 अंक� क� बडी से बडी सं�या है, जो 81 से पूरी तरह से �वभा�जत होती है?

    Options:1) 99932) 99363) 99184) 9963Correct Answer: 9963Candidate Answer: 9963 QID : 52 - If A and B together do a job in 7.5 days and if A could do thejob in 10 days if he worked alone. How many days would B take to dothe job if he worked alone?

    अगर A और B एक साथ �मलकर 7.5 �दन� म� कोई काम करते ह� और य�द A अकेले कामकरते �ए उसे 10 �दन� म� पूरा कर सकता है, तो B को अकेले वह काम करने म� �कतने �दनलग�गे?Options:

  • 1) 30

    2) 40

    3) 25

    4) 50Correct Answer: 30Candidate Answer: 30 QID : 53 - What is the area (in sq cm) of a rectangle of perimeter 48 cmand breadth 10 cm?

    उस आयत का �े�फल (वग� स�.मी म�) �या होगा �जसक� प�र�ध 48 स��टमीटर और चौड़ाई10 स�.मी है?Options:1) 1402) 4803) 2404) 440

    Correct Answer: 140Candidate Answer: 140 QID : 54 - If the selling price of an item is Rs 1000 after getting adiscount of 20%, then what was the marked price (in Rs)?

    अगर 20% क� छूट �मलने के बाद एक व�तू का �ब�� मू�य 1000 �  है, तो उसका �च��तमू�य (� म�) �या है?Options:1) 12002) 12503) 8004) 1400Correct Answer: 1250Candidate Answer: 1250 QID : 55 - If A = 2B = 4C; what is the value of A : B : C?

  • य�द A = 2 B = 4 C; तो A: B: C का मान �या है?Options:1) 4 : 2 : 1

    2) 1 : 2 : 4

    3) 8 : 4 : 1

    4) 16 : 4 : 1Correct Answer: 4 : 2 : 1Candidate Answer: 4 : 2 : 1 QID : 56 - The average cost of 4 items in a shopping list is Rs 1,250. Ifone more item whose cost is Rs 2,000 is added to the list what will bethe new average (in Rs)?

    खरीदारी क� सूची म� 4 व�तु� क� औसत लागत Rs. 1,250 है। अगर एक और व�तु उससूची म� जोड़ी जाए �जसका मू�य Rs. 2,000 है, तो अब उनक� नई औसत (�पये म�) �याहोगी ?

    Options:1) 1100

    2) 1500

    3) 1400

    4) 1250Correct Answer: 1400Candidate Answer: 1400 QID : 57 - If a vendor sells a coconut at Rs 24 he makes 20% loss. If hesells at Rs 36 then what is his profit percentage?

    य�द कोई �व�ेता Rs. 24 म� ना�रयल बेचता है तो उसे 20 फ�सद� का नकुसान होता है। य�दवह उसे Rs. 36 म� बेचता है, तो उसका लाभ ��तशत �कतना होगा?Options:

  • 1) 10

    2) 20

    3) 30

    4) 40Correct Answer: 20Candidate Answer: 20 QID : 58 - 20 is 0.25% of?

    �कसका 0.25%, 20 होता है?Options:1) 10000

    2) 8000

    3) 5000

    4) 2500

    Correct Answer: 8000Candidate Answer: 8000 QID : 59 - If a taxi going at 40 km/hr takes 25 minutes to travel a certaindistance, by how much should it increase its speed (in km/hr) to travelthe same distance in 20 minutes?

    य�द 40 �कमी/घंटे क� ग�त से जाने वाली एक ट�ैसी को एक �न��त �री क� या�ा करने के�लए 25 �मनट लगते ह�, तो 20 �मनट म� उसी �री क� या�ा करने के �लए इसे अपनी ग�त(�कलोमीटर/घंटा म�) म� �कतनी वृ�� करनी चा�हए?Options:1) 50

    2) 5

    3) 25

  • 4) 10Correct Answer: 10Candidate Answer: 10 QID : 60 - If compound interest received on a certain amount in the 3rdyear is Rs. 1,240, what will be the compound interest (in Rs) for the 4thyear on the same amount at 9% rate of interest?

    अगर एक �न��त रा�श पर तीसरे वष� म� �ा�त च�वृ�� �याज 1,240 �  है, तो उसी रा�श पर9% �याज दर पर चौथे वष� म� �ा�त च�वृ�� �याज (� म�) �या होगा?Options:1) 1245.62) 1521.63) 1351.64) 1220.6Correct Answer: 1351.6Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 61 - If -3/2 + (2/3)(3x + 9) = x/2, then what is the value of x?

    य�द -3/2 + (2/3)(3x + 9) = x/2, तो x का मान �या है?Options:1) -92) 113) 94) -3Correct Answer: -3Candidate Answer: -3 QID : 62 - If a - b = 2 and ab = 8, then what is the value of a3 - b3?

    य�द a - b = 2 और ab = 8, तो a3 - b3 का मान �या है?Options:1) 65

    2) 34

  • 3) 43

    4) 56Correct Answer: 56Candidate Answer: 56 QID : 63 - A non-zero number is greater than 7 times its reciprocal by9.3. What is the number?

    एक गैर शू�य सं�या अपने �ु��मानपुाती के 7 गनुा से 9.3 बड़ी है। वह सं�या कौन सी है?Options:1) 102) 203) 54) 14Correct Answer: 10Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 64 - What is the sum of the first 12 terms of an arithmeticprogression if the first term is 3 and last term is 47?

    अंकग�णतीय �ग�त के पहले 12 पद� का योग �या है, य�द पहला पद 3 है और अं�तम पद47 है।Options:1) 260

    2) 300

    3) 280

    4) 220Correct Answer: 300Candidate Answer: 300 QID : 65 - The point P(a, b) is first reflected in origin to P1 and P1 isreflected in Y-axis to (4, -3). What are the co-ordinates of point P?

     �ब�� P(a, b) पहले मूल पर P1 पर ��त�ब��बत होता है, �फर P1  Y- अ� म� (4, -3)

  •  �ब�� P(a, b) पहल ेमूल पर P1 पर ��त�ब��बत होता ह,ै �फर P1  Y- अ� म� (4, -3)��त�ब��बत होता है। �ब�� P के �नद�शांक �या है?Options:1) (4, 3)2) (-4, 3)3) (3, 4)4) (-3, 4)Correct Answer: (4, 3)Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 66 - In what ratio is the segment joining (-1, 3)and (2,-4) divided bythe Y axis?

    (-1,3) और (2, -4) �ब��� को जोड़ने वाले रेखाखंड को Y अ� �कस अनपुात म� �वभा�जतकरता है?Options:1) 2 : 1

    2) 1 : 4

    3) 1 : 2

    4) 4 : 1

    Correct Answer: 1 : 2Candidate Answer: 2 : 1 QID : 67 - What is the slope of the line 2x + 3y = 12?

    रेखा 2x + 3y = 12 का झुकाव �या है?Options:1) 2/3

    2) 3/2

    3) -3/2

    4) -2/3

  • Correct Answer: -2/3Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 68 - The areas of two similar triangles ∆XYZ and ∆PQR are 100 sqcms and 25 sq cms respectively. If PQ = 4 cm then what is the length ofXY (in cm)?

    ∆XYZ और ∆PQR इन दो समान ��भुज� के �े�फल �मशः 100 वग� स��टमीटर और 25वग� स��टमीटर ह�। य�द PQ = 4 स��टमीटर हो, तो XY क� लंबाई (स�ट�मीटर म�) �या है?Options:1) 16

    2) 14

    3) 8

    4) 20Correct Answer: 8Candidate Answer: 8 QID : 69 - What is the value of Sec 30° + Tan 60°?

    Sec 30° + Tan 60° का मान �या है?Options:1) 5/√32) (√6 + 1)/√33) (√3 + 2)/√34) (1 + √3)/2Correct Answer: 5/√3Candidate Answer: 5/√3 QID : 70 - ∆ PQR is right angled at Q. If m√R = 30°, then what is thevalue of Cot P?

    ∆ PQR ये Q पर समकोण है। य�द m√R = 30° है, तो Cot P का मान �या है?Options:1) 1/2

  • 2) 1/√23) 1/√34) 2Correct Answer: 1/√3Candidate Answer: 1/√3 QID : 71 - If Sec θ = 5/3, then what is the value of Cosec θ?

    य�द Sec θ = 5/3, तो Cosec θ का मान �या है?Options:1) 0.82) 1.253) 4/34) 3/4Correct Answer: 1.25Candidate Answer: 1.25

     QID : 72 -

    Which partner has the lowest share?

    �कस सांझेदार क� सबसे कम �ह�सेदारी है?Options:1) C

    2) B

    3) D

    4) FCorrect Answer: CCandidate Answer: C QID : 73 -

    Share of E is equal to the combined shares of

  • E का शेयर �कनके संयु� शेयर� के बराबर है?Options:1) F, A and BF, A और B2) D, C and BD, C और B3) A, B and CA, B और C4) F, C and DF, C और DCorrect Answer: F, A and BF, A और BCandidate Answer: F, A and BF, A और B 

    QID : 74 -

    Ratio of shares of E and B to those of A, C, D and F is

    E और B के शेयर� का A,C,D और F के साथ अनपुात है:Options:1) 1 : 2

    2) 2 : 1

    3) 1 : 1

    4) 1 : 3Correct Answer: 1 : 1Candidate Answer: 1 : 1 QID : 75 -

    If the company earns Rs 20 lakh profit, and decides to distribute half ofit to its shareholders, how much does D (in Rs) get?

  • य�द एक कंपनी 20 �  लाख लाभ कमाती है, और अपने शेयरधारक� को इसके आधे �ह�सेको �वत�रत करने का फैसला करती है, तो D को �कतना (� म�) �मलेगा?Options:1) 15,00,0002) 3,00,0003) 300004) 1,50,000Correct Answer: 1,50,000Candidate Answer: 1,50,000 QID : 76 - In the following question, some part of the sentence mayhave errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and selectthe appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

    He turned and walked (1)/ away, his head nearly a (2)/ foot up theothers. (3)/No Error (4)Options:1) 12) 23) 34) 4Correct Answer: 3Candidate Answer: 3 QID : 77 - In the following question, some part of the sentence mayhave errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and selectthe appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

    He parked the (1)/ car front of the house and (2)/ headed down thestreet. (3)/No Error (4)Options:1) 12) 23) 34) 4Correct Answer: 2Candidate Answer: 2

  •  QID : 78 - In the following question, the sentence given with blank to befilled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out ofthe four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

    At the meeting, the school counsellor will _________ me on some of mycareer options.Options:1) advise2) speak3) say4) listenCorrect Answer: adviseCandidate Answer: advise QID : 79 - In the following question, the sentence given with blank to befilled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out ofthe four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

    Boys and girls ________ enjoy playing with the building blocks.

    Options:1) dislike2) like3) even4) alikeCorrect Answer: alikeCandidate Answer: alike QID : 80 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, selectthe word similar in meaning to the word given.

    FissureOptions:1) Agglutinate2) Blend3) Cleavage4) EntwineCorrect Answer: Cleavage

  • Candidate Answer: Cleavage QID : 81 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, selectthe word similar in meaning to the word given.

    MorbidOptions:1) Ghastly2) Animated3) Buoyant4) JauntyCorrect Answer: GhastlyCandidate Answer: Ghastly QID : 82 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, selectthe word opposite in meaning to the word given.


    Options:1) Dormancy2) Quiescence3) Latency4) ContinuationCorrect Answer: ContinuationCandidate Answer: Quiescence QID : 83 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, selectthe word opposite in meaning to the word given.

    CallowOptions:1) Inexperienced2) Jejune3) Sophisticated4) JuvenileCorrect Answer: SophisticatedCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]

  •  QID : 84 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, selectthe alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

    Get on the nervesOptions:1) To be an irritant2) To lose confidence3) To become very sensitive; cry easily4) To become very strong emotionallyCorrect Answer: To be an irritantCandidate Answer: To become very strong emotionally QID : 85 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, selectthe alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

    Keep under one's hat

    Options:1) Keep all your wealth in your home2) To keep something a secret3) Steal and hide something4) Take care of somebody else's valuables given to you for safe keepingCorrect Answer: To keep something a secretCandidate Answer: To keep something a secret QID : 86 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, selectthe alternative which will improve the bracketed part of the sentence. Incase no improvement is needed, select "no improvement".

    She (had to) four previous solo shows.Options:1) has2) has had3) has been4) no improvementCorrect Answer: has hadCandidate Answer: has had

  •  QID : 87 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, selectthe alternative which will improve the bracketed part of the sentence. Incase no improvement is needed, select "no improvement".

    That must (being) really difficult for you.Options:1) has been2) have been3) been4) no improvementCorrect Answer: have beenCandidate Answer: has been QID : 88 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, selectthe alternative which is the best substitute of the words/sentence.

    Deliberately destroy something for military advantage

    Options:1) Devotion2) Fidelity3) Sabotage4) ArdourCorrect Answer: SabotageCandidate Answer: Sabotage QID : 89 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, selectthe alternative which is the best substitute of the words/sentence.

    The area near or surrounding a particular placeOptions:1) Horizon2) Vicinity3) Distant4) RemovedCorrect Answer: VicinityCandidate Answer: Vicinity

  •  QID : 90 - In the following question, four words are given out of whichone word is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word.Options:1) illecitly2) illicitly3) ilicitly4) illicitleyCorrect Answer: illicitlyCandidate Answer: illicitly QID : 91 - In the following question, four words are given out of whichone word is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word.Options:1) brutalety2) brutality3) bruttality4) bruttalety

    Correct Answer: brutalityCandidate Answer: brutality QID : 92 - The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences.Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of thesentences to form a coherent paragraph.

    Then there came faint rays of primrose X-light that changed presently to golden Y-bars, through which the dawn Z-glided out across the desertOptions:1) ZYX2) XYZ3) ZXY4) YZXCorrect Answer: XYZCandidate Answer: XYZ 

  • QID : 93 - The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences.Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of thesentences to form a coherent paragraph.

    It seemed to them far easier to conceive X-that the water had gone down, thanY-that solid land had risen Z-upward into its present positionOptions:1) XYZ2) ZYX3) ZXY4) YZXCorrect Answer: XYZCandidate Answer: XYZ QID : 94 - In the following question, a sentence has been given inActive/Passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select theone which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active voice.

    Gopal ran the marathon in record time.

    Options:1) The marathon was run by Gopal in record time.2) The marathon is run by Gopal in record time.3) Gopal in record time run the marathon4) Gopal in record time is running the marathon.Correct Answer: The marathon was run by Gopal in record time.Candidate Answer: The marathon was run by Gopal in record time. QID : 95 - In the following question, a sentence has been given inDirect/Indirect speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, selectthe one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Directspeech.

    Father says, "Kashmir is the heaven on earth."Options:1) Father said that Kashmir has been the heaven on earth.2) Father is saying that Kashmir is the heaven on earth.

  • 3) Father says that Kashmir is the heaven on earth.4) Father says that Kashmir was the heaven on earth.Correct Answer: Father says that Kashmir is the heaven on earth.Candidate Answer: Father says that Kashmir is the heaven on earth. QID : 96 - A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read thepassage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out ofthe four alternatives.

    Everyone expected Mary Zophres to win for her retro-revivalTechnicolor clothes in La La Land — the eventual winner, ColleenAtwood for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, seemedsurprised too. But as other awards began to slip away from the well-reviewed musical, a theme could be teased out. What is FantasticBeasts if not a plea for equal treatment of people, magical orotherwise? Then, Arrival, a film about the inherent benignity of aliens(read immigrants) won for Best Sound Editing. Hacksaw Ridge, whichis, in a way, an anti-guns movie, won in two categories. Fences, aboutan African-American father who fears racial discrimination, took homethe Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Earlier, Moonlight, featuringtwo minority communities (black and gay), won for Best SupportingActor. This turned out to be one of those years the Oscar voter wasunderestimated. As a majority of voters are actors, there was thetendency to think they'd reward La La Land, a celebration of creation:the heroine wants to make movies, the hero wants to make jazz. Itlooked like the year of The Artist all over again.

    Colleen Atwood won which Award?Options:1) Best Costume Design for La La Land2) Best Supporting Actor for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them3) Best Supporting Actor for La La Land4) Best Costume Design for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemCorrect Answer: Best Costume Design for Fantastic Beasts and Whereto Find ThemCandidate Answer: Best Costume Design for Fantastic Beasts andWhere to Find Them QID : 97 - A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the

  • passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out ofthe four alternatives.

    Everyone expected Mary Zophres to win for her retro-revivalTechnicolor clothes in La La Land — the eventual winner, ColleenAtwood for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, seemedsurprised too. But as other awards began to slip away from the well-reviewed musical, a theme could be teased out. What is FantasticBeasts if not a plea for equal treatment of people, magical orotherwise? Then, Arrival, a film about the inherent benignity of aliens(read immigrants) won for Best Sound Editing. Hacksaw Ridge, whichis, in a way, an anti-guns movie, won in two categories. Fences, aboutan African-American father who fears racial discrimination, took homethe Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Earlier, Moonlight, featuringtwo minority communities (black and gay), won for Best SupportingActor. This turned out to be one of those years the Oscar voter wasunderestimated. As a majority of voters are actors, there was thetendency to think they'd reward La La Land, a celebration of creation:the heroine wants to make movies, the hero wants to make jazz. Itlooked like the year of The Artist all over again.

    What does the lead female actor in La La Land want to do?Options:1) Make jazz2) Make movies3) Make music4) Make magicCorrect Answer: Make moviesCandidate Answer: Make movies QID : 98 - A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read thepassage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out ofthe four alternatives.

    Everyone expected Mary Zophres to win for her retro-revivalTechnicolor clothes in La La Land — the eventual winner, ColleenAtwood for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, seemedsurprised too. But as other awards began to slip away from the well-reviewed musical, a theme could be teased out. What is Fantastic

  • Beasts if not a plea for equal treatment of people, magical orotherwise? Then, Arrival, a film about the inherent benignity of aliens(read immigrants) won for Best Sound Editing. Hacksaw Ridge, whichis, in a way, an anti-guns movie, won in two categories. Fences, aboutan African-American father who fears racial discrimination, took homethe Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Earlier, Moonlight, featuringtwo minority communities (black and gay), won for Best SupportingActor. This turned out to be one of those years the Oscar voter wasunderestimated. As a majority of voters are actors, there was thetendency to think they'd reward La La Land, a celebration of creation:the heroine wants to make movies, the hero wants to make jazz. Itlooked like the year of The Artist all over again.

    Which of the following movies is about kindness of Aliens?Options:1) Hacksaw Ridge2) Arrival3) Fences4) Moonlight

    Correct Answer: ArrivalCandidate Answer: Arrival QID : 99 - A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read thepassage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out ofthe four alternatives.

    Everyone expected Mary Zophres to win for her retro-revivalTechnicolor clothes in La La Land — the eventual winner, ColleenAtwood for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, seemedsurprised too. But as other awards began to slip away from the well-reviewed musical, a theme could be teased out. What is FantasticBeasts if not a plea for equal treatment of people, magical orotherwise? Then, Arrival, a film about the inherent benignity of aliens(read immigrants) won for Best Sound Editing. Hacksaw Ridge, whichis, in a way, an anti-guns movie, won in two categories. Fences, aboutan African-American father who fears racial discrimination, took homethe Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Earlier, Moonlight, featuringtwo minority communities (black and gay), won for Best SupportingActor. This turned out to be one of those years the Oscar voter was

  • underestimated. As a majority of voters are actors, there was thetendency to think they'd reward La La Land, a celebration of creation:the heroine wants to make movies, the hero wants to make jazz. Itlooked like the year of The Artist all over again.

    Why was it assumed that La La Land would win a lot of awards?Options:1) Because the movie celebrates creation2) Because majority of voters are actors3) Because it is a movie about making movies and jazz4) Because it is a retro-revival Technicolor movieCorrect Answer: Because majority of voters are actorsCandidate Answer: Because majority of voters are actors QID : 100 - A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read thepassage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out ofthe four alternatives.

    Everyone expected Mary Zophres to win for her retro-revivalTechnicolor clothes in La La Land — the eventual winner, ColleenAtwood for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, seemedsurprised too. But as other awards began to slip away from the well-reviewed musical, a theme could be teased out. What is FantasticBeasts if not a plea for equal treatment of people, magical orotherwise? Then, Arrival, a film about the inherent benignity of aliens(read immigrants) won for Best Sound Editing. Hacksaw Ridge, whichis, in a way, an anti-guns movie, won in two categories. Fences, aboutan African-American father who fears racial discrimination, took homethe Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Earlier, Moonlight, featuringtwo minority communities (black and gay), won for Best SupportingActor. This turned out to be one of those years the Oscar voter wasunderestimated. As a majority of voters are actors, there was thetendency to think they'd reward La La Land, a celebration of creation:the heroine wants to make movies, the hero wants to make jazz. Itlooked like the year of The Artist all over again.

    Which movie for sure won two awards?Options:1) Arrival

  • 2) Fences3) Moonlight4) Hacksaw RidgeCorrect Answer: Hacksaw RidgeCandidate Answer: Hacksaw Ridge