Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia, CTE Specialist

Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

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Page 1: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Region One Education Service CenterEdinburg, TX

Ed Garcia, CTE Specialist

Page 3: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

What was your first job?

How & Why are you a CTE Teacher?

One of your biggest life adventures.

A bucket list item.

Page 4: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for


Overview of Work-Based Learning

TEA and CTE Information

Textbook and Curriculum Resources

Program Management


Industry Partnerships

Advisory Committees

Wrap up and dismissal!

Page 5: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Career Prep & Practicum Training Requirement

“The school district is responsible for ensuring that each teacher assigned to this course has completed appropriate training in state and federal requirements regarding work-based learning and safety. This requirement is effective beginning with the 2010-2011 school year.”

WBL Learning Training available online at:www.teawbltraining.org

19 TAC §231.1(e)



Page 6: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

“Career Preparation consists of time spent at an approved training site, as well as classroom


Practicums are specific to a cluster and combine classroom instruction with learning experiences in

a laboratory setting or at an approved training site.”

Source: Student Attendance Accounting Handbook 2012-2013

Page 7: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Today’s session will focus on “best practice” for coordination of Career Preparation & Practicum experiences. Currently, TEA does not have an official guide to use for these courses.

Your local school district may impose any requirements necessary for participation in Career Preparation or Practicum experiences by board approval.

Page 8: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Jot down your questions…If not answered during the day,

ask when needed.

Page 9: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Provide relevance and meaning to learning experiences

Offer contextual & integrated learning experiences

Provide hands-on application

Learn relevant employability skills & what employers want

Provide a capstone experience for students involved in a career cluster pathway of study.

Page 10: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for
Page 11: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

For the student

For the school

For the community

For the training sponsor

(the employers hosting the students)

Page 12: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for
Page 13: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

A checkmark when you are already doing it.

An exclamation point next to things you must implement.

A question mark next to things you don’t understand.

Cross it out if it does not apply.

Page 14: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Prior to the end of school (May)

Provide a social event inviting all current students and new applicants Pizza party during lunch Doughnuts before school Etc…

(Food ALWAYS works )

Page 15: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Begins to build relationships and commitment from the new students

Allows the new students a chance to ask questions of you and the other students

Provides opportunity to collect parent permission slips allowing student to become involved in the Work-based Learning Program, as well as Criminal Record Check forms

Gives you the opportunity to “Put a Name to Face.”

Page 16: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Immediately following the end of school (June)

Conduct an Employability Skills “Boot Camp”… a 2-3 hour workshop for all applicants on: Interviewing techniques, Resume writing/Thank You letters, Applications, Dress, Etiquette, Etc.


Greatly minimizes your last minute scrambling by equipping the students with needed skills to job seek throughout the summer.

Page 17: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Information from TEA-CTE

Page 18: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Student Attendance Accounting


Let’s take a quick look at the relevant key points…(2.1-2.23)

Page 19: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

5.2 – Eligibility

5.7.1 – Career Preparation

5.7.2 - Practicum

5.7.3 – Written Training Plans

5.7.4 – Additional Requirements

5.7.5 – Required visits by Teacher

5.8 – Project Based Research

5.11 - Documentation

Page 20: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

5.2 Eligibility and Eligible Days Present (2.2)

1) Each CTE course must be taught by a qualified/certified CTE teacher; http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=7739&menu_id=645&menu_id2=789

2) The teacher of record must be the teacher in the classroom responsible for teaching and learning, grades, attendance, etc.

3) District must provide appropriate resources, laboratories, and technology to teach the TEKS for the courses offered.

4) To be eligible for CTE contact hour funding, your district must offer at least one coherent sequence of courses in at least 3 different career clusters.

Page 21: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

5.7.1 Career Preparation Eligibility Requirements (p2.2)

The career preparation course is for paid experiences only. The training component must address the TEKS for the course, provide a variety of learning experiences that will give broadest understanding of business or industry.

The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for every school week. (at least 45-89 minutes)

A minimum age of 16 and valid work documentation, such as a Social Security card, is required to enroll in career preparation learning experiences.

Students unemployed for more than 15 consecutive school days are not eligible for contact hours.

Career preparation courses cannot be offered in an alternative setting, such as credit recovery, alternative programs, or disciplinary alternative programs.

Page 22: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

5.7.2 Practicum Course Eligibility Requirements (p2.2)

Practicum courses may be used as laboratory-based, paid or unpaid, work experiences for students.

The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for every school week. A student is expected to be enrolled the entire school year, however, in accordance with local district policy, a student may enter or exit the course when extenuating circumstances require such a change.

A minimum age of 16 and valid work documentation, such as a Social Security card, is required to enroll in any of the practicum learning experiences that have a paid component.

Students unemployed for more than 15 consecutive school days in a paidpracticum learning experience must be placed in an unpaid learning experience.

Page 23: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

5.7.3 Date on Which Students May Earn Contact Hours (2.3)

Written training plans, which can be found at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=3366

MUST be on file for students participating in either paid or unpaid learning experiences at an approved training site. (Lab-based practicum does not require a training plan.)

A student in paid work-based instruction may be counted for contact hours on the first day of enrollment, provided a training plan for the student is on file within 15 instructional days of the student’s employment date.

A student participating in unpaid practicum work-based instruction may be counted for contact hours on the first day of enrollment, provided a written training plan is completed and on file before the student begins participating in training at the site.

Page 24: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

5.7.4 Additional Requirements for Students Participating in Paid Learning Experiences (2.3)

For a student participating in paid experiences, employment must begin within 15 instructional days of student’s class enrollment date.

If a student’s employment ends before the end of the school year, contact hours may be counted without interruption provided the student’s paid training resumes within 15 instructional days and a written training plan is on file within 15 instructional days of employment.

Page 25: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

5.7.5 Required Site Visits by Teachers (p2.3)

Teachers assigned to teach courses involving work-based learning experiences, both paid and unpaid, must visit each student training site at least 6 times each school year.

Teacher of record must be provided time within his or her schedule to visit the training sites. The training site visits may not be conducted during the teacher’s planning and preparation period. (could even be 1-2 days each grading period)

Regardless of the length of a grading period, at least one training site visit must be conducted during each grading period to earn contact hours for that reporting period.

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5.8 CTE Problems and Solutions (Formerly CTE Independent Study (2.3-2.4)

A Problems and Solutions course must be cooperatively planned by the student and teacher, continuously supervised by the teacher, and conducted by the student with the guidance and support of a mentor or interdisciplinary team.

Written project plans must be on file in a student’s folder for a student participating in a Problems and Solutions course within 15 instructional days of the student’s enrollment date to be counted for contact hours. A student whose project plans are not on file in his or her folder within this time period may be counted for contact hours beginning on the first day the project plans are filed.

Page 27: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

5.8 CTE Problems and Solutions continued

The course provides a combination of classroom instruction and supervised research equivalent to an average of five class periods per week.

The student and teacher must meet for instruction at least once each week for the purpose of project planning, reporting, evaluation, and supervision and coordination.

The student must use remaining class time to conduct research, work with the project mentor or interdisciplinary team, analyze and interpret project data, and compile a project presentation and evaluation results.

A project progress evaluation for each student grading period is required for the student to earn contact hours for that reporting period.

Page 28: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

5.11 Documentation (p2.4)

To claim CTE contact hours for funding, documentation must be complete. All documentation supporting student eligibility must be on file for every student accumulating CTE eligible days present on the Student Detail Report. Documentation requirements are as follows.

Adequate documentation of a student's entry into the program, service in the program, and withdrawal from the program must be available. Acceptable documentation for establishing entry, service, and withdrawal is as follows: ◦ The CTE teacher's grade book documenting the student's attendance and

participation in the CTE course (gradebooks are required to be kept for 1 year from the date that the grades are posted to the students’ academic achievement records)

◦ The student's official schedule change document, if the student changed schedules during the semester

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Student Attendance Accounting Handbook: “Where does it say that…?” http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=7739&menu_id=645&menu


CTE Website: a valuable resource http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=4881&menu_id


Career Prep & Practicum Formshttp://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=3366

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Page 31: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Curriculum Resources

Page 32: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

ISBN : 9780078748288Price: $63.99

Succeeding in the World of Work,Student Edition © 2008

Almost perfectly aligned with

TEKS for Career Preparation.

Published by


Page 33: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Includes TEKS for◦Career Preparation I & II (pg. 3.2)

◦Problems & Solutions (pg. 3.6)


Chapter 130 – Practicum Courses

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Page 35: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Materials available free or for purchase through state-funded curriculum centers

Materials available for purchase from national curriculum centers

Materials available free or for purchase from industry-related sources

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Program Management

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Page 38: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

EVERYBODY reads “Characteristics of Effective

Programs” and the list of the responsibilities of the

Teacher-Coordinator (pages 6-9)

Based on your “number”, also read:

(1) Students (9)

(2) Parents/Guardians (10)

(3) School Counselors (10)

(4) Training Sponsors (11)

Page 39: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Once everyone in your group has finished


1. Teach your group members about your

assigned role.

2. Record main ideas.

3. Be ready to present when time is called.

Page 40: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Or are they the same?

Page 41: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Scavenger Hunt!

1. How old must students be?

2. Who/what requires the training plan?

3. What records must the school keep for each WBL student?

4. What percentage of student overall grade should employer evaluation account for?

5. How many days do students without jobs have to find an approved position?

Page 42: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Do you know if your district/campus has Career Prep or Practicum course?◦ If so, which ones?

Does your campus and/or district administration use student pre-registration data to determine which CTE courses to offer or drop?

How are programs marketed to parents? To students? To faculty? To Counselors? To Administration?

Page 43: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Applications distributed to interested students prior to pre-registration

KEY: Building relationship with counselors!

Students return completed application to Work-based Learning teacher/coordinator or counselor

Work-based Learning teacher/coordinator reviews applications, checks attendance, and disciplinary file

Work-based Learning teacher/coordinator interviews each student

• Purpose: Assess student interview skills and gain additional personal information

Career Preparation ~Final acceptance is based on student securing approvable job, and parental permission

Page 44: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Career Preparation

Practicum What If?◦ A student does not show up for work?

◦ There is an emergency at school/work?

◦ What about holidays?

◦ Who gets involved when?

◦ If a student does not go to school, does he/she go to work?

Page 45: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

In your groups, review the sample Standards of Operation (4.110-4.118)

Compare/Contrast how it relates to your own district’s similar documents. How could your current Standards of Operation improve?

If you do not have one for your district:• Highlight key items you would like to include. • Make notes of what else you would like to add.

Page 46: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

On chart paper…

1. List 3 ideas from

the sample that

you must include

in your SOP.

2. List 2 ideas that

you would “tweak.”

3. List 1 idea you

would add.

4. Post your paper.

Page 47: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Find a partner

With your partner, take a “Gallery Walk” and review & talk about the responseson each poster.

Page 48: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Go over Standards of Operation on first day

Section with general program guidelines and specific student expectations

Section for student, parent/guardian, & employer to read and sign

Keep in teacher file if needed to conference with student, parent, campus administrator, and/or employer

Page 49: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

If students enter career preparation program already employed, the job becomes the “training station”

Students cannot quit or change jobs without talking with career preparation teacher in advance

Career Preparation teacher/coordinator encourages students to keep their jobs, rather than quitting ◦ Critical to learn valuable communication and coping


Page 50: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Their jobs are “your business” until the end of the school year

Classroom form (pg 4.119)Go over on first day Students sign and turn in to teacher/coordinatorMake a copy for students to keep in their folders as a

reminder Keep original copy in teacher/coordinator files if

needed to conference with student, parent, and/or campus administrator

Page 51: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Students should prepare/update resume and cover letter.

Teacher/coordinator posts known job leads and/or former career preparation employers

Teacher/coordinator may provide business cards as “introduction” (attach to student job applications)

Teacher/coordinator reviews businesslike dress and grooming expectations

Students should know how to complete a job application neatly and accurately

Page 52: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Students should rehearse before the interview

Students should follow-up after the interview (with Career Preparation teacher/coordinator and business/interviewer)

Teacher/coordinator offers encouragement and/or constructive suggestions as needed

Teacher/coordinator is not ultimately responsible for a student securing employment

Page 53: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Some students do not have jobs

Students must secure approvable training positions as soon as possible

This form provides documentation (or lack of it!) of student’s efforts to seek employment

Students check in with career preparation teacher daily for job leads and/or log check

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What exact responsibilities are being asked of my company?

Will I/my staff have to do a lot of paperwork?

How will I know that my firm will get adequate program support once students are coming to my work site?

What kind of students will be recruited?

Will I be able to choose which students are placed at my work site?

Who is responsible for addressing attitudinal or disciplinary problems with students?

Page 55: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Types of businesses that are generally open to partnerships with the education system include: ◦ The local utilities, such as communication systems,

electric and gas companies

◦ The medical and health industry

◦ The hospitality, tourism, and restaurant industry

◦ Retail businesses

◦ Banking and finance institutions

◦ The construction industry

Page 56: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

A completed training plan for each student enrolled is mandatory for the district to claim contact hours for funding purposes.

TEA offers forms in both paid and unpaid formats

Texas Workforce Commission and the US Department of Labor approved the design of the training plan

Four copies should be prepared:1. Teacher’s file2. Employer3. Student4. CTE Director/Coordinator


Page 57: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Requires student data, so start a card file or database before school starts:

Student Name and Social Security Number

Name of Training Sponsor

Training Objective – Occupationally specific, i.e. Food Service

Career Cluster Focus

CTE Course Title


Name of School District and Campus

Beginning Wage

Number of Hours of Training per Week

Beginning and Ending dates of Training Plan Agreement

Length of Probationary period (if applicable)

Appropriate signatures (Student, Parent, Employer, Coordinator)






Page 58: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

TEKS and related instruction for Career Preparation course contentMust comply with Child Labor Laws and Fair Labor Standards ActEssential Knowledge and Skills should be utilizedShould emphasize safety consciousness and developing safe work

habits and attitudes Indicates supervision will be provided and duties will be rotated to

allow progression of skillsWork experiences should be correlated to study assignmentsBalance between general information and occupational


Training Plan is not complete withoutTEKS and assignments for courseTEKS and assignments for occupation





Page 59: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Before giving training plans to students, make a copy

Explain to students that front page requires four signaturesStudentParent/GuardianTeacher CoordinatorEmployer/Supervisor (training sponsor)

Original must be on file within 15 days upon securing employment (TEA can make your district return $$$)

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Teacher/coordinator makes four copies

Original goes to CTE Director (for funding and PEIMS documentation)

Deliver employer’s copy at first evaluation visit or via student employee

Keep student’s copy in filing cabinet folder or in student’s folder

Maintain file of teacher’s copies

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Persons with felony recordscannot work in certain institutions, including:

Child Care Centers Schools Hospitals

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Forms are samples used by other

school districts

Even if we are not able to get all records (since students are underage), we are at least doing “due diligence”.

Sometimes students will “self commit” if they fear a background check.

There is an “educational need to know”.

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Demographic info

Employment info

School schedule

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Weekly Job Report (p. 4.120)Used to document student hours 3-credit course = 15+ hrs. in 7-day period (average) 2-credit course = 10+ hours per week (average)Each week, student Completes hours worked each day per week Totals hours for the week Completes a few sentences on journal lines *NOTE: Teacher should check frequently.

At end of grading period, student Totals hours for grading period Submits form to Teacher (grade)

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Yearly Wage and Hour (pg. 4.143)Student logs weekly hours and grading

period totals from wage and hour form

Student compares number of hours to ensure meeting state requirement

Keep form in teacher and personal student folder (make a copy)

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Practicum Weekly Reports (pgs. 4.121)

Student reflects upon specific duties performed

Student logs weekly hours

Keep forms in teacher and personal student folder

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“CTE has developed an easy to use Employability Assessment that measures performance on 16 Core 21st century skills most demanded by employers. Each skill can be rated as Below Standard, Meets Standard or Exceeds Standard.”

Source:◦ Illinois workNet Center @


Page 68: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

1. Appearance: Does your intern dress as required when you are asked to wear a specific attire?

2. Attendance: Does your intern show up on time each day?

3. Oratory/Speaking: Does your intern use appropriate language and friendly tone when talking with others?

4. Attitude: Does your intern bring a positive outlook to work each day and sustain it throughout the day?

5. Accountability/Integrity: Does your intern take responsibility when he/she make mistakes?

6. Ambition Initiative: Does your intern take on extra work even when not required?

7. Self Control: Does your intern maintain a professional manner even in stressful situations?

8. Verbal Communication: Does your intern effectively expresses his/her ideas in a clear and logical manner?

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1) Active Listening: Does your intern focus on the conversation you are having and ask clarifying questions?

2) Feedback: Does your intern respond to constructive criticism without getting defensive or mad?

3) Teamwork: Does your intern complete assigned functions on the team as well as work collaboratively with others?

4) Supervision: Does your intern complete required tasks without needing to be reminded?

5) Procedure/Rule Following: Does your intern follow or improve on your directions when completing tasks?

6) Problem Solving: Does your intern methodically work through problems or just attempt to “wing it”?

7) Information Management: Does your intern seek out resources to compete tasks, or does he/she overly rely on others for the answers?

8) Computer Literacy: Does your intern communicate using email in timely manner without spelling or grammar mistakes?

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Review Employer Evaluation Sample on page 4.125 Classroom Performance Evaluation on page 4.127

Within your group, generate a list of 10 employee competencies that you would include in an evaluation


Appearance and Grooming



Then decide how you would rate the competencies.

Page 71: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Minimum of one visit (not phone call) is required each grading period; total of six visits per year. Must be documented.

Before making employer visits• Tell students you are getting ready for visits:

“Is there anything I need to know?”

• Prepare an employer evaluation form for each student

• Put form in envelope for privacy and identification

• Use Training Station Info sheet (or a copy of your database) to plan travel (sort into groups according to areas of town)

Page 72: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Determine if your student is at work

If student is there

Greet student and make positive comment about work he/she is doing

Ask for his/her immediate supervisor

If student is not there

Ask for student’s immediate supervisor Be sensitive to whether this is a good time for a short

conversation Briefly explain the evaluation form – at least the first visit! Limit visit to a reasonable length of time. If necessary, schedule a

return visit to conference about the student. Tell/remind supervisor of procedure you have for getting

evaluations back Leave your business card with supervisor

Page 73: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

This initial face-to-face contact is crucial to future success, for how the program is initially presented will ultimately determine the long-term relationship with the work site organization.

Brief orientation to WBL

Work site supervisor’s role

Student’s role and responsibility

School’s and teacher’s role and responsibility

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Policy Details

WBL Curriculum Work with the teacher-coordinator to identify job skills.

Safety Issues Work with the teacher-coordinator to ensure that students have a basic understanding of why safety procedures are needed as well as an attitude that takes this need seriously. Give direct instruction to students regarding safety procedures at the work site.

Attendance Know what the school’s standards & procedures are for attendance in school and the work site. Know who the school contact person is if a problem arises.

Measurements of Student Success

Evaluate student performance as per your agreement with the teacher-coordinator regarding frequency of evaluations, evaluation instrument, etc.

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Policy Details

Work schedules The teacher-coordinator should consult with work site supervisors to establish student work schedules that are mutually agreeable to the employer, the school, the student, and the parents.

Discipline Work site supervisors may have concerns about disciplining students at the work site. The teacher-coordinator should make sure that the school district has clear policies regarding discipline issues at the work site and should make the work site supervisor aware of these policies.

Legal Issues Work site supervisors will need to know and comply with all local, state, and federal labor laws.

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Remember that teenage workers . . .

May have little or no experience, and they place great importance on obtaining growth and experience on the job. ◦ For business, this is both good and bad news. The bad news is that you must

train them; the good news is that they are trainable.

Identify with a group. ◦ Teens are great team players because above all, they want to belong.◦ Adults often forget this fact.

Need directive behavior from the boss. ◦ Directive behavior calls for specific, detailed instructions on what the teenage

worker is expected to do on the job. ◦ Supportive behavior, or saying “thank you” and “you did a good job,” is also

important, but directive behavior should predominate.

Exhibit immaturity. This is natural—they are only 16-18 years old!

Have their basic needs provided for…Because their parents often provide food, shelter, and clothing, most teens are more independent than other workers.

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Are forming their work ethic. ◦ In the initial stage of a teenager’s employment, the supervisor must

communicate the policies of the organization and the consequences of misbehavior.

◦ The goal of some teens is “Saturday.”

Challenge authority. ◦ Teenagers constantly test limits and look for boundaries.

Supervisors must be quick in enforcing their personal boundaries and the boundaries of the organization.

Are apt to internalize criticism. ◦ Because their self-esteem is in the formative stage, teenagers often

respond poorly or are hurt by even the most constructive criticism.

Have no concept of profits in a business. ◦ Teenagers seldom consider employer costs or profits and are

usually not very interested in the bottom line.

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Initial Visit: Initial Visit Memo

Copy of the Standards of Operation

Copies of the student Training Plan including the Child Labor Laws (pg.4.20)

Sample Employer Student Evaluation


School Calendar

Subsequent Visits: Evaluation Memo

Employer Student Evaluation

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Documentation can be “when, where, who, and how far” on district travel form you submitted for payment when finished with visits District may have special procedure for documentation

If student asks, “Who did you give my evaluation to? (so they know who to check with to get it back), you will know!

Make a list and post it in classroom or by the door as you complete visits Some students were at work and will know that you were there but others

were not

They will know about when their evaluations should be ready

When applicable, make comments in class about students at work

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Career Preparation students are expected to stay at present job for entire school year

They need to improve coping and communication skills (lifelong skills)

If they quit, they will have no grade for employer evaluation or Wage and Hour form

Program’s relationship with employers can be damaged (strong co-op programs are built on “repeat business” with satisfied employers)

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Sometimes student cannot stay at present jobBusiness reduces student hours below 15 per week

Business closes or moves out of the area

Situation warrants job change

Must have new job within two weeksAssist student with job leads

Student documents contacts made on employment search form (minimum of 3 per day)

Teacher prepares new training plan

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Document Checklist Parent Information Letter Completed Application Training Plan Agreement (SOP) Training Plan including Child Labor Laws Evaluations Wage and Hour Reports Liability Waiver Student Cover Letter & Resume TEKS Other


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Welcome Letter

Attention Business Owners Flyer

Sample Evaluation

Sample Training Plan

Business Card

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Employers who participate in WBL programs are giving valuable time and expertise to the school and to the student. Don’t forget to tell them their contribution is important and is appreciated.

Have the student(s) send a thank you note to the employer. ◦ If necessary, provide students with a sample thank you letter.

Encourage students to personalize their letters by highlighting at least one thing that they learned or enjoyed during the experience. Suggest that students ask permission to use the employer as a reference.

Send a thank you note from the school as well. ◦ A short, personal, handwritten note is often more valued than a letter

or memo unless the letter can be placed in a personnel file.

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Give certificates of appreciation.

Conduct award or recognition ceremonies.

Highlight the employer’s participation in an article in the school or local paper.

Give small, inexpensive gifts such as pens or note pads with the school name.

Have an annual employer banquet. (Could have Culinary class cater, hospitality serve, etc.)

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Create an employer database. ◦ Document all employers and the activities in which they’ve

participated for future reference. ◦ Maintain a mailing-email list of organizations that are active in

WBL. ◦ Include the names of individual students who have worked with

each organization. Recalling the experiences of past participants can be helpful when placing new students.

Stay in touch with employers. ◦ They’ll be more inclined to work with you if you have a good,

ongoing relationship. ◦ Have the students create & publish a quarterly newsletter or one

page flyer sharing student/employer activities.

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Reflection. ◦ Employer Survey, Parent Survey & Student Survey

◦ Take time to reflect on your work site development process.

◦ Identify strengths and weaknesses in your presentation and make adjustments as necessary.

◦ Ask employers for input on how marketing efforts could be improved.

◦ Focus on streamlining the work site development process for the benefit of everyone involved.

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Must be a minimum age of _________

Hold valid work documentation, such as a ________ _________ ________

Must be employed within _______ instructional days of enrollment date

Must work ______ hours a week (avg.) for a 2 credit course, or

Must work ______ hours a week (avg.) for a 3 credit course

Student Attendance Accounting Handbook 2011-2012

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Must address all of the ________ for the course and provide a student with a variety of learning experiences that will give the student the broadest possible understanding of the business or industry

Must have a written __________ __________ on file for students participating in either paid or unpaid learning experience

Must visit each student training site at least ______ times each school year for both paid and unpaid work-based learning experiences

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It is the policy of this District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap in its career & technical

education programs, services, or activities. This District will take steps to assure that lack of English language skills will not be a

barrier to admission and participation in all educational and vocational programs.

Remember - in order to meet the requirements for

the Office of Civil Rights, a non-discrimination

statement MUST be on everything that leaves your

classroom. Here is one you can use!

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There is a CTSO for every discipline

Included in federal legislation

Endorsed by the National Association of Secondary

School Principals

Recognized by the U.S. Department of Education

Supported by state directors of CTE and

Supported by state departments of education,

including TEA

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Financial Accountability

Meal Expenses

Credit Cards

Planning and Management

Professional Development Conferences

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Purpose and Benefits

Overview of Each Organization

General Policies for Advisors

Expectations of Officers


Competitive Events

Safe Travel Procedures

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Guidelines for Safer Travel Handbook

CTSO Internet Scavenger Hunt (National and State)

Student Organization Presentation Information

Motivating your students to join!

Sample By-laws

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How many teens get injured on the job every

year in the U.S.?

___ One per day ___ One per hour

___ One every 10 ____ Don’t know


Page 98: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

How many teens get injured on the job

every year in the U.S.?

___ One per day ___ One per hour

___ One every 10 ____ Don’t know


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18 year old – Sylvia – Caught Hand in Electric Cabbage Shredder Permanently Disfigured, 4 Operations So Far Will Never Have Full Use of Hand

16 year old – Donna –Working alone in Sandwich Shop after 11pm Seriously injured when assaulted during an armed robbery

17 Year Old – Michael –died of suffocation working at Market for 3 months supervisor told him to go operate the cardboard compactor/baler- While extracting a stuck piece of cardboard, was pulled inside the machine. Hydraulic compressor slowly crushed his chest.

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Where do you think most injury occurs?◦Ag





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Working in jobs with hazards


Developmental factors

Lack of training &supervision

Some working inviolation of child labor laws

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Safety should be taught early in the school

year. This practice will help to safeguard

student safety as well as eliminate certain

liability issues for the school.

Safety units should include:

General on the job safety

Specific occupational safety

Identifying and coping with sexual harassment

Company safety procedures

Safety in Social Media

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Students work in groups with others training in the same career cluster/program area to research and study safety policies, practices, and issues specific to their training assignment. Presentations follow.

Second-year students recount safety practices and problems/issues they encountered during their first year in the WBL course.

School liaison officer talk about theft, robbery, and general personal safety on the job.

Industry and/or company representatives discuss safety procedures.

Have students create storyboard, role play or PSA.

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Excellent examples on the website Youth Rules.

You can print them out in 4 color or in black and white.

Students can create safety posters relative to company and/or industry training sites.

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pg. 5.12

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A job hazard is anything at work that can

hurt you either physically or mentally.

Safety hazards cause immediate injury:

direct injury or trauma such as a severed

finger, puncture wound, a crushed hand,

broken bones, eye damage.

Health hazards can cause illness

immediately (acute) or over a longer time


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Overhead #8

Safety hazards: knives

hot grease

slippery floors

working on ladders

Chemical hazards: dusts (asbestos)

cleaning products

paints and thinners


Biological hazards: Bloodborne pathogens

(via needles, etc.)

Viruses, disease

Poison ivy, poison oak

Other health hazards: noise


repetitive movements




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Overhead #9







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Overhead #10







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Overhead #11







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Overhead #13

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Designer : Draws the map and the hazards – this can be done by the person with work experience and by another student who likes to draw.

Hazard List Maker : Makes a list of the hazards that are to be illustrated on the map.

Solution List Maker : Makes a list of ways to eliminate the hazards; the whole group should discuss any changes that are needed to make the job safer.

Reporters: Two people should be prepared to explain the map, the hazards, and the solutions to those hazards.

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Red: Safety Hazards can cause obvious injuries like cuts, slips and falls, burns, and back injuries. Some examples are: sharp knives, deep fat fryers, slippery floors, and heavy objects. Violence and assaults are also safety hazards.

Blue: Chemical Hazards can cause immediate or longer-term health effects. Some examples are: disinfectants, detergents, solvents, paints, and varnishes.

Brown: Other Physical & Environmental Hazards include: noise, dust, heat, cold, and unsanitary conditions.

Green: Stress Hazards can be caused by: pressure to work faster, tension between you and your supervisor, fear of assaults, sexual harassment, working late at night, etc.

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Young Workers◦ http://www.youngworkers.org

One Wrong Move◦ http://www.onewrongmove.org/

Youth at Work – Talking Safety◦ http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/talkingsafety

Department of Labor Resources- Hours Restrictions for Young Workers- Prohibited Occupations for Non-Agricultural Employeeshttp://www.dol.gov/elaws

OSHA Resources – Teen Worker Safetyhttp://www.osha.gov/teens

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Youth in Agriculture e-Toolhttp://www.osha.gov/SLTC/youth/agriculture

Teen Worker Safety in Restaurants e-Toolhttp://www.osha.gov/SLTC/youth/restaurant

Teen Worker Safety in Health Serviceshttp://www.osha.gov/SLTC/etools/hospital

National Institute for Occupational Safety & Healthhttp://ia600608.us.archive.org/9/items/POSTfednet2/youngWorkerInfo/youn

gWorkerInfo_default.html A sample lesson plan from NIOSH is included in your binder.

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Youth Rules! (excellent posters)http://www.youthrules.dol.gov

Youth at Workhttp://www.youth.eeoc.gov

Texas Workforce Commissionhttp://www.texasworkforce.org

Farm Safety 4 Just Kids http://www.fs4jk.org

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OSHA Safety Certificationhttp:///www.careersafeonline.com/

Food Handlers Certification http://www.StateFoodSafety.com

Texas Restaurant Associationhttp://www.restaurantville.com

National Retail Federation Foundationhttp://www.nrffoundation.com

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Industry Partnerships

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We must utilize the many resources within our




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Partners have become an important thread in education reform

Schools are accepting to partnerships

Partners in Education Coordinators exist in school districts

51% of school superintendents state that partnerships are essential in educational plans

*from National Association of Partners in Education

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What is Not the purpose of partners

A “feel good” way to recognize businesses

Impress local businesses with our quality programs

Ask for money

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Page 132: Region One Education Service Center Edinburg, TX Ed Garcia ... · The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for

Partnerships are a two-way street for the business and education communities to positively interact and provide expanded opportunities for students

Any size business can improve the quality of your CTE program

Any size CTE program can utilize resources from its local business community

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A local business provides job training, resume skills, interviewing techniques, etc. to your 2nd period class.

A retired computer technician who has his own consulting firm wants to provide some assistance. He provides a workshop for students and teachers one hour per week.

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“School Business Partnerships That Work”


*Highlight & Discuss Key Points

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Review What Partners Can Offer Schools and What Schools Can Offer Partners (pg. 6.8)

In your groups, take a few minutes to complete “Reflecting on Partnership Possibilities” worksheet

Share some thoughts and ideas

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“Partners in Education”

for CTE

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Program-Specific Advisory Committee:

A group of individuals who form a partnership to Improve student learning

through identified goals that create a means for curriculum to remain relevant and assure that graduates will be capable of performing

entry-level jobs

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Conduct Program Evaluations Secure Resources Recommend Guest Speakers Project the Impact of Industry Trends on Practicum

Course Content and Organization Market the Program in the Community Assist with Student recruiting Efforts Provide Contacts for Training Sites Assist with Ad HOC Projects such as Scholarships,

Special Events Network and Serve as Advocates for the Program

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Once voluntary, now becoming mandatory via Performance Based Monitoring indicators

Consult your administration because their support is critical

Bottom Line…“If you’re going to have to do this anyway, why not be recognized as a leader in your school district by developing an Advisory Committee before being mandated by the state?”

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5-10 works best

Identify stakeholders of your program

Terms of Service

Best—two-year terms, rotation of new members each year. Three-year terms also work well.


Terms of service, responsibilities, sub-committees, establishing Program of Work, guidelines for meetings (length, number), minutes

Agenda and Minutes

Agenda mailed in advance; minutes mailed after meeting

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You must develop the CTE program you want for your students. How can you do this alone?

Get partnerships in place to be the effective teacher you expect of yourself.

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1) Include a list of people who should attend your first Advisory Committee meeting

• Local businesspeople (related industries)

• Chamber of Commerce representative

• Post-Secondary representative

• Workforce Development representative

• CTE staff and teachers from district

• Student who went through the program who has graduated

• Parent(s) of students in program

(*If you do not know exact names, list titles of individuals)

2) List 3 objectives for your first meeting

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rvey T


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Upon completion of the workshop, participants receive a certificate that satisfies the State Board for Educator Certification Assignment Rule for Work-Based learning professional responsibilities.

Place a copy of your certificate in your personnel file with your Human Resources Office.

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Contact Information

Ed Garcia, CTE Specialist

Region One Education Service Center1900 W. SchuniorEdinburg, TX 78541

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: (956) 984-6243

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See you back in

10 minutes!














